Hebes E – Hebe ‘E A Bowles’ to Hebe evenosa

For more information on Hebe ‘E A Bowles’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe ‘E A Bowles’ is an open, upright, evergreen, busy shrub, which can grow up to 4 ft (1.2 m). The green, spear-shaped leaves are about 1.6 in (4 cm) long, and have a red edge. The flowers are lavender-blue; summer. A hardy hebe in the UK.
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For more information on Hebe ‘Edinensis’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe ‘Edinensis’ is a spreading, slow-growing, upright, evergreen shrub, which can grow up to 12 in (30 cm) high. The bright green leaves are spear-shaped 0.2–0.3 in (6–8 mm) long. The flowers are white to lilac, occasionally seen in summer. A hardy hebe in the UK.
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For more information on Hebe ‘Edington’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe ‘Edington’ forms a somewhat open, upright growing, evergreen shrub about 40 in (1 m) high, or more in a sheltered spot. The leaves are mid green and lance shaped; the young leaves and leaf buds are purple. The flowers are a rich violet-purple, fading to pale purple.
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For more information on Hebe elliptica, and a larger view 20K

Hebe elliptica forms a bushy, evergreen shrub 40 in (1 m) or more high. The leaves are fleshy, green, oval, 0.75–1.5 in (2–4 cm) long, with light edges. The flowers are white to pale mauve, and relatively large. A fairly hardy hebe in the UK.
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For more information on Hebe elliptica ‘Anatoki’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe elliptica ‘Anatoki’ forms a bushy, evergreen shrub about 16 in (40 cm) or more high. The leaves are fleshy, green, oval, 0.75–1.5 in (2–4 cm) long, with light edges. The flowers are white to pale mauve, and relatively large.
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For more information on Hebe ‘Emerald Green’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe ‘Emerald Green’ forms a tight dome of minute, green foliage. It reaches about 12 in (30 cm) high, and the same across. It does not flower. A hardy hebe in the UK.
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For more information on Hebe epacridea, and a larger view 20K

Hebe epacridea is a dwarf, low-growing, evergreen shrub, reaching 4 in (10 cm) high. The thick, closely-placed green leaves are curved back (recurved), 0.2–0.28 in (5–7 mm) long. The white flowers compact clusters at the branch tips, May to June.
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For more information on Hebe ‘Evelyn’, and a larger view 20K

Hebe ‘Evelyn’ forms an open, branched, tender, evergreen shrub, reaching about 54 in (135 cm) high. The green, spear-shaped leaves are 2–2.25 in (5–6 cm) long. The flowers are purple-pink; summer.
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For more information on Hebe evenosa, and a larger view 20K

Hebe evenosa forms a large bushy, evergreen shrub about 40 in (1 m) or more high. The oval leaves are light green, 0.6 in (1.5 cm) long. The flowers are white, summer. A hardy hebe in the UK.
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Hebes D  Hebes F

Registered Charity No 801398