Hebe News Index, Volumes 1–39, Part 3
The index was begun in November 1987. It is now (February 2025) over 226 pages long, and has over 8,300 entries, containing about 33,800 references.
What does a reference mean? Acaena anserinifolia 9/3/15 – the reference for this plant is found in Volume 9, Part 3, page 15.
• Major references are bolded.
• Illustrations are italicised.
• Place names may be followed by an abbreviated form of the country.
• Books are followed by the name(s) of the author(s).
• All common or Maori plant names are cross referenced to the scientific name.
• Synonyms of plants are cross referenced to a single entry.
• Not every occurrence of a plant etc in an article is indexed. The first occurrence in an article is indexed, but there may be others in that article. If the plant etc occurs in the next article, it will be indexed under that article.
• Recently biographical details, where known, have been added.
• I have trawled Hebe News with a fine net. In many references, you will find a plant, person, book etc that is just mentioned. However the context may provide useful information. For example if a plant is described as successfully growing in the north of England, you can assume it is reasonably hardy.
• Entries containing a star are included for indexing purposes. For example D * marks the beginning of entries starting with the letter D.
• Finally. If, however hard you look, you cannot find a reference on a certain page, try the next page or two.
- DSIR – Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Zealand
- NI – North Island, New Zealand
- NZ – New Zealand
- SI – South Island, New Zealand
- RHS – Royal Horticultural Society
- UK – United Kingdom
- US – United States
1 ,8-cineol (plant constituent) 29/3/22
100 Best Native Plants for New Zealand Gardens, Fiona Eadie 39/1/23
1080, poison 28/1/23, 29/1/12, 31/3/17, 34/2/20
90s Natives, Conference, NZ 6/1/03
A *
A Chalk Garden, Sir Frederick Stern 29/3/04
Abbots Leigh, Bristol, UK 16/2/09
Abbotsbury Swannery, Dorset, UK 31/1/11
Abbotsbury, Dorset, UK 22/2/15, 23/2/17, 25/3/06, 31/1/11
Abboud, Mona (Hebe Society member and National Collection holder for Corokia, UK) 30/2/19, 31/2/05, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 32/2/04, 34/1/04, 37/1/04
Abel Tasman National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/3/15, 16/4/20
Abergele Gardening Society, Wales, UK 21/2/03
Aberystwyth, Wales, UK 5/4/29
Abies sakhalinensis 23/1/16
Aborigine 29/3/22
Above the Treeline, A F Mark 28/1/04, 29/1/16, 29/1/insert, 39/1/23
Abrotanella caespitosa 16/4/24
Abutilon globosum 2/2/03
Abutilon suntense Amethyst 9/2/08
Abutilon suntense Violetta 9/2/08
Abutilon vitifolium 27/4/22
Acacia 15/2/31, 22/2/11, 24/2/12, 27/4/22
Acacia alata 27/4/22
Acacia armata 27/4/22
Acacia baileyana 16/1/13, 19/3/12, 27/4/22
Acacia neriifolia 27/4/23
Acacia pravissima 17/1/09, 24/2/12
Acacia retinoides 16/1/13
Acacia verticillata 27/4/23
Acadamie Francaise 9/4/27
Acaena 7/2/05, 9/1/15, 11/1/07, 12/3/24, 14/1/21, 14/2/19, 14/4/26, 16/1/13, 17/1/15, 17/3/23, 21/2/13, 23/4/19, 26/2/13, 29/1/22, 29/2/11, 30/1/16, 32/2/22
Acaena adscendens 16/3/24
Acaena anserinifolia 9/3/15
Acaena Blue Haze see Acaena saccatipula Blue Haze
Acaena Bronze Beauty 29/3/16
Acaena buchananii 4/4/10, 9/3/14, 23/2/12, 29/3/16
Acaena caesiiglauca 9/3/13, 9/3/13, 12/4/04
Acaena inermis 4/4/10
Acaena magellanica 7/3/20
Acaena microphylla 3/3/15, 4/4/10, 16/3/24, 30/2/24
Acaena microphylla Copper Carpet 26/2/13, 29/3/16
Acaena novae-zelandiae 9/3/15, 16/1/26, 16/3/24, 28/4/23
Acaena ovalifolia 2/1/10, 3/3/21, 7/3/20
Acaena saccatipula 26/4/13
Acaena saccatipula Blue Haze 4/4/10, 16/3/24
Acanthus mollis 21/1/17
Acca (genus) 29/2/12
Acca sellowiana 27/4/23, 33/2/04, 34/2/03
Ace Study Tours, Cambridgeshire, UK 8/1/03
Acer 24/3/18, 31/1/19
Acer (maple), host for Xylella 33/3/10
Acer hookeri 27/4/23
Acer palmatum 38/1/14, 38/3/09, 38/3/10
Acer pseudoplatanus 38/3/26
Acheron (ship) 8/3/28, 11/2/27, 14/2/17
Aciphylla 7/4/24, 9/2/18, 10/4/10, 12/3/14, 15/1/26, 17/1/24, 18/1/25, 22/4/23, 25/4/09, 27/2/18
Aciphylla aurea 15/1/26, 17/4/15, 26/4/12
Aciphylla colensoi 15/4/16
Aciphylla dobsonii 7/1/08, 7/4/25, 14/1/03
Aciphylla glaucescens 12/4/04, 14/1/03, 25/4/insert, 25/4/09
Aciphylla horrida 27/1/17
Aciphylla monroi 4/4/09, 8/3/13
Aciphylla montana 4/4/09
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii 7/4/25, 9/1/14, 15/1/26, 15/1/26, 22/4/23
Aciphylla simplex 14/1/03
Aciphylla squarrosa 7/4/13, 15/1/26, 17/4/15, 26/4/11, 29/2/04, 39/1/23, 39/2/30
Aciphylla subflabellata 14/1/03
Acorn Events, UK 17/2/03
Acorns (fruits of oak trees) 30/2/12
ACP Media (NZ publisher) 25/4/17
Acradenia frankliniae 23/4/23, 25/2/03, 34/3/03, 34/3/03
Actea 15/1/03
Actea simplex cultivars, National Collection 36/3/03
Actinidia chinensis 7/3/20
Actinidia kolomikta 2/2/03
Adam, Robert (UK architect) 11/2/08
Adams, Eddie (UK horticulturist) 34/3/14
Adams, James (NZ botanist) 2/4/06, 7/1/28
Adams, Nancy (NZ botanical artist) 2/4/04, 2/4/06, 2/5/13, 7/1/28, 8/4/07, 10/3/10, 10/4/03, 12/1/21, 12/2/10, 17/4/18, 29/1/15
Adams, Olga (NZ botanist) 8/1/18, 8/2/12
Adelmann, Elke (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/1/18
Adianthum aethiopicum 3/1/26, 39/3/25
Adianthum formosum 3/1/26
Adianthum hispidum 3/1/26
Adlam, Ken W (Hebe Society member) 4/2/03
Adobe Reader (software) 27/2/11, 28/2/13, 28/3/15, 30/3/21, 36/2/04
Adopt a Book, UK 16/4/14
Adshead, Peter (Hebe Society member) 37/1/03, 37/2/03
Aeonium (plants) 25/4/23, 36/2/03
Aesculus 24/2/17
Africa 13/2/28, 17/1/04, 17/1/14, 17/1/20, 22/2/23
Agapanthus 32/3/06, 32/3/07
Agar (ingredient of foods etc) 21/1/03
Agathis 13/3/11, 14/1/25, 24/4/18, 27/1/11
Agathis, phytophthora (fungus) 38/2/15
Agathis australis 2/3/20, 7/3/18, 8/4/29, 10/2/03, 12/3/19, 14/4/04, 18/4/24, 20/1/07, 26/1/16, 26/3/16, 26/4/17, 27/1/12, 31/1/04, 38/1/23, 38/2/14, 38/2/15
Agavaceae (plant family) 10/3/21, 13/2/29, 13/4/12, 22/1/11
Agave americana 10/3/21, 22/1/11
Agave fourcroydes 10/3/21, 22/1/11
Agave sisalana 10/3/21, 22/1/11
Age of Enlightenment 9/4/26
Age of the Earth 25/4/20
AGM Plants 2000, RHS 15/3/08
Agralan mesh 33/3/18
Agricultural Development and Advisory Service, UK 35/3/07
Agricultural Research Foundation, Oregon, USA 15/3/14, 15/4/08
AGS see Alpine Garden Society
Ahukawaka Swamp, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Ahurere, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/4/24
Aichi Biodiversity Agreement 32/2/08
Airey, Liz (Hebe Society member) 38/3/24
Aiton, W (UK botanist) 1/4/07, 2/4/14, 9/1/20
Ajuga 11/2/11
Akaroa Mail (NZ newspaper) 19/4/21
Akaroa, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI 1/3/12, 4/2/25, 5/4/28, 7/4/29, 8/2/20, 9/2/03, 28/1/10
Akatarawa Valley, Wellington, NI 14/4/05
Akeake see Olearia avicenniaefolia
Akeake see Olearia traversii
Akepiro see Olearia furfuracea
Akeroyd, Dr John (UK botanist) 14/2/04
Akiraho see Olearia paniculata
Alaska, USA 15/3/25, 16/4/23, 33/1/16
Albach D C (Austrian botanist) 17/3/16, 22/1/24
Albania 38/2/05
Albatross (NZ bird) 26/1/20
Alcea (hollyhocks), National Collection 36/2/03
Alchemilla, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Alchornea cordifolia (African plant) 34/3/14
Alcock, Neil (UK nurseryman) 35/3/11, 36/2/11, 39/3/20
Alderley Edge and Wilmslow Horticultural Society (Cheshire, UK) 20/1/04
Alectryon excelsus 1/4/10, 8/1/19, 19/3/21, 19/4/19
Aleurites moluccana 8/2/28
Aleutian Islands 22/4/09
Alexander Palace, London, UK 4/1/06
Alexander Park, Hastings, UK 38/1/14
Alexander, Dr C (UK botanist) 12/2/22
Alexandra, Otago, SI 26/4/13
Alga 29/1/18
Algae, photographs 35/3/27
Algeria 30/1/23
Alginate (ingredient of foods etc) 21/1/03
Alison, Malcolm (Hebe Society member) 39/1/09
All Blacks Rugby team, NZ 31/1/14
All England Tennis Club 22/3/04
Allan Herbarium, Christchurch, SI 22/4/23
Allan, Dr Harry Howard (NZ botanist) 1/2/01, 1/3/11, 2/4/07, 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 4/1/26, 4/4/06, 5/2/18, 6/4/11, 7/1/29, 7/2/17, 7/2/21, 8/2/07, 8/4/05, 9/1/12, 9/1/20, 9/2/12, 9/4/06, 10/3/11, 11/3/10, 11/4/16, 12/1/21, 12/3/17, 14/2/11, 15/3/26, 19/1/04, 20/4/20, 23/1/24, 25/1/18, 25/3/16, 33/1/14, 35/1/26
Allanson, Paul (UK horticulturist, Isle of Man) 5/4/11, 9/1/03, 11/1/07, 11/3/11, 14/3/08, 27/2/16, 31/2/03
Allen, Gerry (UK horticulturist) 12/2/08
Allison, Malcolm (Hebe Society member) 39/3/11
Allium 26/2/16
Allium triquetrum 28/4/23
Allman, Melvyn (Hebe Society member) 18/1/21, 20/4/18
Allspice see Pimenta dioica
Alnarp, Sweden 21/1/18
Alnus hirsuta var sibirica 22/4/10, 23/1/11
Alocasia brisbanensis 14/2/28
Alpinacris (NZ grasshopper) 29/1/19
Alpine Flowers for English Gardens, W Robinson 3/3/11
Alpine Garden Society 12/3/12, 15/2/18, 16/3/20, 17/1/15, 17/3/10, 20/3/04, 29/1/14, 39/2/07
Alpine Garden Society Garden (Pershore) 11/2/06, 11/2/12
Alpine Garden Society, Bulln, NZ Edition 10/4/10
Alpine Garden Society, Diamond Jubilee 4/2/03
Alpine Garden Society, East Cheshire, UK 1/3/10
Alpine Garden Society, medal, Bronze 2/4/28
Alpine Garden Society, Quarterly Bulln, UK 5/4/03, 10/4/10
Alpine Garden Society, Tour of NZ 4/4/03
Alpine Garden Society, UK 6/4/10, 7/1/03, 10/4/10
Alpine plants 22/2/23, 22/4/11, 25/4/08
Alpine Plants of NZ, J T Salmon 3/2/03
Alpine Society see Alpine Garden Society
Alpine Tasmania, Jamie Kirkpatrick 16/1/25
Alpines for your Garden, A Bloom 1/3/09
Alresford, Hampshire, UK 24/4/10
Alseuosmia 7/3/17
Altland, Dr James (US horticulturist) 18/4/20
Aluminium silicate 25/4/19
Amanita muscaria (toadstool) 24/3/20
Amaryllidaceae (plant family) 10/3/21, 13/4/12, 22/1/11
Amateur Gardening, (UK magazine) 1/3/02, 19/1/04, 19/2/11
Amazon Associates 23/2/09, 23/3/22, 24/4/04, 25/4/04, 26/2/04, 26/2/10, 26/4/04, 28/2/11, 32/3/10, 38/1/04
Amazon Associates, income from 28/2/11, 32/3/10, 38/1/04
Amazon Basin 9/4/27
Amelanchier laevis 5/3/06
American Association 15/3/26
American Hebrew University, North Carolina, USA 23/2/09
American Horticultural Society 26/4/23
Amersham, Berkshire, UK 14/3/17
Amherst, Alicia (UK horticulturist) 3/3/27, 24/1/14
Amhuinnsuidhe Castle, Scotland, UK 28/3/13
Amistar see Fungicide, Amistar
Ammophila arenaria 9/1/27
Amomyrtus (genus) 27/1/19
Ampney, St Mary, Cotswalds, UK 10/3/18
Amuri, Canterbury, SI 6/3/28
Amychus granulatus (NZ insect) 18/2/19
An Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes, Bayly and Kellow, see Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes, Mike Bayly and Alison Kellow, 2006
An Taisce (Irish National Trust) 12/4/08
Anaura Bay, Gisborne, NI 12/2/10
Ancherson-Gray, Mr P (Hebe Society member) 30/3/17
Andersen, Eva (Hebe Society member) 26/1/09
Anderson Mrs I (Hebe Society member) 29/2/18, 30/3/17
Anderson, A W (NZ horticulturist) 11/1/08
Anderson, Atholl (NZ scientist) 6/4/03
Anderson, George (UK TV gardener) 31/3/10
Anderson, Hans Christian (writer) 4/3/07
Anderson, John (UK horticulturist) 38/3/14
Anderson, Mrs J D (Hebe Society member) 12/3/11
Anderson, Sandra (NZ botanist) 26/4/14
Anderson, Tom (UK athlete) 22/2/14
Anderson-Henry, I (UK horticulturist) 2/2/07, 2/2/09, 2/4/07, 2/4/15, 4/3/06, 7/1/16, 16/2/27
Andes, South America 16/4/23, 22/2/23, 38/1/25
Andesite, rock 28/1/21
Andrews University, Michigan, US 22/1/23
Andrews, A (UK horticulturist) 4/3/25
Andrews, Barry (Hebe Society member) 36/2/15
Andrews, Mrs J (Hebe Society members) 15/4/28, 18/3/09
Andrews, Susyn (Kew taxonomist) 10/4/07
Android (software) 30/1/12
Anemanthele lessoniana 34/2/11, 34/3/12
Anemone narcissiflora subsp villosissima 23/1/14, 23/1/15
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 21/4/09, 22/1/23
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group website 22/1/23
Angiosperms (flowering plants) 29/3/03
Anglesey, Wales, UK 3/3/06, 11/4/08, 13/1/09, 14/4/25, 15/3/10, 23/2/05, 23/4/06, 24/2/03, 24/3/18, 25/3/07, 25/3/13, 26/1/12, 26/2/14, 29/2/15, 31/3/07, 33/2/15, 34/3/29, 38/2/13
Anglian Water, UK 34/2/03
Anigozanthos (kangaroo paw) 32/3/17
Animal and Plant Health Agency, UK (APHA) 32/1/21, 32/1/24, 33/1/07, 33/3/10, 33/3/14, 33/3/20, 38/3/26
Animal Protection Act, 1908, NZ 18/2/23
Animals, (marine mammals) photographs 35/3/27
Animals, photographs 35/3/27
Anisotome 12/1/23, 21/2/13
Anisotome aromatica 12/1/22
Anisotome haastii 13/4/01
Anisotome latifolia 9/2/11, 13/2/04
Anisotome lyallii 9/3/15
Aniwaniwa, Gisborne, NI 15/1/13
Annals of Botany, London 12/3/17
Anne Vaughan chop see Hebe, pruning
Anniversary of Meridian 10/2/07
Anson, George (UK admiral) 6/3/13
Antarctic Beech see Nothofagus antarctica
Antarctica 8/1/08, 13/2/28, 14/1/23, 14/1/27, 14/2/04, 16/1/27, 25/4/20, 30/3/20
Anthemis, National Collection, UK 34/3/16
Anthracnose (fungal infection) 28/2/22
Anthyllis barba-jovis 27/4/22
Antipodean Adventurers, Jeff Irons 15/4/03
Antipodes Islands, NZ 7/1/29, 7/2/08, 14/2/04, 16/1/17, 21/1/14, 31/2/22
Antirrhinum 13/4/18, 21/4/09
Aoraki Mount Cook National Park see Mount Cook National Park
Aorere River, Nelson, SI 5/4/28
Aorere Valley, Nelson, SI 19/2/15
Aotearoa see NZ
APHA see also FERA
APHA see Animal and Plant Health Agency
Aphids 8/2/22, 33/3/19
APHIS, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USA 33/3/15
Apiaceae (plant family) 22/1/18
Apium australe 7/4/13
Apodasmia (NZ plant) 34/2/13
Apodasmia similis 28/1/11, 35/3/16
Apollo, mythology 14/2/16
Apple, Lebanese wild see Malus trilobata
Aqualab see Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Aquilegia 26/2/14
Aralia 31/3/15
Aralia family, araliaceae 17/4/03, 32/3/17
Aramoana Beach, Dunedin, Otago, SI 39/1/14
Aran Islands, Ireland 7/1/22
Arapawa, SS (ship) 23/4/07
Araucaria 26/4/19
Araucaria angustifolia 34/2/05
Araucaria araucana 10/2/03, 14/4/04, 26/1/16, 27/1/11, 38/1/23
Araucaria bidwillii 28/3/19, 38/1/23
Araucaria excelsa 7/3/17, 7/4/13
Araucaria heterophylla 7/3/01, 10/2/03, 31/1/04, 34/2/05, 36/1/08, 38/1/22, 38/1/22
Araucariaceae (plant family) 10/2/03, 26/1/16
Arboretum Trompenburg, Rotterdam, Netherlands 16/3/12
Arbroath, Scotland, UK 7/3/05
Arbutus furiens 27/4/23
Archeria traversii 9/4/25, 9/4/25
Archibald, Jim and Jenny (Falkland Islands?) 15/4/09
Arctostaphylos 31/2/13
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 22/4/11, 23/1/12
Arctostaphylos, trial 33/2/14, 33/3/12
Arctous alpina 23/1/12
Ardingly, Sussex, UK 8/4/20, 9/3/13, 23/2/20
Areca sapida see Rhopalostylis sapida
Argentina 14/1/25, 16/3/19, 20/1/07, 29/3/03, 30/2/03, 31/1/03, 32/1/23, 33/2/04, 34/2/04
Aristolochia altissima 27/4/23
Aristotelia 21/1/18
Aristotelia fruticosa 9/1/25, 25/4/10
Aristotelia serrata 22/4/01, 33/2/20, 34/2/13, 35/3/15, 35/3/15
ARKive (UK conservation library) 27/1/22
Arley Hall, Cheshire, UK 20/3/08, 24/3/10, 25/2/04, 25/3/10, 25/3/10, 27/1/03, 27/3/16, 28/3/11, 29/1/11, 29/2/15, 30/2/23, 30/3/21, 32/1/20, 32/2/17, 32/2/18, 33/2/insert, 34/2/22, 35/2/19, 36/1/04, 37/1/03, 37/2/03, 37/2/09, 37/3/19
Arlington, Sussex, UK 6/3/11, 10/4/21
Armentieres, France 4/4/05
Armeria 13/4/07
Armitage, James (Editor of The Plantsman) 34/2/03
Armstrong, John Francis (NZ botanist) 2/4/08, 4/2/25, 4/3/15, 5/1/09, 5/2/24, 11/3/10
Armstrong, Tristan (NZ botanist) 18/4/04
Arnold Books, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 7/4/03, 8/1/03, 8/1/11, 9/3/03, 10/1/22, 10/2/22, 11/1/04, 14/4/05, 19/1/25, 20/4/20, 21/1/19, 21/3/20
Around the World in 80 Gardens (TV programme, UK) 23/1/03
Artemisia 22/4/10
Artemisia (ship) 8/1/08
Artemisia, National Collection, UK 18/4/20
Arthopods (insects, arachnids, millepedes, centipedes) 26/4/10, 27/2/19
Arthropodium 25/3/14, 29/1/22, 29/3/16, 30/1/15, 32/3/17, 34/2/13, 37/3/15, 38/1/12
Arthropodium candidum 2/4/28, 7/1/07, 9/3/09, 13/4/06, 25/4/10, 26/2/12, 28/4/23
Arthropodium candidum maculatum 25/3/14
Arthropodium candidum maculosum 25/4/10
Arthropodium candidum purpureum 2/4/17, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 37/3/15, 37/3/16
Arthropodium candidum Rubra 25/4/10
Arthropodium cirratum 13/4/03, 13/4/06, 22/1/03, 29/3/16, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 35/3/16, 37/3/15, 37/3/15
Arthropodium cirratum purpureum 29/3/16
Arthropodium milleflorum 7/3/20
Arthrotaxus see Athrotaxus
Arthur’s Pass National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/3/19, 18/1/21, 27/2/03
Arthur’s Pass, SI 2/5/09, 3/1/13, 3/1/22, 3/2/22, 4/1/26, 5/1/24, 6/1/26, 7/3/25, 8/1/03, 9/1/25, 10/4/31, 13/1/25, 13/2/21, 13/4/24, 15/2/11, 15/3/19, 17/2/18, 21/2/12, 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 26/1/11, 26/1/22, 27/2/03, 35/3/27, 37/1/21
Arthur, Peter (NZ bookseller) 9/2/03
Arundel, West Sussex, UK 23/2/21, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Ascochyta (fungal infection) 28/2/22
Ascophyllum nodosum, seaweed 37/1/19
Ashbrook, Lord and Lady (UK gardeners) 21/3/07, 29/2/16, 30/2/24, 32/2/19, 33/2/03
Ashburton River, Canterbury, SI 7/1/08
Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, UK 10/2/16, 13/2/03, 38/2/12
Ashby, Tony (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/26
Ashford, Kent, UK 12/3/10
Ashton Court Visitor Centre, Bristol, UK 15/3/09, 15/4/05, 16/1/07, 16/2/09
Ashton, Bernard Cracroft (NZ botanist) 16/1/17
Ashton, Ian (UK horticulturist) 7/1/06, 7/4/06, 8/2/03, 8/2/08, 8/4/05, 9/2/06, 9/2/24, 10/2/06, 10/2/09, 11/2/09, 11/3/08, 12/2/08, 12/2/12, 12/3/05, 12/3/22, 13/2/13, 13/2/15, 14/2/10, 17/2/03, 18/1/04, 18/3/11, 20/2/11, 20/3/09, 34/2/09, 35/2/16, 39/2/13
Ashwin, Margot (NZ botanist) 3/3/08, 4/1/19, 4/1/22
Asia, south-east 31/2/23, 33/1/03
Asiatic (ship) 8/3/10
Asparagaceae (plant family) 37/3/15
Aspidium 9/1/26
Asplenium bulbiferum 7/3/21, 26/1/18
Asplenium falcatum 3/1/26
Asplenium flabellifolium 39/1/22
Asplenium hookerianum 5/3/18, 5/3/18
Asplenium lamprophyllum 3/1/26
Asplenium lucidum 3/1/27
Aspnes, Brian (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/27
Astelia 8/4/29, 12/1/23, 12/3/24, 13/3/22, 15/1/26, 18/1/26, 20/2/22, 20/3/11, 22/3/03, 26/3/18, 33/1/21, 33/1/22
Astelia alpina 4/4/05
Astelia banksii 27/4/23, 28/3/11
Astelia chathamica 15/1/26, 15/4/03, 20/3/11, 23/4/23, 25/1/22, 27/4/20, 32/2/04
Astelia chathamica Silver Spear 2/3/20, 6/4/18, 8/3/25
Astelia fragrans 9/3/15
Astelia graminifolia 15/1/26
Astelia linearis 15/1/26
Astelia nervosa 4/4/11, 8/4/21, 9/3/15, 12/1/03, 22/3/08, 26/1/20
Astelia nivicola 15/1/26, 15/1/27
Astelia Silver Shadow 30/1/05
Astelia Silver Sheen 36/3/17
Astelia, hardiness 20/2/22
Aster, renamed to Symphyotrichum 35/3/19
Asteranthera ovata 15/2/26
Asterella (liverwort) 19/1/26
Astilbe 16/1/23, 17/2/27
Aston, Bernard (NZ botanist, chemist) 6/2/28
Astrolabe (ship) 12/2/26
Athens, Greece 14/2/08
Athrotaxus cupressoides 28/4/04
Athrotaxus selaginoides 25/4/09
Atkinson Observatory, SI 16/3/17
Atkinson, E H (NZ botanical artist) 6/1/29
Atlantic Islands 31/1/13
Atlantic Ocean 30/1/13
Atlas 2000 project, UK 11/3/10, 11/4/07
Atlas of the British Flora 11/3/10
Atriplex buchananii 7/3/21
Attack (insecticide?) 6/4/07
Attenborough, David 37/1/03
Aubert, Mother (NZ missionary) see Mother Aubert
Auckland Botanical Society 23/1/24
Auckland Islands, NZ 2/4/15, 2/5/06, 4/1/06, 4/4/25, 5/4/27, 7/2/08, 7/3/09, 9/1/26, 9/4/33, 10/1/32, 10/3/22, 10/4/18, 11/4/27, 12/2/25, 12/4/19, 13/2/03, 14/2/04, 15/1/18, 16/1/18, 16/2/16, 18/1/27, 20/2/15, 21/1/14, 22/1/11, 30/3/20, 31/2/22, 34/1/24
Auckland Museum, NI 3/1/14, 5/1/10, 5/2/23, 8/1/08, 8/1/21, 8/2/20, 8/2/28, 10/2/32, 11/4/26, 12/3/26, 13/1/20, 13/1/25, 23/1/24
Auckland, airport 16/1/04, 26/1/16
Auckland, NI 1/2/05, 2/4/10, 4/1/10, 4/2/26, 4/3/05, 4/4/25, 6/4/07, 7/1/19, 7/2/19, 8/1/08, 10/2/32, 10/3/23, 11/1/21, 12/1/07, 17/2/22, 18/2/17, 18/3/23, 19/3/04, 19/3/04, 21/2/12, 21/3/22, 21/4/14, 23/1/03, 26/1/insert, 26/1/16, 35/1/27
Aucuba japonica Golden Heart 9/2/08
Audley End House and Gardens, Essex, UK 39/2/07
Aurora, Oregon, USA 15/4/08, 26/4/22
Australasia 25/3/15, 31/1/13
Australasian Arboretum, Plas Newedd, Anglesey, Wales, UK 23/2/06, 23/4/05
Australasian gannet 26/1/17
Australasian harrier 18/2/23, 27/2/19
Australasian Plant Competition 4/3/06
Australasian Plant Society 17/2/19, 19/2/15, 24/4/11, 24/4/17, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 31/3/24, 32/1/18, 32/1/22, 32/3/17, 33/2/20, 35/1/07, 37/1/24, 37/2/16, 37/2/22, 37/3/09, 37/3/20, 38/1/13, 38/2/11, 38/3/16, 38/3/18, 38/3/27, 39/1/26
Australasian Plant Society, Chairman 37/1/24, 37/2/07
Australasian Plant Society, Display at RHS Hampton Court Show 32/3/insert, 32/3/06, 32/3/17, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/3/16, 38/3/27, 39/2/26
Australasian Plant Society, events, 37/2/16, 38/1/13, 38/3/18, 38/3/27, 39/1/26
Australasian Plant Society, events organisers 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 37/1/24, 38/3/18
Australasian Plant Society, Newsletter (Pentachondra) 8/4/07, 31/2/03
Australia 5/1/22, 5/3/03, 5/4/18, 6/4/03, 7/1/10, 7/3/16, 7/4/20, 9/2/03, 9/4/33, 10/4/31, 11/1/07, 11/2/03, 11/2/13, 11/2/26, 12/4/03, 12/4/04, 13/2/28, 13/3/03, 13/3/22, 13/4/11, 13/4/12, 14/1/23, 14/1/25, 14/2/08, 14/3/09, 15/1/04, 16/2/27, 17/1/14, 17/1/20, 24/1/17, 24/2/18, 24/2/19, 25/1/14, 25/3/14, 25/4/20, 26/4/16, 27/1/03, 27/1/11, 27/1/18, 29/1/16, 30/1/21, 31/1/13, 31/2/23, 32/1/04, 33/1/22, 37/3/15, 38/1/22, 38/1/24
Australia, forests 17/3/0514/3/09, 15/1/04, 16/2/27, 17/1/14, 17/1/20, 31/2/05
Australia, fossil plants 28/2/03
Australia, introduced animals 38/3/25
Australia, introduced plants 38/3/25
Australia, orchids 31/2/23
Australia, Southern 3/1/26, 11/1/07, 30/1/21
Australia, Western 17/2/03
Australian Bluebell see Sollya heterophylla
Australian Hebe mystery 3/3/04
Australian landscapes 28/2/03
Australian Nature Conservation Agency 11/1/03
Australian nurseries 18/2/24
Australian Plants 15/4/03, 23/2/03, 23/4/21, 24/1/20, 25/4/09, 31/2/23, 37/3/13, 38/1/13
Australian plants, cultivation 37/3/09
Australian Plants Identified, G Elliot 10/2/08
Australian Plants, collection 22/4/22, 26/3/16
Australian Plants, collection, France 29/3/19
Australian Plants, cultivation 37/3/10
Australian Plants, hardiness 15/4/03
Australian Plants, propagation 14/2/14
Australian Systematic Botanic 9/4/13, 15/1/03
Autetauranga see Pimelea arenaria
Auther, S (NZ herbalist) 8/1/20
Authority, plant classification 2/3/06
Auxins (plant hormones) 10/1/23, 37/1/20
Aviemore, Scotland, UK 10/2/16
Avon River, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 16/4/20
Award of Garden Merit, RHS see RHS, Award of Garden Merit
Award of Merit, RHS see RHS, Award of Merit
Awaroa Valley, Waikato, NI 18/1/15
Awatere Valley, Marlborough, SI 5/4/28, 11/1/28, 17/2/19, 20/3/17, 22/3/03, 26/4/11
Axminster, Devon, UK 22/2/04
Ayre Field Project, Cornwall, UK 27/4/18
Azaleas see Rhododendron
Azara microphylla 17/1/09, 24/2/12
Azerbaijan 39/3/03
Azolla rubra 28/4/23
Azores Islands 6/2/13
Azores Islands, plant collection 29/3/19
Azoxystrobin see Fungicide, Amistar or Fungicide Ortiva
Azure Garden (gardening website) 19/4/27
B *
B and M (UK retailers) 39/1/18
B and Q (UK retailers) 13/4/07, 14/1/07
Bacteria 22/2/20, 29/3/22
Badgers 9/1/06
Badley, Cathy (Hebe Society member) 16/2/09, 16/4/10
Baines, Chris (UK gardener) 22/3/19
Baines, Richard A (UK botanist) 36/1/18
Baker, Maryanne (NZ pharmacist) 13/1/23
Balclutha, Otago, SI 7/1/20, 9/2/29
Bald Knob Ridge, Buller, SI 5/1/09
Balfour, Sir I B (UK botanist) 2/5/06
Bali, Indonesia 38/2/27
Ballantrae, Scotland, UK 16/3/14
Ballyliffin, Ireland 6/4/09
Balzieland Castle, Scotland, UK 16/3/14, 31/1/13
Bamboo 23/1/14, 23/1/15, 30/1/18, 31/1/19, 37/2/16, 38/1/14
BandQ (UK retailer) 26/3/15, 30/3/12, 30/3/14
Bangor, Wales, UK 39/2/11
Bank Identication Code (BIC) 32/3/03
Bank of New Zealand 24/1/21
Bank of Scotland 19/4/04
Bankhouse Hotel, Worcestershire, UK 32/1/10, 32/2/10, 32/3/15
Banks Ecological Region 27/2/17
Banks Florilegium 35/1/20, 35/3/13
Banks Peninsula Track, SI 9/2/03, 19/4/09, 19/4/19
Banks Peninsula, climate 28/4/21
Banks Peninsula, cryptograms 28/4/24
Banks Peninsula, deforestation 28/4/20
Banks Peninsula, exploration by French 28/4/21
Banks Peninsula, fauna 27/2/19
Banks Peninsula, ferns 28/4/22
Banks Peninsula, flora 27/2/19, 28/4/20
Banks Peninsula, forests 28/4/22
Banks Peninsula, geology 27/2/17, 28/4/20
Banks Peninsula, grasses 28/4/22
Banks Peninsula, human settlement 28/4/21
Banks Peninsula, introduced plants 28/4/20, 28/4/22, 28/4/23
Banks Peninsula, land clearance 28/4/24
Banks Peninsula, natural history 27/2/17, 28/4/20
Banks Peninsula, plant distribution 28/4/24
Banks Peninsula, SI 1/2/07, 1/3/12, 3/3/07, 4/1/23, 4/2/25, 5/3/21, 5/4/03, 5/4/23, 6/2/28, 7/4/03, 7/4/29, 8/2/16, 8/2/20, 9/1/12, 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 9/3/21, 10/1/22, 10/3/25, 13/2/24, 19/3/03, 19/4/14, 19/4/18, 20/3/19, 21/3/04, 21/4/04, 23/3/04, 23/3/11, 27/2/17, 27/3/04, 28/1/09, 28/2/04, 28/4/20, 29/2/04, 30/1/14, 31/1/16, 32/2/15, 34/2/05, 36/1/26
Banks Peninsula, soil 28/4/21
Banks Peninsula, trees 28/4/22
Banks Peninsula, weather 28/4/21
Banks’s Florilegium 7/1/13, 35/1/20, 35/3/13
Banks, Lynette (UK gardener) 18/4/03
Banks, Sir Joseph (UK botanist) 2/2/06, 2/4/18, 3/3/24, 4/2/05, 6/1/12, 6/2/11, 6/2/26, 6/2/27, 6/3/12, 6/4/22, 7/1/10, 7/1/29, 7/3/16, 7/4/11, 8/4/26, 10/1/09, 10/3/20, 12/2/10, 14/1/16, 22/1/09, 22/3/03, 22/3/08, 24/1/17, 35/1/17, 35/3/13, 36/2/19
Banks, W (UK agriculturist) 6/1/12
Banksia 11/4/04, 22/2/11, 28/1/04
Banksia integrifolia 27/4/23
Banksia littoralis 27/4/23
Banksia marginata 17/4/09, 19/3/12, 22/2/11
Banksia, National Collection, UK 31/2/05
Bannister, Rupert (UK horticulturist) 19/2/03, 19/2/12, 20/2/03, 20/2/10, 20/2/20, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 22/2/10, 23/4/17
Banwy Valley, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/04
Baran, Z (Hebe Society member) 9/1/03, 9/4/16
Barcelona City Council, Spain 27/2/21
Barcelona, Spain 26/1/12, 26/4/18, 27/2/21, 27/3/11, 29/3/18, 29/3/20, 30/2/16, 30/3/10, 32/2/22
Barinsky Volcano, Ostrov Iturup, Kuril Islands 23/1/15
Bark, in horticulture 3/1/19, 9/3/07, 9/3/14, 16/1/10, 16/4/03
Barker, Alan (Canadian scientist) 8/2/03
Barker, S D (NZ botanist) 2/5/06
Barnes, Peter (UK horticulturist) 5/2/21, 6/2/08, 6/2/20, 16/3/08
Barnstaple, Devon, UK 17/2/03, 29/3/15
Barr, Dr (UK gardener) 4/4/22
Barrier Island, NZ 5/1/20, 8/4/28, 9/2/10, 11/2/25
Barrier Peaks, Fiordland, SI 3/4/17
Barrymore, Lord 27/4/23
Barrytown, Westland, SI 8/4/27
Bartlett, John and Mary (Hebe Society members) 25/3/06, 26/1/04, 26/2/14, 26/2/15, 26/2/16, 26/2/21, 27/3/09, 27/4/12, 37/3/23
Bartlow, Twila (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/4/13
Barton, John (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/4/18
Bartonia (botanical journal) 15/3/26
Bassin, Bonnie (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/26
Bats 39/3/17
Batavia see Jakarta, Indonesia
Batchelor, Marting (Hebe Society member) 39/2/09
Bates, Ian (Hebe Society member) 28/3/12, 28/3/21, 29/2/16, 30/2/24, 36/3/30, 37/3/24, 37/3/25, 38/1/17
Bathurst Range, Tasmania 11/4/04, 28/1/04
Bathurst Resources(Australian mining company) 28/4/15
Batten, Nicole (UK gardener) 27/2/04
Batz Island, Brittany, France 29/3/19
Bauer, Uta (Australian gardener) 14/1/10, 14/2/13
Baxter, Carole (UK TV gardener) 31/3/10
Bay of Biscay, France 30/2/03
Bay of Islands, Northland, NI 5/1/19, 5/3/19, 5/4/24, 6/4/24, 7/3/18, 8/3/10, 16/4/20, 21/2/12
Bay of Plenty, Waikato, NI 6/1/29, 6/2/26, 11/4/19, 15/1/11, 21/3/16, 26/1/19, 31/3/03
Baylis, G T (NZ botanist) 8/2/10
Bayly, Mike (NZ botanist, author) 14/4/14, 17/3/15, 18/1/21, 21/2/17, 21/3/03, 21/4/08, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 24/3/23
BBC, coverage of horticultural shows 32/3/18, 33/3/23, 34/2/15
BBC, Essex Garden, UK 17/4/05
BBC, Gardener of the Year 16/2/22
BBC, iPlayer 31/3/04, 31/3/10, 33/2/20, 37/1/03
BBC, News 32/1/04
BBC, Radio 4, UK 30/2/03, 39/1/03
BBC, Radio Oxford, UK 19/1/14
BBC, Scotland, UK 31/3/10, 33/2/20
BBC, weather forecasts, UK 14/4/08
BBC, website 25/1/24
BCC, Radio Guernsey, UK 35/1/04
Beagle, HMS (ship) 30/2/03
Beakhead see tuatara
Bean, W J (UK horticulturist) 1/3/11, 6/4/28, 30/1/05, 31/3/14
Beaney and Sons (NZ engineers) 18/2/17
Bear and Ragged Staff, Bransford, Worcestershire, UK 32/2/11, 32/3/insert, 32/3/13
Bear’s Head, Brereton, Cheshire, UK 31/3/14
Beardshaw, Chris (UK TV gardener) 31/3/10
Beast from the East, UK weather 33/2/03, 33/2/15, 36/2/07, 38/2/25
Beatson, V (UK horticulturist) 1/2/05
Beaumont, Margaret (UK gardener) 18/3/18, 19/3/09
Beccari 8/2/28
Beckett, Kenneth (UK horticulturist) 3/3/03, 3/4/06, 3/4/11, 5/1/12, 5/1/24, 6/2/08, 8/4/06, 8/4/22, 11/3/18, 11/4/28, 13/2/17, 26/1/22, 27/2/03
Beckwithshaw, Harrogate, Yorks, UK 18/4/04
Becroft, R (NZ farmer) 11/2/03
Beech see Fagus sylvatica
Beech leaf disease 34/1/03
Beech scale insects 26/4/10
Bees and Wasps, photographs 35/3/27
Bees, nectar from trees and shrubs 37/1/04
Beeston, Nottinghamshire, UK 11/3/14
Beetles 29/1/19, 29/3/03
Begonia 12/4/26
Begonia grandis subspecies evaniana 34/3/14
Beilschmiedia tarairi 19/3/21
Beilschmiedia tawa 26/1/19
Bekken, Tonje (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 21/1/24
Belfast, Canterbury, SI 7/4/21, 23/3/10
Belfast, Northern Ireland 31/2/04
Belgium 8/2/09
Bell, Bernadine (Oregon horticulturist) 33/1/10
Bell, Neil (Oregon horticulturist) 15/1/08, 15/1/23, 15/2/23, 15/3/14, 15/4/08, 15/4/11, 16/1/13, 16/2/21, 16/3/12, 16/4/06, 16/4/19, 17/1/03, 17/3/20, 17/4/08, 18/1/21, 18/2/13, 18/4/22, 19/1/24, 19/2/09, 19/2/11, 19/2/12, 19/3/25, 20/2/09, 21/1/20, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/3/12, 23/1/17, 23/2/10, 24/2/08, 24/4/10, 26/3/04, 33/1/10, 33/3/09, 33/3/22
Bell, Prof (UK botanist) 1/3/02
Bell, Reg (NZ gardener?) 18/1/15
Bell, Shannon (US gardener) 23/1/17
Bellbird (NZ bird) 8/1/09, 11/1/03, 15/3/19, 26/4/14, 30/2/12
Belmont House, Faversham, Kent, UK 19/4/13
Benbrook, Anita (NZ botanist) 11/4/28
Bendle, Phil (NZ webmaster) 29/1/03
Beneden Hospital, Kent, UK 27/2/16
Bengsston, Sture (Hebe Society member) 21/1/22
Benlate (benomyl) 3/1/20, 6/3/06, 6/4/07, 8/1/07
Benner, W M 15/3/24
Bennett, George (Australia chemist) 13/1/21
Bennett, H (NZ nurseryman) 7/2/17, 7/2/24
Benoit, Erik (Hebe Society member) 37/2/18
Bentham, George (UK botanist) 2/1/S2, 2/5/06, 4/4/25, 6/4/11, 11/3/10, 11/4/16, 13/4/17, 30/3/20
Bentley, Pauline (UK gardener) 24/4/03
Berberis 27/2/19, 32/3/06
Berberis empetrifolia 23/4/18
Berberis ilicifolia 6/3/13
Berberis stenophylla 14/4/26
Berberis thunbergii 38/3/25
Bercow, John (Speaker of the House of Commons, UK) 32/2/03, 32/2/16
Berg, J (Hebe Society member) 11/4/06
Bergen, Norway 7/1/05
Bergenia, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Berggren, Dr S (Swedish botanist) 10/3/27
Bering Island, Russia 22/4/09
Bering, Vitus (Danish navigator) 22/4/09
Berlin, Germany 36/3/27
Berry, Paul (Preparer of Accounts, 2002–2005) 20/2/11
Berwick on Tweed, Northumberland, UK 10/2/17
Beschorneria yuccoides (Mexico) 27/4/20
Bettisfield peat bog, UK 36/3/26
Betula ermanii 23/1/13
Betula pendula (birch), pollen, allergy 33/1/03
Betula, National Collection, UK 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Bevan, Nye (UK politician) 5/3/05
Bibliography of Hebe, Heliohebe and Parahebe, Peter Heenan 9/2/07, 9/3/03, 10/2/10
Bibliography of Hebe, Parahebe and other NZ Plants, T Hayter 1/1/06, 1/2/05, 7/1/03, 21/3/18, 34/3/04, 35/2/17
Bicton College, Devon, UK 8/1/15, 16/3/13, 22/1/04, 22/2/03
Bidwill, John (NZ botanist) 7/2/25, 19/1/17
Big Rock, Orton Bradley Farm Park, Banks Peninsula, SI 32/2/15
Big-cone pine see Pinus coulteri
Biggar, George (NZ explorer) 2/5/07, 9/2/29
Billardiera longiflora 8/1/13, 24/4/04
Billings, F H (botanist) 15/3/28
BillyOh.com, on-line mail order 31/3/03
Bing (Internet search engine) 24/4/23
Binomial System, plant classification 2/3/05, 2/1/02
Bio Supercarb see carbendazim
Biodiversity Convention 15/2/22, 32/2/08
Biology, Molecular 24/1/18
Biostimulants 35/3/23
Birch, Bob (Hebe Society member) 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 15/3/13, 16/1/12, 16/3/15, 16/4/18, 17/3/20, 19/1/14, 19/2/04, 20/2/09
Birds, photographs 35/3/27
Birkenhead, Auckland, NZ 21/3/22
Birmingham, UK 34/3/11
Bishop of Norwich, UK 16/2/11
Bishop, Joseph (NZ farmer) 2/5/07
Bishop, Owen, Audrey and Nic (NZ authors) 13/4/09
Bivouac Peak, Auckland Islands, NZ 12/2/25
Black beech see Nothofagus solandri
Black birch see Weinmannia racemosa
Black Peak, Otago, SI 11/3/28
Black stilt (NZ bird) 12/4/03, 26/4/12
Black tree fern see Cyathea medullaris
Black, Mrs Irene 15/2/27
Blackbirch Range, Marlborough, SI 26/4/11, 27/4/15, 30/2/18, 32/2/13
Blackbird (UK bird) 11/1/04, 14/1/03, 15/2/03, 29/2/22
Blackhall-Miles, Robbie (UK Gardener) 31/2/05
Blackheath, London, UK 36/2/15
Blackmur, David (UK horticulturist) 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Blackpool, Lancashire, UK 27/3/17, 37/3/03
Blake, Peter (UK horticulturist) 9/1/05, 9/2/06, 15/2/12, 16/2/11, 16/3/09, 23/2/18
Blandford, Chris (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/4/17
Blansit, Nolan (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/1/21
Bleaker Island, Falkland Islands 1/4/07
Blechnum discolor 3/1/27
Blechnum filiforme 3/1/27, 18/4/25
Blechnum fluviatile 3/1/27, 26/1/18
Blechnum fraseri 3/1/27
Blenheim, Marlborough, SI 5/4/29, 15/3/17, 18/1/15, 26/4/11
Blepharocalyx cruckshankii (Chilean plant) 28/2/18, 30/1/24
Bloom, Alan (UK horticulturist) 1/3/09
Bloor, Edgar (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/4/22
Blore, Edward 33/1/18
Blue duck (NZ bird) 15/1/13, 29/1/18
Blue Lake, Otago, SI 10/3/28
Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/18, 10/2/03, 13/3/11
Blue Mountains, Otago, SI 9/2/29, 16/3/20
Blue tit (UK bird) 28/3/04
Bluebell (UK native plant) 23/2/03, 38/1/12
Bluff, Southland, SI 5/1/23
Blythe Track, Central NI 26/1/20
Boast, Sean (APS member) 37/1/24, 37/2/16
Bodmin, Cornwall, UK 11/1/21
Bog myrtle see Myrica gale
Bohlan, Christian van (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/4/22
Bola, hurricane 4/1/04
Bolax gummifera 2/4/14
Bolitho, Major S (owner of Trewidden) 1/1/03, 2/1/02, 5/1/06, 6/2/05, 6/2/14
Bollin River, Cheshire, UK 13/4/03
Bollington Horticultural Society, Cheshire, UK 4/3/03, 23/1/03
Bollons, Captain J (NZ sailor) 2/5/07, 9/1/26, 34/3/07
Boltblue (Internet service provider, UK) 26/2/03
Bond, John (UK horticulturist) 3/3/07, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 7/2/16, 14/1/21
Book Review – A Field Guide to New Zealand’s Epiphytes, Vines and Mistletoes, Catherine L Kirby 33/1/20
Book Review – A Pocket Guide to the New Zealand Orchids, NZ Orchid Group 31/2/22
Book Review – Above the Treeline, Alan F Mark 29/1/15
Book Review – Alpine Plants of New Zealand, Metcalf, Lawrie see Book Review – Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand, Metcalf, Lawrie
Book Review – Alpine Tasmania, Jamie Kirkpatrick, 1997 16/1/25
Book Review – Botanist’s Notebook, Eric Godley 22/3/08
Book Review – Cloud Farm, Jane Chetwynd, 2004 20/3/19
Book Review – Cultivation of NZ Native Grasses, Metcalf, Lawrie 17/1/13, 32/3/24
Book Review – Cultivation of NZ Plants, Metcalf, Lawrie 9/2/18
Book Review – Eagle’s Complete Tree and Shrubs of New Zealand 22/1/17, 23/4/07
Book Review – Endemic Plants of the Chatham Islands 25/1/22
Book Review – Ferns of NZ, S, M and E Firth 16/4/27
Book Review – Flora of New Zealand, Volume 1, H H Allan, 1961 20/4/20
Book Review – Flora of the Great Walks – Southern Alps, Richard Ryall 24/4/18
Book Review – Flowering Plants of NZ, Webb, Johnson and Sykes, 1990 8/1/10
Book Review – Forest Floor, Bill and Nancy Malcolm 19/1/25
Book Review – Fragile Eden, Robin Hanbury-Tenson 11/1/21
Book Review – Gardener’s Encyclopaedia of NZ Native Plants, Y Cave and V Paddison 19/3/20
Book Review – Gardening with Hebes, Chris and Valerie Wheeler 17/4/23, 18/2/11
Book Review – Ghosts of Gondwana, George Gibbs 24/1/17
Book Review – Growing NZ Alpine Plants, Joe Cartman 14/3/18
Book Review – Hebes and Parahebes, D Chalk 3/2/11, 16/2/25
Book Review – Hebes Here and There, Graham Hutchins and Pat K R Davies 12/4/10, 16/2/26
Book Review – Hebes, a Guide to Species, Hybrids, and allied genera, Metcalf, Lawrie 21/3/11, 22/4/13, 31/1/23, 32/2/14
Book Review – Hinewai, the Journal of a NZ Naturalist, Hugh G Wilson 19/4/18
Book Review – Identification Guide to the Ferns and Lycophytes of Aotearoa (NZ), Leon Perry and Patrick Brownsey, 2024 39/3/22 39/3/23
Book Review – Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes, Michael Bayly and Alison Kellow, 2006 21/4/08, 22/4/13
Book Review – International Register of Hebe Cultivars, Metcalf, Lawrie 16/2/25
Book Review – Meanings and Origins of Botanical Names of NZ Plants, Marie Taylor 23/1/24
Book Review – Native Plants of Aotearoa (NZ), Carlos Lehnebach and Heidi Meudt 39/1/20
Book Review – Native Trees of NZ, J T Salmon 10/3/10
Book Review – Natural History of the Banks Peninsula, Hugh Wilson 27/2/17
Book Review – Nature Guide to the NZ Forest, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 18/4/24
Book Review – Nature of Plants, Habitats, Challenges and Adaptations, John Dawson and Rob Lucus 22/2/20
Book Review – NZ Alpine Plants Inside and Out, B and N Malcolm 6/2/24
Book Review – NZ Alpine Plants, A F Mark and N Adams 12/1/21
Book Review – NZ Coast and Mountain Plants, John Dawson and Bob Lucas 18/1/22
Book Review – NZ Fungi, Greta Stevenson 24/3/19
Book Review – NZ Medicinal Plants, Brooker, Cambie and Cooper 13/1/20
Book Review – NZ Subantarctic Islands 7/2/08
Book Review – NZ Wildflowers Handbook, Owen and Audrey Bishop 13/4/09
Book Review – NZ’s Native Trees, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 26/4/15, 26/4/insert
Book Review – Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand, Metcalf, Lawrie 22/4/11, 32/3/24
Book Review – Plant Life on Banks Peninsula, Hugh Wilson 28/4/20
Book Review – Plants of the NZ Coast, Lucy B Moore 12/2/10
Book Review – Propagation of NZ Native Plants, Metcalf, Lawrie 14/4/22
Book Review – Rare and Endangered Plants of NZ, David R Given 4/2/15
Book Review – Reed Guide to NZ Geology 25/4/19
Book Review – Small-leaved Shrubs of NZ, H Wilson and T Galloway 10/1/22
Book Review – Southern Beeches, A L Poole 14/1/22
Book Review – Stephens Island, Ark of the Light, Derek Brown 18/2/16
Book Review – Trees of New Zealand, Peter Janssen and Mike Hollman 28/3/18
Book Review – Wardle’s Native Trees of NZ and Their Story, John Wardle 27/1/10, 27/3/03
Book Review – Wetland Plants in NZ, P N Johnson and P A Brooke 10/2/20
Boosey, Joanna (UK) 12/4/16, 13/4/16
Boosey, Paul (UK horticulturist) 30/3/22
Boothstown Village Hall, Salford, UK 37/1/10, 37/2/09, 37/3/18
Boraginaceae (plant family) 2/5/10
Borde Hill House, Sussex, UK 28/4/07, 38/3/18, 39/1/26
Bordeaux, France 18/1/04, 29/3/18
Borg, Eunice (Hebe Society member) 7/2/05
Borg, Tom (Hebe Society member) 7/2/03, 7/2/05
Borland Nature Walk, Fiordland, SI 27/1/18
Borland Saddle, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17, 27/1/18
Boronia citriodora 14/4/05
Boscawen, Anne (UK botanist) 4/3/05
Boscawen, Cannon A T (UK gardener) 2/5/07, 4/3/05, 7/4/22, 8/3/06, 16/1/12, 23/3/11
Bosson, John (Hebe Society, Examiner of Accounts 2005–2019, Treasurer 2019–2021) 20/4/03, 21/3/09, 21/4/06, 22/2/09, 22/3/10, 23/2/09, 23/2/18, 23/3/07, 24/2/21, 24/3/13, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/09, 26/2/08, 26/2/10, 26/2/14, 27/1/07, 27/2/12, 27/2/21, 27/3/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/2/12, 29/2/07, 29/2/18, 30/3/12, 30/3/15, 30/3/17, 30/3/19, 31/3/12, 31/3/18, 31/3/19, 31/3/20, 32/3/12, 33/3/21, 34/2/10, 34/3/12, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/21, 34/3/23, 35/1/08, 35/1/18, 35/2/16, 35/3/08, 35/3/09, 36/2/22, 36/3/03, 36/3/06, 36/3/10, 36/3/10, 36/3/22, 36/3/23, 36/3/23, 36/3/26, 36/3/28, 38/1/11, 38/1/19, 39/3/19
Bosson, Sue (Hebe Society, Membership Secretary 2013–) 12/3/14, 14/2/20, 14/3/03, 16/3/28, 17/3/10, 18/3/18, 19/3/09, 20/3/09, 20/4/03, 21/3/09, 21/4/06, 22/2/17, 22/3/10, 23/2/05, 23/2/19, 23/3/03, 23/3/06, 23/3/21, 24/3/13, 25/1/09, 25/2/11, 25/3/09, 25/3/11, 25/4/03, 25/4/10, 26/2/23, 26/3/08, 26/4/08, 27/1/07, 27/1/09, 27/2/21, 27/3/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/12, 29/1/05, 29/1/21, 29/1/insert, 29/2/07, 29/2/18, 30/2/08, 30/2/24, 30/3/19, 31/2/12, 31/2/21, 31/3/07, 31/3/19, 31/3/20, 32/1/09, 32/1/12, 32/1/13, 32/2/11, 32/2/12, 32/2/20, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 32/3/11, 32/3/12, 33/2/22, 33/3/10, 33/3/17, 34/1/03, 34/2/09, 34/2/23, 34/3/15, 34/3/18, 34/3/23, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 35/3/03, 36/2/22, 36/3/10, 36/3/30, 37/2/03, 37/3/07, 37/3/14, 37/3/21, 37/3/22, 37/3/24, 37/3/27, 38/1/10, 39/2/22, 39/2/24, 39/3/10, 39/3/13, 39/3/16
Boston, USA 38/3/03
Boston Spa, Yorkshire, UK 9/3/03
Bosworth, Andrew (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/2/28
Botanical Journal of Linnean Society 9/4/13
Botanical Latin, Sir W Stearn 9/1/22
Botanical Mag, UK 7/3/18
Botanical Names of the Flora of NZ, A Wall and H H Allan 23/1/24
Botanical Society 15/3/26
Botanical Society of Brit Isles 3/2/05, 11/3/10, 11/4/07, 36/1/13
Botanical Society of Otago, Newsletter 4/1/19
Botanics (journal of Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, UK) 20/3/11
Botanist’s Notebook, Eric Godley 22/3/08
Botany of Banks Peninsula, H Wilson 19/4/21
Botrytis 8/2/22, 28/2/22
Bottle brush see Callistemon
Bottlebrush see Callistemon
Bougainville, L A see de Bougainville
Bougainvillea 33/1/11
Boughton, Northamptonshire, UK 6/3/29, 28/1/15
Bounty Islands, NZ 7/2/08, 9/1/26, 14/2/04, 31/2/22
Bourne, Val (UK horticultural writer) 20/2/17, 21/1/04, 31/3/04
Bovine TB 18/4/04
Bowkeria triphylla 27/4/23
Bowles’ hebes 5/1/07, 9/4/18
Bowles, E A (UK gardener) 2/5/08, 3/2/28, 5/1/07, 5/2/05, 9/4/18
Bowling, Roger (UK horticulturist) 11/2/12
Box hedge, replacing with hebes 24/1/24, 32/1/04
Box, Falkland Islands 1/4/06, 10/4/06
Box-leaved koromiko see Hebe odora
Boxwood hebe see Hebe odora
Brachglottis hybrid 26/2/20
Brachyglottis 7/1/28, 8/3/24, 10/3/06, 11/2/11, 12/3/14, 13/4/13, 20/3/08, 21/1/18, 21/2/12, 24/4/15, 25/4/04, 26/4/17, 27/1/12, 33/1/22, 34/2/22, 35/3/04, 37/1/27
Brachyglottis adamsii 7/1/28, 26/4/11
Brachyglottis bellidioides 7/1/07, 7/1/29, 7/1/29, 8/2/20
Brachyglottis bellidioides crassus 7/2/24, 7/2/24
Brachyglottis bennettii 7/2/24, 7/2/24
Brachyglottis bidwillii 7/2/25
Brachyglottis bidwillii viridus 7/2/25
Brachyglottis bifistulosa 22/1/17
Brachyglottis bifistulosa 7/2/25
Brachyglottis cassinioides 7/3/24, 7/3/24, 8/3/28, 9/2/29
Brachyglottis cockaynei 7/3/24
Brachyglottis compacta 7/3/25, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis Drysdale 34/2/23
Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia 7/3/24, 7/4/28, 9/1/29, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia buchananii see Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia Joseph Armstrong
Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia Joseph Armstrong 14/4/03, 15/1/03
Brachyglottis greyii 7/1/27, 7/4/29, 34/3/15, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis haastii 8/1/23, 8/1/23, 8/2/20, 8/3/28
Brachyglottis hectorii 8/1/23, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis huntii 8/1/23, 9/4/23, 25/1/22
Brachyglottis kirkii 2/4/23, 8/1/24
Brachyglottis kirkii angustior 8/1/24
Brachyglottis lagopus 7/1/29, 8/2/20, 9/1/29, 28/4/23
Brachyglottis lapidosa 8/2/20
Brachyglottis laxifolia 8/2/21, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis matthewsii 8/3/28
Brachyglottis Moira Read 13/2/12, 20/2/03, 37/1/32
Brachyglottis monroi 4/3/05, 7/1/27, 7/3/05, 7/3/25, 8/2/20, 8/3/29, 9/3/15, 13/4/13, 14/4/03, 23/4/23, 26/4/12, 35/3/04, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis myrianthos 8/3/29
Brachyglottis pentacopa 8/4/26
Brachyglottis perdicioides 8/4/26
Brachyglottis remotifolia 9/1/29
Brachyglottis repanda 6/4/18, 6/4/18, 7/4/13, 8/1/19, 9/1/29, 27/4/23
Brachyglottis repanda Leiths Gold 10/2/06
Brachyglottis repanda Purpurea 2/3/18, 10/2/06
Brachyglottis revoluta 9/1/29, 9/2/29
Brachyglottis rotundifolia 7/1/27, 7/4/12, 8/4/27, 8/4/27, 14/4/03, 15/2/03, 16/4/24, 20/3/08, 25/2/04, 26/4/10, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis rotundifolia ambigua 8/4/27
Brachyglottis sciadophila 9/1/29
Brachyglottis southlandica 7/1/07, 9/2/29
Brachyglottis southlandica albidula 9/2/29
Brachyglottis spedeni 9/2/29, 14/3/03, 14/4/03
Brachyglottis stewartiae 9/2/29, 9/2/30, 33/2/01
Brachyglottis Sunshine 3/3/06, 11/4/08, 13/2/12, 13/4/13, 14/1/14, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis traversii 9/2/30
Brachyglottis turneri 9/2/30
Brachyglottis Warberton’s Silver Dormouse 26/3/08, 32/2/19, 35/3/04
Brachyglottis, Faroe Islands 26/1/10, 30/1/13
Brachyglottis, National Collection, UK 11/3/03, 15/3/03, 35/3/04
Brachyscome 11/2/03
Bracken 8/1/09, 28/4/21
Bracts, plant classification 2/2/14, 6/1/20
Bradford, Yorkshire, UK 10/4/22
Bradley, Alan (Hebe Society member) 10/4/03, 11/4/03
Braeburn Range, Nelson, SI 18/1/15
Branches, plant classification 2/2/14
Brassii (Nothofagus) pollen 14/1/23, 14/1/27
Bray, Ireland 39/1/10
Brazil 7/3/16, 20/1/07, 30/1/16, 32/1/23, 33/2/04, 34/2/05, 38/1/25
Brazilian buttercup see Senna septemtrionalis
Breaksea Island, NZ 8/4/03
Breitwieser, I 10/1/21
Brendle, Phil, Collection 35/3/27
Brereton, Cheshire, UK 31/3/14
Bressingham, Norfolk, UK 6/1/07
Bretts Colonists Guide, T W Leys 8/2/13
Brew, Michael (Hebe Society Member) 23/3/22
Brewer, John (Tatton Garden Society member) 24/3/14
Brexit, UK 33/3/04, 34/3/17, 36/2/12
Brickell, Chris (Hebe Society President) 1/1/02, 2/1/02, 2/2/04, 2/4/03, 2/4/05, 3/2/09, 6/3/05, 8/3/06, 9/2/07, 9/2/24, 10/2/08, 11/1/08, 11/2/07, 11/4/09, 13/1/10, 13/2/14, 13/4/05, 15/1/08, 16/1/10, 16/2/26, 16/3/10, 18/3/19, 20/1/12, 22/1/23, 29/1/03, 30/3/11, 30/3/13, 30/3/19, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/03, 34/2/14
Bridgend, Wales, UK 23/4/11
Bridgers, Steve (Australasian Plant Society member) 37/2/16
Bridgewater Canal, UK 31/1/03, 33/1/18, 37/1/09
Bridgewater Estate, Salford, UK 31/1/03
Bridgewater, see also Gardens, RHS Bridgewater
Bridgwater, Somerset, UK 5/2/06
Bridport, Dorset, UK 21/3/06, 22/2/14
Briggs, B G (Australian botanist) 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 9/4/08
Briggs, Matt (UK broadcaster, writer and plant expert) 32/2/04
Briggs, Prof L H (NZ chemist) 8/1/21, 8/2/11
Brighton, East Sussex, UK 10/4/21, 16/4/11, 23/1/08, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09, 29/2/09, 32/1/07
BRIGIT consortium, UK biosecurity 34/1/04
Brinsbury College, West Sussex, UK 26/4/20
Bristol, UK 15/3/09, 15/4/05, 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Britain in Bloom 9/1/06
Britannia Heights, Nelson, SI 13/2/15
British Antarctic Expedition 1839–43 14/2/17
British Association for the Advancement of Science 11/3/11
British Butterfly Conservation Society 10/2/31, 17/3/11, 27/2/16
British Cactus and Succulent Society 16/3/21, 18/3/09, 20/3/03, 24/1/11
British Clematis Society 15/2/18, 15/2/20, 16/1/10, 22/3/17
British Clematis Society, website 30/3/03
British Columbia, Canada 15/4/08, 18/2/25, 28/1/21
British Farmer and Grower (UK magazine of National Farmers Union) 33/1/04
British Fuchsia Society 25/2/14
British Gladiolus Society 15/2/18
British Growers Exhibition 2/4/02, 6/1/05
British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society 15/2/20
British Iris Society 1/4/02, 15/2/18, 15/2/20, 16/3/15, 34/2/09
British Library, Boston Spa 9/3/03, 11/1/04, 16/4/14
British Museum, UK 8/3/10, 18/2/18, 19/4/17, 35/1/19
British Pteridological Society 15/2/22
Brittany, France 29/3/18, 30/1/05, 37/2/18
Broadhead, Richard (NZ publisher) 11/4/07
Broadhurst, Fred (UK geologist) 18/4/03, 23/3/20, 24/3/10
Broadhurst, Rosemary (Hebe Society member) 17/3/10, 18/3/18, 19/3/08, 20/3/09, 21/3/07, 21/3/09, 23/3/20, 24/3/10, 25/3/09, 25/3/10, 26/3/07, 27/3/16, 29/2/15, 30/2/23, 30/3/11, 30/3/19, 31/2/10, 31/2/11, 31/2/12, 31/3/20, 32/2/18, 32/2/20, 32/3/12, 34/2/22, 34/3/23, 36/3/03, 36/3/30, 39/2/24, 39/3/16
Brockie, W B (NZ horticulturist) 1/3/12, 2/5/08, 4/1/25, 10/3/21, 10/3/23, 22/1/10, 22/1/13, 28/3/11
Brodifacoum (anticoagulant) 8/4/03, 28/4/03
Bromeliad 23/1/17, 38/1/26
Brooke, Pat (NZ artist) 10/2/20
Brooker, S G (NZ botanist) 8/2/13
Brookes, John (UK garden designer) 22/4/06,23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Brooks, Audrey (NZ botanist) 4/2/03
Brooks, Emily (UK editor) 21/2/17
Brother label maker 31/2/14, 31/2/insert
Brothers Island, Cook Strait, NZ 9/2/10, 18/2/21
Brown bear 23/1/16
Brown trout (introduced fish) 27/2/19
Brown’s Bay, Auckland, NI 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Brown, Bob (UK horticulturist) 11/2/08, 11/2/14, 13/4/06
Brown, Capability (UK landscaper) 11/2/08, 22/4/05
Brown, Derek (NZ conservationist) 18/2/16
Brown, Mrs L (Hebe Society member) 7/4/09, 8/2/03
Brown, R (NZ) 9/2/13
Brown, R (UK botanist) 7/3/16
Brownsey, Patrick (NZ botanist) 16/1/04, 17/3/15, 39/3/22
Brummit, Dick (UK botanist) 22/1/24
Brunner Range, Buller, NI 12/3/26
Brunning and Price (UK pub chain) 34/3/11, 37/3/17
Bruton, John (UK nurseryman) 3/2/18
Bryant Range, Nelson, SI 22/3/03
Bryant, Miss Elizabeth (NZ librarian) 7/2/17
Brynrefail, Caernarfon, Wales, UK 39/3/12
Buchanan, John (NZ botanist) 2/5/08, 10/1/33
Buckley, Irene (Hebe Society member) 18/3/18, 19/3/09, 20/3/09
Buczacki, Dr Stefan (UK horticulturist) 4/4/05, 6/3/06, 13/1/24
Budd, Jemery (Hebe Society member) 25/2/22
Buddleia see Buddleja
Buddleja 17/1/21, 23/3/12, 34/3/29, 36/1/20
Buddleja colvillei 27/4/22
Buddleja davidii 10/2/31, 10/3/08, 14/1/19, 15/3/12, 23/3/12, 26/2/18, 28/1/17
Buddleja davidii Nanho Blue 26/2/19
Buddleja madagascariensis 25/4/23
Buddleja tubiflora 18/4/20
Buddleja, National Collection, UK 18/4/20
Budleigh Salterton, Devon, UK 8/1/15, 16/3/13
Buerki, Peter (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 17/4/12
Buffalo (ship) 7/3/18
Bulb log 19/1/04
Bulbinella angustifolia 7/4/24
Bulbinella gibbsii 7/4/24, 7/4/25, 12/4/04
Bulbinella hookeri 13/2/04
Bulfin, Margaret (NZ botanist) 17/3/25
Bull, W (UK nurseryman) 2/2/08
Buller Basin, Buller, SI 5/1/09
Buller River, Buller, SI 5/2/23, 9/2/30, 9/3/20
Bully (NZ fish) 27/2/19
Bully for Brontosaurus, S J Gould 9/4/08
Bully, Arthur K (UK horticulturist) 15/2/31
Bully, Lois (daughter of above) 15/2/31
Bumble bees 31/2/04, 34/2/10, 38/1/12
Bunce, Mrs J (Hebe Society member) 30/3/17, 31/3/18
Bunya pine see Araucaria bidwillii
Burbidge, Nancy (Australian botanist) 3/2/17
Burchetts Green College, UK 19/1/14
Burgess Hill, Sussex west, UK 37/2/16
Burke, Tony (Australian Environment Minister) 28/3/04
Burns, Robbie (Scottish poet) 7/2/19
Burnside High School, Christchurch, SI 28/3/18
Burras, Ken (UK horticulturist) 16/4/11
Burroughs, Bill (UK meteorologist) 14/1/04
Bursaria spinosa 8/1/13, 27/4/23
Burton Manor, Cheshire, UK 14/2/11, 14/3/20, 14/4/07, 15/2/09, 15/2/15, 15/2/28, 15/4/13
Burwash, East Sussex, UK 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Bush flax see Astelia fragrans
Bush lawyer see Rubus cissoides
Bushman’s Website (NZ) 19/1/23
Bushy Park, Whanganui, NI 28/3/20
Bustard Bay, Queensland, Australia 7/1/10
Butler, Samuel (NZ author) 8/4/29
Butlins Holiday Camp, Minehead, UK 23/3/08
Butterbur see Petasites hybridus
Buttercup see Ranunculus
Butterflies, photographs 35/3/27
Butterfly Conservation News 10/2/31, 11/2/15
Butterfly Conservation Society 22/3/19
Butterfly Garden 36/1/20
Butterfly, black scree 7/3/09
Button grass see Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus
Buxton, Derbyshire, UK 28/3/19
Buxus 17/1/21, 31/1/12
Buxus, box blight 30/3/07, 31/1/12, 33/1/03, 39/3/27
Buxus, trial at RHS Wisley 30/3/07, 33/1/03
Bwlch y Cibau, Powys, Wales (venue for Hebe Society AGM) 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/2/09, 27/3/08
C *
Cabbage palm see Cordyline australis
Cabbage tree see Cordyline australis
Cabbage tree bell moth 31/1/22
Cabbage tree moth 31/1/22
Cabrio Top (fungicide) 28/2/22
Cacti 37/2/16
Cacti and Succulent Bed, Birmingham, UK 34/3/15, 34/3/15
Cactus and Succulent Society see British Cactus and Succulent Society
Caerhays Castle, Cornwall, UK 16/4/09
Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 33/2/11, 39/2/11, 39/3/12
Caesalpinia decapetala 14/2/26, 14/2/28
Caesalpinia japonica 27/4/23
Caesar, Geoff (UK horticulturist, Bransford Webb Plants) 19/2/12, 19/2/24, 31/3/20, 32/1/09, 32/2/10, 32/3/13
Caffi Caban, Llanberis, north Wales, UK 39/2/04, 39/2/10, 39/2/11, 39/3/12, 39/3/20
Cairns-Wicks, Dr Rebecca (botanist) 17/1/04
Caladenia (NZ orchid) 31/2/23
Caladenia Bacon Creek 31/2/23
Calceolaria 13/4/18
Calceolaria fothergillii 2/4/14, 2/4/15
Calceolaria sinclairii 27/4/23
Calcium 14/1/26
Calella de Palafrugell, Girona, Spain 27/4/09
California Association of Nurserymen, USA 17/4/08
California, USA 1/4/09, 8/2/09, 12/1/10, 12/3/03, 15/1/08, 16/2/19, 16/2/20, 17/3/13, 33/1/11, 33/2/13
Californian plants in Australia 24/2/20
Californian plants, collection 26/3/16
Callander, Scotland, UK 36/1/14
Callistemon 4/3/03, 7/4/20, 9/1/15, 14/4/25, 19/3/22, 23/3/10, 23/4/24, 25/1/11, 26/2/24, 27/4/22, 29/3/19, 31/1/13, 38/1/14
Callistemon citrinus 8/2/15, 19/3/12, 32/1/11, 38/2/26
Callistemon citrinus Splendens 38/2/26
Callistemon Murdo McKenzie 9/2/08
Callistemon pallidus 8/2/15, 26/2/24
Callistemon pinifolius 8/2/15
Callistemon rigidus 8/2/15
Callistemon salignus 8/2/15, 15/2/25
Callistemon sieberi 9/1/15
Callistemon splendens see Callistemon citrinus Splendens
Callistemon viridiflorus 25/4/09
Callistris preissii 27/4/22
Calluna, National Collection, UK 12/4/26
Caltha 18/1/26
Caltha novae-zelandiae 9/3/30, 9/3/30
Caltha obtusa 7/3/21, 8/3/13, 9/3/30, 9/3/30, 22/4/12, 22/4/23
Caltha palustris 9/3/27
Calystegia macrostegia 27/4/23
Calystegia soldanella 18/1/23
Calystegia tuguriorum 24/4/01
Camaes Bay, Anglesey, Wales, UK 23/4/05
Camassia 30/1/16
Cambie, Prof R L (NZ botanist) 8/1/21, 8/2/12
Camborne, Cornwall, UK 6/4/18, 7/4/07, 8/1/06, 25/3/06
Cambrian rocks 25/4/20
Cambridge Botanical Society, NI 10/1/22, 14/1/03
Cambridge University Press, UK 7/1/22
Cambridge, NI 28/3/19
Cambridge, UK 9/2/22, 10/1/11
Camellia 12/4/26, 21/4/21, 28/2/17, 28/4/07, 34/1/13, 36/1/18, 37/2/16, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Camellia, registration 25/2/14
Camellia, trial 33/3/12
Camellia, williamsii hybrids 16/4/09
Camera, Canon 29/2/14
Camera, digital 20/4/04, 23/1/04, 23/3/03, 26/1/03, 26/1/16, 26/3/04,38/1/16
Camera, Pentax 38/1/16
Cameron Border, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, UK 34/1/09, 34/3/11, 34/3/14, 34/3/14, 38/2/19
Cameron, David (Curator, Birmingham Botanical Garden, UK) 34/3/11, 34/3/14
Cameron, E K (NZ botanist) 29/3/14
Campanula takesimana 4/3/05
Campbell Islands, NZ 2/4/15, 2/5/06, 4/1/06, 7/2/08, 9/1/26, 11/4/27, 13/2/03, 13/2/21, 14/2/04, 16/1/16, 21/1/14, 28/4/03, 31/2/22, 31/3/16, 34/1/24
Campbell Islands, rat free 31/3/16
Campbell, Christine (Tasmanian gardener) 14/4/04
Campbell, Lindsey (Tasmanian gardener) 14/4/04
Canada 6/2/11, 6/4/05, 8/2/09, 25/1/14, 32/1/23, 34/1/03
Canal du Midi, France 33/1/18
Canary Island, plants collection 29/3/19
Canary Islands 5/4/14, 9/3/21, 22/2/22
Candle nut see Aleurites moluccana
Cane toad, Australia 38/3/25
Cani Sanctuary, Pucon, Chile 21/1/17, 21/1/insert
Cannabis sativa 16/4/25
Cannington College, Somerset, UK 1/1/05, 1/4/12, 2/5/13, 3/2/09, 5/2/06, 6/1/05, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/2/25, 6/3/21, 7/2/22, 10/3/24, 14/3/17, 16/4/12
Canon, camera 29/2/14
Canterbury Alpine Garden Society see NZ Alpine Garden Society
Canterbury Botanical Society, SI 32/3/22
Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 21/2/08, 32/3/21
Canterbury Plains, SI 28/1/08, 28/4/11, 28/4/21
Canterbury University Press, NZ 24/3/19, 27/2/17
Canterbury, Kent, UK 14/4/08, 15/2/08, 15/4/28, 16/2/13, 22/3/11
Canterbury, SI 1/2/07, 1/3/11, 2/5/08, 2/5/08, 3/1/21, 3/2/08, 3/2/21, 3/2/22, 3/2/23, 3/3/07, 3/4/20, 4/1/04, 4/1/25, 4/2/26, 4/3/15, 4/3/23, 5/1/09, 5/1/25, 5/2/22, 5/2/24, 5/2/25, 5/3/20, 5/3/22, 5/4/28, 6/1/28, 6/2/28, 6/2/29, 6/4/27, 7/1/08, 7/2/20, 7/2/25, 7/4/21, 7/4/29, 8/2/16, 8/2/20, 8/3/29, 8/4/07, 9/3/21, 9/3/27, 9/4/33, 10/3/25, 10/3/27, 11/1/24, 11/1/28, 11/3/25, 12/3/26, 12/4/19, 12/4/20, 13/2/23, 13/4/25, 14/2/16, 14/2/18, 14/3/15, 14/3/16, 15/3/19, 17/1/17, 17/4/17, 19/3/16, 19/4/16, 20/4/16, 21/2/13, 21/2/14, 21/4/09, 25/3/03, 25/4/21, 27/2/19, 30/2/18, 31/1/16, 32/1/16, 32/2/15, 36/1/27, 36/3/32
Canterbury, winds, nor’wester 28/4/11
Cantua dependens 27/4/23
Cape Campbell, Marlborough, SI 7/4/28
Cape Farewell, Nelson, SI 11/4/28, 14/1/16
Cape Foulwind, Buller, SI 8/4/27
Cape Horn 6/3/13, 6/4/25, 10/4/06
Cape Kidnappers, Hastings, NI 7/3/25
Cape of Good Hope, RSA 6/4/25, 7/1/12, 7/4/11, 8/3/10, 14/1/07
Cape Palliser, Wairarapa, NI 6/3/28
Cape Providence, Fiordland, SI 11/4/26
Cape Reinga, Northland, NI 24/1/04, 28/3/18, 28/3/20
Cape Runaway, Gisborne, NI 5/1/20, 6/4/23
Cape Turnagain, Hawkes Bay, NI 6/4/24
Capital Press, Oregon, USA 16/4/06
Captain Cook Museum, UK 35/1/17, 35/1/19, 35/1/17, 35/3/13
Captan see Fungicide, Captan
Carantes, Brittany, France 29/3/18
Carbendazim see Fungicide, Carbendazim
Carbon dioxide 24/3/15
Cardamine corymbosa 14/3/08
Cardiff, Wales, UK 23/4/11, 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Cardiocrinum 33/1/18
Cardiomanes reniforme see Trichomanes reniforme
Cardrona Range, Otago, SI 11/3/28
Carex 9/2/18, 18/4/25, 23/4/23, 31/1/04
Carex appressa 12/1/03, 14/4/05
Carex buchananii 12/1/03, 12/3/24, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 23/4/18, 23/4/23, 31/1/04
Carex comans 12/3/23, 31/1/04
Carex comans Frosted Curls 34/3/12
Carex dallii 23/4/18
Carex dipsacea 12/3/24, 23/4/23
Carex morrowii Variegata 9/1/15
Carex petriei 12/3/24, 23/4/23
Carex secta 31/1/04
Carex selosa 12/3/24
Carex solandri 23/4/23
Carex testacea 12/3/23, 23/4/23, 31/1/04, 31/2/17, 37/2/03, 37/2/03
Carex testacea Prairie Fire 34/2/11, 34/3/12
Carex trifida Rekohu Sunrise 31/2/17
Carmarthen, Wales, UK 37/1/28
Carmichaelia 2/2/04, 10/3/11, 14/1/21, 14/2/19, 17/1/23, 21/1/18
Carmichaelia aligera 8/3/24
Carmichaelia appressa 9/3/15
Carmichaelia arborea 7/4/12, 20/1/07, 26/4/13
Carmichaelia australis 22/1/17, 26/4/13, 27/4/22
Carmichaelia egmontiana 8/4/21, 9/3/14
Carmichaelia enysii 2/4/17, 3/3/15, 17/1/23
Carmichaelia flagelliformis 27/4/23
Carmichaelia glabrata 7/3/11
Carmichaelia kirkii 2/4/23
Carmichaelia odorata 5/4/19, 17/3/03, 18/2/04, 18/3/08, 19/3/09, 22/2/04, 25/2/04, 28/3/23
Carmichaelia robusta 26/4/13
Carmichaelia solandri 12/1/03
Carmispartium hutchinsii Pink Beauty 18/3/08
Carmispartium hutchinsii Wingletye 18/3/08
Carnation 28/2/22
Carnivorous Plant Society, UK 15/2/22
Carpodetus serratus 26/4/10
Carr, Charles (UK horticulturist) 39/2/13
Carr, Stephen (UK horticulturist) 30/3/12
Carrick Range, Otago, SI 10/3/28
Carse, Harry (NZ teacher) 10/2/32
Cartman, Joe (NZ author and gardener) 2/4/04, 10/4/10, 14/3/18, 17/4/19, 30/2/19
Cascade Cove, Fiordland, SI 7/4/12
Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA 26/2/17, 33/2/13
Caserta, Patrizia (Hebe Society member) 20/2/16
Cashel, Ireland 7/1/22
Cass Basin, Canterbury, SI 8/3/13
Cassini, Giovanni (Italian scientist) 9/4/26
Cassini, Henri de (French botanis) 19/4/16
Cassinia 11/3/07, 12/3/19, 21/1/18
Cassinia equisetifolia 27/4/23
Cassinia fulvida 5/4/10, 8/3/25, 8/4/21, 9/3/14, 15/2/25, 15/2/25, 24/4/16, 32/3/insert, 32/3/16
Cassinia leptophylla 5/1/11, 5/3/19, 27/4/23
Cassinia vauvilliersii 4/4/11, 4/4/11, 5/1/11, 7/3/24, 9/1/25, 9/3/14, 20/3/23, 25/1/11
Cassinia vauvilliersii albida 5/4/10
Cassinia, foliage, scented 11/3/07
Cassiope lycopodioides 23/1/12
Cassytha paniculata 33/1/23
Cassytha pubescens 33/1/23
Castle Cary, Somerset, UK 9/3/26, 9/4/16
Castle Hill buttercup see Ranunculus crithmifolius subsp paucifolius
Castle Hill, Canterbury, SI 10/3/26, 19/1/05
Castlepoint, Wairarapa, NI 7/3/25, 8/4/26
Castor-oil plant see Ricinus communis
Casuarina glauca 27/4/22
Cat fish (introduced pest) 33/1/12
Cat, NZ pest 18/2/23
Catalonia, Spain 38/2/13
Catalpa bignonioides 17/4/26
Caterpillars, photographs 35/3/27
Catfish Island, NZ see Codfish Island, NZ
Catherine, Eleanor (UK artist) 4/1/03
Catlins Coast, SI 31/1/23
Cato, Jan (Hebe Society member) 35/1/16, 35/2/08
Cave, Yvonne (NZ photographer) 19/3/20
Cawthron, Thomas (NZ philanthropist) 16/3/17
Caxton Press, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 3/4/07, 5/1/11
CD-ROM 14/1/19
Ceanothus 14/4/25, 16/3/13, 16/3/14, 17/4/10, 30/2/22
Ceanothus Concha 4/3/05, 8/1/05, 13/1/09, 14/1/14
Ceanothus Edinensis 14/4/26
Ceanothus foliosis 28/3/23
Ceanothus thysiflorus 4/3/05
Ceanothus thysiflorus repens 11/2/11
Ceanothus, trial 33/2/13, 33/3/12
Cecil, Evelyn (UK) 3/3/27
Cedar, western red see Thuja plicata
Cedrus 38/3/10
Cedrus deodara 26/2/18
Cedrus libanii Glauca 26/2/18
Celcius, Anders (Swedish physicist) 9/4/27
Celmisia 5/3/03, 7/4/24, 10/4/10, 11/2/03, 11/3/03, 12/1/23, 13/3/11, 15/2/11, 15/3/03, 15/3/22, 15/4/17, 16/4/20, 17/1/24, 17/4/18, 18/1/25, 21/4/24, 22/4/22, 34/2/22, 36/2/24, 37/1/27
Celmisia allanii 3/2/21
Celmisia alpina 3/2/21
Celmisia angustifolia 3/2/21, 7/1/07, 7/4/25, 34/1/insert, 34/1/08
Celmisia argentea 3/2/22, 7/4/25, 7/4/26, 8/3/14
Celmisia armstrongii 3/2/22, 7/4/25, 9/1/25
Celmisia bellidioides 3/2/23, 4/4/11, 7/1/08
Celmisia bonplandii 3/2/23
Celmisia brevifolia 3/2/23
Celmisia clavata 3/2/23
Celmisia coriacea 3/3/23, 4/4/11, 5/4/03, 9/3/09
Celmisia dallii 3/3/23
Celmisia densiflora 3/3/23, 4/2/20, 7/4/25
Celmisia discolor 3/3/23, 4/4/11
Celmisia du rietzii 3/3/24, 7/1/07, 30/3/01
Celmisia gibbsii 3/3/24
Celmisia glandulosa 3/3/24
Celmisia gracilenta 3/3/24, 39/1/21
Celmisia gracilis 4/4/11
Celmisia graminiflora 3/3/25
Celmisia haastii 3/1/21, 3/3/25
Celmisia hectori 3/3/25, 5/4/21
Celmisia hieracifolia 3/4/17
Celmisia holosericea 3/4/17, 7/4/12
Celmisia hookeri 3/4/17, 7/1/07
Celmisia inaccessa 3/4/17
Celmisia incana 3/4/17
Celmisia Inshriach Hybrid 9/3/09, 34/3/36
Celmisia lanceolata 3/4/18, 7/4/25
Celmisia laricifolia 3/4/18, 3/4/18
Celmisia lateralis 3/4/18
Celmisia linearis 3/4/18, 3/4/18
Celmisia longifolia 7/3/20, 10/1/34
Celmisia lyallii 3/4/18
Celmisia mackaui 4/1/23
Celmisia macmahonii 4/1/23
Celmisia macmahonii hadfieldii 4/1/23
Celmisia major 4/1/23
Celmisia major brevis 4/1/23
Celmisia monroi 4/1/23, 5/1/11
Celmisia morganii 4/1/24
Celmisia parva 4/1/24
Celmisia petiolata 4/1/24, 4/1/24, 4/2/21, 7/1/07
Celmisia petriei 4/1/24
Celmisia philocremna 4/2/20
Celmisia polyvena 4/2/20, 4/2/20, 18/4/01
Celmisia prorepens 4/2/20
Celmisia ramulosa 4/2/20, 4/4/11
Celmisia rigida 4/2/21, 4/2/21
Celmisia rupestris 4/2/21
Celmisia rutlandii 23/2/13
Celmisia semicordata 4/3/23, 17/1/24
Celmisia sessiliflora 3/2/22, 3/4/18, 4/3/23, 4/3/23, 7/4/25, 9/3/09, 26/4/11
Celmisia sinclairii 4/3/23, 8/4/30
Celmisia sp aff du-rietzii 30/3/01
Celmisia spectabilis 4/3/23, 4/4/11, 5/1/11, 7/4/25, 9/3/09, 30/2/18, 39/3/18
Celmisia spedeni 4/3/23
Celmisia thomsonii 4/4/21
Celmisia traversii 4/4/21
Celmisia verbascifolia 4/4/21, 27/1/18
Celmisia vespertina 4/4/21, 4/4/22
Celmisia viscosa 4/4/22
Celmisia walkeri 4/4/22, 4/4/22
Celmisia, from seed 4/4/23
Cemlyn, Anglesey, Wales 23/2/06, 25/3/08
Cenozoic period (geology) 28/2/03
Central America 15/3/25
Central NI National Park 15/1/15
Central Plateau, NI 19/3/16
Central Plateau, Tasmania 16/1/26
Centranthus ruber 3/3/06
Century (typeface) 10/1/03
Century plant see Agave americana
Cervelli, Claudio (Hebe Society member) 21/3/12
Chadwell, Chris (UK botanist) 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 14/2/10, 16/4/12, 16/4/22, 33/1/16
Chalk Garden 8/1/13
Chalk Garden, Sir Frederick Stern 29/3/04
Chalk Island, SI 11/4/26
Chalk, Diana see Packham, Diana
Chalk, Douglas (Hebe Society Chairman 1985–97, Vice President 1998–2001) 1/2/03, 1/2/05, 1/2/11, 1/3/02, 1/4/05, 2/4/23, 2/4/26, 2/4/03, 2/4/07, 2/4/14, 2/4/15, 2/5/13, 3/3/26, 3/4/03, 3/4/06, 3/4/07, 3/4/19, 4/2/08, 4/4/05, 5/1/07, 5/1/08, 5/1/11, 5/1/13, 5/2/05, 5/2/08, 5/2/21, 5/3/04, 5/3/08, 5/3/22, 5/4/03, 6/1/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/06, 6/2/08, 6/3/05, 6/3/06, 6/4/05, 6/4/14, 6/4/20, 7/1/03, 7/1/07, 7/1/23, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 7/2/17, 7/3/05, 7/4/06, 7/4/08, 8/1/05, 8/2/03, 8/2/05, 8/2/09, 8/2/23, 8/3/06, 8/4/05, 8/4/12, 8/4/13, 9/1/09, 9/2/06, 9/2/07, 9/2/22, 9/4/03, 9/4/17, 9/4/29, 10/1/06, 10/1/14, 10/2/06, 10/2/09, 10/4/21, 10/4/27, 11/1/12, 11/2/08, 11/4/10, 12/2/09, 12/3/06, 13/2/10, 13/2/14, 13/3/03, 14/2/04, 14/2/11, 14/2/13, 15/2/10, 15/4/09, 16/2/08, 16/2/25, 16/3/06, 16/3/08, 16/4/11, 16/4/22, 17/1/20, 17/2/12, 17/2/20, 17/3/25, 17/4/04, 17/4/20, 17/4/25, 18/2/11, 19/4/25, 19/4/28, 20/1/03, 20/1/12, 20/3/15, 21/1/19, 21/3/03, 21/4/20, 22/3/04, 22/3/10, 22/4/13, 23/2/09, 23/2/18, 23/4/15, 24/4/10, 25/1/03, 24/4/21, 25/1/09, 25/1/13, 25/1/18, 25/2/04, 25/2/08, 25/2/11, 25/2/19, 25/3/13, 25/4/14, 26/2/08, 26/3/08, 28/1/16, 28/3/17, 29/1/08, 29/1/13, 29/1/14, 29/3/13, 30/2/04, 30/2/12, 30/3/22, 30/3/23, 33/1/16, 33/3/03, 34/1/18, 35/3/07, 38/3/12, 39/1/03
Chalky Inlet, Fiordland, SI 7/4/12
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 34/3/32
Chamaecyparis pisifera Boulevard 7/2/23, 15/4/14
Chamaemelum nobile Treangue 22/3/13
Chambers, Stuart (UK horticulturist) 25/1/08
Chamomile see Chamaemelum nobile
Channel TV (UK) 14/2/12
Chapman, Joan (Hebe Society member) 1/2/11
Chapman, Sir Frederick (NZ) 7/4/21, 23/3/10
Chappell, Peter (UK nurseryman) 16/3/03
Charamain, Sorin (UK horticulturist) 33/2/08
Chard, Somerset, UK 16/4/11, 22/1/09
Charity Commission, UK 2/3/03, 4/2/09, 6/4/05
Charleton Garden Club, Lancashire, UK 37/3/03
Charsfield, Essex, UK 9/2/24
Chase, Mark W (UK botanist) 22/1/24, 28/3/03
Chateau Hotel, Central NI 26/1/19
Chatham Island, plants 25/1/22, 26/3/19
Chatham Islands akeake see Olearia traillii
Chatham Islands black robin see Robin, black, Chatham Islands
Chatham Islands Christmas tree see Brachyglottis huntii
Chatham Islands daisy see Pleurophyllum speciosum
Chatham Islands forget me not see Myosotidium hortensia
Chatham Islands, NZ 2/5/06, 3/1/14, 3/2/27, 5/2/22, 6/2/27, 6/3/27, 7/4/21, 8/1/25, 8/2/21, 8/4/26, 9/1/27, 9/4/06, 9/4/23, 9/4/33, 10/3/22, 11/4/28, 12/1/26, 12/2/03, 13/3/11, 14/1/16, 14/3/18, 16/1/19, 18/1/25, 20/1/15, 21/1/14, 21/3/16, 22/1/11, 23/3/10, 23/4/07, 24/1/04, 24/1/18, 25/1/22, 31/2/17, 31/2/22, 34/1/24, 34/2/03
Chatteaux, Canada 6/2/12
Checklist of Hebe Names see International Register of Hebe Cultivars
Checklist of Phormium Cultivars, P Heenan 10/3/24, 22/1/13
Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, UK 25/4/07
Cheek, Roy (UK horticulturist) 2/2/18, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/3/03, 7/1/05
Cheeseman Island, NZ 38/1/23
Cheeseman, Thomas Frederic (NZ botanist) 1/2/01, 2/4/06, 2/5/07, 3/1/14, 3/2/16, 4/3/15, 4/4/25, 5/1/09, 5/2/23, 6/1/22, 6/2/18, 6/3/18, 6/3/26, 6/4/11, 7/1/28, 8/1/08, 8/2/28, 10/2/32, 11/4/16, 12/2/16, 12/3/17, 12/3/26, 15/1/16, 18/1/24, 20/4/20, 22/3/03
Cheilanthes distans 27/2/18
Chelmsford, Essex, UK 11/2/07, 30/1/04
Chelsworth, Essex, UK 8/2/07, 13/1/14
Chemistry World (UK magazine) 27/1/04
Chemotype 29/3/23
Chempak, UK 4/1/03
Cheng, Bronwen (NZ Deputy High Commissioner) 22/3/03
Cherbourg Horticultural Society, France 10/3/21, 22/1/10
Cherbourg, France 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Cherrington, Mike (Hebe Society member) 30/2/20, 31/3/18, 33/3/22, 35/2/27, 39/2/27
Cheshire Gardens Trust, UK, 30/3/04
Cheshire Wildlife Trust, UK 18/4/12, 27/3/04, 28/4/04, 31/3/15
Cheshire, UK 4/2/09, 8/1/12, 15/1/22, 15/3/04, 33/1/18, 39/1/04, 39/2/22
Chesil Beach, Dorset, UK 22/2/15, 25/3/07, 31/1/11, 37/2/16
Chester Zoo, UK 9/4/03, 15/2/04, 18/4/03
Chester, UK 14/3/20
Chetwynd, Jane (NZ author) 20/3/19
Chichester, West Sussex, UK 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Chickabidee see Maurandia barclaiana
Chideock, Dorset, UK 4/3/07
Chiff-chaff (UK bird) 28/3/04
Childrens Society (UK charity) 13/1/11
Chile 1/4/07, 3/2/18, 6/1/28, 8/4/07, 10/1/32, 10/3/20, 12/2/03, 14/1/07, 14/1/25, 15/1/18, 15/2/03, 15/2/26, 15/3/25, 17/2/03, 22/1/10, 22/3/08, 23/1/04, 28/4/04, 29/2/04, 29/3/03, 30/2/04, 30/3/04, 31/1/03, 31/1/13, 31/2/03, 32/1/11, 33/1/03, 33/1/insert, 33/1/10, 39/2/20
Chile, hebe 33/1/insert, 33/1/11
Chile, hebe hedge 33/1/insert, 33/1/11
Chile, Lake District 33/1/11
Chile, pittosporum 33/1/insert, 33/1/11
Chile, plant collection, Brittany, France 29/3/19
Chilean flame creeper see Tropaeolum speciosum
Chilean Garden, San Francisco, USA 32/1/11
Chilean guava see Ugni molinae
Chilean wine palm see Jubaea chilensis
Chiliotrichum diffusum 1/4/06, 2/4/14
Chilterns, Buckinghamshire, UK 2/4/21, 10/2/28
China 8/1/12, 8/1/20, 28/4/15, 29/2/03, 29/2/13, 31/2/23, 33/1/03
Chinchona 6/2/12
Chionochloa 15/1/27, 20/4/22, 22/4/23, 29/1/17
Chionochloa allionii 29/3/11
Chionochloa conspicua 9/3/15, 24/4/15, 29/3/11, 29/3/12
Chionochloa flavescens 8/4/21, 9/3/15, 12/3/24
Chionochloa flavicans 23/4/24
Chionochloa pallens 5/1/11
Chionochloa rubra 16/4/24, 17/1/14, 34/2/11, 34/3/12, 37/2/03, 37/2/03
Chionochlora australis 18/1/15
Chionohebe 1/3/06, 3/3/13, 3/4/11, 4/4/08, 7/4/26, 9/3/03, 9/4/09, 15/1/03, 15/4/09, 16/2/26, 16/2/27, 16/3/07, 17/3/27, 17/4/18, 21/3/11, 21/3/12, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 23/4/21, 29/1/15, 29/1/18, 30/1/22, 35/2/09
Chionohebe armstrongii 4/1/20
Chionohebe ciliolata 1/3/06
Chionohebe densiflora 1/2/09, 1/3/06, 4/1/20, 5/4/18, 6/1/10, 11/4/07, 17/4/19, 29/1/18, 36/2/26
Chionohebe densiflora dasyphylla 1/3/06
Chionohebe pulvinaris 1/2/09, 1/3/06, 1/3/10, 6/1/10, 8/3/12, 11/4/07, 17/3/27, 36/2/25
Chionohebe thomsonii 6/1/10, 7/4/25, 17/4/19
Chionohebe Vera Cox 11/4/07, 34/3/16, 34/3/16
Chionohebe, chromosome numbers 15/3/27
Chionohebe, genus 30/1/22, 35/3/19
Chionohebe, list, definitive 37/3/21
Chionohebe, registration 4/3/20, 4/4/12
Chionohebe, renamed to Veronica 35/3/19, 35/3/25
Chionohebe, RHS Plant Finder 35/3/25
Chionohebe, seed 15/4/09
Chirem, Mike (website expert) 23/3/22
Chiswell Green see St Albans
Chlorine 5/3/16
Chlorite (rock) 17/4/19
Chlorophyll 22/2/20, 22/2/24
Chlorophytum comosum Picturatum 1/4/12, 6/3/21
Choisya 18/4/20
Choisya arizonica 3/2/07
Chordospartium 4/3/17, 7/3/03, 7/3/11, 17/1/23
Chordospartium muritai 18/3/07
Chordospartium stevensonii 7/3/03, 8/3/25, 18/3/07, 25/2/04, 31/1/14
Chordospartium x Corallospartium Coral Spears 18/3/07
Christchurch City Council, SI 30/2/12
Christchurch College, Oxford, UK 6/1/13
Christchurch Domains Board, SI 32/3/20
Christchurch earthquake 2010 25/4/04, 26/1/04, 27/4/14, 30/2/03
Christchurch massacre 34/2/05
Christchurch School of Medicine, Canterbury, SI 20/3/19
Christchurch Teacher Training College, Canterbury, SI 32/3/20
Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 5/4/18, 7/1/08, 8/1/14, 8/4/03, 9/1/24, 9/1/29, 9/2/03, 9/3/21, 10/2/20, 10/4/10, 11/4/07, 15/3/19, 15/4/09, 16/1/17, 16/4/20, 17/3/25, 19/4/17, 19/4/18, 20/3/19, 21/2/08, 21/3/20, 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 23/3/12, 26/1/04, 26/4/12, 27/2/12, 27/4/14, 28/1/08, 28/2/08, 28/3/19, 29/2/08, 30/2/12, 31/1/17, 32/3/20, 33/2/17
Christenhusz, Maarten (Dutch botanist) 28/3/03
Christensen, C E (Danish botanist) 3/1/14
Christensen, Ole (Danish horticulturist) 4/1/07
Christmas 24/4/04, 25/4/04, 30/3/05
Chrome see Google Chrome
Chromium (chemical element) 22/2/22
Chromosome Atlas of Flowering Plants, Darlington and Wylie 15/3/28
Chromosome count 3/3/09, 8/2/10, 15/3/28
Chrysanthemum, identification 12/3/04
Church Missionary Society 3/1/15, 5/1/19, 7/3/24, 13/2/21, 18/3/21
Churchill, Sir Winston (UK statesman) 6/1/12
Cicada (insect) 24/1/19, 29/1/19
Cimicifuga 15/1/03
Cinchona 9/4/29
Cineol (plant constituent) 29/3/22
Cinnamon Grass see Hierochloe redolens
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK 19/1/23, 25/1/04, 25/2/12, 25/3/06, 25/3/08, 25/4/07, 26/1/07
Cistus 8/2/07, 16/3/13, 17/1/21, 18/4/21, 24/2/12, 26/3/04, 31/2/13, 33/2/14
Cistus Grayswood Pink 11/2/11
Cistus, National Collection, UK 26/3/13, 33/3/13
Cistus, trail 33/2/14, 33/3/12
Cistus, website 26/3/13
CITES 6/3/24
Citrus Citrange 27/4/23
Citrus Growers website 19/2/27, 21/1/24
Citrus sinensis 27/4/23
City and Guilds (UK qualification) 24/1/15
Cladonia 19/1/27
Cladonia fimbriata 24/3/20
Clarence Basin, Canterbury, SI 5/3/23, 11/1/28, 11/1/28
Clarence Pass, Canterbury, SI 5/4/20, 7/4/15, 9/2/23, 9/3/21
Clarence River, Canterbury, SI 16/1/17
Clark, Gavin W (UK gardener) 5/4/03
Clark, Judy (UK horticulturist, Australasian Plant Society and Hebe Society member) 31/1/03, 32/3/17, 35/1/17, 37/1/24, 37/2/16, 38/1/14
Clark, Kate (GNS Science Consultancy, NZ) 30/2/03
Clark, Laurel (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/3/23
Clark, Nigel (UK Plant Inspector) 20/3/22
Clarke, Barry (UK horticulturist) 38/3/18, 39/1/26
Clarke, Michael and Pat (Hebe Society members) 8/2/06, 15/2/10, 15/3/09, 15/3/28, 15/4/08, 15/4/12, 16/2/10, 17/1/09, 21/2/15, 21/2/16
Clarke, Stephenson R (UK gardener, Borde Hill) 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Clarkson, Bruce (NZ botanist) 6/1/03, 7/3/08, 9/4/11, 16/4/24, 29/3/13
Class, plant classification 2/1/S2
Classification of plants 2/1/S1, 2/2/10
Clay 2/1/09
Clay, Mrs Rose (Hebe Society member) 4/4/05, 5/2/05, 5/4/22, 20/3/14
Clay, Sampson (UK) 3/3/11
Clayton, Lieutenant William (UK sailor) 2/4/14, 2/4/19
Claytonia australasica 7/3/21
Cleavers see Galium aparine
Cleddau River, Fiordland, SI 27/1/18
Cleddau Valley, Fiordland, SI 7/1/21
Cleeton St Mary, Shropshire, UK 9/3/07, 10/1/08, 26/2/16
Clematis 13/2/27, 14/1/21, 15/1/27, 16/3/21, 17/1/03, 17/1/21, 27/3/12, 33/1/23, 38/3/16
Clematis afoliata 4/4/10, 7/3/21, 12/4/04, 15/1/27, 17/1/03, 21/4/24, 23/2/13, 28/4/23
Clematis armandii 2/2/03, 8/1/05, 15/2/31, 17/1/09
Clematis armandii Moonlight see Clematis armandii Snowdrift
Clematis armandii Snowdrift 13/2/03, 14/1/03, 15/1/03, 15/2/03
Clematis australis 5/2/03, 7/3/21
Clematis cartmanii 7/3/21
Clematis colensoi 14/2/12
Clematis County Park 4/3/03, 5/2/03
Clematis Fairy 15/2/04
Clematis foetida 7/3/21
Clematis forsteri 7/3/21
Clematis gentianoides 12/2/03
Clematis Green Velvet 5/2/03
Clematis Havering Green 5/2/03
Clematis hookeriana 7/3/21
Clematis indivisa see Clematis paniculata
Clematis Lunar Lass 17/1/03
Clematis marata 5/2/03
Clematis marmoraria 4/4/10, 5/2/03, 7/3/21, 15/2/04, 16/2/04, 30/3/03
Clematis montana Tetrarose 15/3/03
Clematis Ovation 29/2/03
Clematis paniculata 4/4/10, 4/4/10, 7/3/21, 14/2/11, 15/1/27, 15/1/27, 19/3/23, 19/3/23, 19/4/09, 26/3/18
Clematis petriei 4/4/10, 5/2/03, 7/3/21, 9/1/08, 15/1/27, 15/2/04, 16/2/04, 30/3/03
Clematis petriei Princess 15/2/04
Clematis Pixie 15/2/04, 15/2/04, 15/3/04, 16/2/04, 30/3/03
Clematis quadribracteolata 7/3/21, 15/1/27
Clematis Society see British Clematis Society
Clematis vitalba (old man’s beard) 33/1/23
Clematis, new varieties 15/2/27
Clematis, NZ 5/2/03, 7/2/05, 15/1/27, 15/2/04, 18/2/08, 29/2/03
Clematis, pruning 30/3/03
Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, UK 6/4/21
Cletha arborea (Madeiran plant) 30/2/22
Cleveland, Yorkshire, UK 27/1/24
Clianthus puniceus 2/3/18, 4/2/16, 4/4/06, 4/4/11, 6/4/18, 10/3/06, 14/4/25, 15/2/32, 19/3/22, 27/4/22, 36/1/16, 36/1/16
Clianthus puniceus Roseus 36/3/36
Clianthus, National Collection, UK 36/1/16
Clifden, Ireland 7/1/22
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland 7/1/22
Climate, Auckland 1/4/13, 11/4/10, 21/3/22
Climate, Australia 14/1/07
Climate, British 1/3/01, 29/1/20, 38/3/25
Climate, British, change 10/2/09
Climate, California, USA 14/1/07
Climate, Cornwall, UK 2/4/12, 14/3/07
Climate, Mediterranean 14/1/07, 25/2/20, 26/4/19, 27/4/09, 33/2/13, 34/1/11
Climate, North Island, NZ 14/1/07
Climate, NZ 10/4/10, 10/4/20, 14/1/07, 20/4/20, 21/3/11, 22/4/15, 27/1/10, 29/1/16, 34/2/20
Climate, Ontario, Canada 2/4/17
Climate, Oregon, USA 2/1/10, 18/2/24, 23/1/16, 24/2/12, 24/2/insert, 31/1/20, 33/2/13
Climate, UK see Climate, British
Clive, Colonel Harry (UK Gardener) 36/2/10
Clone, plant classification 2/2/16
Clonex (rooting hormone) 30/2/14
Clormecuat, growth regulator 25/1/16
Cloud Farm, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI 20/3/19
Cloud Farm, Jane Chetwynd, 2004 20/3/19
Cloudy Bay, Marlborough, SI 13/1/22
Clough, Peter (UK horticulturist) 11/1/07, 12/2/03, 15/4/11, 16/2/12, 16/3/08
Cloves see Eugenia caryophyllata
Club moss see Lycopods 19/1/27, 29/1/17
Clubmoss see Lycopods 19/1/27
Clyde Lookout, Otago, SI 26/4/13
Coal and Cotton (UK pub) 37/2/09, 37/3/19
Coal tit (UK bird) 28/3/04
Coast Range, Oregon, USA 26/2/17, 33/2/13
Cobalt (chemical element) 22/2/22
Cobb Valley, Nelson, SI 5/4/18, 9/1/16, 12/2/16
Cobham, Kent, UK 33/3/10
Cockatoo (bird) 38/2/27
Cockayne, Leonard (NZ botanist) 1/2/01, 2/4/08, 3/1/14, 3/1/15, 3/2/16, 3/2/28, 3/3/13, 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 4/1/26, 6/4/11, 7/3/24, 9/1/13, 9/1/21, 9/1/24, 9/2/10, 9/2/30, 11/3/10, 12/3/17, 12/3/26, 13/2/20, 14/1/23, 15/3/26, 20/2/14, 24/1/20, 25/1/18, 28/3/20, 32/3/23, 33/1/14, 35/1/26
Cockroach (NZ insect) 27/2/19, 29/1/19
Coconut tree 28/4/21
Code of Conduct (NZ plants) 4/2/16
Codfish Island, NZ 12/2/03
CoffeeCup Web Form Builder (computer program) 24/1/22
Coggeshall, Essex, UK 32/1/22
Colborn, Nigel (UK gardener) 28/2/04, 29/1/04, 31/1/04
Colchester, Essex, UK 5/3/05, 13/1/14
Colegrove, Steve 36/3/30
Colenso, Rev William (NZ botanist) 3/1/15, 3/1/21, 5/1/19, 5/2/10, 5/2/23, 5/3/17, 5/4/23, 7/3/24, 8/4/30, 13/2/21, 14/2/18, 16/2/27, 18/3/21, 33/2/23
Coles, Geoff (UK horticulturist) 12/3/22
Collared doves 9/1/07
Colletia spinosissima 32/3/16
Collett, Ray 13/1/17
Collie, Heather (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/26
Collier, Alexandrina 16/4/09
Collier, John (Hebe Society member) 7/4/08, 9/2/22, 9/4/16, 11/4/09, 14/4/11, 15/2/03, 15/4/08, 15/4/10, 16/1/03, 16/2/03, 16/4/04, 16/4/09, 17/2/12, 20/4/03
Collins (publishers) 22/1/17
Collins Guide to Pests, S Buczacki and K Harris 6/3/05
Collins Guide to the Alpine Plants of NZ, John Salmon 17/4/17
Collospermum microspermum 26/1/18
Colocasia antiquorum 6/4/23
Colombia 15/3/25, 33/2/04
Coltsfoot see Tussilago farfara
Columbus, Christopher 9/4/27
Colwall, Malvern, Worcestershire, UK 3/1/15, 5/1/25, 30/1/04
Comber, Harold (UK planthunter) 31/2/05
Comfrey juice 30/1/09
Comma (butterfly) 19/4/24, 22/3/09
Commander Islands, Russia 22/4/07
Commerson, Philibert (French botanist) 9/1/20, 9/4/26, 10/4/06, 11/1/04, 15/3/26, 20/1/13, 20/4/17, 25/4/04
Commidendrum robustum 17/1/05
Common Names, plant classification 2/3/05
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia 12/4/03
Community Plant Variety Office see Plant Breeders Rights
Compositae 7/1/28, 19/4/16, 22/1/18
Compost bin 23/2/03
Compost Tea 13/2/13
Compost, Bowyers reduced-peat 24/3/16
Compost, braken 36/3/25
Compost, Dalefoot 36/3/25
Compost, eggshells 23/2/16
Compost, environmentally friendly 24/3/17
Compost, homemade 35/2/14, 35/2/14
Compost, Jack Magic 35/2/15
Compost, John Innes 35/2/15
Compost, Melcourt 30/3/13
Compost, Miracle-Gro 24/3/16
Compost, New Horizons 24/3/16
Compost, peat free 36/3/25, 37/3/19
Compost, potash 36/3/25
Compost, recycled organic material 13/2/13, 23/2/03, 23/2/15
Compost, Shamrock multipurpose 24/3/16
Compost, Sylvagrow 36/3/25
Composts 7/1/03, 24/3/15
Compton, James (UK botanist) 15/1/03
Computer security 20/4/05, 24/1/03
Computer, Dell 24/1/03
Computer, Hewlett-Packard 24/1/03
Computers 2/5/02, 3/1/03, 8/3/06, 24/1/03
Concise British Flora, W Keble Martin 15/1/19
Concorde (airliner) 36/3/23
Conference, 90’s Natives, NZ 6/1/03
Conference, Specialist Societies see National Plant Societies Federation, Conference
Congleton Horticultural Society, UK 19/1/06, 19/3/03, 19/4/04
Congleton, Cheshire, UK 25/3/03, 28/4/04, 31/3/18
Congo Cockatoo see Impatiens niamniamensis
Conifer Society 30/2/09
Conifers 17/2/27, 21/1/21, 29/1/15, 29/1/17
Connor, H E (NZ botanist) 38/1/03
Contemporary Plant Systematics, Prof D W Woodland 22/1/23
Continental drift 13/2/28, 34/1/23
Convention on Biological Diversity see Biodiversity Agreement
Convolvulus cneorum 11/2/11, 38/2/05
Conway River Gorge, SI 24/1/23, 31/1/17
Conway-Smith, Mrs Barbara (Hebe Society member) 14/2/20
Cook Islands 10/2/32, 12/3/26, 24/4/19
Cook Museum, UK 35/1/17, 35/1/19, 35/1/17, 35/3/13
Cook Strait, NZ 6/4/24, 7/4/29, 11/1/03, 12/3/27, 18/2/16, 22/1/22, 30/2/04
Cook, Amanda 1/2/11
Cook, Brian (UK horticulturist) 1/2/03, 1/2/04, 1/4/02, 2/3/04, 2/4/07, 4/2/06, 4/3/05, 4/3/19, 4/4/05, 5/1/05, 5/2/05, 5/2/08, 6/1/05, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/2/23, 6/3/21, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 17/4/05, 18/3/11, 20/1/03
Cook, Captain James (UK explorer) 2/2/06, 2/4/18, 3/2/26, 5/2/10, 6/1/28, 6/2/13, 6/3/12, 6/4/22, 7/1/10, 7/4/11, 7/4/20, 8/3/28, 8/4/27, 10/3/21, 11/2/27, 12/2/10, 13/1/23, 14/1/16, 14/2/17, 15/3/15, 18/2/16, 22/1/10, 22/3/03, 22/3/08, 23/4/06, 24/4/19, 27/2/17, 29/3/22, 35/1/19, 35/3/13
Cook, Carol (UK horticulturist) 20/2/03
Cook, Derek (NZ gardener) 17/1/12
Cool, Peter (Hebe Society member) 12/4/04
Coombe Royal, Devon, UK 8/4/22
Coombes, Allen (UK horticulturist) 13/3/04, 18/4/21
Copenhagen, Denmark 21/4/24
Copper (chemical element) 5/3/16
Coprosma 4/3/17, 5/4/11, 5/4/19, 8/3/24, 8/4/03, 8/4/28, 10/3/10, 12/3/19, 13/2/27, 13/3/11, 14/1/21, 14/2/19, 15/2/27, 17/1/23, 18/4/20, 19/1/07, 19/3/21, 20/1/07, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 21/4/24, 24/4/20, 25/1/22, 26/4/10, 27/3/12, 29/1/22, 29/3/16, 30/1/16, 31/1/11
Coprosma astonii 27/1/17
Coprosma atropurpurea 4/4/10, 17/1/24, 26/2/20, 26/4/13
Coprosma Beatson’s Gold 2/4/17, 6/4/18, 8/2/15, 14/4/27, 20/1/09, 21/2/18, 22/2/04, 24/4/16
Coprosma brunnea 17/1/24
Coprosma brunnea Violet Fleck 26/2/20
Coprosma cheesemanii 5/1/11
Coprosma cheesemanii Mallabe 26/2/20
Coprosma colensoi 4/3/17, 5/4/25, 10/1/17(selection)
Coprosma Coppershine 8/2/15
Coprosma cuneata 18/1/25
Coprosma Fireburst 30/1/16
Coprosma foetidissima 7/4/13, 27/1/17
Coprosma kirkii 2/4/23, 4/4/10, 6/4/18, 26/3/18
Coprosma kirkii Variegata 4/4/18, 6/4/18, 8/2/15
Coprosma lucida 7/4/12, 7/4/13, 9/3/14, 24/2/01
Coprosma niteris 6/4/18
Coprosma nitida 7/3/20
Coprosma Pacific Night 27/3/12
Coprosma parvifolia 9/1/25, 25/4/09
Coprosma Pearl’s Sister
Coprosma petriei 3/2/08, 6/2/06, 17/1/24, 21/4/24, 23/4/18, 23/4/21, 23/4/22
Coprosma propinqua 8/4/21, 26/2/20
Coprosma quadrifida 7/3/20
Coprosma Rainbow Surprise 20/1/09, 20/2/17, 21/2/18
Coprosma repens 2/3/19, 19/1/07, 21/1/16, 25/4/23, 26/4/12, 27/4/23, 30/1/03, 38/1/24
Coprosma repens County Park Red 21/1/16
Coprosma repens Marble Queen 20/1/09
Coprosma repens Pacific Dawn 30/1/03
Coprosma repens Pacific Night 21/1/16, 30/1/03
Coprosma repens Pink Splendour 8/2/15
Coprosma repens Silver Queen 26/3/18
Coprosma rhamnoides 26/1/19, 28/4/24
Coprosma robusta 19/3/21, 19/3/21, 26/4/01, 36/1/16, 36/1/16
Coprosma rugosa 23/4/18
Coprosma, collection 18/2/04
Coprosma, hardiness 22/4/15
Coprosma, hybrids 13/2/27, 24/4/20, 29/3/16
Coprosma, registration 32/3/22
Corallospartium 6/1/10, 17/1/23
Corbin, David (UK horticulturalist) 17/2/26
Corca Dhuibhne, Ireland 6/4/08
Cordyline 8/3/24, 10/3/11, 10/3/21, 11/2/03, 11/3/07, 12/3/19, 13/2/13, 13/2/28, 14/1/21, 14/4/27, 16/1/10, 16/4/08, 17/3/10, 21/1/18, 21/2/12, 22/1/11, 22/2/04, 22/3/03, 25/4/23, 27/1/11, 32/2/23, 34/2/11, 36/1/16, 38/2/08
Cordyline australis 2/3/19, 5/4/10, 5/4/10, 6/4/07, 6/4/08, 6/4/19, 9/1/06, 9/1/14, 9/2/10, 9/2/11, 11/4/12, 11/4/12, 13/2/28, 13/3/11, 13/3/22, 17/4/15, 20/1/24, 22/2/12, 22/3/05, 22/3/insert, 23/3/08, 28/1/09, 28/1/17, 28/3/18, 30/3/04, 30/3/05, 31/1/03, 31/1/04, 31/1/22, 32/1/03, 32/1/insert, 32/2/23, 36/1/16, 36/1/17, 38/1/12
Cordyline australis Albertii 17/4/03, 19/3/21, 30/1/05
Cordyline australis Black Tower 12/2/04
Cordyline australis Purpurea 21/2/04
Cordyline australis Torbay Dazzler 15/4/03, 17/4/03, 18/1/03, 19/1/03, 24/3/03, 26/3/07
Cordyline australis, Norway 22/3/05
Cordyline banksii 9/3/14, 36/1/16, 36/2/18, 36/2/18
Cordyline baueri 15/2/25
Cordyline indivisa 7/4/12, 13/2/28, 13/4/03, 15/1/28, 17/2/16, 19/4/21, 19/4/21, 26/1/insert, 26/1/19, 30/1/05, 30/3/04, 31/1/04, 31/2/04, 32/1/03, 32/1/insert, 32/2/04, 32/2/23, 36/1/17, 36/1/17, 38/2/32
Cordyline Karo Kiri 39/1/16
Cordyline pumilo 36/1/16
Cordyline terminalis 7/3/21, 8/2/28
Cordyline, cultivation 31/1/22
Cordyline, Europe 31/1/22
Cordyline, hardiness 20/1/24
Cordyline, National Collection, UK 6/1/05
Cordyline, registration 39/3/15
Cordyline, scent 11/3/07, 34/2/11
Cordyline, UK 29/1/13, 31/1/22
Cordyline, uses 31/1/22
Corfe Castle, Dorset, UK 22/2/16
Coriaria 21/1/18
Coriaria arborea 8/1/19, 13/1/20
Coriaria myrtifolia 7/3/20
Coriaria plumosa 32/3/insert
Coriaria sarmentosa 5/3/19, 5/3/19, 28/4/01
Coriaria terminalis 7/3/20
Cork, Ireland 7/1/22, 22/1/22
CORMA (plant sales and marketing) 28/1/19
Cornaceae (plant family) 13/2/29
Cornish Coastal Path Association, Cornwall, UK 27/4/18
Cornish Garden Society, medal, Bronze 2/4/02
Cornish Gardens Trust, UK 15/2/12
Cornish Palm see Cordyline Australis
Cornish shovel 6/1/23
Cornus 31/1/19
Cornwall College, Cornwall, UK 16/3/08
Cornwall County Council 7/4/07, 15/2/12
Cornwall Garden Society 2/2/05, 2/2/09, 4/2/06, 8/4/05
Cornwall, UK 3/3/06, 4/3/05, 4/4/04, 5/3/06, 6/4/11, 8/1/05, 8/1/12, 8/2/22, 8/4/05, 9/2/07, 9/2/26, 12/2/04, 25/3/06
Corokia 4/4/13, 5/4/11, 6/2/06, 8/1/03, 8/4/03, 13/2/29, 13/3/22, 14/2/19, 17/3/23, 20/2/17, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 21/2/12, 24/4/16, 25/1/22, 27/3/12, 31/1/12, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 32/2/04, 32/3/17, 33/3/11, 34/3/25, 38/2/26, 39/1/09, 39/1/12
Corokia buddleioides 6/4/19, 8/2/14, 21/1/04, 25/2/04, 32/2/05, 34/1/04, 38/1/32
Corokia cotoneaster 6/2/06, 6/2/06, 8/2/14, 12/2/03, 13/2/03, 13/2/29, 13/2/29, 20/2/04, 21/1/04, 21/2/18, 23/4/01, 25/2/04, 27/1/17, 29/1/05, 31/1/12, 31/2/10, 32/2/05, 34/1/04, 38/2/03, 38/2/03, 39/2/03
Corokia macrocarpa 8/2/14, 21/1/04, 25/1/23, 32/2/05, 34/1/04
Corokia Purpureum 8/2/14
Corokia virgata 2/3/19, 4/1/09, 6/4/19, 7/3/11, 13/2/29, 19/3/08, 20/2/18, 21/1/04, 21/2/18, 22/2/04, 25/1/04, 25/2/04, 32/2/05, 34/1/insert
Corokia virgata Bronze King 15/2/26
Corokia virgata Bronze Lady 8/2/14
Corokia virgata Cheesemanii 38/2/03
Corokia virgata Frosted Chocolate 21/1/04, 21/2/18, 24/3/10, 32/2/05
Corokia virgata Red Wonder 8/3/24, 21/1/04, 21/2/18, 34/1/04
Corokia virgata Sunsplash 19/3/08, 20/1/09, 20/2/17, 21/1/04, 21/2/18, 22/2/04
Corokia virgata Yellow Wonder 31/1/12
Corokia, alternative to Buxus 31/1/12
Corokia, article, The Garden, UK 34/1/04
Corokia, collection 30/1/18
Corokia, cultivation 31/1/12
Corokia, foliage 31/1/12
Corokia, hardiness 21/2/18, 31/1/12
Corokia, National Collection, UK 31/1/12, 31/2/05, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 32/2/04, 32/3/17, 34/1/04, 37/1/04
Coromandel, Waikato, NI 2/4/11, 3/4/17, 4/3/24, 5/3/23, 6/2/03, 6/3/26, 8/2/22, 8/3/29, 8/4/28, 13/2/22, 14/1/17, 19/1/05, 19/1/17, 21/2/12
Coronavirus see Covid-19
Coronet Peak, Otago, SI 7/2/20
Correa 15/2/31, 32/3/17, 38/1/14
Correa backhousiana 7/3/12, 14/1/15
Correa lawrenceana 14/1/03
Correa, National Collection, UK 31/1/03, 32/3/17
Correns, Carl (scientist) 15/3/27
Corrigan, D H L (NZ) 3/2/26
Corsica, Europe 32/1/23
Corstorphine, Edinbugh, Scotland, UK 24/4/08
Cortaderia richardii 25/4/08, 32/2/04
Cortaderia selloana Silver Star 34/3/13
Corticosteroids 8/2/11
Cortisone 8/2/11
Corybas (NZ orchid) 18/4/25, 31/2/23
Corydalis ambigua 23/1/13
Corynocarpus 13/3/11
Corynocarpus laevigatus 2/3/19, 5/4/24, 8/1/19, 8/2/28, 9/4/23, 13/1/20
Corysanthes species 7/3/18
Cosmos 34/3/13
Costa Brava, Spain 27/2/21, 27/3/11, 27/4/09, 34/2/05
Costa Rica 32/1/23, 38/1/25
Cotgrove, Steve (Hebe Society member) 36/2/15
Cotinus 18/4/20
Cotoneaster 13/2/29, 15/4/14, 17/2/27, 17/2/27, 27/2/19
Cotoneaster horizontalis 11/2/11
Cotswolds, UK 9/1/08, 10/3/18, 25/3/08, 25/4/07, 26/2/21, 30/1/03
Cottage Garden Society, north Wales branch 24/4/03
Cottage Garden Society, UK 17/3/23, 18/3/12, 24/4/03
Cotula see Leptinella
Coulter pine see Pinus coulteri
Countess of Ilchester 22/2/15
Countess of Wessex 28/3/insert
County Clare, Ireland 7/1/22
County Down, UK 8/1/15
County Limerick, Ireland 9/3/20, 22/1/22
County Living, magazine (UK) 12/4/04
County Meath, Ireland 6/4/09
Couper, Becky (Hebe Society, website enquirer) 19/4/28
Courson see Show, Courson, Paris, UK
Courtney, S 5/1/09
Couzens, Adam (UK horticulturist) 34/2/09, 36/3/29, 36/3/30
Covid 19, virus, pandemic 35/1/04, 35/1/21, 35/2/04, 35/2/07, 35/2/14, 35/2/16, 35/2/23, 35/3/07, 36/1/04, 36/1/07, 36/1/14, 36/2/03, 36/2/07, 36/2/22, 36/3/12, 36/3/24, 37/1/09, 37/2/03, 37/2/07, 37/3/03, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 38/1/15, 38/1/17, 38/2/13
Covid 19, virus, lockdown 35/3/14, 36/1/07, 36/2/09, 36/3/24, 37/2/12, 37/3/03, 38/1/15, 38/1/17, 38/2/13
Covid-19 see Covid 19
Cox, Jane (UK nurseryman) 13/4/03
Cox, Martyn (UK) 12/3/22
Coxon, Mrs (UK nurseryman) 14/4/21
CPVO see also European Plant Breeders Rights Register
CPVO see Plant Breeders Rights
Craigieburn, Canterbury, SI 4/1/26, 7/1/08, 10/3/25, 19/3/18, 22/4/22, 28/1/10, 30/2/19, 31/2/04, 32/2/14
Craspedia 9/1/26
Crawley, Sussex, UK 4/3/24
Creeping Jenny see Lysimachia nummularia
Cremel, Sophie (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/4/22
Crested grebe (NZ bird) 15/4/16
Creswell, R C (NZ botanist) 16/1/05
Cretaceous period (geology) 25/4/21, 34/1/23
Crete, Greece 16/1/11, 25/1/14
Crewe, Cheshire, UK 8/3/20, 10/2/16, 10/3/18, 35/1/03
Crimea Range, SI 18/1/14
Crinodendron 10/3/06
Crinodendron hookerianum 26/2/24, 27/4/22
Crinodendron patua 27/4/22
Crisp, Phillipa (NZ author) 25/1/22
Croatia 24/1/24, 38/2/05
Croizat, Leon (Italian botanist) 24/1/20
Crombie, Brian (UK gardener) 16/1/10
Cromwell, Otago, SI 10/3/28, 12/4/04, 26/4/13, 27/1/17, 28/3/19
Cronquist, Arthur (plant taxonomist) 2/1/S2
Crook, O 8/3/06
Croome Landscape Park, Worcestershire, UK 11/2/08
Croque, Canada 6/2/12
Crosby-Smith, Joseph (NZ botanist) 5/3/20, 14/1/18
Crow 11/1/07
Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire, UK 30/2/21
Crowther, Ken (UK nurseryman and broadcaster) 17/4/05
Croyde, Barnstaple, Devon, UK 3/2/05, 3/3/04
Crozet Islands 10/1/32
Crusoe Hall, Canada 6/2/12
Cryptomeria 26/2/16
Crystal Palace 31/1/13
CSIRO see Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Cuba 15/3/25
Cuckfield, Sussex, UK 29/1/08, 29/2/07
Cuckoo, shining (NZ bird) 19/4/17, 19/4/23
Culham, Alastair (UK botanist) 12/3/04, 15/1/03
Culharn Club, Oxford, UK 16/4/12
Cultar, growth regulator 25/1/15
Cultivar, plant classification 2/2/16, 6/2/07
Cultivar, registration 17/1/25, 39/3/15
Cultivar, standards 17/1/25
Cultivated plants 2/3/07
Cultivation of NZ Native Grasses, Metcalf, Lawrie 17/1/13, 31/1/04, 32/3/24
Cultivation of NZ plants, Leonard Cockayne 3/2/16, 9/2/12, 9/4/06, 32/3/23
Cultivation of NZ Plants, Metcalf, Lawrie 9/2/18, 14/4/22, 21/1/19, 25/3/14, 32/3/24
Cultivation of NZ Trees and Shrubs, Metcalf, Lawrie 1/1/06, 2/4/03, 3/2/03, 3/2/16, 3/4/10, 4/4/06, 8/3/22, 9/4/06, 10/3/24, 14/2/03, 14/4/03, 14/4/22, 18/3/03, 19/2/27, 21/3/11, 22/2/04, 25/1/04, 26/4/03, 32/3/23
Cumbark (composts) 3/1/19
Cumbria, UK 9/3/26
Cummings Jill 14/4/14
Cummins, Sally (UK nurseryman) 21/3/09
Cunningham, Allan (NZ botanist) 2/4/06, 4/2/25, 5/1/19, 7/3/16, 8/4/16, 13/2/21, 18/3/21
Cunningham, Gordon Herriot (NZ horticulturist) 29/3/11
Cunningham, Richard (NZ botanist) 6/1/28, 7/3/16
Cupertino, California, USA 26/3/15
Cupressceace (plant family) 30/2/03
Cupressocyparis leylandii 5/4/11, 12/4/27, 30/1/16, 35/3/19
Cupressocyparis leylandii, renamed to Cuprocyparis leylandii 35/3/19
Cupressus bermudiana 27/4/22
Cupressus lucitanica 27/4/22
Cupressus macrocarpa 14/4/25, 28/4/11
Cupressus macrocarpa Goldcrest 9/2/08, 12/2/10
Cupressus sempervirens Swane’s Gold 9/3/13
Curcumas, registration 25/2/14
Curious Colensos, A L Rowse 7/1/05
Currah, N (Hebe Society member) 8/2/05
Curran, Leo (Hebe Society member) 14/2/22, 14/3/11, 14/4/11, 15/1/21, 15/1/22
Currie, Robin (horticulturist) 6/1/05
Curtis Island, NZ 38/1/23
Curtis, Dr Winifred (Australian botanist) 3/3/13
Curtis, Wendy (Hebe Society member) 34/2/09
Cushion plants 29/1/16
CVPO see Plant Breeders Rights
Cyanobacterium 29/1/18
Cyathea 21/2/12, 25/1/13, 26/1/17, 26/4/17, 27/1/11, 32/2/04
Cyathea dealbata 2/3/20, 5/1/21, 5/4/05, 23/3/22, 31/1/14
Cyathea kermadecensis 38/1/23
Cyathea medullaris 5/4/24, 5/4/24, 6/4/19, 6/4/19, 19/3/23, 19/3/24, 36/2/18, 36/2/18, 36/3/24, 36/3/24
Cyathodes 21/1/18
Cyathodes colensoi 4/4/11, 7/1/07, 7/1/09
Cyathodes fraseri 3/2/08, 4/4/11, 5/2/11, 5/2/11
Cyathodes juniperina 7/1/08
Cyclamen 16/1/23, 17/2/27, 30/1/16, 32/2/03
Cyclamen hederifolium 14/1/14
Cyclamen, registration 25/2/14
Cyparaceae (plant family) 17/1/14
Cyperus ustulatus 9/3/15
Cyprus 25/1/14
Cystophora torulosa 18/2/01
Cytisus 14/4/26
Cytisus scoparius 38/3/25
Cytochrome c oxidase (DNA) 21/1/04
Czekakski (Polish horticulturist) 21/1/21
D *
D’Urville Island, Cook Strait, NZ 6/4/27, 14/4/17, 17/1/18, 18/1/15, 18/2/16
D’Urville, J S C D (French naval officer and botanist) 6/3/28, 12/2/26, 14/4/17
Dacrycarpus 13/3/11, 26/4/17
Dacrydium 26/4/17, 27/1/11
Dacrydium bidwillii 10/4/14, 18/1/04
Dacrydium colensoi 5/4/25, 20/1/07
Dacrydium cupressinum 7/4/13, 8/1/09, 8/1/09, 12/2/03, 15/1/14, 15/3/18, 22/2/20, 22/4/23, 23/4/06, 26/1/17, 26/1/19, 28/3/20, 31/1/24, 31/3/03, 34/3/27, 37/1/04
Dacrydium dacrydioides 26/1/17, 28/3/19
Dacrydium franklinii 5/4/05, 7/3/20
Dacrydium kirkii 2/4/23, 8/1/09
Dactylanthus taylori 18/4/25, 28/3/03
Dactylorhiza aristata 23/1/13
Daffodil Registrar 16/1/24, 17/2/27
Daggett, Jane (UK gardener) 39/3/03
Daglingworth, Gloucestershire, UK 25/3/06, 25/4/07, 26/2/14, 26/2/15
Dahlia 12/4/26, 17/2/27, 34/3/13, 36/3/31
Dahlia, RHS trial 36/3/15, 36/3/21, 36/3/31
Daily Express (UK newspaper) 32/1/17
Daily Mail (UK newspaper) 1/2/11, 1/3/02, 5/4/03, 11/4/04
Daily Telegraph (UK newspaper) 1/2/11, 11/4/06, 20/2/17, 21/1/04, 26/3/03, 30/2/21
Daisy bush see Olearia
Daisy, Akaroa see Celmisia mackaui
Daisy, Coastal Tree see Olearia solandri
Daisy, Dwarf Alpine see Brachyglottis bellidioides
Daisy, Great Barrier Tree see Olearia allomii
Daisy, Port Hills see Senecio saxifragoides
Daisy, Traill’s Tree see Olearia traillii
Dale, Debbie (NZ journalist) 27/1/03
Dallas, Texas, USA 33/1/10
Dalton, Annette (UK botanist) 21/4/04
Dalzell, Fiona (NZ gardener) 13/3/16
Damaru, SI see Oamaru, SI
Daminozida, growth regulator 25/1/16
Danaus plexippus (butterfly) 11/2/15, 21/2/08, 23/3/12
Danckwerts, Hugo (UK horticulturist) 38/3/18
Danish Growers Magazine 4/1/07
Danish Hebe Club 4/1/07, 9/3/06
Danish Horticultural Research Centre 2/5/13, 4/4/17
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science 9/1/07
Danish nurserymen 4/4/06
Dannevirke, Wairarapa, NI 6/4/26
Daphne collina 16/1/11
Daphne mezereum alba 14/4/28
Daphne napolitana 3/2/08
Daphne, mythology 14/2/16
Dark, Di (UK nurseryman) 4/2/03, 37/3/23
Darling River, New South Wales, Australia 7/3/19
Darlington, Cyril Dean (UK botanist) 15/3/28
Darton, H (NZ nurseryman) 7/2/17
Darwin–Croizat paradox 24/1/20
Darwin, Charles (UK naturalist) 3/2/27, 8/1/09, 8/4/28, 15/3/24, 24/1/20, 30/2/03
Darwin, Erasmus (UK scientist) 3/2/27
Darymple, Alexander (UK sailor) 6/3/12
Data Protection Act 1984, UK 2/5/03
Data Protection Act 2018, UK 33/2/07
Datura 10/3/06
Datura metel 26/4/19
Datura sanguinea 14/4/27
Daugherty, Charles (NZ scientist) 8/2/03
David, Dr John? RHS 38/1/27
Davidson, Geoff (NZ nurseryman) 17/1/13
Davidson, Joanna (Hebe Society member) 24/2/21
Davies Alpine House, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK 22/4/22
Davies, Mrs Patricia K R (UK artist, illustrator of Hebes Here and There) 7/3/14, 8/3/15, 9/4/05, 11/4/03, 12/3/04, 12/4/07, 12/4/10, 13/3/04, 16/2/26, 22/4/13, 27/3/12, 36/3/03, 37/3/20, 38/2/05
Davies, Peter (Chairman, Tatton Garden Society) 18/4/12, 19/3/11
Davies, Sir Victor (NZ nurseryman) 12/3/03
Davis, Georgina (Australian artist) 16/1/28
Davis, Lionel (Hebe Society member) 1/2/11, 2/4/02, 2/5/13, 3/4/06, 10/3/07
Dawson Falls, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Dawson, John (NZ botanist) 18/1/22, 22/2/20, 26/4/15, 39/1/23
Dawson, Murray (NZ botanist, International Registrar, Hebe Society Vice President 2017–) 12/2/04, 12/3/03, 17/4/04, 19/3/25, 21/1/20, 27/4/04, 30/1/03, 32/3/03, 32/3/11, 35/2/22, 36/3/30, 37/3/21, 37/3/26, 38/1/21, 38/3/07, 38/3/23, 39/1/08, 39/1/16, 39/2/24, 39/3/12, 39/3/22
Dawson, Toby J M (UK horticulturist) 20/4/12
Daylight saving 9/4/05
de Bougainville, Louis (French sailor) 7/4/10, 9/1/24, 9/4/26, 20/4/17
de Cartearet, Mike (UK gardener) 19/2/21
de Fries, Hugo (scientist) 15/3/27
de Jussieu, Antoine-Laurent (French botanist) 2/1/S2, 9/1/20, 9/4/26, 11/1/04, 25/4/04, 28/1/04
de Jussieu, Bernard (French botanist) 9/4/26
de Jussieu, Joseph (French botanist) 9/4/26
de la Condamine, Charles (French physicist) 9/4/26
de Lange, Peter (NZ botanist) 14/4/13, 16/1/04, 17/3/15, 21/4/11, 39/1/24
de Mackau, Admiral Baron (French sailor) 4/1/23
de Maurepas, Compte (French naturalist) 9/4/26
de Renzy, Sarah (NZ horticulturist) 16/2/25
Dead File (plants) 1/4/11
Deal, Kent, UK 7/1/13
Dean, Mark (NZ nurseryman) 20/4/14
Dean, Stephen (Hebe Society, Examiner of Accounts) 36/2/22
Death, BBE (Hebe Society member) 28/2/10
DeBolt, Virginia (website author) 22/1/03
Deceit Peaks, St Island 12/2/24
Deciduous plants 22/2/21
Dee River, Marlborough, SI 16/1/17
DEFRA see Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK
Delahay, Suzanne (Hebe Society member) 35/2/27
Delaney (Macclesfield engineering supplies) 29/2/22
Delaware, USA 15/3/24
Delph, Dr Linda (NZ scientist) 7/3/08
Delphinium 33/3/19
Delphinium Society 30/2/09
Denbigh, Wales, UK 24/4/03
Dendrobium cunninghamii 7/3/18, 7/3/18
Dendy, Arthur (NZ zoologist) 19/4/17
Denham Bay Cliffs, Kermadec Islands, NZ 14/2/27
Denmark 3/3/03, 4/1/07, 4/2/22, 4/4/17, 5/1/11, 7/1/18, 9/3/06, 9/4/05, 16/4/07, 16/4/16, 17/1/10, 20/4/03, 26/1/10, 30/1/09
Dennison Plateau see Denniston Plateau, Nelson, SI
Denniston Plateau, Nelson, SI 19/2/15, 28/4/15, 33/1/12
Dent, Peter (Hebe Society member) 15/3/22, 16/3/16
Department of Agric, NZ 9/2/12
Department of Conservation alpine herbfield management plan 34/1/21
Department of Conservation, NZ 6/3/24, 10/1/22, 12/2/03, 14/2/26, 15/1/11, 15/1/14, 18/2/22, 19/3/26, 19/4/04, 21/4/04, 24/1/04, 27/2/04, 27/3/20, 28/1/23, 28/4/03, 29/1/12, 29/1/14, 29/2/13, 30/1/09, 31/3/17, 33/1/12, 34/1/20, 34/2/20
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK 19/2/28, 24/1/21, 24/3/15, 25/3/11, 28/4/18, 32/1/21, 38/3/26
Department of Trade, UK 14/4/09
Deptford, London, UK 6/4/22
Derbukov, Eugene (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/26
Derbyshire, UK 9/1/24
Derry, Ireland 6/4/08
Derwentia 8/2/08, 9/3/03, 10/1/28, 10/2/07, 15/1/04, 16/2/27, 35/3/19
Derwentia arcuata 9/4/12
Derwentia arenaria 5/4/07, 5/4/07, 5/4/18, 9/4/12
Derwentia blakelyi 9/4/12
Derwentia decorosa 9/4/12
Derwentia derwentiana 5/4/18, 9/4/12
Derwentia nivea 9/4/12
Derwentia perfoliata 3/2/16, 5/4/18, 6/1/13, 7/3/20, 8/2/08, 9/3/08, 16/2/27, 29/3/19, 34/2/10, 37/1/22, 37/1/22, 37/2/04
Derwentia velutina 9/4/12
Derwentia, renamed to Veronica 35/3/19, 35/3/25
Derwentia, RHS Plant Finder 35/3/25
Desert plants 22/2/21
Desmoschoenus spiralis 9/1/26, 18/1/23, 18/1/24, 19/1/05
Detzneria 3/4/11, 4/1/06, 9/3/03, 9/4/09
Deutzia 17/1/21, 27/3/14
Deutzia scabra Candidisima 28/3/23
Devlin, Ian (Irish gardener) 9/4/05
Devon, UK 6/4/06, 8/1/15, 8/2/08, 14/2/11, 16/3/13, 17/2/03, 17/3/09
Devonian 2/2/06, 2/4/15, 8/4/22
Deyeuxia billardieri 17/4/01
Dial Rocks, Scilly Islands, UK 8/4/17
Diamond, Prof Jared (US biologist) 6/2/03
Diana see Princess of Wales
Diander (plant classification) 9/1/23
Dianella 6/2/06
Dianella caerulea 7/3/20
Dianella revoluta 7/3/20
Dianella tasmanica 15/4/03, 24/4/04
Dianthus, alpine, National Collection, UK 9/3/24
Diary of Events 2/1/03, 2/2/09
Diascia 12/4/26, 13/4/06, 29/3/11
Diatoms, photographs 35/3/27
Dible, Amanda (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 21/3/22
Dichlorvos (insecticide) 5/2/18
Dicksonia 13/3/27, 21/2/12, 26/1/17, 26/4/17, 27/1/11, 31/1/13, 32/2/04, 37/2/16
Dicksonia antarctica 9/3/09, 20/2/03, 24/4/04, 27/4/23, 31/1/13, 34/3/15
Dicksonia arborescens 34/3/15
Dicksonia fibrosa 2/3/20, 5/3/17
Dicksonia lanata 8/4/29
Dicksonia squarrosa 2/3/20, 10/3/11
Dicksonia x lathamii 34/3/15
Dicotyledon, plant classification 2/1/S2, 8/1/11
Dictionary of Gardening, RHS, 1951 9/1/20
Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK 30/2/21, 35/2/14
Didymocheton spectabilis see Dysoxylum spectabile
Die Vegetation der Erde 9/2/12
Die-back 2/4/09, 30/1/04
Dieffenbach, Ernst (NZ botanist) 3/2/27, 6/3/27
Diervilla 23/1/12
Dig for Victory, UK 16/4/11
Dig it (radio programme) 19/1/14
Digger’s speedwell see Derwentia perfoliata
Digital camera see Camera, digital
Digital Photo Professional (computer program) 32/3/19
Digital projector 24/2/03, 24/4/03
Digitalis 13/4/18
Dinard, France 29/3/18
Dingle Creek, Ireland 6/4/08
Dingo Creek, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/07
Dinosaur 18/2/18
Dioecious plants 13/2/27
Diosgenin (plant constituent) 8/2/11
Diplarrena moraea (Australian plant) 26/2/13
Discaria 21/1/18
Discaria toumatou 9/1/26, 25/4/10, 26/4/12, 27/2/1
Discovery (NZ magazine) 17/3/04, 18/4/03
Disease vector, froghopper 34/2/03
Diselma archeri 28/4/04
Disphyma australe 18/1/22
Display panels 20/3/03
Diss, Norfolk, UK 6/1/07, 26/1/11
Ditene Plus (fungicide adjunct) 28/2/21
Dithane see Fungicide, Dithane
Ditton, Sally (Hebe Society member) 6/1/05
Divarication 10/1/23, 24/1/19, 24/4/19
Division, plant classification 2/1/S2
Djerassi, Prof Carl (US chemist) 8/2/11
DNA barcoding 21/1/04
DNA fingerprinting 12/3/04
DNA, analysis of 9/4/11, 10/1/29, 15/1/04, 26/3/03
Dobson Nature Walk, Arthur’s Pass, SI 22/4/22
Dobson, Arthur (NZ pioneer) 15/3/19
DOC see Department of Conservation, NZ
Doctrine of Signatures 19/1/25
Doddington Place, Sittingbourne, Kent, UK 16/1/09, 16/3/20, 23/2/11
Dodoens, Rembert (16th century Dutch physician and herbalist) 24/2/18
Dodonaea 21/2/12, 24/2/18
Dodonaea angustifolia Purpurea see Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea
Dodonaea angustifolia see Dodonaea viscosa
Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea 6/4/19, 7/3/11, 24/2/17
Dodonea humilis 7/3/20
Dodonea viscosa 16/3/06, 24/2/insert, 28/4/23
Dodonea viscosa Purpurea 30/1/16, 32/3/16
Doidge, Kevin (UK horticulturist) 35/3/04
Dolerite (mineral) 16/1/25
Dolichoglottis lyallii 8/3/28, 8/3/28, 9/1/30
Dolichoglottis scorzoneroides 9/1/30, 9/1/30, 10/4/10
Dolomite Mountains 25/1/14
Dolomite Point, Punakaiki, Westland, SI 15/3/18
Dolphin, Hector’s 27/2/19
Dolphin, Maui’s 29/2/13, 34/2/19
Domatia 9/2/13, 38/3/14
Dombrovskis, Peter (Australian photographer) 16/1/28
Dominion Museum, Wellington, NI 6/1/29
Don, Monty (UK horticulturist) 14/1/07, 23/1/03, 30/1/24, 35/2/23
Donald, Duncan (UK horticulturist) 2/1/03
Donata novae-zelandiae 22/4/22
Doncaster, Yorks, UK 16/2/03
Donegal, Ireland 3/4/04, 6/4/08
Doon Valley, Fiordland, SI 3/4/17
Dorling Kindersley (UK publisher) 14/3/07, 33/3/19
Dorrien-Smith, Major Arthur (UK gardener) 5/2/22, 6/2/27, 7/4/22, 16/2/27, 23/3/11
Dorset 28/3/09
Dorset College of Horticulture, UK 21/2/17
Dossett, Patti see Patti Dossett
Doubtful River, Canterbury, SI 2/5/08
Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, SI 5/1/25
Doucet, Capt (French sailor) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Douglas Bay, Isle of Man, UK 11/3/10, 11/4/13
Douglas Chalk Award see Douglas Chalk Trophy
Douglas Chalk Collection see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection
Douglas Chalk Trophy 17/2/20, 18/1/03, 18/2/11, 20/2/11, 21/2/17, 22/2/18, 24/2/22, 25/2/11, 26/2/15, 27/3/09, 29/2/07, 29/2/08, 30/3/13, 31/3/19, 32/3/11, 33/3/10, 33/3/15, 33/3/22, 34/3/23, 36/3/29, 37/3/09, 37/3/25, 39/2/26, 39/3/14
Douglas fir 23/1/17
Douglas, David (UK botanist) 3/2/28, 34/3/11
Dover, Kent, UK 15/2/08, 15/4/28, 23/3/22
Dowding, Charles (UK horticulturist) 34/1/13
Dowling, Gill (UK horticulturist) 30/3/12
Downman, Pauk (Hebe Society member) 19/3/11
Downy mildew 6/4/07, 9/2/07, 10/2/09, 12/3/05, 19/3/11, 19/4/23, 21/1/10, 26/1/23, 26/2/22, 28/1/08, 28/2/22, 31/3/24, 32/1/07, 34/3/28, 35/1/15, 37/3/19
Dracaena 10/3/21, 13/2/29, 22/1/11
Dracocephalum see Dracophyllum
Dracophyllum 9/1/25, 10/3/11, 12/2/04, 14/1/27, 16/1/03, 18/1/26, 19/3/21, 21/1/18, 21/2/12, 35/3/27
Dracophyllum acerosum 26/4/11, 27/1/18
Dracophyllum kirkii 2/4/23
Dracophyllum longifolium 7/4/11, 7/4/12, 27/1/17
Dracophyllum menziesii 15/4/01, 27/1/18
Dracophyllum muscoides 5/4/21, 7/4/25, 22/4/23
Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium 7/4/12
Dracophyllum sinclairii 8/4/30
Dracophyllum subulatum 5/3/18
Dracophyllum townsonii 17/2/18
Dracophyllum traversii 9/4/25, 20/2/15, 26/4/10
Dracophyllus latifolium 20/2/15
Drake, Jack (UK nurseryman) 1/3/09, 3/2/26
Dragon, Kimono (animal) 38/2/27
Dreamweaver (computer program) 17/1/19
Drimys 20/4/22
Drimys lanceolata 15/2/26, 27/4/23
Drimys winteri 23/4/23, 27/4/23, 32/1/11
Driving Creek Railway, Coromandel, Waikato, NI 21/2/12
Drobinsky, Jana (US gardener) 14/4/09
Drosera 18/1/26
Drosera spathulata 6/2/24, 7/3/17
Drought 5/3/06
Druce, A P (NZ botanist) 3/4/11, 4/1/10, 5/1/09, 13/3/25, 21/4/13, 29/3/14
Drury, D (NZ botanist) 8/4/26
Dryander, Jonas (Swedish librarian) 9/1/21
Dryas octopetala 12/4/27
Dryopteris, National collection, UK 12/4/27
DSIR, Botany Division, Dunedin, Otago, SI 10/2/20
DSIR, Botany Division, Lincoln, Canterbury, SI see Landcare Research)
DSIR, Botany Division, Nelson, SI 5/1/09
DSIR, Botany Division, Rotarua, NI 16/4/24
Dublin, Ireland 3/4/04, 8/4/05, 11/1/07, 12/4/08, 23/2/06, 39/2/19
Duchy College, Rosewarne, Cornwall, UK 5/3/05, 6/4/18, 7/1/26, 7/3/05, 7/4/07, 9/2/25, 14/2/04, 16/3/11, 19/2/03, 19/2/12, 19/3/06, 20/1/07, 20/2/03, 20/2/10, 20/2/20, 20/3/15, 21/2/11, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 22/1/09, 22/2/18, 23/2/10, 23/2/18, 23/3/14, 23/3/20, 23/3/22, 23/4/16, 24/2/09, 24/2/13, 24/3/07, 24/4/08, 25/2/08, 25/3/06, 25/3/12, 26/3/22, 29/3/09, 33/3/08, 34/1/18, 34/2/24, 34/3/08, 34/3/31, 35/3/08, 38/2/20
Duggar, B M (US botanist) 15/3/28
Duke of Bridgewater 33/1/18, 37/1/09
Duke of Edinburgh 10/3/10
Duke of York 22/3/03, 23/2/12
Duke University, USA 12/1/21
Dulloo, Mohammad Elisan (Conservitor, Mauritius) 19/4/20
Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 20/3/09
Dun Mountains, Nelson, SI 8/4/30, 14/4/16
Dundee, Scotland, UK 16/3/14
Dundonnell, Scotland, UK 15/3/03
Dunedin Evening Star 7/2/17
Dunedin Public Library 7/2/18
Dunedin, Otago, SI 4/4/21, 6/4/03, 7/1/20, 7/2/19, 7/4/21, 7/4/28, 8/2/16, 8/4/28, 10/1/33, 10/2/21, 12/4/19, 13/4/03, 13/4/25, 15/4/09, 16/1/17, 17/4/17, 20/3/19, 23/3/10, 27/3/21, 28/3/19, 30/2/12, 38/3/22
Dunmanus Bay, Ireland 7/1/22
Dunnock (UK bird) 11/1/07, 14/1/03, 35/2/26
Dunstable Garden Society, Bedfordshire, UK 6/3/06
Dunstable, Bedfordshire, UK 9/3/24
Durham Botanic Garden, UK 26/3/24
Dusky Bay, Fiordland, SI 2/4/15, 3/3/26, 6/1/28, 7/2/25, 7/4/12, 11/3/18, 23/4/06
Dutch East India Company 7/1/12
Dutch Elm Disease 2/5/04
Duxford, Cambridge, UK 13/3/09
Dwaft rock lily see Arthodium candidum Purpureum
Dyke, Tom Hart see Hart Dyke, Tom
Dysoxylum 31/1/03
Dysoxylum spectabile 8/1/19, 8/4/29, 17/3/04, 39/1/22
E *
Eadie, Fiona (NZ horticulturist) 39/1/23
Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs of NZ, 2006 21/3/03, 22/1/17
Eagle’s Trees and Shrubs of NZ 7/1/20, 8/3/12, 11/1/04, 12/4/03, 19/3/03, 21/4/13, 22/1/17
Eagle, Audrey (NZ author) 7/1/20, 8/3/21, 12/4/03, 16/1/05, 22/1/17
Earina autumnalis (NZ orchid) 26/1/17
Earina mucronata (NZ orchid) 26/1/17, 33/1/21
Earl of Coventry, sixth 11/2/08
Earl of Ellesmere 33/1/18
Earl of Ilchester 13/4/17
Earnslaw, TSS (NZ steamer) 16/4/20
East Anglia, UK 9/2/22
East Cape, Gisborne, NI 5/1/20, 5/1/22, 5/1/23, 6/1/27, 6/2/26, 7/2/25, 7/4/28, 8/1/14, 12/3/27, 21/1/15, 23/4/07, 25/4/21, 29/3/14, 29/3/23
East Indies 7/1/12
East Lambrook, Somerset, UK 10/2/17
Eastment, Margaret (Hebe Society member) 37/1/28
Eastwood, Alice (US botanist) 2/2/07, 11/3/10
eBay (Internet sales) 33/3/19
Eberhard, Jo (Australian artist) 16/1/28
Echium candicans 28/4/23
Echium pininana 15/2/31
EcoSci (UK compost producer) 13/2/13
Edelweiss, NZ see Leucogenes
Eden Project, Cornwell, UK 15/1/09, 17/1/05, 17/1/09, 19/2/03, 20/1/07, 20/2/03, 20/3/16, 24/1/04
Edgar, Elizabeth (NZ botanist) 3/3/09, 38/1/03
Edgbaston Lawn Tennis Club, Birmingham, UK 34/3/14
Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK 34/1/09, 34/2/11, 34/3/11
Edgerton, Sally ( Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/25
Edgeware, Middlesex, UK 18/4/10
Edgeworthia 11/2/13
Edgeworthia papyrifera 3/2/07
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 7/1/16, 8/3/10, 16/1/24, 16/2/27, 24/4/08, 39/3/06, 39/3/14, 39/3/19
Edington, Somerset, UK 3/3/26, 6/4/20, 7/4/06
Edwards, Peter (UK botanist) 39/3/17
Edwards, Roy (NZ horticulturist) 32/3/24, 39/1/23
EEC Regulations 7/1/13, 8/2/08
Eel (NZ fish) 27/2/19
Egerton, Francis 33/1/18
Egg shells (slug prevention) 33/3/19
Eggins, Howard (Hebe Society member) 7/3/03, 9/4/05, 11/1/09
Eggins, Linda (Hebe Society member) 11/1/09
Egmont National Park, NI 15/1/11, 15/1/13, 16/4/23
Egmont Village, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Egmont, Taranaki, NI 5/2/22, 14/1/17
Ehrendorfer, F (Australian botanist) 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 9/4/08, 10/1/28
Eire see Ireland
El Nino (weather system) 13/1/18, 17/2/05, 23/4/18, 34/2/05
Elaeagnus ebbingei 33/2/12
Elaeagnus Limelight 38/1/07
Elaeocarpus dentatus 8/1/19
Elaeocarpus hookerianus 22/2/01
Eleagnus maculata Gold Lining 9/2/08
Eleagnus reflexa 13/1/09
Electronic magazines see E-magazines
Electronic mail see E-mail
Elephant (animal) 38/2/27
Elingamita johnsonii 18/3/08, 28/2/03
Ellerslie Racecourse, Auckland, NI 25/4/17
Elliot, Danny (Hebe Society member) 21/1/10
Elliot, Joe (UK nurseryman) 3/3/26, 8/4/12, 9/1/08, 10/1/11
Elliot, Miss Agnes (NZ librarian) 7/2/17
Elliott, Clarence (UK nurseryman) 1/4/07
Ellis, Josephine (UK sundries) 2/3/11
Ellis, Peter (UK sundries) 2/3/11
Elsholtzia fruticosa 5/4/05
Elymus solandri 17/1/15
Elytranthe see Peraxilla
E-magazines 19/3/03
E-mail 11/4/22, 12/3/05, 12/4/07, 14/1/08, 14/2/08, 14/4/13, 15/1/24, 15/2/13, 17/3/03, 26/2/03
Embergeria grandiflora 25/1/22
Embothrinum coccineum 25/4/10, 27/4/23, 38/1/14
Emerald Coast, France 29/3/18
Empress Josephine (France) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Empress tree see Paulownia tomentosa
Encarsia wasp 8/2/22
Endeavour (Ship) 6/2/27, 6/3/12, 6/4/23, 7/1/10, 12/2/10, 15/3/15, 35/1/17, 36/2/19, 39/1/22
Endeavour River, Australia 7/3/16
Enderby Island, NZ 9/1/26
Englee, Canada 6/2/12
Englefield Green, Windsor, UK 23/2/12
English Rock Garden, R Farrer 3/3/11
Enkianthus 12/4/26
Enkianthus campanulatus 27/4/23
Enraigard, (Sumitomo Chemical, plant food) 35/3/22
Ensete ventricosum Maureli 34/3/13
Entoloma hochstetteri (NZ mushroom) 24/3/insert
Entwistle, Tony (UK gardener) 24/4/17
Environment Research Institute, NI 33/1/20
Environment Southland, Invercargill, SI (NZ conservation) 19/3/25
Enys Reserve, Canterbury, SI 36/3/32
Enys, John (NZ botanist) 5/1/09, 10/3/25, 10/3/27
Eocene period (geology) 34/1/23
Epacridaceae (plant family) 22/1/18, 26/4/11
Epacris pauciflora sinclairii 8/4/30
Ephedra sinica 8/2/10
Ephedrine 8/2/10
Epilobium 9/1/27
Epilobium angustifolium 13/1/10
Epilobium crassum 4/4/11, 7/3/21
Epilobium glabellum 4/4/11, 7/3/21
Epilobium glabellum Sulphureum 4/4/11
Epimedium (plant) 38/3/15
Erebia pluto (butterfly) 7/3/09
Erechtites diversifolius 7/3/25, 7/3/25
Erehwon, S Butler 8/4/02
Ericaceae (plant family) 18/3/20, 22/1/18
Eriostemon myporoides 37/3/10
Erodium 17/2/27
Eryngium vesiculosum 7/3/21
Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park, Wales, UK 14/4/25, 39/2/11
Erysium Bredon 18/2/04
Erythrina 33/1/11
Erythronium 12/4/27
Erythronium, National Collection, UK 35/3/12
Escallonia 14/1/14, 28/3/13, 32/3/06
Escallonia bifida 27/4/22
Escallonia macrantha 1/4/09, 6/4/08
Escallonia macrantha Bantry Bay 9/2/08
Escallonia, Faroe Islands 26/1/10
Escallonia, foliage, scented 11/3/07
Escallonia, hedge 11/3/07
Escallonia, National Collection, UK 7/4/07, 8/3/05, 23/4/17, 34/1/19
Escalloniaceae (plant family) 8/1/12, 13/2/29
Escrick, Yorkshire, UK 13/3/07
Esher, Surrey, UK 13/2/07, 14/2/19
Esteves, Jorge (Hebe Society member) 24/3/22, 27/3/23
Etefon, growth regulator 25/1/16
Eton School, Berkshire, UK 6/1/12
Eucalyptol see cineol (plant constituent)
Eucalyptus 7/4/20, 9/2/06, 13/4/11, 14/3/03, 14/4/25, 16/1/26, 16/3/14, 23/3/09, 23/4/05, 24/2/12, 25/4/08, 25/4/09, 28/1/22, 28/4/11, 29/3/19, 31/1/13, 31/1/14, 31/1/19, 38/1/14
Eucalyptus coccifera 16/1/13, 17/4/09
Eucalyptus dalrympleana 25/4/08
Eucalyptus gunnii 24/4/04
Eucalyptus moorei 38/1/14
Eucalyptus niphophila 23/4/22
Eucalyptus pulchella 31/1/14
Eucalyptus rubida 30/1/16
Eucalyptus, oil of 7/4/20, 23/3/09
Eucarpia Conference, Belgium 16/4/07
Eucryphia 12/4/26
Eugenia (genus) 29/2/12
Eugenia caryophyllata 7/4/20, 23/3/09
Euonymus 15/2/23, 15/4/14
Euonymus fortunei 14/1/19
Euonymus japonica 11/3/07, 15/4/06
Euonymus japonica Chollipo 9/2/08
Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow 33/2/16
Euphorbia characias 14/1/19
Euphorbia dulcis Chameleon 9/3/08
Euphorbia glauca 7/3/21
Euphorbia mellifera 4/1/06
Euphorbia myrsinites 3/3/14
Euphorbia pasteurii 32/2/22
Euphorbiaceae (plant family) 34/3/14
Euphrasia 6/2/24, 12/3/25, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Euphrasia australis, 12/3/25
Euphrasia cheesemanii 12/3/26
Euphrasia cockayniana 12/3/26
Euphrasia cuneata 12/3/27, 26/1/20
Euphrasia disperma 12/3/27, 12/3/27
Euphrasia drucei 12/4/17
Euphrasia dyeri 12/4/18, 12/4/18
Euphrasia integrifolia 12/4/19
Euphrasia laingii 12/4/19, 12/4/19
Euphrasia monroi 12/4/20
Euphrasia petriei 13/1/25
Euphrasia repens 13/1/25, 13/1/26
Euphrasia revoluta 13/1/26,13/1/26
Euphrasia townsonii 13/1/27
Euphrasia zelandica 13/1/27,13/1/27
EUPVR see Plant Breeders Rights, UK
European Parliament 28/4/18
European Plant Breeders Rights Register 35/2/20
European Plant Breeders Rights Registrars 16/1/24, 26/3/09, 34/1/22
European Union 30/1/13, 33/1/17, 34/1/03, 34/1/22
European Union, biosecurity 34/1/03
European Union, Plant Reproductive Materials 28/4/18
Euryops pectinatus 30/1/16
Euryops virgineus 18/4/22
Euveronica 15/3/26
Evans, Alison (NZ botanist) 7/1/20
Evans, Alison (UK botanist) 26/4/11
Evans, Chris (UK botanist) 26/4/12
Evans, E M (Hebe Society member) 3/3/06
Evans, Gareth (Electrical Safety First) 29/3/04
Eve, Howard (Hebe Society member) 11/1/04, 11/3/15, 12/3/11, 12/3/12, 13/3/12, 14/2/13
Eversley Cross, Hampshire, UK 9/3/24
Evesham, Worcestershire, UK 11/2/11
Evolution 9/4/08, 15/3/24, 22/2/24, 27/1/03, 30/2/03
Exbury, Hampshire, UK 2/5/04
Excel see Microsoft Excel
Exeter, Devon, UK 9/1/15, 14/2/03
Experiences with Hebes, Gordon Smith (talk and article) 18/2/23, 34/2/24
Expertise Events (Australia) 25/4/18
Explorers of the Amazon, A Smith 9/4/29
Extinction Rebellion 36/3/13
Extracts from the Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society 17/1/26, 17/2/27
Eyebright see Euphrasia
Eyelash elf-cup see Scutellinia colenoi
Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland 27/4/20
Eyre Mountains, Southland, SI 2/5/07, 4/2/20, 4/4/21, 5/3/22, 11/1/26, 12/1/26, 14/3/14
F *
Facebook (Internet website) 25/2/23, 27/3/10, 30/1/20, 30/2/19, 32/3/06, 33/3/17, 34/1/07, 34/1/10, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/2/21, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 35/3/10, 36/2/22, 37/3/22, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Fachine see Chiliotrichum diffusum
Fagaceae (plant family) 34/2/04
Fagus 14/1/23, 34/1/03
Fagus sylvatica 12/4/27, 14/1/07, 16/3/12
Fairburn Ings, Yorkshire, UK (bird reserve) 18/2/13
Fairfield, Otago, SI 1/3/12, 8/2/16
Fairy prion (NZ bird) 18/2/19, 28/4/03
Falcarindiol 8/2/13
Falcon (NZ bird) 15/1/13
Falkland Islands 1/2/05, 1/2/12, 1/4/06, 2/2/07, 2/4/19, 3/2/16, 3/2/18, 3/3/03, 3/2/27, 3/3/26, 4/2/05, 6/3/13, 9/1/21, 9/2/03, 9/4/26, 10/1/32, 10/4/06, 12/4/10, 12/4/26, 14/4/17, 15/4/09, 20/4/17, 21/4/10, 28/4/03, 31/1/23, 31/2/03, 35/3/26, 38/2/25
Falkland Islands Flora 12/2/26
Falkland Islands, stamps 10/4/06
Family, plant classification 2/1/S2, 8/1/11
Fantail (NZ bird) 9/2/11, 15/1/15, 15/3/19, 30/2/12
Fargesia murieliae 26/2/18
Farnham, Surrey, UK 24/4/09, 25/3/09
Faroe Islands 26/1/09, 26/3/14, 30/1/13
Faroe Islands, climate 30/1/13
Faroe Islands, soil 30/1/13
Farrer, Reginald (UK gardener) 3/3/11
Fascicularia bicolor (Chile) 27/4/20
Fatshedera lizei Variegata 19/3/13
Fatsia 7/1/27
Fatsia japonica 25/4/08, 36/1/20
Fauna and Flora International, St Helena 17/1/05
Faust, Carl (German horticulturist) 26/4/19
Faversham, Kent, UK 16/1/09, 18/3/09
Fawley, Southampton, Hants, UK 18/4/21
Feannagan (cultivation) 28/3/13
Fear, Sally (NZ gardener) 18/2/28
Fearns, Francis (UK gardener) 2/4/28
Featherston, Hon Dr (NZ superintendent) 20/1/15
Featherston, Wellington, NI 28/3/19
Feesey, Mervyn (Hebe Society member) 4/2/03, 6/2/03, 6/4/16, 12/2/09, 12/3/06, 17/2/03, 18/2/11
Feijoa see Acca sellowiana
Fell, Derek (US garden writer and photographer) 13/2/03
Fenns Meadow, green burial site, UK 36/3/26
Fenns peat bog, UK 36/3/26
Fenwick, Sir George (NZ author) 7/2/17
FERA see also Food and Environment Research Agency, UK
FERA see Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK
Fern Society, see Pteridological Society
Fern Walk, Birmingham, UK 34/3/13, 34/3/13
Fern, reproduction 26/4/17
Ferns of NZ, S, M and E Firth 3/2/03, 4/4/03, 16/4/27
Ferosario, Ashley (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/1/21
Ferris, David and Catriona (Hebe Society members) 6/4/05, 7/1/23
Fertilisation of Orchids, T F Cheeseman 8/1/09
Festuca coxii 17/1/15
Festuca glauca Intense Blue (blue grass) 37/1/22
Festuca novae-zelandiae 23/4/19
Ficote (fertiliser) 3/1/19
Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay fig) 33/1/23
Ficus repens 26/4/19, 27/4/23
Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson fig) 33/1/23
Field Guide to the Alpine Plants of NZ, John Salmon see Collins Guide to the Alpine Plants of NZ, John Salmon
Field Guide to New Zealand’s Native Trees, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 39/1/24
Field Guide to the Wild Plants of Mount Cook National Park, Hugh Wilson see Wild Plants of Mount Cook National Park, Hugh Wilson
Fig, Moreton Bay see Ficus macrophylla
Fig, Port Jackson see Ficus rubiginosa
Fiji 29/2/04
File Explorer see Windows Explorer
Filipendula kamchatica 22/4/10
Filippi, Olivier (French horticulturist) 33/3/13
Film scanner see Scanner, film
Filmy ferns see Hymenophyllaceae
Finch, Tina (Hebe Society member) 39/3/18
Findlay, Neil (UK teacher) 4/1/12, 4/4/24
Finnis, Valerie (UK gardener) 6/4/29, 28/1/15, 30/1/04
Finnisterre (shipping forecast sea area) 30/2/03
Fiordland National Park, SI 3/1/15, 3/2/23, 3/4/17, 4/1/26, 4/2/24, 4/4/21, 4/4/22, 5/1/25, 5/3/20, 6/2/28, 6/3/27, 7/1/03, 7/2/25, 8/2/03, 8/3/28, 8/4/03, 9/1/29, 9/3/27, 10/1/33, 10/4/32, 11/2/26, 11/3/18, 11/4/26, 11/4/28, 12/1/27, 12/1/28, 12/3/25, 12/4/19, 13/1/25, 13/2/23, 13/3/24, 13/3/26, 13/4/24, 13/4/25, 14/1/18, 14/2/17, 15/1/11, 15/4/18, 16/1/04, 16/3/20, 16/4/26, 17/3/05, 19/3/17, 20/4/17, 21/3/16, 22/1/17, 25/4/20, 27/3/20, 32/2/24, 32/3/21
Fiordland SI, see Fiordland National Park, SI
Fiordland skink 8/4/03
Firefox, Internet browser 24/1/03, 25/1/24
First International Conference of National Horticultural Societies 14/3/09
Firth, Gary (Collections Co-ordinator 2019–) 22/2/03, 22/2/18, 22/3/07, 23/1/05, 23/2/insert, 23/2/17, 23/2/20, 24/3/11, 25/2/09, 25/3/11, 26/2/09, 27/2/13, 27/3/10, 27/3/19, 27/4/03, 28/2/09, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/2/12, 28/2/15, 28/3/16, 28/3/17, 28/4/04, 29/1/05, 29/2/07, 29/2/09, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/18, 29/3/03, 29/3/08, 30/2/09, 30/3/11, 30/3/15, 30/3/19, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 31/3/20, 31/3/24, 32/1/08, 32/1/22, 32/3/06, 32/3/09, 32/3/12, 33/1/08, 33/2/08, 33/3/07, 33/3/10, 33/3/21, 33/3/22, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/3/11, 34/3/15, 34/3/17, 34/3/19, 34/3/21, 34/3/23, 35/1/07, 35/2/16, 35/2/19, 36/2/22, 36/3/17, 36/3/28, 36/3/30, 37/2/07, 37/2/16, 37/3/13, 37/3/20, 37/3/23, 38/1/07, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 39/2/24, 39/2/25, 39/2/26, 39/3/12, 39/3/16
Firth, Maria (Hebe Society, committee member) 22/2/03, 22/2/18, 22/3/07, 23/1/05, 23/2/17, 23/2/20, 24/3/11, 25/2/09, 25/2/11, 27/2/13, 27/3/19, 28/2/09, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/3/16, 28/4/04, 29/1/05, 29/2/09, 29/2/12, 29/2/14, 29/2/18, 29/2/19, 30/1/15, 30/3/11, 30/3/insert, 30/3/19, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 31/3/15, 31/3/18, 31/3/20, 32/3/06, 32/3/12, 32/3/17, 33/3/10, 34/2/09, 34/3/12, 34/3/17, 34/3/19, 34/3/21, 34/3/23, 36/3/17, 37/2/16, 37/3/23, 37/3/27, 38/1/14, 39/2/24, 39/3/12, 39/3/16
Firth, Susan, Martin and Elizabeth (NZ authors) 3/2/03, 4/4/03, 16/4/27
Fischer, M A (Austrian botanist) 22/1/24
Fish, Margery (UK gardener) 10/2/17
Fisher, Dr F J F (NZ botanist) 9/4/31, 10/3/25, 10/3/27, 12/2/25
Fisher, Muriel (NZ gardener) 2/4/10, 2/4/11, 2/5/11, 3/4/03, 21/3/22
Fisher, Sheree (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 21/2/23
Fitch, Mindy (US Editor) 20/3/04
Fitzgerald, Jackie (NZ) 11/1/21
Fitzroy, Robert (UK, NZ) 8/3/11, 30/2/03
Fitzroya cupressoides 27/4/23, 30/2/03
Five finger see Pseudopanax arboreus
Flanagan, John (UK botanist) 9/1/21
Flatworms, NZ 5/2/03
Flavonoides, plant constituent 12/3/16, 16/1/04
Flax mealy bug 6/4/07
Fleming, Sir Charles (NZ biologist) 24/1/19
Fletcher, Ruth (Hebe Society member) 38/3/24
Flora Festival, DSIR, NZ 4/1/10
Flora Finder (software) 30/1/11
Flora of Australia 3/2/17, 3/4/11
Flora of Connemara and the Burren 7/1/22
Flora of Mauritius 10/4/06
Flora of New Zealand, H H Allan 1/3/11, 2/2/11, 3/1/22, 3/2/10, 3/2/16, 3/2/27, 3/3/09, 3/4/10, 3/4/11, 4/2/25, 4/4/06, 5/1/09, 5/4/14, 6/1/20, 8/1/10, 8/2/07, 8/3/13, 8/4/12, 9/1/09, 9/1/16, 9/1/20, 9/2/06, 9/4/06, 10/3/11, 11/1/04, 11/4/16, 12/1/21, 12/3/17, 14/2/11, 15/3/26, 18/1/14, 19/1/23, 20/4/20, 21/1/03, 21/4/09, 22/2/04, 25/3/03, 25/3/16, 25/4/04, 28/1/04, 30/1/11, 37/3/03
Flora of New Zealand, online 37/3/03
Florae Novae Zealandiae, Sir J Hooker 8/1/08, 19/1/04
Floral formula 13/4/18
Flounder (NZ fish) 27/2/19
Flower Arranger Magazine 12/2/15
Flower Garden, by T W Saunders 24/2/24
Flowerdew, Bob (UK horticulturist) 13/1/24
Flowering Plant Families of the World, by V H Heywood 24/2/18
Flowering Plants of NZ, C Webb, , Johnson and Sykes 8/1/10
Fluit, Mr and Mrs (NZ gardeners) 7/1/20
Foel, Llangadfan, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/04
Fog Peak, Otago, SI 8/3/13, 30/2/18, 32/2/14
Foggy Peak, Arthur’s Pass, SI 22/4/22
Fold Café, Bransford, Worcestershire, UK 32/2/10, 32/3/15
Foliage, juvenile and adult 9/1/26, 13/2/27, 24/4/19, 27/1/11
Foliage, small leaved 13/2/27
Food and Environment Research Agency, UK 32/1/21
Fools and Dreamers, film about Hinewai Reserver 35/1/04
Foot and mouth disease 16/2/09, 17/2/12
Forest Act, NZ, 1874 2/4/23, 11/2/25
Forest and Bird see NZ Forest and Bird
Forest and Flower see NZ Forest and Bird
Forest Carpet, B and N Malcolm 5/1/03
Forest Creek, Canterbury, SI 8/4/30
Forest Floor, Bill and Nancy Malcolm 19/1/25
Forest Flora of NZ, T Kirk 2/4/23, 11/2/25
Forest of Dean, UK 16/2/10
Forest Reserve Inst, NZ 4/1/26
Forest ringlet (NZ butterfly) 18/4/27
Forget Me Not see Myosotis or Myosotidium
Fork fern 19/1/25, 19/1/27
Form, plant classification 2/2/13, 2/2/16
Formmail (Computer program) 23/3/22
Forrest, George (UK botanist) 34/3/11, 39/1/26
Forster, Johann Reinhold and Johann Georg (NZ botanists) 2/4/14, 3/3/26, 4/2/05, 6/1/28, 7/4/10, 8/4/27, 10/1/12, 11/3/10, 15/3/26, 23/4/06
Forsythia 17/1/20
Fort Worth, Texas, USA 33/1/10
Forth (ship) 7/3/18
Fosetyl aluminium 10/4/07
Fossil collection 35/3/13
Foster, Maurice (UK horticulturist) 37/2/04
Foster, Ray (UK gardener) 26/2/15
Foster, Tony (NZ teacher, webmaster) 19/1/23
Fothergill, John (UK gardener) 1/4/07, 2/4/14, 3/2/18
Four angle hebe see Hebe tetragona
Foveaux Strait, SI 2/5/10, 5/1/23, 8/4/27, 9/2/30, 13/1/26, 14/4/17, 17/1/16, 21/3/15
Fowler’s Pass, IS 10/2/32
Fox Glacier, Westland, SI 8/2/03, 15/4/16, 16/4/20
Fox, Anne (Hebe Society member) 13/3/13, 15/2/11, 16/4/04, 18/2/03, 20/3/08, 21/3/07, 22/3/11
Fox, Steve (Hebe Society member) 13/3/13, 15/2/11
Foxglove family see Scrophulariaceae
Foxglove tree see Paulownia tomentosa
Fragile Eden, R Hanbury-Tenison 5/3/03, 11/1/21
France 6/1/28, 9/3/20, 10/3/20, 17/3/04, 20/2/09, 20/2/23
France, Brittany, climate 29/3/19
Frankel, O H (NZ botanist) 15/3/27
Franklinilla occidentalis (thrip) 5/2/18
Franz Joseph Glacier, Westland, SI 7/4/15, 15/4/16, 21/4/04, 22/4/22
Franz Joseph Township, Westland, SI 28/1/24
Fraser, Charles (Australian botanist) 7/3/18
Fraser, James (UK gardener) 12/2/04
Fraser, John (UK gardener) 2/2/07
Fraser, Stuart (US nurseryman) 1/2/05, 5/4/23, 11/1/13, 15/1/24, 15/2/27, 20/2/15
Fraxinus (ash), National Collection, UK 28/4/04, 31/3/14
Fraxinus chinensis, Chinese ash, 31/3/15
Freaney, Paddy (NZ hotelier) 8/1/03
Frederick II, Prussia 7/4/14
Fredini, Kevin (UK horticulturist) 26/2/03
FreeFind (website search) 20/3/24, 21/3/22
Freeview (digital TV platform) 33/2/20
Freeze fracturing 10/2/07
Fremontedendron California Glory 3/2/07, 16/2/09
Freshwater River, Stewart Island 12/1/28
Freycinetia banksii 7/3/17
Friends of Pannett Park, UK 35/1/20
Friends of Te Henui 29/1/03
Friends of Te Henui, website 29/1/03
Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew) 11/2/03
Friends of Walkden Gardens, UK 28/1/03
Fritillaria, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Froghopper, insect 34/2/03
Frost resistance 22/4/15
Fruitgrowers Federation (NZ) 11/2/03
Fry, Nick (UK gardener) 34/2/04
Fry, Steven (UK presenter and author) 31/1/24, 31/2/20
Fuchs, Prof Leonhart (German herbalist) 2/1/S2
Fuchsia 13/2/27, 13/3/03, 14/4/25, 17/1/21, 17/1/23, 21/1/18, 25/1/19, 26/2/24, 27/2/18, 30/1/08, 30/3/04, 30/3/14, 33/3/19, 34/1/08
Fuchsia colensoi 5/4/25, 13/3/08
Fuchsia colensoi Banks Gold 8/3/24
Fuchsia excorticata 3/4/16, 5/4/24, 7/3/17, 7/3/21, 10/3/11, 13/3/03, 17/4/15, 26/1/19, 26/4/10, 29/3/03, 30/3/04, 36/2/19, 36/2/19, 39/1/21
Fuchsia kirkii 17/4/15, 39/1/32
Fuchsia magellanica 5/4/05, 6/4/08, 25/4/09
Fuchsia myrtifolia 17/1/09
Fuchsia perscandens 7/3/21, 7/4/25
Fuchsia procumbens 4/2/16, 7/3/19, 7/3/21, 9/3/15, 12/3/24, 13/3/03, 17/4/15, 29/3/11, 32/2/22, 34/3/16
Fuchsia Society 22/3/17, 25/2/14, 33/1/16
Fuchsia splendens 13/3/04
Fuchsia, breeding 29/3/11
Fuchsia, propagation 30/2/13
Fuchsia, registration 25/2/14
Fuegia see Tierra del Fuego
Fuji Sensia (photographic film) 15/1/21
Fulcher, R (UK horticulturist) 8/1/15
Fuller, George (NZ horticulturist) 7/1/20
Fuller, Mrs (UK gardener) 10/1/11
Fungi 22/2/24, 29/1/15, 29/1/17, 29/3/22
Fungi (the Dolphin) 6/4/08
Fungi, photographs 35/3/27
Fungicide 3/1/20, 4/2/03, 8/2/22, 9/2/24, 26/4/20
Fungicide, Captan 3/1/20
Fungicide, carbendazim 13/1/24, 24/1/13
Fungicide, Dithane 945 2/3/09, 6/4/07, 19/4/26, 20/1/19, 21/1/09, 24/1/13
Fungicide, Fungus Fighter 19/4/26, 24/1/13
Fungicide, iprodione 24/1/12
Fungicide, mancozeb 2/3/09
Fungicide, myclobutanil 19/4/26, 24/1/13
Fungicide, Octave 6/4/07
Fungicide, Rovral 24/1/12
Fungicide, Thiram 2/3/09, 5/2/18, 6/3/06
Fungicide, Zineb 6/3/06
Fungus Fighter see Fungicide, Fungus Fighter
Furcraea 13/2/29
Furcraea longaeva 9/3/09
Furness, Dr Steve (UK nurseryman) 15/1/22
Fusarium oxysporum (hebe wilt) 18/3/18, 24/3/24
Fuscospora (renamed Nothofagus) 30/1/23, 34/2/05
Fustier, Patrice (French gardener) 19/1/04, 19/2/20
G *
Gaddum’s Plant Finder (NZ) 15/1/20, 19/2/15, 24/3/23
Gaddum, Meg (NZ horticulturist) 15/1/20, 19/2/15
Gaffey, Dr Mike (US astronomer) 11/4/20
Galanthus 14/1/03, 15/1/03, 20/2/22
Galium aparine 33/1/23
Gallagher, Lisa (Hebe Society member) 34/2/09
Galloway, Scotland, UK 17/3/09, 17/4/15
Galloway, Tim (NZ artist) 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 9/4/04, 10/1/22, 11/4/07, 22/2/20
Galway, Ireland 7/1/22, 22/1/22
Garamond (typeface) 9/1/03
Garden Answers, (UK magazine) 12/3/05, 12/3/22
Garden Beauty® 20/3/09, 30/2/07
Garden Centres see Nurseries
Garden Design 8/2/18, 8/3/30, 9/1/13, 9/3/07, 14/1/18, 35/1/23
Garden fairy 36/1/24
Garden history, website 17/2/11
Garden Media Award (Chris Brickell) 29/1/03
Garden News, (UK magazine) 1/2/11, 4/3/03, 7/1/05, 11/4/06, 13/1/10, 15/2/18, 21/4/21, 34/2/15
Garden Plant Pollinators 30/3/04
Garden Plants, conservation 38/3/15
Garden Plants for Butterflies, M Oates 10/2/31
Gardener’s Atlas, UK 15/2/05
Gardener’s Chronicle, UK 11/1/08, 24/1/14
Gardener’s Encyclopaedia of NZ Garden Plants, Y Cave and V Paddison 15/3/08, 16/1/11, 19/3/20
Gardener’s Question Time (Radio 4, UK) 4/4/05, 39/1/03
Gardener’s World (TV programme, UK) 12/3/05, 15/1/08, 16/3/07, 17/4/07, 23/1/03, 23/4/14, 30/2/20, 31/3/10, 33/3/23, 34/1/13, 34/2/21, 35/2/23
Gardener’s World Magazine (UK) 12/3/05, 13/2/04, 13/2/13, 14/2/12, 14/4/10
Gardener, Audry (Hebe Society member) 33/3/20
Gardening Club, (UK, TV programme) 7/4/06
Gardening Express (UK magazine) 13/2/13
Gardening Together, UK, TV programme) 4/4/05
Gardening Which (UK magazine) 2/3/02, 9/2/07, 9/3/06, 9/4/06, 12/2/04, 31/3/04, 37/1/07
Gardening with Camellias, Yvonne Cave 19/3/20
Gardening with Hebes, Chris and Valerie Wheeler 17/3/05, 17/4/05, 18/2/11, 19/4/26, 21/1/16, 22/1/04, 22/4/13, 28/4/16, 37/1/04
Gardening, kitchen implements 23/2/15
Gardening, NZ plants 35/3/10
Gardening, tools 23/2/15
Gardens Illustrated (UK magazine) 34/2/10
Gardens of England’s North-West (UK magazine) 21/2/17
Gardens, Abbotsbury Subtropical, Dorset, UK 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 8/2/05, 8/2/09, 9/1/15, 10/1/14, 10/3/23, 13/4/17, 20/2/04, 21/3/06, 22/1/09, 22/2/03, 22/2/14, 22/2/19, 25/3/06, 31/1/11, 33/1/03, 34/3/03, 37/1/24, 37/2/16, 37/3/20,38/1/24
Gardens, Aberglasney, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK 17/2/03, 17/4/07, 18/1/07, 18/2/03, 18/2/07, 24/3/07
Gardens, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland 23/4/18
Gardens, Adelaide, Australia 32/3/20
Gardens, Airfield, Ireland 39/2/20, 39/2/20
Gardens, Aldenham, Hertfordshire? UK 5/4/28
Gardens, Amhuinnsuidhe Castle, Scotland, UK 28/3/13
Gardens, Anglesey, Wales, UK 25/2/14
Gardens, Arduaine, Scotland, UK 21/4/23
Gardens, Arley Hall, Cheshire, UK 16/4/04, 17/1/13, 17/2/08, 17/3/08, 21/3/07, 25/2/04, 25/3/10, 28/3/11, 29/1/11, 30/2/23, 30/3/21, 31/1/09, 33/2/03, 35/2/19, 36/1/04, 37/1/03, 37/1/10, 37/2/09, 37/3/19
Gardens, Auckland Regional Botanic, NI 1/4/13, 1/2/05, 3/3/04, 4/1/03, 4/1/10, 4/2/18, 7/1/21, 11/4/10, 12/3/03, 15/3/08, 16/1/03, 16/3/09, 17/2/22, 17/3/13, 17/4/20, 17/4/21, 18/1/17, 18/2/12, 18/3/28, 18/4/28, 19/1/19, 19/2/12, 19/2/26, 19/3/27, 21/2/13, 21/3/22, 26/4/23, 27/2/04, 31/2/16, 38/2/14
Gardens, Audley End House, Essex, UK 39/2/07
Gardens, Australasian Rock (Kew, UK) 11/2/03
Gardens, Australasian Rock, Lohbrunner Alpine Garden, Vancouver, Canada 15/4/11, 17/4/08, 17/4/09, 22/2/11, 28/1/21
Gardens, Australian and New Zealand 30/1/04, 32/2/21
Gardens, Australian, Santa Cruz, California, USA 28/4/14
Gardens, Ayrlies, Auckland, NI 23/1/03
Gardens, Barnsley House, Gloucestershire, UK 9/1/08, 26/2/16
Gardens, Barrington Court, Somerset, UK 10/3/19
Gardens, Batemans, East Sussex, UK 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Gardens, Batsford Arboretum, Gloucestershire, UK 23/2/03
Gardens, Bedgebury Pinetum, UK 13/3/04
Gardens, Beech Hurst, West Sussex, UK 28/4/09
Gardens, Beech Park, Ireland 5/3/03
Gardens, Beechgrove, Scottish TV 31/3/04, 31/3/10, 33/2/19
Gardens, Benmore Botanic, Scotland, UK 21/4/23
Gardens, Berlin Botanic, Germany 10/1/21, 11/3/11
Gardens, Beth Chatto, Essex, UK 33/3/15
Gardens, Bicton College, Devon, UK 4/1/11, 20/2/04, 22/2/03
Gardens, Birmingham Botanical, UK 6/4/14, 30/2/20, 33/3/24, 34/1/09, 34/2/11, 34/3/11, 34/3/20, 38/1/16, 38/2/19
Gardens, Bodnant, Gwynedd, UK 3/3/06, 9/3/27, 14/3/20, 14/4/26, 15/3/23, 17/2/03, 23/2/06, 24/1/07, 28/1/03, 29/3/10, 32/2/18, 34/1/08, 34/3/07
Gardens, Borde Hill, East Sussex, UK 22/3/07, 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 29/1/09, 29/2/09, 38/3/18, 39/1/26
Gardens, Botanic Gardens of Roscoff see Gardens, Exotique and Botanic of Roscoff
Gardens, Botanic Gardens of Wales see Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Gardens, Boughton Hse, Northamptonshire, UK 3/2/26
Gardens, Bristol Botanic, UK 1/3/02, 2/1/01, 2/1/03, 2/2/04, 2/2/09, 4/1/04, 6/4/14, 6/4/20, 8/4/12, 9/3/27, 9/4/03, 10/2/06, 12/1/03, 15/2/11, 15/3/09, 15/4/05, 16/1/07, 16/2/09, 19/1/15, 24/4/11, 29/1/04
Gardens, Broomfield Hall, Derbyshire, UK 39/2/27
Gardens, Burrow Farm, Devon, UK 22/2/04
Gardens, Cambridge Botanic, UK 7/4/06, 8/1/03, 8/2/03, 8/2/05, 8/2/07, 12/1/09, 13/4/17
Gardens, Canberra Botanic, Australia 3/2/17
Gardens, Cap Roig Botanic, Spain 27/4/09
Gardens, Celella de Palafrugell, Spain 27/2/21, 27/3/11
Gardens, Cestyll, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/26, 23/4/05, 24/1/07, 24/2/03, 24/3/insert, 24/3/18, 25/3/08
Gardens, Chateau Courson, France 20/2/23
Gardens, Chelsea Physic, London, UK 2/1/03, 6/1/13, 27/2/16, 33/3/15, 36/3/23
Gardens, Christchurch Botanic, Canterbury, SI 1/3/12, 2/2/16, 3/3/04, 4/1/10, 4/1/25, 4/3/15, 5/4/03, 6/4/29, 7/3/03, 10/2/19, 10/3/21, 10/3/25, 13/4/09, 14/4/22, 16/3/09, 17/1/11, 17/1/13, 18/3/18, 21/2/13, 22/1/10, 22/4/22, 25/2/08, 29/2/03, 32/2/13, 32/3/20, 32/3/21
Gardens, Chyverton Hse, Cornwall, UK 5/4/05
Gardens, Cluain na d’Tor, Ireland 30/3/04
Gardens, Coates Wood, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 23/2/03
Gardens, Cockayne, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 7/1/20
Gardens, Cornwall Demo, UK 1/1/05, 2/1/01, 4/1/11, 4/4/05
Gardens, Covert, Loggerheads, Staffordshire, UK 9/3/09
Gardens, Crossing House, Cambridgeshire, UK 9/2/22, 10/1/11
Gardens, Crug Farm see Nurseries Crug Farm
Gardens, Denmans, West Sussex, UK 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Gardens, Derry and Toms, London, UK 24/1/15, 25/1/07
Gardens, Dingle, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 24/4/insert, 25/3/08, 26/3/07, 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/2/10, 27/2/21, 30/1/05, 31/1/19, 36/2/12
Gardens, Dorothy Clive, Shropshire, UK 20/2/06, 20/2/12, 20/3/06, 20/4/06, 21/1/04, 21/2/03, 21/2/15, 21/2/17, 22/2/16, 23/2/05, 25/3/06, 36/2/10, 36/3/24
Gardens, Dublin Botanic see Gardens, National Botanic, Dublin, Ireland
Gardens, Dundee Botanical see Gardens, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Gardens, Dunedin Botanic, Otago, SI 3/2/11, 5/1/11, 5/2/25, 7/1/20, 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 27/1/18, 27/1/23, 30/2/12, 32/2/13, 35/1/26, 38/3/22
Gardens, Dunham Massey, Cheshire, UK 21/4/06
Gardens, E H Lohbrunner Alpine, Vancouver, Canada 23/4/21
Gardens, Eagle’s Nest, Cornwall, UK 16/2/11
Gardens, East Runcton, Norfolk, UK 35/2/03
Gardens, Edinburgh Botanic, Scotland, UK see Gardens, Royal Botanic, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Gardens, Edward D Landers, New Zealand, Santa Cruz Arboretum, California, USA
Gardens, electrical safety 29/3/04
Gardens, Elizabeth Miller, Seattle, Washington State, USA 23/1/17
Gardens, Exotique and Botanic of Roscoff 29/3/19
Gardens, Felley Priory, Nottinghamshire, UK 38/3/24
Gardens, Fota, County Cork, Ireland 27/4/23
Gardens, Garden House, Devon, UK 33/3/13
Gardens, Garden of Morning Calm, Korea 26/1/24
Gardens, Garden of the Rose, Hertfordshire, UK 15/2/03
Gardens, George Delaselle, France 29/3/19
Gardens, Gisborne Botanic, Australia 13/3/10
Gardens, Glasnevin Botanic, Ireland see Gardens, National Botanic, Ireland
Gardens, Golden Gate Park, USA 13/1/17, 15/1/09, 32/1/10, 32/1/11
Gardens, Goodnestone Park, Kent, UK 14/4/08, 15/2/08, 15/4/28, 16/2/13, 18/3/08, 22/3/11
Gardens, Gothenburg Botanic, Sweden 21/4/24, 22/4/16, 26/2/20, 39/3/03
Gardens, Grass, Birmingham 34/3/12
Gardens, Great Comp, Kent, UK 13/1/07, 13/2/07, 13/4/23, 14/3/23, 17/1/13, 17/2/09, 21/3/08, 22/2/10
Gardens, Great Dixter, Kent, UK 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10, 32/2/21, 33/2/20, 37/2/17, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/3/19, 39/1/27
Gardens, Green Island, Essex, UK 35/1/07
Gardens, Gruinard Hse, Scotland, UK 15/3/04
Gardens, Hadspen Hse, Somerset, UK 1/3/05, 9/3/26, 9/4/16
Gardens, Hagley Park, Canterbury, SI 1/3/12, 7/1/20, 32/3/20, 34/2/20
Gardens, Hanbury Botanic, Italy 15/1/08
Gardens, Happy Valley, Clwyd, Wales, UK 14/3/24
Gardens, Haul-a-Gwynt, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/26, 14/4/27
Gardens, Haulfre, Clwyd, Wales, UK 14/3/24
Gardens, Heaselands, Sussex, UK 21/4/21, 24/4/21, 25/2/19, 25/3/13, 26/1/22, 26/3/22, 26/4/21
Gardens, Heligan (lost), Cornwall, UK 15/2/27, 19/2/03
Gardens, Hidcote, Gloucestershire, UK 4/1/25, 5/1/05, 25/3/08, 25/4/07, 28/1/03
Gardens, High Beeches, Sussex, UK 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 23/2/22, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Gardens, Highdown, Sussex, UK 4/1/26, 29/3/04, 33/3/08, 34/3/08
Gardens, Hillier Arboretum, Hampshire, UK 5/4/12, 6/1/13, 18/4/21, 29/2/17, 30/1/10, 30/2/20, 30/3/13, 30/3/14, 38/3/18, 39/1/26
Gardens, Hole Park, Kent, UK 20/3/07, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Gardens, Holehird, Cumbria, UK 31/2/16
Gardens, Horsholm Arboretum, Denmark 21/4/24, 26/2/19
Gardens, Howth Demesme, Ireland 12/4/08
Gardens, Huntington Botanical, California, USA 20/3/12
Gardens, Inverewe, Scotland, UK 8/1/05, 9/4/16, 10/2/10, 11/1/07, 11/3/03, 12/2/03, 14/3/03, 15/3/03, 21/4/23, 28/3/05, 28/4/12, 29/3/21, 31/2/04
Gardens, J C Raulston Arboretum, North Carolina, USA 26/4/23
Gardens, Jeff Layman, Hampshire, UK 38/1/15
Gardens, Jephersons, Warwickshire, UK 5/2/08
Gardens, Judy Clark, Sussex, UK 38/1/15
Gardens, Jurassic, Yorkshire, UK 35/1/20
Gardens, Kennel End, Berkshire, UK 22/1/19, 29/3/20
Gardens, Kew, London, UK see Gardens, Royal Botanic, Kew, London, UK
Gardens, Kiftsgate, Gloucestershire, UK 25/4/07
Gardens, Killerton, Devon, UK 14/2/03
Gardens, Kingsdon, Somerset, UK 23/3/04
Gardens, Kingston Maurwood, Dorset, UK 21/2/17, 21/3/06
Gardens, Knightshayes, Devon, UK 14/2/03
Gardens, Kohli Memorial Himalayan, Slough, Berkshire, UK 17/4/20
Gardens, Kornik Arboretum, Poland 20/2/22
Gardens, Lamorran House, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Gardens, Leonardslee, East Sussex, UK 22/3/07, 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Gardens, Lincoln Botanical, NZ 21/1/16
Gardens, Little Park, Yorkshire, UK 35/1/20, 35/1/20
Gardens, Logan Botanic, Stranraer, Scotland, UK 1/3/03, 1/3/07, 8/1/12, 14/2/10, 16/3/14, 17/4/15, 18/2/11, 20/3/03, 20/3/11, 21/4/23, 25/1/23, 31/1/13, 36/1/15, 36/1/18, 36/2/18, 37/1/17
Gardens, Lohbrunner Alpine Garden, Vancouver, Canada see Gardens, Australasian Rock, Lohbrunner Alpine Garden, Vancouver, Canada
Gardens, Longstock Park, Stockbridge, Hampshire, UK 18/4/20
Gardens, Longwood, Pensylvania, US 21/1/16, 36/1/19
Gardens, Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Gardens, Lovell Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK 18/2/13, 18/4/03, 18/4/12, 19/1/06, 19/2/16, 19/3/03, 19/3/09, 19/3/11, 19/4/23, 20/2/10, 20/3/03, 20/3/08, 20/3/23, 20/3/24, 20/4/06, 20/4/18, 20/4/23, 21/2/10, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 21/2/24, 21/3/22, 21/3/24, 21/4/06, 22/2/09, 22/3/03, 22/3/03, 22/3/09, 22/3/22, 23/1/03, 23/2/08, 23/2/09, 23/2/10, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 24/2/03, 24/3/03, 24/3/14, 24/4/17, 25/1/14, 25/2/03, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/2/13, 25/3/03, 25/4/03, 25/4/16, 25/4/23, 25/4/24, 26/1/08, 26/2/09, 26/3/03, 26/3/04, 26/3/10, 26/3/13, 26/3/23, 26/4/08, 26/4/24, 27/1/03, 27/2/03, 27/2/12, 27/2/22, 27/2/23, 27/3/03, 27/3/04, 27/3/16, 27/3/23, 27/4/03, 28/2/08, 28/2/09, 28/2/23, 28/3/03, 28/3/21, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/22, 29/3/24, 30/1/15, 30/2/21, 30/2/23, 30/3/03, 30/3/04, 30/3/14, 30/3/15, 30/3/16, 30/3/18, 30/3/24, 31/1/07, 31/2/04, 31/2/05, 31/2/08, 31/2/16, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/14, 32/1/04, 33/2/04, 34/3/17, 34/3/19, 35/2/15, 35/2/17, 35/2/24, 36/2/22, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 37/3/25, 38/1/03, 38/1/17, 38/1/07, 38/1/17, 38/3/17, 39/2/03, 39/2/18, 39/2/21, 39/3/10, 39/3/15
Gardens, Ludgvan Rectory, Cornwall, UK 4/3/05
Gardens, Lullingstone Castle, Kent, UK 33/2/07, 33/3/insert, 33/3/07, 33/3/11, 33/3/20, 33/3/24
Gardens, Lytes Cary, Somerset, UK 23/3/04
Gardens, Maes Glas, Anglesey, Wales, UK 25/3/08, 25/4/11, 33/2/12, 34/3/29, 34/3/30
Gardens, Margam, Wales, UK 23/4/11, 23/4/14, 24/1/15, 24/2/23, 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Gardens, Marian, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/27
Gardens, Marimurtra Botanic, Spain 26/4/19, 34/2/05
Gardens, Marks Hall, Coggeshall, Essex, UK 32/1/22
Gardens, Marwood Hill, Devon, UK 1/3/03, 2/1/06, 4/1/04, 6/2/22, 14/2/03
Gardens, Mediterrean and Australasian 30/1/18, 32/2/04, 38/1/22
Gardens, Melbourne Botanic, South Australia, Australia 4/1/26, 13/3/11, 13/3/22, 20/1/15, 32/3/20
Gardens, Memorial Botanical, St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada 15/4/09
Gardens, Merriments, Kent, UK 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Gardens, Middleton Hall see Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Gardens, Middleton Hall, Wales, UK see Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Gardens, Milde Arboretum, Bergen, Norway 25/4/10
Gardens, Miller Botanical Garden, Seattle, Oregon, USA 18/4/22
Gardens, Missouri Botanic, USA 9/3/03
Gardens, Monet’s, Rouen, France 13/1/14
Gardens, Montjuic Botanic, Spain 26/4/18
Gardens, Moriah School, Middlesex, UK 16/4/15, 18/4/10
Gardens, Mount Congreve, County Waterford, Ireland 30/1/05
Gardens, Mount Pleasant, Cheshire, UK 30/3/03, 31/3/16
Gardens, Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland 31/2/04
Gardens, Mount Stuart, Isle of Bute, Scotland, UK 18/3/03
Gardens, Mount Tomah Botanic, New South Wales, Australia 13/3/11
Gardens, Mount Usher, Ireland 39/2/18, 39/2/19, 39/3/20
Gardens, Myddleton Hse, Enfield, London, UK 5/1/08, 9/4/18
Gardens, Naples Botanic, Italy 13/2/14
Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales 11/4/08, 15/4/13, 17/2/03, 17/4/07, 18/1/07, 18/2/03, 18/2/07, 24/3/07, 24/4/07, 25/1/07, 37/1/28
Gardens, National Botanic, Dublin, Ireland 2/1/13, 12/4/08, 23/2/06, 27/4/21, 39/1/10, 39/1/10, 39/1/11, 39/2/20
Gardens, Ness Botanic, Cheshire, UK 14/2/11, 14/3/20, 14/4/07, 15/2/11, 15/2/31, 32/2/19, 34/2/03, 34/3/03
Gardens, New South Wales Botanic, Australia 17/1/10
Gardens, New York Botanic, USA 15/3/25
Gardens, Nitobe Memorial, Canada 28/1/21
Gardens, North American, Marks Hall, Coggeshall, Essex, UK 32/1/22
Gardens, Nymans, East Sussex, UK 12/3/21, 22/3/07, 22/4/05, 23/1/07, 23/2/03, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09, 29/2/09, 31/2/05, 35/3/16
Gardens, Otari Native Plant Museum, Wellington, NI 2/4/09, 2/5/08, 3/3/04, 4/1/10, 7/4/08, 9/2/13, 11/3/18, 11/4/28, 12/3/26, 13/2/21, 16/3/09, 18/3/23, 18/3/23, 28/3/20, 29/2/04, 30/1/14, 39/1/03
Gardens, Oxford University Botanic, UK 3/4/12, 15/2/11, 16/4/11, 21/2/17, 28/1/14
Gardens, Painswick, Gloucestershire, UK 25/3/08, 25/4/07
Gardens, Pannett Park, Yorkshire, UK 35/1/20, 35/3/12, 35/3/12
Gardens, Parc Botanique de Lostanges, France 18/1/04
Gardens, Parcevall Hall, Appletreewick, Yorkshire, UK 28/2/17
Gardens, Penjerrick, Cornwall, UK 8/4/07
Gardens, Penn, Cheshire, UK 7/2/07
Gardens, Penrhyn Castle, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 5/4/05, 6/1/06, 23/2/06
Gardens, Penybontfawr, Powys, Wales 27/2/09
Gardens, Pershore, Worcestershire, UK 3/4/10, 10/2/06, 35/3/07
Gardens, Pine Lodge, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07, 20/2/03, 20/4/03
Gardens, Plas Cadnant, Anglesey, UK 39/2/11
Gardens, Plas Newydd, Anglesey, UK 14/4/25, 23/2/06, 23/4/05, 24/1/07, 39/2/11
Gardens, Polden Acres, Somerset, UK 6/2/06, 6/2/09
Gardens, Porthminster, Cornwall, UK 27/4/18
Gardens, Powis Castle, Powys, Wales, UK 3/3/06, 6/4/14, 26/4/07, 27/1/07
Gardens, Poznan University, Poland 20/1/24, 23/4/insert
Gardens, Prague Botanic, Czech Rep 15/2/04
Gardens, Probus, Cornwall, UK 8/3/06, 9/1/06, 9/2/06, 15/2/12, 16/3/09
Gardens, Puckle Hill, Gravesend, Kent, UK 32/3/08, 33/2/07, 33/3/09, 33/3/15
Gardens, Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust, New Plymouth, Taranaki, NI 4/1/04, 16/4/24
Gardens, Pukekura, New Plymouth, Taranaki, NI 7/1/20
Gardens, Quarryhill Botanic, Sonoma, California, USA 32/1/11
Gardens, Queen Mother Memorial see Gardens, Edinburgh Botanic Gardens
Gardens, Queens Park, Invercargill, Southland, SI 3/3/04, 5/4/03, 6/1/09, 7/1/20, 16/3/09, 17/1/13, 23/4/18, 32/3/21
Gardens, Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK see Gardens, Lovell Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK
Gardens, Restrevor House, County Down, Ireland 27/4/22
Gardens, RHS Bridgewater, Salford, UK 31/1/03, 33/1/07, 33/1/18, 36/2/11, 36/2/11, 37/1/09, 37/2/03, 37/2/04, 37/2/07, 37/2/08, 37/3/03, 37/3/08, 37/3/17
Gardens, RHS, Harlow Carr, Yorkshire, UK 1/4/11, 3/4/10, 7/4/03, 11/3/14, 12/4/25, 13/2/04, 13/2/08, 15/2/10, 15/4/07, 16/4/08, 18/2/25, 24/2/09, 37/3/21, 39/3/19
Gardens, RHS, Hyde Hall, Essex, UK 12/2/09, 14/1/03, 30/1/04, 32/1/22, 32/2/21, 35/1/07, 35/2/07, 35/3/09, 38/1/15, 38/2/11
Gardens, RHS, Hyde Hall, Essex, UK, southern hemisphere garden 38/2/11
Gardens, RHS Rosemoor, Devon, UK 1/3/03, 1/3/05, 3/4/10, 6/1/05, 6/2/06, 8/2/08, 9/4/16, 13/2/03, 13/4/07, 14/1/08, 14/2/03, 14/2/09, 14/2/11, 14/2/19, 16/4/22, 17/3/25, 18/1/03, 32/2/04, 38/2/03
Gardens, RHS, Wisley, Surrey, UK 1/3/09, 1/4/05, 4/2/03, 5/1/16, 5/2/21, 7/1/03, 7/1/06, 7/4/07, 11/4/06, 11/4/13, 13/3/19, 16/1/23, 16/3/06, 16/4/09, 16/4/11, 17/2/03, 17/2/16, 18/3/08, 18/3/26, 18/4/21, 19/1/07, 25/3/13, 26/3/12, 30/3/04, 32/2/04, 33/3/13, 34/2/10, 34/3/17, 35/1/07, 36/1/24, 36/2/07, 36/3/06, 36/3/07, 36/3/17, 36/3/23, 36/3/24, 37/3/07, 37/3/09, 38/3/14, 38/3/18, 39/1/19, 39/2/12
Gardens, RHS, Wisley, Surrey, UK, Health and Wellbeing 36/3/21
Gardens, RHS, Wisley, Surrey, UK, National Heather Collection 36/3/24
Gardens, RHS, Wisley, Surrey, UK, Portsmouth Field 36/3/15, 36/3/22, 36/3/24
Gardens, Rockefeller Centre, New York, USA 24/1/15, 25/1/07
Gardens, Rosemergy, Cornwall, UK 9/1/06, 21/4/20
Gardens, Royal Botanic, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 1/4/05, 2/5/06, 4/2/25, 6/2/22, 11/3/11, 12/2/22, 14/2/10, 15/4/11, 16/3/14, 17/4/15, 20/3/03, 20/3/11, 21/1/04, 24/4/08, 31/1/13, 36/1/15, 36/1/18, 38/3/07, 39/2/26, 39/3/06, 39/3/09, 39/3/14, 39/3/19
Gardens, Royal Botanic, Hamilton, Canada 7/1/19
Gardens, Royal Botanic, Kew, London, UK 1/3/03, 2/4/02, 2/4/21, 3/2/19, 4/2/05, 4/3/05, 5/1/19, 6/3/05, 7/2/17, 7/3/03, 7/3/16, 8/1/08, 8/2/20, 8/2/28, 8/3/10, 8/3/21, 8/4/20, 9/1/21, 9/2/07, 9/3/20, 10/1/06, 10/1/33, 10/2/03, 10/3/20, 10/4/07, 10/4/26, 11/1/04, 12/4/08, 13/4/17, 14/2/10, 15/3/24, 17/1/05, 21/1/04, 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 22/4/23, 23/2/20, 25/1/11, 26/3/12, 27/1/03, 27/2/04, 28/2/03, 28/2/03, 29/2/03, 34/1/04, 34/2/04, 34/3/14, 36/1/19, 36/3/23
Gardens, Royal Botanic, Kew, London, UK, New Zealand plant display 36/3/24
Gardens, Ryton, Warwickshire, UK 5/2/06, 5/2/08
Gardens, San Francisco Botanical, California, USA 32/1/10
Gardens, Sandymount, Dunedin, Otago, SI 7/1/20
Gardens, Santa Cruz Arboretum, California, USA 12/1/10, 12/3/19, 13/1/19, 26/3/04, 26/3/04, 26/3/15, 28/4/13, 32/1/11
Gardens, Savill, Berkshire, UK 1/3/03, 3/2/25, 3/3/07, 4/3/17, 5/1/16, 5/2/06, 6/2/05, 7/1/03, 7/1/06, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 8/4/07, 14/1/20, 16/3/24, 18/2/28, 22/3/03, 23/2/12, 23/2/insert, 23/2/22, 29/2/20, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/10, 35/3/09, 38/3/14
Gardens, Seattle Botanic, USA 18/3/18
Gardens, Sheffield Park, East Sussex, UK 22/3/07, 22/4/05, 23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10, 29/2/09
Gardens, Shetland 21/3/04
Gardens, Sissinghurst, Kent, UK 32/2/21, 33/3/15
Gardens, Snowshill, Gloucestershire, UK 25/4/07
Gardens, South african, Santa Cruz, California, USA 26/3/16, 28/4/14
Gardens, South Sea, Yorkshire, UK 35/1/20
Gardens, Southern Hemisphere, Marks Hall, Coggeshall, Essex, UK 32/1/22
Gardens, Southern Hemisphere, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 22/4/23, 23/2/03, 28/3/08, 38/1/15
Gardens, Spetchley, Worcestershire, UK 32/2/11, 32/3/12, 32/3/15
Gardens, St Fagans, Cardiff, Wales 25/2/03
Gardens, St Martins Manor, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Gardens, Standen, East Sussex, UK 22/3/07, 22/4/06, 23/1/08
Gardens, Steane Park, Northamptonshire, UK 19/2/27
Gardens, Steephill Pleasure, Isle of Wight, UK 4/4/13
Gardens, Stravanger Botanic, Norway 25/4/09
Gardens, Stringers Creek, Nelson, SI 32/3/22
Gardens, Strybing Arboretum, California, USA 2/5/13, 12/1/10, 15/1/24, 15/4/08, 16/2/20
Gardens, Sydney Botanic, New South Wales, Australia 7/3/18, 12/4/04, 13/3/22, 28/2/03
Gardens, Tatton, Cheshire, UK 22/3/19
Gardens, Te Kainga Marire, New Plymouth, NI 23/1/03
Gardens, The Sorn, Tasmania 14/4/04
Gardens, Threave, Scotland, UK 1/3/03, 1/3/07, 14/4/03
Gardens, Timaru Botanic, Otago, SI 4/4/13
Gardens, Tregothnan, Cornwall, UK 1/2/04, 4/3/05, 8/3/06
Gardens, Tregrehan, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Gardens, Trelissick, Cornwall, UK 2/2/09, 2/4/02, 2/5/13, 10/3/07
Gardens, Tresco, Scilly Islands, UK 2/1/03, 7/4/22, 10/2/10, 16/3/08, 23/3/11, 31/1/04, 38/1/23, 38/1/26
Gardens, Trevarno Hse, Cornwall, UK 8/4/05, 9/2/08, 20/4/12
Gardens, Trewidden, Cornwall, UK 1/1/03, 1/2/04, 1/4/02, 2/1/01, 2/1/03, 2/4/13, 3/2/05, 3/3/05, 4/1/06, 5/2/07, 5/3/08, 7/4/08, 16/3/08, 23/4/15, 34/1/18
Gardens, Tromso Botanic, Norway 23/2/16
Gardens, Trysglwyn Fawr, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/27
Gardens, Twyn yr Hydd 23/4/03, 23/4/11, 23/4/14, 23/4/insert, 24/2/09, 24/3/07, 24/4/07, 24/4/08, 24/4/insert, 24/4/09, 25/1/07, 25/2/03, 25/3/08, 26/3/10, 26/4/08, 35/3/08, 38/2/20
Gardens, University of Bangor, Wales, UK 17/3/24
Gardens, University of Bristol see Gardens, Bristol Botanic, UK
Gardens, University of British Columbia, Canada 23/4/21, 23/4/insert, 28/1/20
Gardens, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK 16/3/14, 37/3/26, 38/3/07
Gardens, University of Halle, Germany 7/4/14
Gardens, University of Washington Botanical, Washington State, USA 33/2/13
Gardens, Upton Hse, London, UK 3/2/18
Gardens, Van Dusen Botanic, Vancouver, Canada 14/1/09
Gardens, Ventnor Botanic, Isle of Wight, UK 1/3/03, 4/4/13, 7/4/08, 12/1/03, 12/2/22, 17/2/10, 17/2/16, 17/3/20, 17/4/15, 18/2/11, 38/1/27, 39/1/19
Gardens, visiting 9/3/24, 38/1/10, 39/2/09
Gardens, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 8/4/20, 9/3/13, 10/2/03, 12/3/23, 21/4/04, 21/4/22, 22/2/03, 22/2/19, 22/3/07, 22/4/05, 22/4/23, 23/1/07, 23/2/03, 23/2/20, 25/1/11, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09, 29/2/09, 37/1/24, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/3/19, 39/1/27, 39/3/19
Gardens, Walkden, Manchester, UK 28/1/03
Gardens, Wallace see Gardens, National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Gardens, Warley Place, Middlesex, UK 6/4/28
Gardens, Warnham Court, Sussex, UK 8/1/15, 31/1/03
Gardens, Washington Park, Seattle, USA, 29/3/12
Gardens, Waterperry, Oxford, UK 34/2/10
Gardens, Wellington Botanic, NI 4/1/25, 5/4/26, 7/1/20, 8/1/23, 9/3/22, 21/2/13
Gardens, Welsh Botanic, Wales, UK 35/3/07
Gardens, West Dean, Sussex, UK 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Gardens, Westonbirt, Gloucestershire, UK 25/3/08, 26/2/15, 26/2/21
Gardens, Winkfield Place, Berkshire, UK 32/3/20
Gardens, Winterbourne House, Birmingham, UK 34/1/09, 34/2/11, 34/3/16
Gardens, Wisley see Gardens, RHS Wisley, Surrey, UK
Gardens, World, Lullingstone Castle, Kent, UK 32/3/08, 32/3/12, 33/3/insert, 33/3/07, 33/3/11
Gardens, Worsley New Hall, Salford, UK 31/1/03, 33/1/18
Gardens, Yew Tree Cottage, Gloucestershire, UK 10/3/18
Gardner’s Bay, Tasmania 14/4/04
Gardner, Andre (UK horticulturist, Plumpton) 33/2/09, 34/1/16
Garforth, Yorkshire, UK 13/3/12, 18/2/13
Garnett, Arthur (NZ gardener?) 8/1/14
Garnock-Jones, Prof Phil (NZ botanist) 1/1/06, 1/2/05, 2/5/13, 4/1/06, 4/1/10, 5/1/03, 5/2/03, 5/2/18, 6/1/03, 6/1/21, 6/2/08, 7/1/20, 7/2/20, 7/4/03, 8/3/21, 9/2/07, 9/2/24, 9/3/03, 9/3/27, 9/4/08, 10/1/09, 10/1/28, 10/4/10, 12/1/27, 12/4/03, 15/1/03, 16/1/04, 16/2/27, 16/3/10, 17/3/15, 19/2/04, 20/1/12, 21/4/10, 22/1/24, 24/3/23, 27/2/03, 28/3/24, 29/3/13, 31/1/16, 33/1/14, 35/1/26, 35/3/19
Garnock-Jones, Prof Phil, blog 27/2/03, 33/1/14, 35/1/26
Garrad, Dr Larch (Hebe Society member) 11/3/10, 12/1/08
Garry oak see Quercus garryana
Gartner Tidende, (Danish Growers Magazine) 3/1/07
Garvie Mountains, Otago, SI 5/3/22, 10/3/28, 11/3/28, 14/3/14
Gasgony, France 9/1/27
Gastrodia 18/4/25
Gatekeeper (butterfly) 22/3/09
Gateshead Garden Festival, TW, UK 5/2/07
Gatwick, Sussex, UK 6/4/07, 16/4/23
Gaudichaud-Beaupre, C (French botanist) 2/4/14
Gaultheria 17/1/23, 18/3/20, 21/1/18, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Gaultheria antipoda 7/1/08, 7/3/21, 18/3/20, 18/3/20, 19/2/15
Gaultheria colensoi 5/4/25, 14/4/01, 18/3/21, 18/3/21
Gaultheria crassa 18/4/16, 18/4/16, 19/2/15
Gaultheria depressa 7/1/08, 7/3/21, 18/3/20, 18/4/16, 19/2/15
Gaultheria depressa var novae-zelandiae 18/4/16, 18/4/16, 19/2/15
Gaultheria hispida 7/3/20
Gaultheria macrostigma 7/3/21
Gaultheria oppositifolia 19/1/17
Gaultheria paniculata 19/1/17
Gaultheria parvula 7/3/21
Gaultheria procumbens 14/1/19
Gaultheria rupestris 19/2/14, 19/2/14
Gaultheria species 5/1/11
Gaultheria subcorymbosa 19/2/14
Gaultier, J F (French botanist) 18/3/20
Gaunt, Andrew (UK plant inspector for APHA) 33/1/07
Gauntlets 35/2/03
Gdansk, Poland 22/2/12
Geastrum velutinum (NZ fungus) 24/3/19
Gebbies Pass, Banks Peninsula, SI 28/4/20
Gecko (NZ reptile) 29/1/17, 29/1/18, 31/1/22, 33/1/21
Gediking, John (UK editor) 13/2/16
Gee, Andrew (Irish gardener) 39/3/03
Gems 2/3/13
Genera Plantarum, A-L de Jussieu 9/1/21, 9/4/26
Generic name, plant classification 2/3/06
Genista hispanica 11/2/11
Genista maderense 27/4/22
Gentiana 9/1/27, 15/4/17, 16/1/16, 37/1/27
Gentiana antarctica 16/1/16
Gentiana antipoda 16/1/16
Gentiana astonii 16/1/17
Gentiana bellidifolia 7/3/21, 9/2/26, 16/1/17, 16/1/18, 17/2/19, 34/1/28
Gentiana bellidifolia var australis 16/1/18
Gentiana cerina 13/2/04, 16/1/18
Gentiana chathamica 16/1/19
Gentiana concinna 16/2/16
Gentiana corymbifera 7/1/09, 7/1/09, 16/2/16, 16/2/16, 17/2/19
Gentiana divisa 12/1/03, 16/2/17, 16/2/17, 17/2/19, 26/4/13
Gentiana filipes 16/2/18
Gentiana gibbsii 12/1/23, 16/3/17, 16/3/17
Gentiana gracilifolia 16/3/18
Gentiana grisebachii 7/1/09, 16/3/18, 16/3/19
Gentiana lineata 16/3/19, 16/3/20
Gentiana lutea 16/1/16
Gentiana matthewsii 16/4/26
Gentiana montana 7/4/12, 16/4/26, 17/2/19
Gentiana patula 16/4/27, 17/2/19
Gentiana saxosa 2/4/17, 3/3/14, 3/3/22, 7/3/21, 7/4/12, 9/1/14, 17/1/16, 17/1/16, 17/2/19, 32/1/01
Gentiana serotina 8/3/13, 17/1/17, 17/2/19
Gentiana spenceri 17/1/17
Gentiana tenuifolia 17/1/18, 17/2/19
Gentiana tereticaulis 17/2/18
Gentiana townsonii 17/2/18
Gentiana vernicosa 17/2/19
Gentiana, NZ 12/1/03, 12/1/23, 18/4/04, 34/2/22
Gentianaceae (plant family) 16/3/19
Gentianella, NZ 18/4/04, 34/2/22
Gentry, Mrs (Hebe Society member) 12/2/04, 25/3/11
Genus Hebe see Hebe, genus
Genus Hebe, L N Kristensen 9/1/07, 15/4/09
Genus, plant classification 2/1/S2, 2/2/10
Geraldine, Canterbury, SI 7/2/20, 26/4/12
Geranium 13/4/06, 15/3/04, 16/1/23, 17/2/26, 17/2/27
Geranium clarkei Kashmir White 14/4/26
Geranium endressii 25/1/23
Geranium macrorrhizum 4/1/06
Geranium Orkney Pink 11/4/03, 12/3/14, 13/3/03, 13/3/13
Geranium Pink Spice 13/3/03, 13/3/13
Geranium Porter’s Pass 13/4/07
Geranium pratense Silver Queen 14/4/27
Geranium robertianum Album 13/4/06
Geranium sessiliflorum 7/3/21, 13/4/06, 25/1/23
Geranium sessiliflorum nigrum 3/3/14, 8/3/25, 13/3/03, 13/3/13, 13/4/07, 14/4/27, 14/4/27
Geranium traversii 7/3/21, 9/4/24, 13/3/03, 13/3/13, 13/4/06, 17/1/23, 25/1/23
Geranium traversii elegans 9/3/09
Geranium x cantabrigiensis 10/2/17
Geranium, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Gerard’s Herbal 6/1/13, 16/1/16
Gerard, John (UK botanist) 34/3/11
Germany 9/2/12, 11/1/24, 14/2/08, 20/2/23, 22/2/12, 30/1/09
Germination 23/2/21
Gerrard, Capt Stephen (NZ sailor) 18/2/22
Gertrude Saddle, Fiordland, SI 38/3/21
Get Gardening (UK TV program) 35/2/03
Get Smart in the Garden (electrical safety) 29/3/04
Geum 15/1/16, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Geum divergens 15/1/16
Geum Lady Stratheden 15/1/16
Geum leiospermum 15/1/17, 15/1/16, 15/1/20
Geum Mrs Bradshaw 15/1/16
Geum parviflorum 15/1/17, 15/1/17, 15/1/20
Geum parviflorum albiflorum 15/1/17
Geum pusillum 15/1/18
Geum rivale 15/1/16
Geum uniflorum 7/3/21, 8/3/13, 15/1/19, 15/1/19, 15/1/20
Geum urbanum 15/1/19
Geum urbanum strictum 15/1/19
Gevuina avellana 15/2/26
Giant rhubarb see Gunnera
Gibbs, Dr George (NZ lecturer) 24/1/17
Gibbs, Frederick (NZ teacher) 3/4/19, 16/3/17
Gifford, Shelly (Trustee Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust) 21/2/08
Gilchrist, David (UK horticulturist?) 27/3/13
Gill, Chris (Hebe Society member) 15/3/12, 24/1/23, 25/1/24, 27/4/15
Gill, Lovat (UK horticulturist) 7/3/05
Gin and tonic plant see Eriostemon myporoides
Ginger lily see Hedychium
Ginkgo biloba 24/3/23, 35/1/20
Girton Private School, Dunedin, Otago, SI 7/2/20
Gisborne, Australia 13/3/03, 13/3/10
Gisborne, NI 4/1/04, 14/1/23, 16/1/05, 29/3/14
Given, David (NZ botanist) 3/2/08, 3/4/17, 4/1/26, 8/4/26, 10/4/10
Glamis Castle, Scotland, UK 16/3/14
Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales, UK 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Glasgow, Scotland, UK 8/3/10, 16/4/09
Gledhill, Dr David (UK botanist) 1/3/02, 2/2/09
Gleichenia 8/4/29
Glen, Alasdair (Mammilaria Society) 34/3/03
Glenny, David (NZ botanist) 18/4/04
Glenorchy, Otago, SI 15/4/18
Global positioning system 28/1/23, 31/3/14
Global Warming 5/3/05, 23/2/20, 29/1/15
Globalisation 21/4/04
Glomerella phacidiomorpha (fungus) 6/4/07
Gloves, gardening 35/2/03
Glusburn, Yorkshire, UK 14/2/12
Glutamic acid (amino acid) 35/3/23
Glycine (amino acid) 35/3/23
Gmelin, Johann (German naturalist) 9/1/21
Goblin Forest, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Goblin moss see Weymouthia mollis
Goddard E J G (UK nurseryman) 4/2/26, 34/3/33
Godfrey Lebeuf, M (French gardener) 5/2/25
Godin, J 9/4/28
Godin, L (astronomer) 9/4/28
Godley, Canterbury, SI 10/4/31
Godley, Dr Eric J (NZ botanist) 3/3/08, 12/4/19, 19/1/03, 22/3/08
Godsmark, David (UK horticulturist) 39/2/13
Godwit Press, Auckland, NI 9/2/18, 10/4/03, 14/4/22, 15/3/08, 17/1/13, 18/4/24
Goetcher, Geoff (UK horticulturist) 32/2/08
Golden akeake see Olearia paniculata
Golden Bay, Nelson, SI 15/3/15
Goldfinch 27/2/19
Goldfish (introduced fish) 27/2/19
Gommersall, Maureen and Michael (Hebe Society, website, enquirers) 21/1/24
Gondwanaland 8/1/10, 13/2/28, 14/1/23, 14/1/26, 15/1/11, 17/1/14, 18/2/18, 24/4/18, 25/4/21, 28/3/03, 28/4/15, 34/1/23
Gongora (orchid) 29/2/09, 30/2/14
Good Housekeeping, magazine, UK 9/3/06
Goodenough, Simon (UK horticulturist) 12/2/22, 17/2/10, 17/2/16
Google (Internet search engine) 22/1/03, 22/4/24, 24/1/23, 24/4/23, 25/3/22, 26/1/22, 30/1/15, 35/1/24, 35/2/27
Google Chrome (Internet browser) 25/1/24
Google, Page Rank 25/3/22
Gore, Dr Ray (Hebe Society member) 7/1/05, 11/3/08
Gore, Lieutenant John (UK sailor) 7/1/11
Gore, Southland, SI 7/1/20, 9/2/29, 11/4/10, 14/3/14
Goring on Thames, Oxfordshire, UK 11/3/28, 27/4/19
Gorse see Ulex europeaus
Gothenburg, Sweden 21/1/24, 21/4/24, 26/2/20
Gottingen, Germany 16/3/19
Gouk, Betty (Hebe Society member) 6/1/05
Gould, Jerry, (UK horticulturist, Plumpton College) 31/3/24, 32/1/07, 32/2/09
Gould, Keith (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 17/4/12
Gould, Stephen (US author) 9/4/08
Gover, John (Australian author) 6/4/05
Goyen, Peter (NZ botanist) 20/2/14
GPS see global positioning system
Graham, Peter (NZ naturalist) 10/4/32
Grainger, Alan (UK? gardener) 10/4/10
Gramineae 17/1/14
Granite Knob, Stewart Island 15/1/19
Granite moss 19/1/26
Grant, Mike (UK botanist) 12/3/04
Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK 9/3/26
Grass Garden, Birmingham, UK 34/3/12
Grasses, Sedges and Rushes 3/3/07, 18/1/26
Grasses, Sedges and Rushes, photographs 35/3/27
Grassington, Yorkshire, UK 27/3/09, 28/2/16, 28/2/17
Gravel, to retain moisture 9/3/07
Gravesend, Kent 33/2/04, 33/2/07, 33/3/10
Gray, Alan (Hebe Society member) 1/2/11, 2/4/02, 2/5/13, 3/4/06, 6/4/06, 10/3/07
Gray, Ray (NZ florist) 16/1/13
Grayer, Dr Renee (Hebe Society member) 12/3/16, 16/3/10
Grayston, Jill (UK gardener) 12/2/15
Grazers, rabbit repellent 34/1/07
Great Barrier Island, NZ 4/1/23, 4/3/24, 5/1/23, 11/2/25, 21/3/16
Great Barrier kanuka see Kunzea sinclairii
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia 7/1/10
Great Island, Three Kings, NZ 18/1/24, 18/2/08, 18/3/07
Great Orme, Gwnedd, Wales, UK 13/2/12
Great Plant Picks, Pacific north-west, USA 18/3/18, 18/4/22, 23/1/17
Great spotted woodpecker 16/3/28
Great Storm, 1987, UK 2/5/04, 2/5/14, 4/4/12
Great tit (UK bird) 28/3/04
Great Yarmouth, Suffolk, UK 13/1/10
Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area 28/2/03
Greece 30/1/23
Green Flag Award, UK 28/1/03
Green Planet, TV programme 37/1/03
Green Tourism 19/4/19
Green, P (UK botanist) 11/1/04
Green, Stephen and David (UK show organisers) 23/3/08
Greenfingers, UK 11/4/06, 29/3/20
Greenhood orchid see Pterostylis
Greenstone see pounamu
Greenwich Observatory 10/2/07
Gregg, Alan (UK horticulturist) 11/2/06, 11/2/11
Gressier, Elizabeth (Hebe Society, Examiner of Accounts) 35/2/16
Grevellea robusta 33/1/11
Grevillea 16/3/14, 24/2/12, 26/4/19, 30/3/10, 31/2/13
Grevillea lanigera 14/3/08
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 15/2/32, 27/4/22
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Canberra Gem 7/3/12
Grevillea victoriae 15/2/26, 16/1/13
Grevillia wilkinsonii 38/1/13
Grevillea, trial 33/2/14, 33/3/12
Grey warbler (NZ bird) 30/2/12
Grey, Sir George (NZ Prime Minister) 7/4/29, 8/3/11, 28/3/19
Greymouth, Westland, SI 6/2/26, 15/3/18, 25/4/04
Greywacke (rock) 14/1/26, 19/4/17
Grieg, George (NZ lighthouse keeper) 18/2/23
Griffith, Stephen (UK horticulturist) 7/2/12, 9/1/07, 22/2/15, 22/2/19, 33/1/03
Griffiths Crossing, Caernarfon, Wales 14/4/28
Gillanders, Ken (Tasmanian ex-nurseryman) 37/2/04
Grimsby, Humberside, UK 6/1/12
Grimshaw, John (UK gardener) 31/2/04
Grinstead, R and G (Hebe Society members) 4/3/13
Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolf (German botanist) 16/3/19
Griselinia 11/2/11, 11/4/08, 13/2/29, 13/3/11, 21/1/18, 22/1/18, 26/4/10, 29/1/13, 39/1/12
Griselinia littoralis 2/4/13, 5/4/11, 5/4/11, 6/4/08, 6/4/19, 7/3/21, 8/4/21, 9/1/07, 9/3/14, 11/4/12, 12/1/08, 23/2/13, 25/4/23, 28/3/13, 33/1/22, 33/2/12
Griselinia littoralis Bantry Bay 9/2/07, 12/2/09, 25/3/10
Griselinia littoralis Brodick Gold 3/2/07, 24/3/10
Griselinia littoralis Green Jewel 2/3/19
Griselinia lucida 2/3/19, 6/4/19, 7/3/21, 22/2/20, 26/3/18, 33/1/22
Griseliniaceae (plant family) 13/2/29
Grit 16/4/03, 25/3/15
Grossularia 17/1/20
Groundcover plants, evergreen, evaluation 33/3/12
Grounds, Roger (UK gardener) 30/3/04
Groundsel, Cook Strait see Brachyglottis greyi
Groundsel, East Cape see Senecio banksii
Groundsel, Forest Tree see Brachyglottis kirkii
Groundsel, Haast’s see Brachyglottis haastii
Groundsel, Kaikoura Shrub see Brachyglottis monroi
Groundsel, Nelson Mountain see Brachyglottis laxifolia
Groundsel, Tree see Brachyglottis bennettii
Groundsel, Yellow Snow see Dolichoglottis lyallii
Growell Plants Website 26/3/09
Growing NZ Alpine Plants, Joe Cartman 2/4/04, 10/4/10, 14/3/18, 17/4/19
Growing with Hebes see Gardening with Hebes
Growth Technology (UK horticultural supplier) 30/2/14
Grzywaczyk, Piotr (Hebe Society member) 21/1/19
Guano (growing medium) 28/2/03
Guardian, UK (newspaper) 4/4/05, 5/2/03, 10/2/03, 11/2/03, 17/2/05, 31/2/03
Guava see Psidium guajava
Guava, pineapple see Acca sellowiana
Guavasteen see Acca sellowiana
Guernsey NCCPG 23/2/23
Guernsey Telecoms 15/2/29
Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK 4/3/25, 6/4/28, 7/2/12, 8/2/22, 9/2/05, 9/2/24, 13/2/24, 15/2/29, 17/2/26, 19/1/04, 20/3/22, 21/2/10, 23/2/23, 27/2/07, 27/2/12, 28/2/19, 29/3/18, 31/3/23
Guernsey, environmental problems 31/3/23
Guernsey, Princess Elizabeth Hospital 31/3/23
Guest, Bob (Hebe Society member) 16/2/10
Guide to Naturally Native New Zealand Plants by E Dean 26/1/15
Guild of Master Craftman Publishers, UK 17/4/23, 28/4/16
Guildford Fuchsia Group, UK 16/3/21, 18/3/09
Guildford, Surrey, UK 8/3/24, 14/2/20, 15/1/06, 15/2/07, 15/4/27, 16/1/09, 16/3/21, 18/2/12, 20/3/10, 23/3/15
Guilsfield, Powys, Wales, UK 27/1/07, 27/2/10
Guinard Island, Scotland, UK 15/3/03
Gulf of Finland 19/3/26
Gulf of Mexico 15/3/25
Gulf Stream 11/3/03, 15/3/03, 21/2/21, 25/4/08, 29/3/19
Gumdigger’s soap see Pomaderris kumeraho
Gunnera 5/4/19, 11/2/03, 25/3/15, 32/1/11
Gunnera albocarpa 3/1/22, 25/3/17
Gunnera arenaria 3/1/22, 7/3/21, 25/3/17
Gunnera densiflora 3/1/22, 25/3/16
Gunnera dentata 3/1/22, 25/3/16
Gunnera flavida 3/1/22, 25/3/17
Gunnera hamiltonii 3/1/22, 7/3/21, 25/3/18
Gunnera manicata 3/1/22, 5/4/04, 12/4/26, 25/3/15
Gunnera mixta 3/1/22, 25/3/17
Gunnera monoica 3/1/22, 25/3/17
Gunnera prorepens 3/1/22, 7/3/21, 25/3/16
Gunnera strictosa 3/1/22, 25/3/17
Gunnera tinctoria 3/1/22, 25/3/15, 34/3/13
Gunter, Dr Albert (German scientist) 18/2/18
Gutierrez, Alvaro (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/27
Guyana, South America 38/1/25
Gwennap Horticultural Society, Cornwall, UK 4/3/05
Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus 14/4/05
Gymnosperm 14/1/26
Gynatrix pulchella 27/4/22
Gynodiecious plant 33/2/17
H *
Haast Pass, Westland, SI 3/1/21, 5/3/22, 14/3/14
Haast River, Westland, SI 15/4/18
Haast Tokoeka Kiwi Sanctuary, Westland, SI 19/4/04
Haast, Sir Julius (NZ botanist) 3/1/21, 3/3/25, 4/1/25, 5/1/09, 5/3/21, 6/1/26, 8/1/23, 8/4/29, 11/1/24, 11/2/27, 17/3/26, 19/3/17
Haast, Westland, SI 5/4/21, 8/2/03, 15/4/16
Haastia pulvinaris 3/1/21, 18/1/25, 22/2/22, 26/4/11, 30/2/18
Haastia sinclairii 8/4/30
Habit, plant classification 2/2/14, 33/1/15
Hachette NZ Ltd (NZ publishers) 28/3/18
Hackfalls Arboretum, NI 19/4/27
Hackney, London, UK 10/3/20
Hades flower see Dactylanthus taylorii
Hadfield, J H (NZ botanist?) 4/1/23
Hag’s Head, Ireland 7/1/22
Haggo, B (NZ nurseryman) 10/3/23, 22/1/12
Hailsham, Sussex, UK 10/4/21, 34/2/22
Hair, John (NZ botanist) 3/3/09, 15/3/27
Hakea 26/4/19
Hakea epiglottis 16/1/13
Hakea lissosperma 16/1/13
Hakea saligna 27/4/23
Hakea teretifolia 27/4/23
Hakeke see Olearia ilicifolia
Hakionga see Hokianga
Halesia 12/4/26
Half Moon Bay, Stewart Island, NZ 32/2/24
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 15/4/09, 19/1/24
Halimiocistus 8/1/05
Halimiocistus Merrist Wood Cream 14/4/26
Halimium 16/3/13, 26/3/04
Halimium, National Collection, UK 26/3/13, 33/3/13
Halimium, trial 33/2/14, 33/3/12
Halimium, website 26/3/13
Hall, Brett (US botanist) 13/1/17
Hall, Nicola (Hebe Society member) 13/3/07
Halliwell, Brian (UK botanist) 3/2/07, 3/2/08, 29/2/03
Halliwell, Freda (Hebe Society member) 15/3/04, 15/3/10, 16/3/16, 16/3/28, 17/3/10, 18/3/16, 18/3/17, 19/3/08, 19/3/09, 20/3/08, 20/3/09, 21/3/09, 22/3/10, 23/3/20, 24/3/10, 25/3/10, 26/3/08, 27/3/16, 28/1/12, 28/2/10, 28/3/11
Halocarpus 21/1/18, 26/4/17, 27/1/11
Halocarpus bidwillii 27/1/17
Halophyte 22/2/22
Haloragis 29/1/22
Haloragis erecta 12/2/03
Haloragis Wellington Bronze 29/3/16
Hambro, R Olaf (Logan Garden) 36/1/15
Hamilton’s frog 18/2/19, 18/4/27
Hamilton, Augustus (NZ author) 4/4/06
Hamilton, Canada 7/1/19
Hamilton, Geoff (UK TV gardener) 8/3/20, 33/3/19, 34/1/13
Hamilton, Waikato, NI 3/1/26, 15/3/12
Hammett, Keith (NZ horticulturist) 21/4/04, 39/1/16, 39/3/15
Hampshire 28/3/09, 30/2/20
Hampshire County Council 30/3/14
Hanbury-Tenison, Robin (UK author) 5/3/03, 11/1/21
Hancock, Ralph, FRHS (UK garden designer) 24/1/15, 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Handbook of British Flora, G Bentham 2/5/06
Handbook of NZ Flora, Sir J Hooker 8/4/28
Handsome Hebe, J Gover 6/4/05
Hanford, Staffordshire, UK 14/2/20, 14/3/03
Hangatare see Olearia semidentata
Hanger, Mark (NZ botanist and tour leader) 27/1/17
Hanging baskets 16/4/08
Hanmer Springs, Canterbury, SI 3/1/14, 9/3/22, 11/4/27, 15/1/16, 15/2/11, 16/2/18, 17/1/18, 20/4/16
Hanson, Steph (UK horticulturist) 34/2/09
Hanua Ranges, Auckland, NI 19/3/04
Haplomitrium gibbsiae (NZ liverwort) 19/1/26
Happen Films, NZ 34/2/05
Harakeke see Phormium tenax
Hardenbergia violacea 11/2/13
Hardiness, climatic areas 14/1/04
Harding, Steve (Chairman 2015–) 7/1/24, 10/1/05, 10/2/10, 10/4/06, 11/1/11, 11/2/07, 11/2/10, 11/3/06, 16/1/12, 17/1/03, 23/2/18, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 23/4/11, 24/2/09, 24/3/03, 24/3/07, 24/4/08, 25/1/08, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 25/4/08, 25/4/09, 26/2/09, 26/3/10, 26/4/08, 27/2/12, 27/3/08, 27/3/10, 28/1/16, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/3/17, 29/1/22, 29/2/03, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/18, 29/2/20, 30/1/16, 30/2/20, 30/3/11, 30/3/14, 30/3/15, 30/3/17, 30/3/18, 30/3/19, 31/2/03, 31/2/05, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 31/3/18, 31/3/19, 31/3/20, 32/1/18, 32/2/09, 32/3/09, 32/3/11, 32/3/12, 32/3/13, 32/3/15, 32/3/19, 33/1/04, 33/2/04, 33/3/09, 33/3/20, 33/3/23, 34/1/09, 34/1/18, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/2/13, 34/3/04, 34/3/09, 34/3/11, 34/3/12, 34/3/15, 34/3/17, 34/3/20, 34/3/23, 34/3/28, 35/2/10, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 35/3/11, 36/1/24, 36/2/22, 36/3/08, 36/3/13, 36/3/28, 36/3/30, 37/1/23, 37/1/24, 37/3/10, 37/3/09, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 37/3/23, 38/1/15, 38/1/17, 38/3/17, 38/3/24, 38/3/27, 39/1/16, 39/2/09, 39/2/13, 39/2/18, 39/2/24, 39/3/12
Hardman, David (UK horticulturist) 23/2/19, 23/2/20
Hardy Geraniums, P Yeo 6/1/21
Hardy Plant (Hardy Plant Society magazine, UK) 5/4/03, 8/4/06, 11/4/03, 12/4/06, 30/2/21
Hardy Plant Society (Oregon, USA) 15/1/23, 15/2/23, 15/4/08, 18/3/18, 25/2/24
Hardy Plant Society (UK) 2/4/03, 2/5/14, 3/1/01, 3/2/03, 5/4/03, 6/3/03, 6/3/11, 6/4/03, 6/4/05, 6/4/10, 7/4/06, 10/4/06, 10/4/21, 11/1/11, 11/3/06, 11/4/03, 12/1/06, 12/1/08, 13/4/06, 15/1/22, 15/2/18, 16/3/08, 17/2/14, 19/2/10, 19/4/08, 20/3/07, 29/3/11, 34/2/09, 34/2/22, 34/3/33, 37/3/16
Hardy Plant Society, conservation scheme 38/1/19
Hardy Plant Society Garden (Pershore, UK) 11/2/06, 11/2/12
Hardy Plant Society, Geranium Group 17/2/14
Hardy Plant Society, seedlist 29/3/11, 37/3/16
Hardy Plant Society, Shade and Woodland Group 32/2/21
Hardy Plant Society, Shropshire, UK 26/2/14, 29/3/11
Hardy Plant Society, Variegated Plant Group 17/2/14, 19/4/08
Harker, Gwen (Hebe Society member) 5/4/06, 6/3/05, 7/2/05, 8/3/22, 14/3/08, 15/2/22, 15/4/13, 15/4/27, 16/3/22, 16/4/15, 17/3/11, 18/1/10, 18/3/10, 19/1/09, 19/2/04, 19/2/12, 19/2/15, 19/3/10, 23/4/08, 29/3/20, 32/1/03, 35/3/24, 36/1/20
Harker, Ken (Hebe Society member) 1/4/02, 4/3/03, 4/3/06, 4/3/07, 4/4/06, 4/4/07, 5/2/05, 5/4/06, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/3/05, 6/4/20, 7/2/05, 7/3/06, 8/3/22, 9/3/27, 9/4/07, 10/2/28, 11/3/28, 14/3/08, 15/2/10, 15/2/22, 15/4/13, 15/4/27, 16/2/10, 16/3/22, 16/4/15, 17/2/03, 17/3/11, 17/3/22, 17/4/04, 17/4/05, 17/4/09, 18/1/10, 18/2/03, 18/3/10, 19/1/09, 19/2/04, 19/2/12, 19/2/15, 19/3/10, 23/4/08, 24/3/15, 29/3/20, 32/1/03, 34/3/31, 35/3/24, 36/1/20
Harkins, Brian (Irish hotelier) 6/4/09
Harper, G E (NZ botanist) 17/3/16
Harpin (naturally occuring protein) 35/3/22
Harris, Isle of 28/3/12
Harris, K (UK botanist) 6/3/06
Harris, Karen (Hebe Society, website enquirer) 25/2/22
Harris, Warwick (NZ botanist) 15/1/23, 15/4/08, 16/2/19, 16/2/20, 16/4/07, 17/1/11, 17/3/21, 18/3/18, 31/1/21
Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK 9/2/23, 10/4/22, 11/2/18, 13/2/08, 15/4/07, 18/4/04, 39/2/12
Harrow School, London, UK 6/1/12
Hart Dyke, Tom (UK horticulturist) 32/3/08, 32/3/12, 33/2/07, 33/3/insert, 33/3/07, 33/3/11, 33/3/20, 33/3/23
Hart, Andrew (UK horticulturist) 13/2/09
Hart, Gary (South African nurseryman) 19/4/27
Hart, H (NZ) 7/2/17
Hart, L B (NZ) 4/1/25
Hartlebury Gardening Club, Worcester, UK 34/1/03
Hartvig, V (Hebe Society member) 9/3/06
Hastings, Hawkes Bay, NI 9/2/03, 19/3/03
Hastings, Sussex, UK 16/4/11, 31/1/03
Hauhungaroa Range, NI 26/1/18
Hauraki Gulf, NI 19/1/05, 19/3/04
Hawaii 8/1/12, 22/2/22, 29/2/04, 38/1/23
Hawera, Taranaki, NI 11/4/27
Hawkes Bay, NI 5/3/21, 5/4/24, 6/4/23, 13/3/26, 15/1/11, 21/1/15, 29/3/14, 33/2/23, 37/1/15
Haworth-Booth, Michael (UK nurseryman) 6/2/23, 6/3/29
Haydock, Bryan (Hebe Society member) 4/3/03, 7/2/03, 10/1/03, 10/4/07, 12/3/14, 13/3/13, 15/3/10, 16/3/16, 17/2/03, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 18/1/03, 18/2/26, 18/3/16, 18/3/17, 19/3/07, 19/3/09, 21/3/07, 21/4/06, 22/3/22, 23/3/20, 24/3/10, 25/1/03, 25/3/10, 26/3/08, 27/3/16, 28/1/12, 29/1/14, 29/1/insert, 31/2/16, 35/2/27
Haydock, Dorothy (Asst Editor 1987–2010, Membership Secretary 2000–2005) 1/4/02, 2/1/02, 3/2/03, 3/3/03, 4/1/03, 4/1/13, 4/2/03, 5/1/06, 5/2/16, 6/2/22, 6/3/03, 7/1/03, 7/2/03, 7/2/12, 7/3/03, 7/4/03, 8/2/03, 8/3/20, 9/2/06, 9/2/23, 9/3/09, 9/3/27, 9/4/29, 10/1/03, 10/1/34, 10/2/13, 10/3/19, 10/4/03, 12/3/14, 13/3/13, 14/2/11, 14/3/03, 14/3/20, 15/1/03, 15/2/09, 16/3/15, 16/3/16, 17/2/14, 17/3/03, 17/3/10, 18/1/03, 18/3/16, 19/1/06, 19/2/27, 19/3/08, 20/1/03, 20/3/04, 20/3/09, 21/3/07, 21/3/09, 21/4/06, 22/2/18, 25/1/03, 26/2/14, 29/1/14, 29/1/insert, 31/2/16, 34/3/03, 35/2/27, 35/3/03
Hayfield, High Peak, UK 27/2/03
Haymarket Publications, UK 21/2/17
Hayter, Margaret (Hebe Society member) 1/2/11, 7/1/03, 10/1/03, 12/2/13, 12/3/14, 12/3/21, 14/2/03, 14/2/11, 14/3/03, 15/2/09, 15/3/03, 15/3/10, 16/2/10, 16/3/06, 16/3/16, 16/4/03, 16/4/07, 17/3/10, 17/3/24, 18/3/11, 18/3/18, 18/4/12, 19/3/09, 20/1/03, 20/3/09, 20/4/22, 21/2/03, 21/2/15, 21/3/09, 21/4/07, 23/2/14, 23/3/07, 23/3/13, 24/3/10, 24/4/17, 25/1/03, 25/1/04, 25/1/09, 25/1/13, 25/2/10, 25/4/24, 28/1/12, 29/1/14, 29/3/04, 30/3/04, 31/2/16, 39/1/03
Hayter, Tony (Editor 1987–, Secretary 2002–2022, Vice Chairman 1997–2002, Webmaster 2002–) 1/1/06, 1/2/01, 1/2/03, 1/2/04, 1/2/05, 1/2/06, 1/2/11, 1/3/09, 1/4/15, 2/4/28, 3/1/03, 3/2/09, 3/4/06, 4/2/03, 4/2/05, 4/4/22, 5/1/06, 5/2/16, 6/2/23, 7/1/03, 7/1/07, 7/2/05, 7/2/12, 7/3/08, 8/3/15, 10/1/27, 10/2/06, 10/2/13, 10/4/07, 11/2/07, 11/2/13, 11/2/14, 12/2/09, 12/2/13, 12/3/21, 13/2/10, 14/2/13, 14/4/09, 15/2/10, 15/2/13, 15/3/10, 15/4/07, 15/4/08, 16/4/18, 17/1/09, 18/2/03, 18/2/11, 18/3/11, 18/4/12, 19/2/11, 19/2/21, 20/2/09, 20/4/22, 21/2/15, 21/2/16, 21/3/12, 21/4/07, 22/1/23, 22/2/09, 22/2/15, 22/2/17, 22/2/19, 23/1/21, 23/2/09, 23/2/14, 23/2/22, 23/3/07, 23/3/13, 23/4/11, 24/2/08, 24/2/21, 24/4/09, 25/1/09, 25/1/13, 25/2/08, 25/2/10, 25/2/15, 25/3/09, 25/3/14, 26/1/23, 26/2/03, 26/2/08, 26/2/10, 26/2/15, 26/3/13, 26/4/22, 27/2/09, 27/2/12, 27/3/08, 28/1/12, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/12, 29/1/11, 29/2/07, 29/2/08, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/18, 29/2/19, 29/2/20, 29/3/11, 30/1/15, 30/2/20, 30/3/07, 30/3/11, 30/3/13, 30/3/insert, 30/3/15, 30/3/17, 30/3/19, 30/3/22, 31/1/09, 31/2/15, 31/2/16, 31/3/insert, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/15, 31/3/18, 31/3/19, 31/3/20, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 32/3/12, 32/3/19, 33/3/03, 33/3/10, 33/3/21, 33/3/24, 34/1/10, 34/2/14, 34/3/09, 34/3/15, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/21, 34/3/23, 35/2/15, 35/2/16, 35/3/08, 35/3/10, 36/2/22, 36/3/09, 36/3/30, 37/2/07, 37/3/20, 37/3/25, 38/1/07, 38/3/24, 39/2/18, 39/2/21, 39/2/24, 39/2/25, 39/2/27, 39/3/12
Haywards Heath, Sussex, UK 21/4/21, 22/4/06, 27/2/13, 27/3/08, 28/3/08, 28/4/09, 29/1/05, 29/1/08, 29/2/07, 29/3/17, 35/1/15, 37/2/16
Haywood, Val (Hebe Society Treasurer 1987–2019) 1/2/03, 1/2/11, 1/4/03, 1/4/15, 2/3/04, 4/2/05, 5/2/08, 5/2/16, 6/3/11, 7/2/12, 7/4/03, 9/2/06, 9/3/04, 10/2/13, 10/4/03, 10/4/06, 10/4/21, 11/1/07, 12/1/04, 12/1/08, 12/2/12, 13/1/10, 13/1/13, 13/2/14, 13/3/08, 13/3/10, 15/1/06, 15/2/10, 16/2/13, 16/3/08, 16/3/21, 16/3/22, 17/3/03, 17/3/13, 17/3/22, 17/4/09, 18/1/04, 18/1/21, 18/2/11, 18/2/12, 19/1/04, 19/1/24, 19/2/11, 19/2/12, 19/4/13, 20/1/03, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/2/20, 20/3/03, 20/3/07, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/2/16, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 22/3/12, 22/3/22, 23/2/09, 23/3/03, 24/2/08, 24/2/09, 24/2/21, 24/3/11, 25/1/13, 25/2/10, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 26/2/03, 26/2/08, 26/2/10, 26/4/04, 27/2/12, 27/3/04, 27/3/08, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/4/07, 29/1/05, 29/2/18, 30/3/12, 30/3/13, 30/3/insert, 30/3/15, 30/3/19, 31/3/12, 31/3/18, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 33/3/21, 34/2/22, 34/3/08, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/20, 34/3/21, 35/3/03, 35/3/08, 36/3/03, 36/3/10, 37/1/03, 37/1/07, 37/1/27, 39/2/09
Headfort House, County Meath, Ireland 27/4/22
Headfort, Ireland 24/1/25
Headfort, Lord 27/4/22
Heads, Michael (NZ botanist) 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 9/4/09, 10/1/28
Hearn, Dr D (NZ photographer) 2/4/04
Heath, Edward (UK Prime Minister) 4/4/24
Heather Society 15/2/18, 16/1/23, 17/2/27, 19/4/04, 25/2/14, 37/3/24
Heather, registration 25/2/14
Heathers 21/4/16, 21/4/20
Heathrow airport (UK) 26/1/16, 39/2/21
Hebe 13/2/27, 13/2/29, 13/4/11, 14/4/26, 15/1/04, 15/2/15, 15/3/03, 15/3/04, 15/3/21, 15/3/24, 16/3/07, 16/3/09, 16/3/13, 16/4/12, 17/1/23, 17/3/10, 17/3/23, 17/3/24, 20/1/09, 20/3/08, 20/4/21, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 21/1/21, 21/4/24, 22/1/18, 22/1/23, 22/3/10, 22/3/19, 22/4/15, 23/1/03, 23/4/05, 23/4/21, 24/4/15, 25/1/13, 25/1/18, 25/1/22, 26/1/19, 26/2/14, 26/3/18, 26/4/10, 26/4/16, 27/1/09, 27/1/12, 27/3/03, 28/1/22, 29/1/15, 29/3/12, 30/1/15, 30/1/16, 30/1/22, 30/3/04, 30/3/10, 30/3/14, 31/1/11, 31/1/13, 31/1/14, 31/2/10, 32/1/11, 32/2/22, 32/3/17, 33/1/04, 34/1/21, 34/3/25, 35/1/20, 35/3/27
Hebe 405b 35/2/20
Hebe 4302 see Hebe Carey Pink
Hebe 433a 35/2/20
Hebe 465e 35/2/20
Hebe A R Goodwin 6/2/21
Hebe acutiflora 2/4/06, 4/4/08, 12/1/11, 16/3/01
Hebe acutifolia, see Hebe acutiflora
Hebe adamsii 2/4/06, 9/4/11
Hebe Addenda Blue Star see Hebe Blue Star
Hebe Addenda Katrina see Hebe Katrina
Hebe Addenda Louise see Hebe Louise
Hebe Addenda Marie see Hebe Marie
Hebe Addenda range 20/4/03, 29/3/04, 33/3/09, 37/1/13
Hebe Addenda seedling 37/1/14, 37/1/14
Hebe aff rigidula see Hebe rigidula var sulcata
Hebe affinis 2/4/06, 12/1/12, 13/1/18
Hebe Ahimanu see Hebe tairawhiti
Hebe Alameda 15/1/24, 15/2/26, 15/2/27, 16/2/22
Hebe albicans 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 1/4/09, 1/4/11, 1/4/14, 2/1/10, 2/4/06, 2/4/24, 3/1/13, 3/3/22, 3/4/12, 4/1/09, 4/3/05, 4/4/14, 5/1/12, 5/1/25, 5/2/13, 5/2/21, 5/3/05, 5/3/09, 5/4/10, 5/4/18, 5/4/20, 5/4/28, 6/1/06, 6/2/29, 6/3/22, 6/3/29, 8/2/24, 8/3/15, 8/3/20, 8/4/21, 8/4/22, 9/1/09, 9/1/16, 9/2/23, 9/3/15, 10/1/11, 10/2/31, 10/3/18, 11/1/13, 11/2/22, 11/3/23, 12/1/11, 12/3/13, 12/4/03, 13/3/13, 13/4/03, 13/4/11, 14/1/04, 14/1/14, 15/2/24, 15/2/26, 15/4/11, 15/4/20, 15/4/22, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/4/04, 17/3/13, 18/1/16, 18/1/19, 18/3/24, 18/3/25, 19/2/19, 20/1/19, 21/1/09, 21/3/04, 21/3/23, 21/4/03, 22/1/15, 23/4/18, 24/1/12, 24/4/15, 25/1/20, 25/2/03, 25/2/24, 25/3/18, 25/3/19, 25/4/09, 25/4/12, 26/1/15, 26/2/19, 26/2/24, 26/3/19, 26/3/24, 26/4/11, 27/1/23, 27/1/24, 27/2/21, 28/2/23, 28/3/15, 30/1/21, 30/2/22, 30/2/23, 31/2/04, 31/2/11, 31/2/16, 31/3/04, 33/2/04, 33/2/19, 34/2/16, 34/3/29, 35/2/11, 35/3/17, 36/2/16, 36/2/17, 37/2/19, 39/2/14, 39/2/17
Hebe albicans Boulder Lake 16/1/03
Hebe albicans Cobb 9/1/16, 9/1/17, 15/3/08, 15/4/22
Hebe albicans Cornish Underlay 9/3/07
Hebe albicans Cranleigh Gem 1/4/03, 2/1/06, 2/1/15, 2/3/13, 2/4/06, 15/4/22
Hebe albicans Glen Gariff form see Hebe pareora Glen Gariff
Hebe albicans Pewter Dome see Hebe Pewter Dome
Hebe albicans Pink Edge 6/2/21
Hebe albicans Prostrate Form 3/3/21, 5/2/20, 6/2/28, 8/2/24
Hebe albicans Red Edge see Hebe Red Edge
Hebe albicans Snow Cover 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 20/2/insert, 24/4/16, 29/3/19, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe albicans Snow Mound 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 12/3/13, 15/4/22, 18/3/24, 31/2/04, 34/2/16, 34/3/30, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe albicans Sussex Carpet 2/4/06, 6/2/28, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 9/3/07, 12/3/13, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 18/1/19, 19/4/28
Hebe albicans (Recurva Group) see Hebe recurva
Hebe Alexander Ferguson see Hebe Alexanderina Ferguson
Hebe Alexanderina Ferguson 13/3/09, 16/4/10, 34/2/16
Hebe Alicia Amherst 1/4/09, 2/1/06, 2/1/13, 2/2/17, 2/4/06, 2/4/24, 4/1/17, 4/2/13, 5/3/14, 8/3/15, 8/4/20, 9/4/05, 10/4/07, 11/4/13, 12/3/24, 12/4/09, 13/3/07, 13/4/08, 15/4/13, 15/4/20, 15/4/23, 15/4/25, 15/4/26, 16/2/15, 16/2/21, 16/4/06, 20/4/09, 24/1/14, 24/1/insert, 26/1/13, 27/4/20, 28/1/20, 29/3/21, 31/2/03, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 35/3/18
Hebe Allanford Gold 39/1/18
Hebe allanii see Hebe amplexicaulis hirta
Hebe amabilis 2/4/07
Hebe amabilis blanda 2/4/07, 15/3/26
Hebe Amanda Cook 2/4/07, 4/1/17, 5/3/09, 6/2/07, 8/2/24, 10/1/14, 12/3/23, 22/3/23, 24/1/24, 27/4/11
Hebe Amethyst 2/3/13, 2/4/07, 23/3/14, 26/2/22, 33/2/11, 34/1/16, 34/2/16, 34/3/08, 34/3/31
Hebe Amethyst Mist 39/2/22
Hebe amplexicaulis 1/2/07, 2/4/06, 3/3/22, 3/4/12, 3/4/19, 4/2/25, 5/1/24, 5/3/09, 6/2/25, 6/3/07, 7/2/22, 7/2/23, 9/1/16, 9/1/17, 11/2/18, 13/4/20, 15/4/14, 18/1/19, 35/2/11, 36/1/27
Hebe amplexicaulis hirta 2/4/07, 3/3/21, 3/4/19, 5/3/22, 6/4/20, 8/3/20, 10/2/16, 34/2/16
Hebe amplexicaulis x H pimeleoides 2/1/04
Hebe Amy 1/4/09, 2/1/09, 2/3/15, 2/4/07, 2/4/26, 4/1/09, 4/1/17, 4/3/12, 8/1/30, 8/2/14, 10/3/13, 11/2/18, 11/3/14, 12/1/11, 14/1/15, 16/2/21, 18/2/27, 20/4/09, 20/4/19, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 24/2/14, 24/4/13, 25/2/18, 26/4/19, 27/1/01, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 30/3/10, 31/3/04, 32/1/13, 33/1/11, 34/1/07, 34/1/12, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe Amy Seedling, violet flower 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe Amy’s Child 32/1/insert, 32/1/13
Hebe and New Zeland Plant Society 39/3/16
Hebe and Parahebe Price List 1/4/15
Hebe and Parahebe, Hutchins Graham 2/1/08, 5/1/13, 5/2/13, 5/4/15, 6/1/20, 6/2/15, 37/3/20
Hebe and Phormium 1/4/21, 6/2/06, 6/3/21, 10/1/14
Hebe Anderson’s Hybrid 6/4/13
Hebe Andersonii 2/1/13, 2/4/05, 2/4/07, 3/2/19, 3/4/13, 4/2/17, 4/2/18, 4/3/06, 4/3/24, 4/3/25, 4/4/06, 6/2/21, 7/1/16, 10/4/07, 10/4/21, 12/1/10, 12/1/12, 13/1/18, 16/2/27, 19/1/19, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 24/2/24, 25/1/15, 25/1/19, 26/1/13, 27/4/13, 27/4/23, 28/2/14, 30/3/10, 33/3/10, 34/2/16, 35/2/10, 35/2/11, 36/3/19, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Andersonii Anne Pimm see Hebe Anne Pimm
Hebe Andersonii Aurea 2/4/08, 4/3/06, 7/1/16, 7/1/17, 8/2/24, 12/1/12
Hebe Andersonii Aureovariegata see H. Andersonii Aurea
Hebe Andersonii Compacta 11/3/11
Hebe Andersonii Variegata 1/4/11, 1/4/12, 2/1/05, 2/1/12, 3/1/20, 4/1/06, 4/3/06, 4/3/09, 6/3/22, 7/1/17, 7/1/17, 8/2/14, 10/1/26, 10/2/31, 10/4/21, 12/1/12, 14/4/08, 14/4/08, 14/4/15, 15/1/09, 15/4/12, 20/4/11, 20/4/19, 21/2/23, 24/4/13, 25/1/19, 25/4/11, 26/1/13, 26/3/10, 26/4/08, 26/4/insert, 32/3/06, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/3/14, 36/3/20, 36/3/21
Hebe angustifolia see Hebe parviflora angustifolia
Hebe angustifolia parviflora see Hebe parviflora angustifolia
Hebe angustissima 29/3/14
Hebe Anne 13/1/24
Hebe Anne Pimm 2/4/07, 4/1/17, 4/3/06, 7/1/16, 15/4/25, 36/3/20, 36/3/21
Hebe Anne’s Century 16/1/12, 16/2/20, 16/3/15, 16/4/18
Hebe annulata 2/4/08, 2/4/09, 4/1/21, 12/1/11, 15/4/09, 16/1/05, 20/1/23
Hebe anomala 1/2/07, 1/3/07, 2/1/13, 2/4/08, 2/4/25, 3/3/22, 4/1/09, 4/3/15, 5/2/14, 5/3/09, 6/1/16, 6/2/25, 8/1/28, 8/3/21, 10/2/29, 12/1/11, 13/4/20, 15/3/23, 17/1/21, 24/4/17, 26/2/24, 26/4/24, 28/2/14, 29/3/13, 33/2/11, 34/1/16, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/1/27, 36/1/27
Hebe anomala Purpurea 20/4/11, 20/4/19
Hebe April Joy 6/2/21
Hebe arganthera 16/1/04
Hebe armstrongii 1/3/11, 1/4/10, 1/4/11, 2/1/05, 2/1/10, 2/1/12, 2/4/08, 3/2/08, 3/3/12, 3/3/21, 3/4/12, 3/4/15, 4/1/16, 4/1/21, 4/2/06, 4/3/12, 4/4/25, 5/3/09, 5/3/22, 5/4/05, 5/4/15, 6/4/14, 8/2/24, 8/3/21, 8/4/12, 12/1/11, 13/1/19, 13/3/13, 14/1/22, 14/4/14, 15/4/09, 16/1/05, 20/1/23, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 23/4/18, 32/2/insert, 32/2/13, 32/3/19, 36/3/32, 36/3/32, 37/2/26
Hebe Arthur 13/2/17, 17/2/03, 18/2/04, 20/1/20, 20/2/04, 26/2/19, 37/1/01
Hebe August Beauty 6/2/21, 8/2/24
Hebe Aurea see Hebe Andersonii Aurea
Hebe Autumn Beauty 16/2/28, 19/2/19, 23/4/20, 24/2/14, 24/3/13, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 29/3/07, 29/3/13, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/3/16, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Autumn Blue 4/1/17, 6/3/16, 8/2/24
Hebe Autumn Blush 17/1/27
Hebe Autumn Glory 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 1/3/11, 1/4/09, 1/4/10, 2/1/13, 2/1/15, 2/2/08, 2/4/07, 3/3/26, 3/4/03, 3/4/12, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/1/17, 4/2/13, 4/2/22, 4/2/26, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/2/09, 5/3/09, 5/3/22, 5/4/03, 6/1/16, 6/1/22, 6/2/07, 6/2/25, 6/3/09, 6/3/28, 6/4/06, 7/3/12, 7/4/27, 8/3/21, 8/4/23, 9/1/14, 9/2/22, 10/1/14, 10/2/17, 10/2/28, 10/2/28, 10/3/08, 10/4/21, 11/2/18, 12/3/24, 12/4/08, 13/3/14, 13/3/19, 14/2/13, 15/3/11, 15/4/21, 15/4/25, 17/3/13, 18/1/19, 18/2/27, 19/1/22, 19/2/19, 19/3/12, 20/4/09, 20/4/19, 21/1/09, 21/1/21, 21/4/07, 22/1/15, 22/4/20, 23/1/24, 24/2/14, 24/4/16, 25/1/20, 25/3/18, 25/3/19, 26/3/23, 27/2/21, 27/4/19, 28/2/23, 29/2/22, 29/3/16, 29/3/20, 30/1/08, 30/1/16, 30/3/24, 31/3/04, 32/1/17, 32/3/06, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/3/20, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Autumn Gold 6/2/21
Hebe Autumn Joy 6/2/21
Hebe Autumn Queen 6/2/21
Hebe Autumn Snow 24/2/12
Hebe Avalon 2/4/08, 4/1/17, 8/3/21, 28/2/14, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Awaroa see Hebe scopulorum
Hebe azurea 12/1/16, 16/2/28, 17/4/27
Hebe B’Limit 18/1/21
Hebe Baby Blush 19/2/18
Hebe Baby Boo 26/3/09, 35/3/11
Hebe Baby Marie 1/4/13, 2/1/07, 2/5/06, 4/1/17, 4/2/14, 6/3/22, 8/2/24, 10/2/03, 10/2/34, 12/3/20, 15/2/28, 15/3/22, 15/4/25, 18/1/19, 18/2/04, 19/2/22, 20/1/19, 20/1/20, 22/1/15, 22/4/20, 23/2/08, 23/2/11, 27/4/10, 34/3/30, 35/2/11
Hebe Balfouriana 2/5/06, 3/4/12, 4/1/16, 13/4/20
Hebe barkeri 2/5/06, 3/2/05, 3/4/20, 4/1/17, 4/3/05, 6/4/11, 6/4/13, 7/1/04, 7/3/14, 9/4/06, 11/3/10, 12/1/11, 14/4/24, 15/4/09, 18/1/19, 22/3/21, 25/1/01, 25/1/23, 26/4/18, 27/1/12, 36/1/13
Hebe barnettii 5/3/09
Hebe Beatrice 2/5/06, 4/1/17, 5/3/09, 9/3/06, 10/1/26, 10/4/29, 14/3/21, 18/1/11, 19/2/18, 20/1/20, 20/3/23, 21/1/10, 21/2/24, 21/3/23, 22/1/15, 23/3/15, 24/2/15, 24/2/16, 25/2/03, 26/4/20, 28/1/20, 28/2/23, 28/3/03, 30/3/24, 34/2/10, 34/2/16, 34/3/32, 35/2/24, 35/2/11, 35/2/23, 37/2/19, 37/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe beds, see Hebe, beds
Hebe bennettii 4/3/05
Hebe benthamii 2/5/06, 4/1/21, 7/3/08, 9/2/11, 10/4/10, 18/1/19, 30/3/20
Hebe Beverley Hills 18/1/04, 18/2/03, 18/2/24, 19/2/19
Hebe Bicolor Wand 6/3/16, 8/2/24, 15/2/03, 19/2/18, 21/4/07, 25/3/18, 26/2/17, 26/3/23, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe bidwillii see Parahebe bidwillii
Hebe biggarii 2/5/07
Hebe bishopiana 2/5/07, 4/1/17, 4/4/16, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 12/1/11, 13/1/17, 14/4/14, 14/4/18, 16/1/04, 17/2/10, 21/3/14, 22/1/18, 24/1/10, 24/2/14, 28/1/20, 34/1/12
Hebe bishopiana Champagne see Hebe Champagne
Hebe Black Beauty 20/1/18, 25/3/24, 25/4/11, 29/2/23, 30/3/24, 35/2/11
Hebe Black Panther 27/4/12, 31/1/20, 31/2/17, 33/2/16, 34/2/10
Hebe Black Sabbath 39/3/06
Hebe blanda see Hebe amabilis blanda
Hebe Blue 6/4/13, 7/4/27, 16/2/03
Hebe Blue Bell 2/5/07, 3/4/16, 4/1/17, 18/1/19, 23/3/14, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Blue Clouds 1/4/03, 1/2/12, 2/1/15, 2/5/07, 3/1/08, 4/1/17, 4/3/17, 5/1/14, 6/2/16, 6/2/25, 7/3/12, 7/3/22, 8/2/14, 8/3/21, 10/1/26, 11/4/03, 12/4/03, 13/1/12, 14/1/03, 15/4/20, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 16/2/03, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/2/25, 18/1/11, 19/1/22, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 19/4/25, 24/2/14, 25/3/18, 26/3/23, 26/3/24, 27/2/22, 35/3/26, 39/2/14, 39/3/11
Hebe Blue Eyes 22/3/13
Hebe Blue Gem see Hebe Franciscana Blue Gem
Hebe Blue Mist 19/3/12, 20/4/19, 22/2/11, 22/3/13
Hebe Blue Peter 6/2/21, 9/2/08
Hebe Blue Spire 6/2/21
Hebe Blue Star 16/4/04, 17/4/12, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 21/3/07, 22/3/10, 24/2/15, 25/2/18, 25/3/19, 26/3/08, 26/3/23, 29/2/15, 29/2/23, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 39/2/15
Hebe Blue Streak 6/2/21
Hebe Blue Surprise 32/2/19
Hebe Blueboy 32/2/17
Hebe Blush Elegance see Hebe Elegance Blush
Hebe Blush Wand 2/5/07, 4/1/17, 4/2/06, 6/3/16, 10/2/31, 15/4/13, 16/4/15, 25/1/20, 26/1/12, 30/2/09, 31/2/10, 32/2/17, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 35/3/17, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Boksop Hybrid 7/4/27
Hebe bollonsii 2/5/07, 4/1/17, 4/2/19, 5/2/20, 8/2/24, 10/4/20, 12/1/11, 16/2/03, 16/2/27, 17/3/16, 17/4/21, 18/1/17, 21/1/01, 22/2/11, 26/2/22, 26/3/16, 26/3/22, 34/2/16, 34/3/07, 34/3/08, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe bollonsii x Hebe speciosa 17/4/21
Hebe Boscawenii 2/5/07, 4/2/06, 4/3/05, 5/3/09, 8/2/14, 8/3/06, 8/4/05, 9/2/08, 12/1/15, 13/3/20, 14/3/22, 19/2/19, 20/2/04, 20/2/insert, 20/3/23, 21/4/18, 25/1/12, 25/4/11, 26/2/insert, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 32/2/17, 34/2/16
Hebe Boughton Gem 14/3/09 see also Hebe cupressoides Boughton Dome
Hebe Bouquet 25/4/03, 26/4/24, 31/2/10, 31/2/11
Hebe Bowles Hybrid 2/4/27, 2/5/06, 2/5/08, 3/2/28, 3/3/27, 5/1/07, 5/1/08, 5/2/14, 5/3/07, 5/3/09, 5/4/12, 6/1/16, 6/2/25, 6/3/09, 6/4/14, 7/1/15, 8/2/24, 8/4/23, 9/1/09, 9/4/18, 9/4/20, 10/1/26, 11/2/18, 13/1/11, 13/2/11, 15/4/13, 18/1/19, 19/4/08, 20/4/20, 22/1/19, 23/2/08, 23/4/08
Hebe Bowles Variety 2/5/08, 5/1/07, 5/1/08, 5/2/20, 5/3/07, 5/4/12, 9/4/18, 19/2/19, 25/4/24
Hebe brachysiphon 2/1/15, 2/1/09, 2/4/21, 2/5/08, 3/2/05, 3/2/19, 3/3/21, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/2/18, 4/2/25, 4/4/05, 6/2/29, 6/3/28, 6/4/06, 6/4/28, 7/1/20, 7/3/22, 8/1/28, 10/2/31, 11/2/18, 11/3/10, 11/4/09, 12/4/09, 13/4/08, 15/4/14, 16/2/11, 16/3/28, 17/1/20, 17/4/16, 17/4/17, 18/1/14, 18/1/19, 19/2/26, 22/2/11, 23/2/12, 25/1/11, 26/2/13, 26/4/24, 29/3/19, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe brachysiphon White Gem 1/4/09, 2/3/13, 3/4/13, 4/1/16, 4/2/23, 5/2/14, 6/4/28, 8/1/28, 8/2/14, 10/3/08, 34/2/09, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe brachysiphon White Gem see also Hebe White Gem
Hebe brachysiphon x Hebe salicifolia 35/2/13
Hebe Bracken Hill 6/3/08, 6/4/20, 7/1/15, 8/4/12, 16/2/09, 24/2/15, 24/3/04, 32/2/09, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Bracken Hills see Hebe Bracken Hill
Hebe brevifolia see Hebe macrocarpa brevifolia
Hebe breviracemosa 1/1/06, 1/2/10, 2/5/08, 4/1/17, 4/2/16, 4/2/17, 4/4/04, 4/4/08, 5/4/14, 7/2/14, 7/2/14, 8/2/24, 8/4/06, 12/1/11, 14/2/04, 14/2/25, 14/2/25, 21/4/11, 24/1/03, 26/4/21, 28/2/14, 29/3/07, 37/2/15, 38/1/24
Hebe Brian 33/1/17, 34/1/22
Hebe Brian Kessell 6/2/21, 39/1/18
Hebe Brill Blue see Veronica fruticans guthrieana
Hebe Brockiei 1/3/07, 2/5/08, 7/3/12, 8/4/12, 10/4/20, 11/2/18, 11/3/13, 12/1/11
Hebe Bronze Baby 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe Bronze Glory 25/3/19, 26/3/24
Hebe Bronze Glow 25/3/10, 31/3/04
Hebe Bronze Shades 30/3/24
Hebe Broughton Silver see Hebe recurva Boughton Silver
Hebe Bryantiae 7/2/17
Hebe buchananii 2/1/07, 2/1/10, 2/5/08, 3/3/21, 3/4/08, 4/1/16, 5/3/09, 6/1/10, 6/3/07, 7/1/06, 7/1/06, 7/3/12, 9/3/15, 12/3/24, 14/1/22, 14/2/22, 14/3/11, 16/2/27, 17/1/21, 18/1/19, 20/1/24, 21/1/21, 21/4/12, 22/2/11, 25/1/20, 26/4/12, 26/4/13, 31/2/03, 34/3/15
Hebe buchananii Christchurch 10/2/29
Hebe buchananii Sir George Fenwick 11/2/18, 22/3/13, 27/4/10
Hebe buchananii var minor 1/3/08, 1/3/09, 3/3/21, 3/4/08, 5/3/09, 12/1/11, 12/3/23, 13/1/19, 27/4/11, 31/2/16, 31/2/insert, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/27
Hebe Burgundy Wine 6/1/05, 6/2/21
Hebe Burnettii 8/4/12, 12/3/13
Hebe Burning Heart 31/3/11, 31/3/13
Hebe buxifolia see Hebe odora
Hebe buxifolia Autumn Glory 26/4/19
Hebe buxifolia Champagne see Hebe Champagne
Hebe buxifolia Minima 1/3/09, 5/1/12, 8/4/12, 22/2/11
Hebe buxifolia Nana 1/4/13, 2/1/15, 2/3/02, 2/4/17, 2/4/27, 2/5/06, 4/2/14, 5/3/09, 6/3/22, 14/1/08, 35/2/11
Hebe buxifolia pauciramosa 6/2/18
Hebe C P Raffill 2/4/08, 3/2/26, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/3/07, 6/2/16, 7/2/03, 7/3/03, 8/1/30, 8/2/24, 8/3/21, 9/1/08, 10/1/26, 10/3/03, 10/4/28, 11/4/03, 12/4/03, 15/3/24, 15/4/15, 19/2/18, 24/1/22, 25/1/20, 25/3/19, 26/3/24, 29/2/22, 32/3/07, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Caledonia 1/3/08, 1/3/10, 3/1/05, 3/1/13, 3/3/26, 4/1/17, 5/1/12, 5/1/25, 5/3/09, 6/1/16, 6/2/07, 6/2/25, 7/2/16, 7/3/11, 7/3/11, 8/2/24, 8/4/12, 10/1/05, 10/1/11, 10/1/14, 10/2/29, 12/2/08, 14/1/15, 15/2/26, 15/3/11, 15/3/22, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 16/2/03, 16/2/14, 16/2/28, 16/3/07, 17/1/21, 18/2/27, 18/3/25, 19/2/18, 19/2/24, 19/4/25, 20/1/20, 20/1/21, 20/4/11, 21/1/09, 21/4/07, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 24/2/16, 25/3/19, 26/3/24, 27/4/19, 28/1/19, 28/2/23, 28/4/17, 29/3/21, 31/3/10, 32/1/04, 32/1/08, 33/2/11, 34/1/16, 34/2/16, 34/3/30, 35/2/11, 39/2/14
Hebe Caledonia Red Rum see Hebe Red Rum
Hebe Caledonia x H pimeleoides 4/4/08, 10/1/11
Hebe Calvin 11/4/07
Hebe Camargo (TV host) 35/2/03
Hebe Candy 3/1/13, 11/2/18, 14/4/11, 15/1/21, 15/1/22, 26/2/22, 26/3/24, 26/4/21, 28/1/20, 31/3/10, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/3/20, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Candyfloss 14/2/22, 14/4/11, 15/1/21, 15/1/22
Hebe canterburiensis 3/1/13, 3/3/21, 5/3/09, 6/1/11, 6/3/28, 8/4/13, 10/2/07, 12/1/11, 12/2/16, 16/2/22, 19/1/03, 22/2/11, 22/3/13, 24/3/03, 27/1/17, 29/1/18, 33/1/01, 37/3/03
Hebe Carey Pink 34/3/25, 34/3/25, 36/3/13, 36/3/13
Hebe Carl Teschner see Hebe Youngii
Hebe Carnea 3/1/13, 4/4/24, 5/4/12, 7/3/22, 8/2/24, 11/1/16, 11/2/19, 12/4/16, 13/4/16, 18/4/28, 20/3/10, 21/3/14, 23/3/15, 24/3/15, 25/1/04, 26/3/23, 26/4/24, 29/2/23, 29/3/24, 31/2/05, 32/3/07, 33/2/03, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe Carnea Variegata 4/1/17, 7/1/06, 8/2/24, 13/3/22, 21/2/19, 27/2/20, 28/4/17, 33/1/04, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe carnosula 1/3/07, 1/4/06, 2/1/04, 2/1/15, 2/4/05, 3/1/14, 3/3/22, 5/1/12, 5/2/14, 5/3/09, 6/3/07, 6/3/08, 6/3/22, 8/2/14, 8/4/13, 13/4/20, 15/4/21, 15/4/25, 19/2/18, 20/2/insert, 20/4/19, 24/4/16, 25/1/20, 25/2/20, 25/3/19, 26/2/13, 26/3/23, 28/1/19, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 28/2/23, 30/2/19, 30/3/24, 31/1/18, 32/1/18, 34/2/16, 34/2/23, 35/2/11, 36/3/01
Hebe carnosula Fovine 4/2/23
Hebe carnosula Mount Stewart 22/2/11
Hebe Carol 36/3/17
Hebe cassinioides 3/1/14, 8/4/13, 11/2/16, 12/1/16, 14/3/22
Hebe Cele 35/2/20
Hebe Celebration 31/3/03, 34/1/23, 35/2/13, 35/2/20
Hebe Celina 17/2/10, 17/3/04, 18/2/03, 19/2/10, 20/1/22, 20/2/04, 20/2/22, 22/2/08, 30/2/22
Hebe Celine see Hebe Celina
Hebe Chalk’s buchananii 11/3/11
Hebe Challenger 34/1/22
Hebe Champagne 11/4/07, 12/3/23, 14/4/18, 15/1/22, 15/4/10, 17/3/03, 17/3/04, 17/4/12, 20/1/19, 20/1/20, 20/4/19, 24/4/16, 25/2/18, 29/3/10, 29/3/16, 30/1/16, 30/3/22, 33/2/16, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/2/09
Hebe Champagne Ice 32/2/19
Hebe Champion 24/2/16, 26/3/23, 28/1/20, 28/4/17, 29/3/18, 31/1/20, 34/1/12, 34/2/16, 34/3/30, 35/2/11, 39/2/11, 39/2/15
Hebe Championseiont see Hebe Champion
Hebe Charles Howlett 2/4/24
Hebe Charlie 33/1/17, 34/1/22
Hebe Charming White 15/3/07, 15/4/11, 18/1/11, 19/1/22, 25/3/19, 26/2/23, 26/3/08, 26/4/24, 30/2/23, 32/2/17, 33/2/15, 35/3/17, 36/2/09, 38/2/18, 39/3/01
Hebe chathamica 1/4/11, 2/1/04, 3/1/14, 3/2/18, 4/2/17, 4/2/22, 4/3/05, 5/1/12, 5/2/20, 5/3/09, 7/3/14, 8/2/24, 11/2/19, 12/1/11, 20/1/19, 21/4/21, 22/1/15, 22/3/21, 24/2/24, 25/1/23, 26/3/14, 26/4/19, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 28/4/17
Hebe Cheal’s Superb 6/2/21
Hebe cheesemanii 1/2/09, 3/1/14, 4/1/20, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 6/1/11, 6/1/20, 7/3/08, 15/4/09, 36/2/26, 37/2/27, 37/2/14
Hebe chocolate mint see Hebe mint chocolate
Hebe Christabel 3/1/14, 14/3/22, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 16/2/15, 22/2/11, 23/4/24
Hebe Christensenii 1/2/07, 2/1/10, 3/1/14, 4/3/24, 5/1/24, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 6/1/18, 8/4/13, 9/3/26, 10/4/12, 10/4/20, 11/2/16, 11/2/18, 11/3/13, 19/2/18, 21/4/07, 25/2/13, 25/3/18, 26/3/23, 29/3/24, 36/1/26
Hebe ciliolata 1/2/10, 3/1/14, 4/1/20, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 5/4/21, 7/3/08, 24/4/03, 29/1/18, 37/2/14
Hebe Cilsouth 3/1/15
Hebe cissoides 12/1/11
Hebe Claret Crush 32/3/14
Hebe Clear Skies 14/4/09, 18/1/04, 18/1/16, 18/1/17, 19/2/19, 21/1/16, 22/3/13, 24/2/14, 25/3/19, 29/1/19, 29/2/15, 30/1/24, 30/2/22, 34/1/22, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe coarctata 3/1/15, 3/3/21, 4/1/21, 16/1/05, 26/4/11
Hebe coarctata x H armstrongii 3/3/21
Hebe Cobbi 16/3/12, 17/1/10
Hebe cockayneana see Hebe cockayniana
Hebe cockayniana 3/1/15, 4/1/16, 4/2/23, 5/2/20, 5/3/09, 8/2/24, 11/2/19, 12/1/11, 18/1/14, 27/1/17, 37/3/03, 38/1/03
Hebe Coed 15/4/09, 20/4/19
Hebe colensoi 1/3/09, 1/4/06, 3/1/15, 3/3/22, 4/2/26, 5/3/09, 5/4/25, 8/2/03, 8/4/13, 13/4/19, 18/1/14, 38/2/15, 38/2/15
Hebe colensoi Glauca 1/3/08, 1/4/11, 3/1/15, 3/3/21, 5/2/21, 5/3/09, 6/3/22, 25/1/20
Hebe colensoi hillii 3/1/15, 5/4/19
Hebe Collection see Hebe, Collection
Hebe Collection – Lowaters trade name 18/1/04
Hebe Collection (Will Tooby) 16/2/03
Hebe Colwall 1/3/08, 1/3/11, 3/1/15, 3/3/22, 5/3/09, 8/4/13, 10/3/08, 11/2/19, 25/1/20
Hebe Compton Ash 10/1/26, 39/1/18
Hebe Confetti see Hebe Candyfloss
Hebe cookiana (stricta macroura) 2/1/05, 2/1/05, 2/1/09, 3/2/26, 5/3/09, 8/2/24, 19/2/19
Hebe Coral Blue 11/3/12
Hebe Coral Pink 11/1/16, 11/3/12
Hebe Corner 36/1/25
Hebe corriganii 3/2/26, 4/1/17, 4/4/16, 10/1/13, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 13/1/17, 19/2/09, 21/3/01, 29/3/07, 34/2/04, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 36/3/20, 38/2/15
Hebe corstorphinensis 11/3/11, 24/4/08, 32/3/07, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe corymbosa see Hebe divaricata
Hebe County Park 1/3/07, 1/3/11, 1/4/04, 2/1/15, 3/2/26, 4/1/16, 4/2/23, 5/1/12, 5/3/09, 6/4/29, 8/2/14, 9/1/08, 9/3/08, 11/2/19, 11/4/10, 12/1/11, 12/1/15, 19/2/19, 28/4/13, 34/2/16, 34/3/01, 35/1/16, 35/2/11
Hebe Craigpark 16/4/10
Hebe Cranleigh Gem 3/1/05, 3/3/22, 5/3/09, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 12/3/12, 12/3/13
Hebe Cranleighensis 3/1/05, 3/2/26, 7/1/06, 8/2/24, 8/3/24, 9/1/08, 9/1/14, 10/1/14, 10/4/20, 10/4/25, 11/1/16, 11/1/17, 11/2/19, 11/3/14, 11/4/09, 19/2/18, 20/4/19, 23/1/16, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe crawii 4/1/22
Hebe crenulata 18/1/14
Hebe Cressit 11/3/11
Hebe Croftway Ember Glow 6/2/22
Hebe Croyde Cultivar 3/2/06
Hebe cryptomorpha 18/1/14
Hebe Cupins 3/2/26, 9/1/09, 10/4/20
Hebe cupressoides 1/1/07, 1/2/05, 1/3/07, 1/3/10, 1/3/11, 2/1/04, 2/1/07, 2/1/15, 2/3/03, 3/2/19, 3/2/26, 3/3/06, 3/3/12, 3/3/15, 3/4/12, 4/1/09, 4/1/21, 5/4/10, 6/1/11, 6/4/09, 7/3/09, 8/1/30, 9/1/09, 9/4/10, 11/3/07, 11/3/07, 12/1/11, 13/1/19, 13/2/10, 13/2/10, 13/4/19, 14/1/22, 14/4/14, 15/4/15, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 16/1/05, 16/2/28, 19/1/05, 19/1/06, 19/3/12, 21/3/09, 21/4/17, 21/4/22, 22/1/20, 22/2/11, 22/3/13, 22/3/insert, 23/2/13, 23/4/09, 24/1/insert, 24/1/22, 25/1/19, 25/2/20, 25/2/22, 28/1/22, 28/2/14, 30/2/12, 32/1/insert, 32/1/15, 33/1/12, 33/2/11, 35/2/11, 36/2/09, 36/2/09, 36/3/30, 36/3/30, 38/3/03, 38/3/03, 38/3/14, 39/1/11
Hebe cupressoides Boughton Dome 1/3/08, 1/3/11, 3/2/26, 3/3/12, 3/3/21, 4/1/16, 5/1/12, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 8/1/30, 8/2/14, 9/1/08, 9/3/15, 10/4/15, 12/3/23, 14/1/22, 14/3/09, 15/4/15, 15/4/20, 15/4/23, 16/2/14, 16/3/14, 16/3/24, 17/3/11, 17/4/27, 18/1/11, 18/2/28, 20/4/20, 21/2/23, 21/4/16, 22/1/19, 22/3/13, 23/4/09, 25/2/03, 27/4/11, 28/1/15, 30/1/04, 32/2/21, 34/2/16, 34/3/04, 34/3/04, 35/2/11, 36/2/09, 36/2/09, 38/3/03, 38/3/03
Hebe cupressoides cinerea 2/1/04
Hebe cupressoides Glauca 28/1/15
Hebe cupressoides Golden Dome 6/2/22
Hebe cupressoides Nana 1/3/10, 1/3/11, 3/2/26, 3/3/21, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 9/1/09, 10/4/20, 11/2/19, 12/1/11, 28/1/14
Hebe cupressoides var variabilis 11/2/19
Hebe Cuttings Exchange see Hebe, cuttings exchange
Hebe D’Urville Island see Hebe rigidula var sulcata
Hebe Dark Angel 25/3/19, 26/2/23, 26/3/08, 27/3/16, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe Dark Lilac 6/2/22
Hebe Dark Star 35/2/11
Hebe darwiniana 2/1/04, 3/2/27, 3/4/13, 3/4/20, 33/2/23, 33/2/insert, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe darwiniana Variegata 1/4/09, 1/4/10, 1/4/13, 6/3/22, 34/2/16, 35/2/11
Hebe David Hughes 11/3/12, 39/1/17
Hebe Dawn’s Surprise 10/1/07
Hebe Dazzler 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 15/3/04, 15/3/07, 15/3/11, 19/2/19, 29/3/21
Hebe Dean’s Fya 13/4/08
Hebe decumbens 1/2/09, 1/3/07, 2/1/04, 3/2/27, 3/3/21, 4/1/16, 5/3/09, 5/4/20, 8/2/14, 9/1/09, 9/4/17, 11/2/19, 12/1/11, 13/2/10, 14/1/15, 20/1/19, 20/2/insert, 22/2/11, 23/4/18, 25/2/03, 25/2/20, 27/4/15, 28/1/22, 29/1/18, 30/2/04, 32/2/insert, 32/2/14, 37/2/14, 37/2/14
Hebe decumbens Macetown 12/4/08
Hebe decumbens Southey 12/4/07
Hebe decussata 2/4/15, 3/2/27, 4/3/05, 13/4/20
Hebe decussata Devonia 2/2/06
Hebe Denise 11/3/12, 15/1/20, 17/3/21, 19/4/24, 24/1/12
Hebe Desborough 6/3/08
Hebe Devon Blue 6/2/22
Hebe Devoniana 7/3/07, 8/4/22
Hebe Diamant see Hebe Diamond
Hebe Diamond 2/3/13, 3/2/27, 7/4/05, 8/2/24, 11/2/19, 19/2/18, 19/4/24
Hebe Diana 4/1/17, 8/2/24, 9/1/09, 15/4/23, 15/4/26, 23/3/15, 24/1/10, 24/1/12, 35/2/11
Hebe dieffenbachii 2/5/06, 3/2/05, 3/2/19, 3/2/27, 4/2/17, 4/3/05, 6/4/11, 8/2/24, 9/2/06, 9/4/06, 11/3/10, 12/1/15, 13/1/09, 14/1/10, 14/1/14, 15/4/23, 17/2/17, 20/4/19, 22/3/21, 23/2/18, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 23/4/16, 24/2/12, 24/2/14, 24/2/15, 25/1/23, 26/1/12, 27/2/16, 27/4/13, 28/1/20, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 36/1/13, 37/2/19, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/26, 39/2/17
Hebe dieffenbachii x Hebe chathamica 12/1/11
Hebe dilitata 18/1/14
Hebe diosmifolia 1/4/14, 2/1/07, 3/2/27, 3/4/09, 4/1/17, 4/1/25, 4/1/26, 4/3/05, 7/1/20, 8/2/24, 9/1/15, 9/2/08, 10/1/26, 10/2/19, 10/2/34, 11/3/13, 11/3/18, 11/4/10, 12/1/11, 12/3/21, 14/3/22, 17/1/08, 17/1/08, 17/2/22, 17/2/23, 17/3/05, 18/2/03, 19/2/10, 20/1/22, 20/2/21, 21/4/12, 22/3/23, 22/4/20, 23/3/15, 24/1/10, 25/2/18, 26/1/12, 26/1/15, 26/3/19, 26/4/18, 27/1/12, 27/3/1, 27/4/15, 28/1/11, 28/1/18, 31/2/16, 31/3/08, 32/2/17, 33/3/08, 34/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe diosmifolia Celina see Hebe Celina
Hebe diosmifolia Lilac Gem 16/1/03
Hebe diosmifolia Marie, 10/2/18, 10/2/20, 10/2/34, 33/3/08
Hebe diosmifolia Variegated 6/2/22
Hebe diosmifolia x H. townsonii 12/1/11
Hebe divaricata 1/2/10, 3/2/27, 3/3/22, 4/1/16, 11/3/18, 11/3/20, 11/4/28, 12/1/11, 19/2/26, 28/3/01, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/15, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe divaricata Marlborough 11/3/21, 11/3/20, 11/4/28
Hebe divaricata Nelson 11/3/19, 11/3/20, 11/4/28
Hebe Divergens 2/3/14, 3/2/27, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/4/14, 5/1/13, 5/3/09, 9/1/09, 11/2/03, 12/3/13, 12/4/03, 17/3/21, 23/4/03, 25/2/03, 25/4/24, 26/3/23, 33/2/04, 34/2/17, 35/2/11
Hebe Dobbies Delight 17/2/04
Hebe donardii see also Hebe Franciscana Variegata 19/3/26
Hebe Donna® Anna 29/3/04, 34/1/12
Hebe Donna® Britta 29/3/04
Hebe Donna® Nikka 29/3/04
Hebe Dorothy Peach see also Hebe Watson’s Pink 3/1/05, 6/2/25, 6/4/28, 11/1/16, 11/4/09, 15/4/15, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 20/1/20, 20/3/10, 21/3/insert, 28/1/20, 29/2/22
Hebe Douglasii 3/2/28, 5/3/09, 8/2/03
Hebe E A Bowles 3/2/28, 3/3/22, 5/1/07, 5/3/07, 9/1/09, 9/4/18, 9/4/20, 10/3/19, 13/2/11, 16/3/25, 25/4/11, 32/2/01, 32/3/19
Hebe E B Anderson see Hebe Caledonia
Hebe Edinensis 3/1/14, 3/3/22, 3/3/26, 3/4/20, 4/1/16, 5/3/09, 5/4/14, 8/2/14, 9/1/14, 9/2/22, 10/2/28, 10/4/16, 12/1/15, 14/1/15, 15/4/14, 16/3/14, 19/2/19, 22/2/11, 25/1/20, 34/3/15
Hebe Edington 2/2/03, 3/3/26, 3/4/03, 4/1/16, 4/3/03, 4/3/12, 5/1/12, 5/2/14, 6/1/16, 6/2/16, 7/3/05, 8/2/24, 8/3/15, 9/2/22, 9/4/05, 9/4/17, 11/2/19, 11/2/22, 11/3/23, 11/4/03, 12/3/11, 12/3/23, 12/4/03, 13/4/03, 14/1/03, 14/2/13, 15/4/03, 16/2/04, 18/2/27, 19/1/18, 19/2/18, 19/2/24, 19/4/24, 19/4/25, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 23/2/14, 23/3/15, 25/1/20, 25/3/19, 26/3/24, 27/2/20, 27/3/14, 27/3/insert, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/11
Hebe El Camino 35/2/21
Hebe El Camino, Matty Brown 35/2/21
Hebe Elegance Blue 25/3/03, 25/4/24, 27/1/13, 27/1/insert
Hebe Elegance Blush 27/1/14, 27/1/insert
Hebe Elegance Pastel 25/3/03, 25/3/19, 26/3/07, 26/3/23, 27/1/15, 27/1/insert
Hebe Elegance Pink 27/1/16, 27/1/insert
Hebe Elegance Purple 27/2/14, 27/2/insert
Hebe Elegance Rose 25/3/03, 25/4/24, 26/3/23, 27/2/15, 27/2/insert
Hebe Elegance series 27/1/13, 27/1/14, 27/2/15
Hebe Elizabeth 9/2/08
Hebe Ellen 11/3/12, 17/1/27
Hebe Elliotae 7/2/17
Hebe elliptica 1/2/05, 1/2/10, 1/2/12, 1/4/06, 2/2/06, 2/2/16, 2/4/07, 2/4/14, 2/4/15, 2/4/16, 2/4/18, 2/4/19, 3/2/13, 3/1/18, 3/2/19, 3/2/27, 3/2/28, 3/3/26, 3/4/09, 3/4/19, 4/1/09, 4/1/17, 4/1/22, 4/2/22, 4/2/25, 4/3/05, 5/4/19, 5/4/19, 6/1/06, 6/3/29, 6/4/29, 7/1/22, 7/2/03, 7/3/05, 7/3/07, 7/3/07, 7/3/09, 7/4/12, 8/4/16, 9/1/09, 9/1/14, 9/1/21, 9/1/23, 9/3/15, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 10/4/06, 11/3/10, 11/4/10, 12/4/08, 13/4/20, 15/3/26, 16/2/11, 17/1/19, 18/1/14, 18/2/27, 19/1/03, 19/1/03, 19/2/27, 19/3/25, 20/2/15, 20/4/04, 20/4/17, 21/3/12, 21/4/10, 21/4/12, 24/3/03, 26/1/insert, 26/1/24, 26/4/21, 29/3/19, 30/2/09, 31/1/23, 31/1/insert, 31/2/03, 32/1/13, 32/1/insert, 32/2/17, 32/3/07, 33/1/15, 34/1/24, 35/1/28, 35/1/28, 35/3/17, 35/3/26, 37/2/15, 38/1/07, 38/2/25
Hebe elliptica (Falkland Island form) 11/2/19, 15/4/09, 16/2/11, 38/2/25
Hebe elliptica × Hebe Franciscana 12/4/08
Hebe elliptica Anatoki 9/2/22, 23/2/08, 25/4/24, 32/1/insert, 32/1/13, 34/1/01, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe elliptica Autumn Glory see Hebe Autumn Glory
Hebe elliptica Bleaker 6/2/22, 38/2/25
Hebe elliptica Blue Bell see Hebe Blue Bell
Hebe elliptica Charleston 5/2/20, 9/2/26, 11/3/14, 15/3/07, 23/3/22, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe elliptica Dwarf Blue 8/2/24
Hebe elliptica ex Dunedin Bot 2010772 34/2/17, 35/2/11
Hebe elliptica Forster 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe elliptica Kapiti 14/3/01, 24/3/01, 38/2/25
Hebe elliptica Variegata 4/1/09, 12/3/20, 15/4/12, 39/1/11
Hebe Emerald Green (synonym Hebe Green Globe) 2/1/06, 2/4/02, 3/3/26, 5/1/12, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 9/1/15, 9/2/22, 9/2/23, 10/4/16, 12/1/11, 12/3/20, 13/3/22, 14/4/27, 15/4/21, 15/4/25, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/3/24, 20/1/23, 21/2/23, 21/4/17, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 25/1/20, 26/3/08, 29/2/09, 29/3/10, 30/2/23, 31/1/20, 32/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 37/3/13, 39/2/14
Hebe Enchantment 15/4/08
Hebe epacridea 1/2/09, 1/3/09, 2/4/17, 3/3/15, 3/3/26, 4/1/20, 5/3/09, 5/4/20, 6/1/20, 7/3/08, 7/4/26, 9/2/22, 9/2/23, 10/3/08, 14/1/04, 17/3/27, 21/4/12, 26/2/19, 29/1/18, 37/2/14
Hebe Eric 5/1/17
Hebe Estelle 10/1/07
Hebe Ettrick Shepherd 2/1/15, 3/1/05, 3/3/27, 4/2/22, 9/3/14, 12/3/24, 20/4/19
Hebe Eva 26/3/14
Hebe Evansii 17/4/12
Hebe Eveline 3/3/27, 5/4/12, 8/2/24, 9/1/15, 9/4/05, 10/4/07, 12/3/23, 18/3/24, 19/1/18, 19/2/10, 19/2/28, 19/3/13, 22/2/11, 23/4/24, 26/4/24, 29/3/07, 35/2/12
Hebe Evelyn 1/2/02, 2/1/15, 3/3/27, 8/2/24, 16/3/22, 19/2/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 39/1/04, 39/1/04, 39/2/04, 39/2/17
Hebe evenosa 3/3/27, 4/1/16, 9/2/22, 11/2/22, 12/1/11, 15/2/03, 19/2/18, 20/3/insert, 22/2/11, 23/3/14, 25/2/03, 25/3/18, 25/3/19, 26/3/22, 27/2/04, 27/4/13, 32/2/insert, 32/2/13, 34/2/28, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 38/2/14
Hebe Eversley Seedling 3/1/03, 3/1/05, 3/3/27, 4/1/04, 4/1/16, 4/4/24, 5/1/07, 5/3/07, 6/1/06, 6/2/25, 9/4/19, 10/2/15, 12/3/11, 13/2/11, 18/3/26, 19/2/19, 21/1/10, 22/1/19, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 23/4/08, 24/2/15, 25/1/04, 25/1/19, 25/1/20, 26/3/23, 26/3/24, 29/3/09, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Exanomala 10/2/29, 22/1/20, 23/4/09
Hebe Eyecatcher 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 38/2/10
Hebe Fairfieldii 1/3/10, 1/3/12, 1/4/09, 2/1/09, 3/3/21, 3/3/27, 4/2/03, 5/1/14, 5/2/20, 6/2/10, 8/2/16, 9/2/23, 10/2/15, 12/1/13, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 19/1/07, 19/1/07, 21/2/04, 21/3/14, 24/2/14, 24/2/16, 25/1/19, 29/1/20, 35/2/12
Hebe Fairlane 3/3/27, 4/1/16, 5/3/09, 9/2/26, 11/1/15, 11/2/21, 14/1/22, 16/3/24, 18/2/28, 25/3/19, 34/2/17
Hebe Fairwater 25/4/24
Hebe Ferndown 2/3/14, 3/4/19, 4/1/04, 8/2/24, 15/4/15, 17/1/20
Hebe Fiona 13/3/16, 22/1/15, 24/3/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe First Light 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 20/3/insert, 22/3/05, 23/2/08, 24/2/14, 24/4/17, 25/4/insert, 25/4/03, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 29/3/20, 31/1/20, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/1/01
Hebe Miss Fittall see Hebe Miss E Fittall
Hebe Flame 21/3/14
Hebe Flashing Light 25/2/15
Hebe flavida 26/4/18, 27/1/12
Hebe forma 10/2/28
Hebe formosa 9/4/09
Hebe Fovine 6/2/22
Hebe Fragrant Jewel 6/2/22, 13/4/08, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 23/4/20, 24/2/16, 25/2/18, 26/1/12, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 29/3/07, 29/3/18, 32/2/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/3/17, 36/3/16
Hebe Franciscana 1/2/12, 2/2/06, 2/2/08, 2/3/08, 2/4/02, 2/4/14, 2/4/16, 2/4/23, 3/2/11, 2/5/13, 3/2/05, 3/3/06, 3/4/19, 4/1/07, 4/1/17, 5/4/10, 6/2/16, 6/4/07, 7/1/23, 7/1/24, 7/2/16, 7/3/08, 8/1/05, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 8/4/18, 8/4/20, 8/4/22, 9/1/15, 9/3/08, 9/4/05, 10/1/26, 10/3/06, 10/4/07, 11/1/15, 11/1/15, 11/2/19, 11/3/10, 11/4/13, 13/1/24, 15/1/09, 15/2/24, 15/4/23, 17/1/08, 19/2/27, 20/1/23, 20/2/21, 20/4/19, 21/1/17, 21/1/22, 21/4/18, 21/1/insert, 22/2/08, 22/2/13, 24/3/13, 24/3/18, 25/4/16, 26/3/14, 26/4/19, 26/4/20, 26/4/21, 27/2/20, 27/4/10, 28/1/18, 28/1/20, 29/3/18, 30/2/22, 30/3/10, 32/1/19, 33/1/11, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/3/26, 36/1/13, 36/1/13, 37/1/11
Hebe Franciscana Blue Gem 1/3/09, 2/1/10, 2/3/13, 2/3/17, 2/4/09, 2/4/18, 2/5/13, 3/2/05, 4/2/22, 5/4/13, 7/1/22, 8/2/24, 9/1/21, 12/1/12, 12/3/23, 13/1/10, 13/1/17, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 16/1/11, 16/1/12, 16/1/12, 16/2/15, 24/2/12, 24/4/16, 26/3/17, 27/4/20, 33/1/14, 37/3/10, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/25
Hebe Franciscana Lavender Queen 2/2/08, 3/1/05, 10/1/15, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Franciscana Purple Tips 2/2/19, 2/4/26, 5/3/14, 8/4/18, 12/1/11, 14/3/11, 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 15/4/23
Hebe Franciscana Red Gem 11/3/11
Hebe Franciscana Sarnia 2/2/08, 17/1/27
Hebe Franciscana Silver Queen 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Franciscana Variegata 1/4/09, 2/1/15, 2/2/06, 2/4/28, 3/1/05, 4/1/07, 4/2/13, 4/3/06, 6/3/08, 6/4/09, 7/2/16, 8/2/24, 9/1/15, 9/3/06, 11/2/19, 11/3/14, 12/3/23, 13/3/10, 13/3/22, 13/4/03, 14/4/08, 14/4/09, 14/4/12, 14/4/15, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 16/1/01 16/1/12, 16/2/14, 16/2/21, 16/3/07, 19/1/15, 19/1/15, 19/2/27, 19/2/27, 19/3/12, 20/1/23, 20/4/11, 21/2/23, 22/2/08, 22/3/23, 23/4/03, 24/4/14, 24/4/15, 25/1/19, 25/2/18, 26/3/15, 27/4/20, 28/1/18, 28/4/16, 29/2/23, 29/3/21, 30/3/09, 30/3/09, 30/3/10, 30/3/insert, 31/3/04, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/3/01, 38/2/10, 39/2/14
Hebe Franciscana White Gem 2/2/08
Hebe Franjo 2/1/07, 2/1/15, 3/4/19, 4/1/16, 7/3/05, 10/2/29
Hebe Frank Cooke 10/1/14
Hebe Frozen Flame 31/3/04, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 34/3/30
Hebe fruticeti 3/4/19
Hebe fruticosa? 21/1/21
Hebe Galway Bay 34/2/10, 38/2/18
Hebe Galway Blue 6/2/22
Hebe Gannymede 3/4/19, 5/4/12, 8/2/24, 10/1/14, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 20/3/insert
Hebe Garden Beauty Blue 26/3/23, 30/2/23, 31/2/17
Hebe Garden Beauty Purple 28/3/11
Hebe Garden Beauty range 30/1/10, 30/2/07, 31/2/17, 39/2/15
Hebe Garden Beauty White 35/2/12
Hebe Garden Elegance Blue see Hebe Elegance Blue
Hebe Garden Elegance Blush see Hebe Elegance Blush
Hebe Garden Elegance Pastel see Hebe Elegance Pastel
Hebe Garden Elegance Pink see Hebe Elegance Pink
Hebe Garden Elegance Purple see Hebe Elegance Purple
Hebe Garden Elegance Rose see Hebe Elegance Rose
Hebe Gauntlettii 1/4/09, 2/1/06, 2/3/14, 3/3/27, 3/4/19, 3/4/20, 4/1/06, 4/1/17, 7/1/16, 8/4/20, 9/4/05, 10/4/07, 11/2/19, 12/4/08, 14/3/22, 14/4/12, 15/3/11, 15/4/25, 18/1/11, 18/3/24, 19/1/18, 19/1/22, 19/2/10, 19/2/28, 19/4/26, 20/1/18, 20/1/18, 20/1/19, 20/4/19, 24/2/14, 26/4/21, 29/3/08, 29/3/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Gemengd 15/2/28, 15/2/28, 20/1/22, 21/4/17
Hebe Geoff Turnbull 10/3/13, 24/2/12
Hebe gibbsii 3/4/19, 5/3/22, 6/3/08, 12/1/12, 17/4/26, 17/4/28, 19/1/01, 21/4/12
Hebe Gibby 10/2/16, 11/2/03, 11/2/19, 22/3/23, 23/2/08, 23/3/19, 24/3/11, 24/3/14, 25/3/18, 35/2/12, 38/1/03, 38/1/03
Hebe gigantica see Hebe barkeri
Hebe girdwoodii 3/4/20, 8/2/24
Hebe Gisellii 6/2/22
Hebe Glasnevin Hybrid 6/2/22
Hebe glauco-caerulea see H. pinguifolia glauco-caerulea
Hebe glaucophylla 2/1/04, 3/1/15, 3/2/27, 3/3/17, 3/3/21, 3/3/22, 3/4/20, 4/4/08, 5/4/20, 11/1/08, 12/1/12, 21/4/12, 23/4/23, 31/1/15, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe glaucophylla Clarence 3/3/19, 9/2/23, 11/2/03, 19/2/19, 21/3/23, 22/2/11, 25/2/03, 25/3/19, 26/3/24, 34/2/17, 38/3/14, 38/3/17
Hebe glaucophylla Joan Hunwick 23/3/14, 24/2/15, 26/1/22, 26/3/24, 31/3/01, 32/2/09, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe glaucophylla Variegata 1/4/10, 1/4/11, 2/1/04, 2/4/27, 3/3/21, 3/3/22, 4/2/23, 5/4/10, 6/2/25, 7/2/23, 7/3/22, 7/3/22, 9/2/23, 11/2/21, 11/3/14, 14/2/20, 15/4/14, 19/2/18, 25/3/19, 25/4/24, 26/1/22, 26/3/24, 33/2/11, 35/2/12
Hebe Glen Garriff see Hebe pareora Glen Garriff
Hebe Gloriosa 3/4/20, 5/4/12, 8/2/24, 11/2/03, 12/1/11, 17/1/08, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Gnome 3/4/20, 5/3/09
Hebe Golden Beauty 6/2/22
Hebe Golden Dome 9/2/23
Hebe Golden Esk see Hebe Karo Golden Esk
Hebe Goldrush 22/3/24, 25/3/19, 26/3/08, 26/3/24, 28/1/03, 29/2/22, 29/2/23, 34/2/17
Hebe gracillima 2/1/07, 3/2/28, 3/3/22, 3/4/20, 4/2/25, 8/2/24, 9/1/09, 11/3/06, 19/2/19, 22/3/09, 25/3/19, 27/2/04, 27/4/15, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe gracillima Slate River Gold 27/4/15
Hebe Graham Seedling 28/1/20
Hebe Gran’s Favourite 4/1/17, 19/2/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 38/2/10
Hebe Granda® Blue 29/3/04
Hebe Great Orme 1/3/07, 1/4/09, 2/1/08, 2/1/13, 2/3/13, 2/4/07, 3/1/05, 3/1/08, 3/4/04, 4/1/26, 4/3/06, 4/3/12, 4/3/25, 5/3/22, 5/4/03, 5/4/12, 6/1/06, 6/3/08, 6/3/09, 6/4/14, 6/4/21, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 8/4/23, 9/1/14, 9/2/23, 10/2/31, 10/4/21, 11/1/15, 11/1/16, 11/3/14, 12/3/21, 12/3/23, 12/4/09, 13/2/12, 13/3/19, 13/4/08, 14/3/24, 15/3/11, 15/4/21, 15/4/23, 15/4/26, 16/2/14, 16/2/22, 16/3/07, 16/4/18, 18/3/24, 19/2/15, 19/4/25, 20/1/08, 20/1/18, 20/1/19, 20/4/18, 20/4/19, 21/3/22, 22/1/15, 22/3/13, 23/3/08, 24/1/12, 24/1/insert, 24/2/15, 24/3/23, 24/4/11, 25/2/18, 25/4/16, 27/4/13, 27/4/19, 29/3/19, 29/3/20, 31/3/04, 32/1/07, 32/1/17, 32/2/17, 32/3/07, 33/2/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/12, 37/2/12, 38/1/20, 38/3/16, 39/1/08, 39/2/14, 39/3/19
Hebe Green Globe see Hebe Emerald Green
Hebe Greensleeves 2/1/06, 2/1/15, 3/3/21, 3/4/15, 4/1/16, 5/1/24, 5/2/14, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 5/4/16, 6/1/18, 8/1/30, 8/4/13, 9/2/23, 11/2/16, 11/2/17, 17/4/27, 23/2/08, 26/3/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/3/13
Hebe Greenway Purple 2/1/06, 6/2/22
Hebe Greta 6/4/13, 9/4/05, 39/1/18
Hebe Grethe 24/4/14, 37/1/13, 37/1/13
Hebe Gruinard Seedling 11/3/11, 39/1/17
Hebe guthrieana see Veronica fruticans guthrieana
Hebe H12034 35/2/21
Hebe h12-034 35/2/21
Hebe H130011 35/2/21
Hebe h13-0011 35/2/21
Hebe H140035 35/2/21
Hebe H14031 35/2/21
Hebe h14-031 35/2/21
Hebe h14-035 35/2/21
Hebe haastii 1/2/09, 3/1/21, 3/2/18, 3/3/15, 3/3/26, 4/1/20, 4/1/25, 4/4/09, 5/3/09, 5/4/21, 6/1/10, 7/3/08, 7/4/26, 8/3/14, 9/2/23, 9/3/09, 10/1/34, 12/1/22, 13/2/17, 17/3/26, 17/3/26, 19/2/04, 21/4/12, 30/3/insert, 30/3/22, 36/2/26, 36/2/26
Hebe Hadspen Pink 6/2/22, 9/3/26, 10/4/20, 24/3/insert, 24/3/15, 25/4/03, 25/4/24, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/1/18
Hebe Hagley Park 1/3/12, 1/4/04, 3/4/03, 3/4/09, 4/1/03, 4/1/25, 5/2/20, 5/3/09, 6/2/10, 6/3/07, 7/2/16, 9/3/26, 10/2/29, 10/2/34, 11/2/03, 11/2/19, 12/1/13, 12/2/03, 12/2/08, 13/2/14, 13/3/20, 15/3/10, 15/3/10, 16/2/22, 20/3/01, 20/4/19, 21/3/14, 23/2/08, 26/4/24, 27/2/20, 28/1/20, 28/4/13, 34/2/05, 35/1/15, 35/1/15, 35/1/16, 35/2/12, 39/1/09
Hebe Hanna 16/4/18, 22/3/23
Hebe Hanne 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 20/1/18, 21/1/09, 25/2/17, 25/2/18
Hebe Harlequin 2/1/03
Hebe Hartii (syn Hebe Lavender Spray) 4/1/17, 4/1/25, 8/2/24, 22/2/11, 22/4/14, 23/2/11, 29/1/03
Hebe Havering Green 4/1/25, 7/2/06
Hebe Headfortii 4/1/17, 4/1/25, 5/3/14, 8/2/24, 10/1/26, 10/2/14, 10/2/34, 11/1/15, 11/2/22, 11/3/14, 11/3/23, 12/4/08, 21/4/18, 23/1/16, 24/2/12, 25/2/17, 26/3/16, 27/2/04, 27/4/10, 27/4/13, 27/4/20, 27/4/22, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 28/4/17, 29/3/07, 29/3/18, 30/2/09, 30/3/10, 31/1/11, 32/3/07, 33/3/08, 34/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/1/11, 36/1/11, 37/2/19, 38/1/07, 39/2/17
Hebe Heartbreaker 19/2/22, 20/2/18, 26/2/23, 26/3/10, 27/1/23, 31/2/03, 31/3/10, 33/2/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/3/12, 36/3/17, 36/3/19, 36/3/19, 39/1/19, 39/1/19
Hebe HebAnn03 35/2/20
Hebe HebAnn05 35/2/20
Hebe HebAnn05 35/2/20
Hebe hectorii 1/2/09, 1/3/04, 1/3/11, 2/1/05, 2/1/10, 2/4/05, 3/1/15, 3/3/12, 3/3/21, 3/3/22, 3/3/26, 3/4/12, 3/4/12, 4/1/21, 4/1/25, 4/1/26, 4/2/24, 5/4/16, 5/4/21, 6/1/20, 8/2/14, 8/3/20, 9/2/22, 9/3/26, 10/4/20, 11/3/13, 13/3/13, 13/4/19, 15/4/09, 16/1/05, 16/2/03, 17/4/19, 21/4/12, 21/4/13, 21/3/insert, 23/3/23, 25/1/20, 26/2/13, 27/1/18, 30/3/04, 36/2/25
Hebe hectorii demissa 4/1/16, 9/3/26, 11/3/13
Hebe hectorii subsp coarctata see Hebe coarctata
Hebe hectori see Hebe hectorii
Hebe Hedgehog 23/3/03, 26/2/12, 27/3/13, 34/2/19
Hebe Heidi 6/4/14, 9/4/05, 10/1/26, 15/2/24, 16/4/16, 16/4/17, 19/2/18, 20/1/18, 22/1/15, 22/4/20, 24/2/14, 24/3/13, 27/4/13, 28/1/20, 30/3/10, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 37/3/12, 37/3/12, 39/2/17
Hebe Helse 4/1/25
Hebe Hidcote 4/1/25, 4/2/17, 4/2/23, 6/3/16, 21/4/18, 26/3/08, 27/3/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 38/3/14, 39/2/17
Hebe Hielan Lassie 3/1/05, 4/1/25, 8/2/24, 10/1/14, 11/3/15, 19/2/19, 20/3/insert, 24/2/12, 32/1/07, 32/2/20, 34/2/17, 34/3/31, 34/3/32, 35/2/12, 36/1/04
Hebe High Voltage 29/2/15, 35/2/22, 39/2/11
Hebe Highdown Pink 4/1/17, 4/1/26, 4/1/26, 32/3/07, 33/3/08, 34/2/17, 34/3/08, 35/2/12, 36/3/06, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17
Hebe Highdown Pale Pink 38/2/10
Hebe Highdownensis 2/1/10, 3/4/12, 4/1/26, 7/1/06, 8/2/24, 10/1/26, 11/2/19, 33/3/08, 34/1/16, 34/3/08, 38/2/10, 38/2/25
Hebe Hinderwell 11/3/12, 24/2/12
Hebe Hinerua 6/1/18, 6/1/18, 6/3/03, 9/2/26, 9/3/26, 14/3/22, 16/2/04, 17/4/27, 22/1/20, 22/2/11, 23/4/09, 23/4/10, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe HL150200 34/1/22, 35/2/21
Hebe hl150-200 35/2/21
Hebe HL150203 35/2/21
Hebe HL150209 35/2/21
Hebe HL150300 35/2/21
Hebe HL150302 35/2/21
Hebe hl150-302 35/2/21
Hebe hl15-232 35/2/21
Hebe HM150209 34/1/22
Hebe HM150232 34/1/22, 35/2/21
Hebe HM150232 34/1/22, 35/2/21
Hebe hm15-203 35/2/21
Hebe hm15-209 35/2/21
Hebe Hobby 6/4/14, 7/2/16, 7/3/05, 9/1/14, 11/3/14, 19/2/18, 20/4/09
Hebe Hookley Hybrid 6/2/22
Hebe HOP101 35/2/20
Hebe HOP102 35/2/20
Hebe HOP103 35/2/20
Hebe Hopley’s Hardy 18/3/12
Hebe hulkeana 1/2/10, 1/3/09, 1/3/10, 1/3/11, 1/4/04, 1/4/09, 2/1/06, 3/2/19, 3/3/27, 3/4/09, 4/1/25, 4/1/26, 4/2/03, 5/1/16, 5/2/14, 5/2/20, 5/4/20, 6/1/06, 6/2/10, 8/2/16, 9/2/23, 9/3/27, 9/4/09, 10/2/15, 10/2/29, 10/2/34, 10/4/11, 11/1/15, 11/2/21, 12/1/12, 12/1/13, 13/1/18, 13/4/21, 15/1/04, 15/4/21, 15/4/23, 16/2/14, 16/2/27, 16/3/07, 17/4/13, 19/1/07, 19/1/07, 19/4/13, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 24/1/23, 24/2/03, 24/2/insert, 24/3/22, 24/4/13, 25/1/19, 25/4/24, 26/3/03, 27/4/22, 28/4/13, 29/3/11, 30/2/10, 31/1/16, 32/2/15, 32/2/21, 34/1/insert, 34/1/09, 34/2/04, 35/1/16, 35/2/07, 35/2/08, 35/2/12, 36/3/15, 37/2/15, 37/2/15, 38/1/19, 39/1/09, 39/2/12, 39/3/10, 39/3/11
Hebe hulkeana evestita 9/4/12, 31/1/17
Hebe hulkeana Lena 12/1/12, 15/3/12, 27/4/15, 31/1/17
Hebe hulkeana Sally Blunt 14/2/12, 16/2/15
Hebe Icing Sugar 13/1/19, 16/2/22, 17/4/11, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 21/1/insert, 21/1/10, 22/3/17, 22/4/19, 23/1/16, 25/2/18, 25/3/10, 25/4/12, 26/1/12, 26/1/13, 26/2/23, 26/3/17, 27/2/20, 27/2/21, 27/4/10, 28/1/20, 28/4/17, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Icing Sugar x Hebe Spender’s Seedling 35/2/13
Hebe imbricata 4/1/21, 4/1/26, 16/1/05, 21/4/17
Hebe Imposter 4/3/14, 6/2/25, 6/3/08, 8/1/28, 10/2/29, 15/3/23, 22/1/20, 22/2/11
Hebe Inspiration 1/4/14, 2/1/10, 4/1/26, 4/2/18, 4/2/22, 5/3/14, 8/2/24, 9/1/14, 9/2/26, 10/2/34, 10/3/13, 10/4/21, 11/3/14, 13/3/19, 14/1/10, 14/2/13, 16/2/15, 16/4/18, 18/4/28, 19/2/18, 23/4/09, 24/1/10, 24/4/13, 25/1/19, 25/2/17, 26/2/24, 27/4/13, 28/2/14, 28/2/15, 33/2/08, 33/2/08, 33/2/insert, 33/3/08, 34/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/2/12
Hebe Inspiration ex Rosewarne 35/2/12
Hebe insularis 2/4/09, 4/1/17, 4/1/26, 4/2/06, 4/2/17, 4/4/04, 4/4/08, 5/3/05, 7/1/06, 10/1/23, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 12/1/12, 17/3/01, 30/3/23
Hebe insularis var kermadecensis 12/1/12
Hebe Inverey 12/1/11, 25/2/24, 27/4/15
Hebe Island Pass 22/3/03, 26/2/17, 27/3/14, 34/2/17
Hebe Jack’s Surprise 4/3/03, 5/2/05, 6/3/08, 6/4/20, 7/1/15, 7/3/22, 8/1/30, 9/3/27, 10/1/26, 11/3/28, 19/2/19, 21/4/18, 27/4/19, 29/3/20, 32/1/03, 32/1/insert, 33/3/18, 34/3/32, 34/3/32, 35/3/24, 35/3/24
Hebe Jacqueline Pearce 2/4/25
Hebe Jake 33/1/17, 34/1/22
Hebe James Platt 4/1/17, 4/2/23, 4/2/24, 5/3/09, 6/3/09, 6/4/21, 8/3/13, 8/4/23, 9/3/16, 9/3/27, 10/2/15, 11/2/19
Hebe Jana’s Blue 14/4/09, 15/2/27
Hebe Jane Holden 3/1/05, 3/4/04, 4/2/24, 4/3/06, 6/3/16, 8/2/24, 15/1/24, 16/2/22, 17/4/09, 19/2/19, 19/3/12, 20/4/19, 22/2/11, 24/4/09, 24/4/insert, 24/4/22, 25/1/04, 26/3/24, 28/1/20, 31/2/14, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Janet 15/3/22, 16/4/18, 19/4/08, 22/3/11, 24/1/12, 24/2/14, 28/1/20, 36/3/03
Hebe Jasper 4/1/26, 11/2/19, 16/2/04, 16/3/28, 18/2/04, 20/4/insert, 23/3/24, 31/2/03, 34/2/17
Hebe Jennie 6/2/22, 19/2/18
Hebe Jennifer Turnball 10/3/12, 12/1/11
Hebe Jewel 2/3/13, 3/1/05, 3/4/19, 6/2/22, 8/2/24, 11/3/08
Hebe Jewel of the Nile 29/1/03, 31/2/10, 34/1/22, 36/3/17, 39/1/11
Hebe Joan Hunwick see Hebe glaucophylla Joan Hunwick
Hebe Joan Lewis 11/2/19, 22/3/23, 34/2/17
Hebe Joan Mac 39/1/11
Hebe Joanna 12/4/16, 12/4/17, 13/4/16, 19/2/19, 21/1/09, 21/1/insert, 22/1/15, 22/4/19, 23/3/15, 24/2/15, 24/3/13, 37/2/04
Hebe John Collier 24/3/03, 25/1/04, 25/3/10, 25/3/19, 25/4/24, 26/3/24, 26/4/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Johnson’s Blue see Hebe Ocean Blue
Hebe Johny Day see Hebe speciosa Johny Day
Hebe Josephine 15/3/10, 19/1/23, 22/2/11, 22/3/24, 25/3/19, 25/4/24
Hebe Joyce Parker 4/2/24, 14/1/15
Hebe Judy 11/3/12, 22/3/24
Hebe Julie Knight 16/4/07, 17/4/03, 25/2/03, 30/1/04, 30/2/04, 34/2/17
Hebe Julie-Ann 15/3/09
Hebe June Small 37/1/04
Hebe Karo Golden Esk 8/4/07, 16/2/15, 17/2/10, 21/4/07, 21/2/insert, 23/2/08, 29/2/16, 30/2/23
Hebe Katrina 17/4/12
Hebe Keith Starr 4/2/24
Hebe Ken Beckett 13/2/18
Hebe Kew Feather 10/4/26, 15/3/24, 19/2/18, 21/4/07, 22/3/23, 23/2/08, 24/3/14, 25/2/13, 25/4/13, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Kewensis 5/3/09, 8/2/24
Hebe Killiney 4/1/16, 4/2/24, 8/2/24, 12/4/10, 19/2/18, 20/1/19, 21/3 insert, 22/3/23, 23/2/08, 26/3/23, 27/4/19, 27/4/24, 28/2/16, 29/3/21, 31/3/10, 32/1/07, 32/3/07, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17, 39/3/03
Hebe Killiney x Hielan Lassie 35/2/13
Hebe Kirkii 2/4/23, 3/3/22, 4/1/09, 4/2/24, 6/3/16, 9/3/14, 10/4/29, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 25/3/19, 27/4/10, 28/1/20, 32/1/08, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/2/10, 36/2/10, 36/3/24, 36/3/24, 36/3/25
Hebe Kirtle 6/4/13
Hebe Knightshayes see also Hebe Caledonia 3/1/13, 6/2/07, 16/2/28
Hebe La Favourite 3/1/05, 12/1/11, 26/4/20, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe La Reine des Blanches 3/1/05, 4/2/24, 19/2/19, 25/2/18, 29/3/07, 34/2/17, 34/3/32, 35/2/12
Hebe La Seduisante see Hebe speciosa La Seduisante
Hebe Lady see Hebe scopulorum
Hebe Lady Anne 25/2/15, 26/2/insert, 26/2/23, 28/3/11, 29/2/23, 30/3/insert, 30/3/22, 31/1/18, 33/2/04, 34/1/12
Hebe Lady Hagley 3/4/09
Hebe Lady Lovell 25/4/23, 27/4/03
Hebe laevis see Hebe venustula
Hebe laingii 4/1/21, 4/2/24, 5/3/09, 8/2/24, 11/3/13, 13/3/13, 16/1/05
Hebe Lake 1/4/09, 20/4/19
Hebe latifolia see Hebe Franciscana Blue Gem
Hebe lavaudiana 1/2/07, 1/3/03, 1/3/10, 1/3/12, 2/2/03, 3/3/27, 3/4/09, 4/2/03, 4/2/25, 5/2/20, 5/4/23, 6/2/10, 7/2/16, 8/2/16, 8/2/16, 9/1/12, 9/3/27, 9/4/12, 11/2/19, 12/1/12, 12/1/13, 15/1/04, 15/3/01, 15/4/09, 19/4/20, 19/4/21, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 26/3/03, 27/2/18, 28/1/10, 28/4/23, 29/3/19, 31/1/16, 32/2/insert, 32/2/15, 36/1/26, 36/1/26, 39/3/10
Hebe Lavender Lace 16/1/03, 19/2/19, 19/2/26, 19/4/24, 20/4/19, 21/4/18, 23/1/16, 24/2/12
Hebe Lavender Queen 8/1/05, 8/2/24, 9/2/07, 16/3/06, 22/3/23, 25/4/24, 32/1/08, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Lavender Spray (syn Hebe Hartii) 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 22/1/15, 22/3/11, 22/3/13, 22/4/14, 23/2/11, 23/3/07, 24/2/12, 24/2/14, 24/2/insert, 29/1/03
Hebe leiophylla 2/1/15, 4/2/25, 8/4/21, 9/3/15, 11/2/22, 23/3/14, 24/2/15, 26/2/24, 26/3/23, 27/4/15, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Lemon Frosting
Hebe Lenmar 14/3/11, 15/1/23
Hebe Leonard Cockayne 3/1/15
Hebe Leopard Spot 34/1/22, 35/2/20
Hebe Lewisii 3/2/05, 4/2/25, 4/3/05, 8/2/24, 11/3/10, 19/2/18, 20/4/20, 24/2/24, 26/3/23, 28/2/14, 29/2/22, 32/2/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/10, 35/2/12, 35/3/17, 36/1/13, 38/2/10, 39/2/17
Hebe ligustrifolia 4/2/25, 26/4/18, 30/3/23
Hebe Lilac Beauty 20/4/19
Hebe Lilac Haze 8/2/14, 11/2/19, 19/2/19
Hebe Lilac Wand 16/4/10, 19/2/18, 26/1/12, 28/1/20, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Linda 22/4/03, 24/4/14
Hebe Lindleyana 7/1/16, 8/2/24, 10/4/29, 37/2/30
Hebe Lindleyana Stricta 28/2/14, 29/3/07, 34/2/17, 34/2/18, 35/2/12, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 39/2/17
Hebe Lindsayi 2/1/04, 2/1/15, 4/1/17, 4/2/17, 4/2/25, 4/2/25, 5/2/14, 8/1/30, 8/4/22, 9/3/27, 11/3/14, 11/4/13, 14/1/15, 19/2/18, 25/2/15, 25/4/12, 26/3/23, 27/3/23, 28/1/19, 29/2/insert, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 37/2/30, 39/2/17
Hebe Lindsayi White 25/2/03
Hebe Lisa 28/1/20, 28/4/17, 34/1/12
Hebe Litti 6/4/13
Hebe Little Gem 6/4/14
Hebe Little Red Rum 29/2/15
Hebe Loganioides 1/3/08, 1/3/09, 2/1/04, 2/1/10, 3/3/21, 4/2/25, 5/3/03, 5/3/09, 9/4/16, 10/3/08, 11/3/13, 12/3/17, 13/4/19, 31/1/14, 35/3/14, 35/3/14
Hebe Lola 28/1/20
Hebe Longacre 3/1/05, 3/4/04, 4/2/26, 11/2/19, 21/1/09, 25/3/19, 26/3/23, 32/3/06, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/3/03
Hebe Longdell 6/2/22
Hebe Lopen 4/2/25, 7/1/16, 8/3/24, 14/1/10, 14/1/14, 14/4/09, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 29/2/03, 29/3/08, 34/3/33, 34/3/33
Hebe Louise 5/2/09, 9/4/05, 14/3/22, 15/3/10, 15/3/22, 16/1/12, 16/4/18, 17/4/12, 24/1/10, 24/3/12, 25/2/17
Hebe LOWAG 34/1/22
Hebe LOWHI 33/1/17
Hebe LOWPITO 34/1/22
Hebe Lowten see Hebe Midnight Sky
Hebe lycopodioides 2/1/10, 3/1/14, 3/3/12, 3/3/13, 4/1/21, 4/2/26, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 5/4/21, 8/4/13, 9/4/16, 10/1/34, 10/4/20, 13/4/19, 15/4/11, 16/1/05, 18/1/21, 20/1/23, 21/4/13, 22/2/11, 24/4/03, 26/4/12, 26/4/13, 26/4/insert, 28/1/10, 32/2/insert, 32/2/15, 38/3/15, 38/3/15
Hebe lycopodioides Aurea 6/2/22
Hebe lycopodioides Peter Pan 1/3/08, 5/4/16
Hebe Lynash 37/2/25
Hebe maccaskillii 1/3/12, 5/2/20, 5/4/28, 9/4/12
Hebe MacEwanii see Hebe McEwanii
Hebe macrantha 1/2/08, 1/3/08, 2/3/09, 2/1/04, 2/1/09, 2/2/18, 2/4/27, 3/3/06, 3/3/22, 3/4/09, 3/4/13, 3/4/13, 4/2/22, 4/1/17, 4/2/17, 4/2/26, 4/3/17, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/2/14, 5/3/09, 5/4/21, 6/1/06, 8/2/14, 9/3/15, 9/4/09, 9/4/16, 10/1/28, 10/4/03, 12/1/12, 14/3/03, 15/1/01, 15/3/23, 15/4/21, 15/4/23, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/21, 17/1/13, 17/4/13, 18/1/12, 19/4/03, 21/3/10, 21/4/09, 21/4/12, 22/3/10, 22/3/24, 23/3/19, 23/4/23, 24/2/14, 26/4/24, 27/2/16, 29/1/18, 31/1/11, 32/2/08, 33/2/11, 36/2/24, 36/2/24, 39/2/14
Hebe macrantha brachyphylla 4/1/17, 5/4/21
Hebe macrocalyx ver humilis 26/4/11
Hebe macrocarpa brevifolia 2/4/11, 2/5/11, 4/2/26, 4/4/04, 10/1/26, 12/1/12, 13/1/17, 13/1/17, 16/1/04, 30/2/24, 30/3/23, 38/2/14
Hebe macrocarpa latisepala 2/4/11, 4/3/24, 4/4/04, 5/2/20, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 13/4/03, 15/4/09, 15/4/22, 15/4/26, 17/2/22, 19/1/19
Hebe macrocarpa macrocarpa 2/4/06, 2/4/10, 2/4/10, 2/5/11, 3/2/19, 4/1/25, 4/2/26, 4/3/05, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 12/1/12, 16/4/24, 18/3/26, 19/4/26, 20/3/09, 21/1/09, 21/4/12, 22/3/14, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 23/3/15, 24/1/12, 24/2/15, 24/3/12, 24/3/13, 25/2/18, 26/1/12, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 29/3/19, 31/1/11, 34/1/07, 34/1/insert, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe macroura see Hebe stricta var macroura
Hebe magellanica 4/1/22, 9/1/21
Hebe Magic Series 35/3/12
Hebe Magic Summer 31/3/04, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 35/2/12, 36/3/17, 36/3/19, 36/3/19
Hebe Malane 6/4/13
Hebe Malvern Hills see Hebe Mohawk
Hebe mania (article) 14/3/03, 16/4/07
Hebe Manual (booklet) 1/2/05
Hebe Maori Gem 27/2/22, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/3/13, 39/3/09, 39/3/10
Hebe Marble 14/4/14
Hebe Margaret see Hebe Margret
Hebe Margaret Hayter 25/4/insert, 25/4/03, 25/4/24, 27/3/03, 28/3/21, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/2/22
Hebe Margery Fish see Hebe Primley Gem
Hebe Margret 5/4/13, 6/1/07, 10/1/14,11/2/19, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 18/2/26, 20/3/08, 21/4/16, 22/2/11, 22/3/22, 24/4/13, 24/4/insert, 25/3/19, 25/4/03, 27/3/16, 28/1/19, 28/2/23, 28/3/11, 28/4/16, 30/3/24, 31/2/11, 34/1/12, 39/2/14
Hebe Maria 18/3/24, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 19/4/25, 20/1/19, 21/1/09, 22/4/20, 25/2/04, 25/2/17, 28/1/20, 34/1/12, 35/3/01
Hebe Marie 26/1/13, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/25
Hebe Marie Antoinette see Hebe Mary Antoinette
Hebe Marilyn Monroe 32/2/19
Hebe Marinka Diks 16/1/11, 25/3/18, 25/4/24
Hebe Marjorie 1/3/07, 1/4/09, 2/1/08, 2/1/15, 2/4/07, 2/4/24, 3/1/05, 3/1/08, 3/3/06, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/2/13, 4/2/17, 4/3/05, 4/3/12, 4/3/24, 5/2/20, 5/3/09, 5/4/12, 6/3/09, 7/3/05, 8/1/28, 8/4/23, 10/1/06, 10/4/25, 12/3/11, 12/3/22, 14/4/27, 19/2/18, 21/1/10, 21/3/23, 22/1/15, 23/3/08, 24/2/16, 24/3/12, 25/3/09, 25/3/18, 25/4/24,32/2/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/3/20
Hebe Marshmellow 34/2/09, 38/2/18, 38/2/18
Hebe Mary Antoinette 17/2/04, 21/4/18, 23/1/16, 24/1/10, 24/2/12, 25/1/04, 25/2/18, 25/4/03, 25/4/13, 25/4/24, 26/2/17, 27/3/14, 28/1/20, 28/4/17, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 38/3/17
Hebe masoniae 4/1/22, 5/1/25, 9/4/12, 12/1/11, 13/2/17, 25/4/insert, 30/2/12
Hebe matthewsii 3/4/13, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/2/23, 4/3/24, 5/1/09, 6/2/25, 6/3/18, 6/3/19, 11/1/08, 11/3/14, 15/4/15, 22/1/19, 23/4/08, 24/2/24, 30/2/22
Hebe Matty Brown 35/2/12, 35/2/21, 39/1/11
Hebe Matty Brown Variegated 39/1/13
Hebe Mauve Fingers 31/1/21
Hebe Mauve Gem 6/2/22
Hebe Mauve Queen 5/3/14, 6/1/07, 6/1/16, 8/2/24
Hebe Mauve Seedling 6/2/23
Hebe Mauvena 4/2/22, 4/3/24, 6/3/16 31/1/14, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe McEwanii 2/1/10, 3/1/05, 3/3/22, 4/1/16, 4/2/22, 4/2/26, 5/3/09, 7/2/17, 9/4/16, 11/3/15, 12/1/11, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 16/1/24, 16/2/04, 22/2/11, 28/3/23 (naming)
Hebe McKean 1/2/08, 2/4/02, 3/3/26, 4/2/26, 9/2/22, 12/1/11, 15/4/25, 22/3/13, 36/2/24
Hebe Megan 7/3/14, 7/3/14, 11/2/19, 28/1/20, 34/1/12
Hebe Melanie 11/3/12
Hebe Menzies Bay 1/2/07, 4/3/24, 7/2/06, 22/1/20, 23/4/09, 24/2/15, 25/3/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/1/26, 36/1/27, 37/2/19
Hebe menziesii see Hebe divaricata
Hebe menziesii var divaricata see Hebe divaricata
Hebe Merlot Memories 32/3/14, 33/1/04
Hebe Mette 18/3/16, 20/1/20, 21/1/09, 24/4/14, 25/3/19, 27/3/16, 27/4/19, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 28/4/insert, 32/2/17
Hebe Mickey Mouse 16/1/24
Hebe microphylla 29/3/19
Hebe Midnight Sky 25/3/19, 25/4/11, 26/2/12, 26/3/23, 29/1/20, 29/1/insert, 30/2/10, 30/3/12, 31/2/17, 33/1/15, 33/2/16, 33/2/19, 34/2/17, 34/2/21, 35/2/12, 35/2/23, 35/2/24, 35/2/024, 35/3/17, 37/2/30, 39/2/15
Hebe Midsummer Beauty 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 2/1/09, 2/2/19, 3/3/26, 3/4/04, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/2/22, 4/2/26, 4/3/06, 4/3/12, 4/3/24, 4/3/25, 5/1/12, 5/2/15, 5/4/03, 6/1/06, 6/1/16, 6/2/17, 6/3/08, 6/3/09, 6/4/09, 7/1/15, 7/1/16, 7/3/05, 7/4/27, 8/2/24, 8/3/21, 8/4/23, 9/1/08, 9/1/09, 9/1/14, 9/2/22, 9/4/16, 9/4/34, 10/1/26, 10/2/31, 10/3/08, 10/3/19, 10/4/25, 11/2/19, 12/3/22, 12/3/23, 13/2/10, 13/3/07, 13/4/09, 14/1/19, 14/1/22, 14/2/13, 14/3/22, 14/4/09, 14/4/21, 15/3/10, 15/3/23, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/3/24, 17/2/25, 17/4/24, 17/4/26, 18/1/11, 18/2/26, 18/2/27, 18/3/24, 18/3/26, 19/1/22, 19/2/19, 19/2/24, 19/3/10, 19/4/13, 19/4/24, 19/4/25, 20/1/08, 20/1/18, 20/1/18, 20/1/19, 21/1/10, 21/3/10, 21/4/03, 21/4/07, 22/1/15, 22/2/08, 22/2/11, 22/2/13, 22/3/11, 22/3/14, 22/4/03, 22/4/20, 23/1/23, 23/1/24, 23/2/11, 23/3/04, 23/3/07, 23/3/08, 23/3/16, 23/4/20, 24/2/14, 24/3/03, 24/3/13, 24/3/14, 24/3/15, 24/4/11, 24/4/16, 24/4/17, 25/1/04, 25/1/20, 25/3/10, 26/1/21, 26/2/12, 26/3/04, 26/3/24, 26/3/24, 26/4/21, 27/1/24, 27/2/20, 27/3/23, 27/4/13, 28/1/03, 28/1/20, 28/3/03, 29/2/03, 29/3/08, 29/3/10, 32/2/20, 33/2/03, 34/2/04, 34/2/17, 34/3/32, 34/3/33, 35/2/12, 36/1/04, 36/3/16, 37/1/11, 37/1/11, 39/2/14, 39/3/06
Hebe Midsummer Beauty seedling 1 37/1/12, 37/1/12
Hebe Midsummer Beauty seedling 2 37/1/13, 37/1/13
Hebe Milborne Port 4/1/16, 8/2/24, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 19/4/28, 39/3/03
Hebe Millbourne Red 39/1/18
Hebe Milmont Emerald 2/3/13, 2/4/02, 3/3/26, 9/2/22, 9/4/17, 10/4/20, 15/4/21
Hebe Mini 4/3/25
Hebe Mint Chocolate 39/2/15, 39/3/11
Hebe Miss E Fittall 2/1/03, 2/4/08, 2/5/07, 4/3/25, 5/2/25, 6/3/16, 6/3/29, 8/2/24, 8/3/07, 8/3/21, 9/2/08, 9/4/05, 13/1/11, 16/4/10, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 22/3/04, 22/3/10, 22/4/20, 23/2/08, 24/2/14, 25/1/20, 26/3/22, 26/3/23, 27/4/13, 31/1/21, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/1/01, 39/2/17
Hebe Miss Lowe 4/3/25, 4/3/25, 5/4/12, 8/2/24, 19/2/18
Hebe Mist Maiden 4/3/25, 9/4/17
Hebe Misty 35/2/13
Hebe Mixed 20/1/22, 21/4/17
Hebe Mohawk 7/1/15, 8/4/21, 19/4/08, 20/4/09, 34/1/22
Hebe Mokohinau 14/4/14
Hebe Mokohira Island 20/4/19
Hebe Monica 4/3/25, 11/2/19, 20/4/19
Hebe Mont Blanc 3/1/05, 4/1/17, 4/3/25
Hebe montana 11/1/08
Hebe Monte Carlo 4/4/24
Hebe Monticola 4/4/24, 8/2/24
Hebe mooreae 9/4/12, 17/3/16
Hebe Moppets Hardy 6/2/23, 18/3/12, 18/3/13, 25/3/18, 26/3/24
Hebe Morning Clouds 4/4/24, 6/3/09, 6/4/21, 8/4/23
Hebe Morning Glory see Hebe Primley Gem
Hebe Mount Nimrod 15/3/22, 15/4/10, 26/3/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Mount Stewart Variety 39/3/03
Hebe Mrs Barton 6/2/23
Hebe Mrs E Tennant 4/4/24, 4/4/24, 5/3/09, 26/3/22, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Mrs Kathleen Howlett 2/4/25
Hebe Mrs Winder 1/2/12, 1/4/09, 2/1/07, 2/1/10, 2/1/12, 2/3/14, 2/4/27, 2/5/07, 3/1/05, 3/2/28, 3/3/21, 3/4/12, 4/1/12, 4/4/24, 5/1/07, 5/2/14, 5/3/07, 5/4/10, 6/1/16, 6/2/16, 6/2/25, 6/4/09, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 9/1/09, 9/1/15, 9/4/17, 9/4/18, 10/1/14, 10/2/29, 11/2/21, 11/4/14, 12/2/20, 12/2/20, 12/3/23, 12/3/24, 13/1/11, 13/2/11, 13/3/14, 13/3/15, 13/3/20, 14/1/08, 15/2/24, 15/3/21, 15/4/21, 15/4/23, 16/1/22, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/3/22, 16/3/25, 16/4/16, 17/2/25, 18/1/21, 18/2/27, 18/3/16, 18/3/26, 19/1/22, 19/2/18, 19/3/13, 19/3/26, 20/1/18, 20/1/21, 20/1/24, 21/1/10, 21/3/23, 21/4/21, 22/1/20, 22/4/03, 22/4/17, 23/2/16, 23/4/10, 23/4/14, 23/4/20, 24/1/03, 24/2/16, 24/4/15, 25/1/12, 25/1/20, 26/1/13, 26/2/22, 26/3/22, 26/4/20, 26/4/22, 27/2/04, 27/4/13, 28/1/20, 28/2/23, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 29/3/08, 29/3/24, 30/2/10, 31/2/05, 31/3/08, 32/1/08, 33/2/04, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 34/3/32, 35/2/12, 35/3/26, 37/1/03, 38/3/17, 39/2/12, 39/2/14, 39/3/11
Hebe Mrs Winder, small variegated 39/2/12
Hebe Mrs Winder small form 35/2/12
Hebe murrellii 5/1/25, 7/3/09, 9/4/12
Hebe Mystery 9/4/17, 10/3/16, 10/3/17, 11/2/19
Hebe Mystery Red 15/1/08, 16/2/15, 19/2/18, 23/2/08
Hebe Names List see Hebe, Names List
Hebe Nan 26/3/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Nanna 6/4/13
Hebe Nantyderry 5/2/05, 6/1/06, 6/2/23, 11/2/19, 11/2/22, 12/3/11, 17/1/27, 18/2/26, 20/3/14, 20/3/insert, 22/2/14, 23/2/08, 25/3/19, 26/3/08, 26/3/22, 26/3/23, 28/2/14, 29/1/20, 31/3/04, 31/3/07, 34/2/09, 34/2/17, 35/2/01, 35/2/12, 36/2/09, 38/1/19
Hebe Natt 33/1/17, 34/1/22
Hebe Neil’s Choice 4/1/12, 4/1/16, 4/4/24, 6/1/16, 6/2/16, 7/3/05, 8/2/24, 9/4/17, 10/1/07, 10/1/26, 12/1/15, 15/2/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/05, 19/2/18, 19/4/25, 20/3/14, 20/4/19, 21/1/09, 21/1/10, 22/3/17, 22/4/20, 24/2/12, 24/2/14, 25/4/24, 26/2/12, 28/1/20, 31/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 38/3/14, 39/2/14
Hebe Neprock see Hebe Purple Shamrock
Hebe Netta Dick 11/2/19
Hebe Newryensis 39/3/03
Hebe News 12/1/07, 12/2/13, 12/3/05, 12/3/06, 12/4/06, 13/2/04, 13/2/08, 13/2/10, 13/2/14, 14/1/06, 14/1/22, 14/2/08, 14/2/10, 14/2/13, 14/3/03, 14/3/08, 15/1/20, 15/1/24, 15/2/10, 15/2/14, 15/3/07, 15/3/09, 15/3/13, 15/3/21, 15/4/10, 15/4/12, 16/2/13, 16/2/21, 16/2/25, 16/3/03, 16/3/07, 16/3/10, 16/3/24, 16/3/28, 16/4/07, 16/4/11, 16/4/15, 16/4/16, 17/1/10, 17/1/19, 17/1/21, 17/2/12, 17/2/13, 17/2/14, 17/3/03, 17/3/20, 17/3/23, 17/4/03, 17/4/10, 17/4/12, 17/4/25, 18/2/11, 18/2/12, 18/3/12, 19/2/04, 19/2/09, 19/2/12, 19/3/04, 19/3/13, 19/4/09, 20/1/03, 20/1/08, 20/2/09, 20/2/09, 20/2/20, 20/3/04, 20/3/14, 21/1/11, 21/2/04, 21/2/11, 21/2/16, 21/2/19, 21/4/03, 21/4/04, 21/4/08, 21/4/20, 22/1/19, 22/2/10, 22/2/17, 22/3/04, 22/3/19, 23/1/04, 23/2/03, 23/2/10, 23/2/17, 23/3/21, 23/4/03, 23/4/06, 23/4/08, 23/4/11, 23/4/20, 24/2/09, 24/2/17, 24/2/22, 24/3/03, 24/3/07, 24/3/08, 24/4/04, 24/4/22, 25/1/03, 25/1/13, 25/2/09, 25/2/13, 25/3/10, 25/3/18, 25/4/03, 25/4/10, 26/1/03, 26/1/10, 26/2/09, 26/2/10, 26/2/11, 26/2/12, 26/4/03, 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/2/03, 27/2/09, 27/2/12, 27/2/13, 27/3/04, 27/3/08, 27/3/11, 27/3/12, 27/3/18, 27/3/23, 27/3/24, 27/4/09, 27/4/24, 28/1/07, 28/1/08, 28/1/16, 28/1/20, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/3/04, 29/1/15, 29/2/03, 29/2/04, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/14, 29/2/18, 29/3/10, 30/1/03, 30/1/15, 30/1/17, 30/2/04, 30/2/19, 30/3/07, 30/3/13, 30/3/15, 30/3/16, 30/3/17, 30/3/23, 30/3/24, 31/2/16, 31/2/24, 31/3/09, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 31/3/18, 32/1/03, 32/1/09, 32/1/10, 32/1/13, 32/1/17, 32/2/03, 32/2/11, 32/3/09, 33/1/04, 33/1/13, 33/2/03, 33/2/21, 33/3/03, 33/3/15, 33/3/20, 34/1/08, 34/1/09, 34/1/18, 34/2/09, 34/2/10, 34/2/22, 34/2/24, 34/3/09, 34/3/17, 34/3/19, 34/3/20, 34/3/25, 35/1/03, 35/2/07, 35/2/08, 35/2/15, 35/2/17, 35/2/27, 35/3/10, 35/3/15, 36/1/21, 36/2/08, 36/2/15, 36/2/22, 36/2/23, 36/3/03, 36/3/09, 36/3/24, 36/3/25, 36/3/28, 37/1/09, 37/1/27, 37/2/03, 37/2/04, 37/2/07, 37/2/08, 37/3/03, 37/3/07, 37/3/15, 37/3/19, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 37/3/23, 38/1/15, 38/2/08, 38/2/12, 38/2/13, 38/2/20, 38/3/11, 39/2/04, 39/2/13, 39/2/15, 39/3/12
Hebe News, advert, Eco Grow 36/3/25
Hebe News, adverts 8/1/03, 10/3/03, 10/4/03, 13/4/03, 17/2/13, 21/2/16, 30/3/10
Hebe News, articles for 15/2/26, 17/1/05, 21/2/16, 21/3/24, 21/4/04, 23/2/10, 23/4/03, 24/2/09, 26/1/14, 27/2/11, 27/2/13, 27/3/23, 27/4/04, 28/2/09, 28/2/12, 28/2/13, 29/1/05, 29/3/03, 30/1/05, 31/3/23, 32/3/10, 33/3/07, 36/1/04, 36/2/08, 36/3/30
Hebe News, author index 10/2/05, 10/4/05
Hebe News, back numbers 9/2/27, 9/3/28, 9/4/14, 10/2/23, 10/3/15, 10/4/13, 11/1/20, 11/2/23, 11/4/11, 12/2/09, 14/3/04, 35/2/17
Hebe News, back numbers, website 35/2/17
Hebe News, best of 9/3/03, 10/1/03
Hebe News, book reviewing 26/4/04
Hebe News, changes to 10/1/03, 13/3/03, 15/3/04, 16/2/03, 17/2/13, 20/2/10, 21/2/16, 33/3/03
Hebe News, colour illustrations 35/2/17
Hebe News, colour insert 20/2/10, 20/3/04, 21/2/11, 21/2/16, 21/4/08, 22/2/17, 23/2/10, 29/2/12, 31/3/12, 33/3/04
Hebe News, contributions 10/1/03, 10/2/13, 11/2/10, 21/3/24, 22/2/10, 22/3/24, 23/4/03, 29/2/04, 29/2/12, 30/3/16, 31/3/12, 32/1/03, 32/3/10
Hebe News, correspondence page 13/2/04, 16/2/21, 17/4/04, 27/3/15
Hebe News, cost of mailing 27/2/11, 28/2/13, 32/3/10
Hebe News, cover, colour 15/1/03, 20/1/03, 34/1/03
Hebe News, cover, colour photo 34/1/03, 34/3/19
Hebe News, cuttings exchange see Hebe, cuttings exchange
Hebe News, delivery 25/4/04, 28/2/13, 30/3/17, 31/2/24, 33/2/07, 39/1/27
Hebe News, digitising 38/1/19
Hebe News, early issues 36/1/03
Hebe News, easier to read 32/2/03
Hebe News, Editor 20/1/03, 37/1/27 see also Hayter, Tony
Hebe News, Editor’s Award 20/2/11, 22/2/18, 37/3/26
Hebe News, electronic distribution 22/4/03, 27/2/11, 27/3/04, 27/3/24, 27/4/24, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/2/13, 28/3/15, 28/4/10, 29/1/11, 29/2/12, 30/3/16, 30/3/21, 31/2/24, 31/3/12, 31/3/22, 32/1/03, 38/3/23, 39/1/27
Hebe News, font size 32/2/03
Hebe News, format 34/2/22
Hebe News, frequency of publication 29/1/05, 29/2/04, 29/2/12, 29/3/03
Hebe News, glossary 10/4/03, 10/4/08, 21/3/18
Hebe News, illustrations 16/2/03, 20/1/03, 25/1/03, 29/2/12, 35/3/03, 36/1/03, 36/3/03
Hebe News, index 2/5/02, 5/4/03, 8/3/03, 10/2/10, 11/2/10, 21/1/03, 22/3/04, 24/4/04, 25/3/22, 27/4/04
Hebe News, Internet 12/2/13
Hebe News, letter spacing 35/1/03
Hebe News, lighter paper 21/2/16
Hebe News, line height 32/2/03
Hebe News, Minuteman Press 34/3/03, 38/3/23
Hebe News, nurserymen 8/1/03, 13/4/03
Hebe News, PDF files 30/3/21, 31/3/22, 35/1/03, 36/2/04, 38/3/23
Hebe News, Plant List see Plant List
Hebe News, postal rates 22/2/10, 27/2/11, 27/3/24, 27/4/24, 28/2/11, 28/3/15, 28/4/10, 29/1/11, 30/3/17, 30/3/21, 31/2/24, 31/3/22, 34/3/25, 38/3/23, 39/1/27, 39/2/25
Hebe News, printers 34/3/03, 35/2/17
Hebe News, problems 34/3/03
Hebe News, production costs 28/2/11, 28/4/10, 29/1/11, 31/2/24, 32/3/10, 34/3/25, 35/2/17, 35/2/19, 39/1/27
Hebe News, production method 15/3/04
Hebe News, proof-reading 34/2/24, 35/3/03
Hebe News, publications per year 31/3/12
Hebe News, publishing dates 11/4/03, 25/4/04, 31/3/12
Hebe News, Questionnaire 5/1/03
Hebe News, republished on Hebe Society website 35/3/03, 36/1/03, 36/2/04
Hebe News, request for articles 21/4/04, 27/3/23, 28/2/09, 29/1/05, 36/1/04
Hebe News, returned 23/1/04, 23/3/03, 27/3/04, 29/1/05
Hebe News, scanning 38/1/19
Hebe News, subject Index 2/5/03
Hebe News, table of contents 25/1/03
Hebe News, ten years 10/2/10
Hebe News, Title Index 2/2/02, 2/5/16
Hebe News, titles 32/2/03
Hebe News, units of measurement 9/1/03
Hebe NGHEB10 34/1/22
Hebe NGHEB13 35/2/20
Hebe NGHEB16 35/2/20
Hebe NGHEB29 35/2/20
Hebe Nicola’s Blush 1/4/03, 4/1/16, 4/2/17, 4/4/25, 7/3/05, 10/1/10, 10/1/15, 10/1/26, 10/2/15, 11/1/15, 11/2/03, 11/2/19, 12/2/08, 12/3/05, 12/3/23, 13/1/17, 13/2/14, 13/3/13, 13/3/14, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 16/2/14, 16/2/22, 16/3/07, 17/4/23, 18/2/26, 18/2/27, 18/3/24, 18/3/25, 19/2/19, 19/2/24, 19/4/24, 19/4/25, 20/1/21, 21/1/10, 21/3/07, 21/3/10, 21/3/23, 21/4/16, 21/4/18, 22/3/11, 22/3/13, 22/3/17, 22/4/19, 23/3/07, 23/3/15, 24/2/12, 24/2/15, 24/3/12, 24/3/13, 24/4/15, 25/1/12, 25/3/19, 26/2/22, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 26/3/23, 26/4/21, 27/4/10, 27/4/11, 27/4/13, 27/4/19, 28/1/20, 28/2/23, 28/3/11, 29/2/15, 29/2/22, 29/3/13, 29/3/16, 29/3/18, 29/3/21, 30/1/16, 30/2/22, 30/3/24, 31/3/04, 32/2/19, 32/3/07, 33/3/18, 34/1/07, 34/2/14, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 38/2/10, 39/1/08, 39/1/08, 39/2/15, 39/3/11
Hebe No 9810 13/1/16
Hebe Noddy 16/1/24
Hebe Northern Lights 34/2/Insert, 34/2/15
Hebe Northumbria Beauty 11/3/12
Hebe Northumbria Gem 11/3/12
Hebe obtusata 4/4/16, 4/4/24, 5/2/20, 5/4/12, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 10/4/19, 10/4/19, 16/1/04, 20/1/01
Hebe Ocean Blue 13/4/07, 14/2/13, 18/1/11
Hebe ochracea 1/3/04, 2/1/05, 2/1/10, 2/4/08, 2/4/09, 3/3/06, 3/3/12, 3/3/22, 3/4/14, 3/4/15, 4/1/21, 4/4/25, 5/4/04, 5/4/16, 6/3/07, 7/3/22, 8/1/30, 8/3/21, 10/1/10, 10/4/15, 11/2/16, 12/1/12, 13/3/13, 15/4/15, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 16/1/05, 17/4/27, 20/1/23, 20/4/20, 21/1/21, 21/3/23, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 22/2/11, 22/2/12, 23/4/18, 23/4/insert, 25/1/19, 25/1/20, 26/2/19, 26/4/11, 28/3/11, 28/3/14, 29/2/15, 30/2/09, 32/1/18, 34/2/17, 34/2/23, 35/2/12, 37/2/01, 37/2/26, 38/3/14
Hebe ochracea Golden Esk see Hebe Karo Golden Esk
Hebe ochracea James Stirling 1/3/04, 1/3/08, 1/3/09, 1/3/11, 1/4/03, 1/4/11, 1/4/12, 2/4/17, 2/4/27, 3/3/15, 3/3/22, 3/4/14, 3/4/15, 4/1/16, 4/4/08, 4/4/25, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 6/3/21, 6/4/06, 6/4/14, 9/3/14, 10/1/10, 10/4/21, 11/2/16, 12/1/12, 12/3/20, 13/4/11, 14/1/21, 14/4/26, 15/1/24, 15/4/21, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/1/21, 17/3/04, 18/2/28, 20/1/23, 20/4/20, 21/1/21, 21/1/22, 21/4/17, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 22/3/13, 25/1/19, 25/1/20, 25/4/13, 26/2/13, 26/2/insert, 26/3/23, 27/1/24, 27/2/03, 27/2/22, 27/3/03, 27/3/insert, 27/3/15, 27/3/16, 27/3/23, 28/1/03, 28/1/17, 28/2/23, 28/3/14, 29/3/18, 30/3/16, 30/3/24, 31/1/15, 31/2/10, 31/2/11, 31/2/16, 31/2/insert, 32/1/18, 32/2/17, 32/2/19, 35/2/12, 37/2/26, 39/2/14
Hebe ochracea Minor 10/1/10
Hebe Oddity 8/3/15, 8/3/17, 15/4/25, 29/1/01
Hebe odora 1/2/08, 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 2/1/06, 2/1/08, 2/1/10, 2/4/02, 2/4/08, 2/4/17, 2/5/09, 3/1/13, 3/1/14, 3/3/22, 3/3/26, 3/4/09, 3/4/10, 3/4/13, 4/1/09, 4/1/21, 4/1/26, 4/2/14, 4/2/26, 4/3/12, 4/3/14, 4/3/16, 4/4/25, 5/1/24, 5/1/24, 5/1/25, 5/2/03, 5/3/03, 5/3/09, 5/4/20, 5/4/23, 6/1/06, 6/1/18, 6/2/16, 6/2/25, 6/3/07, 6/4/09, 7/3/09, 8/3/21, 8/4/12, 8/4/13, 9/1/25, 9/2/26, 10/1/10, 10/4/12, 10/4/17, 10/4/20, 12/1/16, 13/4/20, 15/3/03, 16/3/03, 16/3/24, 16/4/24, 17/1/21, 17/3/16, 17/4/19, 18/2/03, 18/3/24, 19/4/10, 20/1/21, 20/1/22, 20/4/13, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 21/1/21, 21/1/22, 21/3/12, 21/3/23, 21/4/09, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 22/2/04, 22/2/12, 22/3/12, 22/3/13, 23/4/18, 24/2/16, 24/4/13, 25/3/24, 25/4/insert, 25/4/09, 26/2/19, 26/2/insert, 26/4/11, 27/2/03, 27/4/03, 28/1/10, 28/1/11, 28/1/17, 28/3/14, 28/4/23, 29/1/18, 29/3/18, 29/3/20, 30/1/14, 30/1/21, 30/3/10, 32/1/18, 34/1/12, 35/2/08, 36/2/24, 36/2/24, 37/1/21, 38/2/15, 39/1/15
Hebe odora Green Globe 12/1/12
Hebe odora Nana 19/2/18, 25/3/19, 28/1/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe odora New Zealand Gold 2/4/17, 2/4/27, 2/5/09, 3/3/14, 3/3/22, 4/2/22, 5/1/24, 6/2/07, 6/2/25, 8/2/24, 8/4/21, 9/3/15, 10/1/11, 10/4/20, 11/2/11, 20/4/13, 20/4/13, 22/2/04, 22/2/11, 22/2/12, 26/1/11, 26/1/22, 26/2/12, 27/1/24, 27/2/03, 27/2/04, 27/3/insert, 27/3/15, 28/2/23, 28/3/11, 28/3/14, 29/2/08, 29/2/15, 29/2/insert, 30/1/21, 30/2/20, 32/1/18, 32/2/19, 33/3/insert, 33/3/04, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/1/21, 37/1/21, 39/2/14
Hebe odora postrata 6/1/05, 6/2/18, 12/1/12, 29/1/03
Hebe odora Stewart Island 10/4/20, 33/3/01
Hebe odora Summer Frost 19/2/19, 26/3/23, 27/2/22, 29/2/22
Hebe odora Wintergreen 6/2/23, 28/2/14, 33/2/11, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/1/18
Hebe odora, related to whipcords? 21/4/09
Hebe of the Year 7/2/05, 9/1/06, 9/2/06, 10/1/05, 10/2/06, 10/2/09, 11/2/09, 11/3/21, 12/2/08, 12/2/13, 12/3/05, 13/2/04, 13/2/13, 13/2/14, 14/2/09, 14/2/10, 15/2/14, 16/2/09, 17/3/20
Hebe Oliver 10/4/20
Hebe Oratia Beauty 4/4/18, 13/3/19, 14/1/15, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 18/1/11, 19/1/22, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 20/1/18, 20/4/insert, 20/4/14, 20/4/19, 22/2/11, 24/2/15, 24/4/16, 25/2/04, 26/2/17, 26/2/23, 26/3/23, 27/3/14, 27/4/19, 29/3/16, 29/3/21, 30/1/16, 31/2/14, 33/2/12, 34/3/29, 36/2/01, 39/2/14
Hebe Orientale 5/3/09, 8/2/24
Hebe Orphan Annie 19/2/19, 27/4/11, 29/1/03
Hebe Oswego 15/1/24, 15/2/26, 15/2/27, 16/2/22
Hebe Otari Delight 2/1/07, 27/4/15
Hebe Pacific Paradise 25/3/18, 26/3/23, 35/2/22
Hebe Page Boy 5/1/24
Hebe Pagei see Hebe pinguifolia Pagei
Hebe paludosa see also Hebe phormiiphila 14/4/14, 16/1/05, 26/4/18, 27/1/12
Hebe Pamela Joy 16/1/03, 21/4/18, 23/1/16
Hebe pareora 1/2/07, 5/1/24, 9/1/16, 9/1/17, 12/1/12, 14/1/15, 15/4/11, 36/1/27
Hebe pareora Glen Gariff 3/1/05, 3/4/20, 4/2/23, 6/2/21, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 16/3/24
hebe parviflora 3/2/18, 3/2/19, 4/3/12, 5/1/07, 5/1/24, 8/1/20, 14/4/14, 16/1/04, 18/4/28, 22/3/09, 26/4/18, 27/1/12, 27/1/24, 29/3/15
Hebe parviflora angustifolia 4/2/22, 5/1/24, 5/3/09, 6/1/29, 8/2/24, 10/1/14, 10/4/28, 11/2/19, 13/3/27, 13/4/21, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/1/04, 16/2/15, 21/4/07, 22/3/01, 24/4/13, 25/3/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe parviflora arborea 5/1/24, 12/1/11, 13/1/19, 16/1/04
Hebe parviflora complex 16/1/04
Hebe parviflora Holdsworth 19/2/18, 22/3/04, 25/2/13, 25/4/24, 25/4/24, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe parviflora Palmerston 17/1/01, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe parviflora Plena 36/1/21, 36/1/20
Hebe Pascal 14/4/09, 15/2/27, 15/3/11, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/1/22, 16/2/03, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 25/3/19, 32/1/04, 39/2/15
Hebe Pastel Blue 25/4/24
Hebe Pastel Elegance see Hebe Elegance Pastel
Hebe Patti Dossett see Hebe speciosa Patti Dossett
Hebe Patty Dussett see Hebe speciosa Patti Dossett
Hebe Patty’s Pink 1/4/09
Hebe Patty’s Purple 16/2/21, 19/4/28, 20/3/13, 20/4/19, 22/3/13
Hebe pauciflora 4/1/21, 5/1/24, 5/3/03, 5/3/09, 21/4/13
Hebe pauciflora (of Gardens) 3/1/14, 4/3/12, 5/3/03, 5/3/09, 5/4/16, 10/4/15
Hebe pauciramosa 1/2/08, 4/1/04, 4/1/21, 4/3/16, 5/1/25, 5/4/12, 5/4/21, 6/2/18, 6/2/18, 10/1/11, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 11/2/16, 11/2/19, 12/2/03, 16/3/24, 17/4/19, 21/4/12, 26/4/24, 27/4/03, 34/2/17, 34/3/30, 35/2/12, 36/2/25, 36/2/25
Hebe pauciramosa masoniae see Hebe masoniae
Hebe pauciramosa Tennyson 6/2/19
Hebe Paula 4/3/07, 5/4/13, 8/2/24, 9/4/05, 10/1/14, 13/3/07, 15/1/09, 18/3/27, 19/4/25, 20/1/18, 20/1/19, 20/1/20, 21/1/09, 22/4/19, 24/1/10, 25/2/17, 26/1/13, 27/2/23, 28/1/20, 32/2/17, 34/2/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/3/06
Hebe Paula Howlett 2/4/25
Hebe Pearl of Paradise 15/4/10, 23/3/19, 24/3/14, 26/3/23, 27/4/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Penny Day 4/1/17, 11/2/19
Hebe pentasepala 1/3/08, 1/3/12, 1/4/04, 3/3/22, 5/2/20, 5/4/28, 9/4/12, 21/3/14
Hebe Penwith Beauty 9/4/34, 10/1/07, 26/3/04
Hebe perbella 14/4/14, 16/1/05, 24/1/05
Hebe Percy Picton 3/1/13, 5/1/25, 6/2/07
Hebe Perry’s Ceris 11/3/12, 15/1/20
Hebe Perry’s Rubyleaf 11/3/12, 23/2/08
Hebe Perryhill Lilac 6/2/23
Hebe Perryhill White 6/2/23
Hebe Peter Chapple 11/3/12
Hebe Peter Hewitt 3/3/06, 3/3/22, 6/4/21, 7/1/15, 11/2/19, 13/1/11, 16/1/11
Hebe Petra’s Pink 3/3/22, 8/3/15, 10/1/11, 11/2/19, 16/2/15, 18/3/24, 19/2/19, 19/4/23, 20/1/19, 21/1/10, 22/1/15, 22/3/05, 22/3/insert
Hebe petriei 4/1/20, 5/1/25, 7/3/09
Hebe petriei murrellii see Hebe murrellii
Hebe Pewter Dome 1/4/03, 2/1/13, 2/1/06, 2/4/27, 3/1/05, 3/3/21, 4/2/23, 4/4/14, 5/1/13, 5/1/25, 5/2/21, 5/3/09, 6/2/25, 8/3/13, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 9/3/14, 10/1/11, 11/3/03, 12/3/13, 13/3/13, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 17/1/27, 17/3/10, 19/2/27, 21/3/04, 21/3/23, 21/4/03, 21/4/16, 22/3/23, 23/2/08, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 24/1/24, 24/2/15, 24/2/insert, 24/3/14, 25/1/20, 25/2/24, 27/1/24, 31/1/18, 32/2/09, 34/2/17, 34/3/32, 34/3/32, 35/2/12, 39/2/14
Hebe phormiiphila 26/4/18
Hebe Photo A to C 37/1/18–9
Hebe Pikeman 16/4/10
Hebe Pimeba 2/3/02, 2/4/17, 4/4/14, 6/1/16, 6/2/23, 10/1/11, 22/3/13
Hebe pimeleoides 1/2/08, 1/4/06, 2/1/10, 2/2/08, 2/2/16, 2/4/08, 2/5/06, 3/1/13, 3/2/19, 3/3/22, 3/4/09, 3/4/13, 4/1/16, 4/1/19, 4/2/25, 4/2/26, 5/2/24, 5/2/24, 5/3/09, 6/3/22, 6/4/20, 6/4/29, 7/4/26, 9/2/22, 10/1/11, 10/3/16, 11/2/19, 11/3/15, 11/3/15, 11/4/10, 12/1/11, 15/3/28, 17/3/16, 19/2/19, 21/1/22, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 21/4/21, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 25/2/20, 26/2/24, 26/4/13, 29/3/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/2/25, 36/2/25
Hebe pimeleoides glauco-caerulea 1/4/10, 2/1/07, 2/1/15, 3/4/08, 4/1/16, 4/3/25, 4/4/14, 4/4/24, 5/2/24, 5/2/24, 5/4/10, 5/4/12, 6/2/25, 6/4/29, 7/4/26, 8/2/14, 9/1/08, 11/4/10, 12/1/11, 12/4/09, 13/4/20, 17/1/23, 18/1/16
Hebe pimeleoides glaucophylla see Hebe pimeleoides glauco-caerulea
Hebe pimeleoides Imp 10/1/34
Hebe pimeleoides Mercury 10/2/16, 11/2/19
Hebe pimeleoides minor 5/2/24, 7/4/26, 10/2/16, 11/2/20
Hebe pimeleoides Quicksilver 1/4/03, 2/2/18, 2/4/26, 3/3/22, 4/1/16, 4/4/14, 5/2/24, 5/2/24, 8/2/24, 9/1/14, 9/3/08, 9/3/09, 10/2/16, 11/2/20, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 19/4/10, 20/4/20, 21/1/09, 21/1/22, 22/3/13, 25/1/20, 25/4/24, 26/3/08, 26/4/19, 27/1/24, 28/1/20, 28/1/22, 28/3/11, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 30/1/21, 31/3/04, 31/3/10, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/3/13, 39/2/14
Hebe pimeleoides rupestris 1/2/08, 5/2/24,5/2/25, 6/1/10, 11/2/20, 36/2/25
Hebe pimeleoides x H gibbsii, see Hebe Gibby
Hebe pinguifolia 1/2/07, 1/2/09, 1/3/02, 1/3/08, 1/4/06, 1/4/14, 2/1/10, 2/4/05, 3/1/14, 3/1/15, 3/3/15, 3/3/27, 3/4/08, 4/1/09, 5/2/25, 5/2/25, 5/3/09, 5/4/21, 6/1/11, 6/4/28, 8/3/20, 8/4/13, 8/4/22, 9/1/16, 9/3/14, 10/2/16, 10/2/28, 11/4/09, 12/1/11, 12/3/23, 13/4/19, 18/3/16, 18/3/24, 19/2/19, 21/1/21, 21/1/23, 21/3/12, 21/4/10, 21/4/11, 25/2/20, 25/3/19, 27/4/15, 28/1/10, 28/1/22, 29/1/18, 29/2/23, 30/2/18, 32/1/18, 32/2/insert, 32/2/14, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/1/27, 36/2/26, 36/2/26, 37/3/18
Hebe pinguifolia Blackbirch 30/2/18, 30/2/insert
Hebe pinguifolia Craigieburn 30/2/19, 30/2/insert, 32/2/14
Hebe pinguifolia Dobson 3/2/13, 35/3/13
Hebe pinguifolia Fog Peak 30/2/18, 30/2/insert, 32/2/14
Hebe pinguifolia forma 5/2/25, 5/3/09, 6/2/25, 6/3/07, 11/2/21
Hebe pinguifolia Godefroyana 3/4/20, 5/2/25, 5/3/09
Hebe pinguifolia Hutt 3/2/14
Hebe pinguifolia Microphylla 3/4/08
Hebe pinguifolia Pagei 1/2/12, 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 1/4/11, 2/1/04, 2/1/08, 2/1/09, 2/1/13, 2/1/15, 2/2/16, 2/3/02, 2/4/17, 2/4/26, 3/1/08, 3/2/11, 3/3/15, 3/3/22, 3/4/08, 4/1/16, 4/2/17, 4/4/14, 5/1/24, 5/2/25, 5/3/09, 5/4/10, 5/4/12, 6/2/06, 6/3/07, 6/3/22, 6/4/06, 6/4/09, 7/2/16, 7/3/12, 7/4/27, 8/2/14, 10/2/16, 10/2/28, 10/2/34, 11/2/03, 11/2/21, 12/1/11, 12/3/20, 12/3/23, 14/1/04, 14/4/09, 15/3/21, 15/4/21, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/1/14, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/3/24, 16/3/24, 18/2/28, 19/2/19, 19/3/26, 20/1/19, 20/1/23, 20/2/04, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 23/3/08, 23/3/16, 25/1/20, 26/2/13, 26/2/19, 26/3/24, 27/1/23, 27/1/24, 27/4/10, 27/4/13, 28/3/14, 29/3/10, 30/1/21, 31/1/11, 31/2/11, 32/1/18, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 36/2/11, 37/1/11, 38/2/17, 38/2/16, 39/2/14
Hebe pinguifolia Pagei Variegated 15/2/27, 23/2/12
Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii 1/2/05, 1/3/02, 1/4/10, 2/1/10, 2/2/16, 3/3/22, 4/3/12, 4/4/14, 5/2/25, 5/3/09, 5/4/10, 6/4/06, 8/2/14, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 10/2/17, 18/1/11, 18/4/22, 20/4/19, 21/3/22, 22/3/13, 23/4/23, 26/2/13, 29/2/09, 29/3/10, 31/1/18, 31/2/18, 34/2/17, 34/2/23, 35/2/12, 39/3/21
Hebe pinguifolia Wardiensis 3/3/22, 4/1/16, 4/4/14, 5/1/13, 5/3/10, 6/3/29, 11/1/14, 11/2/20
Hebe Pink 39/3/17
Hebe Pink Candy (Tulpink) 33/1/17, 35/2/21, 39/1/11, 39/2/15, 39/3/11
Hebe Pink Carpet 35/2/12
Hebe Pink Cloud 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Pink Elephant 14/4/09, 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 15/2/27, 15/3/04, 15/3/07, 15/3/11, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 19/2/22, 22/3/13, 23/3/03, 24/1/22, 26/2/insert, 27/1/23, 27/3/23, 32/2/03, 38/3/14, 39/2/15
Hebe Pink Fantasy 15/3/11, 15/4/11, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 20/4/19, 32/2/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Pink Fizz 34/2/23
Hebe Pink Goddess 19/2/18, 25/4/13
Hebe Pink Island 27/2/20, 28/1/20
Hebe Pink Lady 25/4/24, 26/3/23, 27/2/insert, 29/2/22, 29/2/23, 39/1/11
Hebe Pink Ocean 19/2/19, 19/4/24
Hebe Pink Paradise 15/2/27, 15/3/11, 15/3/22, 15/4/10, 15/4/26, 16/2/15, 16/4/18, 18/2/04, 18/3/25, 19/2/18, 19/2/24, 19/4/25, 20/1/21, 20/3/23, 21/4/07, 23/2/11, 24/2/15, 25/3/19, 26/1/12, 26/3/23, 27/2/22, 27/4/11, 28/1/19, 28/2/23, 28/3/21, 30/3/24, 34/1/12, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/2/22
Hebe Pink Passion 39/1/11
Hebe Pink Payne 12/1/11, 20/4/20
Hebe Pink Pearl 3/4/20, 20/4/20
Hebe Pink Pixie 17/1/12, 23/2/08, 24/3/24, 31/2/10, 31/2/11, 34/2/23, 34/3/30, 37/1/16, 38/3/01
Hebe Pink Posie 13/3/08
Hebe Pink Spice 21/4/07, 22/3/24
Hebe Pink Wand 5/2/25, 6/3/16, 8/2/24, 15/2/03,19/2/18, 19/4/24, 28/1/20, 32/2/17, 34/2/17, 34/2/23, 35/2/12, 35/3/17, 38/1/20
Hebe Polden Hills 2/3/14, 4/1/17, 5/3/22, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 22/3/09, 23/1/16, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Polly Moore 1/3/08, 1/3/11, 2/4/05, 3/3/22, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/3/09, 5/3/22, 6/1/16, 9/4/03, 10/2/17, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 39/1/03
Hebe poppelwellii 3/3/22, 4/1/21, 5/3/22, 5/4/20, 10/1/34, 16/1/05, 17/4/18
Hebe Porlock 3/1/13, 5/4/12
Hebe Port E Vullen 19/2/18, 19/4/24
Hebe Pretty n Pink 38/2/14
Hebe Pride 38/2/13, 38/2/14
Hebe Primley Blue see Hebe Primley Gem
Hebe Primley Gem 2/1/10, 2/1/15, 2/3/13, 3/2/11, 3/4/03, 4/3/24, 5/1/14, 5/3/22, 6/2/16, 10/1/26, 10/2/17, 10/2/29, 13/3/21, 19/2/19, 22/3/13, 22/3/24, 25/1/20, 25/3/19, 25/4/11, 25/4/24, 26/2/03, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 27/3/23, 28/2/23
Hebe Prince see Hebe Wiri Prince
Hebe procumbens 13/4/20
Hebe propagation, vermiculite 30/2/15, 32/1/14
Hebe propinqua 1/3/11, 2/1/10, 3/3/22, 4/1/21, 5/2/20, 5/3/22, 10/1/10, 16/1/05
Hebe propinqua major 5/2/20
Hebe propinqua Minor 5/3/09
Hebe Prostrata see also Hebe vernicosa 12/2/16, 14/1/15, 20/1/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/3/10, 37/3/13, 39/2/15
Hebe pubescens 5/3/22, 12/1/11, 14/4/14, 17/3/15
Hebe Puckle Pink 35/2/13
Hebe Pulchella 11/3/12
Hebe Purple 6/4/13, 10/1/16, 39/3/21, 39/3/21
Hebe Purple see Hebe Elegance Purple
Hebe Purple Dome 17/4/26
Hebe Purple Elf 11/3/12
Hebe Purple Emperor 11/3/12, 19/2/19
Hebe Purple King 6/2/23, 24/4/15
Hebe Purple Paradise 19/2/19, 29/2/22, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 35/2/22
Hebe Purple Picture 1/4/04, 4/1/16, 5/2/14, 5/3/23, 6/1/16, 8/1/16, 8/1/17, 10/1/26, 10/2/17, 11/2/20, 13/1/16, 15/4/11, 15/4/24, 16/2/22, 20/4/09
Hebe Purple Pixie 8/4/23, 9/2/05, 10/2/08, 11/3/12, 12/3/20, 15/3/07, 15/3/11, 15/3/13, 15/3/14, 15/3/21, 16/1/12, 16/4/07, 17/1/12, 17/2/14, 18/1/11, 18/2/11, 21/3/07, 21/4/16, 22/3/23, 25/3/10, 25/4/24, 26/3/24, 27/3/16, 29/2/15, 29/2/16, 29/2/22, 29/2/23, 29/2/insert, 31/2/10, 31/2/11, 32/2/19, 34/2/23, 35/2/12
Hebe Purple Prince 11/3/11, 23/2/08
Hebe Purple Princess 3/4/16, 4/1/17, 5/3/23, 11/2/20, 19/2/18, 26/4/24
Hebe Purple Queen 1/4/09, 2/1/07, 2/1/09, 3/1/05, 3/1/08, 3/3/21, 3/4/13, 5/3/14, 5/3/23, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 9/3/08, 10/2/15, 10/3/08, 11/3/14, 13/3/23, 14/2/22, 17/2/25, 18/1/11, 18/2/26, 20/2/24, 21/3/07, 22/3/04, 24/4/16, 25/1/19, 25/3/19, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Purple Queen seedling 35/2/12
Hebe Purple Shamrock 15/3/11, 16/2/15, 18/1/12, 19/2/18, 19/3/13, 19/4/08, 20/2/18, 20/3/11, 21/2/19, 21/4/07, 22/2/11, 22/3/13, 27/4/11, 30/2/22, 33/2/19
Hebe Purple Tips see Hebe Franciscana Purple Tips
Hebe Pusey 6/2/23
Hebe Queen Elizabeth II 38/1/20, 38/1/20, 39/1/08, 39/1/16
Hebe Quinta 35/2/24, 35/2/25
Hebe Rachel 19/2/18, 37/2/25
Hebe ragenii 14/1/08, 14/1/10
Hebe rakaiensis 1/3/07, 1/4/11, 2/1/05, 2/1/06, 2/1/15, 2/2/13, 2/4/24, 2/4/25, 2/4/27, 3/3/22, 3/3/27, 3/4/12, 4/1/09, 4/1/16, 4/2/17, 4/2/24, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/3/05, 5/3/23, 5/4/12, 6/1/13, 6/2/17, 6/2/25, 6/2/28, 6/3/08, 6/4/09, 7/2/22, 7/2/23, 7/3/22, 8/1/30, 8/2/07, 8/2/24, 8/3/20, 9/2/22, 9/4/03, 10/2/15, 10/3/08, 10/3/18, 11/2/11, 13/4/14, 14/1/15, 15/2/03, 15/4/14, 15/4/21, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/3/16, 17/4/26, 17/4/27, 18/1/11, 18/3/04, 18/3/25, 18/4/23, 19/2/18, 19/2/22, 19/4/25, 20/1/19, 20/1/21, 20/1/22, 20/2/21, 20/4/12, 20/4/12, 21/1/21, 21/2/04, 21/3/23, 21/4/17, 22/1/19, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 22/4/12, 23/3/08, 23/4/09, 23/4/14, 24/2/15, 25/1/03, 25/1/20, 25/2/03, 25/2/20, 25/3/10, 25/3/19,25/4/09, 26/2/19, 26/2/insert, 27/1/24, 27/2/23, 27/4/13, 27/4/19, 28/1/04, 28/1/insert, 28/2/14, 28/3/14, 28/3/insert, 29/2/23, 29/3/07, 29/3/13, 30/1/21, 30/2/04, 32/1/18, 33/3/03, 34/2/17, 34/2/21, 34/3/32, 35/2/12, 36/1/23, 36/1/23, 38/2/04, 38/2/04, 39/1/03, 39/1/15, 39/2/03, 39/2/14
Hebe rakaiensis Golden Dome 5/3/09, 6/1/13, 8/2/24, 29/2/22, 31/3/04, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe rakaiensis Kunowo 22/2/08, 28/1/17, 32/1/18
Hebe ramosissima 4/1/20, 5/3/09, 5/3/23, 7/3/08, 10/3/18, 12/1/11, 26/2/19, 26/2/insert, 37/2/27
Hebe Rangatira see Hebe speciosa Rangatira
Hebe raoulii 1/2/10, 1/3/12, 2/2/03, 3/3/22, 3/4/09, 3/4/10, 4/1/16, 4/1/25, 4/2/03, 5/2/20, 5/3/10, 5/4/20, 5/4/28, 6/1/11, 6/2/10, 9/3/27, 9/4/12, 10/2/34, 11/2/20, 12/1/11, 12/1/13, 15/1/04, 15/3/10, 17/4/08, 17/4/19, 17/4/20, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 24/2/14, 24/2/16, 26/3/03, 31/1/17, 32/2/15, 37/2/15, 39/3/11
Hebe rapensis 34/1/24
Hebe Raspberry Ripple 31/2/11, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe ratidissima 14/4/13
Hebe recurva 1/2/10, 4/2/22, 4/4/14, 5/4/28, 6/1/29, 9/1/16, 11/2/20, 13/4/03, 15/4/11, 15/4/22, 16/4/04, 19/2/19, 19/2/24, 20/1/19, 20/4/20, 21/1/10, 21/1/22, 21/3/10, 21/3/23, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 22/1/15, 22/3/03, 22/3/09, 22/3/13, 22/4/19, 23/4/23, 24/4/15, 26/4/24, 27/1/23, 27/4/10, 29/2/22, 31/3/04, 33/2/11, 34/2/17, 35/2/08, 35/2/12, 37/2/15, 37/2/23
Hebe recurva Aoira 3/3/22, 5/3/10, 5/4/28, 5/4/28, 10/3/18, 12/1/11, 13/3/16, 18/1/01, 21/4/18, 33/2/11, 34/1/16, 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe recurva Boughton Silver 5/4/12, 6/2/23, 15/3/09, 15/4/21, 15/4/24, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 31/3/04, 34/2/14, 34/2/16, 34/2/17, 35/2/11, 39/2/14
Hebe recurva White Torrent 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 19/4/23, 35/3/13
Hebe Red 10/1/16
Hebe Red Admiral? 17/3/11
Hebe Red Edge 1/4/03, 2/1/07, 2/3/02, 2/4/05, 2/4/06, 2/4/15, 2/4/17, 3/3/22, 4/1/09, 4/3/17, 4/4/14, 6/4/06, 6/4/09, 7/3/12, 8/2/24, 8/3/15, 8/3/20, 8/4/12, 9/1/17, 9/1/17, 9/3/08, 10/2/15, 11/2/03, 11/2/22, 12/3/13, 12/3/20, 12/3/23, 12/3/24, 13/4/08, 14/3/22, 14/4/09, 14/4/12, 14/4/27, 15/2/23, 15/2/24, 15/2/27, 15/4/15, 15/4/21, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 15/4/26, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/09, 18/1/11, 18/2/26, 18/2/27, 18/3/24, 18/3/25, 19/2/19, 19/2/22, 19/4/25, 20/1/19, 20/1/21, 20/1/23, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 21/1/21, 21/4/03, 21/4/17, 22/1/19, 22/1/21, 22/3/13, 22/3/insert, 22/4/17, 23/3/03, 23/3/08, 23/4/09, 23/4/14, 24/1/12, 24/2/15, 24/4/13, 24/4/15, 25/3/19, 25/4/03, 26/2/12, 26/2/23, 27/1/23, 27/1/24, 27/2/21, 27/3/12, 27/3/insert, 28/1/18, 29/2/09, 29/2/10, 29/3/13, 31/3/04, 31/3/10, 32/2/04, 32/2/21, 33/2/04, 34/2/17, 34/2/21, 34/3/29, 35/2/12, 39/2/14
Hebe Red Gauntlet 2/1/13
Hebe Red Hugh 3/1/05, 3/4/13, 5/3/14, 5/4/29, 8/2/24, 9/2/07, 10/1/14, 21/4/07
Hebe Red Rum 16/2/03, 19/2/19, 38/2/01
Hebe Red Ruth 8/2/14, 12/4/08
Hebe Red Wine series 32/1/09, 32/3/14
Hebe Reine des Blanches see Hebe La Reine des Blanches
Hebe Rhonda see Hebe Ronda
Hebe Rhubarb and Custard 27/3/13, 27/3/insert
Hebe Richard Orpen 6/2/23
Hebe rigidula 5/4/29, 10/3/18, 12/1/11, 15/2/03, 17/4/24, 17/4/25, 18/1/14, 19/2/19, 19/2/26, 22/1/15, 22/3/03, 23/3/07, 23/3/15, 24/3/13, 25/2/03, 26/4/24, 27/4/15, 29/3/09, 30/2/04, 35/2/12, 36/2/04, 36/2/04, 37/1/21, 39/2/04, 39/2/03
Hebe rigidula form (i) see Hebe scopulorum
Hebe rigidula form (ii) see Hebe rigidula var sulcata
Hebe rigidula var sulcata 18/1/15
Hebe Ringawhati 10/3/13
Hebe Ritt 5/2/09, 23/2/08
Hebe Robert Orpin 13/2/10
Hebe robusta 9/3/14
Hebe Ronda 2/1/15, 5/4/29, 10/3/18, 11/2/20, 16/3/24, , 34/2/17, 35/2/12
Hebe Rosalind 9/3/16, 19/3/01
Hebe Rosantha 34/1/22
Hebe Rose Elegance see Hebe Elegance Rose
Hebe Rose Hue 9/2/07
Hebe Rosea 16/2/27
Hebe Rosemergy 15/1/09, 19/2/18, 22/3/23, 25/3/18, 25/4/11, 25/4/15, 26/2/12, 26/3/24, 28/1/20, 29/2/22, , 34/2/18, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe Rosie 6/3/05, 6/3/09, 6/3/10, 6/4/21, 7/1/05, 7/1/15, 7/3/06, 8/4/23, 9/1/14, 9/2/05, 10/2/08, 12/3/20, 15/2/24, 15/3/21, 15/3/07, 15/3/11, 15/3/14, 15/3/21, 17/1/12, 18/2/11, 18/3/24, 20/1/19, 20/4/18, 21/4/07, 21/4/16, 24/2/14, 24/2/16, 24/3/24, 25/4/24, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 26/3/08, 27/4/20, 29/3/21, 30/3/22, 31/2/20, 31/3/10, 32/1/09, 32/3/insert, 32/3/13, 34/1/22, 35/2/12, 39/1/08, 39/3/19
Hebe Royal Blue 11/3/13
Hebe Royal Glory 5/3/15
Hebe Royal Purple 2/4/06, 5/3/15, 24/1/14, 27/4/20
Hebe Ruahine Range 22/1/20, 22/1/21, 23/4/09
Hebe Rubella 4/2/17, 5/3/14, 5/4/29, 5/4/29, 6/4/06, 8/2/24, 10/1/01, 10/4/21
Hebe Rubra 18/2/26
Hebe Ruby Port 32/3/14, 34/3/30
Hebe Ruby Wedding see Hebe Lenmar
Hebe Ruddigore see Hebe speciosa La Seduisante
Hebe rupicola 5/4/29, 11/2/21, 12/1/11, 22/2/11, 23/4/23
Hebe Ruthie Gray 34/1/22
Hebe salicifolia 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 1/3/11, 2/1/05, 2/1/10, 2/1/13, 2/4/07, 2/4/18, 3/2/05, 3/2/18, 3/2/19, 3/2/26, 3/2/28, 3/3/06, 3/3/21, 3/4/03, 4/1/09, 4/2/22, 4/2/24, 4/2/24, 4/2/25, 4/3/25, 4/4/16, 5/1/12, 5/1/14, 5/3/05, 5/3/25, 5/4/23, 5/4/23, 6/1/28, 6/2/16, 6/2/17, 6/3/28, 6/3/29, 6/4/08, 6/4/28, 7/1/16, 7/1/22, 7/1/24, 7/2/14, 7/3/12, 7/4/13, 8/1/19, 8/1/30, 8/2/06, 8/2/24, 8/3/15, 8/3/21, 9/1/08, 9/1/22, 9/4/16, 9/4/34, 10/1/07, 10/1/12, 10/1/13, 10/1/23, 10/1/26, 10/2/31, 10/3/03, 10/3/19, 10/4/25, 11/1/08, 11/3/03, 11/3/10, 11/4/13, 11/4/16, 11/4/17, 12/1/11, 12/4/03, 12/4/10, 13/1/18, 13/3/01, 13/3/03, 13/3/07, 13/3/27, 13/4/03, 13/4/20, 14/1/03, 14/3/21, 15/2/24, 15/3/10, 15/3/26, 15/4/13, 16/1/05, 16/2/04, 16/4/20, 17/3/03, 17/3/22, 17/4/24, 18/1/11, 18/1/14, 18/2/27, 19/3/12, 19/3/25, 19/4/24, 20/1/08, 20/4/19, 21/1/24, 21/2/24, 21/4/03, 21/4/12, 21/4/16, 21/4/21, 22/1/15, 22/2/11, 22/3/12, 22/4/23, 23/1/23, 23/3/08, 24/4/13, 24/4/16, 25/1/11, 25/1/15, 25/1/20, 25/3/19, 25/4/09, 25/4/13, 26/1/03, 26/1/21, 26/2/19, 26/2/23, 26/3/04, 26/3/08, 26/3/23, 26/4/12, 26/4/insert, 26/4/18, 27/1/12, 27/1/insert, 27/1/17, 27/1/18, 27/1/24, 27/4/19, 27/4/23, 28/1/03, 28/1/10, 28/1/20, 29/3/09, 29/3/15, 29/3/21, 30/2/12, 30/3/10, 31/1/11, 31/1/14, 31/1/18, 31/2/11, 31/3/03, 32/1/08, 32/2/18, 33/2/03, 34/1/24, 34/2/04, 34/2/18, 35/2/12, 35/3/17, 36/1/11, 36/1/11, 36/1/13, 37/1/03, 37/1/11, 37/1/12, 37/2/19, 38/2/16, 38/3/17, 39/2/15, 39/2/17
Hebe salicifolia Adel White 39/2/15, 39/2/27
Hebe salicifolia Forma 25/1/12, 26/1/12, 26/3/22, 27/3/23, 28/2/14, 29/3/09, 29/3/13, 29/3/15, 33/2/12, , 34/2/18, 35/1/12, 35/2/12, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 39/2/17
Hebe salicifolia hybrid 3/3/22
Hebe salicifolia large leaved form 19/2/18, 19/3/13, 19/4/07, 19/4/24
Hebe salicifolia narrow leaved form 9/1/08, 19/2/18
Hebe salicifolia seeding 37/1/12
Hebe salicifolia Spenders Seedling see Hebe Spender’s Seedling
Hebe salicifolia stricta see Hebe salicifolia
Hebe salicifolia var angustissima 19/4/08
Hebe salicifolia var angustissima 24/2/12
Hebe salicifolia var paludosa see Hebe paludosa
Hebe salicifolia var serrulata 13/4/21
Hebe salicifolia Variegata 2/1/05
Hebe salicornioides 1/2/09, 3/1/10, 3/1/12, 4/1/21, 5/4/20, 6/1/28, 8/4/21, 10/3/19, 10/4/15, 10/4/20, 12/1/11, 13/4/19, 15/4/09, 16/1/05, 16/3/12, 20/4/20, 34/2/18, 35/2/12, 37/2/14, 37/2/14
Hebe salicornioides Aurea 10/1/10
Hebe Sally Blunt see Hebe hulkeana Sally Blunt
Hebe Sandra Bond 3/3/22
Hebe Sandra Joy 16/1/03
Hebe Sangria Sensation 32/2/19, 34/2/23
Hebe Santa Monica 36/3/08
Hebe Sapphire 2/3/13, 3/1/05, 3/4/12, 5/1/08, 5/3/07, 6/1/16, 6/1/28, 8/2/24, 9/1/14, 9/3/08, 9/4/18, 10/3/08, 10/3/19, 11/2/03, 11/2/20, 11/3/03, 11/3/14, 13/3/19, 15/4/15, 15/4/22, 15/4/23, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 19/2/18, 19/2/24, 19/4/09, 19/4/25, 20/1/03, 20/1/19, 20/1/21, 20/3/09, 20/4/11, 21/3/23, 22/3/10, 23/3/03, 24/1/03, 24/1/insert, 24/2/16, 24/3/04, 24/3/insert, 24/4/16, 25/2/03, 25/3/09, 25/3/19, 26/3/23, 26/4/21, 26/4/22, 27/4/19, 27/4/insert, 28/1/20, 29/2/15, 29/3/21, 30/3/24, 31/2/05, 31/3/10, 32/2/17, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 38/2/10, 39/2/04, 39/2/14
Hebe Sarana 11/2/20, 19/4/24, 20/4/20, 25/3/18, 26/3/23, 26/4/24
Hebe saxicola 24/1/05
Hebe scopulorum 18/1/15
Hebe Seksty 9/4/05, 22/3/24, 25/3/19, 25/4/24
Hebe selaginoides 13/4/19
Hebe Sexit 6/4/13, 39/1/18
Hebe Sheila Digweed 2/4/25
Hebe Silver Cloud 6/2/23
Hebe Silver Dollar 14/4/09, 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 15/2/27, 15/4/26, 16/2/15, 19/2/18, 20/3/24, 20/4/11, 23/2/08, 24/1/22, 25/3/18, 26/2/23, 26/3/10, 26/3/23, 27/1/23, 32/3/14, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 36/3/17, 39/2/01
Hebe Silver Queen see Hebe Franciscana Variegata
Hebe Silver Wings 11/3/12, 19/2/18, 19/4/24
Hebe Simon Delaux 1/2/11, 1/4/09, 2/1/06, 2/1/07, 2/1/09, 2/1/12, 3/1/05, 4/1/17, 4/2/17, 5/3/14, 6/1/06, 6/1/28, 6/4/14, 7/3/22, 8/4/20, 9/4/05, 10/4/07, 10/4/21, 14/2/22, 14/3/11, 14/3/22, 15/3/10, 15/3/22, 15/4/21, 15/4/25, 16/2/15, 16/4/18, 18/3/24, 19/2/23, 19/4/26, 20/1/18, 20/1/18, 20/1/19, 20/2/18, 20/2/22, 20/4/09, 22/4/20, 25/1/19, 25/2/17, 25/4/11, 26/1/12, 27/4/10, 30/1/08, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/1/14, 38/3/24, 38/3/24, 39/3/11
Hebe Sky Blue 6/2/23
Hebe Smaplanten 9/4/05
Hebe Snow Drift 19/2/19
Hebe Snow Mound see Hebe albicans Snow Mound
Hebe Snow Wreath 1/4/10, 2/1/05
Hebe societatis 18/1/15, 21/4/11, 33/1/15
Hebe Society 2/3/04, 3/1/03, 4/3/20, 4/4/05, 5/1/03, 5/3/08, 5/4/03, 6/1/20, 11/2/21, 12/2/21, 12/3/04, 12/3/20, 13/4/09, 14/4/13, 15/1/04, 15/1/06, 15/2/15, 15/2/18, 15/4/12, 15/4/27, 15/4/28, 16/2/11, 16/2/25, 16/3/07, 16/3/08, 16/3/09, 16/3/10, 16/3/16, 16/3/22, 16/4/03, 17/2/15, 17/2/20, 17/3/22, 17/3/23, 18/1/03, 18/2/27, 18/4/03, 19/2/21, 19/2/22, 19/3/03, 19/4/08, 19/4/13, 19/4/20, 20/1/03, 20/2/17, 20/3/09, 21/2/08, 21/1/15, 21/1/19, 21/1/22, 21/1/24, 21/2/08, 21/2/10, 21/3/08, 21/4/11, 21/4/20, 22/1/23, 22/4/15, 22/4/17, 23/1/20, 23/2/09, 23/4/08, 23/4/15, 23/4/15, 23/4/17, 24/1/16, 24/3/18, 25/1/03, 25/1/08, 25/1/09, 25/1/13, 25/1/14, 25/1/18, 25/1/20, 25/4/23, 26/1/09, 26/1/23, 26/2/22, 26/4/22, 27/4/18, 27/4/21, 27/4/23, 28/1/12, 28/1/20, 28/2/13, 28/4/04, 28/4/18, 29/1/13, 29/1/15, 29/3/12, 30/1/15, 30/1/19, 30/2/04, 30/2/12, 30/3/10, 30/3/13, 31/1/09, 31/1/20, 31/2/03, 31/3/07, 32/1/18, 32/1/21, 32/2/03, 32/3/18, 33/2/13, 33/2/18, 33/3/03, 33/3/12, 34/1/03, 34/1/04, 34/2/13, 34/3/33, 35/2/15, 35/3/07, 35/3/25, 36/1/20, 36/3/20, 37/2/12, 38/1/09, 38/2/20
Hebe Society website see Hebe Society, website
Hebe Society website, Hebe News archive 35/3/03, 36/2/22, 37/2/03
Hebe Society website, Hebe News archive, password 35/3/03, 36/2/22
Hebe Society, accounts see Hebe Society, finances
Hebe Society, advertising 33/3/22
Hebe Society, affiliation to RHS 12/2/12
Hebe Society, AGM and Spring or Autumn Meeting 1/4/02, 2/1/02, 2/3/03, 2/4/02, 2/4/03, 2/4/05, 3/1/07, 3/2/05, 3/2/07, 3/2/09, 4/1/06, 4/2/05, 4/2/12, 4/3/18, 5/1/03, 5/2/03, 5/2/05, 5/2/08, 5/2/17, 5/3/04, 5/3/07, 6/1/05, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/2/25, 6/3/03, 6/3/07, 6/4/10, 7/1/03, 7/1/06, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 7/2/16, 7/4/06, 8/1/03, 8/1/05, 8/2/03, 8/3/05, 8/3/21, 9/2/05, 9/2/25, 9/2/26, 9/4/03, 10/1/06, 10/2/06, 10/2/09, 10/2/16, 10/4/17, 10/4/24, 11/1/03, 11/2/07, 11/2/11, 11/2/14, 11/4/09, 12/1/09, 12/2/04, 12/2/07, 12/3/05, 12/4/25, 13/1/10, 13/2/04, 13/2/08, 13/2/10, 13/3/30, 14/2/03, 14/2/09, 14/2/19, 14/3/20, 14/4/07, 14/4/10, 15/1/08, 15/1/22, 15/2/09, 15/2/15, 15/2/28, 15/2/31, 15/3/09, 15/3/21, 15/4/03, 15/4/05, 15/4/13, 16/1/07, 16/2/09, 16/3/06, 16/4/09, 16/4/10, 16/4/22, 17/1/05, 17/1/09, 17/2/03, 17/2/16, 17/3/25, 17/4/07, 18/1/04, 18/2/03, 18/2/07, 18/2/11, 18/2/13, 18/2/25, 18/3/10, 18/3/11, 19/1/09, 19/2/03, 19/2/06, 19/3/06, 20/1/06, 20/1/12, 20/2/03, 20/2/06, 20/2/09, 20/3/06, 20/4/06, 21/1/04, 21/2/03, 21/2/15, 21/2/24, 21/3/03, 21/3/06, 22/1/04, 22/2/03, 22/2/14, 22/2/19, 22/3/07, 22/4/03, 22/4/05, 23/1/05, 23/1/07, 23/2/03, 23/2/05, 23/2/12, 23/2/17, 23/2/18, 23/2/21, 23/2/23, 23/3/04, 23/3/13, 23/4/05, 23/4/08, 24/1/04, 24/1/07, 24/2/21, 24/3/03, 24/3/04, 24/3/07, 24/3/08, 24/4/07, 24/4/08, 24/4/09, 25/1/07, 25/2/03, 25/3/06, 25/3/15, 26/1/04, 26/1/07, 26/1/12, 26/2/11, 26/2/12, 26/2/14, 26/2/21, 26/2/22, 26/3/03, 26/3/07, 26/4/04, 26/4/09, 27/1/04, 27/1/07, 27/1/09, 27/2/09, 27/2/21, 27/3/07, 27/3/07, 27/3/08, 27/4/07, 27/4/12, 28/1/03, 28/1/07, 28/2/05, 28/2/09, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/2/12, 28/2/16, 28/2/20, 28/3/08, 28/3/10, 28/3/17, 28/4/04, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 29/1/05, 29/1/08, 29/1/09, 29/1/14, 29/1/21, 29/2/07, 29/2/11, 29/2/14, 29/2/17, 29/3/08, 30/1/10, 30/2/04, 30/2/07, 30/2/08, 30/2/20, 30/3/03, 30/3/07, 30/3/11, 30/3/13, 30/3/14, 30/3/15, 30/3/17, 30/3/18, 31/2/05, 31/2/08, 31/2/16, 31/2/21, 31/3/07, 31/3/14, 31/3/18, 31/3/23, 32/1/03, 32/1/09, 32/1/12, 32/1/13, 32/2/05, 32/2/08, 32/2/10, 32/2/12, 32/2/21, 32/3/insert, 32/3/03, 32/3/08, 32/3/09, 32/3/13, 32/3/15, 33/1/03, 33/1/04, 33/2/04, 33/2/07, 33/2/22, 33/2/23, 33/3/insert, 33/3/04, 33/3/07, 33/3/09, 33/3/12, 33/3/15, 33/3/16, 34/1/09, 34/1/21, 34/2/05, 34/2/09, 34/2/13, 34/3/04, 34/3/07, 34/3/11, 34/3/16, 34/3/20, 34/3/23, 34/3/31, 35/1/07, 35/1/09, 35/1/17, 35/1/21, 35/2/04, 35/2/07, 35/2/23, 35/2/24, 35/3/07, 35/3/09, 36/1/04, 36/1/07, 36/2/08, 36/2/10, 36/3/06 36/3/14, 37/1/03, 37/2/07, 37/2/08, 37/2/18, 37/3/03, 37/3/07, 37/3/17, 38/1/03, 38/1/15, 38/2/12, 38/2/19, 38/2/20, 38/3/07, 38/3/11, 39/3/16, 39/3/19
Hebe Society, AGM, 1997, Essex, UK 34/3/07
Hebe Society, AGM 1998, Harlow Carr, 36/3/10, 39/3/19
Hebe Society, AGM, 2001, Bristol, UK 35/3/07
Hebe Society, AGM, 2003, Bwlch y Cibau Village Hall, Montgomeryshire, Wales, UK 31/3/23
Hebe Society, AGM, 2004, Buckinghamshire, UK 32/1/03
Hebe Society, AGM, 2005, Rosewarne, Cornwall, UK 26/3/03
Hebe Society, AGM, 2006, Dorothy Clive Garden, Staffordshire, UK 36/2/10
Hebe Society, AGM, 2007, Abbotsbury, Dorset, UK 33/1/03, 35/3/07, 38/2/20
Hebe Society, AGM, 2008, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 39/3/19
Hebe Society, AGM, 2009, Anglesey, Wales, UK 23/2/05, 23/4/05, 24/1/04, 25/3/07, 25/4/07, 30/3/10, 38/2/13, 38/2/20
Hebe Society, AGM, 2010, Twyn yr Hydd House, south Wales, UK 25/2/03, 38/1/07, 38/2/20
Hebe Society, AGM, 2011, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK 26/2/14
Hebe Society, AGM, 2012, Welshpool, Wales, UK 26/2/11, 26/3/07, 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/3/08
Hebe Society, AGM, 2013, Threshfield, Yorkshire, UK 27/3/07, 27/3/09, 28/1/03, 28/2/16, 28/3/17
Hebe Society, AGM, 2013, Yorkshire, UK see Hebe Society, AGM, Threshfield, Yorkshire, UK
Hebe Society, AGM, 2014, Plumpton 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/3/08, 28/3/17, 28/4/04, 28/4/07, 29/1/05, 29/2/07, 29/2/11, 31/3/18, 33/2/23
Hebe Society, AGM, 2015, Lowaters, Warsash, Hampshire, UK 29/2/17, 29/3/08, 35/3/08, 36/3/23
Hebe Society, AGM, 2016, Cheshire, UK 31/2/05, 31/2/16, 31/3/07, 31/3/14
Hebe Society, AGM, 2017, Worcestershire, UK 31/3/20, 32/2/05, 32/2/10, 32/3/insert
Hebe Society, AGM, 2018, Kent, UK 32/3/08, 33/3/insert, 33/3/09, 33/3/15, 34/2/13, 34/3/25
Hebe Society, AGM, 2019, Birmingham, UK 34/1/09, 34/2/09, 34/2/11, 34/3/03, 34/3/31, 37/3/17, 38/1/16
Hebe Society, AGM, 2021, Zoom meeting 36/2/08, 36/2/12, 36/3/06
Hebe Society, AGM, 2022, RHS Bridgewater, Salford, UK 37/3/18, 37/3/07, 37/3/08, 37/3/17
Hebe Society, AGM, 2023, Zoom and Bluebell Arboretum and Nursery, Leicestershire, UK 38/1/15, 38/2/05, 38/2/12, 38/2/19, 38/3/07, 38/3/07, 38/3/08, 39/2/24
Hebe Society, AGM, 2024, Llanberis, North Wales, UK 38/3/07, 39/1/09, 39/1/25, 39/2/04, 39/2/10, 39/2/26, 39/3/06, 39/3/20
Hebe Society, AGM, 2025, 40th Anniversary, Edinburgh and Dundee, UK 38/3/07, 38/3/11, 39/2/26, 39/3/06, 39/3/09, 39/3/14, 39/3/19
Hebe Society, AGM, accommodation 27/1/08, 29/1/08, 31/1/07, 32/3/08
Hebe Society, AGM, attendence form 39/3/16
Hebe Society, AGM, displays 37/3/18
Hebe Society, AGM, expenses 34/3/25, 35/2/19
Hebe Society, AGM, flier 24/1/04
Hebe Society, AGM, form 39/3/16
Hebe Society, AGM, how to arrange 24/3/08
Hebe Society, AGM, Hyde Hall, Essex 34/3/07, 34/3/23, 35/1/07, 35/1/09, 35/1/17, 35/1/21, 35/2/07, 35/3/09
Hebe Society, AGM, locations 26/2/11, 29/2/19, 36/3/29, 37/3/26, 38/1/08
Hebe Society, AGM, minutes 22/2/16, 23/2/03, 24/2/03, 25/2/10, 26/2/10, 27/3/08, 28/2/10, 29/2/18, 32/3/09, 33/3/20, 34/3/20, 36/3/28, 37/3/23, 38/2/20, 38/3/11, 39/2/24, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, AGM, numbers attending 34/3/11
Hebe Society, AGM, nursery visits 39/3/19
Hebe Society, AGM, raffle 10/2/06, 29/2/07, 30/2/08, 30/3/13, 31/2/21, 32/3/13, 32/3/15, 33/3/10, 37/2/09, 37/3/18, 38/3/09
Hebe Society, AGM, RHS Bridgewater, UK 36/3/29, 37/1/03, 37/1/09, 37/1/15, 37/2/04, 37/2/08
Hebe Society, AGM, talk 36/2/08, 37/2/09
Hebe Society, AGM, timing for hebe flowers 29/2/14, 29/2/17
Hebe Society, aims 9/3/06, 35/3/25
Hebe Society, anniversary 30/2/07
Hebe Society, annual bulletin 1/1/08, 1/2/06, 1/4/02
Hebe Society, Australia 14/2/08, 33/3/21
Hebe Society, banking with HSBC 37/1/07, 37/2/12
Hebe Society, Chairman 31/2/03
Hebe Society, Chelsea Flower Show? 11/3/28
Hebe Society, Cheshire, UK 14/2/08, 31/3/07
Hebe Society, committee 1/2/02, 1/2/03, 2/2/02, 14/4/10, 15/2/12, 17/2/13, 23/4/03, 23/4/15, 24/3/08, 25/2/03, 30/2/07, 31/3/insert, 31/3/14, 31/3/19, 32/2/11, 32/3/13, 34/3/09, 35/3/09, 36/1/07, 36/2/22, 36/3/13, 37/2/07
Hebe Society, Constitution 34/3/23, 36/2/23
Hebe Society, costs 39/2/25
Hebe Society, data protection 33/2/07
Hebe Society, development plan 6/2/05, 6/2/14, 6/4/10, 9/2/25, 10/2/10, 10/2/11
Hebe Society, Devon 14/2/09
Hebe Society, digital newsletter 36/1/08, 36/2/23, 36/3/27, 37/1/03, 37/1/28, 37/3/08, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, draft rules 2/1/02, 34/3/23
Hebe Society, electronic communication 36/1/09
Hebe Society, electronic newsletter see Hebe Society, digital newsletter
Hebe Society, E-mail address 12/2/13, 33/2/07, 34/3/09, 36/1/09
Hebe Society, enquiries 10/3/06, 12/4/07, 14/1/08
Hebe Society, Essex 8/2/06
Hebe Society, events and visits 1/1/05, 1/2/04, 38/1/15, 38/2/08
Hebe Society, Examiner of Accounts 23/2/18, 30/3/18, 31/3/19, 32/3/10, 33/3/21, 34/3/22, 35/2/16, 36/2/22, 36/3/10, 36/3/28, 37/2/21, 37/3/24
Hebe Society, expenses 23/2/18, 34/3/25
Hebe Society, Facebook page 25/2/23, 30/1/19, 30/2/19, 31/1/20, 32/3/06, 33/3/insert, 33/3/07, 33/3/11, 33/3/17, 33/3/22, 34/1/07, 34/1/10, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/2/10, 34/2/11, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/20, 35/1/21, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 35/3/10, 36/2/22, 36/3/29, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, finances 18/2/11, 19/2/11, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 21/2/10, 21/2/16, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 23/2/09, 23/2/17, 24/2/08, 25/2/08, 25/2/10, 26/2/08, 28/2/08, 29/2/12, 30/3/15, 31/3/12, 34/3/21, 34/3/24, 34/3/25, 35/2/18, 35/3/09, 36/2/20, 36/2/22, 36/3/28, 37/2/20, 37/3/24, 38/1/06, 38/2/22, 39/2/24
Hebe Society, flower shows see Hebe Society, shows
Hebe Society, founding 10/2/12, 18/2/13, 33/3/03, 35/3/07
Hebe Society, gardens open 9/4/07, 10/1/05, 10/2/09, 10/2/10, 13/3/21, 14/2/20, 15/2/13, 16/2/15, 17/2/12, 17/2/20, 17/3/03, 28/1/12
Hebe Society, General Fund 20/2/10
Hebe Society, gift subscription 16/4/04
Hebe Society, Gloucestershire 8/2/06
Hebe Society, help with activities 17/4/08, 33/3/07, 37/1/24, 39/2/08, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire 6/3/05, 14/1/22, 16/2/15
Hebe Society, Honorary Members 2/1/02, 34/3/08, 34/3/21
Hebe Society, Humberside 10/4/24, 11/2/10, 12/3/14, 14/2/08
Hebe Society, Inaugural Meeting, 1985 1/1/01, 21/4/20, 29/1/15
Hebe Society, Instagram page 33/3/07, 33/3/16, 33/3/22, 34/1/10, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 34/3/20, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 36/2/23, 37/3/22, 39/2/27
Hebe Society, insurance 35/2/19
Hebe Society, Internet see Hebe Society, website,
Hebe Society, Ireland 10/2/09
Hebe Society, joining 18/1/21, 36/3/07
Hebe Society, joint events with Australasian Plant Society 37/1/24, 38/1/15, 38/3/27
Hebe Society, Koromiko 1/1/08
Hebe Society, Leaflet 10/4/07, 14/4/28, 17/3/23, 21/3/09, 30/2/09, 31/2/11, 31/3/09, 31/3/12
Hebe Society, Lindley Medal 4/3/06, 20/3/09, 29/3/15, 34/2/Insert
Hebe Society, LinkedIn page 37/3/22, 39/2/27
Hebe Society, literature 35/3/10
Hebe Society, local groups 2/3/04, 3/1/01, 3/1/03, 4/3/06, 4/3/13, 6/2/13, 6/4/10, 7/2/12, 7/2/13, 8/2/09, 9/2/24, 10/1/17, 10/2/09, 11/2/09, 11/3/14, 11/4/06, 11/4/13, 12/2/12, 13/2/15, 14/2/08
Hebe Society, London and Home Counties 1/2/03, 6/4/06, 11/4/06, 12/2/12
Hebe Society, Mailing List 2/5/03, 4/3/03
Hebe Society, Membership 18/2/12, 19/2/11, 19/2/12, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/2/20, 21/2/10, 22/2/09, 22/2/10, 22/2/17, 22/2/18, 23/2/09, 24/2/08, 24/3/09, 25/2/08, 26/2/08, 27/2/12, 28/2/08, 29/2/11, 29/2/18, 30/3/15, 31/1/09, 31/3/insert, 31/3/12, 32/1/09, 32/1/21, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 32/3/18, 33/1/16, 33/3/21, 34/3/18, 34/3/21, 35/2/16, 36/2/22, 37/3/21, 39/2/24, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, members, digital 39/2/25, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, Membership List 1/2/06, 2/2/21, 2/5/20, 12/3/09, 13/2/14, 14/2/08, 14/4/10, 18/2/11, 24/3/09, 30/1/15, 30/2/04
Hebe Society, Membership List, e-mail addresses 30/1/15, 30/3/18
Hebe Society, Membership Map 11/3/08, 11/3/16
Hebe Society, membership numbers 33/1/16, 33/3/21, 34/3/18, 34/3/21, 35/2/16, 37/3/08, 37/3/21, 39/2/24
Hebe Society, Membership Secretary see Moss, Veronica and Haydock, Dorothy and Smith, Ginny and Bosson, Sue see also 29/3/11, 32/2/21, 35/2/16, 36/2/22, 37/3/21
Hebe Society, Membership Survey 12/1/04, 12/2/07, 12/3/09, 13/2/14
Hebe Society, Midlands 1/2/03
Hebe Society, naming of hebes 35/3/25
Hebe Society, new member’s packs 36/3/22
Hebe Society, new members 30/2/19, 30/3/08, 31/3/12, 32/3/10, 33/1/16, 33/3/21, 34/1/08, 35/1/17, 36/3/22, 38/3/24
Hebe Society, new members, younger 37/3/24
Hebe Society, Newletter see Hebe Society, digital newsletter
Hebe Society, North 1/2/03
Hebe Society, North East 12/2/12, 13/2/14, 16/2/12, 19/1/13
Hebe Society, North West 1/2/03, 12/3/14, 13/2/14, 15/3/10, 16/2/12, 16/3/03, 16/3/28, 17/1/04, 18/4/03, 30/3/14
Hebe Society, nurseries 1/2/06
Hebe Society, NZ Alpine Garden Society 8/4/03
Hebe Society, NZ Members 2/5/13, 5/2/16, 10/2/09
Hebe Society, NZ Plants 6/2/05, 6/2/14, 12/2/09, 35/3/10, 35/3/15, 37/1/24
Hebe Society, Perthshire, Scotland, UK 33/3/21
Hebe Society, Photographic Competition see Hebe Society, Photography Competition
Hebe Society, Photography Competition 26/4/07, 26/4/09, 27/1/07, 27/1/09, 27/2/09, 27/3/07, 27/4/07, 28/1/07, 28/2/16, 28/4/09, 29/1/20, 29/1/21, 29/2/07, 29/2/08, 29/2/20, 30/1/20, 30/2/08, 30/2/20, 30/3/13, 30/3/19, 31/2/16, 31/2/21, 31/3/insert, 31/3/14, 31/3/15, 31/3/20, 32/1/09, 32/1/12, 32/1/13, 32/2/10, 32/2/12, 32/3/13, 32/3/15, 32/3/19, 33/2/07, 33/2/22, 33/3/24, 34/1/16, 34/2/12, 34/2/22, 34/3/15, 35/1/07, 35/1/21, 37/1/26, 37/1/27, 37/2/07, 37/2/09, 37/2/10, 37/3/08, 37/3/18, 37/3/27, 38/1/16¸38/2/24, 38/3/08, 38/3/09, 39/1/25, 39/2/23
Hebe Society, Photography Competition, categories 31/2/21, 31/3/15, 32/1/12, 32/1/13, 32/3/19, 33/2/22, 34/1/17, 34/3/15, 37/1/26, 37/2/09, 37/2/10, 38/1/16, 38/2/24, 39/1/25, 39/2/23
Hebe Society, Photography Competition, winners 37/3/27, 38/1/16
Hebe Society, Plant Heritage, Organisational Member 32/3/18, 34/2/13, 34/3/09, 39/3/16
Hebe Society, President 6/2/14
Hebe Society, promoting 22/4/17
Hebe Society, public liability insurance 24/2/03, 24/2/09, 28/2/11
Hebe Society, publicity 13/1/24, 13/2/15, 19/1/04, 19/1/14, 20/2/17, 22/2/19, 22/4/17, 31/3/07, 31/3/18, 32/1/08, 32/3/10, 33/3/22
Hebe Society, publicity officer 2/1/02, 12/3/06
Hebe Society, questionnaire 3/1/06, 6/4/03, 6/4/10, 7/2/07, 7/2/13
Hebe Society Recorder see also Scoble, Gwen 39/2/26, 39/3/13
Hebe Society, Regional Groups 1/2/03, 2/1/01
Hebe Society, Registration of hebes 36/3/29, 37/1/07, 37/2/07, 37/3/20, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, registration of NZ plants 39/3/14
Hebe Society, renaming 39/3/16
Hebe Society, Report of the Committee see Hebe Society, Report of the Executive Committee
Hebe Society, Report of the Executive Committee 4/2/08, 5/2/16, 6/2/13, 7/2/07, 8/2/06, 9/2/24, 10/2/09, 11/2/09, 12/2/12, 18/2/11, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 22/2/08, 23/2/09, 23/2/17, 24/2/08, 25/2/08, 25/2/10, 26/2/08, 27/2/12, 28/2/08, 29/2/04, 29/2/11, 29/2/18, 30/3/15, 31/3/11, 31/3/18, 32/3/10, 33/3/21, 34/3/17, 34/3/21, 35/3/09, 36/3/28, 37/3/20, 37/3/23
Hebe Society, SE and South Coast 1/2/03
Hebe Society, Secretary see Scoble, Geoffrey, Hayter, Tony and Normand, Lewis
Hebe Society, showing at RHS Hampton Court 31/3/13, 32/3/18, 33/3/07, 33/3/23, 34/1/07, 34/1/14, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/2/13, 34/3/09, 34/3/11, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/23, 35/1/08, 35/1/17, 35/2/07, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 35/2/19, 35/2/23, 35/3/09, 35/3/11, 35/3/14, 35/3/15, 36/1/14, 36/1/24, 36/2/07, 36/2/22, 36/2/23, 36/3/07, 36/3/23, 36/3/29, 37/1/24, 37/2/07, 37/3/20, 37/3/25, 38/1/07, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/1/20, 38/2/09, 38/3/16, 39/2/25, 39/2/26, 39/3/09
Hebe Society, Shows 1/4/03, 11/3/28, 11/4/08, 16/3/06, 16/4/19, 17/2/08, 17/2/09, 17/3/22, 17/4/04, 17/4/08, 20/2/09, 20/3/07, 23/1/04, 23/2/09, 23/2/10, 24/2/03, 26/2/09, 28/2/09, 30/2/09, 31/3/12, 32/2/19, 33/1/08, 35/2/07, 36/2/07, 36/2/23, 39/2/07, 39/2/08, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, Shows Co-ordinator 11/2/10, 12/2/12, 39/2/27
Hebe Society, Shows Manager see Hebe Society, Shows Co-ordinator
Hebe Society, Shows, help needed 32/3/06, 33/1/08, 36/2/07, 39/2/08
Hebe Society, slide library 1/1/06, 1/2/06, 4/2/03, 8/2/03, 10/2/10, 11/2/10
Hebe Society, social media 33/3/16, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 35/1/08, 35/2/16, 35/3/10, 36/2/22, 36/3/29, 37/3/22, 37/3/25, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, social media coordinator 33/3/16, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 35/1/08, 35/2/16, 36/3/29, 37/3/22, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Hebe Society, Somerset 14/2/09
Hebe Society, South-West 1/2/03
Hebe Society, Speaker of the House of Commons, UK 32/2/03
Hebe Society, spring visit 7/4/06, 11/2/07
Hebe Society, stand 1/2/12, 2/4/28, 4/3/03, 4/4/08, 16/3/20, 16/3/21, 18/3/08, 27/3/insert, 30/3/15, 34/1/14, 37/3/09, 37/3/09
Hebe Society, stand, stamps 2/4/18
Hebe Society, standing orders 11/2/07, 21/2/10, 38/1/06
Hebe Society, subscriptions 1/4/03, 9/3/07, 10/2/06, 11/2/07, 15/2/18, 16/2/09, 19/4/04, 21/2/10, 23/2/18, 23/3/03, 24/2/04, 24/2/22, 25/3/22, 26/2/03, 28/2/12, 29/2/19, 30/3/17, 31/3/19, 32/3/11, 33/3/21, 34/3/22, 35/3/09, 36/3/28, 37/1/07, 37/2/07, 37/2/12, 37/3/24, 38/1/06, 39/1/07, 39/2/26, 39/3/13, 39/3/15
Hebe Society, subscriptions, concessionary 12/1/06
Hebe Society, subscriptions, Deed of Covenant 10/2/06
Hebe Society, subscriptions, bank transfer 37/2/13, 38/1/06, 39/1/07
Hebe Society, subscriptions, electronic banking 24/2/06, 25/3/22, 37/1/07, 37/2/12, 39/1/07
Hebe Society, subscriptions, standing order mandate 24/2/06, 37/1/07, 38/1/06
Hebe Society, success? 9/3/06
Hebe Society, supplier of plant to RHS trials 36/3/20
Hebe Society, support 39/2/27
Hebe Society, Surrey 11/4/13
Hebe Society, Sussex 8/2/06
Hebe Society, symbol Competition 1/2/15, 1/4/02
Hebe Society, ten years 10/1/03
Hebe Society, Tiktok page 39/2/27
Hebe Society, thirty years 30/2/07
Hebe Society, Treasurer see Haywood, Val; Bosson, John or Jennings, Sylvia
Hebe Society, Treasurer’s Report 35/2/19, 35/3/09, 36/2/21, 37/2/21, 37/3/23, 39/2/25
Hebe Society, twenty years 20/1/12, 20/2/03
Hebe Society, Twitter page 33/3/07, 33/3/16, 33/3/22, 34/1/10, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 34/3/20, 36/2/23, 37/3/22, 39/2/27
Hebe Society, Vice Chairman 34/3/23
Hebe Society, video 36/1/07
Hebe Society, Whatsapp group 37/3/25
Hebe Society, website 11/4/03, 11/4/20, 11/4/21, 12/1/15, 12/2/08, 12/2/13, 12/3/06, 12/4/07, 13/2/14, 13/3/03, 13/3/11, 13/4/03, 14/2/09, 14/4/13, 15/1/04, 15/2/13, 15/2/14, 15/2/18, 15/4/12, 16/2/13, 17/1/04, 17/1/09, 17/1/18, 17/1/18, 17/2/10, 17/2/10, 17/2/12, 17/3/12, 17/3/12, 17/4/12,17/4/12, 18/1/03, 18/1/19, 18/1/20, 18/2/11, 18/2/26, 18/4/22, 18/4/23, 19/1/04, 19/1/05, 19/1/23, 19/2/11, 19/2/27, 19/2/28, 19/3/03, 19/3/25, 19/3/25, 19/4/27, 19/4/28, 20/2/03, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/3/23, 20/3/24, 20/4/04, 20/4/13, 20/4/17, 21/1/19, 21/1/24, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/2/23, 21/3/22, 21/4/21, 22/1/03, 22/1/22, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 22/3/04, 22/3/21, 22/4/24, 23/1/21, 23/2/09, 23/2/24, 23/3/21, 23/4/15, 24/1/22, 24/2/08, 24/3/22, 24/4/03, 24/4/04, 24/4/22, 25/1/24, 25/2/08, 25/2/24, 25/3/22, 25/3/23, 26/2/08, 26/2/10, 26/3/04, 26/3/15, 26/4/19, 26/4/20, 27/1/03, 27/1/23, 27/2/04, 27/2/07, 27/2/12, 27/2/16, 27/2/23, 27/3/08, 27/4/03, 28/2/04, 28/2/08, 28/2/11, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 30/3/08, 30/3/10, 30/3/15, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 33/1/16, 34/1/07, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/25, 35/2/15, 35/2/16, 35/2/27, 36/2/22, 36/2/22, 37/2/03, 37/3/07, 37/3/20, 37/3/21, 38/1/04, 38/1/19, 38/3/07, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, website, About site page 21/1/24
Hebe Society, website, Amazon 28/2/04, 32/3/10, 33/3/20, 38/1/04
Hebe Society, website, Banknotes 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/2/23
Hebe Society, website, Books page 23/2/09
Hebe Society, website, cascading style sheets 22/1/03, 22/1/22, 22/3/21, 25/1/24
Hebe Society, website, Contact us page 25/2/08
Hebe Society, website, costs 34/3/25, 35/2/19
Hebe Society, website, custom error page 22/4/24, 23/2/23
Hebe Society, website, domain name 22/1/03, 22/1/22, 22/2/09, 22/3/21, 22/4/24
Hebe Society, website, donations 24/3/22, 24/4/22, 25/1/24, 25/2/08
Hebe Society, website, Events page 24/1/23
Hebe Society, website, frames 22/1/03
Hebe Society, website, FreeFind, 22/1/03, 22/3/22
Hebe Society, website, Garden Pinky link 36/2/04
Hebe Society, website, Google 24/1/23, 25/3/22
Hebe Society, website, hanging indents 24/3/22, 25/1/24
Hebe Society, website, hardiness ratings 35/2/04, 35/2/16
Hebe Society, website, Hebe News Index 24/3/22, 25/1/24, 37/3/21
Hebe Society, website, Hebe News Index, abbreviations 25/1/24
Hebe Society, website, Hebe News Index, illustrations 25/1/24
Hebe Society, website, Hebe News, back numbers 35/2/17, 35/3/03
Hebe Society, website, Hebes, availability 35/2/16
Hebe Society, website, hebes, pruning 39/1/10
Hebe Society, website, Hebes, RHS Award of Garden Merit 35/2/04
Hebe Society, website, income via 28/2/04
Hebe Society, website, joining online 23/3/21, 24/1/22, 24/2/08, 24/3/22
Hebe Society, website, joining via 22/2/17, 22/3/22, 23/2/10, 23/2/23, 23/3/21, 24/2/08, 31/3/12
Hebe Society, website, Links page 36/1/03, 36/2/04, 36/2/22
Hebe Society, website, Lovell Quinta Arboretum 25/3/22
Hebe Society, website, Lowaters hebes 35/3/10
Hebe Society, website, navigation 24/1/22
Hebe Society, website, Norton Site Safety 24/4/23
Hebe Society, website, Nurseries page 20/4/13
Hebe Society, website, NZ plants 35/2/16, 39/2/25, 39/3/12
Hebe Society, website, payments by credit card 21/2/10
Hebe Society, website, PayPal 23/2/10, 24/1/22, 33/3/23, 34/3/20, 37/2/07
Hebe Society, website, PDF files 36/2/04
Hebe Society, website, photos 25/1/24, 27/1/03, 27/2/04
Hebe Society, website, plant identification 28/3/23
Hebe Society, website, QandA 24/1/24, 28/3/23
Hebe Society, website, queries 25/1/24, 28/3/23, 37/3/20
Hebe Society, website, Quinta Arboretum see Hebe Society, website, Lovell Quinta Arboretum
Hebe Society, website, redirection 22/4/24, 23/2/23
Hebe Society, website, search engines 24/1/22
Hebe Society, website, searching 20/3/24, 22/1/03, 22/3/22
Hebe Society, website, social media 35/2/16, 36/2/22
Hebe Society, website, Starter Pack 20/4/17
Hebe Society, website, tables for layout 25/1/24
Hebe Society, website, The Site Wizard 23/3/22, 24/3/22
Hebe Society, website, Top 21 Gardening Sites 24/4/22
Hebe Society, website, traffic 24/3/22
Hebe Society, website, tree care websites 36/2/04
Hebe Society, website, updating 24/4/22, 31/3/03, 38/3/07
Hebe Society, website, US enquiries 18/4/22, 19/4/08, 20/2/09, 21/2/10, 21/2/15
Hebe Society, Yorkshire 11/2/10
Hebe Sociey, website, Home page 24/1/23
Hebe Solido Magenta 35/2/21
Hebe Solido Purple 35/2/21
Hebe Sonja 24/3/14, 25/3/19
Hebe Southern Glory 36/3/20
Hebe Southern Series (Australia) 21/3/14
Hebe Southlandii 11/3/13
Hebe Sparkling Sapphire 31/1/20
Hebe Species for the Rock Garden, Brian Halliwell 29/2/03
Hebe species i see Hebe mooreae
Hebe species n see Hebe tairawhiti
Hebe species, collected Mount White 19/2/19, 22/3/23, 29/2/23, 34/2/18
Hebe speciosa 1/3/09, 1/4/14, 2/1/09, 2/1/15, 2/2/06, 2/4/07, 2/4/09, 2/4/15, 2/4/16, 2/4/18, 2/5/07, 3/1/13, 3/2/19, 3/2/27, 3/2/27, 3/3/21, 3/4/13, 3/4/19, 4/1/09, 4/1/25, 4/1/26, 4/2/12, 4/2/18, 4/2/19, 4/2/25, 4/2/26, 4/3/25, 5/3/14, 5/3/23, 5/4/19, 5/4/29, 5/4/29, 6/1/28, 6/3/29, 6/4/08, 6/4/28, 6/4/28, 6/4/28, 7/1/22, 7/3/08, 7/3/18, 8/2/24, 8/4/16, 8/4/22, 10/1/14, 10/1/26, 10/2/17, 10/2/34, 10/3/13, 11/1/15, 11/4/10, 11/4/13, 12/1/11, 13/3/22, 13/4/20, 14/4/27, 15/3/28, 15/4/22, 15/4/25, 16/2/21, 16/2/27, 16/4/10, 17/2/04, 17/2/22, 17/2/23, 17/3/11, 17/3/21, 17/4/11, 17/4/11, 17/4/21, 18/3/24, 18/3/28, 18/4/04, 18/4/28, 19/1/19, 19/2/27, 19/3/04, 20/1/19, 20/4/09, 21/1/21, 21/2/20, 21/4/11, 21/4/12, 22/3/14, 23/1/23, 24/1/10, 24/1/14, 24/2/14, 24/2/15, 24/4/13, 25/1/15, 25/4/23, 26/1/13, 27/1/19, 27/3/11, 27/4/03, 27/4/13, 28/1/20, 28/2/14, 29/2/23, 29/3/21, 30/3/10, 31/1/09, 31/1/14, 31/2/03, 32/1/23, 32/2/08, 34/1/12, 34/1/16, 34/2/18, 35/1/27, 35/1/27, 35/2/13, 35/3/21, 36/2/07, 36/3/15, 36/3/15, 37/1/13, 37/1/21, 38/1/07, 38/1/12, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 38/3/20, 38/3/20
Hebe speciosa Chalk 29/3/07, 32/3/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 39/2/17
Hebe speciosa Dial Rocks 8/4/17, 8/4/19
Hebe speciosa from Camp Bay 12/1/11
Hebe speciosa from Mokohinau Id 12/1/11
Hebe speciosa hybrids 24/2/14, 26/3/17, 27/4/03, 27/4/13, 27/4/13, 27/4/21
Hebe speciosa Johny Day 2/1/07, 4/1/17, 8/4/18, 8/4/19, 27/4/12, 27/4/insert
Hebe speciosa La Seduisante 1/4/09, 1/4/11, 2/2/17, 2/4/26, 3/1/05, 3/4/12, 4/2/22, 4/2/25, 5/3/14, 5/3/15, 5/4/10, 8/1/16, 8/2/14, 8/4/18, 8/4/19, 9/1/14, 9/3/08, 10/1/14, 11/2/19, 11/3/14, 11/4/13, 12/1/11, 12/3/23, 12/4/08, 14/4/15, 15/4/21, 15/4/25, 16/2/15, 19/2/19, 20/4/20, 23/3/08, 23/3/15, 24/2/14, 24/2/insert, 25/1/19, 27/2/21, 27/4/10, 28/1/20, 34/2/17, 35/2/12, 37/1/14, 38/1/07, 38/2/10, 38/2/26
Hebe speciosa Logan Sport 31/1/14
Hebe speciosa Mauveana 31/1/14
Hebe speciosa Midsummer Beauty see Hebe Midsummer Beauty
Hebe speciosa Patti Dossett 8/4/18, 8/4/19, 11/3/12, 15/4/25, 21/3/10, 22/3/17, 23/3/15, 24/4/24, 25/2/18, 26/1/12, 27/2/20, 28/1/20, 36/1/10, 36/1/10, 37/2/03
Hebe speciosa Pink 20/4/20
Hebe speciosa Rangatira 8/3/24, 8/4/16, 8/4/19, 10/1/insert, 15/4/25, 17/1/11
Hebe speciosa Simon Delaux see Hebe Simon Delaux
Hebe speciosa Tricolor 1/4/09, 2/1/12, 5/1/16, 5/4/10, 6/2/29, 6/3/08, 8/4/18, 11/1/15, 12/1/11, 15/4/25, 16/2/21, 18/1/21, 20/4/11, 25/1/19
Hebe speciosa Variegata 2/4/09, 13/3/22, 15/4/23, 16/2/21, 20/4/19
Hebe speciosa varieties 26/1/13
Hebe speciosa x Hebe bollonsii see Hebe bollonsii x Hebe speciosa
Hebe speciosa, hybrids 1/3/06, 5/3/05, 5/3/13, 6/2/03, 7/3/08, 13/3/07, 13/3/12
Hebe Spender’s Seedling 1/3/11, 1/4/13, 2/1/05, 2/4/27, 3/2/26, 3/4/03, 4/2/06, 5/1/14, 5/2/20, 5/3/07, 5/4/12, 6/1/29, 6/2/16, 6/3/22, 7/2/16, 7/3/22, 8/2/24, 10/3/03, 10/3/19, 10/4/27, 11/2/20, 11/4/03, 12/4/03, 13/3/13, 13/3/19, 14/1/14, 14/3/21, 14/3/23, 15/3/22, 15/4/21, 15/4/26, 17/1/27, 17/3/03, 18/1/11, 18/3/25, 19/2/24, 19/4/25, 20/3/09, 21/1/09, 21/1/10, 21/3/09, 21/3/10, 21/4/07, 22/1/15, 22/1/19, 22/2/11, 22/3/11, 22/3/12, 22/3/17, 22/4/19, 23/3/07, 23/3/15, 23/4/08, 24/2/15, 24/3/12, 24/3/13, 24/4/17, 25/1/04, 25/1/20, 25/2/04, 25/3/09, 25/3/18, 25/3/19, 25/3/19, 26/1/13, 26/2/23, 26/2/24, 27/1/24, 27/2/21, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 31/3/08, 32/1/07, 32/3/07, 34/1/12, 34/2/18, 35/2/25, 35/2/13, 35/2/24, 36/2/10, 36/3/06, 36/3/06, 37/1/04, 37/2/04, 37/2/19, 38/3/17, 39/2/17, 39/3/10, 39/3/11
Hebe Spring Carpet 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe Starlight 36/2/11, 36/2/11
Hebe stenophylla 16/1/04, 23/4/18
Hebe stenophylla hesperia 16/1/04
Hebe stenophylla oliveri 16/1/04
Hebe Stirling Silver 11/4/14
Hebe Street, Falkland Island 1/4/06
Hebe stricta see Hebe stricta var stricta
Hebe stricta complex 16/1/05, 24/2/14, 35/2/10
Hebe stricta Conquest 35/2/13
Hebe Stricta Lindleyana see Hebe Lindleyana Stricta
Hebe stricta var atkinsonii 6/1/29, 10/4/29
Hebe stricta var egmontiana 6/1/29, 10/4/29, 11/4/17, 11/4/18, 12/1/20, 12/1/05, 12/1/20, 12/4/03, 16/4/23, 16/4/24, 19/2/18, 25/2/13, 25/3/18, 25/4/24, 29/3/14, 32/1/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 37/2/30, 39/2/15, 39/2/17
Hebe stricta var lata 6/1/29, 12/4/03, 22/2/11
Hebe stricta var macroura 4/1/17, 5/2/20, 6/1/29, 6/1/29, 9/4/05, 11/2/20, 11/4/17, 11/4/19, 12/1/10, 12/1/11, 13/1/17, 19/4/08, 20/4/19, 22/1/09, 24/2/12, 31/3/08, 32/1/07, 32/2/19, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe stricta var stricta 2/4/06, 4/2/19, 4/4/16, 5/4/19, 6/1/29, 7/1/16, 8/1/20, 10/1/13, 10/4/26, 11/4/16, 13/1/18, 13/3/27, 14/3/21, 16/2/27, 16/4/24, 17/2/25, 17/4/21, 18/3/01, 21/3/10, 21/3/14, 21/4/10, 21/4/12, 22/1/15, 23/1/23, 23/3/14, 24/2/14, 25/3/19, 26/1/03, 26/1/17, 26/1/18, 26/4/18, 26/4/21, 27/1/12, 28/1/20, 28/2/16, 31/3/08, 31/3/12, 32/1/07, 32/3/19, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 38/2/16, 39/1/09, 39/2/08, 39/2/08, 39/2/17
Hebe stricta var stricta Dewi 11/4/17
Hebe stricta var stricta Ngaruroro 11/4/17
Hebe stricta, National Collection, UK 30/3/16, 31/2/05, 31/3/12, 32/3/07, 33/2/04, 33/3/10, 33/3/15, 34/2/16, 37/2/07, 39/2/08
Hebe strictissima 1/2/07, 5/4/23, 6/2/28, 6/2/28, 8/2/24, 9/2/03, 10/4/27, 21/4/10, 21/4/11, 27/2/18, 28/1/10, 28/4/23, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 36/1/26, 36/1/26, 37/2/19, 39/2/17
Hebe String Quartet 21/1/24
Hebe subalpina 2/1/05, 2/2/13, 3/3/22, 3/4/19, 4/2/22, 4/4/24, 5/1/14, 5/2/23, 5/4/12, 6/1/13, 6/2/16, 6/2/25, 6/2/28, 6/3/07, 6/3/07, 6/4/06, 7/1/03, 8/4/21, 9/3/14, 11/1/08, 11/1/12, 11/1/12, 11/2/20, 12/3/24, 14/1/01, 15/4/14, 18/4/23, 20/2/04, 21/1/21, 21/3/12, 21/3/23, 21/4/10, 22/1/01, 22/3/23, 25/2/03, 26/3/23, 26/4/12, 27/1/17, 27/2/13, 27/2/22, 27/2/insert, 27/4/10, 28/2/18, 28/3/04, 30/2/22, 32/2/insert, 32/2/13, 34/2/18, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 38/2/04, 38/2/04, 39/2/03, 39/2/03
Hebe subalpina odora 29/3/19
Hebe subfulvida see Hebe divaricata
Hebe subsimilis 1/2/08, 2/4/02, 3/1/14, 4/1/21, 4/2/26, 6/1/18, 6/2/28, 12/1/11, 16/1/05, 22/1/20, 23/4/09, 36/2/24
Hebe subsimilis astonii 1/4/11, 3/3/22, 4/3/05, 5/4/16, 6/2/28, 11/1/12, 16/4/24
Hebe subulata 4/1/21, 5/4/21, 16/1/05
Hebe Summer Blue 15/3/07, 16/2/15, 19/2/19, 23/3/22, 25/4/24, 26/4/24, 29/2/15, 30/2/23, 34/2/18, 35/2/11, 35/2/13
Hebe Summer Drinks series
Hebe Summer Frost see Hebe odora Summer Frost
Hebe Surf Break 35/2/20
Hebe Surf Swell 35/2/20
Hebe Sussex Pride 13/4/07, 14/1/07
Hebe Swamp 21/3/14
Hebe Sweet Dreams 39/1/11
Hebe Sweet Kim 23/2/08, 25/3/18, 26/3/10, 26/3/23, 27/1/23, 27/4/11, 28/2/23, 30/2/22
Hebe Sybil Corfield 6/2/23
Hebe tairawhiti 12/4/03, 14/4/14, 16/1/05, 26/4/18, 29/3/13
Hebe Takahe 14/4/14
Hebe Tapawera 20/4/19, 26/2/17
Hebe tetragona 3/3/12, 4/1/21, 5/4/19, 6/2/28, 12/1/11, 14/4/11, 15/4/11, 16/1/05, 16/4/24, 26/1/19
Hebe tetrasticha 1/3/08, 3/3/22, 3/4/08, 4/1/20, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 6/1/11, 6/2/28, 7/3/08, 7/3/08, 11/3/13, 12/1/11, 17/4/17, 28/1/10
Hebe Theo 33/1/17, 34/1/22
Hebe Threshfield 37/2/23, 37/2/23, 37/2/24, 37/2/25, 39/1/16
Hebe Tien (singer) 35/2/03
Hebe Tina 16/1/11
Hebe Tiny Tot 1/3/08, 6/2/29, 11/1/12
Hebe Tip Top 33/1/17
Hebe Tobarcorranensis 39/3/03
Hebe Tom Anderson 22/2/14, 22/2/insert
Hebe topiaria 2/4/05, 3/3/22, 4/3/17, 5/2/14, 5/2/20, 6/1/09, 6/2/16, 6/2/29, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 11/1/12, 11/1/12, 11/2/22, 12/1/12, 12/3/23, 14/1/15, 14/1/22, 15/3/21, 15/4/15, 15/4/22, 15/4/26, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/03, 18/3/25, 18/3/25, 18/4/22, 19/2/22, 19/4/25, 19/4/27, 20/1/19, 20/1/21, 21/1/10, 21/1/13, 21/3/22, 21/3/23, 21/4/12, 21/4/17, 22/2/08, 22/3/13, 23/1/24, 23/2/13, 23/3/08, 24/1/24, 24/2/15, 24/4/13, 25/2/03, 25/4/09, 26/3/22, 26/4/11, 26/4/insert, 26/4/24, 27/1/24, 27/2/21, 27/2/23, 27/3/15, 27/3/16, 27/4/10, 27/4/13, 28/1/04, 28/1/insert, 28/1/11, 28/1/17, 28/1/19, 28/2/14, 28/2/23, 28/3/03, 28/3/11, 28/3/insert, 29/2/22, 29/3/07, 29/3/20, 30/1/14, 34/1/12, 34/2/18, 34/3/15, 34/3/31, 35/2/13, 35/2/26, 35/2/26, 36/1/16, 36/1/16, 36/2/09, 37/2/19, 38/1/01, 38/2/05, 38/3/14, 39/1/03, 39/2/30, 39/2/14, 39/2/17
Hebe topiaria Peter Chappel 34/2/18
Hebe topiaria Puckle 35/2/13
Hebe topiaria Rosewarne 17/4/08
Hebe Torilliana 3/4/12
Hebe Totara Blue 17/2/04
Hebe townsonii 1/2/10, 2/1/07, 4/1/16, 6/2/29, 8/2/24, 9/2/13, 9/2/15, 10/1/14, 10/1/34, 10/2/15, 10/2/15, 10/2/34, 11/1/13, 11/3/14, 12/1/12, 13/3/08, 17/2/18, 18/2/03, 19/2/19, 20/2/04, 20/3/23, 27/4/15, 34/3/25, 35/1/24, 35/1/24, 37/2/15, 38/3/14
Hebe Tranchent Rose see Hebe Trenchant Rose
Hebe traversii 2/5/08, 3/2/19, 3/3/22, 4/2/22, 4/2/25, 5/4/20, 5/4/23, 6/2/29, 8/2/24, 9/4/25, 11/1/08, 11/1/08, 11/4/13, 12/1/12, 12/4/08, 12/4/16, 13/4/16, 13/4/19, 14/1/04, 20/4/19, 22/2/11, 24/2/12, 24/2/24, 24/4/13, 25/2/13, 25/4/24, 26/3/16, 26/4/24, 27/2/22, 27/4/22, 28/1/11, 28/4/13, 31/3/12, 32/1/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe traversii Mason 26/3/24, 32/2/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe traversii Woodside 26/4/24, 32/2/07, 32/3/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe traversii, National Collection, UK 30/3/16, 31/2/05, 31/3/12, 32/2/07, 32/3/07, 33/2/04, 33/3/10, 33/3/15, 34/2/16, 39/2/07, 39/2/08
Hebe treadwellii 2/3/14, 2/4/05, 5/3/10, 12/1/12, 22/3/23
Hebe Tregenna 9/4/05, 17/1/08
Hebe Trenchant Rose 5/2/09, 6/4/14, 7/2/16, 7/3/05, 9/1/14, 11/3/13, 11/3/14, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 39/1/18
Hebe Tresco Red 1/4/09
Hebe trials see Hebe, trials
Hebe Tricolor see Hebe speciosa Tricolor
Hebe Trixie 4/1/16, 5/2/20, 5/3/10, 6/2/29, 11/1/13, 13/3/15, 14/1/15, 17/4/26, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 20/1/19, 23/3/22, 25/3/18, 26/3/23, 28/2/23, 29/2/22, 30/3/24, 31/2/04, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe Trudi 19/2/19
Hebe True Love 31/1/20
Hebe truncatula 6/3/28
Hebe TUL303 33/1/17, 35/2/21
Hebe TULL303 35/2/21
Hebe Tulpink see Hebe Pink Candy
Hebe tumida 1/2/09, 4/1/20, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 5/4/20, 6/3/28, 7/3/08, 10/4/12, 24/4/04, 37/2/14
Hebe Twisty 20/1/19, 21/1/09, 22/3/24, 25/3/19, 26/3/23, 27/3/23
Hebe Underway 11/3/13, 14/1/15
Hebe United Reform Red see also Hebe Jane Holden 23/3/04, 23/3/15, 24/2/15, 24/4/09, 24/4/22
Hebe unknown 25/4/insert, 25/4/15, 27/4/19
Hebe unnamed albicans ex County Park Nursery 35/2/13
Hebe Unuwhao see Hebe adamsii
Hebe urvilleana 6/3/28, 9/3/06, 14/4/17, 17/4/08, 39/2/22
Hebe Valentino 18/2/04, 23/2/08, 24/4/17, 25/3/19, 25/4/24, 34/1/22, 35/2/13
Hebe Vanilla Cream 15/4/10
Hebe Variegated 18/2/27, 22/3/13, 35/3/11
Hebe Variety WIJS03 33/1/17
Hebe Veitchii 1/4/09, 2/4/06, 5/3/15, 10/1/14, 15/4/21, 21/3/10, 22/1/15, 24/1/10, 24/1/14, 24/2/14, 25/2/17, 34/1/07
Hebe venustula 1/4/14, 4/2/23, 5/2/20, 5/4/19, 6/3/28, 8/1/28, 11/1/13, 11/1/13, 12/1/12, 12/1/16, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/4/24, 17/4/17, 18/1/14, 19/2/18, 21/4/12, 22/4/insert, 24/3/15, 25/3/18, 25/4/09, 26/3/23, 27/4/15
Hebe venustula Alpine Lodge 27/4/15
Hebe venustula Blue Sky see Hebe venustula Sky Blue
Hebe venustula Hikurangi 12/1/17, 12/1/19, 35/1/01
Hebe venustula pale blue form 1/4/04
Hebe venustula Patricia Davies 11/2/20, 12/1/17, 12/1/18, 30/2/01
Hebe venustula Ruapehu 12/1/19
Hebe venustula Sky Blue 4/1/16, 11/2/20, 12/1/12, 12/1/17, 12/1/19, 16/3/24, 23/2/08, 26/3/24
Hebe Vera’s Garter 18/3/19, 19/1/15, 19/2/04
Hebe Vergeer see Hebe Blue Star
Hebe vernicosa 1/3/07, 1/3/09, 2/1/05, 2/1/06, 2/5/06, 3/1/13, 3/3/22, 4/2/22, 4/4/25, 5/3/10, 6/3/28, 7/3/12, 8/3/14, 9/1/15, 9/1/25, 9/2/22, 10/1/26, 10/2/34, 11/1/14, 12/2/16, 12/2/17, 12/3/24, 13/2/17, 13/4/20, 14/1/22, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 16/4/15, 17/3/03, 18/1/14, 18/4/10, 18/4/11, 19/2/18, 21/1/10, 21/3/07, 21/3/12, 21/3/23, 21/4/07, 22/1/19, 22/3/13, 23/3/07, 23/3/08, 23/4/09, 24/2/15, 24/3/13, 24/3/15, 25/1/20, 25/3/19, 25/4/09, 26/1/12, 26/1/22, 26/2/13, 26/3/15, 26/3/23, 26/4/23, 27/3/15, 27/4/19, 28/2/11, 28/2/23, 29/2/15, 29/3/10, 30/2/23, 30/3/24, 34/2/18, 39/2/12
Hebe Viceroy 6/3/28
Hebe Vikki 13/4/08, 18/1/12, 19/2/19
Hebe Violaceae 20/4/09, 21/1/16
Hebe Violet Meikle 6/3/29
Hebe Violet Snow 6/2/23, 6/3/29, 15/1/24, 15/4/09, 16/1/14
Hebe Violet Wand 4/1/25, 6/3/16, 6/3/29, 6/3/29, 8/2/24, 9/4/05, 25/1/20, 26/3/08, 27/4/13, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 36/3/19
Hebe Vogue 23/3/19
Hebe Waikiki 2/1/09, 2/4/07, 3/1/05, 3/3/21, 6/3/29, 8/2/14, 8/2/24, 9/4/18, 12/1/11, 13/2/11, 13/3/20, 15/4/21, 16/3/24, 16/4/16, 20/3/11
Hebe Waireka 2/1/10, 12/1/11
Hebe wairoa see Hebe tairawhiti
Hebe Wakehurst 6/2/23
Hebe Walter Buccleugh 4/1/16, 5/1/14, 5/3/10, 6/3/09, 6/3/29, 7/1/15, 8/2/14, 8/4/23, 11/1/14, 11/2/20, 19/2/18
Hebe Wand hybrids 4/3/25, 5/3/05, 9/2/08, 12/2/10, 13/3/07, 23/3/14, 23/4/16, 24/2/14, 25/1/20, 25/3/12, 26/3/22, 34/3/32
Hebe Wardiensis see Hebe pinguifolia Wardiensis
Hebe Warley Pink 5/3/14, 6/4/28, 8/2/24, 19/2/18, 19/4/24, 25/3/19
Hebe Warleyensis 5/1/08, 5/3/07, 6/4/27, 8/2/24, 9/1/15, 9/4/18, 15/4/21, 22/1/19, 23/4/08, 25/1/20
Hebe Watson’s Pink 5/4/12, 6/4/28, 10/1/26, 11/1/16, 11/1/17, 11/2/20, 11/4/09, 15/4/15, 16/2/03, 18/3/25, 19/2/24, 19/4/25, 21/1/10, 21/3/03, 21/3/10, 22/1/15, 22/3/11, 22/3/17, 22/4/19, 23/3/15, 24/2/15, 24/2/insert, 24/3/12, 24/3/13, 25/3/18, 25/4/24, 26/1/13, 26/3/23, 27/4/19, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 29/2/22, 29/3/21, 31/3/08, 32/1/07, 32/1/08, 32/1/17, 32/3/07, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 37/3/06, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/17, 39/3/03
Hebe Watson’s Pink x Hebe Mrs Winder 35/2/13
Hebe Wedgewood 39/1/18
Hebe Wendy 6/4/28, 11/2/20
Hebe Western Hills 33/2/14, 33/2/insert
Hebe White Diamond 9/3/15
Hebe White Gem see also Hebe brachysiphon 8/1/28, 8/3/20, 10/2/29, 11/2/20, 11/4/09, 12/4/08, 15/4/14, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/1/21, 17/4/16, 17/4/26, 19/2/04, 19/2/19, 22/1/20, 23/4/09, 25/1/03, 26/2/22, 31/2/15, 32/3/07, 33/2/13, 34/2/09, 34/2/16, 35/2/11, 39/2/15
Hebe White Heather 2/2/19, 3/1/05, 4/1/17, 5/2/20, 5/3/07, 6/2/23, 6/2/25, 8/2/24, 11/4/09, 18/3/27, 19/2/18, 19/2/24, 19/4/24, 20/1/21, 21/1/10, 24/2/15, 25/2/04, 25/4/03, 25/4/24, 26/3/22, 26/3/23, 26/4/24, 27/4/13, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 32/1/07, 32/2/17, 32/2/19, 34/2/18, 34/3/32, 35/2/13, 35/3/17
Hebe White Lady 6/2/23, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe White Paradise 21/4/07, 23/3/19, 26/3/23, 27/2/22, 28/3/21, 28/3/insert, 34/1/22
Hebe White Queen 15/4/08
Hebe White Spires 11/3/13
Hebe White Spritzer 34/2/23
Hebe White Wand 4/1/04, 6/3/16, 6/4/28, 8/2/24, 14/4/21, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 25/1/20, 26/3/10, 26/4/08, 26/4/insert
Hebe WIJS03 34/1/22
Hebe Wild Romance 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 36/3/19, 36/3/19
Hebe Willcoxii 2/1/07, 4/3/05
Hebe Wine Red 6/4/28
Hebe Wingletye 1/4/04, 2/1/07, 4/1/16, 4/2/17, 4/3/17, 4/4/14, 5/1/13, 5/3/10, 5/4/10, 6/4/29, 11/2/20, 11/4/10, 13/3/20, 14/3/23, 15/4/22, 15/4/24, 15/4/26, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 18/3/24, 19/2/19, 19/4/25, 20/1/19, 21/1/10, 22/1/15, 22/3/11, 22/4/20, 24/2/16, 25/1/20, 25/2/24, 27/2/21, 27/4/11, 28/1/20, 28/3/17, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 30/3/22, 34/1/12, 35/2/13, 39/2/15
Hebe Winter Glow 6/4/29, 11/2/20
Hebe Wiri Celebration see Hebe Celebration
Hebe Wiri Charm 10/4/21, 11/2/03, 11/2/20, 11/4/10, 12/3/06, 13/3/21, 14/3/21, 16/2/22, 17/2/23, 20/1/18, 20/4/19, 21/4/18, 24/2/12, 24/2/15, 24/3/12, 24/4/13, 25/1/15, 25/2/17, 25/2/18, 25/3/03, 25/4/14, 26/3/15, 27/4/10, 28/1/20, 28/4/16, 29/3/07, 29/3/18, 29/3/19, 30/3/10, 34/1/12, 34/2/18, 34/3/32, 35/2/13, 36/2/07, 37/2/19, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 39/2/15, 39/2/17
Hebe Wiri Cloud 10/4/21, 11/2/20, 12/3/06, 13/3/20, 14/3/21, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/12, 20/4/19, 21/4/18, 24/3/04, 25/3/19, 25/4/14, 25/4/24, 26/3/23, 27/3/16, 27/3/23, 34/2/18, 34/2/23, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 39/2/14, 39/2/17
Hebe Wiri Dawn 10/4/21, 11/2/20, 12/3/20, 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/3/13, 18/1/11, 20/1/19, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 22/3/03, 22/3/13, 22/4/20, 24/2/15, 25/4/03, 25/4/14, 26/3/23, 26/4/23, 31/1/21, 39/2/14
Hebe Wiri Desire 17/2/04
Hebe Wiri Dream 26/2/23, 26/2/24
Hebe Wiri Gem 11/2/20, 12/1/11, 13/3/20, 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 15/4/12, 16/4/18, 17/2/23, 17/4/20, 19/2/19, 19/4/24, 25/3/19, 25/4/24, 26/4/23, 29/2/23, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe Wiri Grace 4/2/19, 12/1/11, 17/4/21, 20/4/19
Hebe Wiri hybrids see Hebe Wiri series
Hebe Wiri Image 13/4/08, 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 15/3/22, 15/4/12, 16/1/03, 16/4/18, 18/1/17, 18/1/19, 19/2/18, 20/4/19, 22/1/15, 23/3/08, 24/1/10, 24/2/16, 24/4/13, 25/2/18, 25/4/insert, 25/4/14, 26/1/13, 27/4/10, 28/1/20, 29/3/18, 30/3/10, 32/2/insert, 32/2/17, 32/2/23, 34/1/12, 34/2/18, 35/2/13
Hebe Wiri Jewel 4/2/18, 17/2/23, 17/4/20, 18/3/28, 19/3/27
Hebe Wiri Joy 4/2/18, 11/2/20, 12/1/11, 13/1/19, 13/3/20, 14/3/21, 16/4/18, 17/3/13, 18/4/28, 19/2/18, 19/3/27, 19/4/24, 20/4/19, 21/1/09, 22/4/20, 23/1/16, 23/3/08, 24/1/10, 24/2/12, 25/2/17, 25/2/18, 25/4/14, 25/4/24, 27/2/16, 28/4/17, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 37/3/12, 37/3/12, 39/2/17
Hebe Wiri Mist 10/4/21, 12/1/11, 14/3/21, 16/3/24, 20/1/22, 20/1/23, 20/2/22, 20/4/19, 21/1/21, 21/4/17, 22/2/08, 22/4/20, 23/2/11, 23/3/07, 24/2/15, 24/3/13, 24/4/16, 25/4/03, 25/4/14, 25/4/24, 26/1/insert, 26/1/15, 26/3/23, 27/2/20, 28/1/18, 28/1/20, 28/3/11, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 29/2/23, 30/2/23, 31/2/15, 32/2/17, 34/2/18, 35/2/13, 37/2/19, 39/2/15, 39/2/17
Hebe Wiri Port 17/2/05
Hebe Wiri Prince 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 15/4/12, 16/2/21, 20/4/19, 20/4/19, 21/4/07, 23/3/19, 24/1/10, 24/2/14, 24/3/12, 25/2/17, 38/2/14
Hebe Wiri series 4/2/18, 13/3/13, 14/3/03, 15/3/04, 15/3/08, 15/3/22, 15/4/23, 15/4/26, 16/1/03, 16/2/20, 16/2/27, 17/2/04, 17/2/22, 18/1/21, 18/2/12, 19/2/12, 19/3/12, 19/4/25, 21/3/22, 24/1/10, 25/2/24, 25/4/14, 25/4/14, 26/3/17, 26/4/23, 27/2/16, 28/4/13, 34/3/08
Hebe Wiri Spears 4/2/18, 12/1/11, 19/1/19, 21/2/08, 21/2/08, 23/3/12, 26/3/17, 27/3/14
Hebe Wiri Splash 4/2/18, 10/4/21, 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 19/2/26, 20/1/19, 25/4/14, 28/1/19, 34/3/29
Hebe Wiri Vision 13/3/20, 14/3/21, 15/3/11, 15/3/22, 15/4/12, 16/4/18, 19/3/27, 22/1/15, 24/2/14, 25/2/17, 25/4/14
Hebe Wiri Vogue 17/2/05, 18/3/27, 20/1/18, 20/1/20, 22/3/17, 24/1/10, 24/2/14, 24/3/12, 25/4/14
Hebe Wootten 6/2/23
Hebe Wunowun 16/3/15, 16/4/18
Hebe Youngii 2/2/16, 2/4/24, 3/1/13, 3/2/06, 3/4/09, 3/4/20, 4/1/16, 4/4/24, 5/3/10, 6/1/06, 6/1/07, 6/3/29, 6/4/21, 6/4/29, 6/4/29, 7/2/18, 7/2/22, 7/2/23, 8/4/13, 10/1/06, 11/1/12, 11/2/20, 11/4/10, 12/2/21, 12/3/23, 15/4/14, 16/2/14, 16/3/07, 17/2/25, 18/1/04, 20/1/19, 21/3/07, 21/4/16, 22/1/15, 22/3/11, 22/3/13, 22/4/20, 24/2/16, 25/1/20, 25/4/09, 26/3/19, 26/4/19, 28/1/20, 28/3/21, 28/4/16, 28/4/17, 28/4/insert, 30/3/24, 31/2/11, 31/2/17, 33/2/19, 34/1/12, 36/2/09, 39/2/15
Hebe Youngii Minor 5/3/10
Hebe Zander 34/1/22
Hebe Zeastar see also Hebegranda Blue 29/3/04
Hebe Zeus 12/2/19
Hebe Zindy 34/1/22
Hebe Zis 34/1/22
Hebe Ziw 34/1/22
Hebe Zofie 34/1/22
Hebe, adaptation to NZ 33/1/14
Hebe, air circulation 6/4/09, 16/2/04
Hebe, allergy 23/3/23
Hebe, allied species 21/3/11
Hebe, allotment 4/4/09
Hebe, alternative 1/3/10
Hebe, alternative to buxus (box) 30/3/07, 33/1/03, 39/1/03
Hebe, anagram 28/1/13, 28/1/22
Hebe, ancestry 21/4/10
Hebe, androecium 21/4/10
Hebe, Anglesey, Wales, UK 25/4/11, 25/4/15, 26/2/23, 34/3/29, 34/3/30
Hebe, apertae, plant classification 2/2/14
Hebe, aphids 14/1/10, 17/4/25, 21/3/13
Hebe, Arizona, USA 27/2/23
Hebe, arrangement of leaves 13/1/19, 26/4/17
Hebe, arrival from Australia 16/2/27, 21/4/09
Hebe, article, Garden News, UK 21/4/20
Hebe, article, Gardening Which?, UK 2/3/02, 21/4/20
Hebe, article, The Garden, UK 2/3/02, 5/3/04, 5/3/07, 12/3/06, 21/4/20, 31/3/03
Hebe, articles on 12/3/06, 21/4/20
Hebe, association with other plants 28/1/04
Hebe, asteroid 11/4/20
Hebe, Astroturf 32/1/08
Hebe, attributes 26/4/17
Hebe, Auckland Islands 34/1/24
Hebe, Auckland, NI 1/4/13, 16/1/03, 19/3/04, 25/2/24, 25/4/14, 26/4/23, 38/2/25
Hebe, August gap 5/4/03
Hebe, Australia 13/3/10, 17/4/12, 21/3/12, 24/2/19, 28/3/24
Hebe, availability 39/2/15, 39/2/25
Hebe, Award of Garden Merit 15/3/08, 15/4/20, 16/2/12, 16/2/14, 30/1/08, 36/2/14, 36/3/13, 37/2/30, 39/2/12
Hebe, Axminster, Devon, UK 22/1/09
Hebe, Baltic Sea 20/1/22, 22/2/12
Hebe, Banks Peninsula, SI 31/1/16
Hebe, Barcelona, Spain 26/3/20, 26/4/18, 27/2/20, 30/2/16, 32/2/22
Hebe, bark splitting 21/2/20, 21/2/24, 25/4/23
Hebe, bedding out 5/3/05, 39/2/16
Hebe, beds 17/4/24, 31/3/insert, 36/3/18, 37/3/12, 38/1/10, 38/1/11, 39/1/10, 39/1/10, 39/1/11
Hebe, bees 11/3/06, 13/1/18, 19/3/08, 23/3/19, 27/2/16, 28/3/03, 28/3/17, 28/3/insert, 29/1/14, 29/3/10, 29/3/24, 31/2/04, 31/2/12, 31/3/09, 33/2/16, 34/2/10, 35/1/27, 35/3/21, 36/3/06, 38/1/12, 38/2/1, 39/2/27, 39/3/17
Hebe, beginners small 1/3/09
Hebe, Belgium 15/2/28
Hebe, Berkshire 23/4/08, z
Hebe, biogeographic history 21/4/09
Hebe, biology 21/4/08, 35/3/20
Hebe, biosecurity 34/3/08
Hebe, biosystematic study see also Hebe, taxomony 16/1/04, 21/4/08
Hebe, bird food 39/3/18
Hebe, black spot 15/3/22
Hebe, black-barked mountain see Hebe decumbens
Hebe, Blenheim, SI 32/1/14
Hebe, bonsai 20/3/08, 25/3/24, 31/2/05
Hebe, books on 16/2/25, 19/2/03, 19/2/11, 21/4/11, 22/4/12
Hebe, bracts 21/4/08
Hebe, branch, nodes 21/4/10
Hebe, branchlets 21/4/08
Hebe, breeding new cultivars 2/4/24, 4/2/18, 6/1/06, 16/2/27, 17/2/22, 17/4/20, 17/4/21, 17/4/23, 18/1/21, 24/2/08, 27/2/13, 37/1/11
Hebe, breeding systems 21/4/10
Hebe, British Columbia, Canada 20/3/13, 22/2/11, 23/4/221, 29/2/09, 30/3/08
Hebe, Brittany, France 13/1/10, 29/3/18, 29/3/19, 29/3/20
Hebe, brown leaves 23/3/23
Hebe, bumble bees 35/3/21, 38/1/12
Hebe, butterflies 10/2/31, 10/3/03, 11/2/15, 11/3/03, 11/3/07, 13/1/18, 13/3/03, 13/3/07, 15/1/08, 15/3/13, 16/4/15, 18/4/10, 19/1/23, 21/1/22, 22/3/09, 23/3/19, 24/4/23, 27/2/16, 29/3/10, 29/3/24, 31/3/09, 36/1/20, 36/3/06
Hebe, butterflies, website 19/1/23
Hebe, buxifoliatae, plant classification 2/2/14, 9/4/10, 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, buxus (box) alternative 30/3/07
Hebe, buying 33/2/18
Hebe, California, USA 12/1/10, 12/3/19, 13/1/18, 17/3/13, 17/4/12, 19/4/08, 20/3/12, 21/3/12, 26/3/15, 28/4/13, 32/1/10
Hebe, calligraphy 16/2/24
Hebe, calyx 21/4/08, 21/4/10
Hebe, Campbell Islands 34/1/24
Hebe, Canada 2/3/02, 2/4/17, 3/3/14, 19/1/24, 19/3/12, 20/3/13, 23/4/22, 29/2/09, 30/3/09
Hebe, Canterbury, SI 28/1/09, 31/1/16, 36/1/27
Hebe, capsule 21/4/08, 21/4/11
Hebe, card index 1/2/04
Hebe, cards 4/3/05
Hebe, Carrara Statue 2/3/11
Hebe, Catalonia, Spain 33/2/24
Hebe, caterpillars 14/1/10, 14/2/13
Hebe, cats 14/4/14
Hebe, cattle 14/4/14
Hebe, central Scotland see Hebe, Scotland
Hebe, cerise flowered 35/3/17
Hebe, chalk 11/3/28, 27/4/19
Hebe, Channel Islands, UK 7/3/07, 20/2/24, 21/2/21, 38/1/11, 39/3/17
Hebe, characteristics of 2/2/10, 16/2/25
Hebe, characteristics of a good 19/2/22
Hebe, Chatham Islands 34/1/24
Hebe, chemically dwarfed? 5/2/08
Hebe, Cheshire 7/3/10, 20/2/19, 24/1/03, 25/4/16, 27/1/24, 28/1/03, 31/2/12, 31/3/07, 33/2/03
Hebe, Chile 1/4/07, 3/2/18, 6/1/28, 18/2/27, 18/4/22, 33/1/11
Hebe, Chiltern Hills, UK 22/1/21
Hebe, chromosome numbers 14/4/14, 15/3/27, 16/1/04, 18/1/14, 21/4/10, 25/1/18, 26/3/03, 33/1/14
Hebe, classification see Hebe, Taxonomy
Hebe, classification, commercial see Hebe, commercial classification
Hebe, clay 1/4/11, 7/4/03, 24/3/23, 25/1/09, 25/1/21, 26/3/08, 26/3/22, 27/1/23, 29/1/24, 30/1/16, 30/1/21
Hebe, climate change 22/2/19
Hebe, climatic zone 26/1/14, 31/2/18
Hebe, cloud forest 34/1/24
Hebe, coastal areas 2/1/14, 6/4/09, 13/1/09, 21/2/21, 21/4/09, 25/4/11, 31/3/10, 34/1/24
Hebe, cold snap 39/2/13
Hebe, Collection, Abbotsbury, Devon, UK 6/2/03, 7/2/08, 7/2/12, 8/2/09, 9/1/07, 9/2/25, 10/1/14
Hebe, Collection, Brinsbury College, West Sussex, UK 26/4/20
Hebe, Collection, Bristol Botanic, UK 15/2/14, 16/1/07, 16/2/13, 17/2/12, 19/1/15
Hebe, Collection, Charsfield, Essex, UK 9/2/25
Hebe, Collection, Chelsea Physic Garden, London, UK 2/5/14
Hebe, Collection, Cheshire, UK 18/2/12, 18/2/13, 31/3/07, 39/2/22
Hebe, Collection, Christchurch Botanic, SI 16/4/20
Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection (except Plumpton, see below) 1/1/02, 1/1/03, 1/2/04, 1/3/02, 2/1/01, 2/3/03, 3/2/05, 3/3/05, 3/4/04, 4/1/06, 4/2/05, 4/2/08, 4/2/09, 4/3/20, 4/4/08, 4/4/12, 5/1/06, 5/2/08, 5/2/17, 5/2/18, 5/3/05, 5/3/08, 6/2/08, 7/2/12, 7/4/05, 7/4/06, 7/4/07, 8/1/05, 8/2/03, 8/2/09, 8/3/05, 8/4/05, 8/4/06, 9/1/05, 9/2/09, 9/2/25, 9/3/06, 10/1/24, 10/2/09, 10/2/12, 10/4/07, 11/1/07, 11/2/10, 12/1/08, 13/2/10, 13/2/14, 14/2/08, 14/2/10, 14/3/08, 15/2/12, 15/2/14, 16/1/10, 16/2/13, 16/3/06, 17/1/09, 17/2/20, 18/2/13, 19/2/03, 19/2/12, 20/1/07, 20/1/12, 20/2/03, 20/2/10, 20/2/12, 20/2/20, 20/3/15, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 22/1/09, 22/2/03, 22/2/10, 22/2/17, 22/2/18, 23/2/03, 23/2/05, 23/2/10, 23/2/18, 23/3/13, 23/3/19, 23/4/03, 23/4/11, 23/4/12, 23/4/15, 23/4/18, 23/4/20, 24/2/09, 24/2/13, 24/2/21, 24/3/07, 24/4/08, 25/1/20, 25/2/09, 25/2/13, 25/3/08, 26/2/24, 27/2/12, 27/4/13, 28/1/16, 28/2/09, 29/1/09, 29/3/09, 33/2/08, 33/2/23, 33/3/08, 34/1/18, 34/2/24, 34/3/08, 35/1/11, 35/1/12, 35/2/13, 35/3/08, 36/2/07, 36/2/23, 37/2/21, 38/1/18, 39/2/13
Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection Fund 20/2/10, 21/2/16, 24/2/22, 25/3/13, 29/2/19, 33/2/09, 34/3/21, 34/3/25, 35/2/19, 37/2/21, 37/3/23, 39/3/13, 39/3/15
Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Hebe Collection (Plumpton College) 24/4/21, 25/1/08, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/2/19, 25/3/11, 26/2/09, 26/2/22, 26/3/10, 26/3/22, 26/4/08, 26/4/20, 27/3/08, 27/3/10, 27/3/18, 27/4/13, 28/1/16, 28/2/08, 28/2/09, 28/2/14, 28/3/08, 28/3/17, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 28/4/14, 29/1/08, 29/2/07, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/19, 29/2/insert, 30/3/07, 30/3/07, 30/3/15, 31/1/09, 31/3/insert, 31/3/07, 31/3/24, 32/1/07, 32/2/08, 32/2/09, 33/2/10, 33/2/10, 34/1/15, 34/2/24, 34/3/17, 35/1/11, 35/2/13, 35/2/13, 35/2/17, 37/1/14, 37/3/06, 37/3/20, 37/3/23, 38/1/18, 38/2/10, 38/2/25, 38/3/17, 39/1/08
Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Hebe Collection (Plumpton College), National Collection status 27/3/10, 28/1/16, 28/2/11, 32/2/10, 34/2/16
Hebe, Collection, DSIR, Lincoln, Canterbury, SI 5/2/03, 5/2/18
Hebe, Collection, Duchy College see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection
Hebe, Collection, Dunedin Botanic, SI 16/4/20
Hebe, Collection, Garden exotique and botanique Roscoff, France 29/3/19
Hebe, Collection, Garden of the Rose, St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK 15/2/13, 15/2/18, 15/2/22
Hebe, Collection, Garforth, Yorkshire, UK 16/2/13
Hebe, Collection, Gisborne Botanic Gardens, Australia 24/2/19
Hebe, Collection, Gisborne, Australia 13/3/10, 14/3/09, 24/2/19
Hebe, Collection, Guernsey see Hebe, National Collection, Guernsey, Channel Island, UK
Hebe, Collection, Harlow Carr, Yorkshire, UK 11/3/14, 12/1/24, 13/2/09, 16/2/13, 18/2/12, 18/2/25, 22/1/09, 24/2/09, 25/2/08
Hebe, Collection, Haywards Heath, Sussex, UK see Hebe, Collection, Victoria Park, Haywards Heath, Mid-Sussex, UK
Hebe, Collection, Invercargill, Southland, SI 6/2/05, 23/4/18
Hebe, Collection, Keighley, Yorkshire, UK 15/2/10, 38/3/12
Hebe, Collection, Logan, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 17/4/15, 31/1/14
Hebe, Collection, Lovell Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK 18/4/12, 18/4/15, 19/1/06, 19/2/12, 19/2/16, 19/2/17, 19/2/20, 19/3/03, 19/3/09, 19/3/11, 19/3/13, 19/4/23, 20/2/04, 20/2/10, 20/2/19, 20/3/03, 20/3/23, 20/3/24, 20/4/18, 20/4/23, 21/2/03, 21/2/10, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 21/2/24, 21/3/22, 21/3/24, 21/4/03, 21/4/07, 21/2/insert, 21/4/insert, 22/2/09, 22/2/10, 22/2/17, 22/3/03, 22/3/09, 22/3/22, 23/2/08, 23/2/09, 23/2/10, 23/3/19. 23/3/24, 23/4/12, 24/2/03, 24/3/03, 24/3/14, 24/4/17, 25/1/14, 25/2/03, 25/2/08, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/2/13, 25/3/18, 25/4/03, 25/4/16, 25/4/23, 25/4/24, 26/1/08, 26/2/08, 26/2/09, 26/3/03, 26/3/04, 26/3/10, 26/3/13, 26/3/23, 26/4/08, 26/4/24, 27/1/03, 27/2/03, 27/2/12, 27/2/13, 27/2/22, 27/2/23, 27/3/03, 27/3/04, 27/3/08, 27/3/17, 27/4/03, 28/2/08, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/2/23, 28/3/03, 28/3/21, 28/4/14, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/22, 29/3/24, 30/2/21, 30/2/23, 30/3/03, 30/3/04, 30/3/15, 30/3/16, 30/3/18, 30/3/24, 31/1/07, 31/2/04, 31/2/05, 31/3/insert, 31/3/07, 31/3/07, 31/3/12, 31/3/14, 31/3/15, 32/1/04, 35/1/03, 35/2/15, 35/2/17, 35/2/24, 36/2/22, 36/2/23, 37/3/20, 37/3/22, 37/3/25, 38/1/17, 38/1/03, 38/1/07, 38/1/17, 38/1/17, 38/3/17, 38/3/17, 39/1/04, 39/2/03, 39/2/18, 39/2/21, 39/3/10, 39/3/15
Hebe, Collection, Lowaters Nursery, Hampshire, UK 7/2/08
Hebe, Collection, Manchester, UK 28/3/21
Hebe, Collection, Myerscough Hall, Lancashire, UK 2/3/08
Hebe, Collection, North Willamette Research Centre, Oregon, USA 15/1/24, 15/2/14, 15/2/23, 15/4/08, 16/1/14, 16/2/19, 17/1/10, 17/1/12, 17/3/20, 18/1/21, 19/2/09, 19/4/08, 20/4/insert, 21/4/18, 22/2/09, 23/2/09, 24/2/12, 26/3/04
Hebe, Collection, Plumpton College see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Hebe Collection (Plumpton)
Hebe, Collection, Polden Acres Gardens, Somerset, UK 16/3/08, 20/1/12
Hebe, Collection, Probus, Cornwall, UK 2/1/01
Hebe, Collection, Puckle Hill House, Kent, UK 30/3/16, 31/2/05, 31/3/12, 32/3/07, 33/2/04, 33/3/10, 33/3/15, 38/2/26
Hebe, Collection, Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK see Hebe, Collection, Lovell Quinta Arboretum, Cheshire, UK
Hebe, Collection, Rosewarne see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection
Hebe, Collection, Santa Cruz Arboretum, California, USA 12/01/10, 13/01/17, 20/3/13, 26/3/04, 26/3/16, 28/4/13
Hebe, Collection, Savill Garden, Berkshire, UK 2/5/14, 6/2/03, 14/1/20, 16/3/24, 18/2/28, 22/1/20, 22/3/03, 29/2/20
Hebe, Collection, species 35/2/09
Hebe, Collection, St Albans see Hebe, Collection, Garden of the Rose, St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK
Hebe, Collection, Threshfield, Yorks, UK 25/2/08, 26/3/03, 28/2/17, 28/4/14, 38/3/12
Hebe, Collection, Twyn yr Hydd House, south Wales, UK 23/4/11, 23/4/15, 24/2/23, 24/3/07, 24/4/07, 25/1/07, 25/2/03, 25/2/09, 25/2/15, 26/3/10, 26/4/08, 28/4/14, 35/3/08, 38/1/07, 38/2/20
Hebe, Collection, Vancouver, Canada 16/2/19, 17/4/08, 23/4/21, 23/4/22
Hebe, Collection, Ventnor Botanic Gardens, Isle of Wight, UK 22/1/09
Hebe, Collection, Victoria Park, Haywards Heath, Mid-Sussex, UK 27/2/04, 27/2/12, 27/3/08, 27/3/18, 27/4/13, 27/4/insert, 28/2/08, 28/2/09, 28/2/12, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 28/4/14, 29/1/08, 29/1/09, 29/2/03, 29/2/07, 29/2/11, 29/2/14, 29/2/18, 29/2/insert, 30/3/15, 34/3/19, 35/1/15, 35/1/15, , 35/1/16
Hebe, Collections of 1/1/06, 6/2/03, 7/2/05, 15/4/05, 19/3/12, 26/4/08
Hebe, colour of foliage, flowers 8/3/22
Hebe, combinations for sale 28/4/16
Hebe, commercial classification 28/1/19, 28/4/16
Hebe, commercial production 11/3/22, 33/1/13
Hebe, common name 33/1/14
Hebe, companion plants 23/4/21
Hebe, competition 16/3/07
Hebe, complex 16/2/27, 29/1/16
Hebe, compost 7/4/27, 8/1/07, 12/1/13, 13/2/13, 13/2/25, 13/4/15, 15/2/30, 16/3/03, 21/2/22, 22/1/15, 22/3/14, 22/4/19, 24/3/15, 25/3/24, 30/1/08, 30/2/insert, 30/2/15, 30/3/13, 31/2/13, 35/2/14, 37/1/17
Hebe, compost, black peat 30/2/15
Hebe, compost, blond peat 30/2/15
Hebe, compost, peat free/reduced 24/3/15, 25/3/24, 31/2/13
Hebe, connatae, plant classification 2/2/14, 6/1/20, 7/3/09, 9/4/10, 19/2/04, 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, conservation status 21/4/11
Hebe, conservatory 5/3/05, 21/2/21
Hebe, container 17/4/24, 21/2/21, 21/3/09, 21/3/13, 22/1/14, 25/4/12, 28/4/16, 31/1/21, 33/1/15
Hebe, container, Orione 28/4/16
Hebe, cooking with? 31/3/09
Hebe, Cornwall, UK 7/1/06, 7/3/07, 10/2/31, 10/3/06, 21/4/20, 23/4/17, 26/3/10
Hebe, corolla 21/4/10
Hebe, Cotswolds 15/2/24, 24/1/22, 25/4/07, 27/3/15
Hebe, cows 14/1/10
Hebe, Croatia 24/1/24
Hebe, cryptic species 27/2/03
Hebe, cuckoo spit 30/2/24
Hebe, Cultivar Checklist see International Register of Hebe Cultivars
Hebe, cultivar names 7/2/17, 38/1/21
Hebe, cultivars 6/2/07, 11/3/03, 12/4/10, 21/3/13, 21/3/14, 25/2/21, 25/4/09, 26/2/08, 32/1/insert, 34/3/25
Hebe, cultivars, conservation 18/4/14, 27/3/17, 28/2/16, 39/2/27
Hebe, cultivars, identifying 17/1/25
Hebe, cultivars, raising 9/1/06
Hebe, cultivar, registration 38/3/07, 39/1/16, 39/2/27, 39/3/15
Hebe, cultivars, threatened 28/2/16
Hebe, cultivation 1/3/07, 6/4/09, 8/2/22, 12/2/13, 13/2/25, 13/3/07, 13/4/11, 13/4/14, 14/3/22, 15/3/14, 16/2/25, 16/2/26, 16/3/09, 17/4/23, 17/4/25, 17/4/26, 18/1/10, 18/3/23, 19/4/08, 21/1/13, 21/1/21, 21/3/12, 21/4/11, 22/1/14, 25/1/21, 25/2/08, 25/3/24, 27/1/23, 27/1/24, 28/3/15, 29/1/24, 29/3/20, 31/1/18, 31/1/21, 31/3/04, 31/3/08, 31/3/09, 31/3/10, 32/1/17, 32/2/07, 34/1/13, 34/1/15, 34/2/14, 34/2/21, 34/3/31, 37/3/03, 37/3/09, 37/3/10, 38/1/10, 38/1/11
Hebe, cut flower 16/1/13, 23/1/23
Hebe, cuttings 4/2/13, 4/4/04, 5/1/07, 5/3/06, 5/3/09, 5/4/10, 6/1/08, 6/2/10, 12/4/13, 13/3/19, 14/3/22, 14/4/04, 14/4/12, 16/2/03, 16/3/10, 16/4/03, 16/4/04, 17/1/03, 17/2/14, 17/2/15, 17/3/22, 17/4/08, 17/4/13, 17/4/13, 20/3/22, 21/1/09, 21/2/21, 21/3/13, 21/4/17, 22/3/14, 22/4/20, 23/4/03, 24/1/12, 25/2/08, 25/4/03, 25/4/08, 26/1/04, 26/1/08, 26/2/03, 26/4/08, 27/1/03, 27/3/03, 27/4/19, 28/3/21, 29/1/14, 29/2/10, 30/1/08, 30/1/15, 30/2/insert, 30/3/10, 30/3/12, 31/1/21, 31/2/insert, 33/2/10, 35/2/23–25, 35/2/23, 36/2/08, 36/3/07, 38/1/12, 38/1/18, 38/2/26, 39/2/16
Hebe, cuttings bed 35/3/18, 35/3/18
Hebe, cuttings exchange 5/1/07, 5/1/12, 5/2/20, 7/3/03, 7/3/12, 8/1/06, 8/2/03, 10/3/03, 12/4/07, 12/4/13, 14/4/04, 15/1/24, 15/2/11, 15/3/14, 15/4/10, 15/4/12, 16/1/12, 16/1/13, 16/2/13, 16/3/03, 17/1/03, 17/1/05, 17/1/10, 17/1/12, 17/2/13, 17/2/15, 18/2/12, 19/2/12, 19/4/07, 21/2/11, 21/2/16, 22/2/10, 22/4/21, 23/2/10, 24/2/09, 26/1/04, 26/1/10, 26/4/20, 27/1/03, 28/3/22, 35/2/11, 35/3/10, 35/3/11, 35/3/17, 36/1/24, 37/2/19, 39/2/17, 39/3/11
Hebe, cuttings, pinching out 18/3/24
Hebe, Czech Republic 20/2/21
Hebe, database 2/5/02, 8/3/06, 10/1/30, 19/2/24, 20/4/04, 26/3/10, 33/1/09
Hebe, dead heading 21/1/12, 22/4/19, 28/3/21, 39/3/10
Hebe, death, partial see Hebe, partial death
Hebe, deer 6/2/03, 12/1/10, 13/1/18, 14/1/10, 18/2/27, 19/4/28, 23/4/13, 24/1/16, 27/2/23, 28/4/13, 31/1/04, 37/1/21
Hebe, defoliated 21/2/24, 28/2/23
Hebe, Denmark 4/1/07, 4/2/22, 4/4/17, 5/2/09, 5/4/13, 16/4/16, 17/1/11, 17/4/12, 20/4/03
Hebe, depth of roots 31/2/19
Hebe, describing 25/2/11
Hebe, Devon, UK 7/3/07, 12/2/09, 27/2/16
Hebe, die back 18/3/04, 19/4/10, 25/2/21, 30/1/04, 30/1/17
Hebe, digging up 25/2/15
Hebe, digital photography 17/2/03, 17/3/12, 17/3/20, 17/3/20, 23/1/04, 23/3/03, 26/1/03, 26/1/16, 26/3/04, 34/1/17
Hebe, discovery 21/4/09
Hebe, disease resistance 4/2/18, 19/2/23, 34/1/11
Hebe, diseases 10/1/15, 11/3/22, 12/1/13, 18/3/04, 18/3/27, 22/4/14, 33/2/07, 33/2/19, 33/3/07, 34/1/11, 37/2/30
Hebe, display 15/4/13, 19/4/13, 23/1/18, 32/3/17, 33/2/insert, 34/1/insert, 34/2/Insert, 38/3/13
Hebe, display board, Haywards Heath 27/4/insert
Hebe, distribution 21/4/08, 21/4/09, 34/1/23
Hebe, diversity 31/2/03
Hebe, division into groups 16/2/26
Hebe, Division of veronica 1/2/01, 15/3/24, 16/2/25, 21/4/09, 33/1/14
Hebe, DNA 14/4/14, 15/1/04, 16/1/05, 16/2/27, 19/3/04, 21/4/09, 21/4/10, 33/1/15, 34/1/24, 35/3/19
Hebe, dogs 9/4/17
Hebe, Douglas Chalk 23/4/03
Hebe, downy mildew 1/4/04, 1/4/14, 4/2/18, 6/4/07, 8/3/05, 12/1/13, 13/2/13, 15/2/29, 17/4/25, 18/3/18, 18/4/21, 19/1/14, 19/4/23, 19/4/25, 20/4/19, 21/1/10, 21/2/03, 21/2/23, 21/3/13, 24/3/24, 26/1/23, 26/2/22, 26/4/20, 28/1/08, 29/3/07, 31/3/04, 31/3/24, 33/2/09, 34/3/28, 35/1/15, 37/2/30, 37/3/19, 39/2/15
Hebe, drainage 21/3/13
Hebe, drought 16/3/03, 17/4/25, 21/1/13, 21/3/08, 21/3/10, 21/3/13, 21/3/23, 22/1/19, 22/3/12, 23/3/23, 23/4/10, 25/2/20, 26/1/24, 26/2/03, 27/3/15, 29/2/10, 29/3/12, 33/2/04
Hebe, drought symptoms 25/2/20, 29/3/12
Hebe, drought tolerant? 25/2/20
Hebe, dry summers 21/1/13, 21/3/08, 21/3/10, 21/4/16, 22/3/12, 23/4/10, 31/1/16
Hebe, duration of cold spell 31/2/19
Hebe, Dwarf, National Collection see Hebe, National Collection of Dwarf
Hebe, early literature 16/2/28
Hebe, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 21/2/21
Hebe, end of season plants 37/1/17
Hebe, endemism hotspot 34/1/24
Hebe, environment 16/2/12
Hebe, Essex 7/3/10
Hebe, etymology (meaning of name) 21/4/08
Hebe, Europe 13/2/24, 20/2/19, 21/3/12, 21/4/18, 28/1/17
Hebe, evaluation see Hebe, trials
Hebe, evergreen 25/1/18
Hebe, evolution 9/4/09, 10/1/28, 16/2/27, 17/3/15, 21/4/09, 27/1/10, 29/1/15, 33/1/14, 34/1/23
Hebe, ex 28/1/04
Hebe, Falkland Islands 1/4/06, 20/4/17, 31/1/23, 35/3/26, 38/2/25
Hebe, Faroe Islands 24/4/23, 26/1/09, 26/3/14, 28/3/13, 30/1/13
Hebe, favourites 34/3/21
Hebe, features 25/1/19
Hebe, feeding 17/4/25, 21/3/13, 22/1/15, 22/4/18, 28/3/05, 28/4/12, 30/2/15, 33/3/18, 35/3/24, 38/1/08, 38/1/12
Hebe, fertiliser see Hebe, feeding
Hebe, fingerprint 21/4/10
Hebe, five favourites 34/3/08
Hebe, flagriformes, plant classification 2/2/14, 9/4/09, 21/4/12
Hebe, flame-thrower 18/3/17
Hebe, fleece 20/2/21, 25/4/23, 28/1/18
Hebe, floral structure 2/2/11
Hebe, Florida, USA 17/4/12, 25/2/24
Hebe, flower arranging 1/4/10, 12/2/15, 23/3/21, 25/1/21, 28/1/12, 31/2/11, 35/1/03
Hebe, flower colour 7/3/22, 11/3/06, 11/3/22, 13/2/27, 19/1/18, 21/4/11, 26/1/21, 31/3/08
Hebe, flower development 21/4/10
Hebe, flowering 4/3/09, 7/3/05, 9/3/06, 9/4/05, 11/3/22, 12/4/03, 13/3/07, 13/3/19, 13/3/21, 15/4/03, 16/2/26, 16/3/22, 16/4/07, 16/4/10, 17/4/03, 17/4/10, 17/4/13, 17/4/23, 18/3/16, 18/3/26, 19/2/09, 19/2/23, 21/3/10, 21/3/13, 24/3/11, 24/4/13, 25/1/19, 26/3/20, 26/4/21, 27/2/20, 27/3/15, 27/3/16, 29/3/08, 29/3/10, 29/3/24, 32/2/17, 33/3/18, 35/3/10, 38/1/08
Hebe, flowering time 4/3/09, 16/2/26, 20/1/08, 20/4/09, 21/4/11, 24/4/13, 25/1/19, 26/1/14, 26/2/03, 26/3/20, 27/2/20, 31/3/10, 32/1/13, 32/2/17, 34/1/11, 35/3/17
Hebe, flowering, cold weather 2/2/18, 17/2/14, 17/4/10, 27/2/20, 29/3/24
Hebe, flowering, good 24/3/11, 26/3/20, 33/3/18
Hebe, flowering, hot weather 37/3/06
Hebe, flowering, long 19/2/23, 26/3/20, 33/3/18
Hebe, flowering, poor 21/3/10, 21/3/13, 37/3/06
Hebe, flowering, pruning 19/3/26
Hebe, flowers 21/4/08, 28/1/19, 35/3/10
Hebe, flowers, plant classification 2/2/14, 10/4/12, 21/4/08
Hebe, flowers, white 25/1/19
Hebe, foliage 2/1/07, 10/4/12, 11/3/22, 13/4/11, 26/4/23
Hebe, foliage diversity 15/3/14, 17/4/23, 30/3/24, 31/2/03
Hebe, foliage winter 15/4/23, 17/4/23, 20/4/09
Hebe, foliage, yellowing 17/3/22
Hebe, foliar damage 26/4/23, 27/2/24
Hebe, forests, distribution in 21/4/09, 34/1/24
Hebe, form, diversity of 31/2/03
Hebe, formation pruning 31/2/19
Hebe, fossil 34/1/23
Hebe, France 6/1/28, 10/4/06, 19/1/04, 19/2/20, 20/2/23, 29/3/18, 29/3/19, 38/2/26
Hebe, frog 28/3/04
Hebe, frost 2/1/12, 17/4/25, 19/2/09, 20/1/18, 21/2/20, 21/3/10, 21/3/13, 25/2/03, 25/4/11, 26/2/19, 28/2/19, 32/1/17, 32/2/23, 33/2/19
Hebe, frozen soil 32/1/19
Hebe, fungal infection see also Hebe, mildew 5/4/14, 8/3/05, 9/2/24, 12/1/13, 12/3/05, 12/3/22, 13/1/24, 13/2/25, 13/3/07, 14/2/22, 14/3/11, 15/2/29, 15/3/22, 15/4/23, 16/2/04, 16/3/03, 17/3/21, 18/3/18, 19/4/23, 19/4/25, 20/1/18, 21/1/09, 21/3/13, 23/4/18, 24/1/12, 25/2/08, 25/2/16, 26/2/19, 26/4/20, 28/1/08, 28/2/20, 28/2/20, 29/3/07, 29/3/12, 30/1/17, 31/3/24, 34/3/28, 35/3/14
Hebe, fungicides 26/4/20, 28/2/21, 29/3/07, 29/3/13, 35/3/14
Hebe, fusarium wilt 18/3/18, 19/4/10, 21/3/13
Hebe, future in nature 34/1/21
Hebe, future proof 39/2/25
Hebe, garden 17/4/05
Hebe, Garden Beauty series 27/2/14, 27/2/15, 30/1/10
Hebe, garden design 39/3/09
Hebe, garden worthiness 25/4/04
Hebe, genes 16/2/09, 28/2/16
Hebe, genetic diversity 34/1/21
Hebe, genus 1/2/01, 3/3/13, 9/1/20, 12/4/10, 14/2/25, 14/4/15, 15/3/24, 16/2/25, 16/3/08, 17/1/20, 17/2/20, 17/3/15, 17/4/23, 18/1/25, 21/3/11, 24/1/04, 25/1/19, 26/4/17, 29/1/13, 29/1/15, 30/1/22, 34/1/23
Hebe, genus, new 34/1/23
Hebe, genus, revision 3/4/11, 9/4/08, 10/2/07, 16/2/26, 30/1/22
Hebe, genus, young 34/1/23
Hebe, Germany 10/1/21, 10/4/06, 15/3/21, 25/4/09
Hebe, germination 2/1/11
Hebe, glaucous leaved, SI 9/1/16
Hebe, Glenhope, SI 38/3/20, 38/3/20
Hebe, goats 14/4/15, 35/2/04, 37/1/21, 38/1/24
Hebe, goddess 17/3/23, 25/1/19
Hebe, gold medal 2/2/17
Hebe, gophers 12/1/10
Hebe, grafting 14/4/24
Hebe, grandiflorae, plant classification 2/2/14, 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, Grant of Registration 33/1/17
Hebe, greenfly 6/2/10, 10/3/08
Hebe, greenhouse 21/2/21, 27/4/12, 28/2/20
Hebe, grey leaved 4/4/14, 12/3/13, 15/3/21, 29/3/20
Hebe, gotto 37/3/12
Hebe, ground cover 17/4/24, 25/1/19
Hebe, growing conditions 7/4/27, 8/3/05, 9/1/12, 10/4/11, 13/1/18, 15/4/14, 16/2/04, 16/3/22, 18/2/28, 22/2/04, 24/2/13, 35/3/21, 35/3/22
Hebe, growing for sale 28/4/16, 35/3/22
Hebe, growing points 25/1/18
Hebe, grown by Hebe Society members 31/3/19
Hebe, grown in strawberry pot 13/1/10
Hebe, growth regulator 25/1/15
Hebe, Guernsey 20/2/24, 20/3/22, 23/2/23, 27/2/07, 27/2/12, 28/2/19, 33/1/04, 35/3/21, 37/1/21, 38/1/11, 39/1/14, 39/1/14, 39/3/17
Hebe, gymodioecy 21/4/10
Hebe, gynoecium 21/4/10
Hebe, habit 39/2/15
Hebe, habit, bushy 21/4/10, 26/1/14, 28/1/19, 31/2/15
Hebe, habit, compact 28/1/19, 31/2/15
Hebe, habit, ruly 24/2/13
Hebe, habit, unruly 24/2/13
Hebe, habit, variable 7/4/27, 17/4/23, 21/4/08, 31/2/03
Hebe, habitats 9/1/13, 9/4/31, 17/4/23, 21/3/12, 21/4/09, 25/2/20, 34/1/24
Hebe, habitats, wet or dry 25/2/20
Hebe, hairs 21/4/10
Hebe, half-hardy 8/2/22, 13/2/25, 17/2/26, 19/2/21, 25/1/19
Hebe, Handsome 6/4/05
Hebe, hardening off 2/1/15, 22/3/15
Hebe, hardiness 1/3/01, 1/4/03, 2/1/06, 2/1/14, 2/2/19, 2/3/04, 2/4/24, 2/4/26, 3/1/01, 3/1/04, 3/3/21, 3/4/07, 4/2/13, 4/4/05, 4/4/08, 4/4/09, 5/1/13, 5/1/14, 5/1/16, 5/2/08, 6/1/06, 6/1/08, 9/4/31, 10/2/07, 10/2/34, 11/1/15, 11/3/13, 11/3/21, 11/3/23, 12/1/13, 14/1/04, 14/3/22, 14/4/08, 15/4/20, 16/2/03, 16/2/14, 16/2/19, 16/2/20, 16/2/21, 16/2/28, 16/3/16, 16/3/22, 16/4/18, 17/2/11, 17/3/21, 17/4/10, 17/4/23, 18/3/27, 19/2/09, 19/2/23, 20/1/22, 20/2/21, 20/2/24, 21/2/03, 21/2/20, 21/2/24, 21/3/10, 21/4/17, 21/4/18, 21/4/23, 22/2/12, 22/4/15, 23/1/16, 23/4/19, 24/1/10, 24/3/12, 24/3/13, 25/2/08, 25/2/13, 25/2/15, 25/2/17, 25/4/03, 25/4/11, 25/4/14, 25/4/23, 26/1/04, 26/1/23, 26/2/17, 26/3/07, 26/4/19, 26/4/22, 27/1/03, 27/2/24, 27/3/03, 27/3/14, 27/3/15, 27/4/12, 27/4/13, 27/4/20, 27/4/23, 28/1/17, 28/1/19, 28/2/19, 28/2/23, 28/3/14, 28/4/14, 31/1/15, 31/1/20, 31/2/03, 31/2/18, 31/3/04, 32/1/07, 32/1/19, 32/2/22, 33/1/15, 33/2/03, 33/2/04, 33/2/08, 33/2/13, 33/2/16, 33/2/19, 33/2/24, 36/2/13, 36/3/13, 37/1/11, 38/2/09, 38/2/10, 38/2/18, 38/3/27, 39/1/18, 39/2/03, 39/2/16, 39/2/21
Hebe, hares 37/1/21
Hebe, Harlow Car Gardens, Yorkshire, UK 1/4/11, 11/2/10, 11/3/14, 13/2/04
Hebe, health 33/2/18
Hebe, heat damage 26/1/13, 26/4/23, 29/1/24
Hebe, Hebrides 28/3/12, 28/3/insert
Hebe, hedge 10/4/26, 11/1/08, 12/3/22, 17/4/24, 20/3/08, 21/4/03, 26/1/21, 27/4/19, 28/3/13, 31/3/08, 31/3/11, 32/1/04, 33/2/03, 33/2/23
Hebe, hedge trimmer, pruning 33/2/08
Hebe, herbarium specimens 21/4/11, 28/2/15, 35/3/14, 37/3/21
Hebe, Hertfordshire 18/1/11
Hebe, history as garden plant 16/2/27
Hebe, Hollywood series 29/1/03
Hebe, honey fungus 14/1/07
Hebe, horse trough 18/2/26
Hebe, horses 14/1/10
Hebe, hot weather 24/2/19
Hebe, house plants 4/4/17, 5/3/05, 9/4/05, 10/4/06
Hebe, hover-flies 34/2/10
Hebe, How to look at 3/3/09
Hebe, how to study 16/1/03, 16/2/26
Hebe, humidity, high 21/2/23, 27/2/24, 28/2/21
Hebe, hybridisation 1/3/01, 4/2/17, 20/4/21, 21/4/08, 24/4/20, 29/1/13, 34/1/24
Hebe, hybrids 6/1/22, 10/4/14, 12/4/07, 13/2/27, 20/4/21, 21/3/11, 21/4/08, 25/4/04, 29/1/13, 34/1/24
Hebe, hybrids, Naming 1/3/02
Hebe, identification 1/3/02, 4/3/12, 4/4/06, 4/4/07, 6/1/20, 6/2/07, 7/3/22, 10/4/25, 12/2/21, 12/3/04, 12/4/07, 13/1/12, 13/2/12, 13/3/07, 13/4/17, 14/4/08, 14/4/15, 15/2/29, 16/1/04, 16/2/26, 16/3/28, 17/3/15, 20/3/24, 21/4/08, 21/4/11, 22/3/12, 24/4/09, 26/3/08, 26/3/15, 26/3/17, 28/3/23, 29/1/03, 31/2/12, 32/1/13, 37/1/11
Hebe, identification competition 4/4/08
Hebe, identification key 17/3/15
Hebe, illustrations 21/4/08
Hebe, importation 5/2/18, 15/1/24, 20/3/22, 33/2/19, 34/3/08
Hebe, impulse buys 37/1/11
Hebe, inflorescence 17/4/13, 21/4/08, 21/4/10, 33/2/24
Hebe, insects 39/2/27
Hebe, insect attack 30/1/17
Hebe, interest in growing 14/2/08, 15/2/13, 35/1/23
Hebe, International Registration Authority 1/4/04, 4/3/20, 6/2/08, 11/3/11, 16/3/08, 20/4/14, 31/3/19
Hebe, Internet 11/4/20, 13/3/03, 26/2/13, 26/3/15
Hebe, Ireland 6/4/09, 7/1/22, 11/4/08, 11/4/14, 12/2/19, 20/2/15, 20/2/24, 20/4/04, 25/4/23, 27/4/20, 32/3/06, 36/1/13, 39/3/03
Hebe, Irish cultivars 39/3/03
Hebe, irrigation 15/1/23, 15/2/23, 15/2/30, 15/4/08, 33/2/13
Hebe, Isle of Lewis, UK 13/3/09, 15/4/10, 16/4/04
Hebe, Isle of Man, UK 11/3/10, 27/2/16
Hebe, Isles of Scilly, UK 7/3/07, 21/2/21
Hebe, Italy 20/2/16, 21/4/17
Hebe, Japan 13/2/24
Hebe, juvenile foliage 10/4/14, 21/4/10
Hebe, Kent, UK 11/4/06, 24/4/11, 27/2/16, 29/3/07, 31/3/08, 32/1/07, 32/2/07, 32/2/20, 32/3/07, 33/2/07, 35/1/07
Hebe, Kermadec Islands 34/1/24
Hebe, Key 4/4/06, 4/4/07, 5/1/06
Hebe, Korea 26/1/24, 28/3/23
Hebe, labelled as Veronica 30/2/12, 36/2/14
Hebe, labelling 22/4/21, 23/1/21, 24/4/14, 31/2/11, 31/2/14, 31/2/insert, 34/1/15, 35/1/15, 35/3/20
Hebe, labels 7/4/06, 12/1/25, 14/2/08, 15/2/30, 17/3/09, 19/4/24, 24/2/23, 24/4/14, 31/2/11, 31/2/14, 31/2/insert, 35/3/20
Hebe, lack of water? 36/1/23
Hebe, landscaping 6/4/09, 8/2/06, 12/3/05, 17/1/10, 22/3/13, 22/4/21, 27/2/20, 39/1/03
Hebe, large-leaved 28/1/19, 28/1/20, 28/2/21
Hebe, large-leaved Apertae 21/4/12
Hebe, lavender flowered 35/3/17
Hebe, layering 1/3/04, 18/3/24
Hebe, laying horizontally 2/3/17
Hebe, leaf 21/4/08
Hebe, leaf (chemistry) flavonoids 17/3/15, 18/1/14, 21/4/10
Hebe, leaf arrangement (decussate) 21/4/10
Hebe, leaf browning 29/3/12
Hebe, leaf bud 10/4/11, 21/3/12, 21/4/08, 21/4/10
Hebe, leaf bullation (puckering) 27/4/20
Hebe, leaf colour 25/1/19, 31/3/08, 35/2/15
Hebe, leaf discoloration 21/3/23
Hebe, leaf forms 35/2/09
Hebe, leaf morphology and hardiness 9/4/31, 21/3/12
Hebe, leaf outline 16/2/26, 21/4/13, 31/3/15
Hebe, leaf pigment see Hebe, leaf (chemistry) flavonoids
Hebe, leaf shape 31/3/15, 35/2/09
Hebe, leaf sinus 21/3/12, 21/4/10, 33/2/24
Hebe, leaf spot 8/3/05, 21/1/10, 22/4/14, 24/1/12, 24/1/insert, 29/3/07, 29/3/20, 30/1/08
Hebe, leafhoopers 30/2/24, 32/1/23
Hebe, leaves, in threes 8/3/15, 8/4/22, 16/1/12, 16/1/12, 16/2/20, 16/3/15
Hebe, leaves, lower dead 30/2/24
Hebe, leaves, pale 29/3/12
Hebe, leggy 16/2/03, 21/3/12, 24/2/13, 24/3/12, 25/2/20, 37/3/03, 39/1/03
Hebe, light intensity 26/1/13, 28/1/17, 34/1/11
Hebe, light intensity in winter 28/1/17
Hebe, limestone outcrop 16/1/04, 18/1/15
Hebe, limits of species 21/4/09
Hebe, liners 21/2/22
Hebe, liquid fertiliser 22/4/18
Hebe, list, definitive 37/3/21
Hebe, location in NZ 9/1/12
Hebe, London, UK 21/2/21, 38/1/12, 39/1/09
Hebe, Low Light 2/3/09
Hebe, Lowaters Garden Beauty series 27/2/14, 27/2/15, 30/1/10, 30/2/20, 31/2/17
Hebe, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK 39/2/03
Hebe, macro (close-up) photography 32/1/13, 34/1/17
Hebe, magnesium 26/1/11, 27/3/15
Hebe, mail order 13/4/03
Hebe, maintenance 19/2/23, 31/3/24, 32/1/07, 33/2/08, 39/1/01
Hebe, Maori names 21/4/13
Hebe, marble outcrop 16/1/04
Hebe, maritime climate 27/2/24
Hebe, Marlborough, SI 31/1/16, 32/2/13, 36/1/27
Hebe, mass planting 28/4/13
Hebe, Maxicrop, growth promoter 28/3/05, 28/4/12
Hebe, medicinal use? 18/2/26, 21/2/23, 28/2/16, 31/3/03, 31/3/09, 35/1/28
Hebe, Mediterrean climate 24/4/14, 25/2/20, 26/1/12, 26/1/24, 27/4/09, 28/1/19, 28/2/21, 32/2/22, 34/1/11, 35/3/22
Hebe, Melbourne, Australia 17/4/12
Hebe, Michigan, USA 17/4/12
Hebe, microclimate 25/4/13
Hebe, mildew see also Hebe, fungus and Hebe, downy mildew 14/2/22, 14/3/11, 15/4/23, 19/4/23, 23/4/18, 28/1/08, 28/2/20, 28/2/20, 29/3/07, 29/3/08, 29/3/12, 31/3/24, 34/1/11, 36/3/15, 37/3/19, 38/3/21
Hebe, Millenium walk 15/2/30
Hebe, mis-selling 14/4/08, 17/3/03
Hebe, Mississippi, USA 26/4/23
Hebe, mixed border 18/1/10
Hebe, monograph 16/1/04, 21/4/09
Hebe, Morpeth, Northumberland, UK 21/4/16
Hebe, morphology 17/3/15, 18/1/14, 21/3/12, 21/4/09
Hebe, moss 32/1/08
Hebe, moths 19/4/09, 20/1/03
Hebe, mountain plants 34/1/23
Hebe, moving 18/3/16, 20/4/18, 21/1/24, 22/3/22
Hebe, mulching 12/1/13, 18/1/11, 21/3/13, 25/1/21, 25/4/23, 28/1/18, 28/2/18, 33/3/18
Hebe, mycorrhiza 24/3/23
Hebe, Mythology 1/1/07, 5/3/08, 9/1/20, 12/2/19, 13/1/17, 15/2/15, 19/2/22, 20/4/17, 20/4/18
Hebe, name changes 35/3/18
Hebe, named after people 23/3/22
Hebe, Names List, Gwen Scoble 11/2/07, 11/2/14, 16/1/24
Hebe, naming 1/1/04, 1/2/04, 6/4/13, 6/4/14, 7/4/05, 7/4/27, 9/4/23, 10/1/08, 10/2/08, 10/4/25, 12/2/21, 13/2/26, 14/3/22, 15/2/10, 15/2/29, 16/2/25, 16/2/26, 16/3/09, 17/3/03, 23/1/24, 25/1/20, 26/1/22, 32/2/20, 35/3/18, 36/2/08
Hebe, National Collection of Dwarf, UK 4/1/03, 5/2/17, 5/3/08, 5/4/05, 9/1/03, 9/1/07, 17/4/23, 28/1/16, 34/2/16, 34/3/10, 35/3/13, 37/3/20
Hebe, National Collection, Guernsey, Channel Island, UK 6/2/03, 7/2/08, 8/2/09, 8/2/22, 13/2/24, 15/2/29, 16/2/13, 17/2/26, 20/2/23, 21/1/11, 23/2/23, 26/2/08, 28/1/16, 28/2/08, 28/2/19, 28/4/14, 29/3/18, 33/1/04
Hebe, National Collection, Keighley, Yorkshire, UK 13/2/26, 14/2/08, 34/2/16, 37/3/20
Hebe, National Collection, Kent, UK 29/2/12, 29/3/07, 30/3/15, 31/3/11, 32/3/07, 33/2/04, 35/2/10, 38/2/08
Hebe, National Collection, Plumpton see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Hebe Collection (Plumpton College) Sussex, UK Hebe, National Reference Collection see Hebe, Collection, Douglas Chalk Collection
Hebe, National Reference Collection (Rosewarne) Fund see Douglas Chalk Collection Fund
Hebe, naturalised, UK 3/2/05, 11/3/03, 11/3/10, 11/4/07, 36/1/13
Hebe, nectar 11/2/15, 27/2/16, 35/3/21, 38/1/12
Hebe, nectarial disc 21/4/11
Hebe, Netherlands 4/3/06, 5/2/09, 11/4/06, 14/4/09, 15/2/28, 15/3/21, 20/2/21
Hebe, new growth 32/2/22, 34/1/11
Hebe, new hybrids 1/2/01, 1/4/14, 14/4/12, 28/1/04, 31/1/08, 33/1/16
Hebe, New Mexico, USA 25/2/23
Hebe, new species 14/4/13, 16/1/04, 18/1/14, 21/4/09
Hebe, new taxa 21/4/09
Hebe, nitrogen deficiency 29/2/10
Hebe, nomenclature see Hebe, naming
Hebe, non-flowering 18/3/16, 18/3/26, 20/1/08, 20/1/21, 29/3/08
Hebe, North Carolina, USA 26/4/23
Hebe, north Wales 24/3/14, 34/1/09
Hebe, Northumberland, UK 21/4/16
Hebe, Norway 11/4/06, 25/4/08
Hebe, NZ 9/1/12, 13/2/24, 21/4/11, 22/1/23, 25/4/09, 26/1/03, 26/4/23, 27/4/03, 27/4/15, 34/1/23
Hebe, Occlusae, plant classification 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, Ontario, Canada 2/4/17
Hebe, open day 9/1/03
Hebe, Oregon, USA 15/2/25, 15/3/14, 15/4/08, 15/4/11, 16/2/19, 18/2/27, 18/3/18, 18/4/21, 20/2/15, 20/4/09, 20/4/19, 21/4/18, 22/2/13, 23/1/16, 23/2/09, 24/2/12, 24/4/10, 25/2/23, 25/2/24, 26/1/23, 26/2/17, 26/3/04, 27/2/23, 27/3/14, 27/3/insert, 29/2/10, 31/1/20, 31/2/13, 37/1/11, 37/3/12¸37/3/12
Hebe, origin of species 20/4/17, 28/3/03
Hebe, Orkney, Scotland, UK 18/3/22, 26/1/11, 36/1/13
Hebe, ornimental value 31/3/09
Hebe, Otari Native Plant Museum 2/4/09, 18/3/23
Hebe, outlines 8/1/28, 8/1/28, 25/1/19
Hebe, ovaries 21/4/08. 21/4/11
Hebe, overgrown 24/3/12, 34/3/31
Hebe, Oxfordshire, UK 4/2/13, 27/4/18, 29/3/20, 30/2/21, 31/3/10, 33/1/15, 33/2/19, 36/1/23
Hebe, Pacific north west, USA/Canada 15/1/08, 15/3/14, 16/1/13, 16/2/19, 19/3/12, 20/4/09, 20/4/13, 20/4/09, 20/4/19, 21/3/12, 25/2/20, 26/1/23, 26/4/22
Hebe, painting of 34/2/04
Hebe, pale purple flowered 35/3/17
Hebe, paniculate group 1/3/11, 2/2/14, 9/4/08, 15/1/04, 16/2/27, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 31/1/15
Hebe, partial death 29/3/12
Hebe, patents 33/1/17
Hebe, Pauciflorae, plant classification 21/4/13
Hebe, peaty soil 30/1/21, 30/3/20
Hebe, pedicels 21/4/08
Hebe, perfumery? 31/3/09
Hebe, perlite 35/2/23, 35/2/25
Hebe, Perth, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Hebe, pests 10/1/15, 11/3/22, 12/2/04, 14/1/10, 14/1/14, 14/2/13, 14/4/15, 15/2/29, 17/4/25, 19/4/09, 20/1/03, 21/3/13, 22/4/14, 32/1/23, 33/2/07, 33/2/19, 33/3/04, 34/1/11
Hebe, pH see Hebe, soil pH
Hebe, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 27/2/23
Hebe, photographs 24/1/23, 25/2/22, 27/1/03, 27/1/07, 30/1/20, 30/2/08, 30/3/19, 32/1/13, 35/3/27, 36/1/07, 39/3/14
Hebe, photography 7/3/05, 13/4/03, 14/1/04, 14/2/04, 14/3/23, 14/4/12, 15/1/21, 16/4/07, 16/4/22, 17/2/03, 17/3/12, 23/1/20, 30/2/08, 30/3/19, 32/1/13, 34/1/17
Hebe, photography, macro 32/1/13
Hebe, phylogeny 15/1/03
Hebe, phytopthora 17/3/21, 19/4/10, 21/3/13, 26/4/23
Hebe, pinching out 20/1/20, 22/4/18, 32/2/23
Hebe, pink flowered 23/3/16, 35/3/17
Hebe, pioneers 15/4/08
Hebe, Plant Breeders Rights 33/1/17, 33/3/07, 35/2/20, 39/2/26
Hebe, Plant Heritage 31/2/09, 31/3/21, 32/2/09, 32/3/13, 34/2/09, 35/2/08, 35/2/13, 36/1/14, 39/3/16
Hebe, Plant Patents (USA) 34/1/23
Hebe, Plantaginaceae 19/2/04, 21/4/09, 22/1/23, 26/3/03
Hebe, planting 6/1/08, 6/2/10, 12/1/13, 21/2/20, 25/1/21, 28/2/18, 28/4/13
Hebe, planting, best season 2/1/14, 21/2/20, 25/1/21
Hebe, plastic pots see Hebe, propagation, plastic pots
Hebe, plug trays see Hebe, propagation, plug trays
Hebe, poisonous? 14/4/14, 19/4/28, 24/4/23, 26/1/21
Hebe, Poland 20/1/22, 20/2/21, 21/1/21, 21/4/16, 22/2/08, 22/2/12, 23/4/19, 28/1/17, 29/1/19, 32/1/18
Hebe, pollen 21/4/10
Hebe, pollinating insects 7/2/03, 21/4/11, 38/1/12
Hebe, pollination 21/4/10, 21/4/11, 24/3/23, 31/3/08, 37/1/11
Hebe, pollination, birds 21/4/11
Hebe, polluted site 14/1/07
Hebe, polytunnel 33/2/09
Hebe, popularity 13/3/06, 17/4/23, 31/3/18
Hebe, posting 5/1/02
Hebe, pot plant 3/3/03, 10/2/15, 11/3/21, 16/2/28, 17/1/10, 17/4/08, 31/2/13, 39/3/17
Hebe, potassium, hardiness 22/2/12, 32/2/23
Hebe, pot-bound 37/1/17
Hebe, potting up 6/2/10, 12/1/14, 19/4/03, 22/1/14, 22/4/18, 30/3/13, 31/2/13, 35/2/04
Hebe, powdery mildew 31/3/24, 33/2/09
Hebe, problems 26/1/24, 31/2/13
Hebe, production 12/3/05, 12/3/22, 15/2/27, 33/3/04
Hebe, propagation 1/3/04, 2/3/17, 3/1/17, 5/1/07, 5/3/09, 5/4/10, 6/1/08, 6/1/22, 6/2/10, 8/1/06, 8/3/05, 9/1/05, 10/2/08, 10/4/16, 11/2/22, 11/3/23, 12/1/12, 12/3/22, 13/2/11, 13/4/14, 14/4/04, 14/4/12, 15/2/27, 16/1/03, 16/2/20, 16/2/25, 16/3/16, 16/4/03, 16/4/07, 17/2/15, 17/4/13, 17/4/25, 18/3/23, 21/2/21, 21/3/09, 21/3/13, 22/1/04, 22/3/05, 22/3/14, 22/3/insert, 22/4/18, 22/4/21, 23/1/05, 23/2/14, 23/2/insert, 23/4/03, 24/1/12, 24/2/13, 24/3/03, 24/4/21, 25/2/22, 25/4/03, 26/2/03, 27/3/03, 27/4/19, 28/2/03, 28/2/21, 28/3/21, 29/2/10, 30/1/08, 30/2/13, 30/2/14, 30/2/15, 30/3/10, 30/3/12, 31/2/13, 31/2/insert, 31/3/24, 32/1/14, 32/3/14, 33/3/07, 35/2/23, 35/2/24, 35/3/17, 36/2/08, 36/3/07
Hebe, propagation, clay 30/2/16
Hebe, propagation, coconut fibre 30/2/16
Hebe, propagation, Cocopor (coconut fibre) 30/2/16
Hebe, propagation, Forest Gold Plus (wood bark) 30/2/17
Hebe, propagation, grafting 3/1/20, 14/4/22
Hebe, propagation, greenhouse 35/3/18
Hebe, propagation, large scale 32/3/14
Hebe, propagation, mist 3/1/20, 10/2/08, 21/2/21
Hebe, propagation, Osmocote 30/2/16
Hebe, propagation, perlite 23/2/14, 23/2/insert, 25/4/03, 30/2/15, 35/2/23, 35/2/25
Hebe, propagation, pine bark 30/2/16
Hebe, propagation, plastic pots 26/1/12, 26/1/13
Hebe, propagation, plug trays 22/3/14, 22/3/insert, 22/4/18, 23/3/04, 23/4/03, 24/3/03, 26/2/03, 27/3/insert
Hebe, propagation, rooting cubes 30/2/14
Hebe, propagation, Tetra Pak container 35/2/26
Hebe, propagation, tray inserts 26/2/03, 27/3/insert
Hebe, propagation, winter 2/3/09, 11/2/22, 22/1/04, 23/1/05
Hebe, propagation, wood bark 30/2/17
Hebe, prostrate 28/1/20
Hebe, protection see Hebe, winter protection
Hebe, pruning 1/4/08, 2/3/17, 3/1/01, 6/1/09, 6/2/10, 9/4/03, 12/1/14, 13/3/19, 14/3/22, 14/4/15, 15/2/30, 15/3/22, 15/4/28, 16/3/16, 16/3/22, 17/3/10, 17/3/11, 17/4/25, 18/3/16, 18/3/17, 18/3/24, 18/3/25, 19/2/23, 19/4/03, 20/1/17, 20/2/10, 20/2/16, 20/4/12, 21/1/11, 21/3/08, 21/3/10, 21/4/16, 22/3/10, 22/3/12, 22/3/18, 22/3/23, 22/4/18, 23/1/22, 23/2/12, 24/2/13, 24/3/03, 24/3/11, 24/3/12, 24/3/15, 25/1/21, 25/2/22 (cupressoides), 25/4/14, 25/4/24, 26/1/21, 26/1/22, 26/3/08, 27/2/08, 27/2/12, 27/4/03, 28/1/08, 28/3/04, 28/3/17, 29/2/09, 29/2/10, 30/1/24, 30/2/24, 31/2/12, 31/2/18, 31/3/24, 32/1/07, 32/2/17, 33/2/08, 34/2/14, 34/3/31, 35/2/03, 35/3/17, 35/3/21, 35/3/21, 36/2/13, 37/2/07, 37/3/10, 38/1/08, 38/1/12, 38/1/17, 39/1/03, 39/1/08, 39/1/10, 39/3/10
Hebe, pruning, autumn 31/2/18, 37/3/03, 38/1/17, 39/3/10
Hebe, pruning, Deadhead tool 35/2/03
Hebe, pruning, formation 31/2/19
Hebe, pruning, hedge trimmer 33/2/08
Hebe, pruning, loppers 39/1/03
Hebe, pruning, rejuvenation 31/2/20
Hebe, pruning, spring 31/2/18, 33/2/08, 38/1/08
Hebe, pruning, summer 31/2/18, 38/1/12
Hebe, pruning, winter 27/2/08, 31/2/18
Hebe, publicity 19/1/14, 23/4/13, 33/2/15
Hebe, Puget Sound, Washington State, USA 26/4/22
Hebe, puzzle 2/3/16, 2/4/21, 3/2/24, 28/1/13
Hebe, Pwllheli, Wales, UK 35/2/27
Hebe, quality of plants 22/4/18, 35/3/22
Hebe, quarantine 2/3/03, 36/3/13
Hebe, Queensland, Australia 17/4/12
Hebe, questionnaire 26/3/10, 26/4/03, 26/4/08
Hebe, quick growing 26/4/19
Hebe, rabbits 6/2/03, 13/2/11, 13/3/12, 14/1/10, 14/4/14, 18/4/21, 19/2/16, 19/4/28, 21/3/13, 22/3/11, 26/3/22, 27/2/23, 29/2/23, 31/2/04, 31/3/08, 34/1/07, 37/1/21, 39/1/15
Hebe, raceme 21/4/10
Hebe, rainwater 30/3/12
Hebe, raised beds 17/4/24
Hebe, rare in cultivation 31/3/21
Hebe, reclassified to Veronica 22/1/23, 28/3/23, 30/2/12, 32/2/13, 35/1/26, 36/1/09
Hebe, recording 10/1/30, 11/2/10, 12/2/13, 15/2/14
Hebe, registration 1/1/04, 1/2/04, 1/4/04, 1/3/02, 4/2/05, 4/3/20, 4/4/12, 5/1/06, 6/1/09, 6/2/08, 7/1/15, 7/2/08, 7/4/05, 8/2/10, 9/2/09, 9/2/25, 9/3/12, 10/1/07, 11/2/10, 12/2/08, 12/2/13, 12/4/21, 13/2/11, 13/2/14, 14/2/10, 15/2/14, 16/1/23, 16/2/10, 16/2/13, 19/2/12, 25/2/14, 32/3/22, 33/1/17, 34/1/22, 34/3/17, 35/2/22, 37/3/20, 38/1/21, 38/2/08, 38/3/07, 39/1/16, 39/2/27, 39/2/28, 39/3/14, 39/3/15
Hebe, Registration Form 1/2/04, 4/2/05, 19/2/12, 19/2/24, 38/1/21, 38/2/08, 39/1/17
Hebe, registration, Plant Guardian 31/3/21, 32/2/08, 32/3/11, 33/3/23
Hebe, registration, Plant Heritage 31/3/21, 32/2/08, 34/2/09
Hebe, regrowth 28/1/08
Hebe, replacement plants 39/2/16
Hebe, rejuvenation pruning 31/2/20
Hebe, relationship to Veronica, Parahebe and Derwentia 10/4/11, 15/1/03, 15/3/24, 21/4/09, 30/2/12, 33/1/14, 35/1/26, 35/3/25
Hebe, renamed to Veronica 26/3/03, 28/3/23, 30/2/12, 35/1/26, 35/3/25, 36/1/09, 36/2/14, 36/3/12
Hebe, replanting 38/1/08
Hebe, repotting 22/1/14, 22/1/insert, 22/4/18, 23/2/15, 24/3/03, 27/4/20, 35/2/15
Hebe, reproductive biology 21/4/10
Hebe, request for cultivar 32/3/06
Hebe, research 16/2/27, 17/3/15, 18/1/14, 21/4/08
Hebe, rhizosphere 37/1/19
Hebe, Rhode Island, USA 37/1/11
Hebe, RHS Plant Finder 23/1/03, 26/3/03, 27/1/04, 27/3/03, 28/4/18, 31/2/03, 31/3/21, 35/3/25
Hebe, RHS Wisley 30/2/10, 36/3/31, 37/3/07
Hebe, riverside 34/1/24
Hebe, rock gardens 1/3/08, 11/2/03, 17/4/24, 24/4/13
Hebe, root death 37/1/17
Hebe, root mealy bud 22/4/14, 22/4/insert
Hebe, root pruning 22/1/14, 24/1/24, 24/3/03, 35/2/04
Hebe, root stimulant 32/2/23, 35/3/23, 37/1/17
Hebe, rootball 22/1/16
Hebe, rooting hormone 21/2/21, 22/3/15, 23/2/14, 28/2/03, 30/3/14, 31/2/13, 32/3/14
Hebe, rooting in water 12/3/06, 16/1/03
Hebe, rooting medium 22/3/15, 31/2/13
Hebe, roots 13/4/14, 15/4/06, 20/4/18, 21/1/11, 21/2/21, 21/4/10, 22/3/14, 32/2/23, 35/3/23, 37/1/17
Hebe, roots, pot-bound 28/2/18, 37/1/17
Hebe, Rotarua, NI 16/4/20
Hebe, safe to eat? 20/4/17
Hebe, sales 13/2/26, 13/4/22, 15/3/07, 32/1/23
Hebe, salt 2/1/14, 20/2/15, 21/2/20, 23/3/07, 25/4/13, 28/3/24
Hebe, San Francisco, USA 37/1/11
Hebe, sandy soil 30/1/21
Hebe, sawdust 30/3/22
Hebe, scanner 15/2/30, 17/4/12
Hebe, scent 1/1/07, 1/2/05, 1/2/12, 1/4/06, 4/4/25, 7/2/03, 7/3/05, 7/3/08, 8/3/07, 11/3/07, 13/2/10, 13/4/09, 15/3/11, 18/4/22, 20/3/07, 23/4/20, 24/1/22, 28/1/15, 28/3/03, 35/3/26
Hebe, scientific name 33/1/14
Hebe, Scotland, UK 5/3/05, 7/1/23, 7/3/07, 11/3/03, 27/4/10, 28/3/12, 30/2/22, 37/1/11, 37/2/26, 38/2/09
Hebe, Scrophulariaceae 21/4/09, 22/1/23, 25/1/19, 26/3/03, 29/2/10, 32/2/03
Hebe, Seattle, USA 26/1/23, 26/4/22
Hebe, Sect glaucae, plant classification 9/4/10
Hebe, section occlusae, plant classification 2/2/14, 9/4/10
Hebe, seed 21/4/10, 21/4/11, 25/1/18
Hebe, seed capsule, shape 6/1/20, 21/4/08, 25/1/18
Hebe, seed exchange 4/4/03
Hebe, seed shape 21/4/10
Hebe, seed, growing 2/1/11, 5/3/09, 15/4/09, 16/2/27, 21/3/13, 32/1/14
Hebe, seed, splitting 25/1/18
Hebe, seedlings 4/2/12, 4/4/05, 5/1/07, 5/1/16, 5/4/22, 6/1/06, 6/3/09, 10/4/07, 13/1/16, 13/3/23, 13/4/03, 15/3/07, 15/3/13, 15/4/11, 15/4/14, 21/4/10, 25/4/03, 25/4/23, 29/3/07, 31/2/04, 31/3/08, 32/1/07, 32/1/08, 32/1/14, 33/2/03, 35/2/08, 38/3/21, 38/3/21
Hebe, Seiont Nurseries 39/3/20, 39/3/20
Hebe, selection of seedlings 13/3/23, 15/3/07, 32/1/14
Hebe, selling 22/4/17, 23/1/18
Hebe, semiflagriformes, plant classification 2/2/14, 5/3/03, 5/4/14, 7/3/08, 9/4/10, 10/4/12, 21/4/13
Hebe, septoria leaf spot 21/3/13, 22/4/14, 24/1/12, 26/4/23, 29/3/20, 34/1/11, 34/3/28
Hebe, shade 1/3/09, 17/4/04, 17/4/25, 18/1/10, 21/2/23, 22/1/19, 23/4/09, 24/3/11, 27/3/14, 32/1/19
Hebe, shading 26/1/13, 29/2/10
Hebe, sheep 14/1/10, 14/1/14, 14/4/15
Hebe, Shetland, UK 12/3/03, 12/3/06, 28/3/13
Hebe, short-lived 35/3/21
Hebe, showing 22/4/17, 23/1/18, 31/2/10, 33/1/08, 37/3/13
Hebe, Shropshire, UK 2/1/09, 15/4/14, 27/2/16
Hebe, shrubby veronica 35/3/19, 35/3/20
Hebe, silver medal 18/3/17
Hebe, silver-gilt medal 34/2/09, 34/2/14, 34/2/23
Hebe, sinus see Hebe, leaf sinus
Hebe, siting 4/4/09, 25/2/21, 26/1/14, 26/1/21, 34/2/14
Hebe, size 6/2/24, 15/4/14, 20/4/13, 21/3/12
Hebe, skin allergy 23/3/23
Hebe, slides 7/1/06, 18/1/03, 20/4/04
Hebe, slugs 14/1/10, 35/3/21
Hebe, small-leaved 28/1/19, 28/1/20, 28/2/21
Hebe, small-leaved Apertae 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, snails 14/1/10, 14/2/13, 33/3/19
Hebe, snowfall 24/3/12, 25/2/17, 25/4/13, 26/2/23, 28/1/17, 29/2/09, 32/1/19
Hebe, soil fungi 13/4/15
Hebe, soil pH 5/3/08, 7/4/03, 18/3/23, 21/4/21, 24/3/11, 28/3/15, 31/3/10, 34/1/11
Hebe, soil type 24/3/11, 25/2/21, 26/1/14, 26/1/21, 28/3/15, 30/1/16, 30/1/21, 31/2/19, 31/3/08, 31/3/10, 34/1/11, 34/2/14
Hebe, soil, gravel 31/3/08
Hebe, soil, water retetention 31/2/19, 34/1/11
Hebe, Somerset, UK 22/1/09, 24/4/09, 27/2/16, 28/3/17, 38/2/21
Hebe, South Africa 13/2/24
Hebe, South America 18/1/14, 34/1/24
Hebe, South Island 1/4/14, 16/1/03, 38/3/20
Hebe, Spain 12/3/06, 22/4/21, 24/4/13, 26/3/20, 26/4/18, 27/2/20, 27/3/08, 27/3/11, 32/2/22, 33/2/24
Hebe, sparrows 39/3/18
Hebe, special purposes 1/3/07, 16/2/26
Hebe, speciation 20/4/17, 21/4/10
Hebe, species 2/4/18, 3/4/11, 18/1/14, 21/3/11, 21/4/08, 26/4/17, 34/3/25, 35/2/09
Hebe, species, forms 35/2/10
Hebe, species, reinstatement 21/4/09
Hebe, species, revision 18/1/14, 21/4/08, 21/4/09
Hebe, sports 5/1/17, 8/3/15, 14/4/12, 17/4/10, 18/1/12, 19/2/10, 19/4/08, 20/1/08, 20/3/09, 22/3/23, 36/2/13, 36/3/16, 36/3/19
Hebe, spraying 26/1/24
Hebe, sprinklers 18/2/27
Hebe, squirrels 12/1/10, 16/4/03
Hebe, stamens 21/4/08
Hebe, stamps 2/4/02, 2/4/18
Hebe, standard 12/4/09, 13/4/08, 16/2/28, 17/2/25, 17/3/11, 17/4/25, 29/3/18, 30/1/17
Hebe, stemphylium (leaf spot) 21/1/10, 24/1/12, 39/2/15
Hebe, Stockport 37/1/03
Hebe, stressed 30/2/24, 35/3/23
Hebe, structure 21/4/10
Hebe, sturdiness of stems 31/2/19
Hebe, style (floral) 21/4/11
Hebe, subalpine rocks 34/1/24
Hebe, subalpine shrubland 34/1/24
Hebe, subcarnosae, plant classification 2/2/14, 6/1/20, 21/4/12, 29/1/18
Hebe, subdistichae, plant classification 2/2/14, 9/4/09, 17/3/16, 18/1/14
Hebe, Suffolk, UK 13/1/14, 35/2/08
Hebe, suggestions 26/1/21
Hebe, summer heat (Spain) 35/3/22
Hebe, summer heat (USA) 27/2/24
Hebe, suppliers 27/2/23
Hebe, supply 13/3/07
Hebe, Surrey, UK 24/1/10, 25/2/17, 30/2/10
Hebe, Sussex, UK 24/4/21, 26/4/20, 27/4/13, 28/4/14, 32/2/09
Hebe, Sweden 4/3/07, 21/1/17, 21/1/19, 21/4/24, 23/2/23, 26/2/18, 28/3/14, 28/3/insert, 31/1/23
Hebe, Sydney, Australia 17/4/12
Hebe, tahr (Himalayan goat) 37/1/21
Hebe, talks 24/2/03, 24/4/03, 25/2/08, 27/2/12, 27/4/08, 28/2/08, 30/2/21, 31/3/09, 31/3/23, 35/1/03, 36/2/08, 37/2/09
Hebe, tannin 35/1/28
Hebe, Tasmania 24/2/20
Hebe, taxonomy 6/1/20, 8/4/05, 9/4/08, 17/1/20, 21/4/08, 21/4/09, 21/4/11, 22/1/24, 27/2/03, 28/1/04, 35/1/26, 35/3/25
Hebe, tea biscuits 15/1/23
Hebe, temperature 34/1/11, 35/3/22
Hebe, texture 31/2/03
Hebe, threatened 27/3/17, 28/2/16
Hebe, three leaved see Hebe, leaves, in threes
Hebe, thrips infestation 33/2/09
Hebe, time of flowering see Hebe, flowering time
Hebe, tips 6/1/08
Hebe, Top Hundred 33/1/13
Hebe, Top Ten 1/4/03, 19/2/23, 33/1/13
Hebe, topiary 17/4/25, 33/2/23
Hebe, tortrix moth 20/1/03
Hebe, toxicity 14/4/14, 19/4/28, 20/4/17, 26/1/21
Hebe, transplanting see Hebe, moving
Hebe, trial forum 39/2/13
Hebe, trials 31/1/08, 31/3/04, 33/2/19, 34/2/09, 34/3/17, 34/3/28, 34/3/33, 35/2/08, 35/2/27, 36/1/07, 36/2/08, 36/2/13, 36/2/22, 36/2/23, 36/3/08, 36/3/12, 36/3/17, 36/3/18, 37/2/30, 37/3/07, 37/3/07, 38/2/08, 38/3/09, 39/1/19, 39/2/12, 39/2/16
Hebe, trials, Alnwick, Northumberland, UK 31/3/04
Hebe, trials, Beechgrove Garden, Scotland, UK 33/2/19
Hebe, trials, California, USA 20/3/12,
Hebe, trials, Capel Manor, London, UK 31/3/04
Hebe, trials, Gardening Which? 37/1/07
Hebe, trials, Garforth, Yorkshire, UK 13/3/12
Hebe, trials, New Plymouth, Taranaki, NI 16/4/23
Hebe, trials, Oregon, USA 15/4/10, 16/4/06, 17/4/10, 18/2/24, 18/3/18, 19/4/10, 23/1/16, 23/2/09, 24/2/12, 24/2/insert, 26/3/04, 26/3/12, 26/3/13, 33/2/13, 33/3/12, 33/3/22, 37/3/12
Hebe, trials, Probus, Cornwall, UK 10/2/09
Hebe, trials, RHS Harlow Carr, UK 10/2/09, 10/4/22, 11/2/10, 11/2/18, 11/3/08, 12/2/12, 12/3/12, 13/2/04, 13/2/11, 13/2/14, 14/2/08, 18/2/25, 24/2/09, 35/2/27, 36/1/07, 36/2/13, 36/2/22, 36/3/12, 37/3/21, 38/2/08, 39/2/12
Hebe, trials, RHS Wisley, Surrey, UK 2/1/02, 10/2/08, 16/3/08, 31/3/11, 34/2/09, 34/3/17, 34/3/21, 34/3/28, 34/3/33, 35/1/08, 35/2/08, 35/2/16, 35/2/27, 36/1/07, 36/2/08, 36/2/13, 36/2/22, 36/3/08, 36/3/12, 36/3/17, 36/3/18, 37/1/07, 37/2/30, 37/3/07, 37/3/07, 37/3/14, 37/3/20, 38/2/08, 39/1/19, 39/2/12
Hebe, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK 32/2/20
Hebe, tyro’s Viewpoint 2/4/12
Hebe, UK 21/3/12, 25/4/09, 29/1/13
Hebe, uncertain species (Flora of NZ) 18/1/14
Hebe, unknown 25/4/insert
Hebe, unlabelled 9/4/29
Hebe, USA 6/1/05, 11/2/21, 11/3/23, 17/4/12, 18/1/21, 19/1/24, 19/4/08, 21/2/23, 21/3/12, 26/4/22, 26/4/23, 27/2/23, 27/2/24, 28/1/17, 29/1/24, 37/1/11
Hebe, USA, western 2/1/10, 21/3/12, 26/4/22
Hebe, UV tolerance 14/1/07
Hebe, Vancouver see Hebe, British Columbia, Canada
Hebe, variegated see Hebe, sports
Hebe, ventilation 28/2/21
Hebe, Veronica, differences 9/1/20, 15/1/03, 15/3/24, 26/3/03, 27/1/12, 30/2/12, 33/1/14
Hebe, Veronica, renaming 26/4/16, 27/2/03, 28/3/23, 30/2/12, 32/2/13, 33/1/14, 35/2/09, 35/3/18, 35/3/21, 35/3/24, 36/1/09, 36/2/14, 36/3/12
Hebe, Victoria, Australia 24/2/19
Hebe, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 30/3/07
Hebe, vigour 39/2/15
Hebe, Wales 18/3/22, 20/4/22, 23/3/07, 29/1/20, 32/3/14, 38/1/10
Hebe, Washington State, USA 20/4/13, 21/2/23, 22/2/13, 22/3/13, 26/4/22
Hebe, wasps 34/2/10, 36/3/06
Hebe, water uptake 21/1/11, 34/1/11
Hebe, watering 13/2/24, 16/3/03, 17/4/25, 18/3/03, 19/1/14, 21/1/13, 21/3/08, 21/3/10, 21/3/23, 21/4/16, 21/4/18, 22/1/14, 22/3/12, 23/3/03, 24/1/13, 25/2/20, 26/1/12, 26/1/24, 27/3/14, 28/3/21, 28/4/13, 29/2/10, 30/3/12, 30/3/14, 32/1/19, 34/1/11, 34/2/20, 36/1/23, 37/3/06
Hebe, waterlogged soil 25/4/12
Hebe, website, Gwen Scoble 25/2/09, 25/2/11, 26/2/08, 27/2/13
Hebe, weeds 35/3/17
Hebe, wet winter see Hebe, winter wet
Hebe, wetland 34/1/24
Hebe, Wheelie bin, masking 37/1/03, 37/2/03
Hebe, where to buy 1/3/04
Hebe, where to see 1/3/03, 22/1/09
Hebe, whipcord 1/3/04, 1/3/09, 2/1/05, 2/1/09, 2/1/10, 4/4/08, 5/4/15, 6/1/06, 6/1/09, 6/1/20, 7/1/24, 7/2/05, 9/1/14, 10/4/12, 10/4/14, 16/1/05, 17/1/21, 20/4/19, 21/3/12, 21/4/08, 21/4/09, 21/4/12, 23/4/17, 25/1/19, 25/2/21, 25/2/22, 25/4/09, 27/2/24, 29/1/18, 34/1/21, 37/2/26
Hebe, whipcord, DNA 16/1/05
Hebe, whipcord, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Hebe, white flowered 35/3/17
Hebe, wilt see Fusarium oxysporum (hebe wilt)
Hebe, wind 7/1/23, 8/2/14, 11/1/15, 15/2/24, 16/4/04, 17/4/25, 20/2/15, 21/2/03, 23/3/07, 25/1/21, 25/4/12, 25/4/13, 26/1/14, 28/2/19, 31/2/19
Hebe, windbreak 28/3/13
Hebe, windburn 21/2/03, 21/3/13, 25/1/21, 25/4/13
Hebe, windchill 21/2/20, 24/1/10, 25/1/21, 31/2/19, 36/2/07
Hebe, winter 2/1/05, 19/1/14, 19/1/22, 21/4/17, 21/4/18, 24/1/10, 24/2/12, 24/3/12, 25/1/12, 26/1/04, 26/1/23, 26/2/12, 26/2/14, 26/2/17, 26/2/23, 26/3/07, 26/4/20, 26/4/22, 27/2/24, 27/4/12, 28/1/03, 28/1/17, 28/2/23, 29/3/04, 29/3/10, 32/1/07, 32/1/19, 32/2/22, 33/1/15, 33/2/08, 33/2/16, 33/2/19, 36/2/13, 38/1/07, 38/1/19, 38/2/08, 38/2/10, 38/2/18, 38/2/25, 38/3/15, 38/3/17, 38/3/27, 39/1/18, 39/3/08
Hebe, winter colour 23/3/03, 24/1/03, 24/1/22
Hebe, winter protection 12/1/13, 20/2/21, 21/2/03, 21/3/24, 23/4/19, 25/2/18, 25/4/11, 25/4/23, 26/1/23, 26/2/17, 27/2/24, 27/4/12, 27/4/19, 28/1/17, 29/3/04, 32/1/19, 33/2/19, 36/2/07
Hebe, winter wet 31/3/04, 37/1/11, 38/1/07
Hebe, Wisley, UK 30/2/10, 36/3/08, 37/3/07, 39/2/12
Hebe, Xylella fastidiosa (plant pathogen) 32/1/23, 33/1/04, 33/1/07, 33/3/04, 33/3/10, 34/2/03, 34/3/08, 35/1/013, 35/1/014, 35/1/013, 35/1/014
Hebe, Yorkshire, UK 1/3/06, 6/1/07, 20/3/24, 28/1/03, 28/3/17, 37/2/25
Hebe, YouTube 31/3/03, 33/3/22, 35/2/03
Hebedonna Anna see Hebe Donna® Anna
Hebedonna Britta see Hebe Donna® Britta
Hebedonna Nikka see Hebe Donna Nikka®
Hebegranda Blue see Hebe Granda Blue®
Hebejeebie birleyi 29/1/18
Hebejeebie densiflora 29/1/18
Hebejeebie tridifa 29/1/18
Hebejeebie, genus 29/1/15, 29/1/18
Hebephrenia (mental illness) 15/2/15
Hebes – A Guide to Species, Hybrids and Allied Species, Metcalf, Lawrie, 2006 see Hebes: A Guide to Species, Hybrids and Allied Genera, Metcalf, Lawrie, 2006
Hebes – Shrubs for all Seasons, Metcalf, Lawrie see Hebes: A Guide to Species, Hybrids and Allied Genera
Hebes and Parahebes, cultivation booklet, Tony Hayter and Dorothy Haydock 6/3/03, 7/1/03, 7/1/06, 7/2/03, 7/2/07, 13/2/15, 14/2/19, 16/3/16
Hebes and Parahebes, Douglas Chalk 3/1/01, 3/2/11, 3/2/03, 3/4/03, 3/4/06, 3/4/07, 4/1/03, 4/2/08, 5/1/07, 5/1/13, 5/2/13, 5/4/15, 6/2/15, 6/4/14, 7/2/21, 8/2/03, 8/4/22, 9/1/20, 9/4/03, 9/4/31, 10/4/05, 13/2/14, 14/2/13, 14/3/09, 15/3/14, 15/4/09, 16/2/25, 16/3/10, 17/3/27, 17/4/04, 19/3/13, 19/4/25, 19/4/28, 21/1/16, 21/4/20, 22/4/12, 23/2/09, 23/2/19, 23/4/15, 24/2/08, 24/4/10, 25/1/09, 25/1/18, 25/2/08, 26/2/08, 26/3/08, 29/1/13, 30/2/13, 30/3/22, 34/1/18, 34/3/33, 35/3/07, 39/1/03
Hebes and Parahebes, Douglas Chalk, update 21/2/17, 23/2/09
Hebes for sale 35/3/12, 36/3/32, 39/3/20¸39/3/20
Hebes Here and There, Graham Hutchins and Patricia K R Davies 11/3/03, 11/4/03, 12/2/04, 12/4/06, 12/4/07, 12/4/10, 13/2/08, 13/2/13, 13/3/04, 13/3/20, 14/3/09, 14/3/21, 15/3/14, 15/4/09, 16/1/03, 16/1/10, 16/2/24, 16/2/26, 16/3/16, 16/3/24, 17/4/04, 18/1/21, 18/3/27, 19/1/23, 19/3/13, 20/2/15, 22/4/13, 23/4/10, 24/2/08, 24/4/24, 26/1/22, 26/3/03, 27/2/12, 27/3/12, 28/1/14, 28/2/08, 31/2/16, 33/2/23, 33/3/08, 34/3/33, 36/1/10, 36/2/16, 36/3/03, 37/1/08, 37/3/20, 38/1/03, 38/2/05, 38/2/15, 38/3/14, 39/2/07, 39/2/07
Hebes Here and There, update 26/3/03
Hebes in the Wild, P Garnock-Jones 6/1/03
Hebes: A Guide to Species, Hybrids and Allied Genera, Metcalf, Lawrie, 2006 19/4/08, 20/3/04, 21/2/17, 21/3/03, 21/3/09, 21/3/11, 22/1/04, 22/2/17, 22/4/13, 24/4/24, 30/2/18, 32/2/14, 34/3/33, 35/2/10
Hebridean Princess (ship) 36/1/18
Hebrides, Scotland, UK 8/1/03, 13/2/27
Hector Range, Otago, SI 5/4/21, 6/1/10, 10/3/28
Hector, Sir James (NZ scientist) 3/3/25, 4/1/25, 5/4/26, 7/2/25, 8/1/23, 9/3/22, 17/4/19, 23/1/24
Hectorella 23/1/24
Hedera 11/2/11, 17/4/03, 25/4/08
Hedera helix 26/2/18
Hedera helix Lalla Rookh 34/3/13, 34/3/13
Hedge laying 33/2/11
Hedge veronica, Scilly Isles, UK 2/2/06, 7/3/07
Hedycarya arborea 9/3/14
Hedychium (ginger lily) 12/1/07, 30/1/16, 34/3/13
Heenan, Peter (NZ botanist) 5/2/18, 7/1/20, 8/4/22, 9/2/07, 9/2/24, 9/3/03, 16/1/03, 16/2/27, 21/1/20, 39/1/23
Heimerliodendron brunonianum see Pisonia brunonianum
Heine, Jan and Arnold (NZ botanists) 5/1/09
Heine, Roland (NZ botanist) 5/1/09
Heketara see Olearia rani
Helichrysum 20/4/22
Helichrysum bellidioides 7/1/07, 7/3/21
Helichrysum coralloides 7/3/21, 10/1/34
Helichrusum County Park Silver 37/3/13
Helichrysum dimorphum 9/1/29
Helichrysum filicaule 9/3/13
Helichrysum ledifolium 5/4/11, 8/2/15, 14/4/05, 24/4/16, 29/3/10
Helichrysum rosmarinifolium 8/2/15, 11/3/07, 14/4/27, 15/2/25
Helichrysum rosmarinifolium Silver Jubilee 5/4/11, 8/2/15, 37/3/03
Helichrysum selago 7/3/21, 11/3/07
Helicobacter pylori (bacterium) 29/3/22
Heliohebe see also Hebe, paniculate group 9/2/07, 9/3/27, 9/4/08, 10/1/28, 10/2/07, 15/1/04, 16/2/27, 16/2/28, 16/3/07, 21/3/11, 21/3/12, 21/3/14, 21/4/09, 22/1/18, 23/4/21, 26/3/03, 29/1/15, 30/1/22, 31/1/15, 35/2/09
Heliohebe acuta see Hebe George Stream
Heliohebe Fairfieldii see Hebe Fairfieldii
Heliohebe Hagley Park see Hebe Hagley Park
Heliohebe Hagleyi see Hebe Hagley Park
Heliohebe hulkeana see Hebe hulkeana
Heliohebe lavaudiana see Hebe lavaudiana
Heliohebe raoulii see Hebe raoulii
Heliohebe raoulii maccaskillii see Hebe maccaskillii
Heliohebe raoulii pentasepala see Hebe pentasepala
Heliohebe Sally Blunt see Hebe hulkeana Sally Blunt
Heliohebe, list, definitive 37/3/21
Heliohebe, renamed to Veronica 35/3/19, 35/3/24
Heliohebe, RHS Plant Finder 35/3/25
Hell’s Gate, Canterbury, SI 8/2/20, 27/4/15, 32/2/14
Helleborus 13/4/06, 14/1/03, 14/1/14, 15/2/31, 28/2/17, 32/2/03
Hells Gate, Canterbury, SI see Hell’s Gate, Canterbury, SI
Helm, Christopher (UK publisher) 4/1/03, 22/4/12, 25/1/18
Helping hand 9/1/03
Helston, Cornwall, UK 9/2/08
Helxine soleirii 10/4/27
Hemiepiphyte 33/1/21
Hen and Chickens Island, NZ 2/5/07
Henbane see Hyoscyamus niger
Henderson, Geoff (NZ naturalist) 26/1/16, 26/1/20, 26/3/04, 26/4/10, 26/4/11, 27/1/17, 27/1/19
Hendy, Jenny (UK horticulturist) 20/4/06, 21/2/03, 21/2/17
Heng, Christopher (Website expert) 23/3/22
Henry Doubleday Reserve Association, UK 5/1/05
Heohebe 21/3/12, 21/3/14
Hepatica 12/4/27
Hephaestus 3/3/11
Heptacodium jasminioides (Chinese shrub) 31/3/15
Heracleum lanatum 22/4/09
Herb robert see Geranium robertianum
Herb Society 17/4/05
Herbarium, specimens 6/1/09, 9/2/09, 9/3/07, 10/1/08, 15/3/27, 17/1/25, 35/3/14
Herbert, Paul (Canadian botanist) 21/1/04
Heriot School, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 7/2/18
Heritage Expeditions, Christchurch, SI 22/4/07
Hermitage, Mount Cook National Park, Canterbury, SI 10/4/32
Heron, white (NZ bird) 15/4/16
Herpolirion novae-zealandiae 7/1/07, 7/1/07, 27/1/17
Heuchera 26/2/14, 29/3/10, 36/3/10, 38/1/11, 38/1/19
Heuchera Palace Purple 29/2/03
Hever Castle, Kent, UK 10/4/06, 12/3/20
Hewitt, Jennifer, (Hebe Society Registrar 1986–98) 1/4/02, 2/1/02, 3/3/05, 3/3/06, 3/4/04, 4/3/20, 5/1/06, 5/2/17, 5/4/06, 6/2/14, 6/4/21, 7/1/15, 9/2/09, 9/2/25, 9/3/06, 10/2/06, 10/2/10, 10/2/13, 14/2/08, 14/2/10, 14/3/08, 15/1/20, 16/1/11, 16/3/15, 19/3/13, 25/1/20, 25/4/16, 26/2/14, 26/2/16, 31/2/16, 34/2/09
Hewitt, Peter 16/1/11
Heywood, Chris and Sally (Hebe Society members) 3/3/06
Hibbertia 18/4/22
Hibiscus 17/1/20, 33/3/18
Hibiscus syriacus 28/1/17
Hibiscus trionum 7/3/21
Hicks Bay, Gisborne, NI 5/1/20, 5/2/10, 8/4/26
Hicks Point, Victoria, Australia 7/1/10
Hicks, Lieutenant Zachary (UK sailor) 7/1/10
Hidden Valley, Rotorua, Waikato, NI 21/2/12
Hieracium (hawkweed) 34/1/21
Hierarchy, plant classification 2/1/S2
Hierochloe redolens 1/4/07
Higgins, Tom and Jos (UK printers) 15/1/03
High Wycombe, Berkshire, UK 10/2/28, 11/3/28, 18/2/03, 29/3/20, 34/3/31, 35/3/24, 36/1/20
Higham, Tim (NZ naturalist) 7/2/08
Hikurani Swamp, Whangarie, NI 21/3/14
Hill, Andy (Canadian botanist) 19/1/23
Hill, Heather (NZ gardener) 17/3/26
Hill, Henry (NZ scientist) T 3/1/15
Hillier’s Manual of Trees and Shrubs 7/3/21, 14/3/24, 18/3/04, 23/1/04, 33/3/03
Hillier, Sir Harold (UK horticulturist) 4/4/13, 30/3/14
Hills, Kate (UK editor) 11/4/03
Himalayan Tahr 34/1/20, 37/1/21
Himalayas 15/3/25, 16/4/22, 17/3/26, 31/2/23, 34/2/10
Hinau see Elaeocarpus dentatus
Hinchcliffe, David (UK horticulturist) 12/1/08
Hindhead, Surrey, UK 36/1/14
Hine, Brent (Hebe Society member) 14/4/03, 14/4/13, 15/1/25, 15/4/11, 16/1/13, 16/2/19, 16/4/08, 17/4/08, 24/4/10, 28/1/20
Hinemoa (NZ survey ship) 9/1/26, 34/3/07
Hinenui-te-po (Maori goddess of death) 28/3/18
Hinerua Reserve see Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI
Hinerua, Hawkes Bay, NI 6/1/18
Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI 5/4/23, 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 10/1/22, 19/4/09, 19/4/19, 20/3/20, 21/3/04, 21/4/04, 22/4/23, 23/3/04, 27/2/17, 27/3/04, 28/2/04, 28/4/20, 29/2/04, 30/1/14, 32/2/24, 34/2/05, 35/1/04, 38/1/03
Hinewai, the Journal of a New Zealand Naturalist, Hugh Wilson 19/3/03, 19/4/09, 19/4/18
Hinton St George, Somerset, UK 4/3/25
Hinuera Valley, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Hiscox Insurance 24/2/03
Historical biogiography 24/1/17
History of Hebe Cultivation see Bibliography of Hebe, Heliohebe and Parahebe
HMS Acheron 8/3/28
HMS Grenville 6/2/13
HMS Niger 6/2/11
HMS Sulphur 5/1/19
HMS Terror 3/4/18, 5/4/27, 8/3/28, 11/2/27, 14/2/17
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 8/3/10, 14/4/04, 28/2/03
Hobbs, Jack (NZ horticulturist, and hebe breeder, Wiri series) 1/2/05, 4/1/03, 4/1/10, 7/1/21, 12/3/03, 15/3/08, 16/1/03, 16/2/27, 17/2/04, 17/2/22, 17/4/20, 17/4/21, 18/1/17, 18/1/21, 18/2/12, 18/4/28, 19/1/19, 19/2/12, 19/2/26, 19/3/27, 21/3/22, 24/2/08, 25/4/14, 26/1/15, 31/2/16, 38/2/25, 39/2/15, 39/2/25
Hobbs, Nick (Hebe Society member) 37/1/28
Hobson, Capt (UK sailor) 13/2/15
Hobsonville, Auckland, NI 6/4/07
Hodder River, Marlborough, SI 5/4/28
Hodge, Alison (UK publisher) 16/2/12
Hodgson, Mrs E A (NZ botanist) 12/4/03, 29/3/14
Hoendad, Kees van’t (Dutch horticulturist) 33/3/09
Hogg, James (Scottish poet) 3/3/27
Hoheria 9/1/15, 16/3/03, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 31/1/11, 34/3/25
Hoheria angustifolia 3/2/07, 16/3/03, 23/2/12
Hoheria glabrata 9/2/10, 26/2/19
Hoheria lyallii 14/2/01, 25/4/09, 26/4/12
Hoheria lyallii Chalk Hills 26/2/19
Hoheria lyallii Swale Stream 26/2/19
Hoheria populnea 2/3/19, 6/4/20
Hoheria populnea Moonlight 24/4/16
Hoheria sexstylosa 6/4/20, 15/2/25, 16/2/04, 17/3/03, 19/3/03, 20/4/03, 26/3/19, 33/2/20 34/3/03, 34/3/03, 34/3/15
Hoheria sexstylosa Stardust 16/3/03
Hoheria, National Collection, UK 34/3/03, 37/2/16
Hoheria, seed germination 33/2/21
Hohnen, Charlie (Australian gardener) 3/2/17
Hohokus, New Jersey, USA 6/1/05
Hokianga Head, Northland, NI 6/1/28, 7/1/20, 7/3/17, 18/4/04, 19/3/04, 23/3/11
Hokiranga Head, Northland, NI see Hokianga Head, Northland, NI
Hokitika, Westland, SI 15/4/16, 38/3/20
Hokkaido, Japan 23/1/15
Hokonui Hills, Southland, SI 5/3/22, 14/3/14
Hole Park, Kent, UK 20/3/07, 38/3/19
Holloway College, Berkshire, UK 3/4/16
Hollyford Track, Fiordland, SI 15/4/19
Hollyford Valley, Fiordland, SI 5/3/22, 27/1/17
Holm Oak see Quercus ilex
Holme, Norfolk, UK 17/4/04
Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, UK 30/3/03, 31/3/14
Holodiscus 16/3/14
Holoepiphytes 33/1/21
Home Depot (US retailer) 26/3/15
Home of Compassion, Island Bay, Wellington, NI 37/1/16
Homebase (UK retailers) 10/2/03
Homer Alpine Nature Walk, Fiordland, SI 27/1/18
Homer Tunnel, Fiordland, SI 7/1/03, 7/1/21, 27/1/18
Homo sapiens 9/4/08, 28/1/09
Hone Heke (NZ politician) 8/3/11
Honey fungus 24/3/20
Honey Tye, Suffolk, UK 13/1/14
Honeydew Trail, Nelson, SI 26/4/10
Honeyeater (bird) 38/2/27
Hong Kong (China) 26/1/16
Honiton, Devon, UK 22/2/04
Honurora, Gisborne, NI 5/2/10
Hooker Glacier, Otago, SI 15/4/16
Hooker Lake, Mount Cook National Park, SI 26/4/13
Hooker Valley Trail, Mount Cook National Park, SI 26/4/12
Hooker, J D see Hooker, Sir Joseph
Hooker, Sir Joseph (UK naturalist) 2/1/S2, 2/4/15, 2/5/06, 3/1/21, 3/2/16, 4/4/25, 5/1/19, 5/2/10, 6/1/22, 7/3/09, 8/1/08, 8/2/28, 8/3/10, 8/4/28, 9/3/20, 13/2/21, 13/4/17, 18/3/21, 19/1/04, 19/3/18, 20/4/20, 30/3/20
Hooker, Sir William (UK botanist) 5/1/19, 7/3/18
HOPE (UK Charity) 16/2/09
Hope River Valley, Canterbury, SI 11/4/27
Hope Saddle Lookout, Nelson-Tasman, SI 38/3/20
Hopmans, Rudolf (Dutch horticulturist) 33/3/09
Hormone, rooting 3/1/18, 32/3/14
Horncastle, Lincolnshire, UK 12/3/11
Hornchurch, Essex, UK 5/1/13, 5/4/18, 5/4/29, 6/3/18, 6/4/11, 10/2/16, 10/3/18, 12/3/10, 16/4/03, 19/3/09, 33/3/03, 36/1/10, 36/2/15
Horner, Colin (Royal National Rose Society, president) 15/2/18
Hornet (insect) 36/3/06
Hornwort 19/1/25
Hororata, Canterbury, SI 4/1/26
Horrocks, John (UK gardener) 27/4/08
Horse chestnus see Aesculus
Horsham, Sussex, UK 8/1/15, 13/3/27
Horsholm Arboretum, Denmark 28/3/14
Hortax, website 27/4/03
Horticap (UK Charity) 18/4/04
Horticultural Development Council 10/2/09, 12/3/22, 24/3/24
Horticultural Education Association 17/2/20
Horticultural Educational Association, UK 16/4/12
Horticultural Research International Efford 10/2/09
Horticultural Taxonomy Group (UK) 12/2/22
Horticultural Therapy, UK 13/1/08
Horticultural Trades Association 14/4/13, 14/4/21, 28/4/18
Horticultural Trades Association, National Plant Show, 2012 27/3/13
Horticultural Week (UK magazine) 7/3/06, 10/1/05, 12/3/05, 13/2/13
Horticulture in New Zealand 26/1/15
Horticulture in UK 38/1/09
Hortus (UK gardening magazine) 14/4/05, 16/3/03
Hortus Kewesis, UK 2/4/14, 9/1/20
Hosepipe ban, UK 5/3/05, 7/3/06
Hosta 16/3/12, 33/3/19
Hosta and Hemerocallis Society 17/4/05
Hosta Big Daddy 14/4/26
Hosta, registration 25/2/14
Houhere see Hoheria glabrata
Houses of Parliament, UK 32/2/16
Houttuynia cordata 14/4/26
Howe, Lord (UK Admiral) 27/1/03
Howell, Chris (UK horticulturist) 34/3/12
Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside, UK 15/2/15
Hoyt Arboretum, Portland, USA 16/2/20
HSBC, bank 35/2/19
Hsu, Eric (Austalian botanist) 24/4/04
Hubbard, Sarah (UK horticulturist) 29/3/03, 29/3/22
Hudson, Nigel (UK horticulturist) 17/1/12
Hughes, Einion (UK gardener) 14/3/24
Hughes, Sonia (Hebe Society member) 39/2/09
Huiarau Range, Waikato, NI 5/3/17, 7/4/29
Hulke, T F (NZ) 4/1/26
Hull, Humberside, UK 8/1/08
Humberside, UK 10/1/34, 10/4/24, 11/1/14, 11/3/14
Humboldt Mountains, Otago, SI 4/3/24, 5/1/09, 6/3/18, 15/4/18, 16/4/26
Hummingbird 12/3/19
Hummock Peak, Southland, SI 12/1/27
Hundervasser, Friedrich (Austrian artist) 21/2/12
Hungaria 8/2/10
Hunt, David (UK botanist) 4/3/05
Hunt, Frederick (NZ settler) 9/4/24
Hunter Hills, Canterbury, SI 5/1/24, 13/2/23
Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/07, 5/4/18
Hunua Range, Waikato, NI 8/3/29
Hunwick Bob (UK gardener) 26/1/22
Hunwick, Joan (UK gardener) 26/1/22
Hurford, Charles (Hebe Society member) 27/2/10, 27/2/insert, 28/2/10, 29/2/08, 30/3/17, 31/3/insert, 31/3/23, 35/1/04, 36/3/28
Hurford, Rachel (New Zealander) 30/2/12
Hurford, Virginia (Hebe Society member) 28/2/10, 29/2/23
Hurricane, UK see Great Storm, UK
Hurst, Pamela von (NZ biologist) 31/1/24
Hutchens, Marshall (Hebe Society member) 1/3/02, 2/1/03, 5/3/05, 7/3/05, 7/4/07, 8/1/05, 8/4/06, 9/2/05, 9/2/25, 9/4/05, 10/2/08, 11/1/07, 11/2/08, 14/2/04, 16/3/08, 16/3/11, 19/2/03, 22/2/10, 22/2/18, 26/3/04, 30/3/23
Hutchings, Gerard (NZ) 12/2/03, 12/3/04
Hutchins, Graham (Vice Chairman 1985–97, Chairman 1997–2003, Vice President 2003–2012) 1/1/05, 1/2/03, 1/2/05, 1/2/11, 1/4/05, 1/4/07, 1/4/15, 2/1/08, 2/4/03, 2/4/05, 2/4/06, 2/5/06, 2/5/06, 2/5/07, 2/5/13 3/1/14, 3/1/14, 3/2/26, 3/3/03, 3/3/07, 3/4/06, 3/4/19, 3/4/20, 4/1/25, 4/2/24, 4/3/03, 4/3/06, 4/3/18, 4/3/25, 4/4/04, 4/4/08, 4/4/24, 4/4/25, 5/1/08, 5/1/13, 5/1/24, 5/2/03, 5/2/06, 5/3/03, 5/3/23, 5/4/05, 5/4/29, 6/1/20, 6/2/03, 6/2/06, 6/2/08, 6/2/17, 6/2/29, 6/3/03, 6/3/09, 6/4/03, 6/4/28, 6/4/29, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 7/3/03, 7/3/10, 7/3/21, 8/1/03, 8/2/05, 8/2/07, 8/4/03, 8/4/13, 9/1/09, 9/1/12, 9/2/07, 9/2/22, 9/2/23, 9/3/26, 9/4/05, 9/4/12, 9/4/17, 10/1/10, 10/2/06, 10/2/16, 10/3/07, 10/3/18, 10/3/19, 10/4/25, 11/1/12, 11/2/07, 11/3/03, 11/3/06, 11/4/03, 11/4/06, 11/4/10, 12/2/04, 12/2/09, 12/2/12, 12/3/04, 12/3/10, 12/4/04, 12/4/07, 12/4/10, 13/2/11, 13/2/14, 13/3/04, 13/3/08, 13/3/20, 14/2/09, 14/2/12, 14/3/03, 14/4/09, 14/4/11, 15/1/04, 15/1/21, 15/2/03, 15/2/10, 15/2/13, 15/2/18, 15/2/26, 15/2/27, 15/3/04, 15/3/08, 15/3/13, 15/3/14, 15/3/21, 15/3/27, 15/4/07, 15/4/09, 15/4/20, 16/1/03, 16/1/10, 16/2/04, 16/2/12, 16/2/25, 16/2/26, 16/2/27, 16/3/07, 16/3/10, 16/3/13, 16/3/16, 16/4/03, 16/4/10, 17/1/03, 17/1/21, 17/2/03, 17/2/12, 17/2/17, 17/4/03, 17/4/04, 17/4/25, 18/1/03, 18/2/03, 18/2/11, 18/3/04, 18/3/26, 18/4/20, 19/1/03, 19/1/07, 19/1/23, 19/2/11, 19/3/09, 19/3/13, 20/1/12, 20/2/09, 20/2/15, 20/2/17, 20/2/19, 20/4/03, 21/1/04, 21/1/16, 21/1/20, 21/3/03, 21/4/20, 21/4/23, 21/4/21, 22/1/20, 22/3/03, 22/3/23, 22/4/13, 23/4/09, 24/1/03, 24/2/18, 24/3/03, 24/4/24, 25/1/03, 25/1/13, 26/1/22, 26/2/19, 26/2/20, 26/3/03, 27/2/12, 27/3/03, 27/3/12, 28/1/14, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/12, 29/3/22, 30/1/21, 30/3/03, 31/2/04, 31/2/05, 31/2/16, 33/2/23, 33/3/03, 33/3/08, 34/2/04, 34/3/25, 35/1/24, 35/3/03, 36/1/10, 36/1/26, 36/2/04, 36/2/16, 36/3/13, 36/3/16, 37/1/04, 37/1/08, 37/3/20, 38/1/03, 38/2/05, 38/2/15, 38/3/14, 39/2/04, 39/3/27
Hutchins, Mrs Margaret 1/2/11, 4/3/06, 4/4/08, 11/3/06, 16/4/03, 20/1/12
Hutchinson Bluff, Kermadec Island, NZ 14/2/26
Hutchinson, Nigel (Collections Co-ordinator 1994–2019, Vice Chairman 2019–) 4/1/03, 4/3/03, 5/3/04, 5/3/07, 5/4/04, 6/2/03, 6/2/13, 7/2/12, 9/1/03, 10/1/05, 10/2/09, 10/4/07, 10/4/22, 11/1/04, 11/2/10, 11/3/08, 11/3/15, 12/2/12, 12/3/12, 13/2/04, 13/2/09, 14/2/08, 14/2/12, 15/2/10, 15/3/21, 15/4/07, 16/2/13, 16/4/09, 17/3/10, 21/3/09, 22/2/03, 22/2/14, 22/3/24, 23/2/08, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 23/4/11, 24/2/08, 24/2/09, 24/3/15, 25/2/08, 25/2/09, 26/1/08, 26/2/09, 26/3/03, 26/3/24, 27/2/12, 27/3/09, 27/4/03, 27/4/11, 28/1/03, 28/1/16, 28/2/04, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/12, 28/2/16, 28/2/17, 28/3/17, 30/3/17, 30/3/19, 31/3/19, 32/3/10, 32/3/15, 32/3/19, 34/2/14, 34/3/07, 34/3/10, 34/3/20, 34/3/28, 36/2/22, 36/3/13, 36/3/14, 36/3/20, 36/3/23, 36/3/29, 36/3/30, 37/1/07, 37/2/23, 37/2/25, 37/3/17, 37/3/20, 37/3/23, 38/1/03, 38/2/08, 39/1/08, 39/1/16, 39/2/13, 39/2/24, 39/3/12, 39/3/16
Hutchinson, Wendy (UK gardener) 28/2/05, 34/2/14
Huxley, Thomas H (UK naturalist) 8/4/28
Hybrids, plant classification 2/3/07, 6/1/22, 6/2/07
Hydrangea, 37/2/16, 38/3/16
Hydrangea petiolaris 23/1/16, 26/3/22, 34/3/29
Hydrogen peroxide 29/3/23
Hydroponics (plant cultivation method) 30/3/12
Hymenanthera see Melicytus
Hymenophyllaceae (plant family) 16/4/28, 29/1/18
Hyoscyamus niger 8/2/10
Hypericum 31/2/13
Hypericum japonicum 7/1/09, 7/3/21
Hypericum polyphyllum 14/4/27
Hypericum, National Collection, UK 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Hythe, Kent, UK 9/3/20
I *
Iberis sempervirens 3/3/21
Ichthyosaur crassimanus (fossilised marine reptile) 35/3/13
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries, UK) 25/1/13
ICNCP see International Code for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants
Identification Guide to the Ferns and Lycophytes of Aotearoa (NZ), Leon Perrie and Patrick Brownsey 39/3/23
Identification of plants, DNA fingerprinting 12/3/04, 33/1/15
Identification of Trees and Shrubs, F K Makins 13/4/17
Idleigh, Meopham, Kent, UK 24/4/11
Ilchester Arms Hotel, Abbotsbury, Dorset, UK 22/2/16
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Abram 15/3/25
Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes, Mike Bayly and Alison Kellow, 2006 17/3/15, 17/3/17, 19/3/04, 21/2/17, 21/3/03, 21/4/08, 21/4/insert, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 22/3/03, 22/3/23, 22/4/13, 22/4/13, 24/3/23, 26/4/11, 27/2/03, 35/3/19, 35/3/20
Illustrations of the NZ Flora, T F Cheeseman 5/1/09, 6/3/18, 10/2/32, 12/3/26
Ilminster, Somerset, UK 10/3/19
Impatiens niamniamensis 15/2/31
Imperial College London, UK 27/1/03
Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridge, UK 13/3/09
Import Regulations, UK 2/5/14
Incense plant see Olearia moschata
Index Kewensis (UK) 12/4/21
India 13/2/28
India bean tree see Catalpa bignonioides
Indian-Australian tectonic plate 29/1/16, 30/2/03, 38/2/27
Indigofera gerardiana 27/4/23
Indolebutyric acid (rooting hormone) 28/2/03, 30/2/14
Indonesia 22/2/23
Inflorescence, plant classification 2/2/11, 2/2/11, 2/2/14, 6/1/20
Inglewood, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13, 16/4/24
Ingwersen, Will (UK horticulturist) 32/2/13
Inishmor, Ireland 7/1/22
Inishowen, Ireland 6/4/08
Ink cap mushroom 17/4/03
Inland Revenue, UK 15/2/20
Insecticide, Basudin 6/4/07
Inspire Learning Awards 24/1/15
Instagram (Internet website) 34/1/10, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 36/2/23, 37/3/22, 39/2/27
Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam 36/1/18
Institute of Horticulture, UK 13/1/10, 16/4/12, 17/2/20, 33/3/22
Insulate Britain 36/3/17
Intellectual Property Office of NZ 34/1/22
InterContinental Park Lane Hotel, London, UK 29/1/03
Internal transcribed spacer (DNA) 21/1/04, 22/1/24
International Alpine Conference 1996, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 8/4/03
International Association Plant Taxonomy 10/2/07
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) 32/3/03
International Botanic Conference, 2005 22/1/24
International Camellia Society 15/2/18, 17/4/05
International Code for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants 1/4/04, 6/2/08, 11/1/16, 11/4/09, 12/4/11, 16/1/24, 19/2/12, 19/2/25, 39/1/16
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature 2/3/05, 4/1/19, 7/2/18, 12/4/21
International Conference Nomenclature 11/4/08
International cultivar registration authorities 17/1/25, 32/3/03, 32/3/22, 35/2/22, 39/1/16
International Dendrology Society 2/5/13, 4/3/05, 24/4/17, 32/3/22
International Flower Bulb Centre, Netherland 12/4/26
International Hortculture Congress 1/4/04, 12/4/11, 17/2/27
International Hortculture Exhibition (1912) 7/4/22
International Plant Conservation Day 26/2/09
International Register of Hebe Cultivars, Metcalf, Lawrie 1/2/02, 1/4/02, 1/4/04, 2/3/03, 2/4/03, 3/3/05, 3/4/04, 4/1/11, 4/2/09, 5/2/06, 5/2/17, 5/4/06, 6/1/09, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/2/20, 7/2/08, 10/1/09, 10/2/06, 10/2/10, 10/2/12, 11/2/10, 11/3/11, 12/4/11, 15/1/09, 15/2/14, 15/3/07, 15/4/07, 16/1/10, 16/2/12, 16/2/25, 16/2/26, 16/3/03, 16/3/08, 16/3/09, 16/3/10, 16/3/15, 16/3/16, 16/3/28, 17/1/13, 17/2/12, 17/4/04, 17/4/25, 18/3/03, 18/3/12, 18/4/22, 19/2/26, 19/2/27, 19/3/13, 22/4/13, 23/2/09, 25/2/14, 26/2/08, 27/2/12, 28/2/08, 28/2/12, 32/3/24, 33/1/09, 36/3/11 37/1/08, 38/1/03, 38/1/21, 38/3/14, 39/2/07, 39/2/07, 39/2/28
International Register of Hebe Cultivars, update, Metcalf, Lawrie 26/2/08, 38/1/21, 39/1/17, 39/2/28
International Registration Authority 17/2/27, 32/3/03
International Society Horticultural Science 13/4/05
International Union for Conservation of Nature 27/1/22
International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List 27/1/22
International Woman’s Day 37/1/15
Internet 15/4/12, 17/3/04, 20/1/13, 20/4/05, 22/4/15, 25/2/14, 26/2/13, 26/3/09, 26/3/15, 29/3/10, 29/3/11
Internet Advisor (magazine) 19/4/27
Internet Explorer (Internet browser) 25/1/24
Internet, search 17/4/12, 33/3/18
Intute, website 22/2/09
Invercargill City Council 32/3/21
Invercargill Museum, Southland, SI 18/4/03
Invercargill, Southland, SI 3/1/22, 5/1/11, 5/3/20, 5/4/06, 6/2/14, 7/1/20, 7/4/08, 10/1/09, 11/1/21, 13/2/04, 13/2/22, 14/1/18, 14/4/22, 15/4/18, 17/1/13, 25/1/13, 25/3/18
Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) 8/1/01, 28/4/21
Iprodione see Fungicide, iprodione
Ipswich, Suffolk, UK 8/4/05, 11/2/05, 17/1/21
IRA see International Registration Authority
Ireland 2/1/12, 4/4/21, 7/2/07, 7/4/21, 8/2/09, 9/2/08, 10/3/20, 17/1/19, 27/1/19, 27/3/19, 27/4/21
Ireland 6/4/05
Iris 14/4/26, 17/2/27, 22/4/09, 23/1/13, 25/4/16
Iris reticulata Harmony 12/4/27
Iris robusta Dark Aura 31/2/16
Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar 31/2/16
Iris sibirica Peter Hewitt 31/2/16, 34/2/09
Iris Society see British Iris Society
Iris stylosa 30/1/23
Iris unguicularis 30/1/23
Irises for New Zealand, Yvonne Cave 19/3/20
Irish Gardening (magazine) 27/4/21
Irish Garden Plant Society 39/3/03
Irish Online Forum 22/1/23
Irish Sea 17/4/15
Irishgardeners (website) 22/1/22
Irons, Jeff (Australasian Plant Society) 15/4/03, 17/2/19, 19/2/15
Ironside, Rev Samuel (NZ minister) 13/1/22
Irwin, Bruce (NZ artist) 3/3/09
Island Pass, SI 22/3/03
Isle of Bute, Scotand, UK 18/3/03
Isle of Jura, Scotland, UK 12/4/04
Isle of Lewis, Scotland, UK 7/1/23, 9/2/22, 9/4/16, 11/4/09, 13/3/09, 14/4/11, 15/2/03, 15/4/08, 15/4/10, 16/2/03, 16/4/04, 16/4/09
Isle of Man, UK 4/2/12, 5/4/10, 8/2/14, 9/1/03, 9/2/25, 11/3/10, 11/3/11, 11/4/12
Isle of Portland, Dorset, UK 22/2/16
Isle of Wight, UK 12/1/03, 17/3/09
Isles of Scilly, UK 6/4/18, 7/4/22, 8/3/05, 10/2/06, 12/2/04, 21/2/21
ISSN, International Standard Serial No 9/3/03
Italy 8/2/28, 9/2/24, 15/2/13, 16/1/10, 32/1/23, 38/2/05
ITS see Internal transcribed spacer (DNA)
IUCN see International Union for Conservation of Nature
Ivon Watkins Dows, NZ 8/2/12
Ivy see Hedera
Ivy Society 15/1/08
J *
J C Raulston Arboretum, North Carolina, USA 25/2/24
Jacaranda mimosifolia 33/1/11
Jack’s Pass, SI 15/2/11, 32/2/14
Jackson’s Bay, Westland, SI 8/4/27
Jackson, Peter (Hebe Society member) 6/1/06, 6/2/03
Jacobsen, Preben (Hebe Society member) 2/1/02, 2/1/02
Jakarta, INDO 7/1/12
Jameson, Mike (NZ naturalist) 27/3/21
Jane Holden (UK gardener) 24/4/insert
Japan 3/4/03, 15/4/11, 16/4/23, 22/4/10, 29/2/03, 33/1/03
Japanese barberry see Berberis thunbergii
Japanese cedar see Cryptomeria
Japanese knotweed see Reynoutria japonica
Jasmine, see Jasminium
Jasminium 17/1/20, 34/1/08
Jasminium nudiflorum 14/1/14
Java, Indonesia 7/1/12
JCB (digger) 31/1/18
Jean, Gerarad (French gardener) 30/1/05
Jekyll, Gertrude (UK horticulturist) 34/3/11
Jellyman, Alan (NZ horticulturist) 16/4/23
Jenkin, E F (Australian nurseryman) 12/3/03
Jennings, Basil (Hebe Society member) 36/2/15
Jennings, Sylvia (Hebe Society Treasurer 2022–) 36/2/15, 37/1/07, 37/2/12, 37/3/20, 37/3/21, 37/3/23, 37/3/24, 38/1/04, 39/2/25, 39/2/26, 39/3/12
Jenson, Merrill (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/4/22
Jermyn, Jim (UK nurseryman) 10/2/17
Jersey, UK 9/4/29, 16/4/12, 35/3/07
Jewsons (UK builders merchants) 18/4/14, 19/2/16
Jingermanniale (liverwort) 19/1/26
Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope, Cheshire, UK 30/3/03, 30/3/14, 31/2/05, 31/2/08,31/3/14
John Innes (compost) 14/2/14, 16/4/03, 17/4/14
John Innes Centre, UK 34/1/04, 34/2/03
Johnson, Peter (NZ botanist) 8/1/10, 10/2/20
Johnson, Ros (NCCPG Plant Conservation Officer) 19/3/11
Johnston Creek, Buller, SI 5/1/10
Jointed wire rush see Apodasmia similis
Jone, Gary (UK horticulturist) 25/3/11
Jones, Carolyn (Canadian horticulturist) 14/1/09
Jones, Gary, (UK horticulturist, Plumpton College) 26/4/20, 27/4/13, 28/1/16, 28/2/10, 28/2/11, 28/3/08, 28/3/17, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 29/1/09, 29/2/07, 29/2/18, 30/2/09, 30/3/17, 30/3/19, 31/3/18
Jones, Linda (UK horticulturist) 18/4/21
Jones, Mrs M (NZ plant breeder) 10/3/22, 13/1/04, 22/1/12, 30/3/07
Jordan, Hal (US? correspondent) 15/1/23
Jordan, John (NZ farmer) 16/4/23
Jordan, R (NZ nurseryman) 10/3/23, 22/1/12
Josef, Roy and Barbie see Joseph, Roy and Barbie
Joseph, Roy and Barbie (UK gardeners) 20/4/22, 24/4/15, 31/1/19
Jovellana violacea 7/3/20, 39/2/18, 39/2/20
Jubaea chilensis 28/3/19
Juel (scientist) 15/3/28
Juncaceae (plant family) 17/1/14
June Gap 31/2/04
Juniperus 30/1/13
Juniperus squamata Meyeri 7/2/23
Jurassic Coast (Devon and Dorset, UK) 22/1/04, 22/2/15, 37/2/16
Jurassic Garden, Yorkshire, UK 35/3/12
Jurassic Period 26/4/17
Jurassic pine see Wollemia nobilis
Jury, F M (NZ) 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Jussieu, A L see de Jussieu
Justice, Miss M (Hebe Society member) 4/4/03
JustPark (car parking) 36/3/23
K *
Kahikatea see Podocarpus dacrydioides
Kahikatoa see Leptospermum scoparium
Kahurangi National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/3/16, 19/1/05, 26/4/10, 39/2/30
Kahurangi Point, Nelson, SI 11/4/28, 19/1/05
Kaiapoi, Canterbury, SI 7/4/21, 23/3/10
Kaikoura Peninsula, Marlborough, SI, 26/4/12, 38/3/30
Kaikoura Range, Marlborough, SI 1/2/10, 5/4/20, 8/2/10, 9/2/23, 10/4/32, 11/1/24, 11/1/28, 13/1/18, 26/4/11, 26/4/12, 37/2/15, 39/1/23
Kaikoura rock daisy see Pachystegia insignis
Kaimanawa Range, Central NI 6/1/29, 7/4/29, 11/4/27, 13/4/26, 14/1/17, 14/2/18, 18/4/17, 19/3/16
Kaipara, Auckland, NI 5/3/19, 8/4/29
Kaitaia, Northland, NI 8/1/21
Kaitake Range, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Kaiteriteri, Nelson, SI 15/3/15
Kaitoke Regional Park, Wellington, NI 28/3/20
Kaitorete Split, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 33/2/17
Kaka (NZ bird) 9/2/11, 15/1/13, 15/3/17
Kaka beak see Clianthus puniceus
Kakapo (NZ parrot) 12/2/03, 17/3/05, 18/1/04, 28/3/03, 29/1/18, 31/1/24, 31/2/20
Kakapo Recovery Group 31/1/24
Kalmia, registration 25/2/14
Kalopanax septemlobus 34/3/14, 34/3/14
Kamahi see Weinmannia racemosa
Kamahi see Pterocarpa racemosa
Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 22/4/07
Kanuka see Kunzea ericoides
Kapiti Island, NZ 5/4/19, 8/4/16, 9/2/10, 18/1/04
Karaka see Coryncarpus laevigatus
Karamea, Nelson, SI 15/3/16
Kareao see Ripogonum scandens
Karen’s Directory Pinter (computer program) 36/1/03
Karioi Mountain, Waikato, NI 3/1/26
Kariri, Central NI 17/1/20
Karitane, Canterbury, SI 9/2/10
Karitani see Karitane, SI
Kashmir 16/4/23
Katiki Point, Dunedin, SI 30/2/13
Kauaeranga Valley, Waikato, NI 6/3/26, 8/3/29
Kaupapa, Gisborne, NI 5/1/20
Kauri see Agathis australis
Kawakawa, Northland, NI 7/3/17, 21/2/12
Kawarau Gorge, Otago, SI 1/2/08, 6/1/10, 36/2/25
Kaweka Range, Hawkes Bay, NI 1/4/06, 5/4/19, 5/4/26, 6/1/29, 11/3/27, 11/4/16, 14/2/18, 19/3/16
Kawhia, Waikato, NI 18/1/15, 28/3/18
Kay, Thelma (UK gardener) 2/4/28
Kaye, John (Hebe Society member?) 1/2/02
Kea (NZ bird) 15/3/19, 15/4/18, 29/1/16, 35/3/27
Keatly, Captain 23/3/11, 23/4/07
Keble Martin, Rev W see Martin, Rev W K
Keighley, Yorkshire, UK 4/3/12, 5/2/17, 5/3/08, 5/4/04, 7/2/12, 8/2/09, 9/2/24, 10/2/09, 11/2/10, 12/2/12, 12/3/12, 13/2/26
Keketerehe see Olearia chathamica
Kelleria dieffenbachii 26/4/11
Kellow, Alison (NZ botanist, author) 17/3/15, 21/2/17, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 24/3/23
Kells, Ireland 12/4/08
Kelly, Dave (NZ botanist) 26/4/14
Kelsall, Cheshire, UK 30/3/03
Kendrick, John (NZ gardener?) 18/1/15
Kennedy’s Bush Reserve, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 8/1/14
Kent, UK 28/3/09, 29/3/07, 33/2/07, 35/1/07
Kenyon, Mr (Hebe Society member) 11/3/08
Kepler Range, Fiordland, SI 5/1/25
Kepler Track, Fiordland, SI 15/4/19
Kereru see NZ native pigeon
Kerguelan’s Island 10/1/32
Kerikeri, Northland, NI 7/3/17
Kermadec Island Flora, W R Sykes 8/1/10, 8/4/06
Kermadec Island, NZ 1/2/10, 2/5/08, 4/1/06, 5/4/14, 7/2/14, 8/2/28, 10/2/32, 12/3/26, 14/2/25, 31/2/22, 34/1/24, 37/2/15, 38/1/23
Kermadec koromiko see Hebe breviracemosa
Kermadec nikau palm see Rhopalostylis baueri cheesemanii
Kermadec pohutukawa see Metrosideros kermadecensis
Kerr Pt, North Cape, NI 2/5/11
Kerrimuir, Scotland, UK 16/3/14
Kerry, Ireland 6/4/08
Kershaw, Mandy and Dennis (UK gardeners) 24/4/17
Kerswell, Jeremy (UK horticulturist) 33/2/09
Ketley, Alan (UK horticulturist) 9/2/25, 12/1/08
Kew Bulletin, UK 6/2/27
Kew Magazine, UK 10/2/03, 11/2/03, 12/4/04, 20/1/09, 21/4/04, 26/4/15, 28/3/03, 34/1/04
Kew website 23/2/21, 33/1/15
Key, John (NZ Prime Minister) 31/3/16
Keys, botanic 6/1/21, 32/3/03
Kiandra Plains, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/18
Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK 6/4/21
Kidney fern see Trichomanes reniforme
Kikihia rosea (Cicada) 29/1/19
Kilkelly, James (Irish horticulturist) 22/1/22
Killiney, Ireland 6/4/28, 7/1/22
Kilmeston, Hampshire, UK 24/4/10
Kilner jar 23/2/21
King Edward Park, Hawera, NI 28/3/20
King Gentius of Illyria, Adriatic 16/1/16
King George III 28/1/21
King George’s Island 6/3/14
King of Ragworts (brachyglottis) 35/3/04
King’s holly see Lomatia tasmanica
King Charles III, HM 39/1/09
King, Denys (Australian botanist) 11/4/04, 28/1/04
Kingdom, plant classification 2/1/S2
Kingdom-Ward, Frank (UK plant hunter) 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Kings Cliffe Gardener’s Association, Peterborough, UK 16/1/10
Kingsbury, Noel (UK horticulturist) 34/2/10
Kingston on Thames, London, UK 6/3/28
Kingswood Bush Scenic Reserve, Invercargill, SI
Kinsey, Melanie (Hebe Society member) 13/3/03, 16/3/12, 17/1/10, 21/3/12
Kipling, Rudyard (UK author) 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Kirby, Catherine L (NZ botanist) 33/1/20, 33/1/24
Kirengeshoma palmata 14/4/28
Kirk, Thomas (NZ botanist) 2/2/07, 2/4/23, 3/2/16, 4/2/24, 4/4/22, 6/3/26, 7/1/28, 7/3/25, 8/1/24, 10/3/20, 10/3/27, 11/2/25, 11/4/27, 16/2/27, 20/4/20, 22/1/10
Kirkianella 2/4/23
Kirkophytum 2/4/23
Kirkpatrick, Jamie (Tasmanian ecologist) 16/1/25
Kiwi (NZ bird, National emblem) 7/1/19, 8/1/03, 8/2/03, 9/2/11, 15/1/13, 15/3/19, 16/4/20, 18/4/26, 19/4/04, 27/1/11, 27/2/10, 29/1/17, 29/1/19, 32/1/04, 32/3/03
Kiwi, conservation 32/3/03
Kiwi, great mountain see Kiwi, great spotted
Kiwi, great spotted 28/4/15, 29/1/18
Kiwi, Rowi (NZ bird) 27/2/10, 27/3/21, 28/1/23, 29/1/19
Kiwi, southern brown 29/1/18
Kiwifruit see Actinidia chinensis
Kiwifruits, London, UK (bookshop) 4/2/16, 21/3/20
Kleinwort, Sir Richard (UK gardener) 21/4/21
Knaresborough, Forest of, Yorkshire, UK 12/4/25
Knife, hori hori (Japanese) 36/2/11
Knifophia 34/3/13
Knight, Jacqui (NZ Monarch Butterfly Trust) 21/3/22, 23/3/12
Knightia excelsa 5/2/10, 6/4/20, 8/1/09, 8/4/29, 15/1/14, 31/3/11, 31/3/13
Kniphofia 14/4/26
Know your New Zealand Shrubs, Metcalf, Lawrie 23/2/09
Know your New Zealand Trees, Metcalf, Lawrie 23/2/09
Knuckey, David (UK horticulturist) 16/4/09
Knutsford, Cheshire, UK 9/3/26, 12/3/21, 13/3/19, 14/3/03, 16/2/15, 17/1/13, 17/2/08, 29/1/11, 30/3/04, 31/2/15, 37/1/10
Kodak (Kodachrome, photographic film) 15/1/21
Koeeria glauca (blue grass) 37/1/22
Kohekohe see Dysoxylum spectabile
Koheriki see Melicope ternata
Kohia see Passiflora tetrandra
Kohuhu see Pittosporum tenuifolium
Kohurangi see Senecio kirkii
Kokako (NZ forest bird) 17/3/04, 18/2/24
Kokohurangi see Senecio kirkii
Kokopu, banded (NZ fish) 27/2/19
Kookaburra (Australian bird) 22/2/15
Kooy, S (NZ naturalist) 9/3/03, 10/1/22
Kopakopa see Plantago species
Kopata see Geum urbanum strictum
Kopuwai Conservation Area, Old Man Range, Otago, SI 26/4/13
Korea see also Korea, South 9/2/08, 26/1/24
Korean War 22/4/07
Korikori see Ranunculus insignis
Korn, Peter (Swedish gardener) 21/4/24, 26/2/19
Koromiko see Hebe salicifolia
Kororareka, NI 7/3/16
Korsakov, Sakhalin Island, Russia 22/4/07, 23/1/16
Korthalsella salicornioides 27/1/17
Kotuku see Heron, white
Kotukutuku see Fuchsia excorticata
Kowhai see Sophora tetraptera
Kozlowski, A G (Hebe Society member) 39/3/18
Kress, W John (US botanist) 21/1/04
Kristensen, Linda (Danish nurseryman) 2/5/13, 3/1/07, 3/3/03, 4/3/06, 4/4/06, 4/4/17, 5/1/11, 5/2/09, 9/1/07, 16/4/07, 16/4/16, 17/1/11, 25/2/20
Kruger, Tamati (Maori spokesman) 24/1/21
Kukupa see NZ native pigeon
Kumara see Ipomoea batatas
Kumararahou see Pomaderris kumeraho
Kunzea 23/1/03
Kunzea ericoides 7/4/21, 17/3/03, 18/1/24, 21/2/12, 23/3/10, 23/4/07, 27/2/18, 28/1/10
Kunzea muelleri 23/4/22
Kunzea sinclairii 7/4/21, 8/4/30, 23/3/10, 23/4/07
Kuril Islands, Russia 22/4/07, 23/1/11
Kurilisk, Ostrov Iturup, Kuril Islands 23/1/15
Kyle, Rev Leicester (NZ vicar) 13/2/15
Kyoto Protocol 18/4/04
L *
L’Aube (ship) 4/2/25, 5/4/28, 7/4/29
L’Esperance Rock, NZ 38/1/23
La Dell, Tom (UK landscaper) 3/1/01, 14/1/03
La Nina (weather) 26/2/16
la Rochelle, France 9/4/27, 29/3/18
Labarde, Philip (French horticulturist) 18/1/04
Laburnum 26/2/16
Laburnum, arch 28/1/03
Labyrinth, Tasmania 16/1/25
Lady Ashbrook (UK gardener) 25/3/10, 26/3/08
Lady Ashbrook Award, Arley, UK 22/3/11
Lady Lever Art Gallery, Wirral, UK 17/4/03
Lagerstroemia (plant) 38/3/15
Lagarostrobus franklinii 13/3/04
Lagotis glauca 23/1/14, 23/1/15
Laing, Robert (NZ botanist) 4/2/24, 12/4/19, 28/4/21
Laius, A (Hebe Society member) 11/4/07
Lake Brunner, Westland, SI 6/4/26
Lake Christabel, Canterbury, SI 1/2/08, 3/1/14
Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, SI 33/2/17
Lake Garda, Italy 12/1/08
Lake Gunn, Fiordland, SI 7/1/03, 27/1/17
Lake Harris, SI 17/2/18
Lake Hauroko, Southland, SI 14/1/18
Lake Hawea, Otago, SI 10/1/33, 19/1/05, 34/1/20
Lake Hope, Otago, SI 5/4/21
Lake Lyndon, Canterbury, SI 6/1/11, 7/1/09, 8/3/12, 15/1/26, 17/4/19, 28/1/10
Lake Manapouri, Fiordland, SI 7/1/20, 11/1/26, 11/4/28
Lake Mapourika, SI 28/1/24
Lake Margaret, Tasmania 16/1/25
Lake Mike, Fiordland, SI 7/2/25
Lake Monk, Fiordland, SI 7/2/25
Lake Monowai, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17, 27/1/18
Lake Ohau, Otago, SI 6/1/10, 7/1/07
Lake Padarn, north Wales, UK 39/2/10
Lake Pukaki, Canterbury, SI 6/1/11, 26/4/12, 39/1/30
Lake Rotoaira, Central NI 26/1/19
Lake Rotoiti, Nelson, SI 9/3/20, 15/3/17, 26/4/10, 26/4/insert, 27/4/15, 33/1/12, 38/2/30
Lake Rotoroa, Nelson, SI 5/4/27, 9/3/21, 15/3/17
Lake Rotorua, Waikato, NI 5/3/18, 9/4/33, 26/1/18
Lake Tarawera, Central NI 5/3/18, 9/4/33, 17/1/17
Lake Taupo, Central NI 5/4/24, 9/4/33, 12/3/27, 26/1/18, 26/1/19, 39/1/23
Lake Te Anau, Fiordland, SI 11/4/28, 20/3/17
Lake Tennyson, Canterbury, SI 1/2/09, 5/4/20, 6/2/18, 32/2/13, 37/2/14
Lake Vyrnwy Hotel, Powys, Wales, UK 27/1/08
Lake Vyrnwy, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 20/4/04, 26/4/07, 27/1/07
Lake Waihola, Otago, SI 10/2/21
Lake Waikareiti, Gisborne, NI 15/1/11
Lake Waikaremoana, Gisborne, NI 5/2/11, 15/1/11
Lake Wakatipu, Otago, SI 5/1/25, 6/3/18, 10/1/33, 11/1/26, 11/3/28, 17/1/08
Lake Wanaka, Otago, SI 3/4/19, 10/1/33
Lake Wilke, SI 31/1/23
Lakeland Horticultural Society 31/2/16
Lamiales (plant order) 34/1/23
Lammerts, Dr W E (US nurseryman) 7/4/22, 12/3/03, 23/3/11
Lampranthus 25/4/23
Lampranthus roseus 18/3/19
Lamprey (NZ fish) 27/2/19
Lancashire, UK 33/1/18
Lancaster, Roy (UK horticulturist) 4/4/05, 20/2/17, 21/4/04, 25/1/03, 30/1/05, 32/2/03, 32/2/04, 33/1/03, 33/3/03, 38/3/14
Lancewood see Pseudopanax
Lancashire College, UK 2/3/08
Land of Long White Cloud see NZ
Land Reclamation, NZ 9/2/12
Landcare Research (see also DSIR) 1/2/07, 4/1/10, 4/2/16, 5/2/03, 5/2/08, 5/2/18, 7/1/03, 7/1/20, 7/2/14, 8/1/10, 8/2/10, 8/4/03, 8/4/03, 8/4/06, 9/2/07, 9/2/24, 10/2/12, 10/2/20, 10/2/22, 12/1/21, 14/1/22, 16/3/09, 15/1/23, 17/3/04, 17/3/21, 17/3/25, 18/1/21, 18/4/03, 18/4/04, 21/1/20, 22/3/08, 27/2/04, 27/4/04, 30/1/03, 32/3/03, 36/1/27, 38/3/23
Landcare Research Website 18/4/03, 27/4/04
Lands End, Cornwall, UK 34/1/18
Landscaping 2/1/02, 13/4/06, 14/1/03, 39/1/03
Landsman’s Bookshop, UK 20/4/20
Lantern moss 19/1/26
Lanyon, John (Hebe Society member) 3/2/09, 20/1/12
Lapageria rosea 27/4/23
Lapland 9/4/27
Laptop computer 20/2/03, 24/4/03, 26/1/16
Lardizabalaceae (plant family) 38/1/14
Lardizabala ternata 38/1/14
Larix dahuria 15/3/28
Larix sibirica 15/3/28
Latham, William (UK gardener) 34/3/15
Latin 2/3/05, 15/1/09, 15/1/16, 15/3/26, 20/4/21
Laugharne, Carmarthen, Wales, UK 22/1/09
Laurelia novae-zealandiae 8/1/19, 8/4/07, 9/3/21
Laurelia serrata 8/4/07
Laurus nobilis 2/3/15
Lavandula officinalis (lavender), host for Xylella 33/3/10
Lavaud, Capt C F (French sailor) 1/3/12, 4/2/25, 31/1/16
Lavendular angustifolia Munstead 20/3/12
Lawica Airport, Poland 23/4/19
Lawrence, Ghislaine (Hebe Society member) 39/1/09
Lawrence, Otago, SI 7/2/17
Lawson cypress see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Lawton, Graham (UK environmentalist) 39/3/03
Lawton, Jude (UK gardener) 34/2/14
Layman, Jeff (APS member) 38/1/13
Le Jolis (French horticulturist) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Lead 5/3/16
Leaf mould 30/1/08, 35/2/15
Leaf mould 33/3/18
Leaf shape recognition 30/1/12
Leaf Spot 1/4/14, 6/4/07
Leaf Spotting, Septoria 2/4/09, 13/1/24, 34/1/11
Leaf Tips, Yellow 2/5/09
Leaf, composting 33/3/18
Leaf, evergreen 2/3/15
Leaf-base, plant classification 2/2/14
Leaf-bud, base, plant classification 2/2/14
Leafhopper see leafhopper
Leafhopper (insect) 32/1/23
Leary, Derek (Hebe Society member) 15/4/27, 16/3/23, 17/3/11, 17/3/22, 17/4/09, 19/1/14, 19/3/10, 27/2/09, 27/3/09, 28/2/10, 29/2/18, 30/3/12, 30/3/19, 34/3/15, 34/3/23, 36/3/30, 37/3/24, 37/3/27, 39/2/24, 39/3/12
Leatherwood see Olearia colensoi
Leatherwood see Senecio Elaeagnifolius
Leavenheath, Suffolk, UK 13/1/14
Leaves, plant classification 2/2/14
Lebanon 39/3/03
Lecturing 6/1/23
Ledward, Daphne (UK horticulturist) 13/1/10, 27/4/19, 29/3/21
Leeds, Yorkshire, UK 10/4/22, 16/3/13, 26/3/13
Leffler, Mrs P (Harlow Carr Guide) 13/2/09
Legionnaire’s disease 7/1/03
Legitimate name, plant classification 2/3/06
Leguil, Sophie (NCCPG) 28/2/10, 28/2/16
Lehnebach, Carlos (NZ author and botanist) 39/1/20
Lemon scented boronia see Boronia citriodora
Lemonwood see Pittosporum eugenioides
Lenwebbia (genus) 27/1/20
Leonohebe 4/1/19, 8/2/08, 9/4/13, 10/1/28, 14/4/14, 21/3/11, 21/4/08, 21/4/09, 21/4/13, 22/1/18, 29/1/15, 29/1/18, 30/1/22
Leonohebe annulata 4/1/21
Leonohebe armstrongii 4/1/21
Leonohebe benthamii 4/1/21
Leonohebe cheesemanii 4/1/20, 21/4/08, 21/4/13
Leonohebe ciliolata 4/1/20, 21/4/08, 29/1/18
Leonohebe coarctata 4/1/21
Leonohebe cupressoides 4/1/21, 21/4/08, 21/4/13, 28/1/14, 32/1/15
Leonohebe cupressoides Boughton Dome 28/1/15
Leonohebe cupressoides Nana 28/1/14
Leonohebe densiflora 4/1/20, 29/1/18
Leonohebe epacridea 4/1/20
Leonohebe haastii 4/1/20
Leonohebe haastii humilis 4/1/20
Leonohebe haastii macrocalyx 4/1/20
Leonohebe hectori 4/1/21
Leonohebe hectori demissa 4/1/21
Leonohebe imbricata 4/1/21
Leonohebe laingii 4/1/21
Leonohebe lycopodioides 4/1/21
Leonohebe lycopodioides patula 4/1/21
Leonohebe masoniae 4/1/22
Leonohebe masoniae rotundata 4/1/22
Leonohebe mooreae 4/1/21
Leonohebe mooreae telmata 4/1/21
Leonohebe ochracea 4/1/21
Leonohebe odora 4/1/21
Leonohebe pauciflora 4/1/21
Leonohebe pauciramosa 4/1/21
Leonohebe petriei 4/1/20
Leonohebe petriei murrellii 4/1/20
Leonohebe poppelwellii 4/1/21
Leonohebe propinqua 4/1/21
Leonohebe ramosissima 4/1/20
Leonohebe salicornioides 4/1/21
Leonohebe subsimilis 4/1/21
Leonohebe subsimilis astonii 4/1/21
Leonohebe subulata 4/1/21
Leonohebe tetragona 4/1/21
Leonohebe tetrasticha 4/1/20, 21/4/08, 21/4/13
Leonohebe tumida 4/1/20, 21/4/08
Leonohebe uniflora 4/1/20
Leonohebe, aromaticae, plant classification 21/4/13, 30/1/22
Lepidium oleraceum 7/4/13
Lepidolaena hodgsoniae (NZ liverwort) 19/1/26
Lepidothamnus 21/1/18, 26/4/17, 27/1/11
Lepidothamnus laxifolius 29/1/17
Leptinella 11/1/07, 29/2/11, 30/1/16, 30/1/23, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Leptinella atrata 19/4/16
Leptinella atrata subsp luteola 19/4/16
Leptinella coronopifolia 19/4/16, 19/4/17
Leptinella dendyi 19/4/17, 37/3/13
Leptinella dioica 20/1/14, 20/1/14
Leptinella dioica var crenatifolia 20/1/14
Leptinella dioica var obscura 20/1/15
Leptinella featherstonii 20/1/15
Leptinella filicula 7/3/20
Leptinella filiformis 20/2/14
Leptinella goyenii 20/2/14
Leptinella lanata 20/2/14
Leptinella maniototo 20/3/17, 20/3/17
Leptinella minor 20/3/17
Leptinella nana 20/3/18
Leptinella pectinata 20/4/15
Leptinella pectinata subsp villosa 20/4/15, 20/4/15
Leptinella pectinata subsp willcoxii 20/4/16, 20/4/16
Leptinella Platt’s Black 21/3/16, 31/2/11, 39/3/09
Leptinella plumosa 21/1/14
Leptinella potentillina 21/1/14, 29/3/16
Leptinella pusilla 21/1/14, 21/1/15
Leptinella pyrethrifolia 21/2/14, 21/2/14, 21/2/insert
Leptinella pyrethrifolia var linearifolia 21/2/14
Leptinella serrulata 21/3/15, 21/3/15
Leptinella squalida 12/4/04, 21/3/15, 21/3/insert, 23/4/18
Leptinella squalida Platt’s Black 29/3/16, 37/3/13
Leptinella squalida ssp mediana 21/3/16
Leptinella tenella 21/4/14
Leptinella traillii 21/4/14, 21/4/15
Leptinella traillii subsp pulchella 21/4/15
Leptinella, genus 30/1/23
Leptopteris superba 5/3/17, 5/3/17
Leptospermone (plant constituent) 29/3/23
Leptospermum 1/3/10, 4/3/17, 4/4/09, 6/4/20, 7/4/20, 12/2/04, 13/4/11, 14/1/21, 16/1/03, 16/1/13, 16/3/14, 18/4/20, 19/3/22, 21/1/18, 22/2/04, 22/3/10, 22/4/23, 23/3/09, 23/3/20, 23/4/22, 23/4/24, 24/4/16, 26/1/20, 26/2/24, 26/3/16, 32/1/11, 34/1/04, 39/1/12
Leptospermum ericoides see Kunzea ericoides
Leptospermum grandiflorum 7/3/20
Leptospermum lanigerum 5/4/11, 7/3/20, 11/1/14, 12/3/14, 13/3/03, 13/4/11, 14/1/03, 14/4/05, 15/1/03, 15/2/03, 15/2/25, 17/1/03, 19/3/12, 23/3/10, 25/2/03, 25/4/03, 28/3/04
Leptospermum lanigerum Cunninghamii 4/4/10, 5/4/11, 8/2/15
Leptospermum nitidum 7/3/20
Leptospermum rupestre 7/3/20
Leptospermum scoparium 4/1/11, 4/1/11, 5/2/10, 5/2/11, 6/3/28, 6/4/20, 7/4/12, 7/4/20, 7/4/20, 8/1/09, 8/1/19, 12/2/04, 12/3/03, 12/3/03, 12/3/19, 13/3/27, 13/4/11, 13/4/11, 15/1/17, 15/2/25, 16/3/19, 17/3/03, 18/1/25, 19/4/01, 23/3/09, 23/4/06, 28/1/10, 29/3/22, 35/1/18
Leptospermum scoparium Adrianne 34/2/23
Leptospermum scoparium Album Flore-pleno 12/3/03
Leptospermum scoparium Autumn Glory 8/2/15
Leptospermum scoparium Boscawenii 7/4/22, 12/3/03, 23/3/11
Leptospermum scoparium Burgundy Queen 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Chapmanii 7/4/22, 23/3/11
Leptospermum scoparium Fred’s Red 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Kea 22/3/10
Leptospermum scoparium Keatleyi 4/4/10, 7/4/22, 10/4/10, 23/3/11, 23/4/07
Leptospermum scoparium Kiwi 5/4/11, 7/4/22, 8/2/15, 12/3/03, 23/3/11
Leptospermum scoparium Leonard Wilson 7/4/22, 23/3/11
Leptospermum scoparium Linnet 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium nanum 12/3/03
Leptospermum scoparium nanum Tui 8/2/15
Leptospermum scoparium Nichollsii 7/4/22, 9/2/08, 12/3/03, 21/4/22, 23/3/11, 23/3/12
Leptospermum scoparium Nichollsii Nanum 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Pink Cascade 36/2/32
Leptospermum scoparium Pink Pearl 12/3/03
Leptospermum scoparium Red Damask 7/4/22, 12/3/03, 23/3/11, 23/3/12
Leptospermum scoparium Red Ensign 5/4/11, 8/2/15
Leptospermum scoparium Redpoll 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Redstart 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Robin 12/3/04
Leptospermum scoparium Ruby Glow 7/4/22, 23/3/11
Leptospermum scoparium Wiri series 12/3/03
Leptospermum sinclairii see Kunzea sinclearii
Leptospermum, Australia 23/3/09
Leptospermum, Checklist, 1963 1/4/04
Leptospermum, introduction to UK 23/3/10
Leptospermum, Malaysia 23/3/09
Leptospermum, myrtle rust 34/1/04
Leptospermum, National Collection, UK 7/4/23, 18/4/21
Leptospermum, New Caledonia 23/3/09
Leptospermum, new varieties 15/2/27
Leptospermum, New Zealand 23/3/09
Leptospermum, propagation 12/3/04
Leptospermum, pruning 12/3/04
Leptospermum, registration 1/4/04, 32/3/22
Les Liliacees (book) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Leslie, Professor Alan (UK horticulturist) 16/1/24, 19/2/25
Letchworth, Hertfordshire, UK 24/2/17
Leucadendron 26/3/16
Leucogenes 10/4/10, 11/2/03
Leucogenes grandiceps 10/4/12, 15/4/16, 15/4/17, 26/4/13
Leucogenes leontopodium 26/2/13
Leucojum 14/1/03, 15/1/03
Leucopogon 21/1/18
Leucopogon ericoides 7/3/20
Leucopogon fasciculatus 26/4/10, 27/2/18
Leucopogon parviflorus 7/3/20
Leucospermum 26/3/16
Lever, Keith, Tim and Rachel (UK horticulturists) 32/2/21
Levin, Manawatu, NI 5/1/21
Levington (compost) 13/2/25, 25/3/15
Lewes, Sussex, UK 9/3/27, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/05, 29/1/08, 29/1/09, 29/2/09
Lewin, M J (Hebe Society member) 27/2/09
Lewis Pass, Canterbury, SI 4/4/21, 12/1/28, 13/4/25, 19/3/18
Lewis, Mr (NZ nurseryman) 4/2/25
Lewis, Terry (UK gardener) 16/1/10
Lewisia 32/2/03
Lewisia cotyledon 22/3/13
Leylandii see Cupressocyparis leylandii
Leys, T W (NZ author) 8/2/13
Libertia 10/1/14, 11/2/03, 13/3/11, 13/4/11, 15/2/26, 30/2/04, 39/2/20
Libertia caerulescens 7/3/20
Libertia elegans 7/3/20
Libertia grandiflora 14/4/26, 24/3/18, 29/3/11, 30/2/insert, 30/2/20, 31/2/16, 31/2/17, 35/1/18, 38/2/19, 38/2/19, 39/2/20, 39/2/20, 39/2/32
Libertia ixioides 9/3/14, 30/2/04, 32/2/04
Libertia peregrinans 2/3/20, 9/1/15, 13/4/12, 13/4/12, 16/2/04, 19/1/05, 23/1/03, 23/2/13, 24/4/16, 29/3/10, 30/2/04
Libertia pulchella 13/4/11
Libertia, National Collection, Ireland 30/2/04
Libocedrus 21/1/18, 26/4/17, 27/1/11
Libocedrus bidwillii 7/3/21, 15/3/19, 26/4/10, 30/2/03
Libocedrus plumosa 7/3/21, 30/2/03
Lichen 6/2/11, 17/4/18, 19/1/25, 19/1/27, 24/3/20, 29/1/16, 29/1/17, 33/1/21
Lichen, photographs 35/3/27
Lidgbird Ball, Lieutenant Henry (UK sailor) 27/1/03
Lidl supermarket 27/2/16
Life and Times of Te Rauparaha, W T L Travers 9/3/22
Ligularia 23/1/12
Ligustrum 4/2/25, 17/1/21
Ligustrum ovalifolium 26/2/18
Lilac see Syringa vulgaris
Liliaceae (plant family) 10/3/21, 13/2/29, 13/4/12, 22/1/11, 33/1/22
Lilium species 23/1/12
Lily of the valley tree see Cletha arborea
Lima, Chip see Lima, Henry
Lima, Henry (Hebe Society member ) 36/1/14, 36/3/30
Lime, silver see Tilia tomentosa
Limosella 11/2/26
Linaria triornithophora 3/3/06
Lincoln University, Canterbury, SI 13/4/10, 16/2/25, 27/4/14, 28/1/11, 31/3/17
Lincoln, Canterbury, SI 7/1/20, 9/2/07, 10/3/25, 16/2/25, 16/4/07, 27/4/14, 28/1/11, 32/3/22, 32/3/24
Lincoln, UK 14/2/13
Lindley Library, RHS, UK 10/2/10, 11/1/04, 31/1/09
Lindsay, Robert (UK horticulturist) 3/3/26, 4/2/25
Lindsay, William (UK scientist) 11/3/11, 11/4/13
LinkedIn (Internet website) 27/3/10, 39/2/27
Linnaean Society, Smith Manuscript 9/1/21
Linnaean System of Classification 35/1/19
Linnaeaus (Swedish scientist) 2/1/S2, 2/3/05, 2/4/18, 6/1/13, 7/4/11, 9/1/21, 35/1/19
Linnaeaus and the Linnaeans, F A Stafleu 9/4/29
Linum 10/3/21, 22/1/11
Linum monogynum 7/3/21, 9/3/14, 9/3/14
Liriodendron tulipfera 34/3/32
Lisbon, Portugal 6/2/13
Liscannor, County Clare, Ireland 27/4/20
Liskeard, Cornwall, UK 13/2/12
Litchi 24/2/18
Lithospermum diffusum 4/3/05
Lithuania 22/2/12
Little Anglem, Stewart Island, NZ 16/3/18
Little Barrier Island, NZ 4/3/24, 9/2/10, 11/2/25, 12/2/03, 12/2/26, 28/3/03
Little Park, Whitby, Yorkshire, UK 35/1/20
Little Treasures (NZ magazine) 25/4/17
Liverpool, Merseyside, UK 11/3/08
Liverwort 19/1/25, 26/1/17, 29/1/15, 29/3/03
Liverwort, photographs 35/3/27
Livingstone Mountains, Fiordland, SI 1/2/08, 36/2/25
Llafranc, Spain 27/3/11
Llanarthue, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK 18/2/07
Llanberis, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 39/2/11, 39/3/20
Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK 18/2/07
Llandudno, Clwyd, Wales, UK 14/3/24, 35/2/04, 39/1/10
Llangathen, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK 17/4/07, 18/1/04, 18/1/07, 18/2/03, 18/2/07
Llangollen canal, Wales, UK 36/3/26
Llangollen Gardening Society 22/3/19
Llangollen, Clwyd, Wales, UK 22/3/18, 23/3/06, 24/3/13, 24/4/03, 25/3/09
Llanrhaeadr Gardening Club, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 20/4/22
Lleyn Peninsula, Wales, UK 18/3/22
Lloyd, Christopher (UK gardener) 11/3/08, 11/4/09, 15/3/21, 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Lloyds Bank, UK 36/3/27
Llyn Coed y Dinas Nature Reserve, Powys, Wales, UK 27/1/07
Llyn Peninsula, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 32/2/21
Lobelia 23/1/03
Lobelia linnaeoides 7/3/21
Lobelia pedunculata 37/3/10
Lobelia santos-limae 30/1/16
Lobelia species 5/3/18
Lobster claw see Clianthus puniceus
Loch Ewe, Scotland, UK 15/3/03
Loch Spynie, Scotland, UK 38/2/17
Lock down, Covid 19 see Covid 19, lockdown
Lockdown, Covid 19 see Covid 19, lockdown
Loddiges, Conrad (UK nurseryman, 19th Century) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Loder Cup 7/2/24
Loder Valley, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 23/1/07
Lodgepole pine see Pinus contorta
Logan Estate, Scotland, UK 36/1/15
Logan, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 31/1/13
Logan, Hugh (NZ conservationist) 18/2/16
Logania 4/2/25
Logothetis, Maggie (Hebe Society member) 14/1/07
Lomaria rotundifolia 5/3/17
Lomatia 11/4/04, 22/2/11
Lomatia dentata 15/2/25
Lomatia ferruginea 7/3/12, 15/2/25, 27/4/22, 36/3/17, 36/3/18
Lomatia hirsuta 15/2/25
Lomatia myricoides 16/1/13
Lomatia silaifolia 15/2/25
Lomatia tasmanica 11/4/04, 28/1/04
Lombok, Indonesia 38/2/27
London clay 21/2/21
London, UK 6/1/12, 18/4/20, 25/1/09
Long Ashton, Bristol, UK 15/3/09
Longacre Press (NZ publisher) 20/3/19
Longacre, County Down, UK 3/4/04
Long-tailed tit (UK bird) 14/1/03
Longwood Range, Southland, SI 13/2/23, 16/3/20
Lonicera 17/1/21, 24/3/23
Lonicera nitida 10/1/07
Lonicera nitida Baggesen’s Gold 18/4/22, 28/3/23
Lonicera nitida Elegant 26/2/19
Lonicera, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Lopen, Somerset, UK 4/2/26
Lophomyrtus 20/3/08, 21/1/03, 27/1/19, 27/2/13, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/3/16, 28/3/insert, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/2/09, 29/2/09, 29/2/11, 29/3/03, 29/3/15, 29/3/16, 30/1/15, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 32/3/17, 34/1/04, 34/2/13
Lophomyrtus bullata 7/3/21, 8/3/25, 9/2/10, 27/1/20, 27/3/19, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus bullata Matai Bay 27/1/20
Lophomyrtus Logan’s Form 20/2/04
Lophomyrtus obcordata 7/3/21, 27/1/20, 28/3/16, 33/2/20, 35/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii 2/3/19, 7/3/21, 8/3/25, 27/1/20, 28/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Black Pearl 27/1/20, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Gloriosa 27/1/20, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Kathryn 26/3/08, 27/1/insert, 27/1/20, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Krinkly 27/1/20
Lophomyrtus ralphii Little Star 27/1/insert, 27/1/21, 28/3/16, 29/3/16, 30/2/14, 36/3/09
Lophomyrtus ralphii Logan’s Form 27/1/21, 28/3/16, 29/2/insert, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Magic Dragon 27/1/21, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Multicolor 27/1/21, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Pixie 18/2/03, 27/1/21, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Purpurea 27/1/21, 35/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Red Dragon 27/1/21, 33/1/04, 33/1/insert, 33/2/03, 33/3/04, 34/2/04
Lophomyrtus ralphii Red Pixie 27/1/21
Lophomyrtus ralphii Red Wing 27/1/21, 28/3/16, 29/3/16
Lophomyrtus ralphii Sundae 20/2/03
Lophomyrtus ralphii Traversii 27/1/21
Lophomyrtus ralphii Tricolor 27/1/21
Lophomyrtus ralphii Wild Cherry 27/1/21
Lophomyrtus, collection 25/2/09, 26/2/09, 27/1/21, 31/3/12
Lophomyrtus, myrtle rust 34/1/04
Lophomyrtus, National Collection, UK 27/2/13, 27/3/19, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/3/insert, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/3/15, 30/1/15, 31/3/12, 32/3/17, 36/3/09
Lophomyrtus, propagation 30/2/14
Lophozonia (renamed Nothofagus) 30/1/23
Loqueffert, Brittany, France 37/2/18
Loranthus colensoi 5/2/11
Lord Ashbrooke (UK gardener) 17/3/08, 22/3/10, 23/3/20, 24/3/10, 25/3/10, 26/3/08, 27/3/16, 28/3/12, 31/2/11
Lord Bledisloe (Governor-General of NZ) 28/3/19
Lord Howe Island 27/1/03
Lord of the Rings, J R R Tolkien 17/1/08, 28/3/20
Lord, Dr Janice (NZ botanist) 30/1/11
Lord, Tony (UK editor) 7/2/06, 14/3/08, 15/1/22, 16/1/24
Lording, T A, (Hebe Society Auditor 1986–2001) 2/1/02, 3/2/09, 15/2/10, 16/2/10
Los Angeles, USA 2/1/10, 16/4/19
Loseley House, Guildford, Surrey, UK 15/1/06, 15/2/07, 16/1/09, 16/2/13, 16/3/21, 17/1/13, 17/2/09, 17/3/11, 17/4/09, 18/3/09, 20/3/10, 21/3/10, 22/2/10, 23/3/15, 24/3/11, 25/2/10, 35/3/08
Losh, Simon (NZ horticulturist) 2/5/13
Lossiemouth, Scotand 38/2/16
Lothian, West, Scotland, UK 35/3/11
Lotus 123 (computer program) 11/2/14
Louden Terrace, Birmingham, UK 34/3/15
Louden, John Claudius (UK garden designer) 34/3/11
Louis XV 9/4/27
Love Gardening Direct, online plant sales 35/3/11
Lovell, Sir Bernard (UK astronomer and plantsman) 18/2/14, 18/4/12, 19/1/07, 24/4/17, 27/3/04, 27/4/03, 28/4/04, 31/2/08, 31/3/14
Lovelock, James (NZ athlete) 28/3/19
Lowaters, Peter (UK horticulturist) 30/3/12
Lowe, Dorothy (UK gardener) 4/2/26, 4/3/25
Lowerstoft, Suffolk, UK 21/1/24
Lowters, website 35/3/10
Loxoma cunninghamii 7/3/17, 8/4/29
Loxsoma see Loxoma
Lucas, Rob (NZ horticulturist) 18/1/22, 22/2/20, 26/4/15, 39/1/23
Luce Bay, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 17/4/15
Ludlow, Shropshire 26/2/16
Ludvan, Cornwall, UK 8/4/05
Lugustrum lucidum Excelsum Superbum 27/3/11
Lugustrum lucidum Tricolor 27/3/11
Lulworth Cove, Dorset, UK 22/2/16
Luma (genus) 27/1/19, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/2/09, 29/3/15
Luma apiculata 31/1/03
Luma communis Glanleam Gold 9/2/07, 27/3/19
Luma, National Collection, UK 27/3/19, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/3/15
Lund, Sweden 10/3/27
Lupinus 26/4/20
Luque, Lola (Hebe Society member) 24/2/21
Luscombe, John (UK gardener) 8/4/22
Luzula (NZ grass) 22/4/23
Lyall, Dr David (UK botanist) 3/4/18, 5/4/27, 7/2/25, 8/3/28, 11/2/27, 14/2/17
Lychee see Litchi
Lycopod 19/1/25, 19/1/27
Lycopodium 4/2/26
Lycopodium alpinum 22/4/10
Lycopodium cernuum 23/1/12
Lycopodium obscurum 22/4/10
Lycopodium selago 23/1/12
Lygodium 8/4/29
Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK 25/3/07
Lymm, Cheshire, UK 37/3/19
Lymm Jubilee Gardening Club, Cheshire, UK 32/2/20
Lynn, Christine (Hebe Society member) 16/3/15, 26/2/03, 26/4/24
Lyon, France 8/1/20
Lyons, I 6/1/13
Lysichiton americana 15/2/32
Lysimachia nummularia 23/4/23
Lytham Hall, Lancashire, UK 38/3/12
Lyttelton Hills, Canterbury, SI 7/4/28, 28/1/10
M *
MacArthur, Elizabeth (NZ) 7/2/19
MacArthur, Robert (UK) 7/2/19
Macaulay River, Canterbury, SI 10/2/33
Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK 1/3/09, 6/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/4/21, 10/4/20, 12/3/14, 12/3/21, 13/1/03, 14/4/21, 19/1/06, 19/2/03, 20/3/04, 21/4/06, 25/1/04, 25/2/03, 25/3/03, 26/1/21, 27/1/24, 28/1/04, 28/3/19, 30/2/23, 30/3/05, 32/1/03, 33/1/04, 33/2/03, 36/2/03, 39/2/03
MacDonald, Norman (UK author) 5/1/18
Macedon Ranges, Gisborne, Australia 13/3/10
Macetown, County Meath, Ireland 14/2/22, 14/3/11
Macfarlane, Rod (MEA Mobile director) 30/1/12
Mackay, Bruce (NZ horticulturist) 4/1/10, 4/4/19
MacKay, Keith (Hebe Society member) 34/1/08
MacKenzie Country, SI 21/3/15
MacKenzie Pass, Canterbury, SI 1/2/09, 14/3/16, 36/2/26
MacKenzie, Osgood (UK gardener) 28/3/05, 28/4/12
MacMahon, J H (NZ) 5/4/29
Macquarie Island, Australia 4/1/06, 10/1/32, 31/2/22
Macreas, Otago, SI 7/1/07
Macrocarpa see Cupressus macrocarpa
Macropiper excelsum 8/1/19
Madagascar 22/2/23, 25/3/14, 37/3/15
Madeira 6/3/12, 7/4/11, 8/1/12, 27/4/23
Madeira, plants collection 29/3/19
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand, website 27/4/04
MAFF, UK 7/4/07
Magellan Straits 9/4/26, 10/4/06
Magnesium (chemical element) 2/5/09, 5/1/24, 22/2/22, 26/1/12
Magnolia 21/4/21, 22/2/11, 28/4/07, 29/1/09, 36/1/18, 37/2/16, 38/1/14, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Magnolia cambellii mollicomata 12/4/27
Magnolia Full Eclipse 32/1/19
Magnolia grandiflora 16/2/09
Magnolia liliflora Nigra 38/1/13
Magnolia wilsonii 38/3/09, 38/3/09
Mags (dog) 39/2/22
Mahia Peninsula, Hawkes Bay, NI 8/4/26, 29/3/14
Mahoe see Melicytus ramiflorus
Mahonia 26/2/13
Maianthemum bifolium 22/4/11
Maidstone, Kent, UK 10/4/22, 11/2/10, 11/3/06
Main Divide, SI 5/2/24, 5/2/25, 6/1/26, 6/4/27, 7/4/29, 8/1/12, 14/1/17, 14/2/16, 14/4/17, 15/3/19, 16/2/17, 20/4/15, 21/3/16, 28/1/09, 28/4/11, 32/2/24
Mair, Capt G (NZ) 6/3/27, 14/2/19
Maka, Toni and Toka (NZ conservationists) 24/1/04
Makinson, Bob (UK botanist) 11/1/04
Makirikiri Tarns, Ruahine Range, Manawatu, NZ 12/2/25
Makomako see Aristotelia serrata
Malahide, Dublin, Ireland 39/1/12
Malaria 39/1/22
Malay archipelago 13/2/28, 38/2/27
Malaysia 7/4/20, 8/1/12, 23/3/09
Malcolm, Bill and Nancy (NZ authors) 5/1/03, 6/2/24, 12/2/03, 19/1/25
Malin Head, Ireland 6/4/09
Mallet, Alison (UK gardener?) 5/4/03
Malmo, Sweden 21/1/18, 22/4/16
Malus 17/1/20
Malus trilobata 39/3/03
Malvaceae (plant family) 34/3/03
Malvern Hills, Canterbury, SI 17/1/17
Malvern Hills, UK 30/1/04
Mammilaria Society 34/3/03
Mana Island, NZ 9/2/10
Manaaki Whenua see Landcare Research
Manaia, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Manakau, Manawatu, NI 8/4/29
Manapouri, Southland, SI 5/1/25, 7/1/20
Manawatu, NI 3/1/26
Manchester, UK 9/1/24, 14/4/21, 15/4/12, 24/3/22, 32/2/03, 33/1/18
Manchuria alder see Alnus hirsuta var sibirica
Mancozeb see Fungicide, Mancozeb
Mandipropamid (fungicide) see Pergado Uni
Manganese (chemical element) 14/1/26
Mangawhai, Northland, NI 5/3/19
Mangawhero Forest Walk, Central NI 26/1/20
Mangawhero River, Central NI 26/1/20
Mangrove 22/2/22
Maniototo, Otago, SI 20/3/17
Manoao26/4/17, 27/1/11 see also Dacrydium kirkii
Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Alfred Rehder 13/4/17
Manual of Indigenous Grasses of NZ, J Buchanan 10/1/33
Manual of the NZ Flora, T F Cheeseman 1/2/01, 3/1/14, 3/2/16, 4/3/15, 5/1/09, 5/2/23, 6/1/22, 6/2/18, 6/3/18, 6/4/11, 10/2/32, 12/2/16, 12/3/17, 12/3/26, 20/4/20
Manuka see Leptospermum scoparium
Manuka honey 29/3/22, 35/1/18
Manuka oil 29/3/22, 29/3/23
Manuka Press, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 9/2/03, 11/4/07, 22/3/08, 28/4/20, 30/1/03
Manukau North Head, Auckland, NI 2/5/07, 5/3/19
Manure, chicken, pelleted 16/3/28
Manure, farmyard 28/3/05
Manuwatu, NI 13/3/26
Manx Palm see Cordyline australis
Maori 2/5/10, 7/4/13, 8/1/08, 8/1/11, 8/1/12, 8/1/18, 8/2/28, 9/3/22, 9/4/03, 9/4/23, 10/3/20, 11/1/21, 12/4/03, 13/1/18, 13/4/10, 14/2/25, 15/3/19, 16/4/18, 16/4/23, 18/1/24, 18/2/16, 18/2/22, 20/4/21, 22/1/09, 22/4/22, 23/2/13, 23/3/09, 24/4/18, 27/1/10, 27/2/17, 28/3/18, 29/3/12, 29/3/13, 29/3/22, 30/2/03, 31/1/22, 32/1/15, 33/2/21, 35/1/18, 39/1/22, 39/3/25
Maori Art 4/4/06, 34/3/23, 35/1/21, 35/1/20
Maori food 37/3/16
Maori Healing and Herbal, Murdock Riley 20/2/03
Maori, language 39/1/22, 39/3/25
Maori legends 28/3/18
Maori medicine 23/3/09, 29/3/22, 31/1/22, 37/1/15
Maori Myth 6/4/03, 18/2/22
Maori plant names 27/1/10, 39/3/25
Maori post cards 6/4/18
Maori woodwork 23/3/09
Maori, myrtle rust 34/1/04
Maori, reparations to 24/1/21
Maplin Electronic Supplies 9/1/03
Maraehara River, NI 29/3/14
Maraetai, Auckland, NI 5/3/19
Marchantia (liverwort) 19/1/26
Marcus, Carolyn (UK gardener) 12/3/22
Marden, Mike (NZ botanist) 18/4/04
Margot Forde Germplasm Centre, Palmeston North, NI 27/2/04
Marianne North Gallery, Kew, London, UK 28/2/03, 34/2/04
Marion Island 10/1/32
Mark, Professor Alan (NZ botanist) 2/4/04, 10/4/03, 10/4/10, 12/1/21, 12/1/26, 17/4/18, 29/1/15
Marker, Russell (US chemist) 8/2/11
Market Drayton, Shropshire, UK 20/4/06, 21/2/03
Markham, Ken R (NZ botanist) 17/3/15, 21/4/10
Marks and Spencer (UK retailers) 4/2/13, 16/1/23
Marlborough lilac see Hebe hulkeana
Marlborough Sound, SI 12/3/27, 18/2/16, 18/2/24, 18/4/26, 22/1/22, 28/1/23, 35/1/27, 39/1/23
Marlborough, SI 1/2/07, 1/3/11, 3/1/13, 3/1/14, 3/2/26, 3/2/27, 3/2/27, 3/4/20, 4/1/04, 4/1/23, 4/2/26, 4/3/23, 4/4/22, 5/1/24, 5/2/23, 5/2/24, 5/2/25, 5/3/23, 5/4/20, 5/4/26, 5/4/28, 6/1/27, 6/1/28, 6/2/26, 6/2/27, 6/2/28, 6/2/29, 6/3/28, 6/4/27, 7/1/28, 7/4/29, 8/2/21, 8/3/29, 9/3/21, 10/1/33, 10/4/32, 11/1/24, 11/1/28, 11/4/28, 12/2/16, 12/2/26, 12/4/20, 12/4/21, 14/1/17, 14/3/15, 14/3/16, 14/4/16, 16/1/17, 16/2/17, 18/1/14, 18/1/15, 19/3/16, 19/4/16, 20/4/15, 21/1/14, 21/2/14, 21/3/15, 21/4/04, 21/4/09, 24/1/04, 25/4/21, 27/4/15, 30/2/04, 30/2/18, 32/2/13, 32/2/15, 36/1/27
Marple 24/2/17
Marram Grass see Ammophila arenaria
Marriot, Michael (rose grower) 38/3/14
Marron, Pat (Hebe Society member) 29/2/15, 29/3/24, 30/2/23, 30/3/03, 30/3/19, 31/2/10, 31/2/12, 31/3/20, 32/2/03, 32/2/18, 32/2/20, 32/3/12, 34/2/03, 34/2/14, 34/2/23, 34/3/23, 35/1/03, 36/3/30, 37/2/03, 39/2/24, 39/3/16
Marsh tit (UK bird) 20/4/04
Marshall, Roz (UK horticulturist) 39/2/13
Marskell, Adrian (UK horticulturist, Bransford Webb Plants) 32/3/09, 32/3/13, 39/2/13
Marsupial (animal) 38/2/27
Martin, Rev W Keble (UK botanist) 15/1/19
Martin, S see Firth, S, M and E 3/2/03, 4/4/03
Martin, Sam (NZ garden designer) 22/3/03, 23/2/12, 23/2/22, 34/2/11
Martin, W (NZ botanist?) 9/1/13
Martindale, W (UK author) 8/1/20, 8/2/13
Martinez-Ortega, M M (Spanish botanist) 22/1/24
Maru see Kunzea ericoides
Maruia Valley, Buller, SI 6/4/26
Maruru see Ranunculus reflexus
Maryfield, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 4/3/06
Mason Bay, Stewart Island 11/4/28, 21/3/15
Mason River, Canterbury, SI 8/2/20
Mason, Catherine (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/4/12
Mason, Margaret (Hebe Society member) 21/4/17
Mason, Ruth (NZ botanist) 5/1/25
Massachusetts, USA 14/2/12, 18/2/27
Massey University, Palmerston North, Manawatu, NI 4/1/10, 18/4/22, 27/2/04, 29/2/04, 31/1/24
Massey, John (UK horticulturist) 32/2/03
Mast year 28/1/23, 29/1/12, 34/2/19
Masterton, Wairarapa, NI 8/1/14
Matamata, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Matata see Rhabdothamnus solandri
Matha’s Vineyard, Mass, USA 18/2/27
Matipo see Myrsine australis
Matiri Plateau, Buller, SI 5/1/09
Matlock, Derbyshire, UK 10/1/10
Matthews, Henry John (NZ forester) 3/1/14, 4/3/24, 5/1/09, 6/3/18, 8/2/20, 8/3/28, 16/4/26
Matthews, Julian (NZ gardening writer) 21/4/04
Maud Island, NZ 12/2/03
Maunganui Bluff, Northland, NI 6/1/28, 18/3/28, 18/4/04, 29/2/13
Maungapohatu, Gisborne, NI 5/2/22
Maungaraho Rock hebe, see Hebe saxicola
Maungaraho Rock, Northland, NI 24/1/05
Maungaturoto, Northland, NI 7/1/20
Maunsell, Rev (NZ missionary) 5/3/19
Maurandia barclaiana 4/3/05
Maurice White Native Forest Trust, SI 35/1/04, see also Hinewai Reserve
Mauritius 10/4/06
Maxicrop, growth promoter 28/3/05, 28/4/12
Maxwell, Emma (UK horticulturist) 24/4/15
Maytenus boaria 15/2/26
Mazus pumilo 7/3/21
Mazus radicans 7/3/21
Mazus reptans 7/3/20
McAfee Security Scan Plus (software) 28/2/13, 28/3/15
McBride, Harold (UK gardener) 10/4/10, 12/1/03
McBride, Shirley R (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/3/13
McBride-Whitehead, Valerie (UK horticulturist) 13/1/04
McCann, Patrick (UK? designer) 8/3/24
McCarthy, Michael (UK author) 31/2/03
McCaskill, Lancelot (NZ lecturer) 5/4/28, 10/3/25, 32/3/20, 32/3/23
McClung (US scientist) 15/3/27
McColl, Jim (UK TV gardener) 31/3/10
McConnell, Beverly (NZ gardener) 21/4/04
McDonnell, Edward (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/3/04
McDouall brothers (UK horticulturists) 31/1/14, 36/1/15
McDougall, John (Hebe Society member) 35/3/11
McEwan, William (NZ librarian) 7/2/18, 28/3/23
McGaffin, Ian(Hebe Society member) 3/1/01, 3/1/08
McIntyre, John (NZ horticulturist) 16/4/23
McKean, H (NZ?) 2/4/02
McKenzie Basin, Canterbury, SI 32/1/16
McKenzie, Murdo (Ireland?) 9/2/07
McKim, Nick (Australian Greens Leader) 28/3/04
McLauren Falls, Waikato, NI 3/2/26
McLintock, Dr Elizabeth (US horticulturist?) 1/4/05
McMillan Browse, Philip (UK horticulturist) 2/4/04, 8/3/06
McQueen, D R (NZ botanist?) 8/4/26
MEA Mobile (software) 30/1/11
Mead, A D (NZ botanist?) 2/5/07
Meadow brown (butterfly) 22/3/09
Meadowbank, Auckland, NI 8/1/08
Meanings and Origins of Botanical Names of NZ Plants, Marie Taylor 23/1/24
Meconopsis 12/4/27
Mediterranean fruit fly 11/2/03
Mediterranean Garden (magazine) 14/1/07
Mediterranean Garden Society 14/1/07
Mediterranean plants, in Australia 24/2/19
Mediterranean plants, in France 29/3/18
Mediterranean plants, in London 30/1/18
Mediterranean plants, in Spain 26/4/19, 38/2/05
Meeanee, Hawke,s Bay, NI 37/1/15
Meetings with Remarkable Trees, Thomas Pakenham 28/3/18
Megaherb (subantarctic flora) 7/2/10, 13/2/03, 18/1/27, 21/3/04, 25/1/22, 39/1/21
Meikle, Violet (NZ) 6/3/29
Melaleuca 32/3/17
Melaleuca alternifolia (Australia) 29/3/22
Melbourne Museum, Victoria, Australia 9/4/23
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 8/1/14, 10/3/07, 13/3/10, 13/3/22, 14/1/10, 16/1/25, 19/4/17, 24/2/20
Melcourt (compost) 30/3/13
Melianthus 29/3/11, 32/3/16
Melicet, Manfred (German railway) 14/1/08
Melicope 31/1/03
Melicope ternata 8/1/19, 8/2/28
Melicytus 6/2/06, 28/2/18
Melicytus alpinus 15/4/08, 21/4/24
Melicytus crassifolius 3/2/07, 26/2/20
Melicytus lanceolatus 26/1/19
Melicytus obovatus 17/2/17, 34/3/15
Melicytus ramiflorus 8/2/28
Menai, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/3/03, 14/4/25, 24/1/07, 39/2/11
Mendel, Gregor (Austrian monk and botanist) 15/3/27, 15/4/13
Menzies Bay, Canterbury, SI 1/2/07, 4/3/24, 36/1/26
Meopham, Kent, UK 24/4/11
Mercury (planet) 6/4/24
Mercury Bay, Waikato, NI 6/4/24, 14/1/16
Mercury Island, NZ 5/1/20, 6/2/03
Mermaid (ship) 7/3/16
Merrist Wood College, Surrey, UK 7/1/03, 7/1/06, 7/2/03, 7/2/05, 7/2/12, 7/4/06, 8/3/24, 10/2/16
Mertya sinclairii 8/4/30
Mesozoic period (geology) 28/2/03
Messenger (Eden BioScience, plant regulator) 35/3/22
Metaldehyde, slug pellets 34/2/03
Metcalf, Lawrie (Hebe Society International Registrar 1957–2012, author, Vice President 2007–2017) 1/1/04, 1/1/06, 1/2/02, 1/4/02, 2/1/02, 2/2/04, 2/3/03, 2/4/03, 2/4/24, 3/2/03, 3/2/06, 3/4/04, 4/3/07, 4/4/06, 4/4/12, 5/1/06, 5/1/11, 5/2/05, 5/2/18, 5/4/04, 6/1/09, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/2/09, 6/2/14, 6/2/21, 7/1/05, 7/1/21, 7/2/08, 7/2/17, 7/4/08, 8/3/22, 9/2/09, 9/2/18, 9/3/12, 9/4/06, 10/1/08, 10/1/09, 10/2/12, 10/3/06, 10/3/13, 10/4/18, 11/3/11, 12/4/12, 13/2/03, 13/2/14, 14/2/03, 14/2/11, 14/4/03, 14/4/22, 15/1/09, 15/1/20, 16/2/10, 16/2/25, 16/3/06, 16/3/09, 16/4/12, 17/2/12, 17/4/04, 17/4/25, 19/2/03, 19/2/11, 20/1/12, 20/3/04, 21/1/20, 21/2/17, 21/3/03, 21/3/11, 22/1/21, 22/2/04, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 22/2/18, 22/3/04, 22/4/13, 23/2/10, 24/4/24, 25/1/04, 25/1/08, 25/1/20, 25/3/03, 25/3/14, 26/2/08, 26/2/12, 27/4/10, 27/4/14, 28/2/13, 29/2/11, 30/1/13, 30/2/18, 30/3/15, 31/1/04, 31/1/17, 31/3/19, 32/3/insert, 32/3/03, 32/3/10, 32/3/19, 33/1/09, 34/3/28, 36/3/11, 36/3/11, 37/1/08, 38/1/03, 38/2/03, 38/3/14, 39/1/23
Metcalf, Lena 22/4/07, 27/4/14, 31/1/17, 32/3/22
Meterological Office, UK 30/2/03
Meterological Service, NZ 18/2/22
Meterology 30/2/03
Methionine (amino acid) 35/3/23
Metrosideros 1/4/10, 2/3/19, 4/3/17, 7/1/26, 8/4/29, 14/1/21, 14/2/12, 14/2/26, 16/1/03, 21/1/03, 21/1/18, 22/3/10, 26/3/16, 26/3/18, 31/1/13, 33/1/23, 34/1/04
Metrosideros bartlettii 28/3/20
Metrosideros carminea 19/3/23, 20/1/07
Metrosideros excelsa 7/1/26, 7/3/18, 7/4/20, 8/1/19, 12/2/04, 13/4/11, 16/4/20, 17/1/23, 18/2/03, 20/2/22, 21/1/03, 22/1/03, 22/2/08, 22/2/13, 23/1/03, 23/3/10, 24/1/03, 24/1/05, 25/1/04, 25/3/10, 28/3/11, 28/3/18, 29/3/03, 29/3/22, 30/2/23, 31/1/04
Metrosideros excelsa Variegata 29/3/03
Metrosideros florida 27/4/23
Metrosideros kermadecensis 8/2/28, 14/2/28, 38/1/23
Metrosideros kermadecensis Radiant 14/4/12
Metrosideros kermadecensis Variegata 7/1/26
Metrosideros nervulosa 27/1/03
Metrosideros perfoliata 16/1/03
Metrosideros robusta 8/1/19, 8/4/29, 15/1/14, 15/3/18, 16/4/19, 17/1/23, 22/2/20, 28/3/20, 28/3/20
Metrosideros sclerocarpa 27/1/04
Metrosideros tomentosa 5/2/11
Metrosideros umbellata 7/4/12, 16/4/19, 31/1/14, 36/1/15, 36/1/15
Metrosideros, myrtle rust 34/1/04
Metzergiale (liverwort) 19/1/26
Meudt, Heidi (US author and botanist) 17/3/13, 39/1/20
Mexico 8/2/10, 15/3/25, 17/1/23, 32/1/23, 33/1/03
Meyer Island, NZ 8/2/28
Michael, Malcolm and Sheena (Hebe Society members) 13/3/08, 17/3/11, 18/3/11, 19/2/09, 20/1/08, 20/2/17, 20/3/11, 21/1/04, 27/4/09, 29/2/18
Michelia (Asian trees and shrubs) 37/2/04
Michelia, renamed to magnolia 37/2/04
Michalak, Jan (UK gardener) 31/2/05
Micropropagation 5/2/05, 9/2/06, 9/2/24
Microsoft Access (computer program) 20/4/04
Microsoft Excel (computer program) 18/3/19, 25/2/14
Microsoft Live Search (Internet search engine) 24/1/23
Microsoft Picture Manager (computer program) 26/1/04
Microsoft Word (computer program) 10/1/03, 11/2/14, 18/2/12, 20/3/03, 20/4/04, 35/1/03, 35/3/03
Microtis species 5/3/18
Middlemarch, Otago, SI 10/3/28
Midland Bank, Hailsham, E Sussex 34/2/22
Midlands, West 2/4/26
Mid-Sussex District Council, UK 27/2/04, 27/2/12, 28/2/08, 28/4/14, 33/2/08, 35/1/15
Milborne Port, Somerset, UK 39/3/03
Miles, Margaret (Hebe Society member) 4/3/05
Miles, Tim (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/27
Miles, Tom (Hebe Society member) 12/3/22
Milford Sound, Fiordland, SI 4/1/04, 5/1/09, 7/1/21, 11/2/27, 15/4/18, 16/4/20, 17/3/27, 19/1/05, 21/2/13, 27/1/insert, 27/1/17, 27/1/18, 27/3/20, 38/3/21
Millen, Jason (Hebe Society, Examiner of Accounts 2020–) 37/2/21, 37/3/14, 37/3/21, 37/3/23, 37/3/24, 37/3/25, 39/2/24, 39/3/12
Milford Track, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17
Millennium Commission, UK 11/4/08
Millennium Seedbank Partnership, UK 29/2/03
Millennium Seedbank, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 11/4/08, 22/3/07, 22/4/05, 22/4/23, 23/1/07, 23/2/17, 23/2/20, 24/2/21, 24/3/09, 25/3/07, 27/2/03, 39/3/19
Miller, Diane M (UK, horticulturist) 15/4/20, 17/2/27, 19/1/07, 21/3/03
Miller, Elizabeth (US botanist) 18/3/18
Millium effusum Aureum 31/2/17
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK 30/2/21
Mimulus repens 7/3/21
Minehead, Somerset, UK 23/3/08
Mineral Wool (compost) 10/2/08
Minginui, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, NI 31/3/03
Ministry of Transport, NZ 18/2/22
Minor Peak, Richardson Range, Otago, SI 9/2/29
Minshull Vernon Gardening Club, Cheshire, UK 35/1/03
Mint plant see Prostanthera cuneata
Miocene period (geology) 25/4/22, 27/2/18, 34/1/23
Miracle Gro (fertiliser) 22/4/18, 29/1/24
Miro see Prumnopitys ferringineus
Mirror Lake, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17
Miscanthus floridulus 34/3/12, 34/3/12
Miscanthus nepalensis 34/3/13
Miscanthus transmorrisonensis 34/3/13
Miskelly, Colin (NZ author) 25/1/22
Mistle thrush (UK bird) 8/2/03, 14/1/03
Mistletoe, NZ see Peraxilla
Mitcham Horticultural Association, Surrey, UK 6/4/06
Mitchell, A (UK horticulturist) 4/3/05
Mitchell, John (NZ conservationist) 18/2/22
Mitchell, Major (Australian explorer) 7/3/19
Mitchell, P J (NZ botanist) 17/3/15
Mitchella repens (USA) 27/4/11
Mitraria coccinea 27/4/23
Mitre Peak, Milford Sound, Fiordland, SI 7/1/21, 15/4/18, 27/1/18, 27/3/21
Mizen Head, Ireland 7/1/22
Moa (NZ extinct, flightless bird) 5/2/10, 6/4/03, 8/1/03, 10/1/23, 12/1/03, 18/4/26, 24/4/20, 27/1/11, 30/2/13, 33/2/17
Moench, Conrad (German botanist 1744–1805) 19/1/04
Mohua see Golden Bay, Nelson, SI
Mohua see Yellowhead (NZ bird)
Moisture meter 18/3/03
Mokau River, Waikato, NI 9/1/29, 9/2/30
Mokohinau Island, NZ 2/5/07
Molecular Biology see Biology, Molecular
Molinia caerulea subsp arundinacea Transparent 31/2/18
Molinia Transparent see Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Transparent
Mollymawk (NZ bird) 26/1/20
Moltkia 28/2/19
Monarch butterfly New Zealand Trust 21/2/08, 21/2/insert, 23/3/12, 28/3/20
Monarch butterfly, see Danaus plexippus
Monkey Puzzle tree, see Araucaria araucana
Monmouth, Oregon, USA 19/2/09, 21/4/19, 24/2/12, 26/1/23, 26/4/22, 27/3/14, 29/2/10, 33/2/13
Monoclea forsteri 19/1/25, 19/1/26
Monocotyledon, plant classification 2/1/S2, 8/1/11
Monro, Jo (NZ gardener) 14/4/05
Monro, Sir David (NZ botanist) 4/1/23, 8/3/29, 8/4/30, 12/4/20
Monserrat, Mr (Spain horticulturist) 26/4/18
Monterey pine see pinus radiata
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust (UK conservation) 27/1/07
Moore, Betty (Hebe Society member) 13/4/03, 14/2/10
Moore, Dr Lucy B (NZ botanist) 2/2/11, 3/2/27, 3/2/27, 3/3/08, 4/1/19, 4/1/22, 4/4/06, 4/4/25, 5/1/09, 5/4/14, 6/1/20, 6/2/29, 9/1/09, 11/1/28, 12/1/21, 12/2/10, 21/1/03
Moore, George (NZ landowner) 28/3/20
Moore, Peter (UK horticulturist) 18/4/20
Moore, Sir Frederick (Irish horticulturist) 27/4/21
Moray Firth, Scotland, UK 38/2/16
Morepork (NZ bird) 19/4/20
Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire 18/3/11
Morgan, Colin (UK horticulturist) 13/3/04
Morgan, P G (NZ geologist) 4/1/24
Morgan, Thompson Hunt (US scientist) 15/3/27
Morison, Robert (UK botanist) 31/2/03
Morison, Stanley (UK typographer) 9/1/03
Morley-Fletcher, Hugo (Hebe Society member) 9/3/24
Morpeth, Northumberland, UK 21/4/03
Morris, Mercy (UK horticulturist) 28/4/09, 29/2/08, 29/2/18
Morris, William (UK artist) 22/4/06
Moscow, Russia 23/1/15
Mosgiel, Dunedin, Otago, SI 39/1/14
Moss 6/2/11, 19/1/25, 19/1/26, 26/1/17, 29/1/15, 33/1/21
Moss, Eric (Hebe Society member) 7/4/06, 11/2/07, 11/2/13, 12/2/08, 13/2/12, 15/2/11, 23/2/18, 23/3/13
Moss, Geoff (UK gardener) 23/3/13, 24/2/14
Moss, Veronica (Hebe Society Membership Secretary 1989–2000) 4/1/13, 4/2/08, 5/2/16, 5/3/05, 6/4/14, 7/1/07, 7/2/12, 7/4/06, 9/2/07, 9/4/06, 10/1/06, 10/2/06, 10/2/12, 10/4/03, 10/4/07, 11/1/09, 11/2/06, 11/4/06, 12/1/03, 12/1/09, 12/2/09, 12/3/05, 12/3/06, 12/3/10, 12/3/22, 13/1/10, 13/1/13, 13/2/12, 13/3/08, 13/4/23, 14/2/10, 15/2/10, 16/3/22, 16/4/09, 21/2/16, 21/2/17, 21/3/03, 22/2/09, 22/2/17, 22/2/18, 23/2/19, 23/3/14
Mossburn, Southland, SI 7/1/20
Motatu Forest, Whangarei, NI 17/3/04
Mother Aubert (NZ missionary) 8/1/20, 37/1/15
Motuara Island, SI 28/1/23
Motueka, Nelson, SI 15/3/15, 15/3/16
Mould, Ray (NZ horticulturist) 39/1/03
Mount Allen, Stewart Island 12/2/28, 13/4/24, 15/1/19
Mount Anglem, Stewart Island 10/4/32, 11/2/27, 13/2/20, 13/4/24, 16/3/18, 30/3/03
Mount Aoira? 5/4/28
Mount Arthur, Nelson, SI 12/2/16, 13/2/17, 13/2/18, 16/2/19, 26/4/10, 26/4/11, 39/2/30
Mount Aspiring National Park, SI 12/1/21, 15/1/11, 15/4/18, 16/4/26
Mount Aspiring, Otago, SI 15/4/18
Mount Baldy, Canterbury, SI 18/1/26
Mount Burns, Fiordland, SI 18/1/25
Mount Captain, Canterbury, SI 15/1/16, 16/2/18
Mount Cook lily see Ranunculus lyallii
Mount Cook National Park, Otago, SI 4/4/22, 5/4/03, 8/4/26, 10/4/32, 11/3/25, 12/1/22, 15/1/11, 15/4/16, 16/3/19, 17/4/17, 21/1/14
Mount Cook, Otago, SI 10/4/31, 12/4/04, 12/4/20, 13/2/28, 15/4/16, 16/4/20
Mount Cupola, SI 19/3/16
Mount Diana, Otago, SI 8/3/29
Mount Dobson, Canterbury, SI 1/2/09, 6/1/11, 7/1/08, 36/2/26
Mount Dumas, Campbell Island, NZ Mount Egmont, NI see Mount Taranaki
Mount Fishtail, Nelson, SI 4/1/23
Mount Fuji, Japan 16/4/23
Mount Geryon, Tasmania 16/1/25
Mount Haast, SI 22/3/08
Mount Hauhungatahi, Central NI 12/2/26
Mount Herbert, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI 5/4/23, 19/4/09, , 31/1/16, 32/2/15
Mount Hikurangi, Central NI 4/3/23, 5/2/23, 6/2/28, 6/3/28, 11/1/26, 13/1/28, 13/2/20, 13/3/26, 15/1/18, 16/1/18, 19/3/17, 28/4/20, 39/1/23
Mount Holdsworth, Manuwatu, NI 7/1/28, 32/2/13
Mount Hunt, Canterbury, SI 10/4/31
Mount Hutt, Canterbury, SI 1/2/07, 5/4/03, 7/1/08, 17/3/25, 19/4/17, 36/1/27
Mount Hutton, Nelson Lakes National Park, SI 34/1/21
Mount Kosciusko, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/18
Mount Mantell, SI 12/3/26
Mount McCabe, Canterbury, SI 5/4/20
Mount Messenger, Taranaki, NI 6/2/29, 9/2/10
Mount Murchison, Nelson, NI 18/1/15
Mount Murrell 11/1/26
Mount Ngauruhoe, Central NI 10/4/03, 15/1/15, 26/1/19, 38/1/30
Mount Nimrod, SI 15/3/23, 17/3/27
Mount Owen, Buller, SI 5/1/09
Mount Peel, Canterbury, SI 1/2/05
Mount Perch, Wairarapa, NI 8/4/26
Mount Pleasant, Canterbury, SI 20/3/18
Mount Princess, Canterbury, SI 1/2/08, 1/2/10, 5/4/21, 36/2/24, 37/2/14
Mount Rakeahua, Stewart Island 4/2/20, 13/4/24
Mount Raukumara, NI 13/3/26, 14/1/17
Mount Richmond, Nelson, SI 4/1/23, 22/3/03
Mount Robert, Nelson Lakes National Park, Nelson, SI 32/2/14
Mount Roskill, Auckland, NI 11/2/03
Mount Roy, Lake Wanaka, SI 12/1/26
Mount Ruapehu, Central NI 5/2/22, 5/4/19, 5/4/24, 10/4/03, 11/1/27, 11/3/03, 13/2/28, 15/1/15, 26/1/19, 26/1/20
Mount Sefton, Mount Cook National Park, SI 10/4/31
Mount Somers, Canterbury, SI 10/2/33
Mount Southey, Nelson, SI 1/2/08, 36/2/24
Mount St Mary, Otago, SI 16/1/17
Mount Stokes, Marlborough, SI 4/1/23
Mount Tapuaenuku, Marlborough, SI 5/3/23
Mount Taranaki, Taranaki, NI 4/1/04, 4/1/23, 6/1/29, 11/3/27, 11/4/18, 11/4/19, 12/1/22, 12/3/27, 13/2/20, 14/2/19, 15/1/13, 15/1/17, 16/4/23, 29/1/03
Mount Tarawera, NI 26/1/18
Mount Tongariro, Central NI 5/4/24, 10/4/03, 14/2/18, 15/1/15, 26/1/19
Mount Tyndall, Canterbury, SI 11/3/28
Mount Wellington, Tasmania 28/2/03
Mountain ash see Sorbus
Mountain beech see Nothofagus solandri cliffortioides
Mountain blueberry see Billardiera longiflora
Mountain cabbage tree see Cordyline indivisa
Mountain cedar see Libocedrus bidwillii
Mountain cottonwood see Cassinia vauvilliersii
Mountain flax see Phormium cookianum
Mountain spice see Helichrysum ledifolium
Mountain toatoa see Phyllocladus aspleniifolius alpinus
MRSA (bacterium) 29/3/22
MS Word see Word for Windows
MSN (Internet search engine) 22/1/03, 22/4/24
Muehlenbeckia 12/3/24, 22/3/10, 23/3/20, 31/2/10, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 32/2/18, 34/2/13, 34/2/23, 35/3/04
Muehlenbeckia astonii 33/2/17, 33/2/insert
Muehlenbeckia australis 28/4/22
Muehlenbeckia axillaris 3/2/08, 22/2/04, 23/3/20, 23/4/22, 24/3/10, 25/3/10, 37/1/15, 37/1/15
Muehlenbeckia complexa 3/2/08, 7/3/11, 7/3/11, 8/4/21, 9/3/15, 11/4/07, 11/4/07, 23/1/03, 24/4/16, 29/2/15, 30/2/24, 31/2/11, 32/2/19, 34/2/23, 35/1/18, 35/1/18, 35/3/16
Muehlenbeckia, collection 31/2/05, 31/3/12, 32/3/17
Mueller Glacier, Otago, SI 15/4/16
Mueller, Sir Ferdinand von (Australian botanist) 4/1/26, 9/3/22, 9/4/06, 9/4/23, 20/1/15
Muir, A D (NZ chemist) 8/2/13
Mulching 5/3/06, 10/1/25, 33/3/18
Muller, Ursula (Swiss nurseryman) 20/2/24
Munter, Miss (Hebe Society member) 4/3/05
Murchison Earthquake (1929) Buller, SI 5/1/09
Murchison Glacier, Otago, SI 15/4/16
Murchison, Buller, SI 15/3/17
Murdoch, Jim (Hebe Society member) 34/1/08
Muriwai, Auckland, NI 18/4/04, 26/1/17
Muriwai Beach, Auckland, NI 37/03/30
Murray, Warwick (NZ conservationist) 19/3/04
Murrell, Leslie (NZ guide) 5/1/25
Murrell, Tony (NZ radio interviewer) 31/3/18
Murupara, Waikato, NI 15/1/13
Musa basjoo 27/4/23
Musa sikkimensis 30/1/16
Muscari macrocarpum 11/2/12
Museum of NZ, Te Papa Tongarewa Herbarium 14/4/14, 17/3/15, 18/1/21, 19/3/03, 19/3/04, 39/1/21, 39/3/22
Museum of Welsh Life, Cardiff, Wales 25/2/03
Musgrove, Pat (Hebe Society member) 7/3/03, 10/2/06, 10/3/07, 14/1/19, 14/2/13
Musgrove, Robert (Hebe Society member) 7/3/03, 7/3/05, 8/2/06, 8/3/03, 9/1/03, 10/3/07, 11/2/21, 14/2/13, 18/2/03, 19/2/04, 21/2/16
Musial, Kathy (US horticulturist) 20/3/12
Mutton bird tree see Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Myclobutanil see Fungicide, myclobutanil
Myers, Tom (NZ botanist) 30/2/12
Myerscough College, Lancashire, UK 17/4/03, 31/2/12, 32/2/20
Myoporum laetum 7/1/26, 7/1/26, 8/2/28, 8/2/28, 37/1/16, 37/1/15
Myoporum obscurum 8/2/28
Myosotidium hortensia 4/4/11, 7/4/26, 9/4/23, 10/4/10, 12/2/03, 13/3/11, 17/1/23, 17/4/15, 18/1/25, 25/1/22, 25/1/23, 26/3/18, 26/3/19, 31/2/04
Myosotis 3/3/10
Myosotis albida 7/3/21
Myosotis australis 2/4/17, 3/3/15, 7/3/21, 7/4/24, 12/3/12
Myosotis capitata 29/3/16
Myosotis decora 7/3/21
Myosotis drucei 7/1/08
Myosotis forsteri 3/2/10
Myosotis macrantha 7/1/08, 7/3/21
Myosotis pygmaea 8/3/14
Myosotis rakiura 2/5/10, 3/2/10, 3/3/10
Mypex, ground covering 16/1/10, 23/4/16, 24/4/21
Myrceugenia (genus) 29/2/12
Myrica gale 20/1/13
Myrsinaceae (plant family) 23/4/23
Myrsine 21/1/18, 28/2/03
Myrsine australis 7/3/21, 16/4/01
Myrsine divaricata 23/2/01
Myrsine nummularia 7/3/21, 17/1/24, 17/1/24, 23/4/23
Myrtaceae (plant family) 7/4/20, 23/3/09, 23/4/22, 27/3/18, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/2/12, 29/3/03, 33/1/22
Myrtaceae, National Collection, UK 27/3/18, 28/3/16, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/2/12, 29/3/15, 30/2/14, 33/2/20
Myrteola (genus) 29/2/12
Myrtle rust 34/1/04
Myrtle tea 7/4/12
Myrtus 27/1/19, 28/2/09, 28/2/18, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/2/09, 29/2/11, 29/3/15, 29/3/22, 33/2/04
Myrtus bullata see lophomyrtus bullata
Myrtus communis 27/3/19, 30/2/14
Myrtus, Greek mythology 27/3/19
Myrtus, National Collection, UK 27/3/19, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/3/15
Myrtus, propagation, 30/2/13, 30/2/insert, 30/2/13
Mysore thorn see Caesalpinia decapetala
Myxomatosis (animal disease) 39/1/15
N *
Nageli, Karl (scientist) 15/3/27
Nagoya Protocol 31/1/10
Nairn, Robert (NZ nurseryman) 7/4/21
Naming of Plants 2/3/05, 11/2/07, 30/1/22
Nantes, France 29/3/18
Nantwich, Cheshire, UK 35/1/03
Naphthylacetic acid (rooting hormone) 28/2/03
Napier, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/4/24, 16/4/20
Napoleon (French emperor) 17/1/04
Napuka see Hebe speciosa
Narcissus 30/1/16, 37/3/16
Narcissus, Collection 7/4/07, 37/3/16
National Arboretum, Kilmacurrah, Ireland 39/2/20
National Association of Flower Arranging Societies 12/2/15
National Chrysanthemum Society, UK 15/2/20
National Diploma of Horticulture, NZ 32/3/22
National Diploma of Horticulture, UK 16/4/13
National Farmers Union 28/4/18
National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance 24/2/03, 24/2/09, 28/2/11
National Gardens Scheme, UK 8/2/07, 9/3/24, 9/4/06, 11/1/11, 12/3/14, 13/3/21, 14/4/25, 17/2/03, 18/2/11, 20/3/23, 21/2/24, 23/3/19, 23/4/12, 23/4/15, 24/1/16, 32/2/05, 37/1/04, 38/1/18
National Heritage Fund, NZ 19/1/05
National Museum of NZ see NZ, National Museum
National Park and Wildlife Service, Australia 10/2/03
National Plant Collections Directory 16/3/07
National Plant Societies Federation, Conference 3/3/07, 15/1/04, 15/2/03, 15/2/11, 15/2/13, 15/2/18, 15/4/07, 16/2/12, 17/2/13, 25/2/14, 31/3/11, 31/3/11, 38/1/09
National Plant Societies Federation, Conference, Internet experts 15/2/19
National Plant Societies Federation, Conference, Registrars 19/2/12, 19/2/25, 20/2/20
National Plant Societies Federation, Conference, Treasurers 15/2/19
National Plant Societies Federation, marquee 16/1/03
National Plant Societies, handbook 15/2/21
National Sweet Pea Society 15/2/18, 18/3/09, 30/2/09
National Threatened and Local Plant List, NZ 14/2/27
National Tree Register, UK 4/3/05
National Trust for Scotland 11/3/03, 15/3/03
National Trust, UK 9/2/07, 11/2/08, 11/4/06, 13/3/19, 14/4/25, 28/2/17, 29/1/10
National Vegetable Society, UK 16/3/21, 18/3/09
National Water Grid, UK 5/3/06, 7/3/06
Native Birds of Aotearoa (New Zealand), Michael Szabo 39/1/24
Nationwide Building Society, UK 35/2/19
Native Forest Heritage Fund, NZ 19/4/19, 35/1/04
Native Plant Collection, Dunedin Botanic Garden, Otago, SI 27/1/19
Native Plants of Aotearoa, Lehnebach and Meudt 39/1/20, 39/1/20
Native Plant Gardens of NZ, D Chalk 3/3/04
Native Trees of NZ, J T Salmon 3/2/03, 10/3/10, 26/4/03
Natural Gardener Store, Vancouver, Canada 19/3/26
Natural History Museum, London, UK 29/3/03, 38/3/25
Natural History of NZ, Nic Bishop 13/4/10
Nature Guide to the NZ Forest, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 18/4/24, 22/2/20
Nature of Plants, Habitats, Challenges and Adaptations, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 20/3/04, 22/2/20
Nature Quest (NZ tours) 26/1/16
Nature’s Space, NZ conservation website 27/2/04
Naturetrek (UK holiday company) 26/1/16
NCCPG (plant and garden conservation, UK; became Plant Heritage in 2009) 1/2/04, 1/4/10, 2/5/14, 4/1/06, 4/2/06, 5/1/16, 5/2/17, 5/3/08, 6/3/05, 6/4/05, 6/4/10, 9/2/25, 10/2/09, 10/4/07, 11/1/07, 11/2/10, 13/3/10, 14/2/08, 15/2/22, 15/4/07, 17/3/10, 19/2/28, 20/3/16, 24/4/21, 25/1/08, 25/1/18, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 27/1/19, 27/2/12, 27/2/13, 27/2/16, 27/3/17, 27/3/18, 28/1/16, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/16, 28/2/17, 28/4/09, 28/4/18, 29/1/04, 29/1/22, 29/2/11, 30/1/15, 30/1/17, 30/2/14, 31/2/05, 31/2/09, 31/3/08, 31/3/13, 31/3/21, 32/1/18, 32/2/09, 32/3/17, 33/3/22, 34/2/13, 34/3/07, 34/3/23, 34/3/33, 35/1/15, 35/2/08, 35/2/13, 35/2/19, 36/1/14, 37/1/14, 39/3/16
NCCPG, Cornwall Group, UK 17/1/09, 21/2/11
NCCPG, expert assessment 29/2/11
NCCPG, Garden Heritage Week, UK 4/2/06
NCCPG, Guernsey, UK 21/2/10, 21/2/17
NCCPG, Kent Group, UK 16/3/20
NCCPG, Missing Genera 36/2/03
NCCPG, National Plant Collections 29/3/17, 34/2/13, 36/2/03
NCCPG, newsletter 36/3/03
NCCPG, Persephone workshop 38/3/12
NCCPG, Plant database (Demeter) 10/4/07, 38/3/12
NCCPG, Plant Guardians 29/1/04, 29/1/22, 29/2/11, 29/3/15, 29/3/17, 31/2/09, 31/3/08, 31/3/11, 31/3/19, 32/3/11, 33/3/23
NCCPG, press release, Myrtaceae 27/3/18
NCCPG, rare plants 29/1/04
NCCPG, RHS Hampton Court Show 28/2/09, 29/1/22, 29/2/11, 29/2/21, 29/3/08, 29/3/15, 30/1/16, 33/1/08, 34/1/07, 34/1/14, 38/1/20
NCCPG, Threatened Plants Project 28/2/08, 29/2/11, 29/3/15, 29/3/17
NCCPG, website 29/3/17
Neath Port Talbot College, Wales, UK 23/4/03, 23/4/11, 23/4/14, 24/1/15, 24/2/23, 24/4/08, 25/3/08, 35/3/08
Nectar guides 21/4/11
Nectar Plants: Hebe, by Jeremy Spon 27/2/16
Needham, Prof (UK academic) 8/2/07
Negrohead see Nothofagus moorei
Neil, J F (NZ author) 8/2/13
Nelhams, Mike (UK horticulturist) 2/1/03
Nelson Botanical Society, SI 18/1/15
Nelson Lakes National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/3/17, 26/1/20, 26/4/10, 32/2/14
Nelson mountain gentian see Gentiana vernicosa
Nelson, Dr Charles (Irish horticulturist) 6/2/20
Nelson, SI 3/1/13, 3/1/14, 3/1/21, 3/2/21, 3/2/22, 3/2/26, 3/2/27, 3/3/24, 3/3/26, 3/4/14, 3/4/17, 3/4/18, 3/4/19, 4/1/23, 4/1/24, 4/1/25, 4/2/26, 4/3/23, 4/4/22, 5/1/09, 5/1/24, 5/1/25, 5/2/22, 5/2/23, 5/4/18, 5/4/26, 5/4/27, 5/4/28, 6/1/27, 6/1/28, 6/2/26, 6/2/27, 6/2/29, 6/3/18, 6/3/28, 6/4/26, 6/4/27, 7/1/28, 7/2/25, 7/3/24, 7/4/28, 8/1/23, 8/2/21, 8/3/29, 9/1/16, 9/2/13, 9/3/20, 9/4/33, 10/2/32, 10/4/32, 11/4/28, 12/2/16, 12/2/26, 12/3/26, 12/3/28, 12/4/20, 12/4/21, 13/1/27, 13/2/15, 13/3/25, 13/3/26, 13/4/25, 14/4/16, 15/1/19, 15/3/17, 16/1/18, 16/2/17, 16/2/18, 16/2/19, 16/3/17, 16/3/19, 16/4/27, 17/1/17, 17/2/19, 18/1/14, 19/3/16, 19/3/19, 19/4/17, 21/1/14, 21/2/14, 21/3/12, 21/3/16, 21/4/04, 21/4/09, 21/4/14, 24/1/04, 25/4/20, 26/3/16, 27/4/14, 27/4/15, 32/3/22, 37/2/11
Nelumbo, registration 25/2/14
Nemesia, trial 36/3/15, 36/3/21
Neoliodgsonia (liverwort) 19/1/26
Nepal 16/4/23
Nepeta 11/2/11
Nertera balfouriana 7/1/08, 8/3/13
Nesfield, William (garden designer) 33/1/18
Nesiota elliptica 17/1/05
Neston, Cheshire, UK 10/4/07
Net, nylon set 29/2/13
Netbook (computer) 26/1/16
Netherlands 16/3/12, 20/2/23
Nettle juice 30/1/09
Nettlestead, Kent, UK 11/1/11, 11/3/06
Neve, Michael (UK author) 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
New Amsterdam 10/1/32
New Brighton, Canterbury, SI 9/1/24, 9/1/27
New Caledonia 7/4/20, 11/1/07, 14/1/23, 14/1/26, 23/3/09, 24/1/17, 25/3/14, 29/2/04, 31/2/23, 32/1/04, 37/3/15
New England Botanical Club 15/3/26
New Flora of the British Isles, 1991, 2019, C Stace 11/3/10, 36/1/13
New Flora of the British Isles, maps 36/1/13
New Forest, Hampshire, UK 39/3/09
New Guinea 3/2/16, 3/3/13, 6/4/03, 7/1/11, 8/2/10, 9/1/24, 9/4/11, 13/4/12, 14/1/23, 14/1/26, 15/3/25, 25/3/14, 31/2/23
New Holland (Australia) 6/4/25, 7/1/10
New Holland Publishers, Auckland, NI 22/3/04
New Island, Falkland Island 1/4/07
New Jersey, USA 11/2/21
New Mills Chrysanthemum Society 20/1/04
New Plants (Dutch website) 29/1/03
New Plantsman, (UK magazine) see also The Plantsman and Plant Review 12/2/04, 12/3/03, 12/3/04, 17/1/26, 17/2/27, 24/4/04, 32/2/04, 34/2/05, 35/3/04, 35/3/04, 37/3/03
New Plymouth, Taranaki, NI 4/1/04, 4/1/26, 6/1/29, 7/1/20, 7/4/22, 8/2/12, 8/3/24, 10/3/21, 15/1/13, 16/4/23, 29/1/03, 32/3/20
New Scientist, (UK magazine) 6/2/03, 11/3/03, 12/1/03, 12/2/03, 12/3/04, 12/4/03, 17/3/05, 32/1/03, 34/2/04, 38/3/03, 39/3/03
New South Wales, Australia 11/1/07
New York, USA 32/1/23
New Zealand see NZ
Newall, Steve (NZ botanist) 15/1/24, 15/4/09
Newborough, Anglesey, Wales 23/2/06, 24/1/07
Newbury, Berkshire, UK 33/1/15
Newcastle, Ireland 9/3/20
Newfoundland, Canada 6/2/11, 22/3/08
News Blast! see Hebe Society, digital newsletter
Newsblast! see Hebe Society, digital newsletter
Newton, Sir Isaac (NZ scientist) 9/4/26
NFU Mutual see National Farmers Union Mutual
Nga Tipu o Aotearoa – NZ plants databases 27/4/04
Ngaio see Myoporum laetum
Ngaio, Wellington, NI 9/2/13
Ngaruroro River, Central NI 5/4/19, 11/4/16
Ngati Tumatakoiri (Maori tribe) 15/3/15
Ngati Tuwharetoa Mopiri (Maori tribe) 15/1/11
Ngati Whare (Maori tribe) 31/3/03
Ngawhakatara, Waikato, NI 18/1/15
NIAB (independent UK consultancy) 19/2/12, 19/2/24
Nicholls, Williams (NZ farmer) 7/4/21, 23/3/10
Nicholson’s Dictionary of Gardening 7/1/16
Nickel (chemical element) 14/1/26, 22/2/22
Nikau palm see Rhopalostylis sapida
Ninety Mile Beech, Northland, NI 16/4/20
Niniwa see Gaultheria oppositifolia
Nissan NV200 (van) 35/3/16
Nitobe Inazo (Japanese writer and diplomat) 28/1/21
Nitro Reader 5, (computer program, PDF) 35/1/03, 36/2/04
No dig, horticulture 34/1/13
Noack, L see Kristensen, L N
Noble, David (Australian naturalist) 10/2/03, 12/4/04, 28/2/03
Non-Designer’s Web Book, Robin Williams and John Tollett 17/1/19
Nordenstam, B (NZ botanist) 9/2/29
Norfolk Island pine see Araucaria excelsa, or Araucaria heterophylla
Norfolk Island, NZ 7/3/17, 7/4/13, 10/3/22, 11/1/03, 14/2/28, 15/2/25, 22/1/11, 36/1/08, 38/1/22
Normand, Lewis (Hebe Society, Social Media Co-ordinator, Secretary 2022–) 30/3/17, 32/3/09, 33/3/07, 33/3/09, 33/3/16, 33/3/22, 33/3/23, 34/2/03, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 34/3/20, 35/1/08, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 36/1/07, 36/2/22, 36/2/23, 36/3/07, 36/3/20, 36/3/26, 36/3/29, 36/3/30, 37/1/03, 37/1/28, 37/2/04, 37/3/03, 37/3/22, 37/3/24, 37/3/25, 38/2/08, 39/1/08, 39/1/16, 39/2/24, 39/3/12, 39/3/14, 39/3/16
North Cape, Northland, NI 3/1/26, 4/2/25, 4/2/26, 5/1/22, 5/1/23, 5/3/21, 8/1/13, 12/2/26, 20/3/18, 23/4/07
North Egmont Visitor Centre, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
North Island, NZ 38/1/23, 38/2/03, 39/1/23
North Island robin (NZ bird) see Robin, North Island (NZ bird)
North Island senecio see Brachyglottis bidwillii
North Mavora Lake, Otago, SI 11/1/26
North West Nelson Forest Park see Kahurangi National Park
Northallerton, Yorks, UK 25/1/09
Northern Horticultural Society, UK 1/4/11, 11/3/08, 12/4/25, 15/2/20, 16/4/08
Northern rata see Metrosideros robusta
Northland, NI 3/1/26, 16/1/05, 21/2/12, 25/4/21, 35/1/27, 38/1/23
Northwest Plant Evaluation, Oregon, USA 33/2/14, 33/3/12
Northwich, Cheshire, UK 17/2/08, 17/3/08, 29/1/11, 31/1/09, 31/2/12
Norton Lees, Derbyshire, UK 9/1/24
Norway 6/4/05, 7/1/25, 7/2/07, 11/2/09, 12/3/06, 22/2/12, 22/3/05, 25/4/08
Not Another Daisy, A Grainger 10/4/10
Nothofagaceae (plant family) 34/2/05
Nothofagus 9/1/25, 12/2/16, 13/3/08, 13/3/11, 14/1/23, 14/3/03, 14/4/25, 15/1/13, 21/1/18, 23/4/05, 24/1/21, 24/4/18, 26/1/20, 26/3/19, 26/4/10, 27/1/11, 27/1/17, 27/1/18, 27/2/18, 28/3/20, 28/4/04, 30/1/23, 33/1/23, 34/1/03, 34/2/04, 39/2/19
Nothofagus aequilateralis 14/1/27
Nothofagus antarctica 6/3/13, 7/3/20, 28/4/04
Nothofagus cunninghamii 7/3/20, 14/1/25, 25/4/09, 30/1/23
Nothofagus dombeyii 7/3/12, 7/3/20, 21/4/21, 28/4/04
Nothofagus fusca 15/3/17, 15/3/17, 15/4/18, 21/3/04, 21/4/21, 27/1/17
Nothofagus fusca Kiwi 37/2/04
Nothofagus fusca Rainbow 37/2/04
Nothofagus menziesii 5/1/09, 14/1/24, 15/3/17, 15/3/18, 15/4/18
Nothofagus moorei 14/1/25
Nothofagus obliqua 7/3/20, 21/4/21, 28/4/04
Nothofagus procera 7/3/20, 21/4/21, 28/4/04
Nothofagus solandri 15/3/15, 15/3/16
Nothofagus solandri var cliffortioides 9/1/15, 9/1/25, 13/2/03, 13/2/03, 15/2/25, 15/4/18, 19/1/03, 19/3/03, 24/3/10, 25/2/04, 25/4/10
Nothofagus, collection 14/4/25, 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Nothofagus, forest 26/4/10, 29/1/12, 34/2/04
Nothofagus, forest, flowering (mast year) 29/1/12, 34/2/19
Nothofagus, forest, honeydew 26/4/10
Nothofagus, forest, sooty moulds 26/4/10
Nothofagus, genus, renaming 30/1/23
Nothopanax simplex 7/4/12
Notospartium 4/3/17, 8/3/24, 17/1/23, 27/3/12
Notospartium carmichaeliae 10/4/10, 17/1/23
Notospartium glabrescens 5/4/20, 7/3/11, 18/3/08
Notospartium Joy 18/3/08
Notospartium torulosum 8/3/13, 18/3/08
Notothlaspi australe 7/3/09
Notothlaspi rosulatum 2/4/28, 7/3/09
Nottingham, UK 14/4/12
Noumea, New Guinea 14/1/27
Nuclear internal transcribed spacer (DNA) see Internal transcribed spacer (DNA)
Nugent Island, NZ 38/1/23
Nugget Point, SI 31/1/23
Nurseries, Abbotsbury Subtropical Garden, Dorset, UK 37/2/16
Nurseries, Aberconwy, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 9/3/27, 21/3/07, 22/3/04, 32/2/21, 34/1/insert, 34/1/09
Nurseries, Addenda, Netherlands 29/3/04, 33/3/09
Nurseries, Allanson, Isle of Man, UK 10/3/23, 27/2/16, 31/2/03
Nurseries, All-in-One, Cheshire, UK 31/2/10
Nurseries, Arbriachan, Inverness, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Nurseries, Architectural Plants, Sussex, UK 9/3/09, 13/3/27, 22/4/06, 23/1/08
Nurseries, Ardfearn, Inverness, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Nurseries, Ashtree, Rutland, UK 9/1/08, 9/2/23
Nurseries, Ashwood, Kingswinford, W Midlands, UK 11/3/12, 32/2/03
Nurseries, Astbury Garden Centre, Cheshire, UK 18/2/04
Nurseries, Aultan, Scotaland, UK 39/1/18
Nurseries, Australasian, Auckland, NI 10/3/23
Nurseries, Ballalheannagh, Isle of Man, UK 8/1/15, 10/3/24
Nurseries, Ballard, Herefordshire, UK 3/1/15
Nurseries, Ballyrogan, County Down, UK 13/4/26
Nurseries, Banff and Buchan, UK 6/1/05
Nurseries, Banwy Valley, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/04
Nurseries, Baronscourt, County Tyrone, UK 2/4/02, 10/3/24
Nurseries, Beeches, Essex, UK 39/1/18
Nurseries, Bee’s of Chester, UK 15/2/29
Nurseries, Bernhards, Warwickshire, UK 37/3/08
Nurseries, Blackthorn, Hampshire, UK 3/4/04, 4/3/07, 24/4/10
Nurseries, Blooms, Norfolk, UK 6/1/07
Nurseries, Blounts Court, Wiltshire, UK 11/3/13, 39/1/18
Nurseries, Bluebell, Leicestershire, UK 1/3/04, 10/2/16, 13/2/03, 14/1/03, 37/3/26, 38/1/15, 38/2/12, 38/3/07, 38/3/07, 38/3/08, 39/2/24
Nurseries, Bluecoat Wood, Yorks, UK 18/4/04, 19/1/07
Nurseries, Braigh, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, UK 6/4/05, 7/1/25
Nurseries, Bramble Bank Garden, Oregon, USA 20/3/12, 25/2/24
Nurseries, Bransford Webb Plant Company, Herefordshire, UK 6/3/05, 7/1/05, 10/2/08, 13/4/03, 16/3/16, 17/1/12, 17/2/14, 19/1/06, 19/2/12, 19/2/24, 31/1/08, 31/3/20, 32/1/insert, 32/1/09, 32/2/05, 32/2/08, 32/2/10, 32/3/insert, 32/3/09, 32/3/13, 35/3/10, 36/3/20, 37/1/16, 39/2/27, 39/3/19
Nurseries, Bridgemere Garden World, Cheshire, UK 1/3/04, 8/3/20, 8/4/12, 10/2/16, 10/3/18, 11/3/12, 12/4/28, 17/4/12, 20/2/06, 20/4/06, 25/1/03, 25/3/03, 33/3/03, 35/2/23, 36/3/24
Nurseries, British Garden Centres 35/2/14
Nurseries, Broadacres, Dunedin, Otago, SI 7/2/17
Nurseries, Broadwell, Cotswalds, UK 8/4/12, 9/1/08, 10/1/11
Nurseries, Brookside Garden Centre, Cheshire, UK 18/1/04, 31/2/10
Nurseries, Burkwood and Skipworth, Surrey, UK 6/2/22, 6/3/28
Nurseries, Burncoose and Southdown, Cornwall, UK 1/3/04, 6/2/21, 8/1/15, 10/3/24, 16/4/09, 18/3/04, 19/1/07, 20/1/07, 20/2/04, 23/3/12, 23/3/20, 23/3/22
Nurseries, Burnt Oak, Sussex, UK 1/2/06
Nurseries, Buxton’s, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 8/1/14
Nurseries, Caldwells, Cheshire, UK 1/3/04, 9/3/26, 30/3/04
Nurseries, Caledonia, UK 3/1/13, 3/3/27, 3/4/19
Nurseries, Channon, Cornwall, UK 25/3/23
Nurseries, Charlies Garden Centre, Powys, Wales, UK 26/4/07, 27/1/07
Nurseries, Cheal and Sons, Sussex, UK 4/3/24
Nurseries, Churchills Garden Centre, Devon, UK 6/2/22
Nurseries, Coed y Dinas see Nurseries, Charlie’s Garden Centre
Nurseries, Coolings, Kent 35/1/23
Nurseries, Cornwell Manor, Cotswalds, UK 9/1/09
Nurseries, Cotswold Garden Flowers, Worcestershire, UK 11/2/08, 11/2/14, 13/4/06, 14/1/03
Nurseries, County Park, Essex, UK 1/1/05, 1/2/06, 1/3/04, 2/5/06, 2/5/07, 3/2/27, 3/4/06, 3/4/07, 3/4/15, 3/4/16, 3/4/19, 3/4/20, 4/1/25, 4/2/24, 4/3/25, 4/4/24, 5/2/24, 5/3/23, 5/4/29, 6/2/29, 6/4/28, 6/4/29, 7/3/14, 8/1/15, 8/1/16, 8/3/24, 8/4/18, 9/3/15, 10/1/11, 10/1/12, 10/1/26, 10/2/16, 10/2/29, 10/3/16, 10/3/18, 10/3/24, 11/2/16, 11/3/12, 12/2/16, 12/4/16, 13/3/16, 13/4/16, 14/2/12, 15/2/13, 15/3/13, 16/1/10, 16/4/03, 17/2/11, 18/1/16, 18/4/20, 20/2/17, 21/1/20, 21/4/23, 23/3/12, 23/3/23, 24/2/18, 27/3/03, 30/3/03, 33/3/03, 34/2/04, 34/3/25, 35/1/24, 36/1/10, 37/2/15
Nurseries, Croftway, Sussex, UK 6/2/22, 13/2/10
Nurseries, Crowther, Abridge, Essex, UK 17/4/05
Nurseries, Crug Farm, Caernarfon, Wales 14/4/28, 23/2/06, 24/1/07
Nurseries, Daisy Hill, Ireland 32/3/06
Nurseries, Dawn, Auckland, NI 10/3/23, 22/1/12
Nurseries, Department of Conservation, Motukarara, SI 27/2/19
Nurseries, Derwen, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 20/4/23, 23/3/03, 24/4/17, 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/2/11, 36/3/25, 36/3/26
Nurseries, Deva Orchids, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Dibleys, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Dig, Puget Sound, USA 22/2/13, 22/2/insert
Nurseries, Dingle, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 20/4/22, 22/3/19, 24/4/insert, 24/4/15, 25/3/08, 26/4/07, 27/1/07, 27/2/10, 27/2/21, 31/1/19, 36/3/25
Nurseries, Dobbies Garden Centre, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK 26/2/13, 33/3/19
Nurseries, Downderry, Kent, UK 33/3/15
Nurseries, Drysdale, Hampshire, UK 6/2/23
Nurseries, Duchy of Cornwall, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07, 20/4/13
Nurseries, Duncan and Davies, New Plymouth, Taranaki, NI 1/1/08, 1/4/05, 2/3/18, 4/1/26, 7/2/17, 7/4/22, 8/3/24, 10/3/21, 12/3/03, 22/1/11, 23/3/11, 32/3/20, 33/3/08
Nurseries, Edrom, Northumberland, UK 10/2/17, 25/3/15
Nurseries, Emil Mill Race, Essex, UK 39/1/18
Nurseries, Fairways Garden Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK 18/2/04, 35/3/04
Nurseries, Fairy Lane, Manchester, UK 11/3/12, 14/4/21, 15/1/20, 39/1/17
Nurseries, Farplants, UK 14/2/12
Nurseries, Felley Priory Gardens, Nottinghamshire, UK 38/3/24
Nurseries, Ferndown, Wimborne, Dorset, UK 13/4/17
Nurseries, Fernwood, Devon, UK 18/1/03
Nurseries, Fir TreeFarm, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Nurseries, Four Leaf, Tadcaster, North Yorks, UK 18/1/21, 20/4/18
Nurseries, Four Oaks, Cheshire 30/2/23, 31/2/10
Nurseries, Four Seasons, Gloucestershire, UK 6/2/22
Nurseries, Foxfield, Cumbria, UK 18/3/16, 24/3/03
Nurseries, Fron Goch, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 33/2/15
Nurseries, Fruit of the Bloom, USA 15/1/25
Nurseries, Fryers Roses, Cheshire, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Garden Cottage, Highland, Scotland, UK 9/4/16, 13/4/26, 14/3/03, 15/3/03, 15/4/11, 21/4/23, 23/3/12, 24/3/03, 26/1/10, 26/2/19, 31/2/04, 37/2/26
Nurseries, Gauntlet’s, UK 3/4/19
Nurseries, Gethsemane, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 7/1/20
Nurseries, Glenville, Cambridgeshire, UK 1/4/02
Nurseries, Goatcher’s, Sussex, UK 11/4/09
Nurseries, Goodwin 6/2/21, 6/2/22, 6/2/23
Nurseries, Greenhill, Australia 18/2/24
Nurseries, Greenway, Avon, UK 8/1/15
Nurseries, Grosvenor Garden Centre, Cheshire, UK 32/2/18, 34/2/22
Nurseries, Hall Farm, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Hardy Exotics, Cornwall, UK 10/3/24, 20/1/07
Nurseries, Hardy’s Cottage Plants, UK 31/1/08, 31/3/03
Nurseries, Harts, South Africa 19/4/27
Nurseries, Hayes and Sons, Cumbria, UK 1/3/05
Nurseries, Hedgerow, Yorkshire, UK 5/3/07, 5/3/08, 10/3/24, 12/2/12, 14/2/08
Nurseries, Hickling Heath, Norfolk, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Highgates, Derbyshire, UK 1/3/05, 1/3/09, 11/1/12
Nurseries, Hill House, Devon, UK 29/3/03
Nurseries, Hillier, Hampshire, UK 1/3/05, 1/4/05, 1/4/14, 5/4/12, 5/4/28, 8/1/15, 10/2/03, 10/3/24, 13/4/17, 18/4/21, 19/1/07, 24/1/14, 30/2/20, 32/3/20, 33/1/15, 39/1/26
Nurseries, Hillview, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Hoecroft, Norfolk, UK 6/2/22
Nurseries, Holden Clough, Lancashire, UK 1/3/05, 8/4/13, 9/2/23
Nurseries, Holkham Gardens, Norfolk, UK 9/1/09, 9/2/22, 17/4/04
Nurseries, Hollet 6/2/22
Nurseries, Hopleys, Hertfordshire, UK 1/3/05, 6/2/21, 6/2/22, 8/1/15, 11/3/12
Nurseries, Ingwersen, Sussex, UK 1/3/05, 11/1/12, 18/3/09, 22/4/06, 23/1/08, 32/3/20
Nurseries, Island Plants, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, UK 10/3/24, 11/3/11, 39/1/17
Nurseries, Jack Drake, Invernesshire, Scotland, UK 1/3/04, 10/2/16
Nurseries, Jackman’s, Surrey, UK 5/2/21
Nurseries, Johnsons of Whixley, Yorkshire, UK 10/3/24, 20/4/14
Nurseries, Johnston Garden Centre, Ireland 6/2/23, 8/1/15, 10/3/24
Nurseries, Joy Creek, Oregon, USA 18/1/21, 25/2/24, 37/3/12
Nurseries, Kaipara Coast Plant Centre, NI 19/4/27
Nurseries, Kerswell, Devon, UK 10/3/24, 10/4/21
Nurseries, Kinlochlaich, Argyll, Scotland, UK 18/3/03, 19/3/03
Nurseries, Kornik, Poland, 21/1/23
Nurseries, Lands End, Somerset, UK 23/3/21
Nurseries, Lanford Lodge, Wiltshire, UK 24/4/11
Nurseries, Langthorns Plantery, Essex, UK 23/3/12
Nurseries, Larch Cottage, Cumbria, UK 27/4/11
Nurseries, Liddle Wonder Plants, NI 17/2/04, 19/4/27
Nurseries, Liners, Auckland, NI 6/4/07
Nurseries, Lip na Cloiche Garden, Isle of Mull, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Nurseries, Little Treasures, Cornwall, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Longacres, Kent, UK 6/2/21, 6/2/23
Nurseries, Lowaters, Hampshire, UK 7/1/06, 7/4/06, 10/4/21, 11/3/22, 13/2/14, 14/2/08, 15/1/08, 15/2/13, 15/2/27, 15/3/07, 16/2/11, 16/2/12, 18/1/04, 18/1/16, 18/2/04, 18/2/11, 18/3/04, 18/3/11, 20/2/09, 21/1/16, 27/1/13, 27/1/14, 27/1/15, 27/1/16, 27/2/14, 27/2/15, 29/2/17, 29/3/08, 30/1/10, 30/2/04, 30/2/07, 30/2/20, 30/3/03, 30/3/07, 30/3/11, 30/3/14, 30/3/17, 31/2/17, 34/2/09, 34/2/13, 34/2/21, 34/3/10, 35/2/16, 35/3/08, 35/3/10, 36/1/07, 36/1/14, 36/3/20, 36/3/25, 36/3/29, 37/3/13, 37/3/20, 39/2/13
Nurseries, Lynash, Somerset, UK 10/4/21, 13/4/03, 13/4/22, 14/4/13, 15/4/12, 17/2/10, 23/4/13, 24/4/03, 24/4/09, 25/3/03, 28/1/19, 29/2/20
Nurseries, Mac Pennies, Dorset, UK 23/3/12
Nurseries, Macclesfield Garden Centre, Cheshire, UK see Nurseries, Fairways Garden Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
Nurseries, Mallorn Gardens, Cornwall, UK 4/1/06, 10/1/11
Nurseries, Martin Nest, Lincolnshire, UK 8/4/13, 10/2/17
Nurseries, Marwood Hill, Devon, UK 8/1/15
Nurseries, Medwyn Williams, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Mickfield Hostas, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Mill Race, Essex, UK 11/3/13
Nurseries, Mom and Pop 37/2/27
Nurseries, Moorland Garden, Steam and Machinery Centre, Yorkshire, UK 35/3/11
Nurseries, Moorside, Manchester, UK 28/1/03
Nurseries, Nairn’s, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 7/4/21, 23/3/11, 32/3/20
Nurseries, Native Plant, Auckland, NI 1/2/05
Nurseries, Nettleton, Surrey, UK 10/3/24
Nurseries, Nicky’s Rock Garden, Devon, UK 11/3/11
Nurseries, Northern Liners, UK and Australia 21/1/16
Nurseries, Northumbria, Northumberland, UK 6/2/21, 11/3/12
Nurseries, Notcutts, Suffolk, UK 1/3/05, 1/4/14, 6/2/22, 10/3/24, 30/1/03
Nurseries, Old Court, Worcestershire, UK 5/1/25, 30/1/05
Nurseries, Omahanui Native Plants, NZ 20/4/14
Nurseries, Oratia Plants, NI 17/1/13
Nurseries, Orchard, Ireland 8/1/15, 10/3/24
Nurseries, Pennell’s, Lincoln, UK 14/2/13, 35/1/07
Nurseries, Penpergwn Plants, Gwent, Wales, UK 11/3/13
Nurseries, Perry’s Plants, Yorkshire, UK 11/3/12, 15/1/20
Nurseries, Perryhill, Sussex, UK 6/2/23, 8/1/15, 11/3/12
Nurseries, Pine Lodge, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07, 20/4/03
Nurseries, Pioneer, Hertfordshire, UK 24/2/17
Nurseries, Plants Direct, South Glamorganshire, Wales, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Plaxtol, Kent, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Pleasant Hill, Oregon, USA 17/4/12
Nurseries, Pleasant View, Devon, UK 6/2/22
Nurseries, Polden Acres, Somerset, UK 1/2/06, 1/3/05, 3/4/07, 5/3/22, 14/2/13, 16/3/08, 16/3/11, 16/4/12, 20/1/13, 38/3/12
Nurseries, Port Sunlight, Wirral, UK 17/4/03
Nurseries, Potterton and Martin, Lincoln, UK 14/1/03
Nurseries, Primley Botanic, Devon, UK 26/2/03
Nurseries, Priorswood, Hertfordshire, UK 29/2/03
Nurseries, Profuse Plants, Cornwall, UK 1/2/06
Nurseries, R V Rogers Fruit Tree 35/3/12
Nurseries, Rassells, Lincolnshire, UK 9/3/26
Nurseries, RHS Wisley, Surrey, UK 19/1/07
Nurseries, Robinson and Sons, Masterton, Wairarapa, NI 8/1/14
Nurseries, Rosemoor, Devon, UK 9/2/23, 13/2/11, 38/2/03
Nurseries, Royal, Merriott, Somerset, UK 13/4/17
Nurseries, Rumbling Bridge, Kinross, Scotland, UK 37/2/27
Nurseries, Rushfields of Ledbury, Herefordshire, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Rusterholz, Switzerland 20/2/24
Nurseries, Sampford Shrubs, Devon, UK 11/3/12
Nurseries, Sandwich, Kent, UK 1/3/05, 1/4/02
Nurseries, Saville Bros, Yorkshire, UK 1/2/06, 13/3/12, 13/4/07, 18/2/13, 18/4/21
Nurseries, Schoolhar, Orkney, Scotand, UK 18/3/22
Nurseries, Scotland, Derbyshire, UK 1/3/05, 10/1/10
Nurseries, Scotts, Merriot, Somerset, UK 8/1/15, 10/3/24, 17/4/03
Nurseries, Seiont, Wales, UK 35/3/11, 36/2/12, 39/1/09, 39/2/10, 39/2/11, 39/2/26, 39/2/27, 39/3/20
Nurseries, Sherrards, Berkshire, UK 1/3/05
Nurseries, Siskin Plants, Suffolk, UK 5/1/05, 6/1/03, 7/2/06, 12/3/06, 17/3/05, 17/4/05, 17/4/23
Nurseries, Siskiyou Rare Plant, Oregon, USA 20/3/12, 25/2/24
Nurseries, Slieve Donard, County Down, UK 3/4/04, 8/1/15, 19/3/13, 24/1/14, 32/3/06
Nurseries, small (defence of) 29/1/04
Nurseries, Southcombe Gardens, Devon, UK 1/2/06, 1/3/05, 3/1/15, 3/2/26, 10/1/11
Nurseries, Southern Advanced Plants, Mornington, Victoria, Australia 21/3/14
Nurseries, Spinners, Hampshire, UK 1/3/05, 10/3/24
Nurseries, Springfield, Lancashire, UK 19/3/08
Nurseries, St Brigit, Devon, UK 10/4/21, 23/3/12
Nurseries, Stapeley Water, Cheshire, UK 20/2/06, 20/4/06
Nurseries, Stone House Cottage, Worcestershire, UK 8/1/15
Nurseries, Sussex Country, Sussex, UK 9/3/27
Nurseries, Swansons, Washington State, USA 23/1/17
Nurseries, Syon Garden Centre, Surrey, UK 15/3/07
Nurseries, Talisman, Otaki, Manawatu, NI 5/1/21
Nurseries, Taylors, Yorkshire, UK 24/1/23
Nurseries, The Place for Plants, Suffolk, UK 23/3/12
Nurseries, Topseed, NZ 33/2/20
Nurseries, Treasures, Worcestershire, UK 1/3/05
Nurseries, Tregothnan Big Plants, Cornwall, UK 16/1/12
Nurseries, Tres Pins Municipal, Spain 26/4/19
Nurseries, Treseders, Cornwall, UK 5/2/25, 6/3/29, 6/4/28, 16/4/10
Nurseries, Trevena Cross, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07, 20/2/04, 23/3/12, 31/1/12
Nurseries, Trewidden, Cornwall, UK 1/2/06, 10/4/27, 16/3/08, 16/3/11
Nurseries, Tully, Ireland 27/3/13, 32/3/06, 35/2/03, 39/1/12, 39/1/12
Nurseries, Twyn yr Hydd Garden Centre, Wales, UK 23/4/12, 23/4/15, 24/4/07
Nurseries, Tynedale, Tyne and Wear, UK 1/2/06
Nurseries, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, UK 6/2/21
Nurseries, Veitch, Devon, UK 7/3/07, 34/3/14
Nurseries, Vertigrow, Yorkshire, UK 39/3/19
Nurseries, Viv Marsh Postal Plants, UK 22/3/19
Nurseries, Vivers Vendrell, Spain 25/1/15
Nurseries, Waterer, Surrey, UK 6/2/23
Nurseries, Waterwheel, Gwent, Wales, UK 11/3/13
Nurseries, Watsons, Ireland 4/2/24, 4/3/24, 6/2/22, 6/4/28, 11/1/16
Nurseries, Weidners’ Gardens, Encinitas, California, USA 17/4/08
Nurseries, West Coast, Cornwall, UK 20/1/07
Nurseries, Western Hills, California, USA 33/2/14
Nurseries, Whisby Garden Centre, Lincoln, UK 14/2/13
Nurseries, White Cottage Alpines, UK 21/3/09
Nurseries, Wyevale group, UK 10/2/03, 15/3/07, 24/4/17, 33/3/04, 35/2/14
Nursery Research Centre, Palmerston North, Manawatu, NI 4/4/17, 4/4/19
Nutrient Film Technique see Hydroponics
Nutt, Richard (Hebe Society member) 4/2/03
Nutty, Fred (Irish horticulturist) 39/1/12
NVQ (UK qualification) 24/1/15
Nymphaea, registration 25/2/14
NZ 1/4/04, 1/4/07, 3/2/16, 3/2/18, 4/4/06, 5/1/22, 5/3/03, 6/1/09, 6/2/09, 6/4/05, 6/4/06, 6/4/22, 7/1/03, 7/1/19, 7/4/20, 8/2/09, 8/4/07, 9/2/03, 10/2/09, 10/3/20, 11/1/03, 11/2/03, 11/2/08, 11/2/13, 11/4/26, 12/4/04, 13/2/28, 14/4/11, 15/1/04, 15/3/15, 15/3/23, 16/3/09, 16/4/12, 16/4/19, 17/1/03, 17/1/08, 17/1/14, 17/1/20, 18/2/18, 18/3/20, 21/2/12, 21/4/09, 22/1/09, 22/4/11, 23/4/06, 23/4/21, 24/2/18, 24/4/18, 25/1/14, 25/1/18, 25/3/14, 25/3/15, 26/1/09, 26/2/18, 26/3/18, 27/1/03, 27/1/18, 28/1/23, 28/4/09, 29/2/13, 30/1/13, 30/2/04, 30/2/12, 30/2/18, 31/1/13, 31/2/03, 31/2/23, 32/1/04, 35/3/07, 37/3/15, 38/2/13
NZ Alpine Garden Society 2/5/10, 3/1/15, 3/2/10, 4/4/11, 7/1/03, 7/3/03, 8/2/09, 8/4/03, 9/3/06, 11/2/07, 13/4/09, 13/4/26, 14/4/18, 15/1/20, 17/1/15, 17/2/20, 19/2/15, 29/2/03, 30/1/12, 39/1/03, 39/2/27
NZ Alpine Plants Inside and Out, B and N Malcolm 6/2/24, 12/2/03, 19/1/04, 19/1/25
NZ Alpine Plants, A F Mark and N Adams 2/4/04, 10/4/03, 10/4/10, 12/1/21, 17/4/18, 28/1/04, 29/1/15
NZ Alpines 10/4/10, 12/1/22, 12/2/03, 14/3/18, 15/1/26, 15/3/17, 16/3/28, 17/4/18, 21/4/04, 21/4/24, 22/4/12, 34/1/20
NZ amphibians 32/1/04
NZ animals, conservation 6/2/03, 12/2/03, 27/3/20
NZ animals, distribution 24/1/20
NZ animals, endemic 24/1/17, 34/2/18
NZ animals, endemism 24/1/17, 34/2/18
NZ animals, evolution 24/1/17
NZ animals, human influence 24/1/19
NZ Bank 28/4/15, 33/1/21
NZ bats 18/4/24, 27/3/20, 33/1/12
NZ birds 11/1/21, 12/1/03, 18/4/24, 24/1/19, 27/1/11, 29/1/17, 32/1/04, 33/1/21
NZ bittercress see Cardamine corymbosa
NZ botanical region 20/4/20
NZ botany 10/4/10
NZ bush wren 18/4/26
NZ butterflies 18/4/27, 24/1/17
NZ Christmas tree see Metrosideros excelsa
NZ Coast and Mountain Plants, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 18/1/22, 22/2/20
NZ conifers 26/4/16, 29/1/17
NZ Consul 29/3/12
NZ crayfish 24/1/20
NZ Department of Conservation 19/1/05, 22/4/22, 24/1/04, 24/3/04, 25/1/22, 27/1/04, 27/2/04, 27/3/20, 32/1/15
NZ Department of Conservation, newsletter 24/3/04
NZ earthworms 27/3/20
NZ Embassy 34/3/23
NZ Environmental Care Code 15/1/11
NZ Family Herb Doctor, T W Leys 8/2/13
NZ Farm Forestry Association 27/1/10
NZ fauna 27/3/20, 31/3/16, 32/1/04
NZ fauna, evolution 24/1/17
NZ fishes 24/1/20
NZ fishes, photographs 35/3/27
NZ flame bush (see Hebe Franciscana Variegata) 14/1/08, 14/4/09
NZ flax see Phormium tenax
NZ Flax Hybridisers 10/3/21, 22/1/11, 22/1/12
NZ flora 22/4/15, 26/4/15, 27/3/20, 29/1/14, 29/1/17, 29/2/08, 30/2/12, 34/1/20, 38/3/07, 39/1/21
NZ flora, evolution 24/1/17, 27/1/03
NZ Forest and Bird (formerly Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand) 33/2/18, 37/3/20
NZ Forest and Bird magazine 27/3/21, 31/3/17, 37/3/20
NZ Forest and Bird weblog 27/4/041
NZ Forest and Flower see NZ Forest and Bird
NZ Forest Products Ltd 10/3/20, 22/1/10
NZ Forestry Department 6/3/18, 14/1/23, 16/4/26, 24/1/21
NZ Forests 12/1/22, 18/4/24, 26/4/16, 31/3/03, 33/2/21, 34/2/19
NZ Forests, browsing by birds 27/1/11, 27/1/11
NZ Forests, conifer-broadleaf 26/4/16, 27/1/11
NZ Forests, ground cover 26/4/10, 26/4/16
NZ Forests, regeneration 31/3/03
NZ Forests, similarity to tropical rainforests 26/4/16
NZ Forests, southern beech 26/4/16
NZ Foundation for Research Science and Technology 17/3/15
NZ frogs 18/4/24, 24/1/19, 33/1/12, 33/1/21
NZ fur seals 26/4/12, 27/1/18, 27/2/19, 30/2/13, 33/2/18
NZ gannet see Australasian gannet
NZ garden, London 30/2/19, 34/2/11
NZ garden, Guernsey, UK 38/1/12
NZ garden, San Francisco, USA 32/1/10
NZ garden, UK 12/2/04, 22/2/15, 33/1/03
NZ Gardener (magazine) 5/1/05, 19/3/20, 22/3/08, 27/1/03
NZ gardening 26/3/18
NZ Government 4/3/17, 7/2/06, 12/4/03, 31/3/16, 38/2/13
NZ grasses 23/2/13, 34/3/12, 36/2/24
NZ Green Party 30/1/09
NZ habitats 20/4/20
NZ Hebes, Mike Bayly and Alison Kellow see Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes
NZ Herald (newspaper) 25/4/17, 31/3/03
NZ Herald, Conservation and Environmental section 19/1/05, 19/1/23, 19/2/11, 31/3/03, 36/1/04
NZ High Commission 3/2/03, 21/3/20, 23/2/10, 27/2/12
NZ High Commission, website 23/2/10
NZ Holly see Olearia ilicifolia or O. macrodonta
NZ Home and Garden (magazine) 25/4/17
NZ House see NZ High Commission
NZ Indigenous Flora Seed Bank 29/2/03
NZ insects 24/1/20, 29/1/16, 29/1/17
NZ insects, photographs 35/3/27
NZ Institute of Parks 32/3/22
NZ invertebrates 29/1/17, 32/1/04, 33/2/18
NZ invertebrates, photographs 35/3/27
NZ Journal of Botany 1/4/02, 1/4/05, 8/3/21, 9/4/13, 12/4/03, 15/1/04, 18/1/14, 19/2/04, 22/1/18, 24/1/05, 38/1/03
NZ Kitchen Garden, J Spade 3/2/03
NZ Labour Party 30/1/09, 33/1/12
NZ Lands Department 9/1/27
NZ landscapes 28/2/03
NZ Library Association 7/2/20
NZ Lilac see Hebe hulkeana
NZ lizards 18/4/24, 24/1/19, 27/3/20, 29/1/16, 29/1/18
NZ Lotteries Commission 29/2/04
NZ medicinal plants 37/1/15
NZ Medicinal Plants, Brooker S, Cambie R and Cooper R 13/1/20, 21/2/24
NZ mistletoes 18/4/25
NZ moths 24/1/17
NZ moths, photographs 35/3/27
NZ mountains 34/1/24
NZ mountains, effects of 10/4/10, 13/2/28
NZ National Parks 15/1/11
NZ National Party 30/1/09
NZ Native Ground Cover Plants, Metcalf, Lawrie and Roy Edwards 32/3/24, 39/1/23
NZ Native Orchids, website 31/2/22
NZ native pigeon 9/2/11, 15/1/15, 17/3/04, 30/2/12, 31/1/22
NZ Native Plants for your Garden, Julian Matthews 26/3/18
NZ Orchid Group 31/2/22
NZ owl 18/4/26
NZ parrot see kakapo
NZ Philosophical Society 9/4/25
NZ phytochemical Register 8/1/21, 8/2/13
NZ pigeon see NZ native pigeon
NZ plant books 21/3/20, 27/2/17
NZ plant collecting 24/1/17
NZ Plant Collection Register Project 30/1/03
NZ plant Collection, Bristol Botanic Gardens, Avon, UK 12/1/03, 29/1/04
NZ plant Collection, Cannington College, Somerset, UK 6/1/05
NZ plant Collection, Castlewellan, Northern Ireland, UK 17/2/10
NZ plant Collection, Garden Exotique and Botanic, Roscoff, Brittany, France 29/3/19
NZ plant Collection, Logan, Scotland, UK 17/4/15
NZ plant Collection, Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland, UK 17/2/10, 31/2/04
NZ plant Collection, Poznan, Poland 23/4/18
NZ plant Collection, Rosewarne, Cornwall, UK 9/2/25, 10/1/24
NZ plant Collection, Santa Cruz, USA 12/3/19, 16/2/20, 26/3/04, 26/3/15, 28/4/13
NZ plant Collection, Savill Gardens, Berkshire, UK 4/3/17, 5/2/06, 7/2/03, 7/2/16, 14/1/20, 18/2/28, 22/1/20, 22/3/03, 23/4/10, 29/2/20, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/11
NZ plant Collection, Vancouver, Canada 23/4/21
NZ plant Collection, Ventnor Botanic Gardens, Isle of Wight, UK 12/1/03, 17/2/16, 39/1/19
NZ plant collection, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK 12/3/23, 22/3/07, 22/4/05, 23/2/03
NZ plant collection, Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, USA 29/3/12
NZ Plant Conservation 33/1/12
NZ Plant Conservation Network 19/4/27, 27/2/03, 29/2/03, 29/2/21
NZ Plant Conservation Network, website 29/2/21, 29/2/insert
NZ Plant cultivars, database 30/1/03, 33/1/09
NZ Plant cultivars, registration 39/3/15
NZ Plant Finder see Gaddum’s Plant Finder (NZ)
NZ Plant indentification 30/1/11
NZ plants 2/3/18, 6/3/05, 6/4/06, 6/4/18, 7/2/06, 9/1/06, 13/2/27, 15/3/03, 15/3/17, 15/3/21, 16/1/03, 16/4/08, 17/1/08, 17/2/03, 17/3/23, 17/3/24, 17/4/03, 17/4/23, 18/4/24, 21/3/11, 21/4/04, 22/3/08, 23/2/03, 24/4/15, 27/1/07, 27/3/03, 28/1/22, 28/2/03, 33/1/04, 34/3/25, 35/3/10, 38/1/13
NZ Plants and their Story, L Cockayne 9/2/12
NZ plants, ancestors 29/1/16
NZ plants, availabilty in NZ 39/2/25
NZ plants, Anglesey, UK 14/4/25
NZ plants, Antarctica 28/3/03
NZ plants, Australia 13/3/03, 13/3/22, 28/3/03
NZ plants, books see NZ plant books
NZ plants, botany, systematic 32/3/03
NZ plants, Bristol 16/1/07
NZ plants, browsing 33/2/17
NZ plants, California, USA 12/1/10, 32/1/10
NZ plants, Cambridgeshire, UK 8/2/07
NZ plants, Canada 30/3/09
NZ plants, Chelsea Show, UK 21/2/19
NZ plants, chemistry 13/1/21
NZ plants, Cheshire, UK 26/3/18, 33/1/04, 33/2/03
NZ plants, chromosome studies 32/3/03
NZ plants, coastal 18/1/22
NZ plants, collection 14/2/03, 15/4/05, 16/3/24, 17/4/15, 21/1/18, 21/1/20, 22/4/22
NZ plants, colour of flowers 29/1/17
NZ plants, communities 29/1/17
NZ plants, composts 14/3/19
NZ plants, conservation 6/2/03, 13/1/21, 27/3/20
NZ plants, cultivars, photographs 35/3/27
NZ plants, cultivation 9/2/18, 10/2/06, 13/4/06, 14/3/18, 37/3/09, 37/3/10
NZ plants, Derbyshire, UK 25/1/23
NZ plants, Devon, UK 17/2/03, 18/2/11
NZ plants, digital photography 17/4/04, 23/1/04, 26/1/03, 26/1/16, 26/3/04, 34/1/17, 38/1/16
NZ plants, diseases 14/4/22
NZ plants, displaying at RHS shows 34/2/16
NZ plants, distribution 24/1/20, 28/4/23
NZ plants, effect of habitat on habit 9/1/26
NZ plants, endemic 29/1/16, 34/2/18
NZ plants, endemism 29/1/16, 34/2/18
NZ plants, evolution 9/1/26, 24/1/17, 27/1/03
NZ plants, extinction 33/1/21
NZ plants, Faroe Islands 24/4/23, 26/1/09, 26/3/14
NZ plants, ferns, photographs 35/3/27
NZ plants, flower colour 14/3/19, 17/1/23, 22/3/08, 22/4/11, 29/1/16
NZ plants, fossils 24/1/18
NZ plants, France 30/1/05
NZ plants, future proof 39/2/25
NZ plants, germinating seeds 10/4/10
NZ plants, Grasses, photographs 35/3/27
NZ plants, growing 10/4/10, 14/3/18, 18/2/08, 35/3/21
NZ plants, Guernsey, UK 35/3/21
NZ plants, hardiness 21/1/18, 21/1/19, 21/4/23, 22/1/03, 22/4/15, 24/1/03, 27/4/23, 38/2/09
NZ plants, hedges 32/1/04
NZ plants, herbarium specimens 22/4/22
NZ plants, history 24/1/18
NZ plants, horticulture 32/3/03
NZ plants, human influence 24/1/19
NZ plants, hybridisation 9/2/12, 22/2/24, 24/4/20
NZ plants, identification using interactive keys 32/3/03
NZ plants, interest in growing 15/2/13, 35/3/10
NZ plants, Ireland 9/2/07
NZ plants, Isle of Man, UK 11/4/12
NZ plants, Kent 33/3/insert
NZ plants, Lullingstone Castle, Kent 33/3/insert, 33/3/11
NZ plants, Maori names 28/4/21
NZ plants, Moas 29/1/13, 33/2/17
NZ plants, molecular systematics 32/3/03
NZ plants, naming 13/4/10, 23/1/24, 28/4/21
NZ plants, native, Registrar 32/3/03
NZ plants, naturalised UK 11/4/07
NZ plants, Northern Ireland 10/4/10, 17/2/10
NZ plants, Norway 25/4/09
NZ plants, origins 28/3/03
NZ plants, pests 14/3/19, 14/4/23, 26/4/14, 29/1/13
NZ plants, pharmacology 13/1/21
NZ plants, photographs 25/2/22, 35/3/27, 39/3/14
NZ plants, Plant Heritage 30/1/15, 31/2/05, 32/3/17, 36/1/14
NZ plants, Poland 22/2/12, 23/4/18, 29/1/19
NZ plants, pollen 24/1/18
NZ plants, pollination 10/3/03, 11/1/03, 22/2/23, 26/4/14, 29/1/17
NZ plants, polymorphism 10/4/11
NZ plants, popularity 14/3/18, 16/4/04
NZ plants, propagation 14/2/14, 14/3/19, 14/4/22, 30/3/12
NZ plants, propagation, seed 14/4/24, 33/2/20, 38/1/12
NZ plants, protection 25/1/22
NZ plants, publicity 13/2/13, 13/3/07
NZ plants, rock garden 17/3/27
NZ plants, Rushes, photographs 35/3/27
NZ plants, scent 11/3/07
NZ plants, Sedges, photographs 35/3/27
NZ plants, Scotland, UK 38/2/16
NZ plants, seed collecting 15/1/26
NZ plants, showing 31/2/10
NZ plants, slides 20/4/04
NZ plants, snowline 29/1/17
NZ plants, South America 28/3/03
NZ plants, Sussex, UK 23/2/03
NZ plants, Sweden 21/4/24, 22/4/15, 23/2/23, 26/2/18, 30/1/21
NZ plants, systematic botany 32/3/03, 39/1/21
NZ plants, treeline 29/1/17
NZ plants, UK 29/1/13
NZ plants, unisexual 29/1/17
NZ plants, UV levels increased 14/1/03
NZ plants, white flowers 10/4/10, 24/1/19
NZ plants, winter 38/2/09
NZ Qualifications Authority 27/2/04
NZ reptiles 29/1/17
NZ reptiles, photographs 35/3/27
NZ robin see Robin, (NZ bird)
NZ Rock Garden Society see NZ Alpine Garden Society
NZ seaweeds 12/2/11, 18/1/22, 21/1/03
NZ series of rocks 25/4/20
NZ shrubs 18/4/24
NZ shrubs, divaricating 26/4/10, 29/1/13, 39/1/21
NZ slugs 27/3/20
NZ slugs, photographs 35/3/27
NZ snails 18/4/27, 33/1/12
NZ snails, photographs 35/3/27
NZ sow thistle see Sonchus kirkii
NZ spider, harvestman 27/3/20
NZ spiders 29/1/19
NZ spinach see Tetragonia tetragonioides
NZ storm petrel (bird) 19/1/05
NZ Subantarctic Islands, edited by Tim Higham 7/2/08
NZ to Lake Michigan, W T L Travers 9/3/21
NZ Tourist Department 20/4/16
NZ trees 10/3/10, 18/4/24, 26/4/15, 27/1/10, 28/3/18
NZ Trees and Shrubs, Metcalf, Lawrie 21/1/19, 22/1/13, 22/2/04, 24/4/24, 27/4/03, 38/2/03
NZ trees, habitats 27/1/12
NZ trees, juvenile leaves 26/4/16, 27/1/11, 27/1/11
NZ trees, photographs 35/3/27
NZ trees, pollinators 26/4/16
NZ trees, propagation 31/3/03
NZ trees, protection 27/1/12
NZ trees, shrubby form 26/4/16
NZ trees, types (conifers, hardwoods, tree ferns and monocotyledons) 27/1/10
NZ trees, wildlife 27/1/12
NZ vines 18/4/25
NZ Wildflowers Handbook, Owen and Audrey Bishop 13/4/09
NZ’s Native Trees, John Dawson and Rob Lucas 26/4/15, 27/1/10, 39/1/23
NZ, alpine evolutionary paradox 24/1/18
NZ, alpine fauna 29/1/15
NZ, alpine plants 29/1/15, 29/1/17
NZ, alpine zones 22/4/12, 24/1/18
NZ, amenity planting 16/1/04
NZ, amphibole (rock) 25/4/19
NZ, aquatic insects 29/1/19
NZ, asteraceae 27/1/12, 39/1/21
NZ, asteroid 6/4/03
NZ, Australian flora 28/4/21
NZ, beetles 29/1/15
NZ, biodiversity 30/1/09, 34/2/18
NZ, birds see NZ, native birds
NZ, browsing animals 34/2/20
NZ, budget cuts 29/1/13, 30/1/09
NZ, Buller belt (geology) 25/4/20
NZ, bushcraft 31/3/03
NZ, butterflies 29/1/15, 29/1/18
NZ, calcite (rock) 25/4/19
NZ, canines, introduced 34/2/19
NZ, carbon tax 30/1/09
NZ, cats, wild 17/3/05, 29/1/18, 31/3/16, 34/2/19
NZ, citrus fruit 14/1/07
NZ, climate see Climate, NZ
NZ, coal deposits 28/4/15
NZ, coastal plants 18/1/22, 31/2/03
NZ, collecting plants 6/3/23
NZ, colonisation 34/2/19
NZ, comet 6/4/03
NZ, conifers 20/4/20, 20/4/21
NZ, Conservation Parks 6/3/24, 32/1/03
NZ, continental drift 25/4/19, 34/1/23
NZ, Cretaceous sediments 25/4/21
NZ, Cretaceous volcanics 25/4/21
NZ, Crickets 28/4/15
NZ, Crown Land 6/3/24
NZ, daisies see NZ, asteraceae
NZ, deciduous shrubs 33/2/17
NZ, deforestation 15/3/15
NZ, Department of Agric see Department of Agric, NZ
NZ, Department of Conservation see Department of Conservation, NZ
NZ, dicotyledons 20/4/20, 20/4/21
NZ, diorite rock 25/4/20
NZ, discovery 35/1/17
NZ, dragonflies 29/1/19
NZ, drought 7/4/03
NZ, earthquakes 30/2/03
NZ, ecological regions 31/2/22
NZ, ecology 29/1/12, 29/1/15, 29/2/21, 34/2/18
NZ, election, 2014 30/1/09
NZ, election, 2017 33/1/12
NZ, emancipation 8/3/03
NZ, environment protection 30/1/09, 33/1/12
NZ, epiphyte inversions 33/1/20
NZ, epiphyte, astelia 33/1/21
NZ, epiphyte, nest 33/1/20
NZ, epiphyte, non-vascular 33/1/21
NZ, epiphyte, shrub 33/1/21
NZ, epiphyte, vascular 33/1/21
NZ, epiphytes 18/4/25, 26/1/17, 33/1/20
NZ, exotic plants see NZ, introduced plants
NZ, exploring 11/1/21, 16/2/27, 23/4/06
NZ, extremely isolated species 33/1/20
NZ, feldspar (rock) 25/4/19
NZ, fellfield 22/4/12, 30/2/18
NZ, feral cats see NZ, cats, wild
NZ, ferns 9/2/18, 10/4/12, 15/3/17, 16/4/28, 18/4/25, 20/4/20, 20/4/21, 21/2/12, 26/1/16, 29/1/15, 29/1/17, 33/1/20, 33/1/22, 39/1/21, 39/3/22
NZ, ferns, identification 39/3/24
NZ, ferns, naturalised 39/3/24
NZ, ferns, online 39/3/22
NZ, ferrets 29/1/18
NZ, fish 33/1/12, 34/2/19
NZ, fishing 30/1/09, 34/2/19
NZ, flies 29/1/19, 31/1/22
NZ, flowering plants 20/4/21, 26/4/17, 29/1/15
NZ, flowering plants, white flowers 39/1/21
NZ, fossils 25/4/19, 25/4/22
NZ, fungi 24/3/19, 29/1/15
NZ, garnet 25/4/19
NZ, geology 6/1/22, 10/4/11, 11/3/03, 12/1/22, 13/2/28, 14/3/18, 15/3/17, 18/1/22, 22/4/15, 24/4/18, 25/4/19, 29/1/16, 29/2/08
NZ, glaciation 13/2/28, 34/2/18
NZ, glaciers 29/1/15, 34/2/18
NZ, gneiss rocks 25/4/20
NZ, goats 14/2/26
NZ, grabbo rock 25/4/20
NZ, granodiorite rock 25/4/20
NZ, grasshoppers 29/1/15, 29/1/19
NZ, grazing animals, introduced 34/2/19
NZ, Green Party 33/1/12
NZ, greywacke rock 25/4/21
NZ, Haast Schist (rock) 25/4/21
NZ, habitat loss 33/1/21, 39/1/21
NZ, habitats 18/1/22, 27/1/10, 33/1/20, 34/2/18
NZ, High Commission, UK 38/2/20
NZ, holidays 8/1/03, 26/1/13
NZ, House of Representatives 30/1/09
NZ, humidity 29/1/16
NZ, hunting 34/1/20
NZ, ice ages 34/1/24
NZ, igneous rocks 25/4/19
NZ, insects 18/4/24
NZ, introduced animals 11/1/21, 14/2/26, 17/3/04, 24/4/19, 27/3/20, 29/1/12, 32/1/04, 32/1/15, 32/1/16, 34/2/19
NZ, introduced plants 12/1/08, 14/2/26, 16/1/03, 17/3/04, 24/1/17, 24/4/19, 30/2/12, 32/1/15, 32/1/1, 34/2/19, 39/1/21
NZ, introduced plants, identification 32/3/03
NZ, introduced trees 30/2/12
NZ, invasive animals 34/2/19
NZ, invasive plants 34/2/19
NZ, islands 20/4/20
NZ, isolation from Australia 27/1/10
NZ, Kaikoura Uplift (geology) 25/4/22
NZ, land development
NZ, land evolution 25/4/20
NZ, land formation 25/4/19
NZ, lava 25/4/19
NZ, lianes (woody vines) 33/1/21
NZ, lichen 33/1/21
NZ, lichen, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, limestone 25/4/19
NZ, liverwort 29/1/15, 29/1/17
NZ, liverwort, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, lizard 29/1/15
NZ, logging 30/1/09
NZ, lycophytes 39/3/22
NZ, lycophytes, online 39/3/22
NZ, map 2/4/18, 9/1/12, 31/2/22
NZ, Medicinal Plants 8/1/18, 8/2/10
NZ, Mesozoic era (geology) 25/4/22
NZ, metamorphic rocks 25/4/20
NZ, mica 25/4/19
NZ, mice 29/1/12, 29/1/19
NZ, mining 30/1/09, 33/1/12
NZ, Miocene period (geology) 25/4/22, 27/2/18, 34/1/23
NZ, mistletoes 33/1/20
NZ, mistletoes, beech 33/1/23
NZ, mistletoes, green 33/1/23
NZ, mistletoes, pygmy 33/1/23
NZ, monocotyledons 20/4/21
NZ, mosses 29/1/15, 29/1/17, 33/1/21
NZ, mosses, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, moths 29/1/15, 29/1/18
NZ, moths, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, mountain formation 29/1/16
NZ, Mukihiku rocks 25/4/21
NZ, National Library 8/1/20
NZ, National Museum, Wellington 16/1/04, 39/1/20, 39/3/22
NZ, National Parks 6/3/24
NZ, native birds 29/1/12, 29/1/15, 29/2/08, 30/2/12, 31/3/16, 33/1/21, 33/2/18, 34/2/19, 34/2/20, 39/1/24
NZ, native plants 32/3/20, 32/3/21, 33/2/18
NZ, native trees, propagation 31/3/03
NZ, naturalied (non-native) plants 39/1/21
NZ, natural history 24/1/17
NZ, nature reserve, Wellington 32/1/03
NZ, nests (plants) 33/1/20, 38/3/25
NZ, New Zealand First (political party) 33/1/12
NZ, off-shore islands pest free 31/3/16
NZ, oil exploration 30/1/09
NZ, Oligocene drowning 24/1/18
NZ, Open cast mining 30/1/09, 33/1/12
NZ, orchids see Orchids, NZ
NZ, overgrazing 9/2/12
NZ, parasitic vines 33/1/20
NZ, pest eradication 31/3/16
NZ, pest free 31/3/16, 32/1/04
NZ, pests, 17/3/04, 26/4/14, 27/3/20, 29/1/12, 29/1/19, 31/3/16, 32/1/04, 32/1/15, 34/2/19
NZ, plant hunters 21/4/04, 27/3/12
NZ, plant hunting 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 27/3/12, 32/3/21
NZ, plants 25/1/03, 27/1/09, 32/1/10, 32/2/04
NZ, plants, adult forms 39/1/21
NZ, plants, climbers 33/1/23
NZ, plants, collections 39/1/20
NZ, plants, conservation 39/1/03
NZ, plants, dioecious 39/1/21
NZ, plants, display 32/1/18, 34/1/14
NZ, plants, divarication 39/1/21
NZ, plants, endangered 4/2/15, 4/4/08
NZ, plants, herbaceous 39/1/22
NZ, plants, introduced 38/3/25
NZ, plants, introduction to UK 27/3/12, 39/3/17
NZ, plants, juvenile forms 39/1/21
NZ, plants, salt tolerant 27/3/17
NZ, plants, threats 39/1/21
NZ, plants, uses 31/3/03
NZ, plants, vines 39/1/22
NZ, Pleistocene period 24/1/19
NZ, possums 17/3/04, 18/1/04, 19/4/20, 19/4/21, 19/4/23, 21/3/04, 31/3/16, 32/1/04, 34/2/19
NZ, protected species, Directory of 6/3/24
NZ, pyroxene (rock) 25/4/19
NZ, quartz 25/4/19
NZ, Quaternary Period (geology) 25/4/22
NZ, rabbits 12/4/03
NZ, rainfall 29/1/16
NZ, Rangitata Orogeny (geology) 25/4/21
NZ, rats 8/4/03, 11/1/21, 14/2/28, 17/3/05, 29/1/12, 31/3/16, 32/1/04, 34/2/19, 34/2/19
NZ, renewable energy 30/1/09
NZ, rock lily see Arthropodium cirratum
NZ, rodents 34/2/19
NZ, Royal Society see Royal Society of NZ
NZ, Scenic and Scientific Reserve 6/3/24
NZ, Scenic Reserve, Inspector of 9/2/10
NZ, schist (rock) 25/4/21
NZ, scientific research 32/1/04
NZ, screes 22/4/12, 30/2/18
NZ, sedimentary rocks 25/4/20
NZ, seed collection 29/2/04, 32/3/21
NZ, settlers 8/1/18, 30/2/03, 32/1/15
NZ, shrubs 33/1/20, 39/1/22
NZ, silicate 25/4/19
NZ, snails 28/4/15, 33/1/12
NZ, snow-bank vegetation 22/4/12, 29/1/16
NZ, snow-line 22/4/12, 29/1/16, 29/1/17
NZ, spermatopsida 20/4/21
NZ, stoats 29/1/12, 29/1/19, 31/3/16, 32/1/04, 34/2/19
NZ, stoneflies 29/1/19
NZ, Subantarctic Islands 7/2/08, 11/2/25, 13/2/03, 14/2/04, 18/1/26, 21/3/04, 31/1/23, 32/3/21
NZ, succulents 33/1/20
NZ, sustainable farming 30/1/09
NZ, sustainable fishing 30/1/09
NZ, Takaka belt (geology) 25/4/20
NZ, tectonic plate movements 34/1/24
NZ, temperate rainforests 33/1/20
NZ, Tertiary era (geology) 25/4/22, 34/1/23
NZ, Torlesse rocks 25/4/21
NZ, tourism 7/4/03
NZ, tree planting 33/1/12
NZ, treeline 22/2/23, 29/1/16, 29/1/17
NZ, trees 33/1/20, 39/1/22
NZ, trees, deciduous 39/1/21
NZ, trees, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, tuberculosis 31/3/16
NZ, Tuhua belt (geology) 25/4/20
NZ, Tuhua Orology (geology) 25/4/20
NZ, vegetation regrowth after fire 9/1/25
NZ, vines 33/1/20
NZ, visiting 26/1/16, 26/4/10, 27/1/17, 30/2/12, 33/3/03, 35/3/07
NZ, volcanic activity 13/2/28, 18/1/22, 25/4/21
NZ, volcanic rocks 25/4/20
NZ, weasels 29/1/12
NZ, weather 10/4/10, 12/1/22, 14/3/19, 15/4/06, 28/4/11, 28/4/15, 28/4/20, 29/1/16, 34/2/05
NZ, weeds, photographs 35/3/27
NZ, weeds, website 27/4/04
NZ, whaling 39/1/15
NZ, wild cats see NZ, cats, wild
NZ, wildlifte 34/2/20
NZ, wind 29/1/16
NZ, winter 7/4/03
NZ, woody vines 33/1/20
NZ, worms 28/4/15
NZAGS see NZ Alpine Garden Society
O *
O’Donnell, Hugh (Irish) 3/4/04
O’Donnell, Seamus (Irish gardener) 30/3/04
O’Grady, Desmond (UK gardener) 8/2/07
O’Neil, Karl (UK horticulturist, Bransford Webb Plants) 32/3/09
O’Neil, Tim (Hebe Society member) 31/3/18, 31/3/20
Oak see Quercus
Oak, chestnus-leaved see Quercus castaneifolia
Oamaru, Otago, SI 6/2/26
Oates, M (UK author) 10/2/31
Oates, Mike (NZ horticulturist) 15/3/07, 16/2/25
Oberon (ship) 8/4/28
Occidental, California, USA 33/2/14
OCR see (computer program)
Octave see Fungicide, Octave
Official Gazette (CPVO journel) 26/3/09
Ohakune, Central NI 15/1/15, 26/1/20
Ohau Point, Marlborough, SI 26/4/12
Ohinemutu, Central NI 17/1/20
Ohinepane, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Ohio, USA 34/1/03
Ohura Basin, Taranaki, NI 6/3/26
Oioi see Apodasmia similis
Okarito Kiwi Sanctuary, Westland, SI 19/4/04, 28/1/23
Okarito State Forest, SI 28/1/23
Okarito, Westland, SI 8/2/03, 12/3/28
Okell, Mr(UK gardener) 11/3/11, 11/4/13
Okokanui Ecosancturary, Dunedin, SI 30/2/13
Old Man Range, Otago, SI 10/3/28, 11/3/28, 15/1/18, 17/4/18, 26/4/13, 29/1/16
Old Mout Cider 32/3/03
Oldham, Manchester 28/1/12
Olea 19/1/04, 32/1/23, 34/1/03, 34/2/03, 38/3/26, 39/1/09
Olea, host for Xylella 33/3/10, 34/1/03, 34/2/03, 38/3/26
Oleander 26/3/15, 33/1/11, 39/1/09
Olearia 4/4/13, 5/1/22, 5/4/12, 6/2/03, 6/4/08, 6/4/10, 7/1/26, 10/3/11, 10/4/21, 11/3/03, 11/4/08, 12/3/14, 13/2/27, 13/4/12, 14/1/21, 14/4/25, 14/4/27, 15/2/26, 15/3/03, 16/4/03, 16/4/10, 17/1/21, 17/3/23, 18/1/26, 20/3/08, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 21/3/07, 21/4/24, 22/3/10, 23/2/21, 23/3/20, 23/4/05, 24/3/11, 24/4/15, 24/4/24, 25/1/22, 25/4/04, 25/4/23, 26/2/19, 26/4/17, 27/1/12, 27/3/12, 28/3/13, 29/2/09, 30/1/15, 30/3/04, 31/1/19, 33/3/11, 34/2/22, 35/1/20, 37/1/27, 37/2/26, 39/1/12
Olearia albida 5/1/22, 20/4/03
Olearia albida angulata 5/1/22, 11/1/09, 23/3/22
Olearia algida 11/1/09
Olearia allomii 5/1/23
Olearia angustifolia 5/1/23, 6/3/26
Olearia arborescens 5/1/23, 5/1/23, 11/1/09, 27/4/22, 29/2/01
Olearia arborescens Variegata 11/1/09
Olearia argophylla 7/3/20, 11/1/09, 27/4/22
Olearia argophylla hybrid 11/1/09
Olearia avicenniaefolia 5/2/22, 5/2/22, 7/1/26, 11/1/09, 20/4/03, 20/4/03, 25/3/03, 25/4/01, 26/2/20
Olearia avicenniaefolia White Confusion 11/1/09
Olearia bullata 27/1/18
Olearia capillaris 5/2/22, 11/1/09, 14/4/03, 15/2/03, 16/2/04, 18/3/03
Olearia chathamica 5/2/22, 12/2/04, 15/4/10
Olearia cheesemanii 5/2/23, 11/1/09, 14/2/03, 14/4/03, 17/2/16, 18/2/04, 20/2/15, 25/3/03, 34/3/15
Olearia colensoi 5/2/23, 5/2/23, 5/4/25, 18/1/25
Olearia colensoi argentea 5/3/20, 5/3/20
Olearia colensoi grandis 5/3/20, 5/3/20, 6/3/26
Olearia coriacea 5/3/20, 10/1/22, 11/1/07, 11/1/09
Olearia crosby-smithiana 5/3/20
Olearia cymbifolia see Olearia nummulariifolia cymbifolia
Olearia dentata see Olearia macrodonta
Olearia erubescens 7/3/20, 11/1/09
Olearia floribunda 7/3/20, 11/1/10
Olearia forsteri 2/1/12, 7/1/26, 31/1/14
Olearia fragrantissima 5/3/21, 27/2/18, 28/4/23
Olearia frostii 7/3/20
Olearia furfuracea 5/3/21
Olearia glandulosa 7/3/20, 11/1/10
Olearia gunnii 4/1/09
Olearia haastii 3/1/21, 4/1/09, 4/4/10, 5/3/21, 5/4/11, 6/4/06, 6/4/09, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 8/3/24, 11/1/10, 13/4/12, 15/2/25, 17/3/04, 23/2/03, 24/4/15, 25/3/03, 26/2/19, 30/1/04, 30/1/14, 32/2/19
Olearia hectori 5/4/26
Olearia Henry Travers 15/3/04, 15/4/10, 36/1/32
Olearia ilicifolia 5/4/26, 5/4/26, 7/1/24, 11/1/04, 11/1/10, 15/2/01, 24/4/15, 27/1/17
Olearia lacunosa 5/4/26, 9/3/14, 11/1/10, 26/4/10, 30/1/05
Olearia laxiflora 5/4/27, 5/4/27
Olearia lepidophylla 7/3/20, 11/1/10
Olearia lineata see Olearia virgata lineata
Olearia lirata 11/1/10
Olearia lyallii 5/4/27, 9/2/11
Olearia macrodonta 4/1/09, 5/4/11, 5/4/25, 6/1/26, 6/4/06, 7/1/23, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 8/3/24, 11/1/04, 11/3/07, 15/2/25, 16/4/08, 18/3/09, 20/2/15, 21/3/07, 24/4/16, 26/2/20, 28/3/11, 29/3/10, 30/2/23, 33/2/03, 33/2/insert, 34/3/15, 35/1/17, 35/1/18
Olearia macrodonta intermedia 11/1/10
Olearia macrodonta major 11/1/10, 26/2/20
Olearia mollis 11/1/10
Olearia mollis Zennorensis see Olearia Zennorensis
Olearia moschata 6/1/26, 6/1/26, 11/1/10, 25/3/03, 26/4/13, 27/1/17
Olearia myrsinoides 11/1/10
Olearia nummulariifolia 6/1/26, 6/1/26, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 11/1/10, 13/3/13, 13/4/12, 13/4/13, 17/1/04, 24/3/04, 25/2/03, 25/3/03, 29/1/04, 29/1/insert, 39/2/04
Olearia nummulariifolia cymbifolia 6/1/27, 6/1/27, 11/1/09, 35/3/32
Olearia nummulariifolia hybrid 11/1/10, 14/4/03
Olearia nummularifolia see Olearia nummulariifolia
Olearia odorata 6/1/27, 6/1/27, 11/1/10, 22/4/16, 25/4/09, 26/2/20
Olearia oleifolia Waikariensis see Olearia Waikariensis
Olearia oporina 6/3/26, 7/4/10, 7/4/12, 16/2/01
Olearia pachyphylla 6/2/26
Olearia paniculata 6/2/26, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 9/1/15, 11/1/10, 18/3/03, 20/2/15, 22/2/04, 25/3/03, 26/4/12
Olearia paniculata Major 11/1/10
Olearia phlogopappa 5/4/11, 7/3/20, 11/1/10
Olearia phlogopappa Comber’s Blue 11/1/10
Olearia phlogopappa Comber’s Pink 14/1/15
Olearia phlogopappa Master Michael 11/1/10
Olearia phlogopappa var subrepanda 11/1/10
Olearia polita 27/1/19
Olearia ramulosa 4/4/10, 7/3/20, 8/2/15
Olearia ramulosa Blue Stars 4/3/05, 7/3/05, 11/1/10
Olearia rani 6/2/26
Olearia Scillionesis 6/4/06, 7/3/20, 11/1/10, 24/4/15
Olearia semidentata 5/4/11, 6/2/26, 11/1/10, 12/2/04, 15/4/10, 36/2/19, 36/2/19
Olearia semidentata albiflora 6/2/27
Olearia serpentina 27/1/19
Olearia solandri 6/2/27, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 11/1/10, 20/4/03
Olearia stellulata 7/3/20
Olearia thomsonii 6/3/26
Olearia townsonii 6/3/26, 11/1/10, 17/2/18
Olearia traillii 6/3/26, 6/3/26
Olearia traveriorum 24/1/04
Olearia traversii see also Olearia traveriorum 2/1/13, 5/4/11, 6/3/27, 6/4/08, 7/1/26, 8/2/15, 8/3/24, 9/1/27, 9/4/24, 11/1/10, 15/4/08, 18/1/12, 20/2/03, 24/1/04, 25/3/03, 25/4/03, 25/4/23, 27/3/16, 27/4/20, 32/2/17, 33/2/04, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/03
Olearia traversii Tweedledum 18/1/12, 21/2/19
Olearia traversii var rotundifolia 11/1/10
Olearia traversii Variegata 11/1/10
Olearia virgata 6/3/27, 7/1/26, 11/1/10, 21/4/24, 22/4/16
Olearia virgata divaricata 6/3/27
Olearia virgata implicata 6/4/26
Olearia virgata lineata 6/4/26, 6/4/26, 8/2/15, 9/3/14, 11/1/10, 24/4/15
Olearia virgata lineata Dartonii 11/1/10, 17/4/04, 18/1/12, 26/4/12
Olearia virgata ramuliflora 6/4/26, 11/1/10
Olearia virgata rugosa 6/4/27, 6/4/27
Olearia virgata serpentina 6/4/27
Olearia viscosa 7/3/20, 11/1/10
Olearia Waikariensis 11/1/10, 21/3/09, 24/4/15, 25/3/03, 35/2/04, 35/2/04
Olearia Zennorensis 11/1/10, 14/4/27, 23/3/20
Olearia, book? 24/4/24
Olearia, Faroe Islands 24/4/23, 26/1/10, 30/1/13
Olearia, hardiness 22/4/15, 27/4/20
Olearia, hedge 33/2/03
Olearia, National Collection, UK 10/2/10, 11/1/07, 11/1/09, 11/2/10, 11/3/03, 14/2/08, 15/3/03, 23/4/17, 31/2/04
Olearia, origin of name
Olearia, root pruning 35/2/04
Olearia, watering 18/3/03
Olga Bay, Ostrov Iturup, Kuril Islands 23/1/15
Oligocene drowning see NZ, Oligocene drowning
Olive see Olea
Oliver, Walter (NZ naturalist) 7/2/14, 14/2/25, 33/1/14
Olmstead, Richard G (US botanist) 22/1/23, 26/3/03
Olschlager, Johann Gottfried (German botanist) 19/1/04
Olympic Games, Berlin 28/3/19
Omaru, Dunedin, SI 30/2/13
One Tree Hill, Auckland, NI 26/1/16
Online shopping 35/3/10
Ontario, Canada 34/1/03
Opape, Gisborne, NI 6/2/26
OPCA see Ornamental Plant Collections Association of Australia
Open Bay Island, NZ 9/1/27
Open Polytechnic of NZ 22/2/20
Opera (Internet Browser) 25/1/24
Ophioglossum coriaceum 12/1/23
Ophiopogon 14/4/26
Opium poppy see Papaver somniferum
Optical Character Recognition (computer program) 35/3/03
Opunake, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Oral allergy syndrome 33/1/03
Oral contraceptives 8/2/11
Orange Range, Canterbury, SI 10/3/27
Orchid Hunters 5/1/17
Orchidaceae (plant family) 17/2/27
Orchids 29/2/09
Orchids, Australia 31/2/23
Orchids, China 31/2/23
Orchids, Himalayas 31/2/23
Orchids, identification 31/2/22
Orchids, Java 25/2/14
Orchids, New Caledonia 31/2/23
Orchids, New Guinea 31/2/23
Orchids, New Zealand 31/2/23
Orchids, NZ 8/1/08, 18/4/25, 31/2/22, 33/1/20, 33/1/22
Orchids, NZ, photographs 35/3/27
Orchids, Philippines 25/2/14
Orchids, registration 25/2/14
Orchids, south-east Asia 31/2/23
Orchids, Timor 25/2/14
Order, plant classification 2/1/S2
Oregon Association of Nurserymen, USA 17/1/10, 17/4/08
Oregon State University see University of Oregon State, USA
Oregon, USA 1/2/05, 2/1/10, 5/3/25, 5/4/23, 15/1/08, 15/2/13, 15/2/25, 15/4/08, 16/3/13, 16/4/07, 17/1/03, 18/1/21, 18/2/13, 18/2/24, 18/2/24, 18/2/27, 23/2/09, 24/2/12, 25/1/13, 31/1/20, 32/1/10, 33/3/09, 33/3/12
Oregon, USA, climate 33/3/12
Oreti Valley, Southland, SI 7/1/20
Organic gardening 21/1/11, 33/3/18
Orkney Island, Scotland, UK 14/2/08, 26/1/11
Ornamental Plant Collections Association of Australia 13/3/10, 14/3/09, 17/1/10
Orokonui Ecosanctuary (Reserve), Dunedin, SI 32/1/04
Orriss, P (UK horticulturist) 8/2/05, 12/1/09
Ortiva (fungicide) 28/2/22
Osborn, Arthur (UK horticulturist) 12/4/08
Osmanthus 30/2/22
Osmocote (fertiliser) 5/4/10, 15/3/03, 15/4/03, 30/2/16
Osmond, Jordan (NZ filmmaker) 34/2/05
Osmunda regalis 6/4/08
Osteospermum 12/4/26
Osteospermum Stardust 7/3/06
Ostrov Atlasova (Kuril Islands) 22/4/09
Ostrov Chirpoy (Kuril Islands) 23/1/14
Ostrov Ekarma (Kuril Islands) 23/1/12
Ostrov Iturup (Kuril Islands) 23/1/14, 23/1/15
Ostrov Kunashir (Kuril Islands) 23/1/15
Ostrov Matua (Kuril Islands) 23/1/12, 23/1/14
Ostrov Onekotan 23/1/11
Ostrov Paramushir 22/4/10, 23/1/13
Ostrov Shimushir 23/1/13
Ostrov Urup 23/1/14
Ostrov Yankicho 23/1/13
Oswestry, Powys, Wales 20/4/22, 32/2/12, 38/1/18
Otago Daily Times, SI 7/2/18
Otago Geographical Survey 10/1/33
Otago Innovation Limited 30/1/11
Otago, SI 1/2/09, 2/5/08, 3/1/14, 3/2/22, 3/2/23, 3/2/23, 3/2/26, 3/4/17, 3/4/19, 4/1/04, 4/1/24, 4/1/25, 4/2/20, 4/4/21, 5/1/09, 5/1/23, 5/1/25, 5/2/25, 5/3/21, 5/3/22, 5/4/26, 5/4/26, 6/1/26, 6/1/28, 6/4/27, 6/4/29, 7/1/07, 7/1/20, 7/2/19, 7/4/21, 7/4/24, 8/1/23, 8/4/28, 9/1/24, 9/1/29, 9/2/12, 9/3/27, 10/1/33, 10/3/06, 10/3/27, 11/3/25, 11/4/26, 11/4/28, 12/3/25, 12/4/18, 13/1/25, 13/2/23, 13/2/27, 14/1/17, 14/2/10, 14/2/18, 14/3/15, 14/3/16, 14/4/17, 15/1/18, 15/3/26, 16/1/18, 16/2/17, 16/2/18, 16/3/20, 16/4/26, 18/1/26, 20/2/14, 20/4/15, 20/4/16, 20/4/17, 21/3/15, 23/3/10, 25/3/03, 27/1/17, 36/1/16, 36/2/26, 39/1/14
Otahuhu, Auckland, NI 5/3/19
Otanerito Station, Banks Peninsula, SI 19/4/19, 35/1/04
Otira Valley, Arthur’s Pass, SI 18/2/03, 22/4/22
Ourisa, website 17/3/13
Ourisia 12/1/23, 13/2/20, 15/4/18, 17/3/13, 23/1/13, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Ourisia caespitosa 12/1/21, 13/2/20, 13/2/20, 13/4/26, 31/2/01
Ourisia coccinea 7/3/20
Ourisia cockayniana 13/2/20
Ourisia colensoi 13/2/21
Ourisia crosbyi 13/2/22, 13/2/22, 13/4/26
Ourisia glandulosa 7/4/25, 13/2/23
Ourisia lactea 13/2/23
Ourisia macrocarpa 13/3/24, 15/3/03
Ourisia macrocarpa calycina 13/3/24 13/3/25
Ourisia macrophylla 5/2/10, 5/4/25, 13/3/25, 13/4/26
Ourisia macrophylla drucei 13/3/25
Ourisia macrophylla robusta 13/3/26
Ourisia microphylla 7/3/20
Ourisia modesta 13/3/26, 13/3/26
Ourisia sessiliflora 13/4/24, 13/4/24
Ourisia sessiliflora splendida 13/4/24
Ourisia simpsonii 13/4/25
Ourisia vulcanica 13/4/25
Ourisia, National Collection, UK 11/3/03, 15/3/03
Ourisia, research 17/3/13
Ovenhouse Community Centre, Bollington, Cheshire, UK 23/1/03
Owen Glendower (ship) 8/3/10
Owen Valley, Buller, SI 5/1/10
Owen’s College, Manchester, UK 9/1/24
Owen, R E (NZ publisher) 20/4/20
Oxalis lactea 7/3/21, 7/4/24, 7/4/24
Oxalis, National Collection, UK 9/3/24
Oxford Book of NZ Plants, L Moore 3/3/09
Oxford History of NZ 13/2/16
Oxford University see University of Oxford, UK
Oxford University Press 16/1/25
Oxford Welsh, UK 16/4/12
Oxford, UK 15/2/11, 16/4/11
Oxydendrum 12/4/27
Oxylobium ellipticum 23/4/22
Ozone layer (atmosphere) 14/1/07
Ozothamnus 24/3/18
Ozothamnus County Park Silver see Helichrusum County Park Silver
Ozothamnus ledifolius see Helichrysum ledifolium
Ozothamnus leptophyllus 23/2/13
Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius see Helichrysum rosmarinifolium
Ozothamnus, Faroe Islands 26/1/10
P *
Pachysandra terminalis 11/2/11
Pachystegia 21/1/18
Pachystegia insignis 1/4/10, 15/1/26, 26/4/12
Pachystegia rufa 15/1/26
Pacific Horticultural Society, USA 32/1/10
Pacific islands 31/2/23, 36/2/18
Pacific Northwest, USA 25/2/20, 26/2/16
Pacific Ocean 23/1/11, 23/4/21, 26/2/16, 33/2/17, 34/2/18
Pacific tectonic plate 29/1/16, 30/2/03, 38/2/27
Packham, Arthur (Chairman 2014–2015) 18/2/03, 19/3/09, 19/3/10, 20/2/10, 20/3/09, 21/2/17, 21/3/10, 22/1/04, 22/2/04, 22/2/16, 22/2/16, 22/2/19, 22/3/17, 23/2/03, 23/2/09, 23/2/18, 23/3/07, 23/3/13, 23/4/11, 24/1/16, 24/2/21, 24/3/11, 24/4/08, 24/4/insert, 25/1/14, 25/2/10, 25/3/09, 25/3/11, 26/2/10, 27/2/16, 27/3/08, 28/2/10, 28/2/15, 28/3/17, 29/2/18, 30/3/11, 30/3/19, 31/3/18, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 33/3/20, 34/3/20, 34/3/21, 35/3/08, 38/2/20, 38/2/20
Packham, Chris (Wildlife presenter) 32/3/03
Packham, Diana (Hebe Society member) 7/1/03, 9/2/07, 9/4/06, 9/4/17, 10/1/06, 10/2/06, 11/2/08, 12/3/06, 16/2/08, 16/3/06, 16/3/09, 17/2/03, 18/2/03, 19/3/10, 20/3/09, 21/2/15, 21/2/17, 21/3/07, 21/3/10, 22/1/04, 22/2/04, 22/2/16, 22/3/17, 23/2/03, 23/2/05, 23/2/18, 23/3/07, 23/4/11, 24/1/16, 24/3/11, 24/4/08, 24/4/insert, 25/1/09, 25/1/14, 25/2/03, 25/2/10, 25/2/15, 25/3/09, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 27/3/08, 28/2/15, 29/1/14, 29/2/19, 30/3/11, 30/3/13, 30/3/insert, 30/3/19, 31/3/18, 32/3/09, 32/3/10, 33/3/20, 34/3/20, 34/3/21, 35/3/07, 35/3/07, 38/2/20
Paclobutrazol, growth regulator 25/1/16
Padarn Hotel, Llanberis, Wales, UK 39/2/11
Padbury, Buckinghamshire, UK 9/3/24
Paddison, Valda (NZ garden writer) 19/3/20
Paeonia 16/3/28, 21/1/21
Paeonia cambessedesii 14/1/03
Paeonia, registration 25/2/14
Page, Bob (UK horticulturist) 16/3/13, 18/4/21, 26/3/04, 26/3/13, 33/3/13
Page, Edward (NZ gardener) 3/2/11, 5/2/25, 27/1/23
Pahaoa River, Wairarapa, NI 7/4/29
Paignton Zoo, Devon, UK 3/2/11, 5/3/22, 26/2/03
Paihia, Northland, NI 5/1/19, 5/4/24, 7/1/20
Paisley, Strathclyde, Scotland, UK 8/3/10
Pakenham, Thomas (Anglo-Irish author) 28/3/18
Pakuranga, Auckland, NI 10/3/23, 22/1/12
Palatino (typeface) 4/4/03
Palliser (sailor) 6/2/12
Palm lily see Cordyline australis
Palmer, John (NZ bookseller) 8/1/03, 21/1/19
Palmer, Lady Anne (UK and NZ gardener) 6/1/05, 6/2/06, 13/2/03, 14/2/11
Palmerston North, Manawatu, NI 4/1/10, 4/4/17, 4/4/19, 11/4/18
Palynology (study of pollin) 16/1/27
Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki, Westland, SI 15/3/18
Paniculate Group of Hebe see Hebe, paniculate group
Panicum virgatum Squaw 34/3/13
Pannett Park Art Gallery 35/3/13
Pannett Park Museum 35/3/13
Paparoa National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/3/18
Paparoa Range, Westland, SI 3/4/18, 12/3/26, 13/1/27, 15/3/18
Papaver 22/4/10, 33/1/18
Papaver somniferum 8/2/10
PAPP, poison 31/3/17
Paprides (NZ grasshopper) 29/1/19
Papua, New Guinea 3/3/04, 31/2/05
Parachetus 14/4/26
Paradise shelduck (NZ) 19/4/20, 26/4/12, 29/1/17, 29/1/18
Paradox (database) 10/1/30
Paraguay 32/1/23, 33/2/04
Parahebe 2/2/10, 3/3/13, 3/3/14, 3/4/11, 4/4/08, 6/1/20, 7/4/26, 8/2/15, 9/1/14, 9/3/03, 9/4/08, 10/1/28, 10/2/07, 10/2/12, 10/4/21, 15/1/03, 15/3/26, 16/2/26, 16/2/27, 16/3/07, 16/3/09, 17/3/27, 18/3/16, 21/3/11, 21/3/12, 21/3/14, 21/4/11, 23/3/20, 23/4/21, 26/3/19, 27/2/16, 29/1/15, 29/1/18, 29/3/19, 30/1/22, 31/2/10, 32/2/20, 37/2/26, 39/1/09
Parahebe bidwillii 1/3/10, 4/3/17, 6/1/13, 6/4/16, 16/2/21
Parahebe bidwillii Kea 5/2/20
Parahebe birleyi 12/1/22, 17/3/26, 29/1/18
Parahebe canescens 6/1/10, 6/4/16, 7/4/26, 8/3/12, 9/4/10, 15/1/27, 17/4/19
Parahebe catarractae 1/3/08, 1/3/10, 2/1/04, 2/1/05, 5/2/20, 5/4/19, 7/4/15, 9/4/09, 11/2/08, 12/3/24, 17/4/17, 22/2/04, 26/3/14, 26/3/19, 28/1/10, 32/3/16
Parahebe catarractae Angela 15/3/04
Parahebe catarractae Avalanche 31/2/18
Parahebe catarractae Cuckoo 32/3/19
Parahebe catarractae Delight 2/4/17, 6/3/07, 6/4/16, 8/2/24, 15/1/25, 15/4/11, 16/3/07, 31/2/12
Parahebe catarractae diffusa 6/4/16, 17/2/03
Parahebe catarractae Pink Avalanche 39/3/19
Parahebe catarractae Porlock Purple 6/3/21, 6/4/16, 15/1/25, 32/3/16, 34/2/10
Parahebe catarractae Rosea 6/1/13
Parahebe catarractae White Cat 6/3/07, 10/2/29
Parahebe catarractae, gold variegated 9/4/05
Parahebe cheesemanii 1/2/10, 5/4/21, 37/2/14
Parahebe decora 1/2/08, 1/3/10, 6/1/10, 6/1/10, 6/4/16, 9/2/26, 12/1/12, 17/4/17, 17/4/18, 26/4/12, 36/2/25
Parahebe decorosa see Derwentia decorosa
Parahebe densifolia 37/2/27
Parahebe derwentiana see Derwentia derwentiana
Parahebe formosa 3/2/08, 3/3/13, 3/4/20, 5/3/11, 5/3/11, 5/4/18, 7/3/20, 8/2/08, 9/2/26, 10/1/28, 11/3/13, 14/4/05, 15/1/04, 20/4/19
Parahebe formosa (erect form) 5/2/20, 5/3/11
Parahebe guthrieana see Veronica fruticans guthrieana
Parahebe hookeriana 6/4/16, 17/4/17, 24/2/24
Parahebe hookeriana olsenii 5/2/20, 12/1/12, 16/2/22
Parahebe linifolia 1/2/08, 6/4/16, 9/4/10, 12/1/12, 17/4/17, 17/4/17, 36/2/25
Parahebe linifolia Blue Skies 6/4/16, 10/3/16, 37/2/27
Parahebe lithophila 9/4/09
Parahebe lyallii 1/3/10, 4/2/25, 5/4/11, 5/4/20, 5/4/20, 6/4/16, 7/4/15, 9/4/09, 12/1/12, 12/3/16, 12/3/17, 17/2/03, 17/3/27, 17/3/27, 17/4/17, 23/4/23, 26/1/20
Parahebe lyallii Glacier 7/4/15, 7/4/16
Parahebe lyallii Julie Anne 6/4/16, 7/4/15, 16/3/07
Parahebe lyallii Mervyn 6/4/16, 7/4/15, 10/2/29
Parahebe lyallii Rosea 6/4/16
Parahebe Mervyn 17/2/03
Parahebe Miss Willmott 5/4/11
Parahebe new species see Derwentia arenaria
Parahebe olsenii see Parahebe hookeriana olsenii
Parahebe perfoliata see Derwentia perfoliata
Parahebe Perth Pink 29/3/19
Parahebe Puzzler 12/3/16
Parahebe Snow Cap 31/2/11
Parahebe Snow Cloud 30/2/23
Parahebe Snowcap 11/2/08
Parahebe spathulata 5/4/19, 6/4/16
Parahebe tridifa 29/1/18
Parahebe trifida 15/1/04, 17/4/19
Parahebe, chromosome numbers 15/3/27
Parahebe, collection 5/2/08, 7/4/06, 8/3/05, 9/2/25, 14/1/21, 14/2/08, 35/2/27
Parahebe, cultivation 16/2/25, 39/1/09
Parahebe, genus 30/1/22
Parahebe, information required 37/1/08
Parahebe, list, definitive 37/3/21
Parahebe, monograph 37/1/08
Parahebe, National Reference Collection 5/1/06, 18/2/08, 25/1/20, 36/3/03, 37/1/08, 37/1/23
Parahebe, propagation 16/2/25
Parahebe, registration 4/3/20, 4/4/12
Parahebe, renaming 30/1/22, 35/3/19
Parahebe, RHS Plant Finder 35/3/25
Parahebe, Scotland, UK 37/2/26
Parahebe, trial 11/2/10
Parahebe, white, unnamed 37/2/27
Parahebe, wind 16/4/04
Parakeet (NZ bird) 15/1/15
Parana pine see Araucaria angustifolia
Parapara see Pisonia umbellifera
Paraparaumu, Manawatu, NI 8/4/16
Paraphyly of Veronica (botany paper) 22/1/24
Parasitic plants 22/2/21
Parcevall Hall, Appletreewick, Yorkshire, UK 28/2/17
Parengarenga Habour, Northland, NI 23/4/07
Pareora, Canterbury, SI 5/1/24
Parietaria debilis 18/4/25
Paris, France 5/2/25, 8/3/10, 9/4/26, 19/1/04
Paris, Treaty of 6/2/11
Parkinson, Sydney (UK artist) 6/3/13, 6/4/22, 7/1/10, 35/1/19, 39/1/22
Parnell Grammar School, Auckland, NI 8/1/08
Parochetus communis 4/4/04
Paroquet (NZ bird) 9/2/11
Parrot’s beak see Clianthus puniceus
Partners, Hebe and Phormium see Hebe, Phormium
Parys Mountain, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/27
Pass, Phil (Hebe Society member)
Passerines (birds) 39/3/18
Passiflora 17/2/27, 33/1/23
Passiflora tetrandra 8/1/19
Patagonia, south America 15/3/26, 34/2/04
Paterson, Alan (Canadian horticulturist) 1/3/09, 7/1/19
Paterson, Dr Ena (NZ gardener) 7/1/09, 7/4/26, 15/1/28, 17/1/24
Paterson, Mr G (NZ) 8/1/14
Pathogen (disease-producing agent) 29/3/22
Patti Dossett (UK Gardener) 24/4/24, 36/1/10
Pattison, Graham (NCCPG) 15/2/22, 15/4/07
Paulownia 13/4/18, 21/1/21
Paulownia tomentosa 15/2/32, 32/2/03
Paxton, Joseph (UK horticulturist) 31/1/13, 34/3/11
Pay Corps, UK 36/3/27
Payne, Jim (Hebe Society member) 21/4/03
Payne, Les (Tasmanian nurseryman) 5/4/18
PayPal (electronic bank) 18/1/21, 23/2/10, 24/1/22, 33/3/23, 34/3/20, 36/3/22, 37/2/07, 37/2/12
PC Magazine (computer magazine) 22/1/04
PDF file (computer file) 28/2/13, 28/3/15, 31/3/22, 35/1/03, 36/2/04
Peacock (butterfly) 22/3/09, 26/3/23
Peaky Blinders (TV programme) 37/3/19
Pearson, Melanie (UK horticulturist) 19/2/03
Pearson, Oscar (UK broadcoaster) 35/1/04
Peat (composts) 2/3/09, 3/1/19, 5/1/07, 6/1/08, 10/4/16, 16/3/03, 19/1/26, 24/3/15, 36/3/25, 37/3/19
Peat bogs, UK 36/3/26
Peat mosses see Peat bogs
Pebble Island, Falkland Island 1/4/07
Peckham, Julie (Hebe Society member) 21/3/09
Peel Forest, Canterbury, SI 5/4/03
Peel Land and Property, UK 31/1/03
Pekapeka see Senecio quadridentatus
Pelargonium 25/4/23, 26/3/15
Pelargonium australe 14/4/05
Pelargonium capitatum 27/4/20
Pelargonium, propagation 30/2/13
Pelco Fertilisers, UK 2/3/11
Pelorus Sound, Marlborough, SI 6/1/28
Pelser, Prof Pieter (NZ botanist) 36/3/32
Peltandra undulata 15/3/28
Pendrigh, Dean (NZ botanist) 25/2/08
Penguin, yellow-eyed (NZ bird) 21/2/13, 30/2/13, 31/1/23, 31/1/insert
Penllyn, Wales, UK 18/3/22
Penn, Buckinghamshire, UK 6/4/20, 8/2/09, 9/2/24, 11/2/10, 16/2/15, 17/2/03, 17/3/22, 18/2/03, 19/1/09, 23/4/08, 32/1/03
Pennantia baylisiana 18/2/08, 18/3/07
Pennantia corymbosa 20/2/01, 20/2/04, 28/4/22
Pennell, Francis W (US botanist) 1/2/01, 6/1/22, 8/2/09, 9/1/20, 11/1/08, 15/3/24, 15/4/08, 15/4/12
Pennisetum macrourum Tail Feathers 34/3/12, 34/3/13
Pennsylvania, USA 8/2/11, 15/3/25, 34/1/03
Penny, David (UK horticulturist) 19/1/14
Penstemon 13/4/06, 13/4/18, 38/3/16
Pentachondra see Australasian Plant Society Newsletter
Penybontfawr, Powys, Wales 27/2/09
Penzance, Cornwall, UK 16/2/11, 34/1/18
Peperomia magnolifolia Green Gold 28/3/23
Peperomia urvilleana 33/1/insert, 33/1/22
Peraxilla 14/1/24
Peraxilla colensoi 11/1/03
Peraxilla tetrapetala 11/1/03, 27/1/18
Perch (introduced fish) 27/2/19
Pergado Uni (fungicide containing Mandipropamid) 29/3/07
Peridotite (rock) 14/1/26
Peripatus (NZ invertebrate) 18/4/27
Perlite (composts) 3/1/19, 5/4/10, 10/4/16, 13/2/25, 22/1/15, 23/2/14, 25/4/03, 35/2/23, 35/2/25
Permanent wilting point 26/1/12
Pernettya macrostigma 7/1/08
Pernettya nana 7/1/08, 7/3/21
Perros-Guirec, France 29/3/18
Perrie, Leon (NZ botanist) 39/3/22
Perry, Michael (Mr Plant Geek, Internet) 34/3/18
Perry, Mrs Pat (UK gardener) 7/3/06, 15/1/20
Pershore College, Worcestershire, UK 5/1/05, 9/4/03, 9/4/05, 10/4/17, 11/1/03, 11/1/09, 11/2/06, 11/2/08, 11/2/11, 11/2/14, 11/3/21, 11/4/20, 12/1/08, 13/4/06, 21/3/03, 35/3/07
Peru 9/4/26, 15/3/25
Pesticides 4/2/03
Petasites ampla 23/1/12, 23/1/16
Petasites hybridus 13/2/09
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK 27/2/10
Petrel (NZ bird) 26/1/20, 28/4/03
Petrie, Donald (NZ botanist) 4/1/24, 5/1/25, 7/3/25, 9/1/16, 11/4/26, 16/1/04, 20/3/17
Petrified Forest, Catlins, SI 31/1/23
Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky, Russia 22/4/07
Pflanzen Einkaufsfuhrer (German Plant Finder) 10/4/06
Phaeoseptoria spp (fungi) 6/4/07
Pharmacopoeia, W Martindale and W Westcote 8/1/20
Phil Bendle Collection see Brendle, Phil, Collection
Philadelphia Academy, USA 15/3/24
Philadelphus 17/1/21
Philip, Chris (UK author) 2/4/03, 7/2/06
Philips, Chris (UK broadcaster) 19/1/14
Philipson Prof W R (NZ botanist) 2/4/04
Phillip Island Glory Pea see Streblorrhiza speciosa
Phillip Island, NZ 11/1/03
Phillips, Alan (UK horticulturist, Plumpton College) 29/2/07, 29/2/18
Phillips, Chris (NZ botanist) 18/4/04
Phillyrea latifolia 19/3/03
Philp, Eric (Hebe Society member) 1/2/03, 1/2/06, 2/3/04, 2/4/04, 15/4/28, 16/3/20, 18/3/09, 20/1/03
Phipps, Constantine (UK sailor) 6/2/11
Phlegmariurus varius (NZ moss) 33/1/22
Phlomis lanata Pigmy 33/3/14
Phlomis, cuttings 33/3/14
Phlomis, National Collection, UK 33/3/13
Phoenix senegalensis 27/4/23
Phormium 2/3/20, 4/4/12, 5/4/11, 6/2/05, 6/3/03, 6/4/10, 7/2/22, 7/3/17, 7/4/13, 8/1/18, 8/3/24, 9/1/25, 10/1/14, 10/2/06, 10/4/21, 11/2/03, 11/2/11, 12/3/19, 13/2/13, 13/2/29, 13/3/11, 13/4/12, 14/1/21, 14/4/27, 15/3/03, 16/1/03, 16/1/10, 19/3/21, 20/3/04, 20/4/22, 23/1/03, 24/2/19, 24/3/18, 24/4/15, 26/1/19, 26/2/12, 26/2/24, 26/3/16, 26/3/18, 29/2/09, 30/3/04, 30/3/09, 31/1/19, 32/1/11, 32/2/22, 32/3/19, 33/3/11, 34/1/08, 34/1/insert, 35/1/16, 35/1/20, 36/2/18, 38/1/12, 39/3/20
Phormium Aurora 10/3/21, 22/1/10
Phormium Black Velvet 31/1/04
Phormium Bronze Baby 10/3/22, 22/1/12
Phormium colensoi see Phormium cookianum
Phormium cookianum 4/4/11, 5/2/10, 5/4/25, 6/4/06, 7/1/26, 9/3/15, 13/4/12, 22/1/10
Phormium cookianum Tom Thumb 9/1/15
Phormium cookianum Tricolor 1/4/13, 6/3/22, 10/3/22, 13/1/04, 22/1/12, 26/3/08, 26/3/18
Phormium Cream Delight 13/1/04
Phormium Crimson Devil 13/1/04
Phormium Dark Delight see Phormium tenax Dark Delight
Phormium Dazzler 1/4/12, 6/3/21, 10/2/23, 22/1/12
Phormium Duet 10/3/23, 13/1/04, 22/1/12
Phormium Evening Glow 13/1/04
Phormium Firebird 13/1/04
Phormium Green Goblin 13/1/04
Phormium Guardsman 10/3/23, 22/1/12
Phormium Limelight 13/1/04, 25/3/23
Phormium Maori Chief 38/1/16, 38/1/16
Phormium Maori Queen 13/1/04, 34/3/15
Phormium Maori Sunrise 10/3/23, 14/1/15, 22/1/13
Phormium Pizzazz 13/1/04
Phormium Purpureum 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Phormium Rubrum 10/3/22, 22/1/12
Phormium Smiling Morn 10/3/21, 10/3/23, 22/1/10, 22/1/13
Phormium Stormy Dawn 13/1/04
Phormium Sundowner 1/4/13, 6/3/22, 10/3/23, 22/1/13, 32/2/04
Phormium Sunset 13/1/04
Phormium tenax 2/1/13, 2/2/18, 6/4/06, 6/4/08, 7/1/26, 8/1/19, 9/3/22, 9/4/24, 10/2/21, 10/3/20, 10/4/21, 11/4/12, 13/3/22, 13/4/12, 22/1/09, 22/2/12, 24/1/04, 25/4/08, 28/1/17, 28/4/21, 34/1/Insert, 35/1/21
Phormium tenax Apricot Queen 9/1/15
Phormium tenax Atropurpureum 9/1/14
Phormium tenax Dark Delight 1/4/13, 10/3/22, 13/1/04, 22/1/12
Phormium tenax Purple Giant 1/4/13, 6/3/22
Phormium tenax Purpureum 1/4/13, 2/2/18, 6/3/22, 9/1/15
Phormium tenax Variegatum 6/4/07, 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Phormium tenax Veitchianum 34/3/15, 36/3/17, 36/3/18
Phormium tenax Williamsii 1/4/13, 6/3/22
Phormium tenax Williamsii Variegatum 30/1/05
Phormium Thumbelina 1/4/12, 6/3/21
Phormium Veitchianum see Phormium tenax Veitchianum
Phormium Yellow Wave 1/4/12, 6/3/21, 10/3/22, 14/1/14, 14/2/03, 15/1/03, 19/3/03, 22/1/12, 22/1/13
Phormium, breeding 13/1/04, 22/1/10
Phormium, cultivation 22/1/11, 26/2/12, 38/1/12
Phormium, Maori 22/1/10, 23/1/03
Phormium, missing genera 36/2/03
Phormium, National Collection, UK 1/4/12, 6/1/05, 6/2/03, 6/2/05, 6/3/21, 10/3/24, 18/1/03, 22/1/13
Phormium, potting on 20/3/04
Phormium, propagation 13/1/05, 22/1/12
Phormium, registration 32/3/22
Phormium, UK 29/1/13
Phormium, use by Maori 22/1/09
Phormium, website 18/1/03
Phormium, winter 26/2/12, 26/2/14, 38/2/09
Phosphorus 14/1/26
Phostrogen (fertiliser) 5/1/05, 8/1/03, 9/3/09, 22/4/18
Photinia 29/2/09
Photinia fraseri Red Robin 7/3/20
Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of NZ, Metcalf, Lawrie 22/3/04
Photoshop (image editing program) 23/1/04, 26/1/03
Photosynthesis 22/2/20
Phragmites australis 6/4/08
Phygelius 29/1/20
Phygelius capensis 27/4/23
Phyllachne colensoi 22/4/22
Phyllachne rubra 10/4/12, 26/4/13
Phyllocladus 12/3/19, 21/1/18, 26/4/17, 27/1/11
Phyllocladus alpinus see Phyllocladus aspleniifolius alpinus
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius alpinus 7/3/21, 9/1/25, 9/1/25, 12/3/20, 21/4/24, 26/2/19, 27/1/17, 29/1/17
Phyllocladus trichomanoides 8/1/19, 13/1/18
Phyllodoce caerulea 23/1/14
Physician, UK pub 34/3/11
Phytophthora cinnamomi (fungus 28/3/05
Phytophthora kernoviae (fungus) 24/1/21
Phytophthora ramorum (fungus) 24/1/21
Phytosanitary Certificate 6/4/07, 8/2/22, 13/2/24, 20/3/22
Phytosanitary inspection 30/2/09
Pi Productions (media production) 30/3/23
Picea glauca Albertiana 28/2/17
Picea pungens 9/1/14
Picea sitchensis 28/3/13
Pickering, Yorkshire, UK 6/1/07, 35/3/11
Pickersgill, Richard (UK sailor) 7/1/11
Picton, Marlborough, SI 16/4/20, 26/1/20
Picton, Percy (UK nurseryman) 30/1/04
Piearce, Graham (Hebe Society member) 11/3/15, 14/4/12, 15/2/23, 18/1/12, 36/3/26, 39/3/16
Piedmont, Italy 9/2/24
Piemelea pumila 23/4/22
Pigeon (NZ bird) see NZ native pigeon
Pike River Mine, Greymouth, SI 25/4/04
Pileostegia viburnoides 2/2/03
Pimelea 5/2/24, 14/1/16, 21/1/18, 26/4/11, 29/2/10, 30/3/22, 34/2/22, 36/2/25, 37/1/27
Pimelea arenaria 14/1/16, 14/4/18
Pimelea aridula 14/1/16, 14/1/16
Pimelea buxifolia 14/1/17
Pimelea concinna 14/1/17, 14/1/16, 14/4/18
Pimelea crosby-smithiana 14/1/18
Pimelea ferruginea 7/3/20, 29/2/10
Pimelea filiformis 7/3/20
Pimelea gnidia 14/2/16, 14/2/16
Pimelea longifolia 14/2/16, 14/4/18
Pimelea lyallii 14/2/17, 14/2/17, 14/3/15
Pimelea microphylla 14/2/18
Pimelea oreophila 14/2/18, 14/2/18, 14/4/18
Pimelea poppelwellii 14/3/14
Pimelea prostrata 2/4/17, 3/3/14, 14/3/14, 14/3/14, 14/4/18, 23/4/21
Pimelea prostrata Tennyson’s form 14/4/18
Pimelea pseudo-lyallii 14/3/15, 14/3/15
Pimelea pulvinaris 14/3/16, 14/3/16
Pimelea sericeo-villosa 14/3/16, 14/3/16, 14/4/18
Pimelea suteri 14/4/16, 14/4/18
Pimelea tomentosa 14/4/16
Pimelea traversii 9/4/25, 9/4/25, 14/4/16, 14/4/17, 14/4/18
Pimelea urvilleana 14/4/17
Pimenta dioica 7/4/20, 23/3/09
Pinatoro see Pimelea prostrata
Pine cultivars, National Collection 31/3/14
Pine, Scots see Pinus sylvestris
Pineapple guava see Acca sellowiana
Pineapple shrub see Dracophyllum menziesii
Pineapple tree see Dracophyllum traversii
Pinehaven, Manawatu, NI 5/1/10
Pingao see Desmoschoenus spiralis
Pink gentian see Gentiana tenuifolia
Pink Granite Coast, France 29/3/18
Pink hebe see Hebe raoulii
Pinner, London, UK 15/4/13
Pinus 24/3/23, 25/1/12
Pinus breweriana 31/3/15
Pinus canariensis 27/4/23
Pinus contorta 28/3/13
Pinus coulteri 16/3/14
Pinus insignis 9/1/27
Pinus pumila 23/1/11, 23/1/14
Pinus radiata 9/1/27, 28/3/19, 28/4/11, 28/4/20
Pinus sylvestris 14/4/26, 24/3/18
Pinus, National Collection, UK 28/4/04
Piopio (NZ extinct thrush) 18/2/24
Pipipi (NZ bird) 19/4/19, 19/4/19
Pipipi (NZ reserve newsletter) 19/4/09, 19/4/19, 19/4/22, 21/3/04, 23/3/04, 27/3/04, 28/2/04, 29/2/04, 34/2/05, 38/1/03
Pipiriki, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Pipit (NZ bird) 15/4/18, 29/1/17
Pipit, South Georgia 28/4/03
Pirongia Mountain, Waikato, NI 8/1/09
Pisa Conservation Area, Otago, SI 22/4/23
Pisa Range, Otago, SI 11/3/28
Pisonia brunoniana 8/2/28
Pisonia umbellifera see Pisonia brunoniana
Pitt Island, NZ 6/3/27, 8/1/24, 9/4/24, 12/2/04, 25/1/22
Pittosporaceae (plant family) 8/1/12, 18/3/07
Pittosporum 2/3/20, 4/3/17, 5/4/12, 6/2/03, 6/2/06, 6/4/10, 7/1/24, 10/4/21, 13/3/11, 13/4/06, 14/1/13, 14/1/21, 14/2/19, 15/4/06, 16/1/04, 16/4/03, 17/1/21, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 17/3/23, 18/2/08, 18/3/03, 18/3/07, 18/4/20, 19/3/21, 20/1/07, 20/1/09, 20/3/03, 20/3/08, 20/4/22, 21/1/18, 21/2/12, 21/3/07, 21/3/09, 22/2/04, 22/3/10, 22/3/19, 23/2/21, 23/3/20, 23/4/05, 23/4/17, 24/2/19, 24/4/16, 25/4/04, 26/3/18, 27/2/10, 27/3/12, 29/2/09, 29/3/19, 31/1/11, 31/1/19, 32/1/11, 33/3/11, 34/2/23, 35/1/16, 35/3/13, 36/3/26, 37/1/04, 37/1/16, 38/2/26, 39/1/12
Pittosporum anomalum 22/2/04, 26/4/12
Pittosporum Arundel Green 32/2/19, 33/1/03, 33/1/insert
Pittosporum bicolor 7/3/20
Pittosporum colensoi 5/4/25, 5/4/25, 8/1/12, 22/1/21
Pittosporum cornifolium 17/2/17, 28/2/03, 33/1/21, 34/2/04
Pittosporum crassifolium 5/4/11, 7/1/27, 20/4/04, 22/1/21, 24/3/10
Pittosporum crassifolium Variegatum 32/3/insert, 32/3/16
Pittosporum Craxten 16/2/04, 22/2/11, 25/1/04
Pittosporum Crinkles 22/2/03, 22/2/insert
Pittosporum dallii 9/3/14, 18/3/03, 20/2/04, 20/3/03, 23/2/03, 28/4/insert, 37/2/01, 37/2/11, 37/2/11
Pittosporum eugenioides 7/1/27, 7/3/11, 8/1/19, 15/2/25, 15/4/08, 21/1/03, 37/1/16
Pittosporum eugenioides Platinum 20/2/04
Pittosporum eugenioides Variegata 20/3/08, 22/1/21
Pittosporum fairchildii 34/2/Insert, 34/2/04
Pittosporum fasciculatum 20/1/07
Pittosporum Garnettii 6/4/06, 8/1/14, 8/2/15, 15/2/25, 24/4/16, 34/2/23
Pittosporum Humpty Dumpty 18/2/08
Pittosporum kirkii 2/4/23
Pittosporum michiei x P. pimeleoides 18/2/08
Pittosporum Mystery see Pittosporum tenuifolium Variegatum
Pittosporum obcordatum 23/2/13, 28/4/24
Pittosporum patulum 9/3/14
Pittosporum pimeleoides michieii 13/1/18
Pittosporum ralphii 7/1/27, 8/1/14, 20/4/04, 22/1/21
Pittosporum ralphii Green Globe 22/2/03
Pittosporum Saundersii 8/1/15, 8/2/15
Pittosporum tenuifolium 4/2/03, 4/2/03, 5/4/11, 7/1/26, 7/3/11, 8/1/12, 8/1/12, 8/2/07, 8/2/15, 11/4/08, 16/2/04, 17/2/17, 17/2/17, 19/1/07, 20/3/03, 20/4/22, 21/1/03, 21/3/03, 21/4/03, 21/4/22, 22/1/21, 22/2/04, 22/4/03, 22/4/16, 23/3/03, 24/2/12, 25/3/23, 25/4/13, 26/1/18, 26/2/20, 27/1/17, 27/2/10, 29/2/15, 30/1/03, 30/1/05, 35/1/18, 35/1/18, 35/3/13, 37/1/04, 37/1/17, 37/1/17, 38/2/26
Pittosporum tenuifolium Abbotsbury Gold 8/1/14, 8/2/15, 19/3/08, 20/3/03, 20/3/08, 21/3/07, 22/2/04, 24/4/16, 39/3/06, 39/3/06
Pittosporum tenuifolium Argenteum 8/1/15
Pittosporum tenuifolium Arundel Green see Pittosporum Arundel Green
Pittosporum tenuifolium Collaig Silver 33/1/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium County Park 8/3/24
Pittosporum tenuifolium Eila Keightley 8/1/14, 8/2/15, 9/2/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium Elizabeth 35/1/18
Pittosporum tenuifolium Garnettii see Pittosporum Garnettii
Pittosporum tenuifolium Gold Star 23/3/20, 30/2/23, 31/2/11, 34/2/23
Pittosporum tenuifolium Golden King 8/2/15
Pittosporum tenuifolium Golf Ball 32/1/04
Pittosporum tenuifolium Irene Paterson 8/1/14, 15/2/25, 19/1/07, 21/4/22, 24/4/16, 30/1/05, 32/1/04, 38/2/26
Pittosporum tenuifolium James Stirling 8/1/14
Pittosporum tenuifolium Limelight 35/2/32, 37/2/32
Pittosporum tenuifolium Margaret Turnbull 8/3/24, 25/3/10
Pittosporum tenuifolium Marjory Channon 25/3/23
Pittosporum tenuifolium Nigricans 14/2/11
Pittosporum tenuifolium Nutty’s Leprechaun 39/1/12
Pittosporum tenuifolium Oliver Twist 33/1/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium Purpureum 8/1/14, 24/4/16, 26/2/24, 39/1/12
Pittosporum tenuifolium Rotundifolium
Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen 5/4/11, 6/4/06, 8/1/15, 8/2/15, 9/2/07, 17/4/03, 23/3/03, 24/4/16, 26/3/07, 27/3/16, 31/2/10, 33/2/03, 35/1/18, 38/1/07
Pittosporum tenuifolium Stevens Island 21/1/03, 22/1/03, 22/1/21
Pittosporum tenuifolium Stirling Gold 8/3/24, 18/3/04, 22/4/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium Sunburst see Pittosporum tenuifolium Eila Keightly
Pittosporum tenuifolium Tandara Gold 18/3/04, 22/4/03, 22/4/insert, 24/4/16, 25/3/10, 26/3/07, 27/3/16, 28/3/11, 29/2/15, 32/1/04, 32/2/19, 34/2/23
Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb 5/4/12, 6/4/06, 8/1/15, 16/3/28, 24/4/16, 26/2/24, 29/3/11, 31/1/04, 32/2/22, 34/3/15, 36/1/20
Pittosporum tenuifolium Tresederi 9/2/07, 12/2/09, 22/4/03, 24/3/10, 39/3/32
Pittosporum tenuifolium Variegatum 18/3/04, 22/4/03, 33/2/03, 33/2/insert
Pittosporum tenuifolium Warnham Gold 8/1/15, 22/3/04, 24/4/16, 31/1/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium Wendle Channon 25/3/23, 32/2/19
Pittosporum tenuifolium Wrinkled Blue 22/4/03, 22/4/insert, 23/3/20, 30/3/05, 31/1/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium, cultivation 25/3/23, 30/1/03
Pittosporum tenuifolium, root system 25/3/23, 30/1/03
Pittosporum tobira 7/3/20, 16/3/13, 33/1/11
Pittosporum undulatum 7/3/20
Pittosporum, as alternative to buxus (box) 33/1/03
Pittosporum, collection 12/1/03, 16/3/13, 23/4/17, 29/3/19
Pittosporum, cultivation 25/3/23, 30/1/05
Pittosporum, cultivation in shade 30/1/05
Pittosporum, cuttings 26/2/03
Pittosporum, dwarf 15/2/27
Pittosporum, hardiness 22/4/16, 38/2/08, 38/2/09
Pittosporum, missing genera 36/2/03
Pittosporum, National Collection, UK 20/2/04, 22/2/03, 36/2/03
Pittosporum, pruning 22/4/03, 23/3/21
Pittosporum, registration 32/3/22
Pittosporum, root system 25/3/23
Pittosporum, variegated 32/2/18
Pittosporum, watering 18/3/03, 23/3/03
Plagianthus betulinus see Plagianthus regius
Plagianthus regius 8/3/24, 8/3/25
Plankton 22/2/22
Plant Associations see Hebe, Phormium
Plant Breeders Rights, UK 6/1/07, 6/3/09, 7/1/05, 15/3/08, 18/1/16, 19/2/25, 19/2/28, 26/3/09, 27/1/13, 27/1/15, 27/2/14, 29/2/11, 31/1/08, 33/3/07, 34/1/22, 38/1/21, 38/1/21
Plant collection (in the wild) 31/1/10
Plant Conservation Committee (Plant Heritage) 28/1/16
Plant evolution 22/2/24, 27/1/03, 33/1/14
Plant Exchange, website see The Plant Exchange, website
Plant Explorer – A Plantsman’s Travels to Northern Vietnam, Richard A Baines 36/1/18, 36/1/18
Plant extinction 31/2/03, 33/1/21
Plant Fair, Autumn, Great Dixter, Kent, UK 37/2/17, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/3/19, 39/1/27
Plant Finder see RHS Plant Finder
Plant Guardians see NCCPG, Plant Guardians
Plant hardiness 27/4/21
Plant Health 33/2/18
Plant Heritage (see NCCPG)
Plant Heritage, database 25/2/09, 32/2/08, 38/3/12
Plant Heritage, Kent, website 32/2/08
Plant Heritage, Organisational Member 32/3/17, 39/3/16
Plant Heritage, resignation from 39/3/16
Plant Heritage, Yorkshire 35/3/14
Plant Hero 34/2/15
Plant Hunters 38/3/25
Plant Hunters Fairs, UK 17/2/03, 18/1/28
Plant identification, trademarks 16/1/23
Plant infections 33/3/20
Plant infestations 33/3/20
Plant labels 8/2/08, 12/1/25, 17/3/09
Plant Life (plant magazine) 19/4/27
Plant Life on Banks Peninsula, Hugh Wilson 28/2/04, 28/4/20, 30/1/03
Plant List, Australia, NZ and FALK 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 10/2/05, 11/2/10, 12/2/13
Plant Names – the complete plant guide to using the correct plant names, Karen Platt 14/3/09
Plant names, trademarks 16/1/23, 17/2/27
Plant naming 11/2/07, 19/1/03, 30/1/22
Plant passport system 33/2/19, 34/3/08
Plant pots, recycling 31/2/04
Plant Protection and Quarantine, USDA 17/1/03, 33/3/14
Plant registration 16/1/23
Plant Review (magazine) see also New Plantsman and Plantsman 35/3/04, 37/2/04, 37/3/03
Plant systematists 9/4/08
Plant Talk (UK botany magazine) 14/2/04, 14/2/27, 17/1/04, 21/1/04
Plant Variety Rights 18/2/24
Plantaginaceae (plant family) 19/2/04, 22/1/23
Plantago species 8/1/19
Plantlife, UK 8/4/06
PlantNet (plant collections) 12/2/12, 17/2/10
Plantnet UK (marketing) 13/4/03, 19/3/13, 20/3/12
Plantosan ® (slow-release fertiliser) 30/2/15
Plants for Bugs 30/3/04
Plants for Problem Places, G Rice 3/3/07
Plants for Shade, A Paterson 1/3/09
Plants of NZ (1906), R M Laing and E Blackwell 4/2/24
Plants of the NZ Coast, L B Moore and N M Adams 12/2/10
Plants, American 38/3/25
Plants, Australian see Australian Plants
Plants, closed-loop production 33/3/04
Plants, European 38/3/25
Plants, purple leaved 31/1/04
Plants, South Africa 38/3/25
Plants, toxic soils 22/2/22
Plants, transpiration 2/3/15
Plants, UK native 38/3/25
Plants, UK non-native 38/3/25
Plants, watering 4/3/05, 5/3/16, 12/3/19, 34/2/21
Plantsman see also New Plants man and Plant Review (magazine, UK) 6/2/03, 6/4/03, 7/3/03, 8/1/03, 8/4/03, 15/2/04, 17/1/03, 21/1/19, 24/4/04, 28/3/05, 29/3/04, 30/2/04, 32/2/04, 34/1/03, 34/2/05, 35/3/04, 37/3/03
Plantsman Handbook 2019 34/1/03
Plas Newydd, Gwynedd, Wales, UK 3/3/06, 14/3/03
Plastic sheeting, to retain moisture 9/3/07
Plastid trnH-psbA intergenic spacer (DNA) 21/1/04
Plate tectonics 38/2/27
Platt, Graeme (NZ nurseryman) 4/1/10
Platt, James (UK gardener) 4/2/24, 9/3/16
Platt, Jane (US gardener) 21/3/16
Platt, Karen (UK author) 19/4/28
Pleistocene Age (Geology) 8/2/03, 24/1/19, 27/2/18
Pleurophyllum 9/2/11, 21/3/04
Pleurophyllum speciosum 13/2/04, 18/1/27, 19/3/20
Pliny the Elder 2/1/S2
Pliocene period (geology) 34/1/23
Plough Inn, Plumpton Green, Sussex, UK 29/2/08
Plug trays 22/3/14, 22/4/18
Plumpton College, Sussex, UK 16/4/11, 24/4/21, 25/1/08, 25/2/09, 25/2/19, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 26/2/10, 26/3/10, 26/3/22, 26/4/08, 26/4/20, 27/2/13, 27/3/10, 27/4/13, 28/1/16, 28/2/09, 28/2/11, 28/2/12, 28/2/14, 28/2/17, 28/3/17, 28/4/04, 28/4/07, 28/4/09, 29/1/05, 29/1/08, 29/1/09, 29/2/18, 30/1/16, 30/2/09, 30/2/20, 32/2/08, 33/2/10, 33/2/23, 33/3/21, 34/1/15, 35/1/11, 35/2/08, 35/2/13, 36/3/20, 37/1/14, 39/2/13
Plymouth, Devon, UK 4/3/35, 6/2/11, 6/3/12, 6/4/22, 8/3/07, 11/2/15, 13/1/11, 29/3/19, 31/2/15
Poa cita 23/4/24, 28/1/11
Poa colensoi 5/1/11
Podocarp, forest 26/4/10
Podocarpaceae (plant family) 18/2/08, 18/3/07, 22/1/18, 26/1/17, 26/4/16, 39/3/27
Podocarpus 6/2/03, 6/4/03, 12/3/19, 13/3/11, 14/1/21, 14/1/24, 14/2/09, 15/1/13, 15/3/19, 15/4/11, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 18/2/08, 18/3/07, 18/4/20, 20/3/08, 21/1/18, 21/1/19, 22/4/23, 24/3/10, 24/4/18, 26/1/17, 26/1/18, 26/1/20, 26/4/17, 27/1/11, 27/2/18, 27/3/12, 30/1/21, 30/3/04, 31/1/24, 32/3/17, 34/2/13, 39/3/27
Podocarpus acutifolius 21/4/22, 25/1/11, 26/2/19, 33/1/03
Podocarpus affinis 27/4/23
Podocarpus alpinus 7/3/21
Podocarpus alpinus Bluey 21/4/22
Podocarpus andina (south america) 30/3/04
Podocarpus Blaze 31/2/16, 31/2/insert
Podocarpus Chocolate Box 33/1/03
Podocarpus County Park Fire 18/2/04, 26/2/19, 35/3/04, 39/3/09, 39/3/27, 39/3/27
Podocarpus cunninghamii 25/4/09
Podocarpus dacrydioides 5/3/19, 27/4/23, 28/1/24
Podocarpus elongatus 27/4/22
Podocarpus ferrugineus see Prumnopitys ferruginea
Podocarpus Guardsman 32/1/04
Podocarpus hallii 8/4/21, 9/3/14, 19/2/01, 27/2/18
Podocarpus lawrencei 7/3/20, 23/4/24, 26/2/19, 30/1/21, 30/3/04, 39/3/27
Podocarpus lawrencei Red Tip 26/2/18
Podocarpus Maori Prince 34/3/15
Podocarpus nivalis 2/3/20, 6/1/11, 6/1/11, 9/3/14, 10/4/03, 15/2/03, 21/4/24, 22/3/insert, 22/4/16, 23/4/18, 26/2/19, 26/4/12, 29/1/17, 30/1/21, 30/3/04, 33/1/03, 39/3/27
Podocarpus nivalis Kilworth Cream 16/4/03, 32/1/04
Podocarpus Red Embers 38/2/17, 38/2/16
Podocarpus salignus 5/4/05, 7/3/21, 13/2/12, 27/4/23, 30/3/04
Podocarpus spicatus see Prumnopitys laxifolius
Podocarpus totara 8/1/19, 26/2/19, 26/4/10, 27/2/18, 27/4/23, 28/3/20, 31/3/03
Podocarpus totara aurea 2/3/20
Podocarpus Young Rusty 33/1/03, 33/1/insert, 35/3/04
Podocarpus, a completely new concept in colourful conifers, Graham Hutchins 27/3/12
Podocarpus, as alternative to buxus (box) 30/3/04, 33/1/03
Podocarpus, hardiness 22/4/15
Podocarpus, National Collection, UK 32/3/17
Podocarpus, new varieties 14/4/09, 15/2/27
Podocarpus, survey 33/1/03
Podocarupus, China 33/1/03
Podocarupus, Japan 33/1/03
Podocarupus, Mexico 33/1/03
Podocarupus, south-east Asia 33/1/03
Pohutukawa see Metrosideros excelsa
Polden Hills Gardening Club, Somerset, UK 5/3/06
Polegate, Sussex, UK 10/4/21
Poletti, Valda (NZ gardener) 23/1/03
Polk County Fair, Oregon, USA 23/1/17
Pollock, Michael (UK horticulturist) 22/3/04, 22/3/10
Polygala 32/1/23
Polyglycol ether 28/2/22
Polynesia 8/2/28, 9/1/22, 14/1/25, 28/1/09
Polynesia, French 34/1/24
Polynesian migration 28/3/18
Pomaderris apetala 20/2/04
Pomaderris kumeraho 8/1/21
Pomegranate see Punica granatum
Pomorze, Poland 22/2/12
Poncirus trifoliata 27/4/23
Ponga see Cyathea dealbata
Pool, Cornwall, UK 7/4/06
Poole, A F (NZ naturalist) 2/5/13, 8/4/07, 14/1/23
Poor Knight’s Lily see Xeronema callistemon
Poor Knights Island, NZ 2/5/07, 9/1/27, 31/2/22, 34/3/07
Pope Alexander VI 9/4/27
Popley, Judy (UK show organiser) 17/3/08
Poppelwell, Dugald (NZ botanist) 2/5/07, 5/3/22, 9/2/29, 14/3/14
Poppy see Papaver
Popula see Populus
Populus 28/4/11
Populus candicans Aurora 16/4/13
Populus nigra Italica 28/4/11
Pornic, France 7/1/06
Poroporo see Solanum aviculare and Solanum laciniatum
Port Chalmers, Dunedin, Otago, SI 8/4/28
Port Egmont, Falklands Island 6/3/13
Port Hills, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 7/1/08, 8/1/14, 20/3/18, 30/2/12
Port Jackson see Sydney, Australia
Port Ross, Auckland Islands, NZ 18/1/27
Port Stanley, Falkland Island 1/4/06, 2/4/20
Port Sunlight, Wirral, UK 17/4/03
Port Talbot, Wales, UK 23/4/14, 25/2/03
Porter Heights, Canterbury, SI 30/2/18
Porter’s Pass, Canterbury, SI 15/1/26, 31/1/17, 32/2/14
Porteus, B E (NZ) 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Portishead, Bristol, UK 16/2/11
Portland, Oregon, USA 15/1/24, 15/2/25, 21/3/16, 30/2/19, 32/1/10
Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK 9/1/15, 29/2/17, 38/1/26
Possum see NZ, possum
Post Code, UK 4/3/03
Post Office, UK 21/3/04
Pot plants 4/4/19
Potassium 14/1/26
Potato cyst nematode 6/4/07
Potentilla 14/1/14
Potentilla Etna 18/3/09
Potentilla recta Citrina 18/3/09
Pottage, Matt (UK horticulturist) 38/1/09
Potter, Beartix (UK author) 16/1/24
Potter, Dennis and Margret (UK nurserymen) 6/1/07
Potton, Craig (NZ publisher) 19/1/25, 24/1/17, 26/4/15, 29/1/15
Potts, N (NZ botanist) 16/1/05
Pouakai Range, Taranaki, NI 6/2/28, 15/1/13, 16/4/24
Pouakani (NZ champion tree) 28/3/20
Poulett, Earl (UK) 4/3/25
Pounamu (NZ mineral) 15/3/19
Poverty Bay, Gisborne, NI 5/1/20, 5/2/10, 6/4/23
Powdery mildew 15/1/23, 31/3/24
Powelliphanta hochstetteri (NZ snail) 18/4/27
Powell, Helen (Hebe Society member) 39/3/18
Poznan, Poland 20/1/24, 20/2/22, 21/1/21
Pratia see also Lobelia
Pratia angulata 7/3/21, 17/1/24, 26/1/18
Pratia angulata Woodside 19/3/08
Pratia Blue Star 19/3/08
Pratia Celestial Spice 19/3/08
Pratia pedunculata 19/3/08, 37/3/10
Pratia pedunculata County Park 19/3/08
Pratt, Dr (Netherland?) 4/3/07
Pratt, Kevin (Hebe Society member) 35/2/27, 36/2/03, 36/2/23, 36/3/30, 39/2/13, 39/2/27
Predator Free New Zealand Ltd 31/3/17
Predator Free Zealand Ltd see Predator Free New Zealand Ltd
Premier Inn (UK hotel chain) 32/2/11
Present Day Rock Garden, W Robinson 3/3/11, 3/4/10
Preservation Inlet, Fiordland, SI 5/1/23
Prickly Box see Bursaria spinosa
Priddle, Bob (UK horticulturist) 23/4/03, 23/4/11, 23/4/14, 24/1/23, 24/2/09, 24/2/23, 24/3/07, 24/4/08, 24/4/09, 24/4/21, 25/2/03, 25/2/10, 26/3/22, 35/3/08
Primula 28/2/17, 33/1/18
Primula allionii 11/2/12
Primula bullyana 15/2/31
Primula cuneifolia 23/1/12
Primula farinosa 23/1/14, 23/1/15
Primula forestii 15/2/31
Primula kisoana 3/2/07
Prince Albert, HRH 28/3/19
Prince Charles, HRH 26/2/15, 30/1/24
Prince, singer-songwriter 35/3/20
Princess Mountains, Fiordland, SI 10/3/27, 13/2/22, 14/1/18, 16/3/20
Princess of Wales 1/2/12, 1/4/07, 2/4/20, 16/2/11, 28/3/18, 35/3/26
Princess Stream, Canterbury, SI 5/4/20
Princess tree see Paulownia tomentosa
Principles of Geology, Charles Lyell 30/2/03
Principles of Horticulture, Adams, Bamford and Early 5/1/05
Printer, Hewlett Packard LaserJet 10/1/03
Printer, OKI, laser 22/1/04
Priority, plant classification 2/3/07
Probert, Dr Robin (UK botanist) 23/2/19, 23/2/20
Problems, Horticultural 10/2/03
Proc Royal Society NZ 3/3/08
Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society see Extracts from the Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society
Professional Gardener (UK magazine) 26/3/03
Professor Kromov (Russian ship) 22/4/09, 23/1/16
Propagation media (composts) 14/2/14, 23/2/15, 24/3/15, 30/2/13, 35/2/14
Propagation methods 14/4/23, 30/2/14
Propagation of NZ Native Plants, Metcalf, Lawrie 14/4/03, 14/4/22
Propagation of slow rooting plants 30/2/14
Proquivemex (Mexico) 8/2/12
Prostanthera 15/2/26
Prostanthera cuneata 11/2/13, 14/4/12, 25/4/09, 30/1/24, 37/3/10
Prostanthera cuneata (prostrate form) 25/4/09
Prostanthera rotundifolia 30/1/16
Protea 26/3/16, 29/3/19
Protea family see Proteaceae
Proteaceae (plant family) 14/1/27, 15/2/25, 27/3/19
Protected Areas Programme, NZ 27/2/17
Protection, mulch 2/4/26
Protection, planting deeper 2/4/26
Protection, wall 2/4/26
Provado Vine Weevil Killer 2 22/4/14
ProVar (plant varieties protection) 27/3/13
Prumnopitys 26/4/17
Prumnopitys andina 27/4/23
Prumnopitys ferruginea 8/1/20, 15/3/18, 21/2/01, 26/1/17, 26/1/18, 30/2/13
Prumnopitys laxifolius see Prumnopitys taxifolia
Prumnopitys taxifolia 26/1/17, 26/1/18
Prunus (flowering cherry), host for Xylella 33/3/10
Prunus cerasifera Pissardii 4/1/04
Prunus laurocerasus 34/3/29
Prunus laurocerasus Etna 26/2/18
Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia 26/2/18
Prunus, National Collection, UK 23/2/03
Pseudolysimachion 33/1/14
Pseudopanax 2/3/19, 4/4/13, 4/4/19, 7/1/27, 7/3/11, 10/2/06, 12/2/04, 13/3/11, 13/3/27, 17/2/17, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 17/4/03, 18/1/03, 20/1/07, 21/1/03, 21/1/18, 21/3/07, 22/3/10, 23/2/21, 23/3/20, 24/4/19, 30/3/04, 31/1/04, 31/3/11, 31/3/13, 34/2/13, 37/1/04, 39/2/20
Pseudopanax Adiantifolius 17/2/17, 18/1/03
Pseudopanax Adiantifolius Cyril Watson 17/2/17, 17/3/09, 17/4/03, 18/1/03, 18/3/17, 21/1/03, 22/1/03, 23/3/20, 23/3/20, 25/1/04, 26/3/07, 27/3/16, 27/4/03, 28/3/11, 29/2/15, 30/2/23, 31/2/10, 34/2/23
Pseudopanax arboreus 12/1/03, 26/4/10, 27/2/18
Pseudopanax chathamica 17/2/17, 28/2/03
Pseudopanax colensoi 5/4/25
Pseudopanax crassifolius 7/1/27, 7/1/27, 13/4/03, 19/3/21, 19/3/22, 26/1/20, 26/3/19, 29/1/05, 33/2/20, 35/3/15
Pseudopanax davidii 7/3/20
Pseudopanax discolor Rangitira 26/3/19
Pseudopanax ferox 20/2/04, 31/1/23, 38/3/21, 38/3/22
Pseudopanax Forest Green 23/3/04
Pseudopanax laetus 7/1/27
Pseudopanax lessoni Rangitira 24/1/04, 24/1/insert
Pseudopanax lessonii 7/1/27, 17/2/17, 17/4/03, 18/1/03, 20/1/07, 24/1/03
Pseudopanax lessonii Gold Spot 9/1/15
Pseudopanax lessonii Moa’s Toes 35/3/16, 35/3/16, 36/3/09, 36/3/09, 36/3/09
Pseudopanax lessonii Trident see Pseudopanax Trident
Pseudopanax Linearifolius 20/2/04, 22/1/03
Pseudopanax Purpureus 22/3/10
Pseudopanax simplex sinclairii 8/4/30, 27/1/17
Pseudopanax Trident 18/1/03, 26/3/07, 36/2/03, 36/2/03, 36/3/03, 36/3/03, 36/3/09
Pseudopanax, Collection 23/4/17
Pseudopanax, National Collection, UK 7/4/08, 17/4/03
Pseudopanax, winter 38/2/09
Pseudotsuga 26/2/15
Pseudowintera 21/1/18, 22/3/10, 23/3/20
Pseudowintera axillaris 8/1/19, 26/1/20
Pseudowintera colorata 9/2/26, 22/3/10, 23/3/20, 24/3/10, 26/1/20, 26/3/19, 27/2/18, 27/4/1, 28/4/22, 35/1/32
Pseudowintera colorata Marjorie Congreve 20/4/03, 24/4/insert, 24/4/15, 30/1/05
Pseudowintera colorata Mount Congreve 20/4/03, 24/4/insert, 24/4/15, 30/1/05
Pseudowintera colorata Red Leopard 36/3/17, 36/3/18
Pseudowintera traversii 9/4/25, 9/4/25
Psidium guajava 7/4/20, 23/3/10
Psychrophila see Caltha
Pteridological Society 19/4/04, 32/1/21
Pteridomania 34/3/13
Pteris esculenta 5/2/11
Pterocarpa (Pterophylla) racemosa 39/1/21
Pterocarya 13/4/06
Pterostylis 7/3/17, 31/2/23
Pterostylis banksii 7/3/17
Pterostylis tanypoda 28/4/23
Pterostylis trullifolia 8/1/09
Puarangitoto see Brachyglottis percidioides
Public liability insurance 24/2/03, 28/2/11
Public speaking 6/1/23
Publications 1/1/06, 1/2/05
Pucka Bay, Poland 22/2/12
Puerto Rico 27/1/04
Puget Sound, Washington State, USA 22/2/13
Puheretaiko see Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Puka see Mertya sinclairii
Pukatea see Laurelia novae-zealandiae
Pukeko (NZ bird) 27/2/19
Puketitiri, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/4/26
Puketoi Range, NI 13/3/26
Pulborough, Sussex, UK 11/4/09
Pulhamite (artificial stone) 16/2/09
Pulmonaria 13/4/06
Pulsitilla 23/1/14
Pumice whipcord hebe see Hebe tetragona
Pummel, Mick (UK gardener) 18/3/07, 19/2/11, 20/2/09, 20/2/19
Punakaiki, Westland, SI 15/3/18
Punica granatum (pomegranate) 33/1/11, 39/1/09
Pureora Forest, NI 26/1/18, 28/3/20
Pureora Forest, Rimu Walk, NI 26/1/19
Puriri see Vitex lucens
Purple Peak Curry Reserve, Banks Peninsula, SI 35/1/04
Putaputaweta see Carpodetus serratus
Puwharetaiko see Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Puya 38/1/25, 38/1/25
Puya, National Collection 38/1/25
Puya alpestris 38/1/26
Puya berteroana 38/1/26, 38/1/26
Puya chilensis 38/1/26
Puya raimondii 38/1/27
Puyopsis 38/1/25, 38/1/27
Puyopsis dyckioides 38/1/27
Puyopsis spathacea 38/1/27
Puyallup, Washington State, USA 22/2/13, 22/3/13
PVR see Plant Breeders Rights
Pygmea 1/3/06, 3/3/13
Pyracantha 14/1/14
Pyrenees 25/1/14
Q *
QOI, quinone outside inhibitor (fungicide) 28/2/22
Quantock Hills, Somerset, UK 6/2/05
Quartz 16/1/25
Quebec, Canada 18/3/20
Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlborough, SI 3/3/24, 7/4/13, 26/1/20
Queen Elizabeth II, HM 4/3/17, 7/2/06, 16/2/11, 22/3/03, 23/2/12
Queen Victoria, HM 8/3/10, 16/2/11, 27/3/19, 28/3/19, 33/1/18
Queensland, Australia 7/1/03, 28/3/19
Queenstown, Otago, SI 1/2/08, 5/4/21, 6/1/10, 7/2/20, 15/4/18, 16/4/20, 17/1/08, 20/4/16, 21/2/13, 36/2/25
Quercus 16/3/12, 17/2/27, 29/1/12, 30/2/12, 34/2/04, 38/3/26
Quercus castaneifolia 39/3/03
Quercus garryana 26/2/17
Quercus ilex 1/3/09
Quercus semicarpifolia 31/3/15
Quercus sessiliflora 14/4/26
Quercus, fossil 34/2/04
Quercus, National Collection, UK 31/3/14
Quest-Ritson, Charles (UK horticulturist) 34/2/05
Quinine 9/4/29
R *
Rabbit calicivirus 12/4/03
Rabbit repellent 34/1/07
Rabbits 9/2/12, 12/4/03, 34/1/07
Radio Network (NZ) 25/4/17
Radio Suffolk 8/4/05
Radio Times, UK 8/3/20
Radiolive, NZ radio station 31/3/07, 31/3/18
Raffill, C P (UK horticulturist) 3/2/26, 7/3/03
Rafflesia arnoldii 22/2/21
Raglan Range, SI 18/1/14
Raglan, Waikato, NI 5/1/22
Rai Valley, Nelson, SI 5/4/29, 20/3/18
Rainey, George (NZ nurseryman) 4/1/10
Rainfall 5/3/05, 5/3/06, 13/2/27, 22/1/19, 23/4/08, 29/1/16, 34/2/20
Rainfall, heavy 2/1/12
Raising new plants, Hardy Plant Society members 7/4/06
Rakaia River, Canterbury, SI 5/2/24, 14/3/16
Rakaia, Canterbury, SI 5/3/23, 34/1/20
Rakeahua River, Stewart Island 6/4/26
Ramarama see Lophomyrtus bullata
Ramsgate, Kent, UK 15/4/28
Random House (NZ publisher) 17/1/13
Rangatira, Kapiti Island, NZ 8/4/16
Rangiora see Brachyglottis repanda
Rangiora, Canterbury, SI 5/4/28, 10/2/20, 28/1/09
Rangipo Desert, Cental NI 15/1/15
Rangitaiki River, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Rangitata River, Canterbury, SI 8/4/29, 11/2/27, 12/3/17
Rangitata, Canterbury, SI 4/2/24, 4/2/25, 5/2/24, 36/3/32
Rangitukia, Gisborne, NI 5/2/10
Rankin, Graham (Curator of Aberglasney) 18/2/03, 18/2/07
Ranunculaceae (plant family) 9/4/32, 15/1/03
Ranunculus 10/4/10, 11/2/03, 12/1/23, 18/1/26, 34/2/22, 37/1/27
Ranunculus acaulis 1/4/07, 9/4/32, 9/4/32
Ranunculus altus 9/4/33
Ranunculus amphitrichus 8/1/19, 9/4/33
Ranunculus aucklandicus 10/1/32
Ranunculus berggrenii see also Ranunculus enysii 10/3/27
Ranunculus biternatus 10/1/32
Ranunculus brevis 10/1/32, 10/1/32
Ranunculus buchananii 10/1/33, 10/1/33
Ranunculus carsei 10/2/32
Ranunculus cheesemanii 10/2/32, 10/2/32, 12/1/28
Ranunculus chordorhizos 10/2/33
Ranunculus clivalis see Ranunculus verticillatus
Ranunculus crithmifolius 7/1/08, 10/2/33, 10/2/33
Ranunculus crithmifolius subsp paucifolius 3/2/08, 10/3/25, 10/3/25
Ranunculus depressus 10/1/32
Ranunculus depressus var stewartiae 12/1/27
Ranunculus enysii 10/3/26, 10/3/27, 10/3/27
Ranunculus foliosus 10/4/30, 10/4/30
Ranunculus glabrifolius 10/4/30, 10/4/30
Ranunculus godleyanus 8/3/12, 8/3/13, 10/4/31, 10/4/31
Ranunculus gracilipes 8/3/13, 10/4/31, 10/4/31
Ranunculus grahamii 10/4/31, 10/4/31, 12/1/22
Ranunculus haastii 10/4/10, 11/1/24, 11/1/24
Ranunculus haastii piliferus 11/1/24, 11/1/26
Ranunculus hirtus see Ranunculus reflexus
Ranunculus insertus 11/1/26
Ranunculus insignis 11/1/26, 11/1/27, 17/1/24
Ranunculus insignis glabratus 11/1/27
Ranunculus kirkii 11/2/25, 11/2/25
Ranunculus lappaceus 11/2/25, 17/1/24
Ranunculus lappaceus var nanus 11/2/25
Ranunculus limosella 11/2/26, 11/2/26
Ranunculus lobulatus 11/1/27
Ranunculus lyallii 5/4/03, 7/3/21, 9/2/18, 9/2/19, 11/2/27, 11/2/28, 13/2/27, 15/4/17, 17/1/24, 18/1/25, 20/4/01, 21/2/04, 21/2/13, 22/2/23
Ranunculus macropus 5/2/10, 11/3/25, 11/3/25
Ranunculus maculatus 11/3/25
Ranunculus monroi 11/1/28, 30/2/18
Ranunculus monroi dentatus 11/1/28
Ranunculus nivicola 11/3/26, 11/3/27
Ranunculus novae-zelandiae var repens, see also R. enysii 10/3/28
Ranunculus novae-zelandiae, see also Ranunculus enysii 10/3/28
Ranunculus pachrrhizus 11/3/27, 11/3/27
Ranunculus paucifolius see Ranunculus crithmifolius subsp paucifolius
Ranunculus petriei 11/4/26
Ranunculus pinguis 11/4/26, 11/4/26
Ranunculus porrectus 11/4/27
Ranunculus recens 11/4/27, 11/4/27
Ranunculus recens var lacustris 11/4/28, 11/4/28
Ranunculus reflexus 12/1/26, 12/1/26
Ranunculus rivularis see Ranunculus amphitrichus
Ranunculus royi 12/1/26
Ranunculus scrithalis 12/1/26
Ranunculus sericophyllus 12/1/27, 12/1/27
Ranunculus simulans 12/1/28
Ranunculus sinclairii 8/4/30
Ranunculus species Mount Allen see Ranunculus viridus
Ranunculus stylosus 12/2/24
Ranunculus subantarcticus 12/2/24
Ranunculus subantarcticus subsp campbellensis 12/2/25
Ranunculus subcarposus 12/2/25
Ranunculus ternatifolius 12/2/25
Ranunculus urvilleanus 12/2/26
Ranunculus verticillatus 12/2/26, 12/2/27
Ranunculus viridus 12/2/28, 12/2/28
Ranunculus, deer 11/2/27
Raoul Island, NZ 5/4/14, 7/2/14, 8/2/28, 14/2/25, 14/2/26, 38/1/23
Raoul Moxley Travel, UK 4/4/03
Raoul, Etienne (French naturalist) 1/3/12, 5/4/28, 7/4/29, 8/2/16, 19/3/16, 28/1/10, 31/1/16, 31/1/17
Raoulia 1/3/12, 9/1/14, 9/1/26, 15/1/28, 19/3/16, 21/4/24, 23/4/24, 34/3/16
Raoulia albo-sericea 19/3/16
Raoulia australis 1/3/12, 10/3/08, 22/2/13
Raoulia bryoides 26/4/11
Raoulia eximia 1/3/12, 17/3/25, 17/3/26, 18/1/25, 19/3/16, 19/3/16, 19/3/18, 22/2/22, 22/4/22
Raoulia glabra 19/3/16, 19/3/17
Raoulia grandiflora 5/4/21, 19/3/17, 19/3/17
Raoulia haastii 3/1/21, 19/3/17, 19/3/18
Raoulia hookeri 19/3/18, 19/3/18
Raoulia mammilaris 19/3/18
Raoulia rubra 19/3/18
Raoulia subsericea 19/3/19, 19/3/19
Raoulia tenuicaulis 19/3/19, 19/3/19
Raoulia youngii 7/1/08
Rapa Island 3/4/11, 4/1/06, 12/4/10, 34/1/24
Raphiolepsis 30/3/10
Rare and Endangered Plants of NZ, D Given 3/2/08, 4/2/15, 8/4/27, 10/4/10
Rare Bits (NZ conservation e-magazine) 19/1/05
Rarotonga 10/2/32, 12/3/26, 16/4/19
RAS (Gene) 26/4/03
Rasfonin (fungal metabolite) 26/4/03
Rastas Burn Recreation Reserve, SI 21/4/04, 22/4/23
Rat eradication 28/4/03
Rata see Metrosideros robusta or Metrosideros umbellata
Ratanui (NZ specimen tree) 28/3/20
Ratites (flightless birds) 27/1/11
Rats 8/4/03, 34/2/19
Raukumara see Brachyglottis percidioides
Raukumara, Gisborne, NI 6/1/27, 6/1/29, 11/3/27
Rautini see Senecio huntii
Read, Chris (Hebe Society member) 3/4/06
Read, Moira and Louis (UK) 13/2/12
Reading Fuchsia Society, UK 27/4/19, 33/1/16, 35/2/14
Reading, UK 36/2/15
Reaseheath College, Cheshire, UK 31/3/14
Red admiral (UK butterfly) 22/3/09, 29/3/24
Red admiral, South Island 22/3/09
Red azolla see Azolla rubra
Red beech see Nothofagus fusca
Red Cross 17/2/15
Red kite (UK bird) 20/4/04
Red manuka see Leptospermum scoparium
Red rose, trial 36/3/15
Red squirrel see Squirrel, red
Red tussock grass see Chionochloa rubra
Redgrove, Hugh (NZ) 10/3/13, 20/4/14
Redoute, Pierre (French artist) 10/3/20, 22/1/10
Redruth, Cornwall, UK 7/4/06, 9/2/08, 10/1/11, 12/4/08
Reed Publishing, NZ 25/4/19
Reed, Mick (NZ nurseryman) 1/2/05
Reef Point, Northland, NI 5/1/23
Rees, David (NZ conservationist) 18/2/22
Regent College, Stoke-on-Trent, UK 16/3/28
Register, Threatened Plants, DSIR 4/2/16
Reid, Iain (NZ gardener) 19/2/04
Reims, France 9/4/26
Reischek, Andreas (NZ botanist?) 7/4/12
Rekohu see Chatham Islands
Remarkables Range, Otago, SI 11/3/28
Rennes, France 29/3/18
Reporoa Bog, Ruahine Range, Manawatu, NI 12/3/28
Rerekohu (Maori ancestor) 28/3/18
Resolution (ship) 7/4/11
Resolution Island, NZ 9/2/10
Restio subverticillatus 27/4/23
Restio tetraphyllus 14/4/05
Restionaceae (plant family) 17/1/14
Retail Hortculture, UK 7/3/06
Reuters (international news agency) 19/3/04
Revesby, Lincolnshire, UK 6/1/12
Revue Horticole 10/3/21, 22/1/10
Rewarewa see Knightia excelsa
Reynardene (pest repellent) 10/1/15
Reynoutria japonica 39/3/17
Rhabdothamnus solandri 2/4/19, 7/4/13, 26/4/14, 26/4/insert
Rhabdothamnus solandri, pollination 26/4/14
Rhamnus purshiana 8/1/21
Rheum palmatum 12/4/26
Rhinchocephalia (animals) 9/4/03
Rhinoceros (animal) 38/2/27
Rhizocarpon alpicola (lichen) 19/1/28
Rhizome 22/2/23, 25/3/15
Rhodiola rosea 23/1/12
Rhododendron 2/1/04, 12/4/26, 14/4/26, 15/2/31, 16/3/12, 16/3/14, 16/4/25, 17/1/20, 19/1/15, 21/1/21, 21/4/21, 21/4/22, 22/4/06, 24/1/04, 24/3/18, 25/4/08, 28/1/21, 28/2/17, 28/3/08, 28/3/09, 28/3/15, 28/4/04, 28/4/07, 28/4/08, 29/1/10, 29/2/09, 36/1/18, 37/2/16, 38/3/22, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Rhododendron croceum 12/4/26
Rhododendron ponticum 37/3/06
Rhododendron radulum 22/4/10
Rhododendron Society see RHS, Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group
Rhododendron, barbata subsection, National Collection, UK 11/3/03
Rhododendron, Dunedin Botanic Garden, SI 38/3/22, 38/3/22
Rhododendron, Faroe Islands 26/1/10, 30/1/13
Rhododendron, Leonardslee Collection, UK 39/1/26
Rhododendron, Loder Collection, UK 39/1/26
Rhododendron, National Collection, UK 28/3/09, 29/1/10, 38/3/19
Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Yvonne Cave 19/3/20
Rhodora (botanical journal) 9/1/20
Rhoon, Rotterdam, Netherland 16/1/11
Rhopalostylis 21/2/12, 27/1/11
Rhopalostylis baueri cheesemanii 8/2/28, 38/1/23
Rhopalostylis cheesemanii see Rhopalostylis baueri cheesemanii
Rhopalostylis sapida 5/4/24, 8/1/19, 15/3/17, 15/3/18, 19/4/18, 19/4/19, 22/4/23, 26/1/17, 28/4/21, 28/4/22, 28/4/insert, 31/1/04, 32/1/insert, 32/1/11
Rhosybol, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/27
RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) 2/2/06, 3/3/07, 3/4/10, 5/3/23, 6/3/05, 6/4/03, 6/4/05, 6/4/10, 7/3/03, 7/3/07, 8/1/03, 8/3/06, 9/1/12, 9/4/06, 10/2/07, 13/1/24, 14/2/09, 14/4/07, 16/3/07, 16/3/08, 16/3/15, 16/4/08, 21/4/20, 22/1/23, 25/1/08, 25/2/08, 25/2/19, 28/4/18, 29/1/22, 29/3/04, 30/2/04, 30/2/10, 30/3/04, 30/3/07, 30/3/13, 31/1/08, 31/1/19, 31/3/07, 32/1/04, 32/3/10, 33/1/13, 34/1/03, 39/3/14, 39/3/27
RHS Advisor Panel on Nomenclature and Taxonomy 19/3/13
RHS Award 39/2/26
RHS Dictionary of Gardening 8/2/08, 15/4/09
RHS Encyclopaedia of Gardening 29/1/03
RHS Enterprises 8/3/22
RHS Gardeners’ Yearbook 15/4/07
RHS General and Advanced Certificates 24/1/15
RHS John MacLeod Annual Lecture 29/1/03
RHS Journel see The Garden, RHS journal
RHS Partner Garden 31/2/04
RHS Plant Assessment of Pittosporum tenuifolium hybrids and cultivars 22/4/03
RHS Plant Finder, (various printed editions and online) C Philip and T Lord 2/4/03, 3/2/03, 3/3/07, 5/2/06, 6/2/21, 6/3/03, 6/4/03, 7/2/06, 8/2/08, 10/2/07, 11/1/07, 11/3/11, 12/3/06, 13/2/14, 13/3/06, 14/3/07, 14/4/18, 14/4/21, 15/1/20, 15/1/22, 15/2/13, 15/3/08, 15/4/07, 15/4/23, 15/4/25, 16/1/24, 16/3/07, 16/3/25, 17/2/20, 17/3/04, 18/1/04, 18/3/13, 19/3/09, 19/3/13, 21/2/04, 23/1/03, 23/3/14, 23/3/22, 24/2/17, 24/4/08, 24/4/24, 26/2/08, 26/3/03, 27/1/04, 27/1/20, 27/1/24, 27/3/03, 27/3/18, 28/2/18, 28/4/18, 29/1/04, 29/2/11, 29/3/11, 31/2/03, 31/3/08, 31/3/21, 35/3/25, 37/1/04, 37/3/15, 39/1/17
RHS Plant Selector 26/3/03
RHS, Affiliated Society see RHS, Affiliation
RHS, Affiliation 15/2/19, 24/2/03, 37/1/09, 37/2/078
RHS, Associate of Honour 7/1/05
RHS, Award of Garden Merit 14/3/24, 15/4/20, 16/3/07, 24/4/09, 31/1/03, 32/1/21, 36/3/13, 39/2/12, 39/3/27
RHS, Award of Merit 4/2/26, 5/3/23, 8/1/15, 12/3/03, 18/3/18, 36/3/13
RHS, Banksian Medal see RHS, Medal, Banksian
RHS, Camellia Society 9/2/05, see also, RHS, Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group
RHS, Colour Chart 6/1/07, 6/3/09, 7/3/22, 8/3/22
RHS, Colour Chart, Table of Cross Refs 8/3/22
RHS, Flora Silver Medal see RHS, Medal, Flora Silver
RHS, Floral Committee B 16/3/07
RHS, Gardener’s Encyclopaedia 6/1/07
RHS, Gold Medal see RHS, Medal, Gold
RHS, Head of Taxonomy 35/3/24
RHS, Herbarium, Wisley, UK 17/1/25, 19/3/13, 21/3/03, 32/1/21, 35/3/14
RHS, Internet 11/4/20, 13/4/03
RHS, Lindley Library see Lindley Library, RHS, UK
RHS, Medal, Banksian 4/4/08, 5/2/16, 12/1/15
RHS, Medal, Flora, Silver 1/2/01, 19/3/09, 20/2/19
RHS, Medal, Gold 11/4/03
RHS, Medal, Lindley 2/5/13, 19/3/09, 20/2/19, 29/3/15
RHS, Medal, Veitch Memorial 3/3/03, 7/1/05
RHS, Members Handbook 32/1/04
RHS, National Plant Societies Federation 3/4/06, 7/2/07, 14/4/09, 15/2/19, 19/3/09
RHS, NCCPG 15/2/19
RHS, Nomenclature and Taxonomy Advisory Group 10/2/07, 36/2/14
RHS, online bulletin, Pittosporum tenuifolium and hybrids 21/3/03, 21/4/03
RHS, Pittosporum tenuifolium, assessment 37/1/04
RHS, plant committee experts 32/1/03
RHS, plant database 19/2/28
RHS, plant entomologist 22/4/14
RHS, Plant Finder see RHS Plant Finder
RHS, plant societies 31/1/09, 34/1/03
RHS, Plant Societies Day, Warwick, UK 18/2/04
RHS, Plant Societies Show 31/1/10, 33/1/07, 35/2/08, 36/1/07
RHS, Plant Societies Workshop, Wisley, Surrey, UK 32/1/21, 33/1/07
RHS, plant trial, hebe hedges 32/1/04
RHS, plant trial, NZ plant hedges 32/1/04
RHS, plant trials 31/1/10, 32/1/04, 34/3/28, 35/2/27, 36/3/08, 36/3/12, 37/2/30, 39/1/19
RHS, Registrar’s Meeting 17/1/09, 17/1/25, 17/2/13, 17/2/27, 19/3/13
RHS, Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group 31/2/09, 31/3/21, 32/1/21
RHS, Shows Department 16/1/03
RHS, Specialist Societies see RHS, National Plant Societies Federation
RHS, Trials Department 36/3/19
RHS, website 15/2/19, 15/4/07, 17/1/26, 19/2/28, 21/3/03, 21/4/03, 33/1/15
RHS, Wisley 22/4/14, 30/2/10, 31/1/09, 33/1/07, 36/3/31, 37/3/21, 38/3/18, 39/1/19, 39/2/12
RHS, Wisley, Australian plants 38/3/18
RHS, Wisley Bookshop 17/3/05, 17/4/04, 21/3/09, 22/1/04
RHS, Wisley, Curator 38/1/09
RHS, Wisley Library, 11/1/08
RHS, Wisley, Hilltop 36/3/08, 36/3/21, 36/3/24, 37/2/17, 38/3/11, 38/3/14
RHS, Wisley, plant trials 26/3/12, 33/2/13, 34/3/17, 35/2/27, 36/2/23, 36/3/08, 37/2/30, 37/3/07, 39/1/19, 39/2/12
RHS, woody committee 21/3/03
RHS, workshop, 31/3/11
RHS, workshop, Sharing our Expertise 31/1/09
Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales, UK 14/3/24
Rhynchocephalian see tuatara
Riach, Hamish (NZ gardener) 33/1/03
Ribes 16/3/14, 17/1/20
Ribes Symposium, Pucon, Chile 21/1/17
Ribes, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Rice, Graham (Hebe Society member) 3/4/06, 37/3/03
Richard Range see Richardson Range, SI
Richards, Dr John (UK naturalist) 10/4/10
Richards, E C (NZ horticulturist) 25/4/10
Richardson Range, Otago, SI 9/2/29
Richardson, Mr P A (Hebe Society member) 15/4/27
Richea pandanifolia (Tasmania) 26/4/10
Richea scoparia 13/2/03
Richmond Range, Nelson, SI 4/1/23, 6/3/28, 18/1/14
Richmond, Surrey, UK 10/4/26, 16/3/09
Richter (Hebe Society members?) 21/1/19
Ricinus communis 34/3/13
Rifleman (NZ, bird) 9/2/11, 15/3/17, 18/4/26
Rimu see Dacrydium cupressinum
Rimutaka Range, Wairarapa, NI 5/4/27, 19/2/15
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6/3/12
Ripogonum scandens 8/1/19, 8/4/29, 15/3/18
Risnes, Norway 6/4/05, 7/1/05
Rivendell (Lord of the Rings location) 28/3/20
River Severn, UK 29/1/20
River Tamar, Cornwall, UK 23/2/19
River Tanat, Wales, UK 29/1/20, 33/2/15
River Vartry, Ireland 39/2/19
River Whanganui see Whanganui River
Rivers, Alistair (NCCPC Collections Co-ordinator, south west, UK) 20/3/16, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 23/2/03, 23/2/18, 23/3/13, 23/4/17
Riwaka, Nelson, SI 9/1/30
RNZIH see Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture
Rob Roy Valley, SI 22/4/23
Roberts, Michael (Hebe Society member) 17/1/19, 20/2/15, 20/4/04, 26/1/08, 27/4/03
Robin (UK bird) 14/1/03, 27/1/17
Robin Hood’s Bay, Yorkshire, UK 34/1/08, 35/1/18, 36/3/27
Robin, (NZ bird) 18/4/26
Robin, Chatham Islands, black 12/3/04
Robin, North Island (NZ bird) 15/1/15
Robin, South Island 8/4/03, 15/3/17, 19/4/21, 27/1/17
Robinson College, Cambridge, UK 8/2/07
Robinson, Paul (UK nuseryman) 18/4/04
Robinson, William (Irish gardener) 3/3/11, 39/2/19
Rochester, Kent, UK 33/3/15
Rock, Joseph (UK plant hunter) 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Rock and Pillar Range, Otago, SI 10/3/28
Rock cycle 25/4/19
Rock Garden Plants of Southern Alps, Philipson and Hearn 2/4/03
Rock Garden, SRGS 12/1/03
Rock lily see Arthropodium cirratum
Rock snowberry see Gaultheria rupestris
Rock wren see Wren, rock (NZ bird)
Rockies see Rocky Mountains, USA
Rocky Mountains, USA 9/3/21, 15/3/25
Rohutu see Lophomyrtus obcordata
Romance of NZ Flora, Sir G Fenwick 7/2/17
Romania 39/3/03
Romsey, Hampshire, UK 5/4/12, 30/1/10, 30/3/13, 30/3/14
Roofe, Ian (UK gardener) 35/2/03
Rooney, Derrick (NZ botanist) 3/1/15, 4/1/26, 9/2/13, 11/3/18, 16/4/22, 17/4/16
Rooting blocks 30/2/14
Rooting blocks, Root Riot 30/2/14
Rooting Hormone 3/1/18, 23/2/14, 30/2/14, 32/3/14
Roper, Patrick (Hebe Society member) 1/2/02, 1/2/03, 1/2/05, 1/2/05, 2/4/12, 3/3/03, 3/3/05, 4/2/05, 9/1/21, 10/2/07, 10/3/03, 11/3/03, 15/2/11, 20/1/03, 25/3/11
Rosa 31/2/13
Rosa nitida 18/3/22
Rosa The Lark Ascending 34/3/12
Rosaceae (plant family) 15/1/16
Rose 16/3/21, 16/3/28, 17/1/20, 17/2/27, 26/3/15, 28/2/22
Rose, Dr Graham (Hebe Society member) 11/3/14
Rose, identification 12/3/04
Rose, registration 25/2/14
Rosemary see Rosmarinus
Rosewarne College see Duchy College, Rosewarne, Cornwall, UK
Rosewarne, Cornwall, UK 7/4/07, 8/1/05, 8/2/05, 8/2/06, 8/2/09, 8/3/05, 8/4/05, 9/2/06, 9/2/25, 9/3/06, 9/4/05, 10/1/23, 10/2/08, 10/2/09, 10/2/12, 10/4/06, 10/4/06, 11/1/07, 11/1/09, 11/2/08, 11/2/10, 12/1/08, 12/3/06, 13/1/09, 13/2/09, 13/3/12, 14/2/08, 15/2/12, 15/4/03, 16/3/11, 16/4/10, 19/2/03, 23/2/18, 23/4/03, 23/4/15, 24/2/13, 24/3/03, 24/3/07, 25/2/08, 26/3/22, 33/3/08, 34/3/31, 35/3/08, 37/3/19, 38/2/20
Rosier, Bill (UK gardener) 19/2/27
Rosmarinus (rosemary), host for Xylella 33/1/04, 33/3/10, 35/2/09
Rosmarinus, National Collection, Kent, UK 33/3/15
Rosmarinus, renamed to Salvia 35/2/09, 35/3/19
Ross, Neil (UK horticultural journalist) 21/4/04
Ross, Sir James Clark (Antarctic explorer) 30/3/20
Ross, Sir John (Irish gardener) 27/4/22
Rotarua, NI 16/4/20
Rotherham, Yorkshire, UK 11/4/07
Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project 15/3/18
Rotorua, Waikato, NI 5/3/18, 13/1/20, 21/2/12, 28/3/19
Rotterdam, Netherland 16/1/11, 16/3/12
Rouge Valley, Oregon, USA 33/2/13
Rough Creek, Canterbury, SI 1/2/08
Rough Peaks Range, Otago, SI 11/1/26
Routeburn Track, Fiordland, SI 15/4/19, 17/2/18
Rovral see Fungicide, Rovral
Rowlinson, Anne (Hebe Society Member) 23/3/21, 28/3/11, 30/3/17, 31/3/18
Rowlinson, Dennis (Hebe Society Member) 15/3/10, 17/1/03, 17/1/04, 17/3/03, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 18/3/17, 19/3/09, 19/3/10, 20/3/09, 21/3/09
Rowse, A L (UK author) 7/1/05
Royal albatross (NZ bird) 16/4/20
Royal Dublin Society 7/1/22
Royal Fern see Osmunda regalis
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society, NZ see NZ Forest and Bird
Royal Geographical Society, UK 9/4/25
Royal Horticultural Society see RHS
Royal Internation Pavilion, Llangollen, Denbighshire, UK 25/3/09
Royal Mail, UK 4/2/13, 21/3/04, 28/2/13, 28/3/15, 28/4/10, 31/3/22
Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture see Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture
Royal plant names 39/1/08
Royal National Rose Society 14/4/09, 15/2/11, 15/2/13, 15/2/18, 15/2/20
Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture 1/2/02, 1/4/04, 2/4/24, 4/3/20, 4/4/12, 8/4/22, 15/2/14, 15/3/07, 16/2/25, 16/3/03, 17/3/15, 17/4/04, 19/3/25, 19/4/27, 21/1/20, 31/3/19, 32/3/22, 35/2/22, 37/3/26, 39/2/27, 39/3/14
Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture, website 17/3/15, 17/4/04, 18/2/11, 19/1/03, 19/3/25, 21/1/17, 21/1/20, 39/2/27
Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture, website, hebe gallery 19/3/25
Royal Society 6/1/12, 6/3/12, 7/1/13, 7/4/11, 9/2/13
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK) 22/3/19, 25/1/14
Royal Society of NZ 16/1/04
Royal Taxonomic Society 9/2/07
Royston, Cambridgeshire, UK 11/4/08
RSPB see Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Ruahine Range, Manawatu, NI 1/2/08, 1/4/06, 2/4/02, 3/4/17, 4/2/26, 5/4/24, 6/1/18, 6/1/29, 6/2/28, 6/3/28, 7/4/29, 8/2/20, 10/2/32, 10/4/30, 11/4/16, 12/1/16, 12/2/25, 12/2/26, 12/3/28, 13/1/27, 13/2/22, 13/3/26, 14/1/17, 15/1/17, 15/1/18, 15/4/25, 16/1/17, 16/4/26, 18/4/16, 19/2/15, 19/3/16, 22/1/20, 23/4/09, 36/2/24
Ruakituri River, Gisborne, NI 5/2/11
Ruapehu hebe see Hebe venustula
Ruatahuna, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/3/17, 15/1/13
Rubus 16/3/14, 33/1/23
Rubus cissoides 8/1/19, 8/4/28
Rubus parvus 7/3/20
Rubus squarrosus 7/3/20
Rubus Symposium, Pucon, Chile 21/1/17
Rudbekia 34/3/13
Rudd (introduced fish) 27/2/19
Ruggedy Coast, Stewart Island, NZ 11/4/28
Ruscus, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Rushbrooke, Ben (Hebe Society member) 15/3/03, 15/4/11, 19/3/09, 21/4/23, 24/3/03, 31/2/04
Rushbrooke, Lesley (Hebe Society member) 15/3/03
Rushbrooke, Ron (Hebe Society member) 15/3/03
Rushes, photographs 35/3/27
Rushton Spencer, Staffordshire, UK 19/2/03
Rusky Fiord, Kamchatka, Russia 22/4/09
Russell, P (UK gardener) 20/1/03
Russia 8/2/11, 22/4/08
Russia Red Data Book 22/4/10
Rust (fungal infection) 28/2/22
Rutland Water, Rutland, UK 8/3/20, 9/1/08, 9/2/23, 10/1/10
Ryall, Richard (NZ botanist) 24/4/18
Rydal, Cumbria, UK 16/3/16
Rytidosperma setifolium 17/1/14
Ryton valley, Canterbury, SI 7/1/08, 17/4/16
S *
Saddleback see also South Island saddleback (NZ bird) 32/1/04
Safari (Internet Browser) 25/1/24
Saga Holidays (UK ) 16/1/03
Saga Magazine (UK ) 31/3/04
Sahara 23/2/21
Saintpaulia and Houseplant Society 15/2/18
Sakhalin Island, Russia 22/4/07, 23/1/15
Sale Borough Council, Manchester, UK 28/1/03
Sale, Manchester, UK 14/4/21
Salem, Oregon, USA 16/1/14
Sales, John (UK gardener) 3/3/06
Salford City Council, UK 31/1/03
Salford, UK 36/2/11, 37/1/09
Salix 22/4/10, 30/1/13
Salix fruticulosa 10/2/14
Salix hylematica 10/2/14
Salix repens 10/2/14
Salix serpillifolia 10/2/14
Salix, dwarf 6/2/06
Salmon, Gerry (Hebe Society member) 3/1/07, 3/2/09, 8/3/20, 9/1/08, 9/2/23, 10/1/10, 14/2/12, 15/2/11
Salmon, Prof John T (NZ author) 3/2/03, 10/3/10, 17/4/17
Salvia 24/2/12, 34/3/13, 35/3/19, 39/1/09
Salvia officianalis 35/3/19
Salvia rosmarinus 35/3/19
San Francisco, California, USA 2/1/10, 2/2/06, 2/4/20, 7/1/21, 9/2/24, 9/3/21, 13/1/17, 14/4/09, 15/4/08, 26/3/15, 27/3/14, 32/1/10
San Marino, California, USA 20/3/12
Sand 25/3/15
Sandbach, Cheshire, UK 15/3/10
Sanders, Chris VMH (UK horticulturist) 26/4/24, 36/2/10, 36/3/24
Sandfly (NZ insect) 15/4/19
Sandwich, Earl of 6/1/12, 6/2/11
Santa Cruz, California, USA 12/1/10, 20/3/13, 26/3/04, 26/3/16, 28/4/13
Santa Rosa, California, UKA 32/1/10
Santiago, Chile 33/1/insert, 33/1/10
Santiago, Chile, landscaping 33/1/insert, 33/1/10, 38/3/04
Santolina 11/2/11, 29/3/11
Sapindaceae (plant family) 24/2/17
Saprophyte 24/3/19
Sarcocca saliora 14/1/14
Sarsaparilla see Smilax
SASA see Scottish Agricultural Science Agency
Sasa kurilensis 23/1/14
Sasa palmata 23/1/14
Saturday Express see Daily Express (UK newspaper)
Sauceda, Tom (Hebe Society member) 17/1/10, 19/4/08, 21/3/12, 26/3/04, 26/3/16, 28/4/13, 28/4/insert
Saul, Krysia (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/4/22
Saunder’s Island, Falkland Islands 2/4/14
Saville, John (Hebe Society member) 1/2/03, 4/3/03, 5/2/08, 12/3/13, 13/3/12, 13/4/07, 16/2/13, 18/2/12, 18/2/13, 18/3/19, 18/4/14, 18/4/21, 19/2/09, 19/2/12, 19/2/16, 19/3/11, 19/4/07, 19/4/08, 19/4/23, 20/1/03, 20/3/23, 20/4/23, 21/2/03, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 21/3/24, 22/3/03, 23/1/16, 23/4/20, 24/2/12, 27/3/04, 28/1/03, 28/4/04, 31/1/21
Saville, Pat (UK gardener) 18/4/14, 19/2/16, 19/4/23, 20/3/04, 21/2/15, 28/4/04
Sawyer, John (NZ author) 25/1/22
Saxifraga 23/1/15
Saxifraga, National Collection, UK 7/4/07, 16/1/23
Scabiosa Butterfly Blue 7/3/06
Scannell, Mary (Irish botanist) 7/1/22
Scanner, Epson 17/4/12, 20/4/04
Scanner, film 18/2/26, 20/4/04, 21/1/24
Scanner, Microtek 20/4/04
Scanner, Nikon 20/4/04, 21/1/24
Scaup (NZ duck) 27/1/17
Scenery Protection Act, NZ 1906 9/2/10
Schefflera 21/1/18
Schefflera digitata 13/1/21, 13/1/22, 19/3/22, 19/3/22
Schist (rock) 17/4/19
Schizeilema haastii 3/1/21
Schofield, Judith (UK gardener) 27/4/08
Sciadopitys 21/1/21
Scilly Islands, UK see Isles of Scilly
Scion Research Institute, NZ 31/3/03
Scirpus species 9/1/27
Sclerophyll forest 28/1/10
Scoble, Geoffrey (Hebe Society Secretary 1985–2002) 1/2/03, 2/4/02, 3/2/03, 3/3/04, 4/2/05, 4/3/03, 4/3/18, 4/4/03, 5/1/03, 5/1/06, 5/2/08, 5/2/17, 5/4/22, 6/2/08, 6/2/23, 6/3/03, 6/4/11, 7/2/03, 7/2/12, 8/4/03, 9/4/08, 10/1/03, 10/1/09, 10/2/12, 10/2/31, 11/1/04, 12/3/05, 12/4/11, 13/3/03, 13/4/14, 14/1/10, 15/4/12, 16/4/04, 16/4/11, 17/2/03, 17/2/20, 17/3/20, 18/1/04, 18/2/11, 18/2/12, 20/1/03, 20/2/10, 20/3/14, 21/2/11, 21/3/03, 21/4/16, 21/4/20, 21/4/insert, 21/4/21, 22/2/09, 22/2/16, 23/2/05, 23/3/16, 23/4/15, 23/4/16, 25/1/03, 25/1/08, 25/1/08, 25/1/13, 25/1/20, 27/4/16, 30/2/04, 33/3/03, 34/1/18, 34/2/22, 35/3/18, 37/1/27
Scoble, Gwen (Webmaster 1996–2001, Hebe Society Recorder, Registrar 1998–) 8/3/06, 9/2/07, 11/2/13, 11/4/03, 12/2/13, 12/3/14, 13/1/09, 13/3/03, 14/2/08, 14/2/10, 14/2/13, 14/2/13, 14/3/03, 14/4/15, 15/1/04, 15/1/21, 15/2/10, 15/2/11, 15/2/14, 15/2/28, 15/3/10, 16/1/23, 16/2/10, 16/2/13, 16/3/28, 17/1/04, 17/1/09, 17/1/18, 17/1/25, 17/3/09, 17/3/10, 17/3/20, 19/2/12, 19/2/24, 19/3/10, 20/2/09, 20/2/10, 20/2/20, 20/3/09, 21/2/15, 21/2/17, 21/4/20, 22/2/14, 22/2/16, 23/2/17, 23/2/21, 24/2/21, 24/3/11, 24/3/13, 24/4/insert, 24/4/16, 24/4/23, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/09, 25/3/11, 25/3/13, 26/2/11, 26/2/14, 26/3/08, 26/3/10, 26/4/03, 26/4/08, 27/2/09, 27/2/13, 27/3/08, 27/3/16, 27/4/16, 28/2/10, 28/2/16, 28/3/11, 29/2/08, 29/2/11, 29/2/15, 29/2/18, 29/2/19, 29/2/20, 30/2/23, 30/3/11, 30/3/insert, 30/3/17, 30/3/19, 31/2/10, 31/2/12, 31/2/16, 31/3/07, 31/3/15, 31/3/18, 31/3/20, 32/2/19, 32/2/20, 32/3/09, 32/3/12, 32/3/15, 32/3/19, 33/2/15, 33/3/03, 33/3/10, 33/3/22, 33/3/24, 34/2/09, 34/2/14, 34/2/23, 34/3/15, 34/3/17, 34/3/20, 34/3/23, 35/2/16, 35/2/17, 36/3/30, 38/1/21, 39/2/18, 39/2/22, 39/2/24, 39/3/12, 39/3/16, 39/3/20
Scoble, Gwen, Hebe Society website 24/4/23
Scoble, Jan (daughter of Geoffrey Scoble) 15/3/08
Scoble, Pom (Hebe Society member) 1/2/11, 2/4/02, 3/4/06, 4/2/05, 4/4/03, 4/4/08, 5/1/06, 5/2/08, 9/4/06, 10/2/13, 11/1/04, 14/1/10, 14/4/10, 15/2/11, 16/2/10, 18/2/12, 20/1/13, 20/2/11, 21/4/20, 22/2/14, 23/4/15, 25/1/08, 27/4/16, 27/4/insert, 31/3/15
Scotland’s Gardens Scheme 15/3/03
Scotland, UK 7/2/07, 7/4/21, 8/1/05, 8/2/09, 9/4/05, 10/3/20, 11/3/03, 11/4/26, 20/3/03, 21/4/23, 23/4/16
Scotland, climate 38/2/16
Scots pine see pinus sylvestris
Scott, David (NZ engineer) 18/2/17
Scott, Jack and Doris (NZ gardeners) 17/4/17, 18/1/15
Scott, Lady (Valerie Finnis, UK gardener) 3/1/13, 28/1/15, 30/1/04
Scott, Sir David (UK gardener) 30/1/05
Scott, Sir Walter (UK author) 7/2/19
Scottish Agricultural Science Agency, UK 38/3/26
Scottish broom see Cytisus scoparius
Scottish Rock Garden Club, website 19/1/04
Scrimgeour, Ray (NZ hunter) 14/2/26
Scrophulariaceae (plant family) 2/4/12, 6/1/20, 9/4/13, 13/4/18, 14/2/25, 15/3/24, 17/3/16, 20/4/21, 25/1/19, 26/3/03, 29/2/10, 32/2/03, 34/1/23
Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate America, F W Pennell 15/3/25
Scrophulariaceae, DNA analysis 26/3/03
Scrophulariaceae, splitting 22/1/23, 26/3/03
Scurrell, Rachel (Hebe Society member) 32/1/03
Scurvy 7/4/13
Scurvy grass see Lepidium oleraceum
Scutellaria novae-zelandiae 34/2/01
Scutellinia colenoi (fungus) 19/1/28
Scutt, Mike and Elaine (UK gardeners) 14/3/23
Sea eagle (bird) 15/3/03
Sea Holly see Olearia haastii
Sea of Okhotsk 23/1/11
Seaford, East Sussex, UK 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Searle, Jean (Hebe Society member) 10/4/07, 23/2/23, 24/2/21, 28/2/10, 29/2/18
Searle, Martin (Hebe Society Co-ordinator nurserymen and growers) 3/4/06, 7/2/05, 7/2/08, 7/2/12, 8/2/23, 9/1/06, 9/2/05, 9/2/24, 10/1/05, 10/1/14, 10/2/06, 10/2/09, 10/4/07, 10/4/07, 11/2/09, 13/4/15, 14/2/12, 14/4/04, 16/1/14, 19/1/04, 19/2/11, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/3/22, 21/1/20, 21/2/03, 21/2/10, 21/2/17, 22/2/19, 23/2/09, 23/2/19, 23/3/14, 23/3/19, 23/4/11, 24/2/08, 24/2/09, 24/2/21, 25/2/08, 25/2/11, 26/2/08, 28/1/16, 28/2/08, 28/2/10, 29/2/11, 29/2/18, 29/3/18, 33/1/04
Searle, Martin, Website 15/2/29
Searle, Mrs (Hebe Society member) 15/4/28
Seasonal Equivalents, UK and NZ seasons compared 16/1/21
Seasonally Affected Depression 9/1/05
SeaTac, Oregon, USA 33/3/15
Seaton, Devon, UK 27/2/16
Seattle, Washington State, USA 17/1/03, 21/2/23, 22/3/13, 26/1/23, 26/4/22, 29/3/12, 33/2/13, 33/3/15
Seaweed 22/2/22, 28/3/05
Seaweed extract 28/3/05, 37/1/19
Seaweed meal 9/4/16
Sections, plant classification 2/2/11, 2/2/14
Sedges, photographs 35/3/27
Sedum 22/3/13
Sedum spectabile, renamed to Hylotelephium spectabile 35/3/19
Seed dispersal, long-distance 28/3/03
Seed Search, Karen Platt 14/3/09, 14/4/18, 17/2/20
Seed, compost 2/1/11
Seed, preservation 23/2/17
Seed, received 1/1/06
Seed, sowing 2/2/03
Seed, viability 2/1/11
Seedlings, protection 33/3/19
Sempervivum 22/3/13
Senecio see also Brachyglottis 4/4/13, 7/1/27, 7/1/28, 8/3/24, 25/4/04, 34/2/22
Senecio adamsii see Brachyglottis adamsii
Senecio antipodus 7/1/28
Senecio banksii 7/1/29
Senecio bellidioides see Brachyglottis bellidioides
Senecio bellidioides crassus see Senecio bellidioides crassus
Senecio bennettii see Brachyglottis buchananii
Senecio bidwillii see Brachyglottis bidwillii
Senecio bidwillii viridis see Brachyglottis bidwillii viridis
Senecio bifistulosus see Brachyglottis bifistulosa
Senecio cassinioides see Brachyglottis cassinioides
Senecio cockaynei see Brachyglottis cockaynei
Senecio colensoi 7/3/24
Senecio compactus see Brachyglottis compacta
Senecio dunedinensis see Erechtites diversifolia
Senecio elaeagnifolius see Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia
Senecio glaucophyllus basinudus 7/4/28
Senecio glaucophyllus discoideus 7/4/28, 7/4/29
Senecio glaucophyllus glaucophyllus 7/4/28
Senecio glaucophyllus raoulii 7/4/29
Senecio grandiflora 32/3/16
Senecio greyi see Brachyglottis greyi
Senecio greyii Sunshine see Brachyglottis Sunshine
Senecio haastii see Brachyglottis haastii
Senecio hectorii see Brachyglottis hectorii
Senecio huntii see Brachyglottis huntii
Senecio kirkii see Brachyglottis kirkii
Senecio kirkii angustior see Brachyglottis kirkii angustior
Senecio lagopus see Brachyglottis lagopus
Senecio lapidosus see Brachyglottis lapidosa
Senecio lautus 8/2/21
Senecio lautus carnosulus 8/2/21, 8/2/21
Senecio laxiflorus see Brachyglottis laxifolia
Senecio laxifolius see Brachyglottis laxifolia
Senecio lyallii see Dolichoglottis lyallii
Senecio macrospermum 27/3/14
Senecio matthewsii see Brachyglottis matthewsii
Senecio monroi see Brachyglottis monroi
Senecio myrianthos see Brachyglottis myrianthos
Senecio pentacopus see Brachyglottis pentacopus
Senecio perdicioides see Brachyglottis perdicioides
Senecio quadridentatus 8/4/26
Senecio radiolatus 8/4/26
Senecio reinoldii see Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Senecio remotifolius see Brachyglottis remotifolia
Senecio revolutus see Brachyglottis revolutus
Senecio rotundifolia see Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Senecio saxifragoides 9/1/29
Senecio sciadophilus see Brachyglottis sciadophila
Senecio scorzoneroides see Dolichoglottis scorzoneroides
Senecio smithii 12/4/26
Senecio southlandicus see Brachyglottis southlandica
Senecio spedeni see Brachyglottis spedeni
Senecio stewartiae see Brachyglottis stewartiae
Senecio traversii see Brachyglottis traversii
Senecio turneri see Brachyglottis turneri
Senecio viravira 7/3/20
Seniergues, Dr (French doctor) 9/4/28
Senna septemtrionalis 14/2/26, 14/2/28
Seoul, South Korea 22/4/07
Septoria exotica (fungus) 13/1/24
Sequoia sempervirens 33/1/11
Sequoiadendron 21/1/21
Serpentine (rock) 22/2/22
Serpentine Hill, Nelson, SI 22/3/03
Serrahima, Joan (Spain horticulturist) 26/4/19
Seven finger see Shefflera digitata
Sevenoaks, Kent, UK 18/2/12
Severn Tree Trust, UK 36/3/26
Seysenegg, E T von (Austrian botanist) 15/3/27, 15/4/13
Shackleton, David (Irish gardener) 5/3/03
Shade 17/4/26
Shadrack, Michael (UK gardener) 15/2/20
Shag (NZ bird) 26/1/20
Shareware (computer program) 24/1/22
Shaw, Alan (Hebe Society member) 15/3/13, 15/4/13, 16/4/15
Shearwater (NZ bird) 26/1/20
Sheffield, Canterbury, SI 7/1/07, 7/1/09, 7/4/24
Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK 8/4/13, 9/1/24
Shefflera digitata 8/1/21, 8/2/13
Shelter 2/1/06, 2/4/13
Shelter Belts 2/5/04, 28/4/11
Shepherd, Fred (UK horticulturist) 2/1/03, 9/2/05
Sherborne, Dorset, UK 39/3/03
Sherkin Island, Ireland 2/1/12
Sherman, Charles (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/1/21
Sherringham, Greville (UK gardener) 31/2/04
Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK 12/3/03, 14/2/08, 21/3/04
Shield bug (insect) 29/1/19
Shifnal, Shropshire, UK 27/2/16
Shirota, Yasuyki (Japanese scientist) 12/1/03
Shoal Bay Press, NZ Publisher 19/4/18
Shore buttercup see Ranunculus acaulis
Shorne, Kent, UK 33/3/09
Show, ABC Gardening Australia Expo 25/4/18
Show, All About Plants, Wisley, Surrey, UK see Show, RHS, All About Plants, Wisley, Surrey, UK
Show, Alpine Garden Society, Essex 39/2/07
Show, Anglian Flower and Garden, Duxford, UK 11/4/08, 13/3/09, 14/2/08
Show, Arley Garden Festival, Cheshire, UK 16/4/04, 17/1/04, 17/1/13, 17/2/08, 17/3/08, 17/3/09, 17/3/22, 17/3/24, 17/4/05, 18/2/12, 18/3/11, 18/3/16, 18/4/03, 19/2/07, 19/2/12, 19/3/03, 19/3/07, 20/1/04, 20/2/07, 20/2/09, 20/3/03, 20/3/08, 20/3/09, 20/3/23, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/3/07, 21/4/03, 22/2/04, 22/2/10, 22/3/04, 22/3/10, 23/1/04, 23/2/10, 23/2/14, 23/3/03, 23/3/20, 23/3/22, 24/2/07, 24/2/09, 24/3/10, 24/3/insert, 25/1/14, 25/2/04, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/10, 26/2/09, 26/2/10, 26/3/07, 27/1/03, 27/2/04, 27/2/13, 27/3/insert, 27/3/16, 27/4/08, 28/1/12, 28/2/09, 28/2/10, 28/3/11, 28/3/21, 28/3/insert, 29/1/05, 29/1/11, 29/1/15, 29/2/11, 29/2/12, 29/2/15, 29/1/insert, 29/2/insert, 29/3/03, 30/1/04, 30/2/23, 30/3/15, 30/3/21, 30/3/23, 31/1/09, 31/2/10, 31/2/15, 31/3/11, 31/3/12, 31/3/22, 32/1/03, 32/1/20, 32/2/17, 32/2/18, 33/1/04, 33/2/03, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/22, 34/3/17, 34/3/19, 34/3/25, 35/1/03, 35/2/03, 35/2/19, 35/3/17, 36/1/03, 36/1/12, 36/2/03, 37/1/03, 37/2/03
Show, Arley Garden Festival, Tweet 33/3/22
Show, Bath and West, UK 11/4/08
Show, BBC Gardener’s World, Audley End, Essex, UK 39/2/07, 39/3/07, 39/3/07
Show, BBC, Gardener’s World Live, UK 10/1/05, 11/4/08, 12/3/06, 18/2/04, 19/2/11, 23/4/12, 23/4/14, 39/3/06, 39/3/09
Show, BBC, Really Wild, UK 32/3/03
Show, BBC, Springwatch 35/2/26
Show, Cheshire, UK 21/4/03
Show, Cornwall Garden Society, Anniv 2/4/02, 2/4/18
Show, Cornwall Garden Society, UK 1/4/03, 5/4/14, 8/3/05, 9/2/25
Show, Cornwall, West, Spring 1/4/03, 8/2/06
Show, Courson, Paris, France 19/1/04, 19/2/11, 19/2/20, 20/2/19, 20/2/23, 21/2/10, 23/2/23
Show, East Sussex and Kent, Hardy Plant Society, UK 6/3/11, 11/3/06, 12/1/06, 12/1/08, 12/2/06, 12/2/12, 12/3/10, 12/4/13, 13/1/07, 13/2/07, 13/2/14, 13/4/23, 14/2/08, 14/3/23, 14/4/08, 15/2/08, 15/4/28, 16/1/09, 16/2/13, 16/3/20, 17/1/13, 17/2/09, 17/2/12, 18/2/12, 18/3/08, 19/2/08, 19/2/12, 19/4/13, 20/1/04, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/3/07, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/3/08, 22/2/10, 22/3/11, 23/2/10, 23/2/11, 23/3/15, 24/2/09, 34/2/22, 34/2/24, 37/1/27, 39/2/09
Show, Ellerslie, Auckland, NZ 21/3/22
Show, Garden, London, UK 4/1/06
Show, Gardener’s World Live, UK see Show, BBC Gardener’s World Live, UK
Show, GLEE trade exhibition, NEC, Birmingham, UK 17/1/12
Show, Great Gardening, Loseley House, Guildford, Surrey, UK 15/1/06, 15/2/07, 15/4/27, 16/1/09, 16/2/13, 16/3/21, 17/1/13, 17/2/09, 17/2/12, 17/3/11, 17/3/22, 17/4/09, 17/4/25, 18/2/12, 18/3/09, 19/2/08, 19/2/12, 19/2/22, 19/2/28, 19/4/13, 20/2/08, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/3/10, 21/1/09, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/3/10, 22/2/10, 22/3/16, 23/2/10, 23/3/15, 23/4/20, 24/2/07, 24/2/09, 24/3/11, 24/4/09, 25/2/09, 26/2/10, 34/2/24, 35/3/08, 37/1/27, 39/2/09
Show, GROW, Sandown Park, Surrey, UK 13/1/10, 13/1/13, 13/2/07, 14/2/08, 14/2/19, 15/2/21
Show, Guernsey NCCPG, Channel Islands, UK 21/2/17
Show, Guernsey North, Channel Islands, UK 8/2/22
Show, Guildford see Show, Great Gardening, Guildford, Surrey, UK
Show, Hampton Court, London, UK see Show, RHS, Hampton Court, London, UK
Show, Hardy Plant Society, Kent see Show, East Sussex and Kent (HPS)
Show, Harrogate Flower, Yorkshire, UK 11/1/12, 15/2/21, 20/4/20
Show, Hever Castle, Kent, UK 10/4/06
Show, Horticultural Trades Association, Natrional Plant Show, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, UK 27/3/13
Show, Jersey County 9/4/29
Show, Kiwi Wild Show, NZ 32/3/03
Show, Llangollen, Denbighshire, UK 22/3/18, 23/1/04, 23/2/10, 23/3/03, 23/3/06, 23/3/15, 23/3/20, 24/2/06, 24/2/09, 24/3/10, 24/3/insert, 24/3/13, 24/4/03, 25/2/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/09, 25/3/10, 25/3/14, 26/2/09, 26/2/10, 34/2/24, 35/3/08, 38/2/20, 39/2/09
Show, Loseley House see Show, Great Gardening
Show, Lullingstone Castle, Kent, UK 29/2/11
Show, Malvern Gardening, Worcestershire, UK 9/4/06, 14/3/08, 16/3/06, 23/4/12, 23/4/14, 34/2/16
Show, Malvern Spring Gardening, Worcestershire, UK 7/2/07, 8/2/09, 11/4/08, 13/4/07
Show, National Amateur Gardening, UK 15/2/21
Show, NEC, Birmingham, UK 10/2/08
Show, NZ Garden Expo, Auckland, NI 25/4/17
Show, Penzance Flower, Cornwall, UK 2/1/01
Show, Regent’s Park, UK 15/2/21
Show, RHS 1/2/01, 1/2/11, 9/1/12, 9/1/21, 10/3/07, 11/4/03, 13/4/22, 16/3/10, 16/4/09, 17/3/22, 17/3/23, 18/2/08
Show, RHS, All About Plants, Wisley, Surrey, UK 30/2/09, 30/3/15, 31/1/10, 32/3/06, 35/1/07, 36/3/06, 37/2/07, 37/3/20, 37/3/25, 38/1/14
Show, RHS, Cardiff, UK 29/2/03
Show, RHS, Chatsworth, Derbyshire, UK 31/2/05
Show, RHS, Chelsea Flower, UK 1/2/02, 4/2/14, 15/2/20, 17/3/23, 17/4/07, 18/1/07, 20/2/23, 21/3/22, 23/3/11, 27/3/12, 31/2/17, 31/3/03, 33/1/04, 35/3/11, 36/3/31
Show, RHS, Chelsea Flower, UK, Gold Medal 27/3/12
Show, RHS, Great Autumn 2/5/13, 3/4/07, 4/2/08, 5/2/07, 5/4/14, 18/3/08, 19/1/07
Show, RHS, Hampton Court, London, UK 6/2/14, 6/3/05, 7/1/05, 8/2/09, 8/3/24, 15/2/21, 16/4/03, 19/2/11, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 24/3/04, 26/3/12, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/2/11, 29/2/21, 29/3/08, 29/3/15, 30/1/15, 30/1/16, 31/3/11, 32/1/08, 32/1/18, 32/3/09, 32/3/18, 33/2/20, 33/3/23, 34/1/07, 34/1/14, 34/2/03, 34/2/Insert, 34/2/09, 34/2/13, 34/3/07, 34/3/09, 34/3/11, 34/3/17, 34/3/18, 34/3/21, 35/1/03, 35/1/07, 35/1/08, 35/1/17, 35/2/07, 35/2/08, 35/2/19, 35/2/23, 35/3/09, 35/3/11, 35/3/14, 35/3/15, 36/1/14, 36/1/24, 36/2/07, 36/2/22, 36/3/07, 36/3/09, 36/3/22, 36/3/23, 37/1/24, 37/2/07, 37/3/13, 37/3/15, 37/3/20, 37/3/25, 38/1/07, 38/1/14, 38/1/15, 38/1/20, 38/3/16, 39/2/25, 39/2/26, 39/3/09
Show, RHS, Harlow Carr Flower, Yorkshire, UK 32/2/18, 35/3/16
Show, RHS, National Societies 4/2/09, 4/3/03, 4/3/06, 4/4/08, 5/1/07, 5/2/16, 6/2/14, 16/2/03, 31/3/07, 31/3/12, 31/3/13, 32/1/08, 32/1/18, 32/3/17, 37/1/08, 37/1/24, 37/3/20
Show, RHS, Specialist Societies see Show, RHS, National Societies
Show, RHS, Tatton Park, Cheshire, UK 14/3/08, 15/2/20, 15/3/04, 15/4/03, 16/1/03, 16/2/03, 16/2/13, 16/3/03, 16/3/06, 16/3/15, 16/3/28, 16/4/04, 17/1/04, 17/1/13, 17/1/18, 17/2/12, 17/3/03, 17/3/08, 17/3/09, 17/3/22, 17/3/23, 17/3/24, 17/4/03, 18/2/12, 18/3/03, 18/3/04, 18/3/17, 18/4/03, 18/4/12, 19/1/06, 19/2/07, 19/2/12, 19/3/03, 19/3/08, 19/3/11, 19/4/03, 20/1/04, 20/2/07, 20/2/09, 20/2/19, 20/3/03, 20/3/09, 21/1/04, 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/3/07, 21/3/09, 21/3/22, 21/4/03, 22/2/10, 24/3/03, 24/3/04, 25/1/14, 28/1/12, 29/1/15, 35/3/08, 38/2/20
Show, RHS, Westminster 18/3/07, 19/1/07, 19/2/11, 20/1/12, 21/4/20, 23/3/16, 33/3/03, 34/2/22
Show, RHS, Wisley, UK 15/2/20, 17/2/08, 18/3/07, 30/2/10, 31/3/07, 31/3/11, 35/3/16, 36/1/07, 36/2/07, 37/2/07, 37/3/13, 37/3/15
Show, Royal Cornwall, UK 10/2/08, 10/4/06, 14/2/08
Show, Royal Warwickshire, Hebe 2/2/17
Show, Royal Warwickshire, UK 1/4/14
Show, Royal Welsh, UK 23/4/12, 23/4/14, 24/1/15
Show, Royal, Medal, Gold 2/2/17
Show, Royal, Stoneleigh 11/4/08
Show, Sandown Park see Show, GROW, Sandown Park, Surrey, UK
Show, Spalding National Gardening 16/3/23
Show, Specialist Plant Society 37/1/08, 38/1/14
Show, Stoneliegh Park, Coventry, UK see Show, Horticultural Trades Association
Show, Tatton Park, Cheshire, UK see Show, RHS, Tatton Park, Cheshire, UK
Show, Trelissick, Cornwall, UK 9/1/21
Show, Truro Flower 2/1/01
Show, Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, UK 17/4/05, 18/2/12, 18/3/11, 19/2/12
Show, Wilmslow, Cheshire, UK 21/4/03
Shropshire, UK 25/3/06, 29/3/11
Shrub borders, mixed 2/1/14
Shrubs and Trees for the Garden, A Osborn, 1933 12/4/09
Shrubs for the Milder Counties, W Arnold-Foster 16/2/11
Shrubs, pruning 30/1/24
Shugg, Stephen (Hebe Society member) 34/1/08
Siberian pine see Pinus pumila
Sibthorpe, Dr Humphrey (UK botanist) 6/1/13
Sigg, Jacob (Hebe Society member) 2/5/13
Signal Hill, Dunedin, Otago, SI 7/4/21, 23/3/10
Silicon Valley, California, USA 26/3/15
Silicone antifoam 28/2/22
Silver beech see Nothofagus menziesii
Silver Fern see Cyathea dealbata
Silver salts 16/1/14
Silver tussock see Poa cita
Silvereye (NZ bird) 26/4/14, 30/2/12
Silvers, Ghislaine (UK horticulturist) 16/3/13
Simazine (herbicide) 10/1/25
Simon’s Seat, Yorkshire, UK 28/2/17
Simonet (French botanist) 15/3/28
Simpson, G (NZ botanist) 9/1/13, 12/1/26, 12/1/28, 13/4/25
Sinbad Gully, Fiordland, SI 27/3/20
Sinclair Peak, Canterbury, SI 8/4/30
Sinclair, Dr Andrew (NZ botanist) 3/2/26, 3/3/26, 4/3/23, 5/1/19, 7/3/24, 8/3/10, 8/4/28, 11/2/27
Sinofranchetia chinensis 38/1/14
Sinus, leaf-gap, plant classification 2/2/11, 2/2/14, 6/1/20
Sirkett, John (UK nurseryman) 2/1/03, 4/1/06, 10/4/27
Sirtrack, Landcare Research 18/4/04
Sisyrinchium 13/4/11, 30/2/04
Sisyrinchium May Snow 10/2/14
Sitka Spruce see Picea sitchensis
Sittingbourne, Kent, UK 16/1/09, 16/3/20
Sjöman, Henrik (Swedish arborialist) 39/3/03
Skimmia 31/1/03
Skimmia, National Collection, UK 28/3/08, 28/4/07, 29/1/09
Skink (NZ reptile) 29/1/17, 29/1/18
Skink, jewelled 29/1/18
Skink, Nelson green 29/1/18
Skippers Canyon, Otago, SI 16/4/20
Skipton, Yorks, UK 26/3/03
Skung cabbage see Lysichiton americana
Slate River, Nelson, SI 27/4/15
Slater, Elizabeth (UK gardener?) 8/4/05
Slide Scanner see Scanner, film
Slieve Donard (mountain), Northern Ireland, UK 19/3/13
Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Gloucestershire, UK 25/3/08
Slug Bell 25/3/03
Slug pellets 25/3/03, 34/2/03
Slug trap 33/3/19
Slugs 13/1/03, 33/3/19
Slugs, photographs 35/3/27
Small-leaved Shrubs of NZ, H Wilson and T Galloway 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 10/1/22, 11/4/07
Smallpox 6/1/13
Smart phone 30/1/11
Smart, Dr James (UK gardener) 2/1/07, 14/2/03
Smilax aspera 6/1/06
Smilax china 6/1/06
Smilax rotundifolia 6/1/06
Smith, Beth (UK horticulturist) 33/3/13
Smith, Doug (Australasian Plant Society member and National Collection holder for Podocarpus) 33/1/03
Smith, G W (UK nurseryman) 3/3/27
Smith, Gill (Hebe Society member) 39/3/18
Smith, Ginny (Membership Secretary 2005–2013) 15/4/27, 18/3/10, 19/2/10, 19/2/12, 19/3/10, 19/4/13, 20/2/09, 20/2/20, 20/3/07, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 21/3/08, 22/2/18, 23/2/15, 23/2/20, 23/3/06, 24/2/21, 24/3/11, 24/3/13, 24/4/08, 24/4/09, 24/4/insert, 25/1/09, 25/2/10, 25/3/11, 26/2/10, 26/3/15, 28/4/insert, 29/2/09, 29/2/18, 30/3/12, 30/3/19, 31/3/18, 31/3/19, 31/3/20, 32/3/10, 32/3/12, 33/3/20, 34/2/24, 36/3/25, 39/2/09, 39/2/18
Smith, Gordon (Hebe Society member) 18/3/10, 18/3/23, 19/2/04, 19/2/10, 19/2/12, 19/2/28, 19/3/10, 19/4/13, 20/1/04, 20/2/09, 20/2/16, 20/2/20, 20/3/03, 20/3/07, 20/3/08, 21/2/11, 21/2/15, 21/3/08, 21/3/22, 22/1/04, 22/2/16, 22/2/18, 22/3/05, 22/3/24, 23/1/04, 23/2/03, 23/2/10, 23/2/11, 23/2/15, 23/2/18, 23/2/20, 23/3/04, 23/3/13, 23/3/19, 23/3/20, 23/3/22, 23/4/03, 23/4/15, 24/1/04, 24/1/16, 24/1/23, 24/2/03, 24/2/08, 24/2/21, 24/3/03, 24/3/10, 24/3/14, 24/4/04, 24/4/08, 24/4/08, 24/4/21, 24/4/22, 25/1/09, 25/2/08, 25/2/10, 25/2/14, 25/3/10, 25/3/11, 25/4/03, 25/4/15, 26/1/12, 26/1/13, 26/2/10, 26/4/18, 27/2/09, 27/2/16, 27/3/08, 27/3/09, 28/1/16, 28/2/10, 28/2/12, 28/2/14, 29/2/09, 29/2/18, 30/1/17, 30/3/12, 30/3/19, 31/3/18, 31/3/20, 32/3/12, 33/3/20, 34/2/24, 34/3/19, 34/3/20, 34/3/32, 35/3/24, 36/3/25, 38/2/18, 39/2/09, 39/2/18
Smith, Mark (NZ horticulturist) 16/4/25
Smith, Martin T (UK gardener?) 8/4/05
Smith, Matilda (NZ artist) 5/1/09
Smith, Nick (NZ conservation minister) 29/2/13
Smith, Paul (UK botanist) 27/2/04
Smith, Philip (NZ landscape gardener) 21/4/04
Smith, Richie (NZ naturalist) 18/2/19
Smith, Ros (UK horticulturist) 10/2/08, 10/4/06, 13/2/14, 16/3/06
Smith, Sir James (UK, founded Linnean Society) 9/1/21
Smith, T (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 21/3/23
Smith, Tim (UK horticulturist) 33/3/13
Smith, Virginia see Smith, Ginny
Smiths Brothers (NZ bookshop) 34/3/04
Smithsonian Institution (USA) 21/1/04
Smyth, Rita (Hebe Society member) 6/4/05
Snares Island, NZ 5/4/27, 7/2/08, 9/2/29, 14/2/04
Snelgrove, Marshall (Hebe Society member) 1/1/03, 1/2/04, 2/1/03, 5/2/07, 16/3/08
Snow 2/1/05, 2/4/28
Snow Cover 2/1/10, 2/4/17
Snow gentian see Gentiana corymbifera or Gentiana matthewsii
Snow Hebe of NZ see Chionohebe
Snow tussock see Chionochloa
Snowball gentian see Gentiana divisa
Snowdonia, Wales, UK see also Eryri National Park, Wales, UK 14/4/25, 39/2/11
Snowdrop see Galanthus
Snowdrops and Snowflakes, Sir Frederick Stern 29/3/04
Snowflake see Leucojum
Snowy Mountains, New Guinea 3/2/17
Soames, Arthur (UK gardener) 22/4/05
Society for Growing Australia Plants 3/2/17, 14/4/04
Society Islands 6/4/22, 24/4/19
Society of Overseas Settlement of British Women 24/1/14
Softsoap (insecticidal) 33/3/19
Soil 2/1/06
Soil, acidity 1/4/11
Soil, chalk 5/1/22
Soil, clay 1/4/11, 2/1/09
Soil, conditioner 33/3/18
Soil, heavy 2/1/08
Soil, improvement 28/3/05, 33/3/18
Soil, pumice 15/1/15
Solander Islands, NZ 2/5/10, 5/2/23, 8/4/27, 9/1/27, 9/2/29
Solander, Daniel (Swedish scientist) 2/2/06, 2/4/14, 2/4/18, 3/3/24, 4/2/05, 6/1/13, 6/2/26, 6/2/27, 6/3/12, 6/4/22, 7/1/10, 7/3/16, 8/4/26, 10/1/09, 10/3/20, 12/2/10, 14/1/16, 22/1/10, 22/3/03, 24/1/17, 35/1/19, 36/2/19
Solanum aviculare 8/2/10
Solanum laciniatum 7/3/21, 8/2/10, 8/2/11
Solar radiation 8/2/22
Solasodine 8/2/11
Soldinella 22/4/12
Solenopsis fluviatilis 14/4/28
Solihull Technical College, W Midlands, UK 1/4/10
Sollya heterophylla 8/1/13
Solomon Islands 7/4/11, 9/1/24
Somerset, UK 10/3/19
Sonchus kirkii 29/2/04
Sonchus littoralis 7/4/13
Song thrush (UK bird) 14/1/03
Songer, William (NZ settler) 13/2/15
Sonoma, California, USA 32/1/11
Soper, Margaret (Hebe Society member) 35/2/27
Sophie, Countess of Wessex 28/3/insert
Sophora 4/3/17, 5/4/11, 8/1/03, 14/1/21, 14/4/25, 21/1/18, 23/1/04, 29/2/09, 31/1/15
Sophora davidii 7/3/20
Sophora Dragon’s Gold 10/1/insert, 34/3/27
Sophora japonica 7/3/20, 23/3/23
Sophora macrocarpa (Chile) 7/3/20, 12/2/03, 15/2/03, 17/2/03, 18/2/04, 23/1/04
Sophora microphylla 2/3/20, 7/3/10, 7/3/11, 9/2/10, 9/2/12, 31/1/15, 37/1/17
Sophora prostrata 9/3/15, 12/3/24, 14/4/23, 37/1/17, 37/1/17
Sophora prostrata Little Baby 8/3/24
Sophora tetraptera 3/2/07, 7/1/27, 7/3/11, 8/4/28, 15/1/14, 17/2/17, 31/1/15, 37/1/17, 39/1/23
Sophora, propagation 14/4/22
Sorbus 12/4/27, 28/1/21
Sorbus reducta 10/2/14
Souster, Jack (UK horticulturist) 2/2/08, 4/3/06, 7/1/17, 7/2/18
South Africa 24/1/17, 31/1/13
South African plants, Collection 26/3/16, 29/3/19
South America 9/1/21, 12/4/10, 13/2/20, 13/2/28, 14/1/23, 14/2/25, 15/1/18, 15/3/25, 17/1/04, 25/3/15, 27/1/11, 29/1/16, 30/2/03, 31/1/23, 31/2/05, 36/3/17
South American plants 23/2/03, 31/2/05, 36/3/17
South Georgia 10/1/32, 28/4/03
South Island 39/1/23
South Island mountain gentian see Gentiana montana
South Island saddleback (NZ bird) 8/4/03, 32/1/04
South Korea 22/4/07, 26/1/24
South Oxford District Council 30/2/21
South Pole 28/4/21
South Stack, RSPB reserve, Wales, UK 23/2/06
South West Island, NZ 18/1/24
Southampton, Hampshire, UK 25/3/06, 29/2/17, 30/2/04, 30/3/11
Southern Alpines 96 10/4/10
Southern Alps, SI 3/1/21, 3/1/22, 3/4/18, 4/1/24, 5/1/24, 7/2/25, 9/1/12, 10/4/31, 11/2/27, 13/2/27, 15/1/19, 15/3/17, 15/3/19, 15/4/16, 17/3/27, 21/4/04, 22/4/22, 25/3/16, 25/4/20, 27/1/17, 27/2/18, 28/1/09, 28/4/11, 28/4/21, 32/1/16, 32/2/24, 34/1/20, 36/2/09
Southern beech, see Nothofagus
Southern Beeches, A L Poole 14/1/22
Southern cedar see Libocedrus bidwillii
Southern hemisphere 25/1/18
Southern hemisphere plants 30/3/12, 36/3/09
Southern Seeds, Sheffield, Canterbury, SI 4/4/11, 7/1/09, 7/3/21, 7/4/26, 15/1/20, 15/1/26, 17/1/23
Southland Museum, SI 32/3/21
Southland, SI 2/5/10, 3/2/23, 4/4/21, 4/4/21, 5/1/25, 5/4/26, 7/2/19, 9/1/29, 9/1/30, 12/1/28, 12/4/18, 13/1/26, 13/2/23, 14/1/18, 16/3/20, 20/2/14, 20/4/17
Southport, Lancashire, UK 37/1/28
Southwell, Jenny (Hebe Society member) 20/3/08
Southwest National Park, Tasmania 11/4/04, 28/3/04
Sow thistle see Embergeria grandiflora
Spade, J (NZ author) 3/2/03
Spain 25/1/14, 37/3/19, 38/2/05
Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK 16/3/23
Spaniard see Aciphylla
Sparrman, Dr A 7/4/11
Sparrow (bird) 39/3/17
Spartium 32/1/23
Spear grass see Aciphylla
Specialist Plant Societies see National Plant Societies
Species Plantarum 9/1/21
Species, plant classification 2/1/S2, 2/2/10, 2/2/12, 2/2/13
Specific epithet, plant classification 2/3/06
Speckled wood (butterfly) 22/3/09
Speden, James (NZ botanist) 3/1/13, 6/4/29, 9/2/29, 11/4/10
Speedwell see Veronica
Spencer, F H (NZ missionary and botanist) 17/1/17
Spenser Mountains, Canterbury, SI 6/2/29, 9/2/30, 9/3/21, 11/1/28, 13/4/25, 14/4/16
Spermacoce romata (Caribbean plant) 27/1/04
Sphagnum (moss) 19/1/26
Sphagnum bogland 19/1/26
Spider orchid see Corybas
Spinifex species 9/1/27
Spirea japonica 33/1/11
Spon, Jeremy (UK gardener) 12/3/10, 24/4/11, 27/2/16
Spring-Rice, Barry (NZ botanist) 5/1/09
Squires, Keith (Canadian nurseryman) 2/4/17, 3/3/15
Squirrel (pest) 14/1/03, 14/2/03
Squirrel, red 23/2/06
Srem, Poland 20/1/24, 20/2/21, 21/4/18, 28/1/17
St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK 14/4/09, 15/2/03, 15/2/11, 15/2/13, 15/2/18, 15/4/07, 16/2/12
St Andrews, Scotland, UK 16/3/14
St Arnaud Range, Canterbury, SI 6/3/28, 13/1/27, 13/4/25
St Arnaud, Nelson, SI 15/3/17, 26/1/20, 26/4/10
St Austell, Cornwall, UK 20/2/03
St Helena 7/1/13, 17/1/04
St Helens, Lancashire, UK 19/3/08
St Henena ebony see Trochetiopsis ebenus
St Henena gumwood see Commidendrum robustum
St Henena olive see Nesiota elliptica
St Ives, Cornwall, UK 9/1/06, 9/3/06, 12/3/06, 16/3/09
St Johns, Newfoundland 6/2/11
St Malo, France 29/3/18
St Peter Port, Guernsey, UK 35/3/21, 38/1/12
St Petersburg, Russia 7/4/10, 19/3/26
St Pol de Leon 29/3/18
Stacey, Bob (Hebe Society member) 19/3/11, 20/3/09
Stacey, Helen (Hebe Society member) 19/3/11, 20/3/09
Stackhousia monogyna 14/4/05
Staffordshire Cricket Board 36/3/10
Stand, formal 2/2/17
Standard specimen (herbarium) 17/1/25, 17/2/27
Standeven, L and D (UK gardeners) 9/3/09
Stanmer Park, Brighton, East Sussex, UK 32/1/07, 35/1/12
Starr, Keith (UK nurseryman) 4/4/24
State University of Oregon, USA see University of Oregon State, USA
Statigraphy (study of rock strata) 16/1/27
Stearn, Prof William (UK botanist) 9/1/22, 10/2/03
Steel, Duncan (astronomer) 6/4/03
Stella (ship) 8/2/28
Stephens Island, Ark of the Light, Derek Brown 18/2/16
Stephens Island, Cook Strait, NZ 16/1/04, 18/2/16, 22/1/21
Stephens wren (NZ extinct bird) 18/2/18, 31/3/16, 39/3/18
Steppanova, Rosa (UK gardener) 21/3/04
Stern, Sir Frederick (UK gardener) 4/1/26, 8/1/13, 29/3/04, 33/3/08
Sterndale-Bennett, Jane (UK gardener) 21/2/19
Steroids 8/2/11
Stevens, Harvey (UK gardener) 22/3/03, 23/2/12
Stevens, Nettie (US scientist) 15/3/27
Stevenson, Zoe (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/26
Stewart Island Plants, H Wilson 3/2/10, 3/3/07, 5/4/26, 10/4/10, 11/4/07, 12/2/28, 34/2/05
Stewart Island, NZ 2/5/10, 3/1/22, 3/2/10, 3/2/22, 3/2/23, 3/3/24, 3/4/18, 4/2/20, 4/2/21, 4/2/24, 5/1/23, 5/2/22, 5/2/23, 5/3/20, 5/3/22, 6/1/28, 6/3/26, 6/4/26, 7/2/24, 7/3/25, 7/4/21, 7/4/28, 8/1/12, 8/2/03, 8/2/21, 8/3/28, 8/4/26, 8/4/27, 8/4/28, 9/1/30, 9/2/29, 9/3/27, 10/3/22, 10/4/31, 10/4/32, 11/2/25, 11/2/26, 11/2/27, 11/4/28, 12/1/26, 12/2/24, 12/4/19, 13/1/26, 13/2/20, 13/2/23, 13/2/24, 13/3/26, 13/4/24, 14/2/11, 14/2/17, 14/2/18, 14/3/14, 14/3/18, 14/4/17, 15/1/17, 15/1/19, 16/3/18, 16/3/19, 16/3/20, 16/4/26, 17/1/14, 17/1/16, 17/3/05, 18/3/20, 18/4/17, 19/3/17, 19/4/17, 20/1/14, 21/3/15, 21/3/16, 21/4/14, 21/4/15, 21/4/23, 22/1/11, 23/3/10, 25/3/18, 31/2/24, 32/2/24
Stewart, Martha (TV presenter, USA) 17/4/08
Stewartia, National Collection 28/3/09, 28/4/08, 29/1/10
Sticherus flabellatus 8/1/09
Stilbocarpa 21/3/04
Stilbocarpa polaris 9/2/11
Stilbocarpa robusta 9/2/11
Stilt, black (very rare NZ bird) 15/4/18, 29/1/18
Stipa 32/2/22
Stipa arundinacaea 23/2/13, 24/4/15
Stirling, James (NZ horticulturist) 4/4/25, 8/1/14
Stirling, Scotland, UK 7/2/19
Stitchbird (NZ bird) 26/4/14
Stoat 19/4/04, 27/3/21, 34/2/19
Stockport, Cheshire, UK 4/4/05, 14/4/21, 17/1/25, 17/3/03, 25/2/03, 37/1/03
Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk, UK 13/2/15
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK 14/3/03, 20/2/12, 25/3/03, 36/3/27, 38/1/18, 39/3/21
Stolon 25/3/15
Stomata 6/2/24
Stone birch see Betula ermanii
Stoneykirk, Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 20/3/03
Stony Bay Peak, Banks Peninsula, SI 19/4/19, 19/4/23
Storm Ciaran 39/1/14
Stornaway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, UK 3/05, 6/4/05, 7/1/21, 28/3/14
Stourbridge, W Midlands, UK 9/4/06
Stoven, Heather (Oregon horticulturist) 33/3/13
Stow in the Wold, Cotswalds, UK 9/1/08, 9/1/09
Strachan, Michaela (Wildlife presenter) 32/3/03
Strait of Adventure, Stephen Gerrard 18/2/22
Strait of George, Canada 28/1/21
Straits of Magellan 7/4/10
Strange, I 1/3/07
Strangford Loch, Northern Ireland 31/2/04
Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK 8/1/12, 17/4/15, 20/3/03, 31/1/13
Stratford Mountain House, Taranaki 15/1/13
Stratford, Taranaki, NI 15/1/13
Strawberry myrtle see Ugni molinae
Streatley, Berkshire, UK 27/4/20
Streblorrhiza speciosa 11/1/03
Streptocarpus 34/3/14
Strickly Come Gardening 27/2/13
Strimmer 29/2/22
Strimmer, battery pack 29/2/22
Strobilurin (fungicide)
Strong, Dr Graham (NZ commercialisation manager) 30/1/11
Strudwick, Bob (Hebe Society member) 32/3/09, 32/3/12, 32/3/13, 34/2/09, 34/2/14, 34/3/17
Strulch (light-weight mulch) 29/3/17
Stuart Smith, Tom see Stuart-Smith, Tom
Stuart-Smith, Tom (landscape architect, garden designer) 33/1/19
Students Flora of NZ and the Outlying Islands, T Kirk 11/2/25, 20/1/15, 20/4/20
Students Flora of Tasmania, Dr W Curtis 3/3/13
Studerland, Banks Peninsula, SI 19/4/23
Study of Genus Paeonia, Sir Frederick Stern 29/3/04
Stumble Inn, Bwlch y Cibau, Powys, Wales 27/2/09
Styrobedding (geology) 15/3/18
Subantarctic Islands see NZ, Subantarctic Islands
Subnick, Linda (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 20/3/12
Subspecies, plant classification 2/2/13, 2/3/06
Successful Organic Gardening, Geoff Hamilton 33/3/19
Sudbury, Suffolk, UK 13/1/14
Suilven (ship) 7/1/23
Sulphur (ship) 8/3/10
Summerhayes, Victor (UK botanist) 11/3/10
Sun Alliance Group, UK 11/2/08
Sun Hebe see Hebe, paniculate group
Sun orchid see thelymitra
Sunday Island, NZ see Raoul Island
Sunday Times, UK 11/1/21
Sundew see Drosera
Sundial 11/2/12, 11/2/13
Sundial Society 11/2/12
Sunset Flowers, NZ 16/1/13
Sunset Western Garden, USA, editor Kathleen Norris Brenzel 25/2/23
Sunspray oil 6/4/07
Sunventure Tours, UK 8/1/03
Supplejack see Ripogonum scandens
Surville Cliffs, Northland, NI 13/1/18, 16/1/04
Survival or Extinction, Synge and Townsend 4/2/16
Sussex Down, UK 29/1/08
Sussex, UK 8/1/13
Suter, Rev A G (NZ botanist) 14/4/16
Sutherland Falls, Fiordland, SI 15/4/19
Sutherland, Norman (UK botanist) 10/1/22
Sutton and Sons, UK 16/4/11
Sutton, Bob (UK gardener) 18/1/12
Sutton, Walter (US scientist) 15/3/27
Swain, David (Hebe Society member) 20/2/18
Swale River, Marlbourgh, SI 16/1/17
Swamp cupress see Taxodium distichum
Swamp flax see Phormium tenax
Swansea, Wales, UK 23/4/11, 24/4/07, 25/1/07
Swanson, David (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 21/2/23
Sweden 21/4/24, 22/2/12, 26/2/18, 30/1/21
Sweden, climate 22/4/15, 26/2/18, 30/1/21
Sweden, geology 22/4/15
Sweden, winter 26/2/18
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 21/1/18
Sweet gale see Myrica gale
Sweet potato see Ipomoea batatas
Swettenham Arms, Cheshire, UK 21/4/07, 26/3/04, 26/3/13, 31/3/15, 39/2/22
Swettenham Club, Cheshire, UK 30/3/03, 31/1/07, 31/2/05, 31/2/08, 31/3/14, 31/3/18
Swettenham, Cheshire, UK 18/2/14, 24/3/15, 28/4/04, 30/3/03, 31/2/16, 31/3/14, 31/3/18
Swift, Joe (UK horticulturist) 34/2/21
Swindells, Philip (UK horticulturist) 7/4/03
Switzerland 8/2/09, 15/2/13
Sycamore see Acer pseudoplatanus
Sydenham, Frank (NZ gardener) 10/3/22, 22/1/12
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 5/4/07, 5/4/18, 7/1/10, 7/3/16, 8/3/11, 13/3/22, 14/4/04, 28/2/03
Sykes, Bill (NZ botanist) 2/5/08, 8/1/10, 14/2/25
Sylvagrow, compost 36/3/25
Synergol (rooting hormone) 14/4/04
Syngenta (plant sciences) 28/2/22
Synopsis, plant classification 2/2/14
Syntex Company 8/2/11
Synthyris 33/1/14
Syria 30/1/23
Syringa vulgaris 31/1/16
Szabo, M (NZ naturalist) 39/1/24
T *
Table Hill, Stewart Island, NZ 6/3/27
Tablet computer 31/2/20
Tachinid flies 7/3/08
Tacoma, Washington State, USA 18/1/21, 22/2/13, 22/3/13
Taffler, Stephen (UK horticulturist) 17/2/14
Tahiti 6/3/12, 6/4/22, 9/1/24
Tahr, Himalayan 34/1/20, 37/1/21
Taieri Gorge Railway, Otago, SI 16/4/20
Taihape, Central NI 5/4/26
Taipa Area School, Northland, NI 19/1/23
Tairawhiti, Gisborne, NI 16/1/05, 29/3/13
Takahe (NZ bird) 15/4/19, 16/4/20
Takaka, Nelson, SI 15/3/15, 15/3/16
Takapo see Gaultheria antipoda
Takapourewa see Stephens Island
Takhtajan, Armen (plant taxonomist) 2/1/S2
Takitimu Mountains, Southland, SI 3/1/14, 11/1/24
Talwyn, Anglesey, Wales, UK 14/4/27
Tamarisk 24/4/15
Tanat Valley, Wales, UK 33/2/15, 38/1/18
Taneatua, Waikato, NI 15/1/13
Tanekaha see Phyllocladus trichomanoides
Tangiroa (Maori god) 18/2/22
Tannin 8/1/20
Tanui waka (Maori canoe) 28/3/18
Tanzania 23/2/20
Tapanui, Southland, SI 9/2/29
Taranaki Falls, Central NI 26/1/19
Taranaki, NI 4/1/04, 4/2/26, 5/3/21, 6/1/29, 9/2/10, 9/2/13, 11/4/27, 12/1/28, 13/1/20, 13/3/25, 19/1/17
Taranga see Pimelea longifolia
Tararua Range, Manawatu, NI 3/1/13, 3/4/17, 5/4/27, 6/2/28, 7/1/28, 9/4/25, 10/4/30, 11/1/28, 12/2/26, 12/4/18, 13/1/27, 13/2/22, 14/2/17, 14/2/19, 16/1/17, 16/4/26, 16/4/27, 18/4/17, 19/2/15, 19/3/19, 21/2/14, 32/2/13
Tarata see Pittosporum eugenioides
Taraterehu, Banks Peninsula, SI 19/4/19, 19/4/22, 19/4/23
Taraxacum magellanicum 1/4/07
Tarbert, Harris, Scotland, UK 28/3/13
Tarndale, Canterbury, SI 9/3/22
Taro see Colocasia antiquorum
Tasman Glacier, Otago, SI 15/4/16
Tasman Sea 7/1/10, 16/2/27, 28/4/11, 28/4/15, 34/2/18
Tasman, Abel (Dutch explorer) 7/1/10, 15/3/15, 18/2/16, 35/1/17
Tasmania, Australia 3/1/26, 3/2/09, 3/2/16, 3/4/11, 3/4/20, 5/3/03, 5/3/11, 5/4/18, 7/4/21, 8/2/15, 9/3/09, 9/4/33, 10/4/31, 11/1/07, 11/2/26, 11/4/04, 12/2/03, 12/4/04, 13/2/03, 13/2/20, 13/2/28, 13/3/04, 14/1/03, 14/1/25, 14/4/04, 15/4/03, 16/1/25, 18/3/21, 18/4/17, 23/4/21, 25/1/11, 26/4/11, 28/1/04, 28/2/04, 28/3/04, 28/4/04, 29/2/03, 30/1/21, 31/2/05, 36/2/18, 38/1/24
Tasmania, plants 14/4/04, 16/1/25, 24/4/04, 31/2/05, 36/2/18
Tasmanian waratah see Telopea truncata
Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area 28/3/04
Tassel cord rush see Restio tetraphyllus
Taste (NZ magazine) 25/4/17
Tataramoa see Rubus cissoides
Tatton Garden Society, UK 18/4/12, 19/3/09, 19/3/11, 19/4/23, 20/3/23, 20/4/23, 22/3/23, 27/3/04, 28/4/04, 29/2/22, 31/3/14, 38/3/17, 39/3/10
Tatton Garden Society, website, Lovell Quinta Arboretum, list of trees 31/3/15
Tatton Park, Cheshire, UK 30/2/21
Tauherenikau Racecourse, Wellington, NI 28/3/19
Taumarunui, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Taupo, Central NI 5/3/17, 8/2/20, 10/4/03, 13/1/20, 13/3/26, 14/2/18, 17/1/17, 24/3/22, 26/1/18, 39/1/23
Taupuka see Gaultheria antipoda
Tauranga, Waikato, NI 3/2/26, 5/2/03, 5/2/23, 5/3/18, 5/4/24, 10/3/21, 10/3/22, 13/1/04, 22/1/12, 38/1/23
Tawhero see Weinmannia silvicola
Tawhiri see Pittosporum tenuifolium
Tawhirimatea (Maori god) 18/2/22
Taxodium distichum 31/3/15
Taxodium distichum imbricatum 38/3/10, 38/3/11
Taxon (botany journal) 22/1/24
Taxonomists Society 15/3/26
Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants, Third International Symposium, Edinburgh 14/2/08, 14/2/10, 15/2/10
Taxonomy of Vascular Plants, George H M Lawrence 11/1/04, 28/1/04
Taxonomy, plant classification 2/1/S2, 2/2/10, 8/1/10, 9/4/08, 10/1/28, 10/2/08, 11/2/07, 12/2/22, 13/4/17, 22/3/08
Taxus baccata 26/2/19
Taylor, Diane (UK gardener) 22/3/22, 26/1/09, 26/3/24, 26/4/24
Taylor, Marie (NZ Author) 23/1/24
Taylor, Norman (Hebe Society member) 16/2/03
Taylor, Rev Richard (NZ naturalist) 10/3/20, 22/1/10, 28/3/19
Taylor, Rhod (UK, Curator of The Lovell Quinta Arboretum) 18/2/14, 18/4/12, 19/2/16, 19/4/23, 21/2/03, 21/2/24, 21/3/24, 22/3/22, 22/3/24, 24/3/14, 26/1/09, 26/4/24, 27/3/23, 29/2/22, 29/2/23, 30/3/03, 31/1/07, 31/2/05, 31/2/08, 31/2/16, 31/3/14, 31/3/15, 31/3/18, 31/3/20, 38/1/18
Taylor, Roland (NZ scientist) 8/4/03
Te Anau Downs, Southland, SI 27/1/17
Te Anau, Southland, SI 7/1/20, 15/4/18, 16/4/20, 27/1/17, 27/3/21
Te Aroha, NI 20/4/16, 28/3/18
Te Awa Tupua see Whanganui River
Te Awamutu, Waikato, NI 6/3/26
Te Henui walkway, New Plymouth, NI 29/1/03
Te HeuHeu Tukino (Maori chief) 10/4/03
Te Ngae, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Te Onepoto, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/2/11
Te Papa Atawhai see Department of Conservation
Te Papa Press (NZ publishers) 21/4/08, 22/1/17, 39/1/20, 39/3/22
Te Papa Te Taiao Nature Series 39/1/20
Te Papa Tongarewa see NZ, National Museum
Te Puru valley, Waikato, NI 8/3/29
Te Reinga, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/2/10
Te Taiao (NZ magazine) 18/4/04
Te Wahipounama, South West NZ, World Heritage Area 15/1/11, 15/4/18
Tea tree see Leptospermum scoparium
Tea tree oil, from Australia 29/3/22
Teagasac, Agriculture and Food Development Authority, County Kerry, Ireland 20/2/24
Tecomanthe speciosa 18/3/07, 34/2/04
Tekapo, Otago, SI 7/1/09
Telaranea tetradactyla 19/1/25
Telford, Shropshire, UK 7/2/16, 9/1/14, 10/2/14, 13/3/21, 14/1/18
Telopea 9/4/13
Telopea truncata 14/4/05, 15/2/26
Temperate House, Kew, London, UK 34/2/04
Temperatures, winter 1/4/11, 25/2/03
Temple Basin, Arthur’s Pass, SI 22/4/22
Templeton, Paul (Hebe Society member) 17/2/11
Tench (introduced fish) 27/2/19
Terere Bay, NI see Torere Bay, NI
Terpene (plant constituent) 29/3/22
Terpene alcohol (plant constituent) 29/3/22
Terpinen-4-ol (plant constituent) 29/3/22
Terra Australis 6/4/22
Terrestial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System Programme, NZ 27/4/04
Terry, Mr Fred and Mrs Beryl (Hebe Society members) 8/2/07, 11/2/05, 11/2/07, 12/2/09, 28/2/10, 37/3/17, 38/3/04
Teschner, Carl (NZ nurseryman) 3/1/13, 6/4/29
Tesco (UK supermarket) 21/2/04, 22/1/09, 23/3/08, 23/4/03
Tete a Weka see Olearia angustifolia
Tetraclinis articulata 27/4/22
Tetragonia expansa see Tetragona tetragonioides
Tetragonia tetragonioides 7/3/17, 7/4/13, 13/1/23
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, UK 13/2/08
Thames River, Waikato, NI 6/4/25
Thames, Waikato, NI 6/2/29, 6/3/26, 7/1/28, 13/1/27, 14/2/16, 17/2/18
Thar see Tahr, Himalayan
The Book of Plants Cultivated in Spain, Juan Panella 24/4/13
The Chasm, Fiordland, SI 27/1/18
The Digger, Oregon Association of Nurserymen magazine 18/2/24
The Divide, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17
The Garden, RHS journal 3/2/10, 3/3/04, 5/3/04, 5/3/07, 6/4/03, 7/1/17, 7/3/03, 10/2/07, 12/1/07, 12/2/03, 13/1/04, 13/2/03, 13/3/03, 13/3/04, 14/1/03, 14/2/04, 14/3/08, 14/4/04, 14/4/08, 15/4/03, 17/1/03, 17/3/05, 19/4/04, 20/2/17, 21/2/19, 21/3/03, 21/4/04, 21/4/20, 24/2/08, 25/1/03, 28/2/03, 28/3/04, 29/1/04, 29/1/22, 29/2/04, 29/3/03, 30/1/03, 30/1/04, 30/1/05, 30/2/13, 30/3/03, 30/3/04, 31/1/03, 31/3/03, 32/2/03, 32/2/04, 33/1/03, 33/3/04, 34/1/04, 35/1/04, 37/1/04, 37/2/03, 39/3/27
The Hump, Southland, SI 14/1/18
The Lookout, Fiordland, SI 27/1/17
The Physician, Birmingham, UK (pub) 34/1/09
The Plant Exchange, website 24/1/11
The Press, Christchurch, Canterbury, SI 16/4/22, 17/4/16
The Sport (Hardy Plant Society magazine, variegated group) 19/4/08, 20/2/17
The Times (UK newspaper) 9/1/03
Thelymitra 31/2/23
Thelymitra venosa 10/4/10, 15/1/28, 15/1/28, 17/1/24, 26/1/19
Theophrastus 2/1/S2, 8/1/10
Thiacloprid 22/4/14
Thick leaved shrub groundsel see Brachyglottis bidwillii
Thiram see Fungicide, Thiram
Thistleton-Dyer, Sir T W (UK botanist) 12/4/18
Thomas, Bruce (NZ scientist) 8/4/03
Thomas, Dylan (Welsh poet) 22/1/09
Thomas, Graham Stuart (UK horticulturist) 34/3/03
Thompson and Morgan (UK seed supplier) 31/1/08
Thompson Mountains, Otago, SI 11/1/26
Thompson, J (NZ? botanist) 7/4/21
Thompson, Ken (UK botanist) 26/3/03, 29/1/03
Thompson, Leonore (UK librarian) 9/1/21
Thompson, Stephanie (Hebe Society member) 12/2/10
Thompson, W A (NZ botanist) 4/4/21, 6/3/26, 8/3/29
Thomson, A S 8/4/28
Thomson, J S (NZ botanist) 9/1/13, 12/1/28
Thornbury, Valeria (Hebe Society member) 35/3/11
Thorne, Adrian (Hebe Society member, and National Collection holder for Parahebe) 35/2/27, 36/3/03, 36/3/30, 37/1/08, 37/1/23
Thornton Cleveleys Horticultural Society, UK 27/3/17, 27/4/08
Thornton, Jocelyn (NZ geologist) 25/4/19
Thorvalden, Bertel (Danish sculptor) 2/3/11
Thread Fern see Blechnum filiforme
Threat Management Plan, NZ 29/2/13
Threatened Plants Project, Plant Heritage 28/1/16, 32/2/08, 32/2/08, 32/3/13
Threatened Plants Register, DSIR 4/2/16
Three Counties Agricultural Society, Worcestershire, UK 9/4/06
Three Kings Island climber see Tecomanthe speciosa
Three Kings Islands, NZ 2/4/09, 4/1/26, 6/4/24, 14/4/16, 18/1/24, 18/2/08, 18/3/07, 28/2/03, 31/2/22, 34/2/04, 38/1/24
Threshfield, Yorks, UK 26/3/03, 28/2/04, 28/2/16, 28/2/20, 28/3/17, 37/2/25
Thrips 8/2/22, 14/2/11
Thrower, Percy (UK horticulturist) 1/3/02
Thuja occidentalis Ohlendorfii 10/4/14
Thuja occidentalis Rheingold 7/2/23, 10/4/14, 15/4/14
Thuja plicata 23/1/17, 28/1/21
Thymelaeaceae (plant family) 14/1/16, 26/4/11
Thymus serpyllum lanuginosus 3/3/14
Ti see Cordyline terminalis
Ti kouka see Cordyline australis
Ti rakan see Cordyline australis
Tiana, Spain 25/1/15
Tibet 17/3/25
Tidy Britain Campaign 16/4/08
Tierra del Fuego, South America 1/4/07, 4/1/06, 6/3/13, 15/1/18
Tiger (animal) 38/2/27
Tiktok (Internet website) 39/2/27
Tilia kiusiana (tree) 38/3/11, 38/3/11
Tilia tomentosa 39/3/03
Tillandsia 15/3/28
Timaru Boys High School, Otago, SI 28/3/19
Timaru Herald 7/2/20
Timaru, Otago, SI 4/2/25, 5/1/24, 10/1/22, 11/1/08, 28/1/09
Timber Press, Oregon, USA 3/4/07, 16/1/11, 19/2/03, 20/3/04, 21/3/11
Time, geological 25/4/20
Times Roman (typeface) 4/4/03, 9/1/03
Tin Range, Stewart Island, NZ 12/2/24, 15/1/19
Tiritiri Matangi (wildlife sanctuary, NI) 19/3/04
Titahi Bay, Wellington, NI 20/3/18
Titchmarsh, Alan (UK gardener and broadcaster) 5/4/03, 12/3/05, 13/1/11, 13/2/04, 14/2/12, 14/4/10, 32/1/17, 38/3/14
Titiokura, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/4/24
Titirangi, Pelorus Sound, Marlborough, SI 6/1/28, 18/4/04, 19/3/04
Titoki see Alectryon excelsus
TNT 27/1/04
Toadstool 24/3/20
Toi see Cordyline indivisa
Toi Gully, Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, SI 32/2/24
Toii see toi
Toitu te Whenua see NZ Environmental Care Code
Tokoeka see Kiwi, southern brown
Tokomairiro, District High School, Otago, SI 9/1/24
Tokoroa, Rotoruan NI 18/2/28
Tokyo Code 12/4/21
Tolaga Bay, Gisborne, NI 8/4/26, 14/1/16
Tolliday, David (UK, projectors) 24/4/03
Tomorrow’s World (UK TV programme) 5/2/03
Tompkins, Alan (Hebe Society member) 13/4/23, 14/4/08, 15/3/08
Tomtit (NZ bird) 9/2/11, 15/3/17, 19/3/04, 19/4/21, 19/4/21
Tonga 29/2/04, 38/1/23
Tongaporutu, Taranaki, NI 6/1/28
Tongariro National Park, Cental NI 5/2/22, 9/2/10, 15/1/11, 15/1/13, 15/1/15, 17/1/08, 26/1/19, 28/4/20, 38/2/15
Tooby, John (UK horticulturist) 6/4/21, 7/1/05, 7/1/15, 9/2/05, 10/2/08, 10/4/03, 11/2/06, 15/3/07, 18/2/11, 32/3/13, 39/3/19
Tooby, Will (UK horticulturist) 11/2/06, 12/3/22, 13/2/13, 16/2/03, 16/3/16, 18/2/11
Top 100 Gardening Website 21/2/10, 21/2/15, 21/2/23
Topseed website, NZ 33/2/20
Torere Bay, Gisborne, NI 6/2/26
Torlesse Range, Canterbury, SI 10/3/25, 19/3/18, 28/1/10
Torlesse, Rev Charles (UK vicar) 13/2/15
Tornado Flower Farms, Korea 28/3/23
Toroheke see Pimelea arenaria
Toronto, Canada 7/1/19, 8/2/03, 17/2/27
Torquay, Devon, UK 6/4/06, 16/4/19
Torres Strait, Australia 7/1/11
Torreyana (botanical journal) 15/3/26
Tortoise shelter 36/2/10
Tortoiseshell, small (butterfly) 22/3/09
Totara see Podocarpus totara
Totnes, UK 6/1/12
Touchwood Books, Hastings, Hawkes Bay, NI 9/2/03, 9/2/18, 9/3/03, 10/2/22, 18/2/16, 18/4/24, 19/3/03, 19/4/18, 20/4/20, 21/3/20, 22/1/18, 28/3/20, 34/3/04
Toulouse, France 18/1/04
Tournaig House, Scotland, UK 15/3/03
Townson, William (NZ chemist and botanist) 6/2/29, 13/1/27, 17/2/18
Toynbee, F (UK horticulturist) 13/2/10
Trace elements 35/3/23
Tracey, Carolyn (Hebe Society member) 35/2/27
Trachycarpus fortunei 35/1/20
Trachystemon orientalis 13/2/09
Trade Designations 11/1/16
Trademarks, plant names 16/1/23, 17/2/27
Trades Descriptions Act, UK 10/2/08, 15/2/28
Tradescant, The Garden 14/4/08
Trading Standards 14/4/08
Trafford Council, UK 28/1/03
Traill, Charles (NZ plant collector) 21/4/12
Tralee, Ireland 6/4/08
Trans Canada Highway 30/3/09, 30/3/insert
Trans of NZ Inst 5/4/25, 9/3/22, 10/3/27, 14/2/18, 15/1/16
Tranz Alpine railway, SI 15/3/19, 16/4/20
Travel Lodge (UK hotel chain) 32/2/11
Travers Valley, Canterbury, SI 11/4/27
Travers, Henry (NZ botanist) 5/2/22, 5/4/26, 6/2/29, 6/3/27, 9/2/30, 9/4/23, 15/1/19, 24/1/04
Travers, William (NZ lawyer) 9/3/20, 9/4/23, 14/4/16, 24/1/04
Traversia 9/3/21
Treaty of Waitangi, NZ 8/1/10, 13/2/15
Tree Culture in NZ, Henry Matthews 16/4/26
Tree fern 13/3/22, 15/1/14, 15/2/27, 16/3/14, 16/4/19, 17/4/15, 23/1/03, 26/1/17, 26/4/17, 34/3/13, 37/2/16
Tree fuchsia, see Fuchsia excorticata
Tree planting 14/1/07, 33/1/12
Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, W Bean 1/3/11, 3/4/10, 11/4/09, 14/2/03, 16/2/04, 30/1/05, 31/3/14
Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, W Bean, available on-line 30/1/05, 31/3/14
Trees and Shrubs of NZ, Poole and Adams 2/5/13, 8/4/07, 12/1/21
Trees of NZ, L Cockayne 9/2/30
Trees of NZ, Stories of Beauty and Character, Peter Janssen and Mike Hollman
Trees, carbon capture 39/3/03
Trees, cooling 39/3/03
Trees, climate change 39/3/03
Trees, flooding control 39/3/03
Trees, insect pests 39/3/03
Trees, limited number of species planted 39/3/03
Trees, planting in urban environment 31/3/03, 34/2/05, 38/3/03, 39/3/03
Trees, pollution control 39/3/03
Trees, street see Trees, planting in urban environment
Trees, winter colour 31/1/03
Trehane, Pier (UK horticulturist) 16/1/23, 17/2/27
Trenear, Peter and Eila (UK horticulturist) 9/2/03, 9/3/24
Treseder, Neil (UK horticulturist) 2/2/08, 9/1/06, 9/1/23, 9/2/05, 12/2/10, 16/3/06, 16/4/10, 23/4/16
Trevithick, Mr W E (Irish gardener) 27/4/22
Trewidden Fund 1/3/02, 2/5/05, 3/2/09, 5/2/17, 5/3/05, 5/4/06, 9/2/06, 10/2/06
Trewidden Fund, renaming 10/2/06
Tribe, plant classification 2/1/S2
Trichomanes reniforme 8/4/29, 19/3/23
Trichomanes venosumm 39/3/25
Trichurus terrophius (NZ fungas) 26/4/03
Tricyrtis formosana Variegata 14/4/28
Trillium 12/4/27, 28/2/17
Trillium kamtschaticum 23/1/12, 23/1/14, 23/1/15
Trillium smallii 23/1/15
Trinity College, Cambridge, UK 13/4/17
Trionymus diminiutus (flax mealy bug) 6/4/07
Trochetiopsis ebenus 17/1/05
Tropaeolum speciosum 19/4/04
True moss 19/1/26
Truro, Cornwall, UK 5/2/25, 6/3/29, 6/4/28
Tryptophan, amino acid 37/1/20
Tsuga heterophylla 26/2/15
Tuam Herald (Irish newspaper) 22/1/22
Tuatara (NZ journal) 3/3/09
Tuatara (NZ reptile) 6/2/03, 9/4/03, 11/1/03, 17/2/05, 18/2/18, 18/4/03, 18/4/26, 24/1/19, 32/1/04
Tucker, Neil (Hebe Society member) 17/3/10, 18/3/18, 19/3/10, 21/3/09, 22/3/10, 31/3/18, 31/3/20
Tuckery, Bob (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/26
Tui (NZ bird) 8/1/09, 9/2/11, 10/3/21, 11/1/03, 22/1/11, 26/4/14, 30/2/12
Tulip tree see Liriodendron tulipfera
Tulipa, National Collection, UK 7/4/07
Tully, Martin (Hebe Society member) 9/2/05, 11/2/09, 27/3/13, 35/2/03, 39/1/12
Tunnack, Tasmania 5/3/11
Tupaia 6/4/22
Tupare see Olearia colensoi
Turangi, Cental NI 15/1/15
Turkey 30/1/23
Turks Cap Ridge, Nelson, SI 5/1/09
Turnball, Marie (NZ gardener) 4/2/14 10/2/20
Turner, E Phillips (NZ botanist) 9/2/10, 9/2/30
Turoa Ski Area, Central NI 26/1/20
Turpentine 29/3/22
Tussilago farfara 15/3/22
Tussock grass 22/3/03, 22/4/11, 26/3/18, 28/1/09, 28/4/12, 34/1/20, 34/3/12
Tussock grass, UK 29/1/13, 34/3/12
Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands Inst, Lincoln, Canterbury, SI 5/4/28
Tutu see Coriaria arborea
Tuwharetoa tribe, NI 10/4/03
Tweezers 20/3/04
Twitter (Internet website) 27/3/10, 33/3/16, 34/1/10, 34/2/09, 34/3/18, 35/3/11, 36/2/23, 39/2/27
Twizel, Canterbury, SI 15/4/17, 26/4/12
Two Thumbs Range, Canterbury, SI 1/2/09, 36/2/26
Two Wests and Elliot (UK horticultural supplier) 30/2/14
Twomey, Kevin (Irish nurseryman) 6/4/09
Twyn yr Hydd House and Gardens see Gardens, Twyn yr Hydd
Typhaceae (plant family) 17/1/14
Tywi Valley, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK 17/4/07, 18/1/07
U *
Uawa River, Gisborne, NI 5/2/10
Ugni (genus) 27/1/19, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/3/15
Ugni molinae (Chilean guava) 29/3/03, 30/3/04, 33/1/03
Ugni, alternative to buxus (box) 33/1/03
Ugni, National Collection, UK 27/3/19, 28/2/09, 28/3/16, 29/2/04, 29/3/15
UK Parliament Week 32/2/16
UK, introduced plants 29/1/04
Ulex europeaus 20/3/19, 21/3/04, 27/2/18
Ullapool, Scotland, UK 15/3/03, 28/3/12
Ulmus parvifolia 10/2/14
Ulmus regali 12/4/27
Ulster Museum, Northern Ireland, UK 17/2/10
Uncinia 17/1/15, 18/4/25
Uncinia rubra 14/4/26, 23/2/13, 23/4/03
Uncinia uncinata 9/1/15
Underwood, Frances (Hebe Society member) 10/4/07
Unimog (all terrain vehicle) 23/1/15
United Kingdom 33/3/12
United Kingdom, biosecurity 33/3/04, 34/1/03, 38/3/26
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation 28/3/04
Universidad de Concepcion, Chile 18/4/22
University of Agriculture, Poznan, Poland 20/2/22, 21/1/21
University of Auckland, NI 8/1/21, 18/4/04, 22/3/08, 26/4/14
University of Bath, Avon, UK 16/4/12, 17/2/20
University of Birmingham, UK 22/2/10
University of Bristol, Avon, UK 9/4/31, 22/2/10, 29/1/04, 31/2/03
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 14/4/03, 14/4/13, 15/4/11, 16/2/19, 17/4/08, 19/1/23, 23/4/21, 24/4/10
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA 17/1/12, 19/4/08, 26/3/04, 26/3/15
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, website 26/3/15
University of California, USA 6/2/03, 7/4/22, 19/3/26, 23/3/11
University of Cambridge, UK 22/3/08
University of Canterbury, SI 8/1/21, 10/1/22, 11/1/03, 19/4/17, 26/4/14, 29/1/13, 36/3/32
University of Columbia, USA 15/3/27
University of Greenwich, UK 35/1/23
University of Groningen, Netherlands 26/4/03
University of Guelph, Canada 21/1/04
University of Halle, Germany 7/4/14
University of Kansas, USA 15/3/27
University of Kessel, Germany 7/4/14
University of Lima, Peru 9/4/28
University of Liverpool, UK 15/2/31
University of Lund, Sweden 10/3/27
University of Manchester, UK 22/2/10
University of Nottingham, UK 22/2/10, 25/1/13
University of Ohio, USA 4/3/05
University of Oregon State, USA 15/1/24, 15/3/14, 17/3/21, 19/3/25, 21/1/20, 21/2/15, 23/2/09, 23/2/10, 24/2/08, 26/4/22, 33/1/10, 33/2/13
University of Oregon State, website 26/4/22
University of Otago, Botany Department 30/1/11
University of Otago, SI 6/4/03, 12/1/21
University of Otago, Technology Transfer Team 30/1/11
University of Oxford, UK 15/3/28, 22/2/10, 31/2/03
University of Oxford, UK, Professor of Botany 31/2/03
University of Sheffield, UK 29/1/03
University of Southampton, Hampshire, UK 4/1/09, 36/1/08
University of Stanford, USA 8/2/11
University of Texas, USA 17/3/13
University of Vienna, Austria 10/1/28
University of Vilna, Lithuania 7/4/14
University of Waikato, NI 28/3/23, 33/1/20, 33/1/24
University of Warwick, UK 18/4/22
UNIX (computer language) 22/4/24
Untouched Horizons, Nic Bishop 13/4/10
Unwin, Barry (UK horticulturist) 17/4/15, 20/3/03
UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) 35/2/20
Upson, Tim (UK horticulturist) 38/3/14
Upton-by-Chester Horticultural Society 18/4/03
Ure River see Waima River, SI
Urewera National Park, Waikato, NI 5/2/22, 15/1/11
USA 11/2/09, 25/1/08, 28/1/11, 34/1/03
USA, gardening in eastern 2/3/02
USDA (US dept of Agriculture) 15/1/24, 15/2/23, 17/1/03, 31/2/18, 33/3/14
USDA Plant hardiness zones 31/2/18
Usk, Gwent, Wales, UK 5/2/05, 15/4/13
Utrica incisa 27/1/18
V *
Vaccinium 31/2/13
Vagnes, Hakon (Hebe Society member) 22/3/05
Vale of York, Yorkshire, UK 4/3/12
Valentia Island, Ireland 9/2/07
Valerian see Centranthus ruber
Van Dien, Maria (NZ horticulturist) 12/4/07
Vancouver, Canada 14/2/08, 14/4/03, 14/4/13, 15/1/08, 15/4/11, 16/2/19, 16/4/08, 17/4/08, 17/4/09, 23/4/21, 28/1/21, 29/2/09, 30/3/07
Vancouver, George 28/1/21
Vanluchne, Ignace (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/26
Variety, plant classification 2/2/13, 2/2/16, 2/3/06
Vashon Island, Puget Sound, Washington State, USA 22/2/13
VAT (value added tax, UK) 27/2/07
Vaughan, Anne (Hebe Society member) 13/3/13, 14/3/03, 15/1/24, 15/2/10, 15/3/04, 15/4/08, 15/4/12, 16/1/03, 16/1/12, 16/1/13, 16/2/19, 16/2/20, 16/3/15, 16/4/07, 17/3/10, 17/3/22, 17/3/23, 18/3/18, 19/2/09, 28/1/12
Vegetable Sheep see Haastia and Raoulia entries
Vegetable Society 17/4/05
Vegetation of New Zealand, Peter Wardle 27/3/03
Vegetation of the Chatham Island, Sir F von Mueller 9/3/22
Veitch, Mr James (UK nurseryman) 2/2/07, 34/3/14
Vemmenhogsgarden, Sweden 26/2/18
Vendrell, Josep (Hebe Society member) 24/2/03, 24/2/21, 25/2/03, 25/2/11, 26/2/15, 26/2/16, 27/2/09, 27/2/09, 27/3/08, 27/3/10, 27/3/11, 28/2/10, 28/2/16, 29/3/18, 30/1/05, 30/3/11, 30/3/13, 30/3/insert, 30/3/19, 31/3/14, 31/3/20, 32/3/09, 33/3/10, 34/3/20, 36/3/23, 36/3/30, 37/3/19, 37/3/26, 39/2/24, 39/3/16
Vendrell, Lola (Hebe Society member) 27/2/09, 29/3/18, 31/3/14, 31/3/20, 32/3/09
Venus (Planet) 6/3/12
Venus (Ship) 6/2/26
Veratrum oxysepalum 23/1/16
Verbascum Letitia 32/1/14
Verey, Rosemary (UK gardener) 9/1/08, 19/3/03, 26/2/16
Vermiculite (composts) 2/3/09, 3/1/19, 5/1/07, 5/4/10, 6/1/08, 10/4/16, 17/4/14, 22/1/15, 30/2/15, 32/1/14
Vernon, Rachel (UK horticulturist) 38/3/09, 39/2/13, 39/2/24
Vernon, Robert (UK horticulturist) 38/2/12, 38/3/07, 39/2/13, 39/2/24
Veronese, Giulio (UK horticulturist) 34/3/14
Veronica 1/2/01, 2/2/10, 2/4/18, 3/2/16, 3/3/11, 3/3/13, 3/4/11, 4/1/07, 4/1/19, 9/1/14, 9/1/20, 9/3/03, 9/4/08, 10/1/09, 12/3/17, 15/1/03, 15/2/15, 15/3/24, 16/2/27, 16/3/22, 23/1/14, 24/4/13, 25/1/18, 27/1/12, 29/1/15, 29/3/12, 30/1/22, 30/2/12, 31/1/15, 32/2/13, 33/1/14
Veronica (H) Trial 36/3/12, 36/3/12, 37/2/30, 39/1/19
Veronica arenaria see Derwentia arenaria
Veronica armstrongii see Hebe armstrongii
Veronica Blue Gem 2/2/07, 2/2/08, 2/2/09, 2/4/15, 2/4/19
Veronica darwiniana 33/2/23
Veronica decussata 9/1/20
Veronica decussata Blue Gem 2/2/07
Veronica decussata Devonia 2/2/06, 2/2/08, 7/3/07
Veronica decussata Variegata 2/2/08
Veronica elliptica 2/2/07, 2/2/08, 2/2/09, 2/4/14, 33/1/15
Veronica filiformis 1/4/12, 6/3/21
Veronica formosa see Parahebe formosa
Veronica Franciscana 36/1/13
Veronica fruticans 16/3/25
Veronica fruticans guthrieana 16/3/25
Veronica guthrieana see Veronica fruticans guthrieana
Veronica in North and South America, F W Pennell 15/3/26
Veronica Lake see Hebe Lake
Veronica lindleyana see Hebe lindleyana
Veronica lobelioides 2/2/07, 2/2/09, 2/4/15
Veronica nivea see Derwentia nivea
Veronica pinguifolia Pagei see Hebe pinguifolia Pagei
Veronica prostrata 14/4/26
Veronica salicifolia see Hebe salicifolia
Veronica saxatilis see Veronica fruticans
Veronica societatis 33/1/15
Veronica Society? 22/1/24, 33/1/14
Veronica speciosa see Hebe speciosa
Veronica stricta see Hebe stricta
Veronica subgenus Hebe 22/1/24
Veronica subgenus Heliohebe 31/1/15
Veronica traversii see Hebe traversii
Veronica, chromosome numbers 33/1/14
Veronica, complex 16/2/27
Veronica, cultivar see Hebe, cultivar
Veronica, evolution 29/1/15, 33/1/14
Veronica, genus 33/1/14
Veronica, genus to include Hebe, Heliohebe, Parahebe, Leonohebe and Chionohebe 30/1/22, 33/1/14, 35/2/09
Veronica, Hedge, Scilly Islands 2/2/06
Veronica, Hedging, Isle of Man 11/3/11
Veronica, in Boscawen’s garden 4/3/05
Veronica, National Collection, UK 2/5/14
Veronica, Scrophulariaceae 32/2/03
Veronica, shrubby 25/1/18, 35/3/20
Veronicastum 9/4/10, 15/3/26
Veroniceae 9/4/13, 17/3/16
Veroniceae, classification 22/1/24
Veronicella 15/3/26
Viburnum burwoodii 32/2/17
Vickery, Glynn (YouTube, bushcraft) 31/3/03
Victor, David X (Hebe Society member) 9/3/24
Victoria Park, Haywards Heath, Sussex, UK 29/1/08, 29/2/03, 29/2/07, 29/2/14, 33/2/08, 34/3/19, 35/1/15, 35/1/15
Victoria Park, Port Hills, Christchurch, SI 30/2/12
Victoria University of Wellington, NI 9/2/24, 9/4/13, 10/1/22, 14/1/23, 18/1/22, 22/2/20, 35/1/26, 35/3/19
Victoria University Press, Wellington, NI 18/1/22
Victoria, Australia 12/3/03, 14/1/25
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 14/4/13, 16/3/13, 28/1/20
Vidi Parva, root stimulant, from Koopert Products 37/1/19
Vietnam 36/1/18
Vigro (compost?) 29/1/24
Village Green Fingers Society, Oxfordshire, UK 11/3/28, 27/4/20, 33/1/16
Vinca major 17/2/26
Vincent, John (Hebe Society member) 12/3/03
Vine weevil 24/4/21
Vine, Jeremy (UK radio presenter) 34/2/21
Vine, Peter (Hebe Society member) 3/4/03
Viola cunninghamii 7/3/21, 7/4/24, 7/4/24, 16/1/27
Viola selkirkii 22/4/10
Virgin Media (Internet service provider, UK) 26/2/03
Vispa (Internet service provider, Manchester) 17/1/19, 22/3/21, 24/3/22
Vitamin D 31/1/24
Vitex lucens 8/4/29
Vitex Stay Off 31/1/04
Vitis vinifera Purpurea 19/3/13, 24/3/23
Vivian, Violet (UK gardener) 14/4/26
Vladivostok, Russia 22/4/07
Volcanic Plateau, Central NI 10/2/32, 13/3/26, 13/4/26, 14/1/17, 14/2/18, 17/1/14, 19/1/17, 38/2/15
Voltaire (French author) 9/4/27
Vorspohl, Dorothee Gross (Dutch horticulturist) 27/2/22
W *
W3C website 22/4/24
W3C website, link checker 22/4/24
Wade, Malcolm (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/2/27
Wagstaff, Steven (NZ botanist) 9/4/11, 15/1/04, 16/1/05, 17/3/15
Wahlenbergia 10/4/12, 14/4/05
Wahlenbergia albomarginata 7/3/21
Waiapu River, Gisborne, NI 5/2/10
Waiatoto Valley, Westland, SI 4/3/23
Waiau River, Canterbury, SI 9/3/21, 17/1/18, 27/4/15
Waiheke Island, NZ 8/4/28
Waihou River, Northland, NI 8/4/29
Waikanae, NI 17/2/04
Waikaretaheke River, Gisborne, NI 15/1/12
Waikato district, NI 13/1/20, 17/2/04, 19/1/17
Waikato River, Waikato, NI 3/1/26, 5/3/18, 11/2/26, 15/1/14, 39/1/23
Waikeremona, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/3/17
Waima River, Marlborough, SI 16/1/17, 27/4/15, 31/1/17
Waimakariri River, Canterbury, SI 17/1/18
Waimakariri, Canterbury, SI 7/1/08, 10/3/25, 11/1/28, 14/3/16
Waimangu Caudron, NI 26/1/18
Waimangu Valley geothermal area, NI 26/1/18
Wainui, Nelson, SI 15/3/15
Waiouru, Taranaki, NI 5/4/26
Wai-o-Tapu, Rotarua, NI 38/2/15
Waipa River, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Waipara River, Canterbury, SI 16/1/17
Waipara, Canterbury, SI 5/4/28
Waipoua Forest, NI 38/2/15
Wairarapa, NI 7/3/25
Wairau Gorge, Nelson, SI 3/2/26, 7/3/24, 9/3/21, 9/3/22, 12/2/26, 15/1/19, 21/2/14
Wairau Range, SI 6/3/28, 6/4/27, 11/1/28
Wairau Rive, SI 32/2/14
Wairau Valley, Nelson, SI 26/4/11, 39/3/30
Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, NI 3/1/26, 12/4/03, 15/1/13, 29/3/14
Waitakere City Council 14/4/14
Waitakere Ranges, Auckland, NI 2/5/07, 8/1/09, 8/1/24, 16/1/04, 26/1/insert, 26/1/16
Waitakere rock koromiko see Hebe bishopiana
Waitaki River, Otago, SI 6/1/26, 15/4/18, 16/1/17
Waitangi, Northland, NI 5/4/24, 8/3/11
Waitangi, treaty of 6/3/23
Waitara, Taranaki, NI 8/2/12 10/3/23, 22/1/13
Wakefield, Capt (UK sailor) 13/2/15
Wakefield, Gibbon (NZ politician) 13/2/16
Wakehurst Place, Millennium Seed Bank see Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK
Walberton, Mark (UK horticulturist) 32/2/04
Waldeyer, W (scientist) 15/3/27
Walker, Capt J C (NZ botanist) 4/4/22
Walker, Dr John (NZ scientist) 8/1/21, 13/1/21
Walker, Fred (NZ gardener) 23/4/07
Walklett, Ron (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 22/3/22
Wall, Professor Arnold (philologist and botanist) 19/1/04, 23/1/24
Wallaby (Australian animal) 38/3/25
Wallace, A R (UK biologist) 15/4/13, 38/2/27
Wallace, R W (UK nurseryman) 3/3/27, 13/4/07
Wallace, Sue (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 18/2/27
Wallace Line 38/2/27, 38/2/27
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK 30/2/21
Wallis, Lynn and Ashley (Hebe Society members) 13/4/03, 14/4/13, 17/2/10
Walls, Linda (UK gardener) 19/1/23
Walls, Simon (NZ botanist) 27/4/15
Walpole, Edward (Irish garderner) 39/2/19
Walton, Terry (UK horticulturist) 34/2/21
Wanaka, Otago, SI 5/4/21, 15/4/18
Wandering Chilean iris see Libertia peregrinans
Wanganui National Park, Taranaki, NI see Whanganui National Park, Taranaki, NI
Wanganui, NI see Whanganui, Taranaki, NI
Wanganui, Westland, SI 7/3/24
Wangarei Bay, Northland, NI 5/3/19, 5/4/24
Waoriki see Ranunculus rivularis etc
Wapiti Lake, Fiordland, SI 3/4/17
War Graves Commission 4/4/05
Warburton, Mark (UK nurseryman) 15/3/07
Ward, Rev Edgar (NZ herbalist) 8/1/21
Wardang Island, Australia 12/4/03
Wardian case 16/2/27
Wardle’s Native Trees of New Zealand, John Wardle 26/4/03, 27/3/03
Wardle, John (NZ forester) 27/1/10
Wardle, Peter (NZ botanist) 16/1/05, 24/1/20, 27/1/10
Ware, Hertfordshire, UK 6/1/05
Wareponga, NI see Whareponga, NI
Wareturere, Waikato, NI 5/3/18
Warren, H W (UK nurseryman) 2/2/07, 2/2/09, 2/4/15
Warrington, Cheshire, UK 7/4/10
Warsash, Hampshire, UK 9/2/24, 30/1/10, 30/2/07, 30/3/07, 30/3/11, 30/3/14
Warwick, UK 5/2/08
Warwickshire College, UK 1/4/02, 1/4/14, 3/1/19, 5/1/05, 5/2/05, 5/2/08, 24/3/04
Warwickshire, UK 2/4/26
Washington State Arboretum, USA 16/2/20, 29/3/12
Washington State, USA 15/4/08, 16/2/20, 16/4/07, 18/2/24
Water Gardening 10/2/14
Water, hard 5/3/16
Water, soft 5/3/16
Waterfield, Alex (UK horticulturist, Plumpton) 34/1/16, 34/3/17, 34/3/20, 35/1/11, 35/2/08, 35/2/13, 35/2/17, 37/3/23, 39/2/13
Waumsley, M (Hebe Society Development 1991–98) 6/1/05, 6/2/05, 7/2/12, 8/2/05, 13/2/10, 14/3/08, 14/3/16, 14/3/14
Waxeye see silvereye
Weagle, John (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/1/24
Wealdon clay 7/4/03
Weather Experiment, Peter Moore 30/2/03
Weather forecasts 14/4/08
Weather, Pacific north-west, USA 22/3/13, 25/2/20, 26/3/13
Weather, UK 2/1/14, 2/2/03, 2/5/04, 15/4/06, 25/2/03, 26/3/13, 33/2/03, 36/2/09
Weather, winter 2/3/02, 25/2/03, 33/2/03
Weatherington, Mark (US horticulturist) 26/4/23
Webb, Colin (NZ botanist) 8/1/10
Webb, D A (Iris botanist) 7/1/22
Webster, Dorothy (UK gardener) 27/4/09
Webster, Steve (Hebe Society member) 28/3/insert
Wedding Bouquet 1/4/07
Weedbusters, NZ website 27/4/04
Weedkillers 4/2/03
Weekend Gardener (NZ magazine) 25/4/17
Weevils 29/1/19
Weigela Naomi Campbell 34/3/29
Weinmannia racemosa 15/1/14, 21/4/01
Weinmannia silvicola 8/1/19
Weka (NZ bird, rail) 9/2/11, 26/4/10, 27/3/20
Well-Tempered Garden, Christopher Lloyd 11/4/09
Wellerman (sea shanty) 39/1/14
Weller brothers (whaling) 39/1/15
Wellington Botanic Society Bulln 5/1/11
Wellington Girls College, NI 12/1/21
Wellington, NI 2/4/09, 4/1/10, 5/1/10, 5/1/21, 6/1/29, 7/3/25, 7/4/08, 8/1/20, 8/2/03, 9/2/10, 9/3/21, 13/4/10, 16/3/09, 16/4/20, 17/2/04, 17/3/25, 19/3/18, 21/2/13, 21/4/14, 26/1/20, 30/2/04, 32/1/03, 37/1/16, 38/2/16
Welsey College, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK 9/1/24
Welshpool, Powys, Wales, UK 20/4/03, 22/2/15, 23/2/05, 23/2/20, 24/4/15, 25/3/08, 26/2/11, 26/4/07, 27/2/10, 29/3/10, 30/1/05, 31/1/19, 36/2/12
West Island, Three Kings Island, NZ 18/3/08
West, Christine 37/1/27
Westcote, W W (UK author) 8/1/20
Wester Ross, Scotland, UK 11/3/03, 14/3/03, 19/3/09
Western Flower Thrip 5/2/18
Western hemlock see Tsuga heterophylla
Western red cedar see Thuja plicata
Western Regional Plant Locaton, US 20/3/12
Western Springs, Kermadec Islands, NZ 14/2/27
Westhaven, Canterbury, SI 7/3/24
Westland National Park, SI 15/1/11, 15/4/16
Westland, SI 3/3/07, 4/1/24, 4/3/23, 4/4/22, 5/2/22, 5/3/21, 6/1/26, 6/2/28, 6/4/26, 7/2/25, 9/4/33, 10/1/33, 11/1/24, 12/3/26, 12/3/28, 13/2/23, 13/3/25, 14/2/16, 14/2/18, 15/3/19, 16/1/05, 16/4/26, 19/3/17, 19/4/04, 21/2/14, 25/3/03, 28/4/11
Westpac Bank 28/4/15
Westport, Buller, SI 4/1/24, 5/2/23, 6/2/29, 6/3/26, 7/2/19, 8/1/23, 9/2/13, 13/1/27, 15/3/18, 17/1/17, 17/2/18, 28/4/15
Weta (NZ insect) 18/2/19, 18/4/27, 24/1/17, 27/2/19, 29/1/19
Wetland Plants in NZ, P Johnson and P Brooke 8/1/10, 10/2/20, 11/1/11, 13/3/20, 14/2/24, 15/1/25, 16/1/19, 17/1/27, 18/4/19
WeTransfer, website 35/2/17
Weymouth, Dorset, UK 7/2/12, 21/3/06, 37/2/16
Weymouthia mollis 28/4/24
Whakahoro, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14
Whakapapa Visitor Centre, Central NI 15/1/15
Whakapapa, Central NI 15/1/15
Whakapunake, Hawkes Bay, NI 5/2/10
Whakatane, Waikato, NI 15/1/13
Whaler, Sheila (UK gardener) 19/1/06, 19/4/04
Whaling, NZ 39/1/15
Whanganui National Park, Taranaki, NI 15/1/11, 15/1/14, 29/2/13, 34/3/04
Whanganui River, Taranaki, NI 15/1/14, 34/3/04
Whanganui, Taranaki, NI 3/1/26, 6/3/26, 8/1/20, 9/2/30, 15/1/14, 23/4/07, 28/3/19
Whangarei Heads, Northlands, NI 4/3/24, 8/4/28
Whangarei, Northlands, NI 21/3/14
Whangaroa River, Northland, NI 5/2/10, 7/3/18
Wharangi see Melicope ternata
Wharangipiro see Olearia furfuracea
Wharanui, Marlborough, SI 11/1/28
Wharariki see Phormium cookianum
Wharengarara see Pimelea prostrata
Wharenui see Wharanui
Whareponga, Gisborne, NI 5/2/10
Wharfdale, Yorkshire, UK 28/2/17
What Makes a Good Hebe? Gordon Smith (talk and article) 19/2/22, 34/2/24
What’s Up DOC (NZ conservation magazine) 27/1/04
Whataroa, NI 5/2/11
Whatever Happened to the Scrophulariaceae 26/3/03
Whatsapp (Internet, social media) 37/2/26, 37/3/25
Wheatsheaf Inn, Haywards Heath, Sussex, UK 29/1/08, 29/2/07
Wheeler, Barbara (NZ horticulturist) 38/2/14
Wheeler, Val and Chris (Hebe Society members) 5/1/05, 6/1/03, 6/1/05, 6/2/14, 7/2/06, 9/1/07, 17/3/05, 17/4/05, 18/2/11, 19/4/26, 22/4/13, 27/3/15, 28/4/16
Wheldon, Andy (Irish horticulturist) 20/2/24
Which Gardening see Gardening from Which (UK magazine)
Whio see blue duck
Whisky Gully, Blue Mountains, Otago, SI 9/2/29
Whitaker’s skink 6/2/03
Whitby in Bloom, Yorkshire, UK 34/1/08, 34/1/insert
Whitby, Yorkshire, UK 15/1/20, 34/1/08, 35/1/17, 35/3/12
Whitcombe valley, SI 34/1/20
White Island, NZ 5/1/20
White manuaka see Kunzea ericoides
White, Angus (UK nurseryman) 3/4/04, 4/3/06, 9/3/09, 13/3/27
White, Gilbert (UK naturalist) 14/1/04
White, Keith (UK gardener) 24/4/11
White, large and small (butterfly) 22/3/09
White, Maurice (NZ businessman) 19/4/18, 35/1/04
White, Sue (UK gardener) 24/4/10
Whitefly 8/2/22
Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK 11/1/14, 15/4/03, 25/1/13
Whitehead (NZ, bird) 9/2/11
Whitehead, Darren (Hebe Society member) 7/4/09, 8/4/05, 9/2/08, 10/1/07
Whitley, Herbert (UK horticulturist) 26/2/03
Whixhall peat bog, UK 36/3/26
Why Plants Change their Names 10/4/07
WI see Womens Institute
Wikipedia, Hebe Society entry 24/1/03, 24/2/08
Wikipedia, Internet encyclopaedia 24/1/03
Wilcox, William (NZ horticulturist) 20/4/16
Wild Irishman see Discaria toumatou
Wild Plants of Mount Cook National Park, Hugh Wilson 3/3/07, 10/4/10, 11/4/07, 19/4/21, 27/2/17, 34/2/05
Wildflowers of Otago, P Johnson 8/1/10
Wildlife Gardening Forum 30/3/04
Wilkes, Peter (Hebe Society member) 25/2/11, 37/2/03
William the Conqueror 33/1/18
Williamette Valley, Oregon, USA 5/3/25, 25/2/20, 29/1/24, 31/1/21, 32/1/10, 33/2/13
Williams, David (UK horticulturist) 16/4/09
Williams, J C (UK horticulturist) 16/4/09
Williams, Peter (NZ botanist) 5/1/09
Williams, Rev William (NZ botanist) 5/2/10
Williams, Wayne (UK horticulturist) 34/3/12
Willmot, Ellen (UK gardener) 6/4/28
Wills, Howard and Sally (UK nurserymen, Phormium National Collection) 18/1/03
Wilmot Pass, Southland, SI 11/1/26
Wilmslow, Cheshire, UK 32/1/03, 33/2/03
Wilson Walk, Birmingham, UK 34/3/14
Wilson, Antoinette (NZ filmmaker) 34/2/05
Wilson, Dr Hugh D (NZ botanist and conservationist) 3/2/10, 3/3/07, 4/1/03, 5/2/03, 5/4/03, 9/2/03, 9/3/03, 10/1/22, 10/4/10, 11/4/07, 12/1/28, 12/2/24, 12/2/28, 14/3/18, 19/4/18, 20/3/20, 21/3/04, 23/3/04, 27/2/17, 27/3/04, 28/2/04, 28/4/20, 29/2/04, 30/1/14, 34/2/05, 35/1/04, 38/1/03
Wilson, E B (US scientist) 15/3/27
Wilson, E H see Wilson, Ernest Henry
Wilson, Ernest Henry (UK plant collector) 34/3/11, 34/3/14, 38/3/19, 39/1/26
Wilson, Hugh see Wilson, Dr Hugh D
Wilson, Leonard 23/3/11
Wilson, Tracy (Animal and Plant Health Agency) 33/3/10, 33/3/20
Wilt - Pruf S600 2/3/15
Wilton, A D (NZ botanist) 39/1/24
Wiltshire, UK 35/3/11
Wimbledon Tennis Championship 22/3/04
Wimbledon, London, UK 13/3/19, 14/3/22, 16/4/19
Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire, UK 11/4/08
Winchester, Hampshire, UK 29/2/17
Wind 2/1/12, 2/1/14, 2/3/15, 5/1/22, 13/1/09, 28/1/11
Wind Chill 2/5/04
Windbreak 2/4/12, 28/3/13
Windows Explorer 26/1/03, 36/1/03
Windows Office Live 25/2/15
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer 26/1/04
Wineberry see Aristotelia serrata
Winslow, Buckinghamshire, UK 30/2/21
Winstanley, Clive (Hebe Society member) 39/3/16
Winter damage 2/5/04
Winter damage, prevention 1/1/01, 2/1/15
Winter damage, protection 2/1/09
Winter damage, reports needed 1/2/01
Winter hardiness 22/4/15
Winter survival – a solution 2/3/15
Winter temperatures 1/4/11, 25/2/03
Winter thawing 2/1/14
Winter weather 2/3/02, 25/2/03
Winter, Cornish peninsula 2/4/02
Winter, Isles of Scilly 2/4/02
Winter, low rain-fall 1/3/06
Winton Gardening Club, Manchester, UK 29/2/11
Wirral, Cheshire, UK 15/2/15
Wiseman, D (UK) 11/4/07
Wisteria floribunda 2/2/03
Wisteria, arch 28/1/03
Withersdene Hall, Kent, UK 12/1/03, 12/2/06, 12/3/10
Woevodsky, Nicolai (Russian artist) 27/4/09
Wollemi National Park, New South Wales, Australia 10/2/03, 12/4/04, 28/2/03
Wollemi pine see Wollemia nobilis
Wollemia nobilis 10/2/03, 12/4/04, 14/4/04, 23/2/03, 23/2/21, 23/4/24, 27/1/11, 28/2/03, 32/1/22
Womens Institute 24/3/08, 27/2/09
Wonderful Life, S J Gould 9/4/08
Wong, James (UK ethnobotanist) 29/1/03
Wood anemone (UK native plant) 23/2/03
Wood Museum, Kew, London, UK 3/2/07
Wood, James (Hebe Society member) 36/1/14
Wood, Stephen (UK gardener) 24/4/17
Wood, Trevor (Hebe Society member) 2/4/03, 3/1/15, 3/2/26, 4/2/03
Wood, Valerie (Hebe Society member) 4/1/06, 4/4/05, 6/1/05, 7/1/06, 9/4/05, 16/3/11
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK 5/2/17, 35/1/16
Woodend, Southland, SI 20/1/15
Woodford, Cheshire, UK 25/2/03
Woodland, Prof Dennis W (US botanist) 22/1/23
Woodpecker, (bird) 38/2/27
Woodpecker, great spotted 16/3/28
Woodside Gorge, Marlborough, SI 5/4/20, 11/1/28
Wooing tree 28/3/19
Wootton, Humberside, UK 10/2/14, 12/3/11, 12/3/12, 14/1/18, 14/2/13
Worcester, Worcestershire, UK 32/2/11, 32/3/13
Worcestershire Hardy Plant Sociey, UK 32/2/11
Worcestershire, UK 4/2/17, 6/4/21, 7/1/15, 32/1/09, 32/2/08, 32/2/10
Word for Windows see Microsoft Word
Word Processing 2/5/02, 3/4/03, 20/1/03
WordPerfect (computer program) 3/4/03, 9/1/03, 10/1/03, 35/3/03, 36/1/03
World Plant Trials Conference, Wisley 26/3/04, 26/3/12
World Wildlife Fund 17/3/05
Wormington, Peggy (Hebe Society, website, enquirer) 19/3/26
Worsley, Manor of, Salford, UK 33/1/18, 36/2/11, 37/1/09, 37/1/10, 37/2/08
Worsley Old Hall, Salford, UK 37/2/08, 37/3/17
Worthing Borough Council, Sussex, UK 29/3/04
Woycicki Z (Polish botanist) 15/3/28
Wray, Nick (UK horticulturist) 9/4/03, 10/1/28, 10/2/06, 16/2/09, 19/1/16, 24/4/11
Wren (NZ bird) 39/3/18
Wren, rock (NZ bird) 15/4/18, 29/1/16
Wright, Andrew (gardening journalist, UK) 21/4/21
Wright, Catherine (UK gardener) 32/2/20
Wright, Henry (UK) 12/4/25
Writtle College, Chelmsford, Essex, UK 11/2/07, 12/1/03, 12/1/15, 12/2/04, 12/2/07, 17/2/03, 18/2/11
Wyatt, James (UK) 11/2/08
Wye College, Kent, UK 12/3/10
Wye Garden Festival, Kent, UK see Show, East Sussex Hardy Plant Society
Wylfa Visitor Centre, Anglesey, Wales, UK 23/4/05, 24/1/07, 24/3/18, 25/3/07
Wylfa, Nature Trail, Anglesey, Wales, UK 24/3/18, 25/3/07
WYSIWYG 9/1/03
X *
Xeronema callistemon 2/3/20, 2/4/05, 19/3/21, 31/1/04, 33/2/20
Xylella fastidiosa (plant pathogen) 32/1/21, 32/1/23, 33/1/04, 33/1/07, 33/3/04, 33/3/10, 33/3/20, 34/1/03, 34/2/03, 34/3/08, 35/1/13, 35/1/14, 35/1/04, 35/1/013, 35/1/014, 38/3/26
Y *
Yahoo, Internet searching 11/4/20, 22/4/24, 23/2/23, 24/1/23, 24/4/23
Yam, Mexican 8/2/11
Yeast 24/3/20
Yellow Book see National Gardens Scheme, UK
Yellow Web Directory, Internet 11/4/20
Yellowhead (NZ bird) 15/4/19, 29/1/12
Yeo, Peter (UK botanist) 6/1/21
York, Yorkshire, UK 39/3/19
York Fort, Canada 6/2/12
Yorkshire Archaeological Society, UK 12/4/27
Youd, Sam (UK gardener) 22/3/19
Young Nick’s Head, Gisborne, NI 6/4/22
Young, C (Hebe Society member) 5/4/05
Young, Ian (Scottish alpine gardener) 19/1/04
Young, James (NZ gardener) 2/2/16, 6/4/29
Young, Nicholas (UK sailor) 6/4/22
Your Garden (Australia magazine) 6/4/05
YouTube, Internet platform for sharing videos 31/3/03, 32/3/03, 33/3/22, 34/1/13, 34/2/05, 35/2/03
Yucca 10/3/21, 13/2/29, 22/1/11
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Island, Russia 23/1/16
Z *
Zamzar (file conversion website) 27/2/11
Zauschneria californica Dublin 14/4/28
Zealandi, eighth continent 32/1/04
Zealandia, NZ nature reserve 32/1/03
Zennor, Cornwall, UK 16/2/11
Zhupanov River, Kamchatka, Russia 22/4/09
Zineb, see Fungicide, Zineb
Zoom, Internet app 38/3/07, 38/3/18, 39/2/24, 39/2/25
Zotov, V D (NZ botanist) 9/1/13