Join us – by Post
Annual subscription, payable on April 1st:
Individual £12 Joint £14 Professional £20
Professional membership is open to nurserymen and horticulturists. It entitles them to be listed in each issue of ‘Hebe News’, with a short description of their business, and to have fifty words of advertising on this website.
On joining the subscription is valid until March 31st of the following year.
On joining you will receive the Starter Pack, followed by copies of ‘Hebe News’ every four months until March 31st of the following year
Sylvia Jennings |
Please print the Application Form and send to the Treasurer, Sylvia Jennings |
Membership Application Form – *delete as necessary
*I/We wish to apply for *single / joint / professional membership of the Hebe Society (Registered Charity No 801398)
I enclose: |
1.* a cheque or postal order payable to the ‘Hebe Society’ for |
£_______ |
2.* a completed Standing Order Mandate, via a UK Bank |
(see mandate page) |
3.* International Money Order to the value of |
£_______ |
Name: |
Tel No: |
Address: |
E-mail: |
Website: |
Signature: |
Post Code: |
Date: |